Green goopy eyes baby
Is it normal and how to treat it?
Eye discharge is common in newborns and typically occurs due to a blocked tear duct. However, parents and caregivers can often treat this at home.
Eye discharge is typically harmless and self-resolving. However, discharge that occurs alongside other symptoms in the eye area, such as swelling or tenderness, could indicate an infection or another eye problem. A parent or caregiver of a newborn with these symptoms will need to consult a doctor.
This article discusses how common eye discharge is and explains how to treat it at home. We also cover medical treatment, other causes, complications, and when to contact a doctor.
Eye discharge in newborns is common and rarely a cause for concern. A common cause of eye discharge is a blocked tear duct.
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, almost 20% of newborns have a blocked tear duct. This condition can occur because the end of the tear duct does not open properly when the baby is born.
Tears form in the lacrimal gland, which sits just above the eye. Tear fluid helps clean and lubricate the surface of the eye. When a person blinks, the eyelids sweep the tear fluid into these ducts, which drain it into the nose.
If something blocks a tear duct, fluid may no longer be able to drain away from the eye’s surface. Blockages can cause very watery eyes, and sticky discharge may form in the corners.
Learn more about blocked tear ducts.
Blocked tear ducts are a common cause of eye discharge in infants. However, other conditions and factors can also cause discharge.
Eye discharge in newborns can also be a sign of conjunctivitis or pinkeye. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a thin membrane that protects the front of the eye. Unlike a blocked tear duct, conjunctivitis often causes the white part of the eye to appear red.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis in newborns can include:
- drainage or discharge that develops between 5 and 12 days after birth
- puffy or tender eyelids, often with skin discoloration
- red, irritated eyes
Conjunctivitis in newborns can sometimes occur alongside a blocked tear duct. However, a pregnant person can also pass on a bacterial or viral infection to their baby when giving birth, leading to conjunctivitis.
Learn more about the symptoms of eye infections.
Chemical irritation
Chemical irritation can also cause conjunctivitis in newborns. Healthcare professionals often give antibacterial eye drops to newborns to prevent infections. These eye drops can sometimes cause irritation that can result in conjunctivitis symptoms.
Learn more about eye irritation.
If the eye discharge is due to a blocked tear duct, it will usually resolve without treatment within 4–6 months.
However, wind, cold weather, and strong sunlight can also worsen symptoms, so a parent or caregiver should aim to protect a newborn’s eyes from these elements.
Clearing discharge
A parent or caregiver can often treat a newborn with a blocked tear duct at home. Before touching the area close to the child’s eyes, it is essential to wash the hands with soap and warm water to prevent infections. A person should also take care to rinse the hands thoroughly after cleaning them to avoid getting soap in the baby’s eye.
To clear away discharge, dip a clean piece of gauze or soft cloth in some lukewarm water, then gently wipe the corner of the eye. If a blocked tear duct affects both eyes, always use a new area of the cloth or gauze to clean the other eye.
Tearduct massage
A doctor may also recommend gently massaging the blocked tear duct to help it open, and they will demonstrate how to do this safely.
To massage the tear duct:
- Lightly press the tip of the index finger against the inside bridge of the newborn’s nose, on the side of the blocked tear duct.
- Make 2 or 3 short downward strokes with the finger along the side of the nose. These should be gentle but firm.
- Perform the massage twice a day — once in the morning and once in the evening.
If the side of the newborn’s nose becomes red or swollen, stop the massage immediately and contact a doctor.
In newborns, blocked tear ducts tend to open up within several months of birth. However, medical intervention may be necessary in some cases.
If the blockage has not gone away by the baby is 1 year of age, a doctor may recommend a medical treatment called a nasolacrimal duct probing.
This procedure involves inserting a small probe into the infant’s tear duct. By using probes that gradually increase in size, a doctor will be able to open up the tear duct. They will then use a saline solution to flush out any remaining debris.
Sometimes, the doctor may also insert a small tube, or stent, into the duct to keep it open.
Probing is usually successful in opening the tear duct. For children with a severe blockage, a doctor may recommend a more complicated surgical procedure called a dacryocystorhinostomy to clear out and open the tear duct.
