How do gay couples decide who is on top
'Who's the man?' Why the gender divide in same-sex relationships is a farce | Relationships
What do gay women do in the bedroom? It is a conundrum, I have found, that seems to weigh heavily on many an inquiring heterosexual mind. Who makes the bed, for example? Who folds the laundry? Who pulls out the drill to hang a picture?
A new study, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, found that when it comes to same-sex couples, most Americans believe the “more masculine” partner and the “more feminine” partner should be responsible for stereotypically male and female chores. The study also found that people were more likely to consider there to be a distinct “man” and a “woman” in lesbian relationships than they were when it came to gay male couples. Probably, you know, because the idea of there being no male presence at all in a relationship is utterly unfathomable.
I’ve spent most of my relationship years in same-sex relationships. During this time many a moron has asked me “who is the man?” Normally I have ignored these people. However, this study made me rethink my views. If there’s a way to get out of doing the cooking and cleaning, I’m interested. And if that means having to proclaim yourself “the man” in a relationship, then so be it.
But how does one even figure out who the more feminine or masculine person in a relationship is? Physical appearance is obviously a major factor in how people initially pigeonhole you. Interestingly, however, the ASA study didn’t touch on physical appearance at all. Rather it asked people to look at vignettes describing fictional couples. The study introduced stereotypically gendered traits via interests (for example, a preference for action movies versus romcoms) and then asked participants to assign household chores to each couple. (It should be noted that the survey responses came from a nationally representative. These people were 92% heterosexual, so responses don’t necessarily reflect how LGB people think. )
For example, one of the vignettes concerned a couple called Amy and Jennifer. Respondents were told that Amy (a reporter) and Jennifer (a physical therapist) worked the same hours, but Jennifer makes more than double Amy’s salary. On the weekend “Amy usually wants to play basketball if they are going out, or watch an action movie if they are staying in. Instead, Jennifer would rather go shopping or watch a romantic comedy.” Because she liked romcom and shopping, most people decided Jennifer was the woman in the relationship, which meant she did the stereotypically woman’s work.
So was I an Amy or a Jennifer? After considered analysis I decided my enthusiasm for the Fast and the Furious franchise made me more of an Amy. But what about my girlfriend? Could she be an Amy too? How would sociology deal with that? I promptly texted my girlfriend with the Amy/Jennifer preferred-activity quiz. “I just really feel like I can’t be defined in a multiple-choice format,” she replied. This is typical of the way in which women can never give you a straight answer and a very Jennifer thing to say. Ergo, according to the court of heterosexual opinion, she should be doing more grocery shopping. Phew!
Research suggests that gay couples have more equal relationships and share more childcare responsibilities
The ASA isn’t the first organisation to conduct a studly like this. Research suggests that same-sex couples have more equal relationships than their heterosexual counterparts and share more childcare responsibilities. Nevertheless one person still tends to end up doing more of the chores. Indeed, a 2015 study by the Families and Work Institute (FWI) found that there were only two household tasks in which same-sex couples were more likely to share responsibility than heterosexual couples: laundry (44% versus 31%) and household repair (33% versus 15%). However, there was no evidence to suggest gendered household responsibilities in same-sex couples had anything to do with one person choosing to roleplay “the man” and one “the woman”.
When I quizzed a number of my gay friends about their allocation of household tasks in a highly scientific WhatsApp focus group, some noted that they’ve sometimes found themselves slipping into stereotypically Amy/Jennifer situations. “When I’ve dated girly girls I find myself feeling more masculine, inclined to hold the door, pick up the check more, etc,” noted H. “I think gender roles are similar to sexuality,” said M. “It’s fluid and can change based on the person you are dating at the time.”
Sometimes your gender role can also change based on the task at hand. My friend V notes that she often jokingly plays up being the femme one in her relationship in order to avoid taking the garbage out.
