Early signs of pregnancy nosebleed
Weird early pregnancy symptoms: Unusual signs
Taking a pregnancy test is the only way to be certain of pregnancy, but some early symptoms might suggest that a woman is pregnant.
During the first trimester of pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur that can lead to symptoms. Some of these symptoms may appear even in the very first weeks of pregnancy.
In this article, we discuss some possible weird early pregnancy symptoms, as well as when to see a doctor.
Most people are aware of some of the most common early signs of pregnancy, such as vomiting, known as morning sickness, and a missed period. However, there are many other potential signs of pregnancy, and not everyone will experience them all.
Some weird early signs of pregnancy include:
Nosebleeds are quite common in pregnancy due to the hormonal changes that happen in the body. Nosebleeds are rarely serious, and they tend to be manageable at home.
Learn more about managing nosebleeds here.
Mood swings
Mood swings are a result of hormonal changes in the first few weeks of pregnancy.
Pregnant women may feel more emotional than they usually do. Heightened emotions are perfectly normal at this time, but they can often be worth discussing with a healthcare provider.
A pregnant woman may experience headaches due to the increased estrogen levels in the body. Stress or fatigue can also cause tension headaches.
Women should check with their healthcare provider before taking any medication while pregnant, including over-the-counter pain relievers.
Blood pressure can drop during early pregnancy because the blood vessels dilate to send more blood to the uterus. Reduced blood pressure can lead to dizziness, which may also occur due to fatigue, low blood sugar levels, and stress.
Eating small, regular meals and trying to keep stress under control can help.
Another early sign of pregnancy that many women experience is acne. Some women already have acne but notice that it gets worse during pregnancy.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggest the following for managing acne during pregnancy:
- washing the face twice a day with a mild cleanser and lukewarm water
- refraining from picking or squeezing acne sores to lessen possible scarring
- choosing oil-free cosmetics
- checking with a healthcare professional before using any products to ensure that they are safe to use during pregnancy
Learn more about managing acne here.
Stronger sense of smell
Another symptom of early pregnancy is a heightened sense of smell. This symptom may present as a reduced tolerance for certain smells, or a woman may simply become more sensitive to smell. In some cases, this sensitivity may contribute to nausea.
Strange taste in the mouth
Experts believe that hormonal changes can cause a condition called dysgeusia in some pregnant women. Some women complain of having a metallic taste in their mouth or too much saliva.
Although these symptoms may be bothersome and inconvenient, they are not a cause for concern.
Most women experience vaginal discharge at various points throughout their menstrual cycle. Discharge that is clear, white, or sticky is normal during pregnancy and can be an early sign of pregnancy.
It is best to visit a healthcare provider if the discharge:
- is not white or clear
- smells bad
- occurs alongside itching, pain, or soreness
Cravings and aversions
During early pregnancy, women may have a changing relationship with food. Foods that they once loved may suddenly taste repulsive, and they may now crave foods that they never liked previously.
Anyone who starts to crave nonfood items — a condition known as pica — should contact their healthcare provider.
Another common symptom of pregnancy is feeling very tired, or even exhausted, particularly in early pregnancy.
This fatigue is due to the many hormonal changes that take place in the body at this time.
Learn more about fatigue here.
Shortness of breath
The increase in the hormone progesterone that occurs in the first few weeks of pregnancy can cause women to breathe more frequently than usual. As a result, they can feel as though they have shortness of breath.
Shortness of breath describes the feeling of being unable to get enough air into the lungs when breathing normally.
Rhinitis is the official name for the runny nose that many women experience during pregnancy.
A humidifier, saline drops, or a saline rinse may help treat congestion.
Hormonal changes may cause some women to become constipated during pregnancy. The elevated progesterone levels relax the bowel walls, which can make it harder to pass stool. This symptom is more common later in pregnancy, but it can affect some women in the first trimester.
Learn more about constipation in pregnancy here.
These symptoms are not a confirmation of pregnancy. Anyone who suspects that they may be pregnant should take a pregnancy test to confirm.
If pregnant women experience any of the above symptoms to the extent that it causes them distress, they should visit a doctor as soon as possible.
While some of the symptoms can be a mild inconvenience, others can occasionally be more severe and require medical attention.
There is some overlap between premenstrual symptoms, side effects from hormonal birth control, and early pregnancy symptoms. For instance, they can all include constipation, headaches, feeling tired, and having mood swings.
