How do i get my child into job corps
How Can I Get My Teen Into the Job Corps? | Work
By Chron Contributor Updated September 16, 2021
Established in 1964, Job Corps provides free education and vocational training for low-income young adults who are U.S. citizens and at least 16 years of age. The age limit for Job Corps enrollment is 24. As of September 2021, there are 123 Job Corps centers in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, offering training in 82 high demand career fields. On average, students take about eight months to complete the program, although students can remain enrolled for up to two years.
Meet Eligibility Criteria
Meet Job Corp's income requirements to qualify for application. You will need to provide documentation verifying that you meet Job Corps’ definition of “low income.” According to Job Corps, teens who are homeless, whose family receives public assistance or total family income is not in excess of the poverty level or more than 70 percent of the Lower Living Standard Income Level can qualify as low income.
Students with a disability may also qualify even if they do not meet income criteria. Also make sure your male teenager has registered with the Selective Service if he is age 18 or older. Job Corps will retain a copy of the signed Selective Service Authorization forms. Students do not need to be currently in school or doing well academically. In fact, students can complete high school or earn a GED while participating in Job Corps training.
Contact Job Corps
Locate a Job Corps admissions counselor near you by visiting the Job Corps website or by calling (800) 733-JOBS. You will be put in touch with the closest admissions counselor, and will receive information on the programs offered at your nearest Job Corps center.
Provide the admissions counselor details on your teen’s background. According to Job Corps, eligible participants must have demonstrable barriers to landing a job job or getting into college, such as dropout status, basic-skills deficiency, being a runaway or foster child and other obstacles. Job Corps for trouble youth can be a life changer. Also let the counselor know about the type of career program your teen is interested in exploring.
Complete Paperwork
Fill out all of the forms required by the Job Corps admissions counselor. The counselor will develop a personal career development plan for your teen, and will provide details on the education and training your teen can expect to receive at Job Corps. Keep in contact with your admissions counselor throughout the application process and while waiting for an assignment for your teen.
Prepare Teen for Dormitory Life
Prepare your teen for the possibility of life away from home. Typically, students live in a dormitory at the center where they receive their training. Job Corps assigns participants to a single-gender dormitory, where they can expect to have between one and seven roommates, depending on the facility. In the initial weeks at Job Corps, your teen will take assessment tests, medical and dental exams and drug screening, and will also receive basic skills training. As needed, students may receive child care assistance and help accessing medical services, according to the College of Western Idaho, or CWI.
- Job Corps: Frequently Asked Questions
- Job Corps: Parents
- Job Corps: Contact Us
- CWI: Job Corps
- Some applicants can waive Job Corps' income requirement if the teen has a condition that qualifies for a Job Corps disability waiver.
What Are the Entry Requirements for the Job Corps? | Work
By Barbara Bean-Mellinger Updated June 29, 2018
Did you drop out of school? Or do you have special needs that make it hard to find a job? You may have heard the name and wondered, "What is Job Corps?" Job Corps is a free education and job training program of the U.S. Department of Labor. It is a helping hand for youth who need it. It can help you earn your GED, find a career that interests you, get the training you need, have a safe place to live and your basic needs met while completing the program. With 74 different careers to choose from, Job Corps helps you earn enough to become self-sufficient. To qualify, you must meet certain Job Corps requirements. If it looks like a lot, don't worry. You only need one in each category to qualify. Once you apply, a counselor will help you get the paperwork you need and help you decide if Job Corps is right for you.
Citizenship Requirements
First, you must be able to prove you are one of the following – you only need one:
- A U.S. citizen, national or naturalized citizen.
- A resident of a U.S. territory.
- A lawfully admitted permanent resident alien, refugee, asylee or parolee or another alien who has been authorized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to work in the U.S.
- A Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) individual who has the approval to work.
Examples of proof:
- U.S. citizenship/territory resident: a birth certificate, Social Security card or U.
S. passport
- Noncitizens: Social Security card, Employment Authorization Card or non-U.S. passport
- DACA: Employment Authority Card or Social Security card
Age Requirements
You must be between 16 and 24 when you apply to Job Corps. An exception may be someone older than 24 who has a disability that makes it hard to find employment. If you are 24 when you apply to Job Corps, and you enroll in an 18-month training program, you will be 26 when you finish training.
Examples of proof:
- Birth certificate
- U.S. passport
- School records
- Driver's license
- ID card that shows your age.
Low-Income Requirements
There are many ways to show low income. For example, you may qualify if you have one of the following – you only need one:
- You get SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) benefits, formerly called food stamps, or are a member of a family getting them.
- You get free or reduced-price lunch benefits at school.
- You get Supplemental Social Security income.
- You are homeless, which includes living in someone else's home due to hardship.
- You are a foster child, or you are waiting to be placed in a foster home.
