Cat litter pregnancy myth
Yale Physician Reviews Research to Dispel Myth About Pregnant Women and Cats
A pregnant woman is at higher risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, which can cause great harm to the fetus, from eating undercooked meat than from the family cat and its litter box, a Yale researcher says in a newly published research paper.
September 26, 2002
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A pregnant woman is at higher risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, which can cause great harm to the fetus, from eating undercooked meat than from the family cat and its litter box, a Yale researcher says in a newly published research paper.
“It is more likely for a pregnant woman to acquire toxoplasmosis from eating undercooked meat or from contacting soil without gloves,” said Jeffrey Kravetz, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine and lead author of the review article published in the September issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.
Toxoplasmosis is found throughout the world, predominantly in cultures that eat raw meat. There are about 3,000 cases of congenital toxoplasmosis in the United States each year. Transmission of toxoplasmosis from cats to humans rarely occurs, Kravetz said, because if the cats are infected it is only for two weeks of their lives, usually as kittens. Also, regular cleaning of a cat’s litter should diminish contact with infective feces.
Kravetz, who owns two cats, said he decided to look into the matter when his wife became pregnant with their first child and friends began asking what he was doing to protect his wife from the cats.
“Everyone always asks how to behave with cats,” he said. “The unofficial recommendation is to avoid cats when pregnant to lower the risk of toxoplasmosis.”
Although cats can transmit many diseases, many pet owners are more likely to get infected when scratched by an outdoor cat or when they neglect routine veterinary care and basic personal hygiene.
“There are at least 57 million pet cats living in one third of all households in the United States,” said Kravetz. “As common household pets, they serve as sources of joy and companionship for their owners. However, feline ownership also comes with its own inherent risks as cats can transmit an array of diseases to their owners, ranging from trivial to fatal ailments. By understanding the pathogenesis of cat-associated disease, owners and their pets can live together with little risk of disease transmission.”
Overall, outdoor cats pose more of a risk of infection than indoor cats. Cats are more likely than dogs to infect humans when they bite them (more than 400,000 cat bites occur in the United States each year) because their teeth are long and sharp. Between 28 percent and 80 percent of cat bites are complicated by infection. Severe complications include meningitis, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis and endocarditis.
Another among several feline transmitted diseases - cat scratch disease (CSD) - is relatively common. There are about 22,000 cases each year leading to 2,000 hospitalizations. Complications from CSD can range from mild to extreme.
“Despite the statistics on cat scratches and infections, the risk of serious illness resulting from having a cat is still minimal,” said Kravetz.
Simple preventive measures, such as washing hands before eating, using gloves when gardening and changing the litter daily can reduce the risk of acquiring diseases from a cat. Also, routine veterinary care, including appropriate vaccinations, deworming and care for sick animals, should reduce the risk of disease transmission.
Daniel Federman, M.D., associate professor internal medicine at Yale School of Medicine, was senior author of the article.
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Pregnancy and toxoplasmosis | The Humane Society of the United States
The myth about cats giving pregnant women toxoplasmosis has been causing misery for a long time. Pregnant women can transmit toxoplasmosis, a rare parasitic disease, to their unborn babies, and a toxoplasmosis infection can lead to miscarriage or cause malformed babies.
Since toxoplasmosis can be transmitted via contact with cat feces, many pregnant women are told to lower their risk by giving away their cats or by putting their cats outside. Neither is necessary.
The CDC says your cat isn't the greatest threat
It's unlikely that your cat will give you toxoplasmosis. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "people are more likely to get [toxoplasmosis] from eating raw meat or from gardening." To help keep your and your baby safe, the HSUS has put together tips for avoiding exposure to toxoplasmosis.
Other animals can transmit toxoplasmosis
Cats get toxoplasmosis from eating contaminated raw meat, birds, mice, or soil. But cats aren't the only animals who can transmit it, they're just the only species to shed the infectious stage in their feces. Humans can contract toxoplasmosis from the infected, undercooked meat of other animals, too.
Understanding the disease can make you feel safer
An understanding of the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and the role that cats play in disease transmission can allay fears of cats' role in the disease.
T. gondii is a protozoan organism that can infect all mammals, who serve as intermediate hosts. Once a cat has been infected with toxoplasmosis, he typically acquires immunity and can only rarely get reinfected. So, normally, it is only during a cat's first exposure to T. gondii that he will excrete potentially infectious oocysts (reproducing microorganisms). In addition, oocysts are not immediately infective, requiring an incubation period of one to five days.
How humans get toxoplasmosis
Humans most commonly contract the disease from the consumption of undercooked meat, which contains T. gondii within tissue cysts. A less common method of acquisition is through direct ingestion of infective oocysts. Finally, transplacental transmission of the disease to an unborn child can occur when the mother gets a primary infection while pregnant.