Ultimately I think Judith Butler had the last sensible word on all of this. “Gay is to straight not as copy is to original, but, rather, as copy is to copy,” she famously wrote. In other words it doesn’t matter where you are on the sexuality spectrum – all gender is performance. While some feminists have seen butch/femme dynamics as regressive – a misguided reflection of heterosexual norms – Butler views this performance as effectively unveiling just how constructed heterosexuals norms are in the first place. After all, once you start unpacking the mental process of figuring out who is best suited to take out the trash based on who’d rather watch Fast 7 or Love Actually, it’s hard not to realize that maybe the idea of “feminine” chores and “masculine” chores is really a lot of nonsense.
There is still a huge chore gap in heterosexual America; one that has barely closed in the last 10 years. If housework is finally going to become more equally allocated among straight couples then perhaps the best thing for everyone to do would be to sit down with their partners and have a long discussion about whether they’re an “Amy” or a “Jennifer”. By the end even the most hardened essentialist might be convinced that gender isn’t just a performance – sometimes it’s a farce.
How to Know If You’re a Top or a Bottom
As Miller explains, there are outside forces that, dating back to the ancient Greeks, have prevented gay men from truly digging into what sexual behaviors we might actually enjoy. “What I mean by that,” he says, “is that cultural forces within the gay community prize topping over bottoming.”
The ongoing fetishization of masculinity means that the traditionally submissive role of the bottom is associated with effeminacy. “With bottoming there is the perception that you're giving up your masculinity because receiving a penis is something that women do,” Miller adds.
Dr. Chris White, an expert in health promotion and the director and principal investigator of the Safe and Supportive Schools Project at the Gay-Straight Alliance Network in San Francisco, takes this one step further. “If you're a bottom, you’re sometimes seen as a slut,” he says. “You don't ever hear tops being called sluts, just bottoms. So there's some shaming there. And it's feminine type shaming, as well. Not only are you saying that it's more masculine to be a top, but you're saying that you should be ashamed to be a bottom.”
Basically, it could be time to seriously check yourself and ask exactly why you don’t like bottoming (or topping, TBH). If you believe that topping is preferable because it doesn’t threaten your masculinity, then have a strong word with yourself. Similarly, if you’re a bottom-only queen, ask yourself why. Not getting fucked doesn’t make you any less gay.
Your sexual position isn’t your identity
Let’s call bullshit on the concept that if two people are tops they’re incompatible, because the positions that you enjoy don’t define who you are. “I think that's part of the problem. We've literally made identities out of sexual positions,” Miller says. “It’s a sexual thought prison.”
Of course, if someone knows that they only really enjoy one aspect of penetration, then let’s not discount that. But as with everything sexual, these things are usually on a spectrum that is often contextual. “It can change depending on where you are in your life, how old you are, how fit you're feeling, and what you're in the mood for,” White says. “If you think about people's everyday behaviors, I don't know if there's a difference between someone who acts or comes across as more masculine and the role that they play in sex. We like to pretend that there are, but they're not necessarily true.”
Sure, declaring a preference if you’re on the hunt for a quickie will save time and energy, but don’t get all caught up in labels. There’s really not an eternal sparkling scarlet letter marking you with a “T” or a “B.”
To be (fucked) or not to be (fucked) shouldn’t always be the question
According to a 2011 study by The Journal of Sexual Medicine that surveyed 25,000 gay men in America about their last sexual encounters, only 36 percent said they had bottomed and 34 percent said they had topped.
So, in reality, we’re not actually fucking all that much. It makes turning someone down if they don’t match your preference, especially if it’s just for a one-off, even more preposterous. “We seem to place more psychological importance on anal sex than physical importance, because we're not doing it that often,” Miller says. “So why are we making such a big deal out of it?”
The 10 Most Common Ways to Ruin Gay Relationships
Gays and Relationships
Gay relationships don't always go smoothly. There are a number of reasons for this, including the lack of social scripts and a misunderstanding on the part of some gay men of what it means to be in a true love relationship. Given the unique challenges associated with gay dating and love relationships, we thought we could make a list of the top 10 reasons why gay people (at least some) ruin their relationships.