- You are part of a migratory family that moves a lot for work such as farming or fishing, and you changed schools a lot or traveled 20+ miles to school.
Examples of proof:
Pay stubs, public-assistance vouchers or stubs, unemployment wage statements and letters from caseworkers that show proof of low income.
If you are a military veteran, income from the last six months is not included if it makes your income too high. Victims of severe human trafficking do not have to prove low income.
Trouble Getting Education and Employment
If you did not finish high school or earn a general education diploma (GED), it is hard to find a job. Other examples:
- You have so much trouble reading, writing or speaking English or doing basic math that this keeps you from getting or keeping a job.
- You dropped out of school before graduating.
- You are homeless.
- You are a runaway.
- You were a victim of human trafficking.
- You are in foster care or have aged out of the foster care system.
- You are a parent and provide support for a child.
- You need more skills training to be able to support yourself.
Examples of proof:
- School records or a letter from a school official can show that you dropped out of school, or that you need help with basic math or English.
- A letter from a caseworker can show that you are homeless.
- A child's birth certificate listing you as the parent, or a court decree for child support can show you are responsible for a child.
- A letter from a doctor such as a general practitioner, psychologist or psychiatrist saying they treated you after escaping from human trafficking.
Selective Service Registration Requirement
If you are a male age 18 or older, you must register for the military Selective Service to be accepted into Job Corps. After you apply, your account coordinator will help you with the simple computer sign-up.
Example of proof:
If you have already registered for military Selective Service, the computer will confirm that when you are in the Job Corps office. If you haven't registered, you will register there.
You Have to Want It
The last requirement is that you must commit to finishing your education and getting a decent job. Are you willing to work at it and study for your GED? Will you show up for training classes and learn all you can. Will you go on interviews, and when you accept a job, commit to working hard to keep it? The Job Corps counselor will ask you questions like these.
If you are receiving Social Security benefits for a disability or another reason, you will have to consider that getting a job could affect those benefits.
How it Works
There are 119 Job Corps locations across the country. Most are campuses where you would live while getting your education and training. You will have a furnished room shared with a roommate, meals, a living allowance, basic medical care, books and supplies and clothing you will need during career training.
Campuses have recreational activities and organizations you can become involved in. Help with childcare is also available in some locations.
After completing the training, Job Corps will help you find a job and a place to live and keep in touch with you afterward to help you with any transition problems.
To get started, just contact the Job Corps office that is closest to you.
Writer Bio
Barbara Bean-Mellinger is a freelance writer who lives in the Washington, D.C. area. She writes about business and career topics for,, Harbor Style Magazine, the Charlotte Sun and more. Barbara holds a B. S. from the University of Pittsburgh and has won numerous awards in B2B and B2C marketing.
You can apply to the employment center for assistance in finding a job even if you are pregnant.
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07.09.2020 Normal Importance
You can apply to the employment center for assistance in finding a job even if you are pregnant.
You can apply to the employment center for assistance in finding a job even if you are pregnant. If a woman is not yet on maternity leave, and if it is impossible to provide suitable work, she may be recognized as unemployed and an assignment of unemployment benefits.
Upon the onset of maternity leave, the payment of unemployment benefits will be interrupted and resumed if you are ready to start working after the end of the vacation.
Terms and conditions for a pregnant woman to apply to the Employment Center
A pregnant woman is required to be registered only if the gestational age does not exceed 30 weeks. It is from this moment that a woman, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is granted maternity leave, and before that, a pregnant woman
considered to be able to work.
Deadline for payment of unemployment benefit to a pregnant woman.
When the deadline for granting maternity leave comes (from 30 weeks), you will need to apply for a sick leave at the antenatal clinic, where you are registered as a pregnant woman. It is necessary to take the relevant certificate from the employment service. After you receive it, you will be on maternity leave.
Please note! Unemployment benefit is not paid during maternity leave. Payments are resumed only after 140 days from the date of departure in
such a vacation.
According to paragraph 4 of Art. 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation" Payment of unemployment benefits is not made during periods of maternity leave. But they cannot be removed from the register.
Important! Monthly allowance for child care is assigned to unemployed women if they do not receive unemployment benefits in the social protection authorities at the place of residence from the date of birth of the child to the day the child turns one and a half years old.
Additional options. Vocational training, additional vocational education for women during parental leave until they reach the age of three years in order to restore the qualification of professional skills during absence from the workplace due to the birth and upbringing of children; obtaining new professional competencies necessary for transfer (employment) to new jobs, allowing you to combine parental responsibilities with professional activities; vocational training for the subsequent organization of entrepreneurial activity.
We remind you that due to the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19 , personal reception of citizens and employers by specialists of the Employment Center is temporarily suspended
Additional information by phone: 8 (39553) 54040, 89588509933
Employment Center specialists are always in touch and ready to answer you!