The likelihood of contracting toxoplasmosis
Because it's difficult for cats to transmit toxoplasmosis directly to their caregivers, a pregnant woman is generally unlikely to contract the disease from her pet cat.
Several factors keep the chance of such transmission low.
- Only cats who ingest tissue cysts get infected. Within the feline population, this would be limited to outdoor cats who hunt and eat rodents, as well as cats who are fed raw meat by their owners.
- Typically a cat only excretes oocystsis when she is first exposed to T. gondii, and this goes on for only two weeks. An outdoor hunting cat is often exposed to the disease as a kitten and is, therefore, less likely to transmit the infection as she ages.
- Because oocysts only become infective after one to five days, exposure to the disease is unlikely as long as you clean the cat's litter box daily.
- Since oocysts are transmitted by ingestion, in order to contract toxoplasmosis, a woman would have to make contact with contaminated feces in the litter box and then, without washing her hands, touch her mouth or otherwise transmit the contaminated fecal matter to her digestive system.
Take steps to protect yourself against toxoplasmosis
Even though it is unlikely that you will contract toxoplasmosis from your cat, it's good to be as careful as possible. The following recommendations will help cat owners expecting a child to reduce their risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.
- Avoid undercooked meat.
- Wash all uncooked vegetables thoroughly.
- Wash all cutting boards and utensils that might have come in contact with meat before using them.
- Wear gloves when gardening or working in soil for other reasons.
If you don't wear gloves, wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
- Ask your spouse, friends, or neighbors to help out with litter box duties while you're pregnant.
- If you don't have help to keep the litter box clean, wear rubber gloves when changing the litter and thoroughly wash your hands afterward.
- Have your cat's litter changed on a daily basis.
- Keep your cat indoors.
A final thought
Sensible precautions will protect you from toxoplasmosis during your pregnancy, and getting rid of your cat would be an unnecessary cruelty to both of you. If you are concerned about your well-being, it's far better for you to enjoy your cat's love and companionship throughout your pregnancy and following the birth of a child.
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Pregnant women have many restrictions - so sometimes it seems that this period consists of continuous prohibitions.
However, far from all the restrictions that relatives and acquaintances warn about really make sense to observe. And vice versa: some of the things that are customary to do during pregnancy can actually be harmful.
In this article, we have collected 9 of the most common beliefs about this period and tried to find out how true they are.
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Our articles are written with love for evidence-based medicine. We refer to authoritative sources and go to doctors with a good reputation for comments. But remember: the responsibility for your health lies with you and your doctor. We don't write prescriptions, we make recommendations. Relying on our point of view or not is up to you.
myth no. 1
During pregnancy, you need to give up sports Healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies do not need to avoid sports. On the contrary, there is convincing evidence that correctly calculated physical activity benefits both the mother and the child.
Physical activity during pregnancy is good for health - ACOG
Why pregnant women need sports. Women who exercise during pregnancy have improved mood and sleep. And they are less at risk of gaining excess weight, less likely to suffer from back pain, problems with the cardiovascular system, constipation and some other complications of pregnancy than peers who do not play sports.
What does physical activity do during pregnancy - an international guide for doctors UpToDate
When pregnant women should not play sports. It is unsafe to play sports during pregnancy only under certain conditions:
- certain diseases. First of all, it is severe anemia and serious pathologies of the heart or lungs;
- there is a risk of stroke or arterial hypertension - that is, a sharp rise in blood pressure;
- isthmic-cervical insufficiency. In this condition, the cervix dilates before it is time to give birth.
To prevent premature birth, some women undergo a cervical cerclage - that is, stitches are placed on the cervix. This is also a contraindication to playing sports during pregnancy;
- placenta previa after the 26th week of pregnancy. In this condition, the placenta attaches too close to the cervix or overlaps it;
- pregnancy with twins or triplets - but only if there are complications and risk factors for preterm birth;
- unexplained vaginal bleeding, amniotic fluid leakage and threatened preterm labor.
Exercise during pregnancy - American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, ACOG
Types of sports activities that are not suitable for pregnant women. It is important for pregnant women to avoid sports where there is a high risk of abdominal injury or falling. These are, for example, martial arts, hockey, football, horse riding, skydiving, skiing, water skiing, surfing, off-road cycling or aerial gymnastics.
Scuba diving is not suitable for pregnant women. When a diver rises to the surface from a depth, nitrogen bubbles form in her blood. Even though they are too small to harm the mother, they can block off a blood vessel and cut off the baby's circulation.
