Can you take turmeric while breastfeeding
Why Is Turmeric Good For Moms While Breastfeeding?
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Apr 03, 2021
When transitioning into the fourth trimester, or the postpartum period, focusing on your nutrition is crucial.
To be the best mom, it’s important to nourish your body with a balanced diet full of colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, the right supplements, and antioxidants from herbs and spices, like turmeric.
Turmeric is an ancient spice has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine.
Turmeric is known for its extensive list of benefits, ranging from reducing inflammation to increasing milk supply.
Turmeric has been coined the “queen of spices,” so it's no wonder it's a key ingredient in our Lactation Booster supplement.
Let’s take a closer look at the incredible reasons why turmeric is good for breastfeeding moms.
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What is Turmeric?Turmeric has a golden vibrant color that’s hard to miss. This root is part of the ginger family and native to India and Southeast Asia.
The golden spice has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years to increase milk supply, heal wounds, minimize blemishes, eradicate smallpox, and reduce pain and fatigue among other health conditions.
Now, Turmeric is one of the most extensively researched spices.
Research indicates numerous benefits of the spice, including the following properties:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Antibacterial
- Antifungal
- Antiviral
- Antidepressant
- Anti-aging
- Anti-carcinogenic
The main active component in Turmeric is the antioxidant Curcumin.
This gives the spice it’s unique healing and anti-inflammatory properties, making Turmeric incredibly powerful.
Stress, lack of sleep, and environmental toxins, like pollutants in the air, all tax the body and can increase inflammation.
Therefore, regularly incorporating Turmeric into the diet may increase the body’s ability to reduce the constant inflammation that we are all subject to.
8 Health Benefits of Turmeric for Breastfeeding MomsSupporting your body with antioxidant-rich Turmeric can help reduce inflammation and optimize wellness.
As a breastfeeding mother, here are some ways that you could benefit from this anti-inflammatory spice:
- Increased milk supply.
Turmeric has been used in India and other Eastern countries as a galactagogue. While it is not scientifically proven, many moms swear by supplementing their diets with Turmeric to increase milk flow. - Strong immune system.
As a new mom, quality sleep feels non-existent and stress is higher than normal. You aren’t getting the rest and self-care you need to properly manage your stress levels. This fatigue can cause a weakened immune system.Turmeric has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties to help boost your immune system.
- Good mood.
Acting as a natural antidepressant, Turmeric provides dopamine to the brain, which might be helpful for mothers with postpartum depression. Studies also show Turmeric may even ease depression by relieving inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain. - Reduced risk of mastitis.
Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent swollen breast tissue and clogged ducts, which can lead to mastitis. - Improved digestion.
As a new mom, your digestion might seem sluggish. Turmeric can help get your digestion back to normal by helping stimulate the stomach to produce more gastric acid, which is needed for proper digestion. - Natural painkiller.
It’s natural to feel aches and pains as your body is recovering from giving birth. And, you may feel stiff after sitting in the same position while breastfeeding.Turmeric can help reduce inflammation that causes pain, especially in joints.
- Lowered blood sugar.
Turmeric can help stabilize blood sugar. This is important for new moms, as balanced blood sugar can help sustain energy. - Brain health.
“Mommy brain” is a real thing. It’s not easy to keep track of all your to-do lists, feeding schedule, and remember where you put the diapers. Turmeric can help support the parts of the brain associated with learning and memory.
Turmeric is a delicious spice to cook with in curries, soups, and seasonings.
It often takes center stage in Indian dishes because of its bold flavor.
If you’re new to Turmeric or aren’t keen on it’s flavor, know that you have options!
Try adding it to smoothies, dips like hummus, or quick breads.
By adding Turmeric to various recipes, you can mask its flavor while still getting its unique antioxidant benefits.
Some other ways to incorporate Turmeric into your diet include:
- Season meats and proteins with turmeric and black pepper
- Make Majka's Lactation Overnight Oats as an easy breakfast
- Have 1-2 Majka’s Lactation Bites as a snack
- Season roasted vegetables with turmeric and other spices
- Enjoy a golden milk latte with Majka’s Lactation Booster
- Add turmeric to homemade salad dressings
- Add turmeric scrambled eggs
- Incorporate Majka’s Nourishing Lactation Powder into your daily routine
Is Turmeric Safe While Breastfeeding?
The short answer? Yes.