If an infection is causing eye discharge, the newborn will need prompt medical attention. To treat cases of infectious discharge, a doctor may prescribe topical, oral, or intravenous antibiotics.
Blocked tear ducts can sometimes lead to an infection called dacryocystitis. Symptoms of this condition may include:
- excessive thick discharge from the eye
- redness in the corner of the eye
- a tender bump or swelling at the side of the nose
- fever
If a newborn has any of these symptoms, a parent or caregiver should consult a doctor.
Newborns with eye discharge or very watery eyes should speak with a pediatrician or an eye doctor specializing in children, called a pediatric ophthalmologist. These healthcare professionals can diagnose the cause of the discharge and check for signs of infection.
Parents or caregivers should seek medical attention if an infant’s eye discharge persists for more than 6 months.
Newborns with signs of an eye infection require immediate medical attention. Signs of an eye infection can include:
- sore or puffy eyes
- swollen eyelids
- yellow or green pus or discharge
- a bump or swelling on the inside corner of the eye
If a parent or caregiver notices any of these symptoms, they should contact a doctor immediately.
Eye discharge in newborns is common and often results from a blocked tear duct. The blockage will usually clear up by itself within 4 to 6 months.
However, newborns with eye redness, eye discharge, or excessive watering of the eyes should speak with a doctor to diagnose the cause and rule out an eye infection.
Parents and caregivers can treat a baby with a blocked tear duct at home by wiping away any discharge and gently massaging the area twice a day. A doctor can demonstrate how to do this.
Discoloration, swelling, or soreness in the eye can indicate an eye infection. Speak with a doctor immediately if an infant has these signs.
Eye - Pus or Discharge
Is this your child's symptom?
- Yellow or green discharge (pus) in the eye
- The eyelids are stuck (matted) together with pus after sleep
- After being wiped away, the pus comes back during the day
- Often caused by a bacterial eye infection
Causes of Eye with Pus
- Bacterial Conjunctivitis.
This is a bacterial infection of the eye. The main symptom is eyelids stuck together with pus after sleep. Can be present in 1 or both eyes. A few viruses can cause pus in the eyes, but most don't.
- Viral Conjunctivitis. This is a viral infection of the eyes. Main symptom is pinkness of the white parts of the eyes. The eyes are also watery. Most often, there is no pus. Usually on both sides.
- Normal Discharge. A small amount of dried mucus only in the corner of the eye. It may not even be pus. A collection of mucus can be cream colored. Often due to an irritant that got in the eye from dirty hands. Needs no treatment except wiping it away with warm water.
- Blocked Tear Duct. Present in 10% of newborns. Main symptom is a constant watery eye. Tears fill the eye and run down the face. This happens even when not crying. The eye is not red and the eyelid is not swollen. The wet eye may get secondary infections.
This will cause the eyelids to become matted with pus.
- Foreign Object in Eye (Serious). Small particles such as sand, dirt or sawdust can be blown into the eyes. The grit often gets stuck under the upper eyelid. If not removed, the eye reacts by producing pus. The main clue is an eye infection that does not respond to antibiotic eyedrops. Older children complain of feeling something in the eye.
- Eyelid Cellulitis (Serious). This is a deep infection of the eyelid and tissues around it. The main symptom is a red, swollen, very tender eyelid. The eye can be swollen shut. Usually only on one side. This can be a problem caused by bacterial conjunctivitis. The eye infection spreads inward. More commonly this is caused by an ethmoid sinus infection. That type occurs without any pus in the eye.
Symptoms of Bacterial Eye Infection
- Yellow or green discharge or pus in the eye
- Dried pus on the eyelids and eyelashes
- The eyelashes are more likely to be stuck together after sleep
- The whites of the eye may or may not be red or pink
- The eyelids are often puffy
When to Call for Eye - Pus or Discharge
Call Doctor or Seek Care Now
- Eyelid is very red or very swollen
- Vision is blurred
- Eye pain or discomfort is more than mild
- Fever over 104° F (40° C)
- Fever in baby less than 12 weeks old.