Diving and Pregnancy - Seminars in Perinatology
In addition to restrictions on specific sports, pregnant women are not recommended:
- to jump and perform exercises that require a sudden change in the direction of body movement. During pregnancy, hormones are produced that make the ligaments looser and more elastic. Because of this, even in women who are accustomed to such a load, the risk of damage to the joints increases;
- perform intense physical exercise above 2500 meters. Pregnant women require more oxygen than other people. At high altitudes, the pressure is lower than at lowlands, so the oxygen molecules are farther apart. Because of this, a woman receives less oxygen than she needs, so that the risk of altitude sickness increases - a condition in which dizziness, headache, shortness of breath and fainting occur;
- practice long and hard.
During pregnancy, endurance decreases significantly, so it becomes harder to endure the usual sports loads. To avoid overheating and dehydration, it makes sense to start with small loads and make workouts shorter than usual;
- do exercises lying on your back. From the second trimester of pregnancy, in some pregnant women in this position, the fetus begins to compress the vein that returns blood to the heart. Because of this, blood pressure can drop, so that a woman risks losing consciousness. However, this restriction is not strict - if it is comfortable to practice or relax while lying on your back, you can continue to do it.
Sports activities suitable for pregnant women. Pregnant women are best suited for sports and specific exercises that:
- involve large muscle groups. These are, for example, walking, jogging, dancing, riding an exercise bike, rowing. For pregnant women who find it difficult to exercise, water exercises are well suited, such as swimming or water aerobics;
- support muscle strength and flexibility.
These are resistance exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells or elastic bands and stretching exercises - for example, yoga and Pilates adapted for pregnant women. At the same time, hot Pilates, which is practiced at a temperature of 36-38 ° C, and Bikram yoga, which is practiced at a temperature of 40 ° C, are not suitable for pregnant women, as there is a high risk of overheating.
All maternity benefits
Although there are many ready-made training programs adapted for different trimesters, women's health experts recommend exercising with a trainer or instructor who knows how to work with pregnant women. Just because it's safer that way.
How much you can do. Many guidelines advise pregnant women to exercise five to seven days a week. If a woman did not play sports before pregnancy, you can start with 10 minutes and gradually increase the duration of classes up to 30 minutes.
11 Countries Pregnancy Physical Activity Guidelines - American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
But if a woman is in good physical shape, she may be exercising for longer than 45 minutes at a time. The main thing is to follow simple rules:
- Start exercising in a thermoneutral environment - that is, when it is neither hot nor cold.
- Drink at the first sign of thirst.
- Stop exercising as soon as it gets too hot.
What intensity can you exercise. Pregnant women, even if they are in good physical shape, are advised to exercise at a moderate pace. To assess the intensity of classes, it is customary to focus on the heart rate, or heart rate. But in pregnant women, the heart beats faster than usual even without physical activity, so their heart rate control does not work well.
The easiest way to determine the intensity of exercise during pregnancy is to try to talk to someone. If it turns out to speak without stopping her breath, the woman practices with moderate intensity. If it is difficult to speak because breathing has become frequent, you need to slow down.
How to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy
How to know when something is going wrong. When playing sports, you need to carefully monitor your well-being. Stop exercising if any of these symptoms occur during exercise:
- dizziness or headache;
- shortness of breath;
- muscle weakness that makes it difficult to maintain balance;
- pain in the chest, abdomen or calves.
As a rule, unpleasant symptoms disappear if you rest for 3-5 minutes and drink water. But if the discomfort persists, cramping abdominal pain appears, vaginal bleeding or amniotic fluid leakage begins, call your doctor immediately.
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myth no. 2
During pregnancy, you must definitely give someone a cat Many have heard that pregnant women become infected with toxoplasmosis, which is dangerous for the fetus, from cats. But this does not mean that during pregnancy it is necessary to give a domestic cat for overexposure. To come to the right decision, you need to say a few words about what toxoplasmosis is and how it is transmitted.
What is toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by the microscopic parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Its main host is cats.
What is toxoplasmosis - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC
The life cycle of the parasite is simple. Fertilized Toxoplasma eggs end up in soil, water, or grass along with cat feces. After 1-5 days after that, they become infectious and can remain viable for up to 18 months. After that, the egg has two paths.
If the egg is swallowed by an animal such as a pig, cow or sheep, the parasites come out of the eggs and spread throughout the body. Then they penetrate into the brain or muscles of the victim and form cysts in them, that is, dense vesicles with a parasite inside. In this situation, the parasite survives but cannot reproduce.
The parasite has a chance to procreate only if the egg is swallowed by a mouse, rat or small bird. If a cat eats an infected victim, the cysts will enter its intestines. After that, Toxoplasma will come out of them, settle in cat cells and begin to multiply there. All this time, cats excrete a lot of eggs along with feces. After three weeks, Toxoplasma ceases to multiply, so cat feces are permanently infective.
