How do you find out what school your child is zoned for
Find Your School | My Tennessee Public Schools
Age, Grade Level, and School Location
Your child’s age and grade level are the indicators of the right school level: elementary, middle, or high school.
Your child’s age is your first indicator of his or her eligibility for beginning school. Students may start kindergarten if they turn five on or before August 15. A
child does not have to enroll in school at age five, but must enroll no later than his or her sixth birthday. TCA 49-6-3001a, b, c.
Voluntary Pre-K program in some districts. Enrollment in the Voluntary Pre-K program is based upon a child’s eligibility as identified in TCA 49-6-101─104.* Available space in each school system is limited and is based on the funding awarded each year through a grant process. Children must be four years old by Aug. 15 prior to the new school year and reside in the area served by the school district. No child who is age eligible for kindergarten (five years of age on or before Aug. 15 prior to the new school year) may be enrolled in pre-K.
Grade Level
Schools are traditionally organized by grade bands.
- Elementary school: Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and grades 1-5. Some districts include grade 6 in the elementary school
- Middle school: Grades 6-8
- High school: Grades 9-12
Most schools follow this grade distribution, though some districts may include a sixth grade or ninth grade school/academy to help students adjust to middle school and high school. A few other arrangements exist in some districts, such as grades K-8 in one school.
The following link gives information about public, charter, non-public schools, and home schooling.
School Location
Which actual school is your child to attend?
Your residence address determines which actual school building your child will attend. In some districts, specialized magnet schools and academies may accept students from multiple zones; criteria for magnet and academy school eligibility are available directly from those districts. Additional attendance zoning exceptions may occur from district to district; policies regarding exceptions are also available directly from those districts.
District and Individual School Information
You may access your county’s district information either of the following ways:
- Click on either of these two links:
- It opens to a page with all the county/district names. Under the district name is the superintendent/director’s name. The address of the district office follows. Clicking on the name of the district links you to a page with phone numbers and web addresses for contacting the district. On the right side of the page (before clicking on the district name) there is a link to schools in the district, active and inactive.
Clicking on the “active” link takes you to a list of all schools in the district, addresses, phones, principal’s name, and the grades served by the individual school. Some schools have included a hyperlinked web address for the school. If no web address is listed, contact the school or district at the phone number provided for that information. Also on the right side of the page is a link to the CORE office which is the regional office overseeing information and needs for that district. These offices are used by the district; they are not intended for parents to access.
- A link above the county name, “Active District Schools,” takes you to a list of all schools in that district with their addresses, phone numbers, principal’s name, and other basic information. Each school name is linked to a page with the school address and phone number. If you already know which school your child will attend, you may contact the school directly. Some school Websites show zoning maps or zone assignments to help you locate your child’s school.
A district office phone also appears on that page. If the district Website does not guide you to the information you need, call the district office. They will assist you in finding that information. A school’s web address usually has a Parent link. Information about attendance zones may be found here if multiple schools exist for your student’s grade level.
- It opens to a page with all the county/district names. Under the district name is the superintendent/director’s name. The address of the district office follows. Clicking on the name of the district links you to a page with phone numbers and web addresses for contacting the district. On the right side of the page (before clicking on the district name) there is a link to schools in the district, active and inactive.
School websites are also listed on individual TDOE district pages. They are not hyper-linked. Go to the district’s web address and access the Parent link. Information about attendance zones may be found here if multiple schools exist for your student’s grade level. A link above the county name, “Active District Schools,” takes you to a list of all schools in that district with their addresses, phone numbers, principal’s name, and other basic information. Each school name is linked to a page with the school address and phone number. If you already know which school your child will attend, you may contact the school directly. Some school Websites show zoning maps or zone assignments to help you locate your child’s school. A district office phone also appears on that page. If the district Website does not guide you to the information you need, call the district office. They will assist you in finding that information.*Copy and paste the school address into your browser window OR you can go to the district site and access each school from there. In the actual district Website, schools’ Websites are hyperlinked.
NOTE: Because each district maintains its own Website, there is not a consistent format or heading title for locating the details of how to enroll; use the search window or an identified link on the site to help find your child’s correct school. It may be necessary to call the district office for assistance.
This site provides information about schools when you click the county name. It includes data about the schools, academics, and the local community as it relates to schools.There are phone numbers for the schools, so you can contact them for more information.