Therefore, although the above symptoms can occur in early pregnancy, their appearance does not definitively mean that a woman is pregnant. The only way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test.
Nosebleeds during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Nosebleeds during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content3-minute read
Nosebleeds during pregnancy are fairly common. Although they can be alarming, in most cases there's no need to worry and you should be able to treat a bleeding nose yourself.
Why are nosebleeds common during pregnancy?
During your first trimester the amount of blood circulating in your body increases and your heart works harder. This means that the lining of your nasal passage (inside your nose) also receives more blood. You have tiny blood vessels inside your nose so the increased blood volume can sometimes damage those blood vessels and cause them to burst, resulting in a nosebleed.
Changes in your hormones during pregnancy can also contribute to nosebleeds.
These changes can make your nose feel congested (stuffy) and it might get more blocked up than usual. Your gums may also feel swollen and may bleed.
A nosebleed may last for a few seconds or a few minutes, and can flow from one or both nostrils. The blood flow can be light or quite heavy. If a nosebleed happens at night, while you’re sleeping, you may wake up feeling the blood going down the back of your throat before you sit up. It will then come out of your nose.
Are nosebleeds during pregnancy a cause for concern?
Nosebleeds can give you a fright or be a nuisance, but as long as you don’t lose a lot of blood, they are generally nothing to be worried about. In most cases, a nosebleed won’t harm you or your baby.
How do I stop a nosebleed if I have one?
- Sitting or standing, keep your head upright. This reduces the pressure in the blood vessels inside your nose and will help to slow down the bleeding.
- Pinch the soft part of your nose, underneath the bony ridge, between your thumb and forefinger. Once you have done this, the two sides of your nose should be pressed together.
- Keep pinching, without releasing, for 10 minutes.
- If your nose is bleeding a lot, you may want to lean slightly forward and breathe through your mouth so the blood runs out of your nose, rather than down the back of your throat.
- Spit out any blood that is in your mouth.
- You may also want to suck an ice cube or put an icepack on the back of your neck or forehead, or the bony part of your nose.
- After 10 minutes, gently release your pinch to see if the bleeding has stopped.
- If your nose is still bleeding, try this procedure again for another 10 minutes.
How can I avoid a nose bleed?
If you are blowing your nose, do so gently and try to avoid large sneezes. You should also avoid picking your nose. You could be more likely to get nosebleeds in winter months when the air is dryer, so you may like to use a dehumidifier in your home to moisten the air.
If you’ve recently had a nosebleed:
- Sneeze with your mouth open.
- Try to avoid bending down or vigorously exercising for at least 12 hours afterwards.
- Avoid hitting your nose on anything.
When should I see a doctor?
Let your doctor know straight away if your nosebleed happens after bumping your head.
You should also contact your doctor if:
- you have high blood pressure
- you have taken the steps above and your nosebleed hasn’t stopped after 20 minutes
- you have trouble breathing through your mouth
- there seems to be a large amount of blood
- you are getting nosebleeds frequently
- you have swallowed a lot of blood and vomited
- you have a fever or chill
For more information, or to discuss any concerns you might have about nosebleeds, call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436.
Healthy WA (Healthy WA - Nose bleeds), Mater Mothers Hospital (Pregnancy information for women and families), NHS Choices (Nosebleeds in pregnancy), Raising Children Network (15 weeks pregnant), St John Ambulance Australia (First aid tip: nosebleeds)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: June 2021
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Need more information?
Nosebleeds - MyDr.com.au
What causes nosebleeds? How can I prevent them? What first aid measures can I use to stop a nosebleed? Find out here.
Read more on myDr website
Nosebleeds in children: what to do | Raising Children Network
Nosebleeds in children are very common. Nosebleed treatment starts with staying calm and applying pressure to the nose. Nosebleeds aren’t usually serious.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Nosebleeds - Better Health Channel
Bleeding from the nose is common in children and is usually not severe or serious.
Read more on Better Health Channel website
Nose bleeds
Nose bleeds can occur when the blood vessels or the lining or the nose become damaged.
Read more on WA Health website
Pale skin: babies, children & teens | Raising Children Network
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Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Using your allergy nasal spray correctly - National Asthma Council Australia
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Read more on National Asthma Council Australia website
Bruises & bruising in children & teens | Raising Children Network
If your child falls over or bumps himself, he might get bruises. Bruising is when blood vessels are damaged and bleed into the skin. First aid can help.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Pregnancy health problems & complications | Raising Children Network
Many pregnancy health problems are mild, but always call your doctor if you’re worried about symptoms. A healthy lifestyle can help you avoid health problems.