Caution: do NOT give your baby any fever medicine before being seen.
- Your child looks or acts very sick
- You think your child needs to be seen, and the problem is urgent
Contact Doctor Within 24 Hours
- Pus in the eye, but none of the symptoms above. Reason: you may need antibiotic eyedrops to treat it.
- Using antibiotic eye drops more than 3 days and pus is still there
Seattle Children's Urgent Care Locations
If your child’s illness or injury is life-threatening, call 911.
- Bellevue
- Everett
- Federal Way
- Seattle
Care Advice for Pus In the Eye
- What You Should Know About Bacterial Eye Infections:
- Bacterial eye infections are common with colds.
- They respond to home treatment with antibiotic eye drops which need a prescription.
- They are not harmful to vision.
- Until you get some antibiotic eye drops, here is some advice that should help.
- Bacterial eye infections are common with colds.
- Remove Pus:
- Remove all the dried and liquid pus from the eyelids. Use warm water and wet cotton balls to do this.
- Do this whenever pus is seen on the eyelids.
- Also, remove the pus before the antibiotic eye drops are put in. Reason: they will not work if you don't.
- The pus can spread infection to others. So, dispose of it carefully.
- Wash your hands well after any contact with the pus.
- Antibiotic Eye Drops: How to Use
- For a cooperative child, gently pull down on the lower lid. Put 1 drop inside the lower lid. Then ask your child to close the eye for 2 minutes. Reason: so the medicine will get into the tissues.
- For a child who won't open his eye, have him lie down.
Put 1 drop over the inner corner of the eye. If your child opens the eye or blinks, the eye drop will flow in. If he doesn't open the eye, the drop will slowly seep into the eye.
- Contact Lenses:
- Children who wear contact lenses need to switch to glasses until the infection is gone.
- Reason: to prevent damage to the cornea.
- Disinfect the contacts before wearing them again.
- Discard them if they are disposable.
- Return to School:
- Your child can return to school when the pus is a small amount.
- Antibiotic eye drops should be used for 24 hours before going back.
- What to Expect:
- With treatment, the pus discharge should clear up in 3 days.
- The red eyes may last up to a week.
- Call Your Doctor If:
- Eyelid gets red or swollen
- You think your child needs to be seen
- Your child becomes worse
And remember, contact your doctor if your child develops any of the 'Call Your Doctor' symptoms.

Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.
Last Reviewed: 12/20/2022
Last Revised: 01/13/2022
Copyright 2000-2022. Schmitt Pediatric Guidelines LLC.
Vision in infants: the formation of the visual system after birth.
From All About Vision
Your heart skips a beat when your newborn baby opens its eyes and looks at you for the first time.
Don't worry if it doesn't happen right away. In newborns, the visual system develops gradually.
In the very first week of life, a child sees the world differently: indistinctly and in shades of gray.
Only a few months after birth, the baby's visual system will work to its full potential. Knowing the key milestones in the development of the eyes of a newborn baby (and how to help them along) will help you understand that your baby is developing normally and enjoying life. nine0003
Baby's eye development begins during pregnancy
Your baby's visual system begins to develop even before birth. Therefore, how you take care of yourself and your body during pregnancy is important and affects the development of the body and mental abilities of the child, including the eyes and visual centers in the brain.
Be sure to follow the nutritional advice your doctor gives you. Be sure to take your prescribed supplements and vitamins, and get enough rest. nine0003
Do not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy, as toxins can cause many health problems for the baby, in particular vision problems.
Smoking is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Cigarette smoke contains about 3,000 different chemicals (such as carbon monoxide or carbon monoxide) that can harm a person.
Even regular aspirin can be dangerous: it increases the risk of having a low birth weight baby and complications during childbirth. Low body weight, in turn, can contribute to vision problems. nine0003
Always check with your doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy. This also applies to over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, and other over-the-counter medications.
Eye condition at birth
Shortly after birth, your pediatrician or neonatologist will examine your baby's eyes for congenital cataracts or other serious neonatal eye problems in newborns.