9 diseases that can be transmitted from cats and dogs
How pregnant women become infected with toxoplasmosis. Adults can become infected in two ways: by eating undercooked or raw meat from an infected pet, or by accidentally ingesting a toxoplasma egg. This can happen if a person works in the beds where an infected cat went to the toilet, or removes the cat's litter box, does not wash his hands after that, and then touches his mouth. It is impossible to get sick by stroking an infected animal or touching its bedding, since there are no parasite eggs in the wool. Through bites and scratches, the infection is also not transmitted.
As a rule, healthy adults are not harmed by the infection. But if a pregnant woman swallows the egg, Toxoplasma can get into the placenta and enter the fetus. Sometimes this leads to miscarriage or stillbirth. But in some cases, a child is born healthy, but at a later age he has problems with learning or vision - up to blindness.
Problems caused by getting toxoplasmosis during pregnancy - CDC
Why you shouldn't get rid of pet cats. Domestic cats that have been eating ready-made food for at least a month and have not gone outside do not transmit the infection. The risk of catching toxoplasmosis is only through contact with the feces of cats that go outside and hunt live prey.
Why indoor cats don't transmit toxoplasmosis - ACOG
If your cat occasionally goes outside, you can avoid infection by having other family members clean up the litter box. But you can also clean the tray yourself - the main thing is to observe safety precautions.
Under what circumstances can pregnant women get toxoplasmosis from cats - Texas Department of Public HealthPDF, 2.05 MB
Safe litterbox cleaning guidelines:
- Clean up after your cat every day, ideally right after she goes to the toilet. Toxoplasma eggs become infectious only a day after being shed, so it is impossible to pick up the parasite through fresh feces.
- Clean the tray while wearing gloves using the special scoop. This will reduce the risk of contact with small particles of old feces that may have remained in the tray.
- Collect fresh faeces in a plastic bag or trash bag, tie it up and throw it in the bin. It is not worth flushing them down the toilet - the sewer may clog due to the filler.
- After you have finished cleaning, wash your hands under running water and soap.
myth no. 3
Chemistry from hair dye and decorative cosmetics harms the fetus Hair coloring does not harm either the mother or the baby. But some beauty products contain ingredients that are considered unsafe, so it's safer for pregnant women to avoid them.
Pregnancy and hair dye. Hair coloring products usually consist of two components: a bleaching cream and the dye itself.
It is safe to dye your hair during pregnancy - ACOG
The main ingredient in the bleaching cream is hydrogen peroxide, which is toxic to the fetus in large quantities. However, peroxide does not enter the bloodstream from the hair, but is absorbed through the scalp in such a small amount that it is very quickly destroyed by the enzyme catalase.
Exposure to hydrogen peroxide during pregnancy does not harm either the mother or the baby - UK Department of HealthPDF, 70.8 KB
The same happens if peroxide gets on the skin of the face, for example. Therefore, bleaching cream, lotions and disinfectants are considered safe for the health of the mother and child.
Approximately the same situation with hair dye. It contains phenylenediamine, aminophenols and ethanolamine. In very high doses, these substances have a teratogenic effect - that is, they can cause heart disease and other developmental anomalies in infants. But since these chemicals hardly penetrate into the blood from the hair and scalp, experts believe that It is safe to dye your hair three to four times during pregnancy.
Hair Color Doesn't Harm Pregnant Women - Canadian Family Doctor Magazine
Pregnancy and Cosmetics. Unlike hair dye, many cosmetic products contain ingredients that can penetrate the skin, enter the bloodstream and reach the placenta. This means that they can also harm the fetus. Dermatologists and obstetrician-gynecologists from international organizations believe that two components of cosmetics can be dangerous for pregnant women: vitamin A derivatives and acetone.
Vitamin A derivatives, or retinoids, are, for example, tretinoin, retinol, and retinoic acid. Vitamin A is necessary for normal skin cell division, so it is added to some acne treatments and creams designed to combat wrinkles and photoaging of the skin.
Clinician's Guide to Topical Retinoids - Canadian Dermatological Association
The Daily Value of Vitamin A for adults is 900 mcg, or 3000 IU. But if in the first trimester of pregnancy a woman's body receives three times more vitamin A than the daily norm, the risk of spontaneous abortion or the birth of a child with body structure disorders increases.
Tretinoin in pregnancy - international drug database
Studies in pregnant animals show that tretinoin can penetrate the skin and cause malformations in the fetus. Although there is very little human data, medical associations still advise pregnant women to avoid creams, ointments, and other products with vitamin A derivatives. Use these products only after consulting a doctor and only if the benefit clearly outweighs the harm.