Read more on raisingchildren.net.au website
Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) - Leukaemia Foundation
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Childhood acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) - Leukaemia Foundation
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unusual symptoms in pregnant women
Pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, morning sickness and frequent urination are known to almost everyone. But there are other strange signs of early pregnancy that your body sends to announce the birth of a new life - you definitely don’t know anything about them.
Ksenia Ilchenko
Signs of early pregnancy
Despite the knowledge of physiological processes, each woman's pregnancy is unique. There is a difference in everything - starting from what first signs of pregnancy the expectant mother will notice, and ending with how her state of health will change by the time of childbirth. Even the same woman who has given birth to several children can have different symptoms and signs of pregnancy each time. nine0003
In addition, the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages may feel similar to the sensations before and during menstruation, so the woman does not immediately understand that conception has occurred.
Reliable signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be observed no earlier than 8-10 days from the moment of fertilization of the egg, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus and the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), begins to be produced in the mother's body. But it must be borne in mind that this is the approximate time of implantation of the embryo, for each woman this period is individual. nine0003
The most common presumptive signs of early pregnancy:
- Delayed menstruation. However, it is worth remembering that there can be many reasons for a violation of the cycle, and in order to accurately determine the first signs of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude possible causes of delay, such as stress, menopause, excessive physical activity, lack or vice versa, excess weight and others.
- Toxicosis. Morning sickness and malaise are the most common first sign of pregnancy before menstruation. nine0022
- Changes in appetite and eating habits. An aversion to certain foods may appear, a desire to eat spicy, sour, inedible appears.
- Unstable emotional state.
- Change in sexual desire. This happens due to a change in the sensitivity of many receptors in the body of a pregnant woman.
- Fatigue and drowsiness.
- Frequent urination.
- High or low blood pressure and dizziness. nine0022
- Soreness of the mammary glands.
- Cramping and pain in the lower abdomen.
- The appearance of spider veins not only on the legs, but also on the face, neck, chest.
- Weight gain.
Important! Some symptoms and signs are not exclusive to pregnant women. They can be a manifestation of diseases. We recommend that you consult a doctor if you feel any changes.
The most key and reliable signs of early pregnancy will be:
- detection of a high concentration of the hCG hormone in the blood and urine;
- changes in the internal genital organs and the presence of an embryo (detected using ultrasound diagnostics).
The strangest signs of pregnancy
Stuffy nose
Do you wake up with a blocked nose? Or do you have to clean it more often than usual? This may be a sign of early pregnancy. The reason for this is the increased production of mucous secretions during pregnancy. And by the way, it's not just in your nose! nine0003
Metallic taste
Taste bud changes, also known as dysgeusia, usually resolve after the first trimester but may persist throughout pregnancy. One of the strangest symptoms of early pregnancy is described by women as “mouth full of change” or “as if I’m licking the railing.”
The increase in progesterone during pregnancy slows down the digestion process - as a result, gases now form longer. Women in the early stages of pregnancy are often in a state of "balloon". nine0003
Bleeding from the gums and nose
This is another common sign of early pregnancy. Due to the increase in the level of female sex hormones, the gums become inflamed and may start to bleed while brushing or flossing. Pregnancy also provokes vasodilation in the nose, which can cause bleeding.
Since we are talking about the functions of the body, it is worth mentioning one more sign of early pregnancy. Disturbances in the work of the intestines are caused by the same hormonal changes. You may have to put a book in the toilet! nine0003
Vivid dreams and nightmares
Expectant mothers often have vivid dreams and nightmares. One of the reasons for this strangest sign of pregnancy is all the same notorious hormonal changes. But there is another explanation: the sleep of a pregnant woman is often interrupted due to going to the toilet, the movements of the child or convulsions, and the fresher the dream, the higher the likelihood of remembering its content.
A woman's body often reacts to the birth of a new life with one of the signs of early pregnancy - a decrease in blood pressure. In addition, as the abdomen grows, the center of gravity changes. All this leads to the fact that a pregnant woman begins to unsteadily stand on her own feet. nine0003
Unfortunately, there are more unpleasant signs of pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the uterus increasingly compresses the inferior vena cava, a large blood vessel that runs in the right side of the body. An increase in pressure in the pelvic area leads to a reduction in blood flow to the legs - and, as a result, such an unpleasant disease as varicose veins develops.