Turmeric is a safe, natural spice that you can include in your postpartum diet.
Turmeric has many potential benefits for breastfeeding moms, including increased milk supply, pain relief, and reduced depression.
It’s important to remember that nature doesn't give us one single miracle substance.
As a new mom, you will benefit from incorporating Turmeric into a balanced postpartum diet.
To help support your overall nutrition, we designed the Majka Nourishing Lactation Protein Powder, Lactation Bites, Lactation Booster and our Lactation Overnight Oats.
All of these Majka products contain Turmeric, so you can enjoy the many possible benefits of the spice in a delicious and convenient way!
Amey Fields, founder of AZ Breastfed Babies, has 18 years of experience as a Labor and Delivery Nurse and 8 years of experience as a Lactation Consultant. She offers both in person and virtual breastfeeding and newborn care consultations.
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5 Things You Actually Don't Have to Avoid While Breastfeeding – Ingrid+Isabel
By Michelle Clookie, IBCLC
You spent the entirety of your pregnancy steering clear of certain foods (raise your hand if you had sushi delivered to your hospital room!), only to hear that if you’re breastfeeding, there’s a whole new slew of items to avoid. Well, here’s the skinny: very little of what you put in your body, if you are choosing safe and healthy options, will be harmful to your baby. However, some babies might have allergies or food sensitivities, and there are some very common herbs that can be detrimental to our milk supply. As always, it’s not one size fits all, but let’s talk about the most common things that come up.
Studies have found that consuming turmeric is safe for breastfeeding mamas. Because of the spice’s anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric cream is actually used by some as a topical ointment to help with inflammation during mastitis. However, ingesting large amounts of turmeric has been known to affect milk supply in some moms, so you may not want to chug golden milk all day long. If you are on a turmeric kick, just be aware of your supply; if you notice any change, consider reducing the amount you are consuming.
Caffeine is safe to consume during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. I mean, for some of us it’s basically our lifeblood in the morning after those long nights, and that’s ok—treat yourself mama! (You can find suggested caffeine quantity guidelines here.) But before you celebrate with a carafe of cold brew, keep in mind that caffeine can be dehydrating, so make sure you are consuming adequate amounts of water in conjunction with your latte.
I love when herbal teas and essential oils can help a mama out! In fact, one of my favorites is a nutrient-dense plant found in the Philippines called Moringa, which can help increase milk supply. But it’s key to remember that herbs and essential oils are medicine, and medical professionals should be consulted before adding these to your shopping list. Why? Because there are several commonly used herbs that may have not so commonly known side effects. Fenugreek for example, is an herb used to help increase milk supply, but it can be harmful to mamas with a thyroid condition. Peppermint and sage are two more to be aware of—these herbs and essential oils are actually used to help decrease milk supply so they’re both no-no’s (unless that’s what you need!). Enjoy natural remedies, but ask questions and do your research!
There are many things to consider when talking about alcohol and breastfeeding, but I’m speaking directly to the mama who really doesn’t want to pass on that glass of wine (or two!) on her first night out after baby. And why wouldn’t you want to cheers to the fact that you created and birthed a tiny human? You deserve it! Pop that bottle, because studies have shown that having a drink is not harmful to baby. The best time to have one is right after feeding to give your body time to process the alcohol before the next feed or pumping session. For more information on studies, amounts, and guidelines click here.
Dairy and gluten can be sensitivities for some babies, just like they are for some adults. However, before you go limiting your diet because your baby is spitting up, ask for help! Here’s why: reflux, green poops, gassiness, and general fussiness can all be caused by a dairy allergy, but a lot of times the cause can be a host of other things. A good rule of thumb is that if a food doesn’t sit well with you, your body probably isn’t breaking it down very well, and it may not sit well with your baby either. Avoid those things. Other than that, get a full assessment of your baby’s feeding with an IBCLC before passing on the yogurt or bowl of ice cream!
Indians were the first to use turmeric. It was valued for its aroma and numerous beneficial properties. Until the 18th century, the yellow powder was known as Indian saffron and golden ginger. In Ayurveda, many recipes based on this spice are practiced, and now European researchers have also appreciated it.
Turmeric is the dried and ground root of the ginger plant of the same name. Her homeland is Hindustan. Until now, only there it grows wild. 40 species of the plant are known, but for the manufacture of spices, turmeric or turmeric is most often used. It is used not only in cooking, but also as a dye, in medicine for the prevention and relief of a number of diseases.