Pregnant women should only use retinoid products under medical supervision - National Poisons Information Service
Acetone is a solvent used in nail polish remover and a common allergen. For some women, allergy symptoms first appear only during pregnancy - and in about a third of women with allergies, the symptoms of previous allergies worsen. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to choose hypoallergenic nail polish removers without acetone.
Pregnant women should avoid acetone polishes - International Journal of Medicine, Health, Biomedicine, Bioengineering and Pharmaceutical EngineeringPDF, 214KB
There is little or inconclusive evidence that other potentially harmful chemicals in cosmetics can cause harm to pregnant women or the fetus. Most likely, if a pregnant woman uses a cream or perfume that contains them, there will be no harm from this.
myth no. 4
Having sex while pregnant can harm your babyNeither healthy women whose pregnancies proceed without complications nor their unborn children will be harmed by sex. In fact, the benefits of this practice are much greater than the harm.
Why pregnant women need sex . Many women enjoy sex during pregnancy no less than before. Studies show that almost half of the women enjoyed the practice as much, 28% had worse sex, and 23% even better than it was before pregnancy.
Sexuality during pregnancy - Journal of Sexual Medicine
Why penetrative sex is not bad for the baby. Neither the penis nor toys can get into the cervix, which connects the vagina to the uterus, as it remains closed until labor begins. In addition, the strong muscles of the uterus reliably protect the fetus from pressure - and the amniotic fluid in which it swims protects against concussions. Therefore, sex will not harm the child in any way.
During pregnancy, the cervix remains very narrow until the time of delivery - Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Why sex doesn't cause preterm labor . During orgasm, the "attachment hormone" oxytocin is released, one of the tasks of which is to stimulate labor. However, this works only when the female body is already ready for the birth of a child. Until then, orgasm causes only mild contractions of the uterus, which cannot lead to miscarriage or childbirth.
Why Sex Doesn't Harm Your Baby - Mayo Clinic
When Pregnant Women Shouldn't Have Sex. Contraindications to having sex during pregnancy almost completely coincide with contraindications to sports. This is the risk of preterm birth and placenta previa.
Orgasm does not lead to miscarriage - Nemours Clinic
When to avoid sex during pregnancy - NHS, NHS health problems and pregnancy proceeds normally.
How to have sex safely . If a pregnant woman is healthy, you can have sex as much as you like until the end of the third trimester, that is, literally a couple of hours before giving birth. But there are two nuances:
- Think about protection against infections. Pregnant women are at risk of contracting the same sexually transmitted diseases as non-pregnant women - but during this period of life the consequences can be more severe.
For example, infections can be transmitted to the baby, complicate pregnancy, and lead to miscarriage and preterm birth. To avoid this, it is safer to have sex with a permanent reliable partner or use a condom.
- Please note that during pregnancy some practices may be less comfortable than before. For example, the hemorrhoidal veins around the anus often become enlarged in pregnant women, so anal sex can be painful or cause bleeding. On the vulva and in the vagina, the veins also increase, so you need to be more careful with penetrative sex. In addition, the breasts, vagina, and clitoris often become more sensitive, so habitual stimulation can be painful.
How to know when something is going wrong. If you experience slight uterine contractions after penetrative sex, this is absolutely normal. But you need to call the doctor if at least one of these symptoms appears after or during sex:
- spotting or bleeding, as during menstruation;
- severe, incessant spasms.
myth no. 5
When pregnant, you need to eat for twoPregnant women don't need much extra energy. If a pregnant woman eats for two, both she and the child may have serious health problems.
How much extra energy do pregnant women need. Most healthy women with a normal body mass index should get:
How much extra energy pregnant women need - MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
- in the first trimester: approximately 1800 kcal;
- second trimester: approximately 2200 kcal;
- in the third trimester: approximately 2400 kilocalories.
Adult women need 1800-2000 kilocalories daily. It turns out that pregnant women need only 1-2 extra snacks for 200-400 kilocalories. Moreover, it is important that these snacks are healthy and varied: that is, they contain enough protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
One snack is, for example, a couple of boiled eggs, a serving of Greek yogurt, or a handful of any nuts.
Why overeating during pregnancy is dangerous for your health. If a healthy woman with a single pregnancy gets more than 350 extra calories every day in the second trimester, and more than 450 extra kilocalories every day in the third trimester, she runs the risk of gaining too much weight. Studies show that this increases the risk of pregnancy complications - and after childbirth can lead to obesity in both mother and child.
Association of weight gain during pregnancy with adverse outcomes for mother and child - Maternal Obesity Research Group
But getting too little energy during pregnancy is also harmful, because then the child will not be able to develop normally. Therefore, it makes sense for pregnant women to discuss their menu with a nutritionist - it will be easier to make a balanced diet from products that do not bother and do not harm.
myth no. 6
If a pregnant woman eats nuts and drinks milk, the baby will be allergic to them If a pregnant woman is not allergic to nuts or milk, they will not harm her or her baby. In fact, if the mother eats these foods, the risk of allergies in the child will not increase, but, on the contrary, will decrease.