Alas, this is not the end! Stagnant processes can spread throughout the body. It is not uncommon for pregnant women to compare their body to a road map because of the web of blue veins protruding from it. nine0003
Outward signs of pregnancy: unusual behavior of older children
Changes in the body are felt not only by the expectant mother. Pregnant women who already have children say that a very strange sign of pregnancy appears in the early stages - already existing children become more capricious and require more attention. And in any case, do not panic - children need time to adapt to a change in status, becoming older, and they feel the changes long before the birth of a sister or brother, because the mother begins to behave at least not much, but in a different way. And it’s not for nothing that children are called “locators”, capturing the slightest fluctuations in their mother’s state and mood. Hugs, spending time together and a psychologist will help gently prepare children for the birth of a new family member. nine0003
Source: kidspot.com.au
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Dried blood in the nose of pregnant women is a temporary phenomenon. Nosebleeds in early pregnancy
Why does nose bleed during pregnancy? It is with this question that expectant mothers, concerned about sudden nosebleeds, turn to the doctor. What is it - a norm or a pathology? And how can periodical affect the development of the child? nine0003
Nosebleeds in expectant mothers: should I be concerned?
Blood from the nose during pregnancy can go both in the early and late periods, but the causes of this phenomenon, depending on the time of occurrence, can vary significantly. To begin with, let's figure out why such bleeding occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy.
In fact, nosebleeds in early pregnancy may be one of the signs of physiological changes associated with childbearing. Already in the first weeks in the body of a woman, the level of progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining and developing pregnancy, begins to increase. nine0003
This hormone has a huge impact on all the vital systems of the expectant mother, including the circulatory system.
Due to the action of progesterone, blood circulation is increased in all parts of the body. An increased amount of blood in the vessels causes thinning and fragility of the vascular walls, so the capillaries in the nose simply cannot withstand pressure and burst at the slightest overvoltage, causing bleeding from the nasal passages.
Progesterone also causes increased production of nasal mucus, causing swelling of the nasal mucosa and rhinitis. To clear the sinuses and make breathing easier, a pregnant woman often has to blow her nose, which further injures the walls of blood vessels, can lead to their rupture and blood from the nasal passages. The action of progesterone lasts almost the entire pregnancy, decreasing only just before the birth, so nosebleeds can accompany the second trimester and the last third of pregnancy. nine0003
The causes of an unpleasant phenomenon may not always be physiological. After 20 weeks, the risk of developing a dangerous complication - preeclampsia, which is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, increases significantly. A hypertensive surge provokes an increase in pressure in the vessels, and sometimes in the later stages, blood from the nose comes precisely because of this. The third trimester is the period when gestosis appears most often.
Accompanying nosebleeds in this case will be not only high blood pressure, but also the presence of protein in urine tests, as well as noticeable swelling of the hands, feet and face. nine0003
Other causes of nosebleeds during pregnancy include:
- lack of vitamins and nutrients;
- nose injuries;
- dryness of the nasal mucosa;
- blood clotting disorder.
Periodic nosebleeds are not a cause for concern. But if during pregnancy the nose bleeds too often and strongly, this must be reported to the doctor, who, if necessary, will prescribe an additional examination or refer the expectant mother to an appointment with a specialist - an otorhinolaryngologist or a hematologist. nine0003
How can I help myself with a nosebleed?
Although nosebleeds during pregnancy most often do not pose any danger to a woman and her baby, this phenomenon is rather unpleasant: it can plunge a pregnant woman into panic. In such a situation, you should first of all pull yourself together, calm down and try to stop the bleeding yourself by doing the following:
- Sit down and slightly tilt your head forward. It is believed that tilting the head back helps stop the bleeding, but in fact, such movements are contraindicated for nosebleeds, since in this case the blood can enter the larynx and cause vomiting. For the same reason, when bleeding from the nose, it is not recommended to lie down. nine0022
- Apply a cloth soaked in cold water or ice wrapped in a thin towel to the nose. The cold constricts the blood vessels and helps stop the bleeding.
- Do not try to clear the nasal passages of blood by blowing your nose - this will only increase the bleeding.