In this article, we have collected some of the most common errors, but certainly not all. Some of the points below will seem self-evident, while others will make you think.
Read the entire article to understand their deep meaning.
Let's make a reservation right away that the situations described below do not apply to all homosexuals. But those to whom they relate will finally be able to understand the reason why they are so hopelessly alone.
Ready? Let's get started soon!
10 reasons why relationships fall apart
1. Have empty hopes
One of the surest ways to ruin a relationship is to have unfulfilled hopes about the person you are dating. This means that you keep in mind a whole list of qualities that a partner “must” meet in order for you to develop a relationship.
For example, people usually demand that:
• The guy had a salary of at least a certain level.
• The partner was always in a good mood.
• The guy could guess all the desires of his partner without words or half a word.
• The partner has always, from time to time, satisfied them in bed.
2. Showing too much affection
Another way to harm homosexual relationships is to become too obsessive. This is when you always need to know, every second of time, where your man is, that is, in fact, this means that distrust reigns in a relationship.
Over time, this leads to a gradual erosion and disintegration of the bonds that originally united you.
Examples of obsessive behavior are:
• Endlessly sending SMS to a partner and waiting for an immediate response.
• The requirement to know where the partner is throughout the day.
• Test phone calls, including during business hours.
• Check messages and letters on your phone.
• Transferring patterns of behavior from past relationships to current ones.
3. Indulge in passive-aggressive behavior
This is the case when you say one thing and mean something completely different. Through your inability to communicate, whether intentionally or out of genuine inability (or both), you devastate the relationship, drawing both him and yourself into passive-aggressive games of double entendre. In the end, misunderstanding and discord, anger, resentment and discontent await you and your partner.
How to destroy a relationship:
• Do not say directly what you mean during an argument.
• Pretend that everything is fine when it is absolutely clear that it is not.
• Refuse to discuss an issue openly and to the point.
• Restrain emotions, including physical or emotional attachment.
4. Behave selfishly
Selfishness is perhaps the main reason for the breakdown of relationships between homosexuals. And although the concept of selfishness is largely subjective, there are certain behaviors that clearly show that one of the partners behaves like a complete selfish person.
It is important here to look at the behavior as a whole, and not at individual manifestations.
How to destroy relationships:
• Behave in bed like a selfish passive who wants to be satisfied and does not want to reciprocate.
• Not doing your homework duties.
• Expect your man to pay for everything because he earns more.
• Take it for granted that the partner should be alone in all important matters.
5. Let small disagreements grow into big fights
We all make mistakes sometimes, but how many have the courage to take responsibility for them? Sometimes, of course, it is difficult to admit our mistakes, but this does not give us the right to simply pretend that nothing happened. In fact, it is because of this that disagreements develop into major quarrels.
As soon as we stop talking about what worries us in a relationship, the invisible clock begins to count down the time until the inevitable explosion. At some point there will be an explosion.
How to ruin a relationship:
• Constantly blaming your boyfriend for your own mistakes.
• Refuse to acknowledge and take responsibility for one's own actions.
• Asking for forgiveness is insincere, not from the heart.
• Pretend "he'll be all right" even when your behavior was outrageous.
• Do not stop before a brewing explosion or continue to morally "finish off" a person.
6. Use drugs and alcohol regularly
This item does not apply to all homosexual relationships, but in many cases it is certainly a problem. If you or your boyfriend constantly needs to take drugs or alcohol (or both) to "cheer up" or just connect with each other, things will eventually go awry.
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While you're welcome to have some fun, it shouldn't be the basis of your relationship.
How to ruin a relationship:
• Regularly use alcohol as an emotional lubricant for relationships.
• Take drugs regularly when you are together to relax and feel at ease.
• Communicate regularly with people who regularly drink or rock out in noisy groups.
• Use alcohol and/or drugs as part of a sexual relationship.
7. Not spending enough time with each other
This point may seem obvious, but as paradoxical as it may sound, it is precisely for this reason that many homosexual couples begin to have serious problems. This is especially true for long-term relationships (from three years), when "I need some time for myself" develops into constant loneliness.