Turmeric has a strong effect on the body, comparable to the effect of drugs. Therefore, uncontrolled use of spices can harm the body. The acceptable consumption rate is considered to be five grams of the product per day.
Like many other spices, golden ginger is counterfeited, passing off a fake as an original product. At best, the benefits of using it will come to naught. At worst, significant harm will be done to the body.
Turmeric is valued for its rich vitamin and mineral composition. At the moment, about 100 components have been selected. The most significant is curcumin. It is a natural dye with pronounced anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant, antidepressant, hepatoprotective properties. The substance is used as an independent agent or as part of additives. In addition to it, turmeric contains:
curcumor - inhibits the growth of tumor cells of the mammary glands, uterus;
essential oils - are a strong aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire in men and women;
B vitamins - have a positive effect on the central nervous system;
vitamin K - contributes to the normalization of blood clotting;
ascorbic acid - strengthens the immune system;
iodine - necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
iron - participates in hematopoiesis, is responsible for saturating cells with oxygen;
calcium is the main element of bones, teeth;
cineol - stimulates the digestive tract, has an antiparasitic effect, helps to normalize the balance of microflora in the intestine;
tumeron is a natural antiseptic, has an antiparasitic effect, suppresses the increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria.
Due to its unique composition, turmeric is known for its beneficial properties that help to improve the body as a whole and solve individual health problems.
Unlike many synthetic drugs, it does not have a destructive effect on the liver, stomach and intestines. On the contrary, it has hepatoprotective properties.
The benefits of turmeric are explained by the following properties:
Thanks to increased cellular regeneration, it promotes skin healing. In the form of lotions, it can be used to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema.
The absorbent and antioxidant effect of turmeric allows it to be used for alcoholic, food, toxic, radioactive poisoning for accelerated elimination of toxins.
Curcumin increases the production of bile, digestive juices, speeds up metabolism, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract, food begins to be better absorbed.
Due to the properties of turmeric powder to convert carbohydrates into energy and speed up the process of splitting fats, it can be used in weight loss complexes.
The spice helps break down salts, thereby relieving joint pain. Means with turmeric help relieve the symptoms of gout.
Curcumin can reduce intracranial pressure, relieve headaches, stimulate the brain.
The spice is involved in the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, due to which it is useful for diabetics.
The ability of golden ginger to strengthen the walls of blood vessels helps to resist the formation of deposits, the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
Due to its antioxidant qualities, the use of spices or preparations based on turmeric can be useful in the prevention of cancer, including cancer of the skin, uterus, and mammary glands.
The anti-inflammatory effect of turmeric makes it possible to use it in combination with other means to eliminate the symptoms of a cold.
Turmeric oil and powder are widely used in cosmetology for solving skin and hair problems.
Influence on men
Turmeric preparations can be used to improve the health of men. Curcumin stimulates blood flow, has a positive effect on male libido, and helps in the fight against sexual weakness.
One of the actions of turmeric is the normalization of hormonal levels, increasing the intensity of testosterone production. It also helps to increase potency.
Means based on turmeric have shown themselves well in combination with drugs against prostatitis.
Influence on women
Preparations with turmeric in the composition or frequent use of spices have a positive effect on the female body. In case of hormonal imbalance caused by pathologies of the genital organs, stress or age-related changes, curcumin helps bring hormones back to normal, improving overall well-being.
Due to increased blood circulation, antioxidant and immunomodulatory qualities, turmeric is used as an additional tool in solving problems with the uterus, such as endometritis or fibroids. Regular intake of turmeric reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the female organs, breasts, and skin.
Effects on children
The plant is a strong allergen, so children under the age of six are not recommended to take golden ginger even as a spice when eating the same meal as their parents. After six years, seasoning can be introduced into the diet, and also used in complex cold therapy. The spice is used to prevent childhood leukemia.
It is extremely important not to exceed the allowed amount of curcumin. Overdose symptoms will be disorders in the digestive tract, abdominal pain, diarrhea.
Despite the fact that seasonings with turmeric are not prohibited during childbearing, they must be used with caution. First of all, the danger lies in increased blood circulation, which can lead to bleeding and miscarriage.
Any change in diet should be discussed with the observing gynecologist.