- You can press the nostrils against the nasal septum and breathe through the nose for a while. Usually after a few minutes the bleeding stops.
- If the bleeding is severe enough, it is recommended to insert cotton wool lightly moistened with hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages. nine0022
In most cases, these actions will quickly stop the bleeding, but if the bleeding does not stop, you should immediately seek medical help.
The best way to prevent nosebleeds during pregnancy is prevention. It is necessary to carefully monitor the nasal cavity, regularly clean the mucosa using mild moisturizers (saline or sea water-based sprays). These measures may not be enough if the pregnant woman is constantly in a room with dry air. nine0003
To humidify the atmosphere, regularly ventilate or use special humidifiers. Walking on the street will also be very useful, especially in a park or near water bodies.
In addition, it is very important to eat right and take vitamin complexes for expectant mothers. With increased fragility of the walls of blood vessels, it is recommended to include foods rich in calcium, rutin and ascorbic acid in the diet. With the development of gestosis, salty dishes should be excluded from the menu. nine0003
In the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy, you should carefully monitor blood pressure and swelling in order to notice signs of preeclampsia in time and consult a doctor as soon as possible. And yet, it should be remembered that in most cases, rare nosebleeds that occur during pregnancy are caused by a natural restructuring of the female body and are not associated with any pathologies, so do not panic: this is a temporary phenomenon, and most often it does not represent dangers for the course of pregnancy and the development of the child. nine0003
During pregnancy, a woman's body is exposed to increased stress, because it must ensure not only its own life, but also the life of the fetus. The most famous and common problem during this period is toxicosis, but few people know about nosebleeds. This is not surprising - after all, the respiratory tract is not at all part of the body's reproductive system, and it is difficult to associate such a symptom with pregnancy.
Meanwhile, nosebleeds in pregnant women can go quite often. For some doctors, nosebleeds may even be one of the first signs of a patient's "interesting situation". And many pregnant women experience such an unpleasant symptom literally every day. Is this the norm? nine0003
Why can blood come out of the nose during pregnancy? The fact is that with the development of the fetus, the volume of blood circulating in the body of a woman increases, but the vascular system retains its previous dimensions. Accordingly, the blood expands the vessels, increasing blood pressure. The vessels of the nose are the weakest, and during pregnancy they become even more fragile. This is also facilitated by a change in the hormonal background - an abundance of female hormones softens the mucous membranes of the whole organism. nine0003
The capillaries of the nose are located very close to the surface and the blood easily breaks them with its pressure. Immediately after this, bleeding begins.
How worrisome is this symptom?
During pregnancy, you should listen very sensitively to any signals from your own body. Any change in the state of health can be a harbinger of formidable disorders. Blood coming from the nose during pregnancy, as a rule, signals only a slight increase in pressure. However, if a woman initially suffers from hypertension, she should definitely consult a doctor. After all, the blood strongly presses also on the vessels of the uterus (and not just the nose), which can even provoke a miscarriage. nine0003
For more accurate self-diagnosis during pregnancy, it is worthwhile to pay attention to other changes in well-being, because with an increase in pressure, not only does the nose bleed, but also dizziness, weakness and darkening of the eyes appear. Mild nosebleeds during pregnancy are not particularly dangerous in themselves unless there are other signs .
How to act
If a woman is in a public place and does not want to draw attention to herself, you can simply press a handkerchief, napkin to your nose or pinch your nostril with your fingers for a while. This time is enough to go to the toilet or any secluded place. If the pregnant woman is at home, she should tilt her head down to allow the blood to flow out and not in. When the flow dries up, you need to carefully rinse your nose with running water using ordinary cotton swabs or hydrogen peroxide. nine0003
If the dried blood is not completely removed, you can periodically lubricate the nasal cavity with medicated oil - for example, sea buckthorn or calendula oil. This will not only remove the effects of bleeding, but also heal broken capillaries. Another good way to quickly stop bleeding is exposure to cold - the head is tilted down, and ice wrapped in a cloth or a cold spoon is applied to the bridge of the nose.
A pregnant woman should always tell her doctor about any health problems, especially hypertension. To increase the elasticity of blood vessels and their resistance, vitamin C or the drug ascorutin is often prescribed. nine0003
Expectant mother should not be overstressed (nervous, lifting weights, very tired) and work in stressful conditions. All these factors contribute to high blood pressure and can put the baby at risk.