Although such diseases are rather an exception, it is better to detect and treat them at an early stage in order to reduce the pathological impact on the development of the infant's visual system.
To protect the child's eyes from pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that could enter them during the passage through the birth canal and cause eye infection , an antibiotic ointment is placed in them. Early prevention of possible eye infections is very important for the normal development of the visual system. nine0003
ARE YOU CONCERNED WITH YOUR BABY'S VISION? Find an optometrist nearby .
At birth, your baby sees objects only in black and white and in shades of gray. This is due to the fact that the nerve cells in the retina and brain that are responsible for color perception are not yet fully developed.
A newborn baby is not yet able to focus on nearby objects (disturbance of accommodation). Don't worry if you notice that your baby is unable to "focus" on objects or on your face. It will take time for him to acquire this ability. nine0003
Despite all these features, studies have shown that just a few days after birth, the baby is able to distinguish the mother's face from the face of a stranger.
Scientists believe that the baby recognizes the mother's face thanks to the contrasting hairline. (During the study, women covered their hair with a scarf or swimming cap, and the baby could not tell the mother's face from that of a stranger.)
Therefore, to encourage eye contact, during the first weeks of a child's life, do not change the hairstyle or appearance. nine0003
You may also notice that babies have rather large eyes. This is because usually a child's head grows first, and then the rest of the body. At birth, a baby's eyes are 65% the size of an adult's eyes!
Baby's eyes in the first month of life
In the first month of life, the baby's eyes are not highly sensitive to light. By the way, in order for a child who is 1 month old to understand that there is light in the room (the threshold of sensitivity to light), the light must be 50 times brighter than normal. nine0003
Don't be afraid to leave a light on in the nursery, because it won't disturb the baby's sleep and you won't trip over the furniture when you go to visit him at night!
Very quickly the baby acquires the ability to distinguish colors. A week after birth, the baby can see red, orange, yellow and green. A little later, he will be able to distinguish between blue and purple. This is because blue light is the shortest wavelength, and there is only one type of receptor in the retina that can "see" blue light. nine0003
Don't worry if you notice that your baby's eyes are looking in different directions. One eye may sometimes be slightly averted to one side or the other. This is fine. But if the baby's eyes squint to the side, consult an optometrist immediately.
Tips: Paint your baby's room in bright, cheerful colors to stimulate his eyesight. Furniture or interior details should be of contrasting colors and shapes. Hang a bright, colorful hanging piece above or next to your crib. It is important that it be multi-colored and consist of different geometric shapes. nine0003
Development of the organs of vision: 2nd and 3rd month of life
Significant changes occur in the baby's visual system during the second and third months of life. During this period, visual acuity increases , functional strabismus (if it was) disappears. Now your child is able to follow moving objects and tries to fix his eyes on them.
A bright, bright room with lots of colors and shapes to help stimulate your baby's vision development.
Moreover, the baby learns to look from one object to another only with his eyes, without moving his head. Also, the child's eyes become more sensitive to light: at the age of 3 months, the threshold of sensitivity to light decreases. Therefore, during sleep, the light should be dimmed. nine0003
Tips: To stimulate the eyesight of a 2-3 month old baby:
Add new objects to the room or change their position frequently to enrich the baby's experience.
Leave a night light on to stimulate vision when your baby is awake in the crib.
Place the baby on its back during sleep to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). However, when the baby is awake and under supervision, put it on the tummy. This posture stimulates the development of visual perception and motor skills. nine0003
Development of the organs of vision: Months 4-6
By 6 months, the visual centers of the baby's brain are quite well developed. The child sees more clearly and can follow moving objects with quick and precise eye movements.
Visual acuity improves from about 20/400 (6/120) at birth to 20/25 (6/7.5) at 6 months. Color perception reaches the level of an adult; the child can distinguish all the colors of the rainbow.
At the age of 4-6 months, the child's hand-eye coordination becomes more perfect, which allows him to quickly find and pick up objects with his hands, as well as accurately guide the bottle (and more!) into his mouth. nine0003
Six months is an important milestone in life, as this is when you should have your baby's first eye exam.