As a rule, this happens when one or both partners care more about work and, accordingly, about their success in work, than about each other.
How to destroy relationships:
• Put work ahead of relationships in everyday life.
• Do not set boundaries when using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
• Take on additional duties when not needed.
• To assert oneself and realize oneself mainly through work and at work.
8. Thinking you can meet someone "better"
This item may be difficult for you, because it applies to many gay people. If you constantly change partners in the hope of meeting “the one”, then nothing good will come of it. After 2-3 dates, it is quite difficult to understand how you are suitable for each other.
Unless there is a clear reason why you definitely won't succeed, you need to give the relationship the opportunity to start and flourish.
How to destroy a relationship:
• End a relationship before you really get to know him.
• Have once and for all established and strict requirements for appearance, income, occupation, sexual position of a guy.
• Constantly compare past relationships with current ones.
• To notice only the bad in a person and not pay attention to the good.
9. Going too fast into an open relationship
And it's not about judgment at all. Some people thrive in monogamous relationships. Other couples discuss other possibilities and as a result agree to an open relationship or decide that a third is not superfluous.
But if you've only been together for a few months—maybe a year—and you already need other people to freshen up your sexual relationship, things may not go so well between you.
How to Destroy a Relationship:
• Thinking that having sex with other people will help "fix" your relationship.
• Believe that physical fidelity alone will solve all emotional problems.
• Use third parties for emotional and physical self-affirmation.
• Immediately move into an open relationship as a reaction to infidelity.
• Regularly watch adult films to stimulate intimacy and physical intimacy.
10. Have no common goals
This last point is the most important. If you don't have common goals, the relationship is doomed to failure in the long run.
You may have different views of the future, but at the same time you should have at least one or two common goals that you both strive for.
What will help to maintain a relationship:
• A common desire to buy an apartment
• Setting financial goals and achieving them together
• Planning for retirement, "next stages" in life, etc.
In conclusion
Homosexual relationships are unique. With marriage (finally) becoming a reality for many of us, our community needs to rethink the way we view dating and relationships. Now it is up to us to create new social models of behavior.
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Continuation of
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First interview of a gay couple of adoptive parents: We0004 In an interview with DW, a gay couple who adopted children and were forced to flee Russia because of the threat of losing them, told their story for the first time - guardianship, an open gay marriage in Moscow, persecution by the Investigative Committee.
Until this summer, Andrei Vaganov and Yevgeny Erofeev, a same-sex couple who lived in Moscow with adopted children, had no problems with the state. They married in Denmark in 2016 and raised two adopted boys together. The situation escalated sharply after the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against employees of the social security authorities who allowed Andrei to adopt children. As a result, the family was forced to leave Russia.
While still in transit through Ukraine, the men gave their first interview to DW correspondent Dmitry Vachedin. For the first time, they gave their names and spoke about themselves - about life in Russia in an open gay marriage, the adoption of children, the problems that arose and the flight from the country.
At their request, we are not yet able to reveal the whereabouts of Andrei and Evgeny, but they are in a country that they consider safe. We publish a conversation with them almost without abbreviations.
DW: Nobody knew about you until a week ago. Now everyone will talk about you. How do you feel about it? Difficult?
Eugene: I have always dreamed of fame (smiles. - Rev. ).
Andrei: Look, when Yura and I (son. - Edit. ) left Moscow for Kyiv, I already understood that publicity and disclosure of personal data is a matter of time. Even then, correspondents contacted my former colleague, and my friends in the media told me that everything would become known anyway. Our life has already changed irrevocably, as has the life of our parents.
- Then please introduce yourself.
Andrey: I'm Andrey Vaganov, I'm 44 years old. I am the official and only legal representative of the children. In their birth certificate, instead of the mother, there is a dash, only I appear there. Although Zhenya is also perceived as a parent, and when talking with children, we act as parents.