Use during lactation
During breastfeeding, turmeric is recommended to be included in the female diet. It stimulates lactation by increasing milk production. Contributes to the prevention of mastitis, increases the immunity of a nursing mother, helps to fill the deficiency of nutrients.
Contraindication to the use of turmeric during lactation is the appearance of allergic reactions in a woman or child.
Effects on people over 50 years of age
The positive effect of turmeric is especially noticeable in middle-aged and older people. The additive has a complex effect:
bioflavonoids strengthen the cardiovascular system, serve to prevent sclerosis, accelerate cell regeneration;
curcumin helps maintain normal liver and kidney function, reduces the risk of gallstones;
- curcumor inhibits the development of skin and breast cancer cells in women over 50;
Tumiron increases the body's resistance to helminths, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
iodine helps maintain healthy hair, nails, tooth enamel strength;
sodium promotes vasodilation and, as a result, normalization of pressure, improvement of the work of the heart muscle;
iron helps to purify the blood, saturate it with oxygen.
Due to strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, the ability to improve blood condition, Indian saffron in old age reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. By increasing the regeneration of brain cells, the likelihood of neurodegenerative disorders is generally reduced.
In women over 50, regular use of plant-based preparations improves the overall hormonal state, helps to improve the menstrual cycle, and prolongs youthful skin. In men of pre-retirement and retirement age, sexual desire may increase.
Elevated levels of cholesterol or sugar, joint pain and limitation of their mobility are also indications for the start of taking funds with turmeric in the composition.
Action for various health problems
The effect of turmeric on the body allows the use of dietary supplements based on it for various pathologies caused by age or other factors.
For diabetes
Turmeric stimulates the work of beta cells involved in the synthesis of insulin. This explains its effectiveness as a supportive agent in type 2 diabetes. By enhancing metabolic processes, the likelihood of developing obesity and other related disorders that can cause diabetes is reduced.
Turmeric is considered an effective weight loss agent, but it will only work when combined with diet and exercise. The action of the plant is as follows:
Acceleration of digestion, splitting, assimilation of useful substances;
Cleansing the body of toxins, toxins, mucus;
Improving the taste of dietary dishes;
Appetite suppression.
A single dose of the powder should not exceed two grams, since in large quantities an adverse effect on the secretion of gastric juice is possible.
For hypertension
Turmeric affects the state of the blood and blood vessels:
Reduces blood viscosity
Clears blood vessels from cholesterol clots;
Increases the saturation of all organs with oxygen;
· Tones the heart muscle.
Regular use of spices helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and normalize blood pressure.
For migraine
The exact cause of migraines has not yet been found, but studies have shown that daily intake of ground turmeric helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. An important role is played by curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In combination with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, the supplement helps to relieve inflammation of the nervous tissue and eliminate pain.
For diseases of the joints
Indian saffron root has a positive effect on joint problems: gout, arthritis, arthrosis. Curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates the synthesis of synovial fluid, which lubricates the surfaces of the joints. This reduces friction, facilitating the condition in chronic diseases and in the process of rehabilitation after injuries.
Regular intake of turmeric improves blood circulation, enhances the nutrition of the joints and surrounding tissues. Puffiness is reduced, pain is reduced.
For cancer prevention
Curcumin destroys cancer cells and slows down the formation of new ones. Plant-based supplements enhance the effect of therapeutic drugs. There is no additional toxic load on the body. Especially effective curcumin has proven itself in the prevention and relief of conditions in prostate cancer, breast, brain, intestines, stomach, melanoma.
But in its pure form, Indian saffron root is not well absorbed, so only a concentrated extract is used to achieve results.
For pancreatitis
Turmeric is useful in the prevention of chronic pancreatitis:
has a choleretic effect;
has anti-inflammatory and carminative effect;
stimulates the immune system;
increases the acidity of gastric juice;
normalizes appetite and the digestive tract;
inhibits the development of putrefactive microflora;
regulates metabolic processes;
reduces the rate of development of the inflammatory process.
Before using the drug for pancreatitis, you should consult with a specialist.
Methods of application
Ground turmeric can be added to meat or vegetable dishes to enhance flavor, or used alone for a specific purpose:
For weight loss, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, low-fat milk, kefir or whey with a spoonful of spices daily on an empty stomach.
When symptoms of a cold appear, you can brew tea from ginger, turmeric and lemon juice. Or add the powder to milk with honey.
With hives, it is enough to add seasoning to dishes during cooking.