If necessary, a qualified eye specialist will examine a child at 6 months of age. But routine eye exams are usually recommended after kindergarten age (3-4 years and older).
If you have any concerns, you can also consult your doctor for further advice. nine0003
For a thorough examination of your six-month-old baby's eyes, see an optometrist who specializes in children's vision and eye development.
Eye Development: Months 7-12
Your baby is now moving around a lot, crawling and covering distances you never dreamed possible. He is getting better at estimating the distance to objects, more precisely grabbing and throwing them. (Beware!)
This is an important period in your child's development. At this stage, the baby feels his whole body better and learns to coordinate vision and movement. nine0003
Now you have to pay more attention to the baby to keep him out of harm's way. It is not uncommon for bumps, bruises, eye injuries and other serious injuries when the baby explores the world around him.
Close cabinets with household chemicals with a padlock, place special railings in front of stairs.
Don't worry if your child's eyes start to change color. Most babies are born with blue eyes because at birth there are not enough dark pigments in the iris. Over time, there will be many more of them, so your baby's eyes may change color from blue to brown, green, gray or swampy. nine0003
Tips: To stimulate your child's hand-eye coordination, you can lie on the floor with him and invite him to crawl to an object. Put your baby's favorite toy away and invite him to get to it. You can also offer to disassemble and assemble various objects and toys.
Strabismus problems
Pay close attention to how your child's eyes move, either together or separately. Strabismus is a term for a misalignment of the eyes. It is very important to detect and treat it at an early stage so that the child's vision develops properly. nine0003
Left untreated, strabismus can lead to amblyopia or "lazy eye."
It may take months for a child to achieve joint eye movement. But if you notice that one of the baby's eyes is squinting or moving separately from the other, contact an optometrist immediately.
Vision problems in premature babies
The average duration of a normal pregnancy is approximately 40 weeks (280 days). According to the WHO, a baby born before 37 weeks is considered premature. nine0003
Compared to full-term babies, premature babies are at greater risk of developing eye problems. And the shorter the period, the more serious the complication.
The following visual problems associated with preterm birth are characteristic:
Retinopathy of prematurity (RP)
This is a disease in which fibrous changes and blood vessels develop in the thickness and on the surface of the retina. ROP is often accompanied by retinal scarring, poor vision and retinal detachment . In severe cases, retinopathy of prematurity can lead to blindness.
All premature babies are at risk of ROP. Extremely low birth weight is an additional risk factor, especially when the baby is placed in a high oxygen incubator immediately after birth.
If your baby was born prematurely, ask your obstetrician for a referral to a pediatric ophthalmologist for an eye exam to rule out ROP. nine0003
These are involuntary oscillatory eye movements.
In most cases, nystagmus manifests itself in the form of involuntary eye movements in various directions, with different frequencies and amplitudes of "oscillation". Eye oscillations are pendulum in nature, horizontal, diagonal and rotational movements are observed.
Nystagmus may be congenital or may develop over several weeks or months. Risk factors include optic nerve hypoplasia, albinism, and congenital cataracts. By the amplitude of eye oscillations, you can determine how badly the baby's visual system is damaged. nine0003
If the child shows signs of nystagmus, consult an optometrist immediately.
Remember that smoking during pregnancy greatly increases the chance of preterm labor.
Page published on Monday, November 16, 2020
How vision is formed in newborn children ᐈ
The formation of a baby's eyes begins long before his birth. 3-12 weeks is the most important period of intrauterine development.
The eyes of a child begin to develop in the womb, in the third week of pregnancy. Active formation of the visual apparatus continues for several years after birth. During this period, it is important to pay attention to the child's vision, to know the stages of its development, to regularly visit an ophthalmologist for a check. Let's talk about this in more detail.
The correct formation of the visual apparatus is important for the full mental development of the baby, because the eyes are connected with other senses. With poor eyesight, the child will lag behind in school, experience difficulties with active activities (sports, outdoor games), so good vision not only helps to learn about the world around, but also contributes to the full development of the child. nine0003
Most vision problems can be eliminated in early childhood: the later the pathology is detected, the more difficult it is to correct and treat. It is very important in the initial period of a baby's life to keep this aspect under control. Parents of newborns should know the main stages in the formation of the child's visual apparatus.