I am a consultant and have been teaching at various universities for almost a quarter of a century. At top universities like the Higher School of Economics. Once I was the head of the department, but now I am a visiting teacher who is invited to non-standard courses, let's say so. Frankly, it was teaching that made me realize that I want children. About 20 years ago, even before my thirtieth birthday, I realized that my main motivation for lecturing is to convey knowledge, self-confidence, and worldview to young people.
- Was your orientation a secret at these universities?
Andrey: I have always stuck to the simple "don't ask, don't tell" attitude of the Americans. ("Don't ask, don't tell" - a principle in force in the US military from 1993 to 2010, according to which homosexuals were allowed to serve in the army only if they concealed their sexual orientation. - Rev. ). It is quite obvious that if I go into an audience with 300 people and according to statistics 4 gays, they understand everything in twenty minutes. One day, the dean got printouts of a closed student forum, where the girls discussed my appearance, and the boys told them that, they say, "it blooms not for you." No questions were asked, just the dean handed me printouts: "Read." Well, I read it, thanks, that's all.
Evgeniy: Andrei, of course, likes his mind. I know this because I was his student.
- Can you say a few words about yourself?
Eugene: My name is Evgeny Erofeev, I am 32 years old. I have always worked only in banks since I was 18 years old. Currently unemployed. I met Andrey about 10 years ago, so our anniversary is coming soon.
DW: Andrey, that is, you are a young successful assistant professor, you want to convey your worldview and therefore you are going to adopt a child?
Andrew: Not everything is so fast. For five years I thought about it, including about surrogate motherhood. But then I realized that this format does not suit me, because I do not want to be a Sunday dad. At some point, I was about 35 years old, I decided to go into custody. It was almost a spontaneous decision. Walk-walk - hop, and went: "I'll adopt." And then it turned out that I collected all the documents in three weeks. It really was very simple. I come to the tuberculosis dispensary, there are twenty people in line, but the manager himself leads me by the hand to the fluorography. And the transcript, which is done for a week, is given to me in ten minutes.
- Is it because everyone understood the importance and wanted to help to adopt as soon as possible?
Andrew: Yes. And it was in every dispensary. In the Russian Federation, there are not many reasons for refusing adoption: this is health - that is, HIV, oncology, psychiatry, these are committed crimes against the person and outstanding convictions. Still need a small income, at the subsistence level, and living space. All. The only problem was getting an opinion that I could be an adoptive parent. Collected a whole commission. Ten women are sitting, asking why they wanted to adopt, why they are not married. I realized where everything was going and asked the chairperson in plain language if she suggested that I would fuck my own son. She said she didn't say that. Ten days later I had this conclusion.
- Did someone at this stage suggest that you are gay?
Andrey: I can't say that I'm very masculine, but I doubt that a fifty-year-old woman could see anything in me. It's not about that. I adopted in Kolomna, and was the first single male adopter there. And in our area in Moscow, too, the first. And all in Moscow by that time - only the fourth. Until now, in our country it is believed that a single man cannot adopt.
- What year was it?
Andrey: It was 2010. Denis was three and a half. The selection procedure itself is psychologically incredibly difficult. You come to a government institution, leaf through hundreds of photographs. I was kind of horrified. After two trips, I took a break for three months, I realized that I simply could not choose. It was something beyond. You sit and choose a child - and here they are, and there are hundreds of them. Three months later, I went to look at the database again, and Denis was there.
- Did Zhenya appear shortly after the adoption?
Andrew: Shortly before. With Zhenya, the situation was generally like in a movie. I invited him to curry on Saturday, he came to eat curry and on Sunday he stayed with me for good. It was September 19, and on October 5 I went to Denis. My wife was then 22 years old - I, frankly, had a little doubt.
- Zhenya, what was it like for you? Child at 22.
Eugene: It's okay, I live here. I didn't have any questions. I try to remember my emotions then, but no, there were no questions.
- Was the story of adopting a second child about the same?