What is a food allergy and where does it come from. In a food allergy, immune cells mistake a harmless protein in certain foods for a dangerous microorganism and begin to fight it.
What is Allergy - Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
No one fully understands why some people develop allergies and others don't. But today, most researchers believe that most often allergies occur in people with a hereditary predisposition to the disease when they encounter allergens.
Who gets allergies? — American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
Why an allergen-poor diet does not prevent allergies in a child. Once upon a time, scientists assumed that the sooner a person encounters an allergen, the higher the risk that he will develop the disease. And since the fetus gets all plant and animal proteins from the mother's blood, pregnant women were advised to avoid common allergens, including wheat, eggs, nuts, and milk, just in case.
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However, later studies have shown that everything is exactly the opposite: the earlier the child gets acquainted with the allergen, the higher the likelihood that his immune system will be convinced of the harmlessness of food protein and allergies will not happen. Therefore, it is now recommended for pregnant women to include as many different foods as possible in the menu.
Maternal Allergy Avoidance Does Not Prevent Allergies in Children - American Academy of Pediatrics
Only those pregnant women who are allergic to wheat, nuts, eggs and milk should avoid wheat, nuts, eggs and milk, because in this case allergens can harm them.
What happens if a pregnant woman decides to follow a hypoallergenic diet. Mothers without food allergies who avoid "antigenic" foods do more harm than good. A hypoallergenic diet does not reduce the likelihood of developing allergic diseases in children, but it does increase the risk that mothers will lack the nutrients necessary for the growth of the child and their own health.
The Importance of Maternal Diet in Training the Infant's Immune System during Pregnancy Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
myth no. 7
Pregnant women should not drink coffeePregnant women are indeed more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than non-pregnant adults. However, this does not mean that coffee should be completely abandoned: it is enough to halve the dose recommended for healthy adults.
How coffee works . On the cells of all adults, including the neurons of the brain, there are receptors for adenosine.
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During the day, this substance gradually accumulates in the body and begins to bind to receptors. So the body receives a signal that it is time to rest. The caffeine molecule is very similar in shape to adenosine, but does not transmit any signals. While caffeine occupies receptors, the brain is less sensitive to adenosine signals, so a person stays alert longer. In most adults, the effect lasts about 10 hours - and then enzymes destroy the caffeine "plug", adenosine binds to receptors, and the person begins to experience fatigue.
How coffee affects pregnant women. People over the age of 18 without chronic disease can safely consume 400 mg of caffeine per day. This is the amount contained in two cups of brewed coffee with a volume of 230 ml.
Benefits and harms of caffeine and caffeinated drinks - UpToDate
But during pregnancy, enzymes break down caffeine more slowly than usual - about 12-18 hours. In the fetus, the same enzymes are still immature, so they work even more slowly and worse. If a pregnant woman continues to receive 400 mg of caffeine daily, it may begin to accumulate in the body of the fetus and interfere with its normal development. As a result, the risk of miscarriage and preterm birth increases.
Why regular caffeine concentrations are not suitable for pregnant women - UpToDate
How much coffee can pregnant women. In order for the enzymes of a pregnant woman to cope with caffeine, it is enough to reduce the daily dose to 200 mg. This is one cup of brewed coffee per day. If a woman used caffeine in the recommended doses before pregnancy, coffee will continue to invigorate, but will not harm the fetus.
Recommended doses of caffeine are safe for pregnant women - Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
myth no. 8
If the first child was born by caesarean section, the next time you will also have to have an operationOnce upon a time, all women who had a caesarean section were indeed advised to adhere to this delivery option for their next pregnancies. However, many pregnant women now may choose to have a vaginal delivery after a caesarean section, or VRPKS.
Why use WRPKS . Approximately 45% of women who have given birth by caesarean section would like to experience a vaginal birth in the future. And such a desire is often justified, because vaginal delivery allows you to avoid complications that can occur during operations on the abdominal cavity: for example, infections, large blood loss, adhesions, damage to the intestines, bladder and uterus.
What is the meaning of CVRS - Mayo Clinic
In addition, after a vaginal delivery, most women recover faster than after a caesarean section.
Why vaginal delivery is usually suitable for women after caesarean section . The list of contraindications for vaginal delivery is not too long. These are:
Contraindications for vaginal delivery - MedScape
- absolute contraindications that all women have - for example, placenta previa or umbilical cord prolapse;
- uterine rupture in previous births;
- some types of uterine scars. If they are, there is a higher risk that the uterus will rupture during vaginal delivery.