If nosebleeds are mild, but they bother you quite often, this is also a reason for an unscheduled visit to the hospital. The doctor must definitely check what is their cause.
Pregnancy for a woman is a normal physiological process, which results in external and internal changes in the female body. During this period, hormonal changes occur, as a result of which the functioning of many systems of the female body, including the cardiovascular system, changes significantly. In particular, blood flow increases, the permeability and fragility of blood vessels increase, which often leads to the occurrence of epistaxis - nosebleeds. nine0003
The human nose performs important functions, including moistening the inhaled air masses, warming them and cleaning them from dust. In addition, the nose performs olfactory functions, differentiating various odors. The mucous membrane of the nose is characterized by increased blood supply, which is carried out from the main arteries through an extensive network of capillaries.
Epistaxis or epistaxis is a fairly common pathological condition, and is a symptom of many diseases. Often it occurs in women during pregnancy, when, against the background of an increase in body weight, the development of the placenta and fetus, there is an increase in blood flow in the vessels. nine0003
Sinus bleeding may be mild and infrequent, and therefore usually not serious or cause serious concern by the attending physician. However, quite often they occur in the case of the development of pathology and are a sign of a serious illness, which, ultimately, can lead to serious consequences. What are the causes of nosebleeds in women that occur during pregnancy?
Hormonal changes nine0214
During pregnancy, against the background of an increase in female sex hormones - progesterone and estrogen, there is a change in the work of many systems, including the cardiovascular system.
Due to the increase in blood flow in the vessels and arteries, capillaries are filled, as a result of which they break, and a certain amount of blood flows out of the sinuses. The rupture of the vessels contributes to the drying of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which the walls become thinner, brittle, and even a light load leads to bleeding. nine0003
Lack of vitamin K and calcium
During pregnancy, a woman's body gives a significant part of the vitamins and microelements to the developing fetus, and the replenishment of these nutrients and essential substances is much slower. As a result, the expectant mother may experience a deficiency of vitamins, which affects the state of health.
In particular , it has been proven that it is the lack of calcium and vitamin K that increases the permeability and fragility of blood vessels nine0214, which leads to nosebleeds. To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, a pregnant woman is recommended to take multivitamin complexes and preparations containing calcium.
Injuries of the nose
The occurrence of nosebleeds is promoted by various congenital or past injuries of the nose, including deviated septum, displacement of cartilage and other pathologies. In these cases, you should contact the ENT doctor, who, after the examination, will advise and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment. nine0003
Hyperthermia - elevated temperature
The development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, accompanied by persistent fever, negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, resulting in impaired blood flow, increased vascular permeability and fragility, and nasal bleeding occurs.
Arterial hypertension
An increase in blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria) are symptoms of developing preeclampsia - late toxicosis that occurs in many women. This leads to circulatory disorders, and as a consequence to the pre-eclamptic and eclamptic state. nine0003
A characteristic manifestation of this pathology are minor nosebleeds, headaches and "flies" before the eyes. Arterial hypertension is considered a dangerous condition for a pregnant woman, as it leads to fetal hypoxia and death.
If you bleed frequently during pregnancy?
When nosebleeds appear, do not panic, but determine the degree of bleeding, the amount of blood released and immediately consult a doctor. Based on an external examination, rhinoscopy (examination of the sinuses), pharyngoscopy (examination of the throat and larynx), the doctor determines the type of bleeding - “anterior” or “rear”, the degree of danger of this pathology. nine0003
Usually, bleeding from anterior bleeding is minor and does not pose a threat to the mother or fetus. If nosebleeds occur often enough and are accompanied by profuse blood loss, they pose a real threat to the health of the expectant mother. And if they are not associated with an increase in blood pressure, then they may indicate problems with blood clotting.
To do this, the doctor will offer to take a blood clotting test, and depending on the results of the test, he will choose the treatment tactics. In the absence of a pathological process in the body, a complex of vitamins and minerals is usually prescribed, as well as drugs that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. nine0003
If a pathology is detected, a qualified consultation with a hematologist will be required, who will prescribe an additional examination. If frequent bleeding is caused precisely by an abrupt increase in pressure, then it is necessary to take drugs that normalize blood pressure.
Pregnancy Nosebleed First Aid
Normally moderate nosebleeds can be managed at home. For this you need:
- seat the pregnant woman in a comfortable position;
- tilt head forward;
- open the window for fresh air;
- put a swab with ice on the bridge of the nose;
- close the nostril with your finger and hold for 8-10 minutes.