Andrew: Approx. I again went into custody, quickly went through the formal procedures, called Kolomna. They said there was no one. But a few hours later they called back, they say that a boy has appeared. Well, that was Yura.
- What year is this?
Andrey: 2012. He was five and a half years old. Yura is younger than Denis by a year and a half.
- It turns out that you lived like an ordinary family until the authorities found out about you?
Andrei: In general, yes, but the clouds were gathering gradually. It was clear that the situation in the country was deteriorating. The first swallow is the law of Dima Yakovlev. At that moment, I started talking with Zhenya about the fact that we might need to leave the country. Zhenya was categorically against it then, he made a brilliant career. And then - the law on gay propaganda (a law establishing liability for the promotion of non-traditional sexual relations among minors. - Rev. ), and we immediately became people who violate the law. The situation began to deteriorate emotionally. Six months ago, the children mentioned that they began to tease them, they say, parents are motherfuckers. Before that, there were no questions from the children.
- Didn't you teach children to hide the fact that they have two dads?
Andrey: Never. Well, actually, their friends came to visit, everything is clear: here we are. In the end, we had a picture hanging over the matrimonial bed, where we were all four. Now we are very sorry that we did not take her with us. After the search, it may not have been left. The message was very simple: I don't want to drive children into the ghetto. I don't want them to have even a suspicion that we have an abnormal family. I never even said that we have a special family. He just said that families are different.
- So you didn't hide in Russia, but lived in an open gay marriage? And did it work?
Andrey: We are a normal family. We are very good parents, without any discounts. Parents to look for. Despite the fact that there are conflicts and excesses, and sometimes we do not know how to raise children. Nevertheless, we are conscious parents, so although we don’t have a rainbow flag hanging on our balcony, we didn’t hide. They lived an ordinary family life. They didn’t go to gay clubs because there was no time left for this, they didn’t fight for gay rights. I believe that it is necessary to fight for gay rights after citizens simply have rights. If in Moscow you cannot get together without the risk of being detained for a public action, well, what a pride.
- But at some point the authorities found out about you.
Andrew: First, the police. I have Yura registered with the police. He is such a resident of the ghetto, he normally swears, competently and to the point. He waits exclusively squatting. Behavior patterns were learned in the first family, we adopted him quite late. Until he grows up and the volitional component starts working, it breaks through. In April-May, he first got into the police and said that he lives with two dads. After that, we asked the children not to talk about it.
Eugene: Then for the first time I felt scared.
Andrei: At the same time, the children started having problems with their peers. Once I go into the nursery and hear how one of the other called gay. And I sat them down and said: "A strange insult, because Zhenya and I are gay. " And Yura cried. He could not believe that they were called names like that, but we are. For them, our family was such a natural history that they somehow did not identify us. Well, then, a couple of months later, Yura ended up in Roshal's clinic with suspected appendicitis. I was also delighted, because this is a good clinic. In fact, there was no appendicitis, he just ate a kilogram of carrots and half a loaf of burnt bread, made toast for himself.
But on the day I was picking him up from the hospital, the district investigator of the Investigative Committee called me and said that he wanted to talk to me and the child. I asked Yura what he talked about with the doctor. He said that the doctor asked when mom would come, to which Yura replied that he had two dads. Yura immediately understood: he must have said something wrong. I reassured the child, let's go to the investigator. That hour I talked with Yura in the presence of a guardian representative. And, on the one hand, after the conversation, the investigator began to talk to me much friendlier, because he realized that the doctor's suspicions were not confirmed.
- So the doctor suspected that you had corrupted Yura?
Andrew: Yes. On the other hand, I saw that the investigator was nervous. They called him many times, a man came several times and demanded an urgent report. The investigator sent us for a forensic medical examination. I will not go into the description, this is a very unpleasant and shocking procedure for a child. Sexual offense check. We finished and went home. And while we were driving, the first publications in the media had already appeared.
- About what?
Eugene: A child in the hospital told about two dads, he reacted inadequately to the doctor's questions.