Scars on the uterus occur not only in women after caesarean section, but also in pregnant women who have never undergone this operation. For example, vaginal delivery is usually not suitable for women who have scarred uterus after surgical removal of fibroids.
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In some cases, pregnant women after a caesarean section are even less at risk than women whose scars appeared for other reasons. If during a caesarean section a baby is born through a transverse incision in the lower part of the uterus, the chance that the scar left after that will open during vaginal delivery is minimal. In this situation, you can usually resort to VRPKS. But if the incision was vertical and high, the likelihood that the uterus will rupture increases, so VRPKS are not recommended in this situation.
How safe are CVRPs. According to various sources, approximately 60-80% of women who have had a caesarean section in the past successfully give birth to children in vaginal delivery. If something goes wrong during childbirth, the woman will have a caesarean section.
Who is not suitable for CMHD — UpToDate
At the same time, each case is individual, therefore, it is possible to correctly assess the risks and choose the type of childbirth that is suitable for a particular woman only together with the attending physician.
myth number 9
Healthy women can safely give birth at homeResearch shows that it is only safe to give birth at home in countries that have good home birth support programs. In states where there are no such programs, it is safer to give birth in a hospital.
What we know about home birth safety. Studies show that the safety of home births directly depends on which women choose them and how this process is organized.
Risks and Benefits of Planned Home Births - UpToDate
For example, England, New Zealand, Iceland, the Netherlands, Washington State in the United States, and parts of Canada have government programs to support planned home births.
Planned Home Birth Application - Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada
Only healthy women with a low risk of birth complications may participate. Although births take place at home and not in a hospital, they are performed by skilled midwives or trained doctors. While the birth is going on, an ambulance team is on duty next to the house, which will quickly take the woman to a specialized clinic if something goes wrong. Research shows that home births that take place under these conditions are as safe as hospital births.
But if there is no home birth program, it is more dangerous to give birth at home than in a hospital, even if the birth was planned and assisted by a qualified midwife or doctor. American studies show that during home births, children die twice as often, and they experience serious neurological disorders three times more often than if births take place in a hospital.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Statement on Birthing Parameters - ACOG
Therefore, ACOG believes that hospitals remain the safest places to give birth.
How dangerous is it to give birth at home in Russia. The legislation of the Russian Federation does not prohibit women from giving birth at home, and there are no Russian statistics on home births. But, most likely, giving birth at home in Russia is much more dangerous than in the United States. First, there are no home birth support programs in Russia. And secondly, obstetricians and doctors do not have the right to legally take births at home - because of this, it can be more difficult to find a good specialist.
“Pregnancy is not a disease, it does not need to be treated”: 19 important questions for obstetrician Oksana Bogdashevskaya
no medical education. If complications arise during childbirth, most likely they will not be able to help.
Doula support for childbirth in Russia - Public Opinion Monitoring magazine
It is impossible to count on the fact that there will be no problems in childbirth. Even healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancies sometimes have serious complications that can only be helped in a hospital. Here are just three of them:
- Prolonged labor.
In about 8% of cases, in nulliparous women, childbirth lasts longer than 20, and in those who have given birth, it lasts longer than 14 hours. During prolonged labor, the mother suffers longer from pain, and the baby may experience a lack of oxygen. To save a child's life, a caesarean section may be required, which can only be performed in a hospital.
- Postpartum haemorrhage. About 5-13% of women lose 500 ml of blood during childbirth, and 1-3% - more than a liter. To save a woman, an emergency blood transfusion may be required, which cannot be performed at home.
- Shoulder dystocia. Occurs in 0.2-3% of births. This is a life-threatening condition for the mother and fetus, in which one or both of the child's shoulders get stuck inside the mother's pelvis. It is impossible to predict who will develop dystocia and who will not, in advance - and help, if this has already happened, is often possible only in intensive care.
To reduce such risks, it makes sense for Russian women to choose to give birth in a hospital.
The dangers of prolonged labor - Australian Department of Health
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10 myths and prejudices about pregnancy: what not to be afraid of | Mamovedia
Pregnancy is not a disease, but also pregnancy is not a prejudice. Our grandmothers, clutching their heads, recalled how their friends in an “interesting position” cut their hair or raised their hands above their heads. But is it really that scary?
1. Do not raise your arms above your head
What scares you: the baby can get tangled in the umbilical cord.
In fact: umbilical cord entanglement occurs in cases where the baby in the womb is very active, and the length of the umbilical cord is greater than the average. There is no way to influence the size of the umbilical cord - this parameter is laid genetically. But, if you stay in the “hands up” position for a long time (for example, ride in transport, holding on to the upper handrail), then the baby may begin to experience a lack of oxygen.