In case of heavy bleeding, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the bleeding nostril, it is strictly forbidden to blow your nose and tilt your head back. You should not take a horizontal position, as this can lead to blood entering the stomach, nausea and vomiting. nine0003
As a preventive measure, you should:
- drink enough liquid;
- regularly ventilate the room and humidify the air;
- to be outdoors every day, regardless of the weather;
- regular visits to the doctor and timely treatment of diseases;
- , if necessary, moisten the nasal mucosa with special means: sprays, sea water, petroleum jelly.
It should be remembered that this ailment is temporary, and with the birth of the baby, it will go away on its own.
Blood clotted in the nose: where does it come from? Is it dangerous for health? What does clotted blood in the nose mean? Am I sick of something? Many of these questions are asked by people who often encounter dried blood in their noses. It should be noted right away that blood does not appear just like that, out of nowhere - there are always reasons for this.
Why the blood in the nose is baked - the reasons may be different. In order to find the real source of the appearance of dried blood in the nose, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination prescribed by him. After that, you can start treatment and preventive measures. nine0003
The main causes of clotted blood in the nasal cavity can be:
- damaged mucous membrane;
- excessively dry indoor air;
- taking certain antibacterial drugs;
- frequent colds;
- rhinitis;
- past nosebleeds;
- allergic reactions;
- viral infections;
- congenital deviated septum;
- sinusitis; nine0022
- adenoiditis;
- sinusitis;
- chronic atrophic inflammation;
- age-related changes;
- hormonal failure;
- presence of small wounds in the nose, etc.
It is necessary to pay attention to the problem if dried blood in the nose is a fairly common occurrence. A doctor will help to deal with the cause of this ailment, who will refer the patient for examination and delivery of the biomaterial for analysis. Based on the data received from the laboratory, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment and preventive measures. nine0003
Blood on blowing nose - where does it come from?
People who blow their noses with nosebleeds are often very frightened, thinking that they are ill with something. And sometimes they are right - the presence of blood can really indicate the development of certain ailments, and blood is a kind of signal about this. What to do in such a situation? How can you help yourself or a loved one?
One of the most common causes of bloody discharge is broken capillaries, the contents of which mix with mucus and then come out when you blow your nose. Due to the fact that the amount of blood in that case is small, it bakes rather quickly, then dries up, so in most cases a person does not even notice what is happening to him. The reason why the capillaries burst can only be established by an otolaryngologist. That is why a visit to him should not be postponed - the sooner the doctor examines the patient, the faster the person will get rid of the ailment. nine0003
Bleeding in the nose when blowing your nose can also occur as a result of too dry air that a person breathes daily. Usually the air becomes dry during the period when the heating is intensively working in the room, in production conditions. Also, very dry air prevails in some climatic zones. When exposed to such conditions, the nasal mucosa instantly dries up, which can provoke a rupture of the capillaries.
Taking certain medications is another cause of clotted nose. The fact is that some drugs have a drying effect, and with their regular or prolonged use, the mucous membrane in a person’s nose can dry out. As a result, the vessels contract, burst, the blood flows out of them into the nasal cavity, baked, and then mixed with mucus. Blowing your nose, a person discovers secretions that contain blood fragments. nine0003
Pregnancy nosebleed
Pregnant women often draw the doctor's attention to the appearance of gore in the nose. Future mothers, fearing for the life and health of the baby, are usually very frightened by such a phenomenon, and ask the doctor to prescribe some kind of treatment. However, first it is necessary to find out the reason why women have blood during the period of gestation.
Nosebleeds during pregnancy in the third trimester, as well as in the first and second trimesters, may be associated with high blood pressure. Too high pressure during pregnancy is a serious reason to consult a doctor, as it negatively affects uteroplacental blood flow. Even if the values of the mercury column during the next pressure surge are 10-20 mm higher than usual, it is still necessary to consult a doctor for advice and a solution to the problem. nine0003
To prevent bursting of vessels in pregnant women, it is recommended:
- to ventilate the room more often, especially before going to bed,
- drink plenty of liquids - both pure water and fruit drinks, compotes,
- gently blow your nose,
- prevent drying of the nasal mucosa,
- regularly humidify a room where most of the day passes,
- more walk in the fresh air.