The spice can also be used externally. Cuts and burns are smeared with gruel of turmeric and aloe juice in a ratio of one to two. You can make face and hair masks from orange powder with other active ingredients.
Application features
Turmeric powder in its pure form is poorly absorbed, its nutrients are poorly absorbed into the blood. To increase digestibility, it is recommended to supplement the powder with black pepper. And to achieve the maximum effect, it is better to take the extract of the plant - so the benefits will be noticeable.
With a systematic intake, you can pay attention to ready-made food supplements. Supplement formulas are designed for optimal absorption, while taking supplements, it is easy to control the dosage. The composition may include components that enhance the effect of the plant.
On the basis of curcumin, agents for general strengthening of the body, complexes for supporting joints, dietary supplements for weight loss and weight control are admitted.
You can not use drugs based on turmeric in combination with other means, including herbal tinctures, without the consent of a doctor. The plant can greatly enhance the effect of other components. Especially dangerous is the simultaneous use with anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, drugs that reduce sugar levels.
It is not recommended to take curcumin for serious problems with the bile ducts, gallbladder due to an increase in the likelihood of gallbladder contractions.
A stomach or duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity are a contraindication to taking turmeric.
You should not increase the usual doses of spices or take dietary supplements with turmeric during pregnancy to avoid uterine cramps.
It is forbidden to drink products with curcumin in case of blood clotting disorders without a doctor's prescription.
Sometimes there may be an individual intolerance to any of the active ingredients of turmeric. Before you start taking medications, you need to consult a specialist.
Is it possible to use turmeric while breastfeeding
- 1 Composition of turmeric
- 2 Useful functions
- 3 Harm and contraindications
- 4 Turmeric during lactation 900
- How to choose turmeric 50022
- 6 Alternative use
Turmeric is an oriental spice whose root and dried leaves are used in cooking, folk medicine and home care. It is a close relative of ginger and has important medicinal properties and taste.
This is a natural medicine that has an antibacterial effect and relieves inflammation without harmful effects on the body. Therefore, without contraindications, turmeric can be consumed even during lactation. Let's take a closer look at whether this spice is possible for a nursing mother.
Composition of turmeric
Turmeric contains curcumin and tumerone, starch, essential oils, B vitamins, vitamins C and K, iron and calcium, phosphorus and iodine, sodium. Tumeron is a natural antiseptic that protects the body from infection by parasites. It stabilizes the work of the stomach, helps with infections and poisoning, preserves youth.
But the main ingredient here is curcumin. It is an antioxidant that restores cells and improves immunity, helps the body cope with many diseases and prevents the development of cancer.
Curcumin prevents the formation of gallstones and normalizes blood cholesterol levels. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys, quickly heals wounds and burns. Curcumin removes waste and toxins, stimulates the brain.
B group vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of nerve cells, improve the emotional background and mental health, blood circulation and material metabolism. Vitamin K improves the condition of hair and skin, has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels. Vitamin C is responsible for immunity.
Trace elements regulate many internal processes in the body. They strengthen bones, teeth and nails, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, purify the blood and saturate the body with oxygen.
Useful functions
- Relieves inflammation and pain relief;
- Strengthens bones and joints, helps with arthritis;
- Increases immunity and body defenses;
- Accelerates healing of the skin, eliminates cuts and burns, helps with psoriasis and dermatitis,
- Improves the work of the heart and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- Lowers the level of bad cholesterol, thins the blood, improves its composition and restores circulation;
- Normalizes blood sugar levels, which is useful in diabetes;
- Removes toxins from the body;
- Brings blood pressure in order;
- Stimulates brain activity;
- Positive effect on the condition of the gums, tooth enamel and oral cavity;
- Normalizes hormonal levels, preserves youth and beauty;
- Improves digestion, eliminates diarrhea and flatulence, prevents dysbacteriosis;
- Improves the condition of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
Harm and contraindications
Turmeric sharply lowers blood sugar, so if you have diabetes, you can use spices, but in a limited amount. Among other things, it reduces the muscles of the gallbladder, which can worsen the patient's condition in the presence of stones larger than 5 mm.
Like many spices, turmeric can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is not recommended for small children and women during the period of breastfeeding, at least in the first two to three months. During pregnancy, it is advisable to add turmeric to dishes, but not to use it as a separate remedy. Since there is a risk of uterine spasms.