2. You can't cut your hair or dye your hair
What scares you: you can lose your "connection with the cosmos" (the longer a woman's hair, the better this cosmic connection is established) and thereby harm the baby.
In fact: as a rule, pregnancy is the best time to grow hair, due to hormonal changes, they begin to grow much faster than usual. But, if the hair irritates the expectant mother, interferes, climbs into the eyes - it is better to cut it. Dyes, on the other hand, can “behave” differently, and it is impossible to predict the result of staining. In addition, it is unlikely that any of the manufacturers tested the chemical formula of the composition on pregnant women - it is better not to risk it.
3. You can't buy a baby's dowry yourself
What scares you: if the clothes are already prepared, and the baby has not yet been born, other evil mystical forces (they are spirits) will "appropriate" them, and the pregnancy will end unsuccessfully.
In fact: there are still a lot of those who believe in this strange omen. In maternity hospitals, it is not uncommon for babies to be taken away in new, with tags and price tags, little things. This happens when dad is preparing for discharge. The question of what is more useful - things that have not been washed or ironed, or mom's peace of mind remains open.
If you decide to “entrust” this important matter to relatives, provide them with descriptions from online stores and pictures, otherwise you risk getting a wadded blanket and ribbons instead of a convenient zippered envelope, etc.
4. You can't look at unpleasant things
What scares you: the child will "suffer" - it will be born ugly or red, if the mother looked at the fire for a long time.
In fact: oddly enough, this sign (with the exception of the birth of red-haired children) has a scientific justification. “What we see affects our mood: it can bring joy or create stress. However, we do not suspect how much this influence affects our mental and physical health,” says our expert, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Moscow Videoecology Center, Professor Vasily Antonovich Filin.
Psychological discomfort is caused, for example, by monochromatic wallpaper or buildings, in the construction of which huge glass surfaces are used, buildings of the same type of standard development in "sleeping" areas. It is better for pregnant women to avoid unnecessary stress and admire the beauty, if possible, walking around the historical center of the city. And at home, dilute the “monochrome” wallpaper with frames with photos or flower arrangements.
5. Do not sew, knit or patch
What they are afraid of: because of knitting, the umbilical cord will get tangled, sewing will be to blame for blocking the way to this world for the baby, and sewn on buttons and patches are the reason for the appearance of moles in the baby.
Actually: these superstitions have no real justification. Unless you should make sure that you do not stay in the same static position for a long time. It is better to change the position of the body from time to time - get up, walk, etc., so that the baby gets enough oxygen.
6. You can not sleep on your back
What scares you: if a pregnant woman sleeps on her back, the baby in the womb may suffocate.
In fact: the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava, alas, has not yet been canceled. When a pregnant woman (especially if the pregnancy is high in water, the fetus is large, or twins or triplets are expected) lies on her back, the growing uterus presses on the inferior vena cava located below it. Thus, the venous return to the heart is reduced, blood pressure drops, breathing quickens, dizziness appears, and it becomes dark in the eyes. The only good news is that when the syndrome occurs, special treatment is not required, it is enough to change the position and turn on its side. But even if you sleep so comfortably, remember that with prolonged compression of the inferior vena cava, very unpleasant complications are possible - from placental abruption and impaired uterine and renal blood flow to impaired blood supply and fetal hypoxia.
7. You can't play with a cat
What scares you: if you take a cat in your arms, then the crumbs will have a lot of enemies.
In fact: you should not only touch a cat (a special someone else's!), but also monitor the cleanliness of the cat trays yourself. Toxoplasmosis, the pathogens of which are carried by cats, is an extremely dangerous disease for the pregnant woman and the fetus. The virus crosses the placenta into the fetal circulation and causes severe and unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if there is no one to entrust the “honorable duty” of putting things in order in the cat's toilet, then be sure to wear rubber gloves. The peculiarity of toxoplasmosis is that it does not have any special symptoms, most often it is very similar to the common cold.
In principle, only primary infection is dangerous, if your cat has been living for a long time, nothing terrible should happen (most likely, you already had toxoplasmosis before pregnancy and did not even notice it). But in any case, it is better to play it safe and get tested at a veterinary clinic to find out if your animal is a source of threat.
8. You can't sit with your legs crossed
What scares you: in this case, they "predict" the birth of a child with crooked legs or a clubfoot.
In fact: there may be problems with the legs, but not with the baby, but with the expectant mother. This position is harmful even to non-pregnant women who have a predisposition to varicose veins. If you sit so often, then blood flow disturbances can occur both in the legs and in the pelvic organs.
9. You can't tell anyone the expected date of birth
What scares you: if you share this information with everyone, then the birth will be difficult.
Actually: there is, of course, no mystical connection between the stories about the date of birth and the severity of their course. But there is a psychological connection - human curiosity is indestructible.