The employment service will help to move and arrange a child in kindergarten
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- No. 60, June 5, 2019
Work has begun in the region within the framework of the project "Labor Productivity and Reorganization of the Employment Service".
Photo from the archive of the Krasny Sever newspaper
Oleg Belov.
Employees of the employment service will become personal consultants for everyone who applies to them in search of work. If necessary, they will help to move to another region with interesting vacancies, choose a kindergarten for a child near work, and generally build a career trajectory. Many employment services will be available remotely.
This year, innovations will be rolled out in 16 pilot regions.
The Vologda Oblast was not among the “pilots”, however, as Oleg Belov, the head of the regional department of labor and employment of the population, admitted, this could happen as early as next year, so work began in the region under the project “Labor Productivity and Reorganization of the Employment Service”, which are the major changes to come. The project is designed until 2024.
- Oleg Mikhailovich, as I understand it, we are talking about a radical reform of the work of the employment service. What exactly will the changes be?
- One of the key points is the change in the principle of providing services, which should become proactive and aimed at solving the specific problem that a citizen or employer has approached us with. For this, profiling is envisaged, which, unlike the usual resume, will allow you to get a complete picture of the applicant, form a list of his competencies, abilities, understand his interests, motivation. Based on the results of such profiling, consultants of employment centers will be able to offer the most interesting and promising options for building his career trajectory, in particular, to take advanced training courses or change the field of activity, perhaps even place of residence.
- As I understand it, this implies the involvement of a service employee in the applicant's life situation.
- Yes, that's right. So, if as a result of employment difficulties arise, for example, associated with the need to move to a new job or undergo additional training, then the employment service will be able to offer a range of services in accordance with the specific situation. The capabilities of the employment service must meet modern requirements for the provision of services, so it is planned that they can be obtained on the principle of "one stop shop", and the interaction of citizens and employers with employment services will take place, including remotely using electronic services.
- How ready are our regional employment services for these changes?
- The professional level of our employees is quite sufficient for this. Another thing is that due to low wages and heavy workloads, we have a fairly high turnover of staff. But the tasks that this project sets before us require the development of new functionality. This year, we must pay tribute to the government of the Vologda Oblast, they found a way to stimulate the employees of the service, and the effect was not long in coming. Nevertheless, in spite of this, we, as I have already said, have begun to move in the direction that the reform presupposes.
- What innovations are we talking about?
- This year on the basis of the Vologda employment center, which serves the residents of Vologda and the Vologda region, we are creating a "single window" for young people. We assume that it will start working from the second half of the year. According to the methodology of the Ministry of Labor, youth are those who are under 29 years old.
So, the "single window" will purposefully work with this category: with graduates, with those who want to change jobs. At the same time, the specialists of this window will cooperate with the youth center "Gor.Som35", with the labor exchanges of educational institutions, which also deal with the issues of youth employment, with employers. That is, we want to consolidate work on youth employment. Believe me, young people sometimes simply do not know where to turn in search of work. We receive letters that they sometimes write, for example, to a deputy with a request to help in finding a job. At the same time, they have no idea about the existence of an employment service, about the Jobs in Russia website, although, according to statistics, we successfully employ at least 79% of citizens who applied to us.
This year, we also launched a project for internships for graduates. Within three months, the employer's expenses for paying the trainee's salary in the amount of the minimum wage plus 50% of the minimum wage for the mentor's wages are compensated from the regional budget. During this time, the graduate can take a closer look at the job, and the employer, in turn, can look at the graduate.
In this regard, I want to say more about the employment of young people with disabilities. This year we are creating 40 jobs for them, and we have gone to the public sector to create jobs for them in kindergartens, schools, social centers and libraries. By the way, funds are also provided here for the remuneration of 20 mentors.
Now the Ministry of Labor has charged us with the obligation to allocate a personal manager to work with people with disabilities who accompanies them at all stages of employment and work.
- A personal manager for a person with disabilities - this is quite understandable. But, to be honest, I am skeptical about the statement of the Deputy Head of Rostrud Denis Vasiliev that everyone who applies to the service should have such managers.
- When we talk about a person with disabilities, indeed, sometimes it is simply necessary that someone take him by the hand and bring him to the place. But when it comes to healthy people, this is not necessary. Just show him the way. Therefore, I think Denis Vasiliev's statement should be understood more broadly. For example, we recently launched a new public website called My Career. Live, study, work in the Vologda region”. This is a career guidance portal that will allow all interested users to receive timely and accessible information about the current and future state of the labor market, about professions in demand in a clear and understandable way. The sections of this portal offer each user to plan their professional path - from diagnosing their professional inclinations to choosing an educational institution and a place of work at the leading enterprises of the Vologda Oblast. Here, by the way, there is a section for employers, which will guide you where to look for personnel for your enterprise. Naturally, it is constantly updated and supplemented with us. This is a kind of electronic personal manager, which, by the way, is not yet available in more than ten regions.