In the same way, the spice is recommended for use during breastfeeding. Despite the allergenicity, turmeric is the safest type of spice for HB. What other spices and seasonings can a nursing mother, read here.
Since turmeric is a blood thinner, it is not recommended to consume the seasoning for a few days before any surgery or visit to the dentist. Do not use spices while taking medications that thin the blood.
Turmeric should not be used for gastritis and ulcers, diseases of the biliary organs, hepatitis and poor blood clotting and hepatitis. It is prohibited in the presence of stones larger than 5 mm in the gallbladder, with allergies and individual intolerance. Turmeric should not be eaten by children under three years of age. As a therapeutic agent, it is not recommended during the period of HB and pregnancy.
Turmeric for lactation
Turmeric while breastfeeding can cause an allergic reaction, as it contains essential oils. However, otherwise it is safe for the health of the mother and baby. It is important not to abuse the product and introduce it into the diet gradually. Pediatricians do not advise doing this until the baby is two to three months old.
For the first time, add spices to a dish already familiar and entered in the menu. Eat a little and watch the baby's well-being. If there is no negative reaction, the spice can be used periodically in cooking. Even in a small volume, it diversifies the diet, gives the dish an exquisite taste and piquant aroma. It will acquire a unique shade that casts gold. The dish will turn out beautiful, tasty and appetizing.
By the way, turmeric is called a natural lactation stimulant. It has a beneficial effect on the production of breast milk and restores the body of a woman after childbirth. But follow the dosage, otherwise excess spices will cause a violation of the stool and digestion, poisoning or an allergic reaction.
When lactating, it is advisable only to add seasoning to dishes, but not to use for medicinal purposes. This can provoke allergies and diathesis in a child. And be aware of contraindications.
Turmeric-based remedies should only be used after consulting a doctor, preferably not earlier than six months after the birth of the baby. In this case, the drug is permissible to take no more than 5 grams per day.
How to choose and use turmeric
Turmeric is available as a spice or as a root. Both species are stored for two to three years. The second option will be the most natural and safe. Choose a root without damage. It should give off a subtle saffron flavor. Store the root in a cloth bag in a well-ventilated place.
If you choose seasoning in a bag, it should be bright yellow. The packaging must be sealed. After purchase, pour the spice into a glass dish and close tightly. Store in a dark place.
To test the quality of a seasoning, stir a small pinch into a glass of water. If the powder floats up, you have a fake. Real spices will dissolve in water. Turmeric is used to make spicy curry mixtures. With the use of spices, you can cook delicious pilaf.
Turmeric is combined with meat, poultry and fish, mushrooms, cereals and pasta, vegetables and even dairy dishes. In addition, the product is used for the preparation of medicines and cosmetics.
Alternative application
The so-called golden milk is especially popular. It is a mixture of milk, honey and turmeric. It strengthens the immune system and treats colds, relieves pain from the joints and restores flexibility, strengthens bones. Milk will help cure the rash and make the skin healthy, even, elastic. It will cleanse the blood, improve the functioning of the liver and digestion, calm and help you fall asleep.
To prepare golden milk, first mix 100 grams of pure boiled water and 50 grams of turmeric, bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Cool the resulting paste and put in the refrigerator. Use this product for a month. To do this, add a teaspoon of paste to a glass of any milk and put honey to taste.
If desired, the milk can be heated, but not brought to a boil. And don't put honey in hot milk or any other liquid! So it loses useful substances and properties and even becomes dangerous.
The spice can be used to make pain reliever and blood pressure reducer. Take 3 grams of turmeric in a glass of boiling water. Dilute spices in water and add 5 grams of honey, mix thoroughly. Take the remedy when pain occurs, to reduce pressure - in the morning.
For flatulence and diarrhea, stomach disorders, dilute a teaspoon of seasoning in a glass of water and take half a glass before meals. For burns and wounds on the skin, prepare a thick mixture of aloe juice and turmeric powder. Lubricate the damaged area, and the product will relieve pain, disinfect the wound and accelerate the healing of the skin.
Turmeric is also used for inflammation or eye fatigue. Add two teaspoons of powder to 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. Cook until half of the original volume has evaporated. Strain the solution and refrigerate. Drop into eyes three to four times a day. The mixture will relieve inflammation and fatigue, cleanse the eyes and prevent infections.
For influenza, SARS and acute respiratory infections, sore throats and coughs, gargle with a special solution.