Andrei: Plus, the information quickly got to the Ombudsman for Children's Rights Anna Kuznetsova. She is actually the wife of an Orthodox priest. She turned to Bastrykin (Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. - Ed. ) with a request to sort out the situation. It turned out that this case acquired a political context. The investigator told me in plain text that there was nothing in this case, he wanted to close the check as soon as possible and go to barbecue. But everything turned out differently.
- What did the examination show?
Andrey: We were told that her results would be in a month. I talked to a lawyer, and he told me directly that with a very high probability we would have to leave the country. I didn't believe. And then a representative of guardianship calls me and asks me to voluntarily give the children to a social rehabilitation center until the results of the examination come. I called the lawyer again, and he said: "Well, you have to go." Yura and I got together in an hour and a half and soon found ourselves outside the Russian Federation. And soon Denis, who was with my parents, was also transported there. At this time, the criminal investigation was already connected. I was threatened that a murder case would be opened against me.
- Murder of whom?
Andrey: Children, of course. They tell me: "Bring them, prove that they are alive." I refuse. They say, "Well, then you killed them." I say: "Good. True, from Agatha Christie I know that there is no corpse - there is no case." They answer: "Life is richer."
Eugene: I was alone in Moscow. And a week later I was watching a series in the evening, and suddenly they began to knock on my door. I immediately knew who it was. It was scary. No one shouted "police, open it", it was all silent: the door was cracking, I had a feeling that it could be broken down by force. Half an hour later they stopped knocking, went to my parents' house and conducted a search there. At the same time, the representative of the Investigative Committee was drunk. They were looking for children and also a marriage certificate in Danish. I left the house at night, spent the night in the car, took a shower at the sports club, arrived at work and quit within half an hour. And then my friends took me outside of Russia. And then a door was broken into our Moscow apartment, we were woken up at night by an alarm system, and a search was carried out there. They searched my parents, Andrei's parents and his other relatives.
- But only one criminal case has been initiated, due to the negligence of guardianship authorities. How are your relatives related to him?
Eugene: As a drunken representative of the Investigative Committee said when he searched my parents' house: "Our powers are extremely extensive." This phrase describes the whole thing: our powers are very extensive - we do what we want.
- So you went abroad with your children because you were persuaded to give them away under the threat of criminal prosecution?
Andrei: Several lawyers explained it to me very simply. Understanding the logic of the development of the situation, the following will happen: the children are seized, psychologists work with them for some time, and on the basis of communication with the children, they initiate a criminal case against me related to violence.
Eugene: With corruption.
Andrei: So I left for two reasons. Firstly, I did not understand how children could end up in an orphanage even for two weeks. Although family law lawyers assured that it would be for years. Even if the situation develops in your favor, you can’t get them out of there quickly. Secondly, I was directly told that I would be arrested on a criminal case related to child molestation. Two people gave exactly the same assessment and gave examples of real cases. That was enough for me to get ready in an hour and a half.
- Why is the Investigative Committee doing this?
Evgeniy: There is Kuznetsova, an influential person who begins to put pressure on the UK. They have to react in some way. And then there are also excellent comments by Matvienko (Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. - Ed. ). Literally a day and a half before this story, she says that homosexual couples should not have children, and the case immediately appears. People hear, they want to move up the career ladder. And then the third person in the country says such things.
- Do I understand correctly that in the gray zone of Russian legislation there was an opportunity for same-sex couples to adopt children and now they want to close this loophole?
Andrey: This is not a gray area of the legislation. The legislation is transparent and unambiguous, and there was no opportunity for gay couples to adopt. One person can adopt. This is very important, because from a legal point of view, Zhenya is an outsider for children. That is, this is not a gray area, this is not a loophole. There are a huge number of really single heterosexual women who adopt. And the risk of this situation is not that there are Zhenya and me or other gay couples. The problem is exactly that the current situation hits everyone. And it is clear that if the story of negligence reaches a negative end, then a witch hunt will begin.
Evgeny: In fact, gay couples who raise children are rare in Russia.