Changes in School Zones
In districts with multiple schools for each level, zones may change occasionally. It is important to check your residence zoning regardless of what it has been in previous years. Some districts provide a ‘Transportation’ link to guide you through finding the appropriate zone for your child’s school.
Transportation and Buses
Information about available transportation and details regarding school bus routes is available from the school or by contacting the district Transportation Department. Some districts include a Transportation link that may provide the needed information.
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School Zones / School Zone Boundary Maps
- School Zones
- School Zone Boundary Maps
How are school zones determined?
The official zone boundary for each elementary, middle, and high school is established by the Atlanta Board of Education.
Atlanta Public Schools (APS) uses the legal address indicated in tax records for the residence. Students are to attend the school in the zone in which is located the bona fide residence of their parents/legal guardians unless they have administrative approval to enroll elsewhere. A student's school attendance zone is determined by the bona fide primary residence of the custodial parent/legal guardian. Locate your zoned neighborhood school using our SCHOOL ZONE LOCATOR.
For more information about zoning, please contact Facility Services at 404-802-3731. For more information regarding student transfers, please contact Student Assignment at 404-802-2233 or [email protected].
Helpful Links
SCHOOL ZONE LOCATOR (Interactive System)
To view the school attendance zone boundary map, please click on the school name:
Last Modified on October 3, 2022
Which school does the house at: how to find out
All children need to go to school. And when this moment is approaching, parents are thinking which educational institution to apply to.
Often the territorial sign becomes decisive. The closer school from home, the safer it is to get to it. It also helps noticeably reduce the student's stress level and focus his efforts on learning, not on solving the issue of how to get home faster, deal with transport.
Under current legislation, all educational institutions attached to certain houses. The reason for this is simple - you can control the occupancy of schools, it is better to calculate the load on the system education in the complex.
If your home is assigned to a school, refuse to attempts to enter there cannot. Frequently asked questions about finding an educational institution also arise if you need to find a specific educational institution in new, densely populated area.
In this article we will consider the answer to the question of how to find out which school a house is attached to.
There are some simple ways to help you decide on a specific educational institution:
- Visiting the official website . Today, all schools have pages. They indicate which houses a particular object is assigned to.
- Direct contact with the administration . Sometimes you may encounter a situation where there is no information on the site. This is especially common in situations where the microdistrict is just being built up and a new house may simply not have time to be added to the list. In this case, contact the educational institution by the specified phone numbers or e-mail.
Some parents use such a consultation as a chance to visit the educational institution in person, inspect it, and meet with the administration for the first time. It helps to learn a lot of new things.
- Obtaining information from your participation in elections . If you are registered in an apartment, then the polling station will most likely be located in the same school that is assigned to a particular house.
- Making a request to the Department of Education . It is most convenient to use the regional Internet reception, which a particular department has. In this case, you can simply fill out a special form on the site.
As you can see, answer the question how to find out which school attached house can be quite simple. There are several to choose from options that can be easily used even remotely.
School Next, we will answer some popular questions that arise in parents in connection with the territorial binding to a particular school.
- Can a child be expelled because Is the school tied to another house? This may happen after the next reform, which periodically occur in the educational sphere. By law, if you did not enter a school by registration, or the conditions somehow changed, expulsion excluded. The reverse decision can be made only if another the educational institution issued an order for enrollment.
- Can they refuse admission to a school for which fixed house? This is relevant if the area is especially a prestigious and popular educational institution, in which the queues for admission are quite large. Teachers and management may begin to evade, try under different excuses to deny you admission. You can't let go of the situation, because that the position is illegal. You need to immediately contact the regional department of education. The responsible persons themselves on the ground also need to recall the existence of the federal law "On Education". Need it read in advance to show your legal savvy, readiness go to the end of the dispute.
- Is it possible to enroll a child in a school outside registration, but at the place of actual residence? Sometimes lawyers have to face a situation where the family comes to another city, rents apartment without a formal contract. At the same time, you need to go to school, which is assigned to a particular house. In such a situation, you may refuse - official requirements to accept children at the place of actual accommodation is not provided. The problem can be solved by the conclusion of the official agreement with the owner of the property in which you currently live hire agreement.