Vision in newborns in the first days of life
How does a baby see in the first days of his life? Of course, not at all like an adult. The fact is that his eyeball still has a flattened shape and continues to grow actively, the retina is not fully formed, and the yellow spot, which is responsible for the sharpness of central vision, is completely absent. The baby is not yet able to see clearly and voluminously, to focus on objects, to evaluate visual images. What features are available to him? nine0003
Immediately after birth, a huge amount of visual stimuli falls on the baby: from the darkness he enters the bright world around him. But the vision of newborns in the first days of life is still very imperfect. Children at this time have infantile strabismus, which should pass after a certain time (we will talk about this below). The child's eyes look slightly in different directions or are reduced to the nose, since the ciliary muscles are still weak and their movements are not coordinated.
In the first days of life, babies perceive a black and white image, and colors are still indistinguishable for them. The first color that the child begins to distinguish is red, since it has the longest wavelength in the spectrum of 620-780 nm. Therefore, the first toys and rattles recommend buying red. nine0003
It is also not recommended to completely turn off the light in the room where the baby sleeps. It is better to leave a working lamp. The child, waking up, will begin to look for a light source with his eyes, which, firstly, will calm him down, and secondly, will contribute to the development of the oculomotor muscles.
How does vision change in children under one year old?
So, what are the stages of formation of the child's visual apparatus? What can and should a baby distinguish, what should he react to, how does the vision of newborns change by month? nine0003
• 1 month: where is he looking?
At this age, the baby is able to distinguish light and shadow, the outlines of large objects at a distance of no more than 30 cm. Wise nature has conceived so that in the early days of his life, the child sees the most important thing more clearly - the mother's face, her smile, at this distance it is during feeding. Everything else doesn't matter to him. At a farther distance, objects look blurry to him, since visual acuity has not yet been formed. During this period, it is recommended to take the child in your arms more often in the moments of his wakefulness, to talk to him. It is important to check how the pupil reacts to light. This will be done by the ophthalmologist during the first visit. nine0003
• 2-3 months: life in bright colors
In the first 2-3 months of life, the light sensitivity of the retina will increase by almost five times and the visual apparatus is actively formed. The oculomotor muscles are strengthened. The baby already more confidently fixes his gaze on a horizontally moving object (toy, person) and turns his head after him, but it is still difficult for him to catch the vertical movement. He more clearly distinguishes the outlines of objects, but so far they are visible in two dimensions: length and width. nine0003
At the same time, the world begins to be filled with more and more diverse colorful shades. At this age, newborns already distinguish between red and green. Cold (blue, cyan) shades will become available later, since there are fewer photoreceptors in the retina that capture the short-wavelength part of the spectrum. Hang a mobile above the crib at a distance of 40-50 cm - it helps to strengthen the ciliary muscles well, as the baby follows objects by moving his eyes. It is also recommended to carry the child around the apartment, show objects and name them. The baby also recognizes the faces of loved ones that he sees all the time. nine0003
• 4-6 months: grab it, otherwise it will run away!
From three months of age to six months, children's vision continues to develop rapidly. There is a formation of the macula - the zone of the retina responsible for central vision, the visual centers in the cerebral cortex. The child already quite clearly distinguishes the faces of the parents, facial features, facial expressions. The most exciting activity for him during this period is playing with his own hands and feet. In addition, along with the visual function, a grasping reflex develops, since the baby is interested in exploring a clearly visible object. nine0003
4-6 months is an important period, parents need to be especially careful. By this time, infantile strabismus should be gone, as the oculomotor muscles are already working quite well. If this does not happen, then you need to urgently visit an ophthalmologist and conduct a thorough examination. In addition, during the same period, the doctor must examine the state of the organs of vision and finally make sure that there are no obstacles to their further development (congenital glaucoma, retinopathy of prematurity, and others). nine0003
• 7-12 months: exploration of space
This is the period of development of motor activity: the baby actively crawls, moves in a walker, tries to take the first independent steps, holding on to furniture. He begins to understand the difference in the shape of objects (for example, he distinguishes a cube and rings), strings rings on the axis of the pyramid, in a word, violently cognizes objects and distances (an aspect of assessing the distance of binocular vision). During this period, you should be especially careful, as the child causes a lot of injury to himself, grabbing everything and trying to put it in his mouth, as well as falling off the couch or bed. nine0003
Binocular vision of newborns
Binocularity is a property of vision in which the image on both retinas is combined into one three-dimensional image. Binocular vision also helps to determine the shape of objects, the distance to them or between them. In its absence, for any reason, the child develops pathologies: strabismus, amblyopia, myopia, and others.