Remember that the law is on your side and it is very important to learn all your rights in advance. In this case, it will be possible to get confidence that the child will be accepted into the school assigned to a particular district, even if it is of a very high level, belongs to the list of elite ones. The only exceptions are private educational institutions that have established tuition fees.
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SmartyKidshow to find out in 2023?
Until the child is 6-8 years old, parents should be concerned about which school they will send the child to.
It is important to understand that in each region of our country specific houses are assigned to schools.
And when enrolling children in the first grade, the school administration is obliged, first of all, to accept children to the school to which they belong on a territorial basis.
But how do you know which school a house at an address belongs to? After all, it often happens that schools are located next to each other, and parents begin to get lost and wonder which educational institution to enroll their child in?
Why tie a school to specific houses?
The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" states that residential facilities must be linked to specific educational institutions. This is to ensure that:
- Children who live near the school can freely and easily visit the educational institution so that they do not have to spend time on the road to school.
- Children could receive a quality education. The convenience (proximity) of the location of the school is an important factor for the further progress of children.
- The load on educational institutions must be evenly distributed. If there were no such territorial distribution, then there would be schools with a large agiotage of students, and there would be such institutions where there would be a shortage of students.
How can I find out which school a child belongs to in 2023?
There are several ways to determine the territorial affiliation of a child to a particular school.
Method 1. Find out information on the official website of the educational institution
If there are not one, but two or three schools near your home, and you don't know which one you should send your child to based on a territorial basis, then you can go to the website of a particular school and find this information.
The website of any school must contain information about the territorial binding of houses . If you cannot find this information, you can always call the phone numbers listed in the contacts of the educational institution.
Information about the location of houses and schools is publicly available, so the secretary or other authorized person must answer this question.
Method 2. Get information from the Department of Education of a particular region (district)
You can get information from local governments .
To do this, you can enter the website of the state body, write an e-mail, or personally visit this authority and find out the necessary information: streets related to schools, or house numbers assigned to educational institutions.
Method 3. Ask neighbors
It is often enough to ask your neighbors which school your house belongs to, because many of them also have children who want or went to school.
Method 4. Go to school on your own
Those who are not too lazy to walk around again can visit the school themselves, which, as they guess, their house may belong to. On the spot, they will be prompted whether this is so or they will have to go to a nearby school.
Method 5. Remember which school you went to the elections
The law of the Russian Federation "On the election of the President of the Russian Federation" clearly states that all citizens must vote at the place of registration .
Therefore, it is enough to remember which school you went to pay your civic duty or the address of which school was indicated in the invitation to the presidential election.
Can a child be expelled if, according to the territorial principle, he should study in another school?
No, if the child is already enrolled and studying, then no one has the right to expel him, except in the following circumstances:
- the child received secondary education;
- he was enrolled in another school;
- he is moving to another institution and there is already an order for his enrollment;
- he migrates to another country for permanent residence.
Is it possible to enroll a child in a school not by registration, but by the actual address of residence?
There are situations when families rent apartments in other cities without signing a rental agreement. In this case, the child will not have the right to study at the nearest school on a territorial basis.
In order to be eligible, parents must enter into a tenancy agreement with the landlord from whom they rent the apartment.
How can I find out which school an address belongs to?
This information is available from the city's Department of Education . This information can be viewed on the website of the department or visit the institution and personally familiarize yourself with the relevant documents.
Can a child be denied admission to a school if his or her home is territorially assigned to that school?
No, if the house where the child lives and is registered is territorially assigned to the relevant school, then neither the director nor his deputy has the right to refuse admission.
In densely populated cities, this problem may occur . This may be due to the fact that the vacancies were offered to other students who wanted to enter the school “through pull”.
But it is important to understand that if a child is assigned to this particular school at the address, but at the same time parents are told that there are no places, then you should not give up and go knocking on other doors.
You need to go to the local administration and file a complaint against the school management, arguing that the child should study there geographically.
Where can I find on the Internet which school the house belongs to?
Information about which school the house at the address is attached to can be viewed in the Department of Education for a particular city.
The necessary information can also be obtained via the Internet . To do this, you need to find the management site, specify the street name, house number, and then click on the "Search" button.
There are various ways to find out which school the house is attached to: personally visit the secretary or director of the educational institution and request information, view the data online on the school website, request this data from local authorities, ask neighbors.
There are many options for getting an answer to the question, the main thing is to understand that your child must be admitted to school on a territorial basis .