In the period of up to a year there is an active development of the near space - an important stage in the development of binocular vision. At two or three months, the baby still sees objects in two dimensions (width and height), but touch helps him to supplement them with volume (adding depth). The child gets the first idea about the volume of objects. nine0003
At 4-5 months of life, a grasping reflex develops, while the direction of movement is determined correctly, but there are still difficulties with estimating the distance to the object. Also, the baby is not able to fully appreciate the volume: he tries to grab the sun glare or moving shadows with his hands.
After six months, the development of distant space begins. The tactile reflex replaces active crawling, and after 10 months - walking. At the same time, the child learns to estimate the distances to the object to which he is moving, there comes an understanding that you can fall from the edge of the bed. nine0003
Binocular vision in newborns immediately after birth is still absent due to the incompletely formed eye apparatus. But at 6-8 weeks, he should already be able to fix his eyes on an object, at 3-4 months this should become the norm. Parents should pay special attention to this.
Color vision in the first year of life
Color vision is formed due to cones - special color receptors in the eyes. They perceive wavelengths of the spectrum of a certain length, and the brain interprets these signals. Babies' brain cells begin translating these signals around two months of age. At first, children are able to perceive red, yellow, bright green colors - those that have a longer wavelength. Only later, by six months, the baby is distinguished by the blue color. Disorders associated with the lack of color vision can be identified only when the baby learns to understand the meanings of words and can show with his finger where the red is and where the green is. In general, in children under one year old, there are four categories of color: red, yellow, blue, green. Shades such as pink or purple, they begin to understand with the development of speech. nine0003
What should be done to help the correct formation of vision in newborns?
During the period of active formation of the visual apparatus up to a year of a child's life, his children's room should be properly decorated. Do not glue too colorful wallpaper. It is better to place bright objects of different colors and sizes, from different materials, on a neutral background. It can be purchased toys, and home-made, or some kind of household item, it is important that it does not harm the child. Exploring objects of various shapes and materials, the baby forms stereoscopic vision, his own idea of the world around him. nine0003
Do not overwhelm the baby with many toys at the same time. Let there be several of them, and when he begins to lose interest in them, replace them with others. With a variety of objects, the child will grab one or the other, without examining thoroughly and constantly being distracted.
How to identify visual impairments in newborns?
The very first examination of the baby's eye is carried out in the maternity hospital for congenital diseases, then it is necessary to carry out preventive examinations at 1 month, 3 months, six months and a year. At the same time, in the process of growth, one should pay attention to certain factors. nine0003
• pupils of different diameters;
• pupils do not constrict in bright light;
• the child does not fix his eyes on the object after 2 months;
• strabismus persists after 3 months;
• frequent lacrimation or cloudy pupil.
All these are reasons for an urgent unscheduled visit to the ophthalmologist, they can be signs of dangerous pathologies. If the family has hereditary eye diseases or the mother suffered any serious illness during pregnancy, then special care must be taken in this case. Some diseases parents cannot recognize, for example, retinoblastoma (retinal tumor), and when they feel something is wrong, it may be too late. nine0003
Early prevention of the correct development of the visual apparatus in children
The formation of a baby's eyes begins long before his birth. 3-12 weeks is the most important period of intrauterine development, at this time the most important vital organs and systems are laid down, and the little man is very susceptible to destructive actions.