Can you breastfeed with cracked nipples
Nipple fissure: Cracked or bleeding nipples when breastfeeding
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Nipple fissures affect up to 90 percent of breastfeeding moms. They can be incredibly painful, lead to complications like engorgement and mastitis, and cause moms to stop breastfeeding before they're ready. There are many causes of cracked and bleeding nipples, but they're often due to a problem with how your baby latches on. If you're developing a nipple fissure, seek treatment from your doctor or a lactation consultant as soon as possible.
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What is nipple fissure?
Nipple fissures are painful cracks on the skin of the nipple. They often affect breastfeeding moms as their babies learn to nurse. Athletes – especially long-distance runners, as well as surfers and cyclists – also get nipple fissures.
A nipple fissure can happen to one or both breasts, and it may cause the nipple to be red, sore, dry, and chafed. The condition is often temporary and not severe, but it can make breastfeeding very uncomfortable as your baby latches on and sucks.
If it gets worse, your nipples may bleed or develop sores or scabbing. If you become reluctant to nurse or pump because of the pain, you may develop engorgement or mastitis, and the condition may affect your milk supply.
Are cracked or bleeding nipples common when breastfeeding?
Yes. Cracked or bleeding nipples are a common problem for breastfeeding moms. In fact, about 80 to 90 percent of breastfeeding women develop nipple fissures.
If it hurts when your baby latches on, work on getting a better breastfeeding latch right away. Sometimes a simple change in breastfeeding position or method is all you need to prevent nipple fissures from worsening. Your healthcare practitioner or a lactation consultant can help you figure out good adjustments to make.
They can also help you figure out how to continue breastfeeding as you cope with this challenge. You may be able to breastfeed with cracked or bleeding nipples – but if this becomes too painful, you may need to stop breastfeeding and pump for a few days (or possibly longer) to let your nipples heal. Exclusive pumping is one way to give yourself a break.
Sometimes frequent pumping can make your nipples more sore, but a lactation consultant can show you how to pump so you can preserve your milk supply and avoid further nipple damage.
What causes nipple fissure?
The most common cause of nipple fissure in breastfeeding moms is a bad latch. When your baby doesn't get your nipple and areola far enough into their mouth, it can irritate your nipples, causing them to become painful and crack, bleed, or scab.
Ideally, your baby should have the whole nipple and part of the areola in their mouth. Especially when first learning to breastfeed, a baby might suck on just the nipple, which can cause damage.
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Sometimes babies have a physical trait that makes latching correctly difficult for them. If your baby is tongue-tied, for example, they may have difficulty latching on and chomp and bite rather than suck in an effort to access your milk. Tongue-tie happens when the tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is short or extends too far to the front of the tongue. If your baby's tongue appears heart-shaped when they cry, they may have a tongue-tie.
If you suspect your baby has a tongue-tie, work with a lactation consultant who can assess the situation and, if needed, help you find a specialist who can properly diagnose and treat the condition.
Babies with a high palate or the inability to open their mouths wide also sometimes have difficulty getting a deep latch and sucking effectively. Your baby's doctor or a lactation consultant can help you determine if this is the case for your baby.
Other common causes of nipple fissure in breastfeeding moms are:
- Nipple or breast problems: Flat or inverted nipples, swollen breasts and nipples (edema), and engorged breasts can all make it difficult for your baby to latch on properly. This can irritate your skin and cause your nipples to crack or bleed. If your breasts are very engorged, nipple tissue may stretch and crack, contributing to the problem.
- Breast pumps: Using a breast pump incorrectly (by setting the suction too high, for example) can hurt or damage your nipples, causing cracks or bleeding. Flanges that don't fit properly can also cause nipple irritation. Ask a lactation consultant to check that you're using your pump correctly and have the correct size of flanges.
- Thrush (yeast infection): Thrush can cause nipple pain and damage. Signs of thrush in breastfeeding moms include itchy, red, shiny, painful nipples (they may also be cracked) and shooting and/or burning pains in the breast during or after a feeding.
- Eczema: Your nipples can crack or bleed because of severe dry skin or eczema. Eczema can show up as scaly red patches of skin that may be itchy or painful. Some women develop eczema for the first time while pregnant.
Keep in mind that it's possible to suffer from more than one of these conditions at the same time.
What should I do if I have nipple fissures?
There are many at-home treatments for nipple fissures. Prompt treatment can reduce the pain, prevent more severe skin damage, and help you start healing.
While breastfeeding
- Check your baby's latch. The best latch position is off-center, with more of the areola below the nipple in your baby's mouth. One way to achieve this is to line up their nose with your nipple so their bottom gum is far away from the base of your nipple when they open their mouth. Once their mouth is open, hug them on quickly. (Bring your baby to your breast, not your breast to them.
) Your nipple should be far back in your baby's mouth.
- Try different nursing positions. You may find that certain positions make it easier for your baby to latch on correctly and are much more comfortable. One analysis of a dozen studies concluded that women experienced less nipple pain and nipple trauma – and better latch position – in the laid-back position. Watch our breastfeeding positions video to see how it's done.
- Briefly apply a cold pack to numb the injured nipple area before nursing. Cold can help dull the pain, particularly during the initial latch, which tends to hurt the most.
- Breastfeed frequently. Nursing every two to three hours can help prevent engorged breasts. An engorged breast is harder for your baby to latch on to. This can result in a shallow latch, which can lead to nipple soreness, irritation, and cracking.
- Pump before nursing when engorged. If you have trouble with engorgement causing a shallow latch, it may help to pump for a minute or two (preferably using a hand pump, which is more gentle than an electric pump) before nursing to prepare the nipple for easier latching.
- If your breasts are engorged or your nipples are flat or inverted, try "reverse pressure softening." This involves applying gentle pressure with your fingers around the base of the nipple, which can help create a softer nipple and areola for your baby to grasp. Ask your lactation consultant to show you how to do this.
- Nurse on the less-injured side first, if you have one. Babies often nurse more gently on the second side since they're less hungry.
- Consider pumping on the injured side and breastfeeding on the other, if pumping is more comfortable than breastfeeding. You can give your breastfed baby a bottle with your pumped milk after they've finished nursing on one side.
- Exclusively pump until your nipples are healed. If it's too painful to nurse, but pumping is bearable, you can pump exclusively and bottle-feed your baby.
- Limit the duration of breastfeeding. Some babies will continue to suck even when they're not getting milk, which can irritate your nipples.
Listen for your baby swallowing, and when they're no longer swallowing, gently detach them from your breast.
After breastfeeding
- Detach your baby gently. Normally, a baby will let go of a breast when they're finished feeding and no longer getting any milk. If they don't, or if you need to detach them yourself, insert your pinky into the corner of their mouth to break the suction, so you can pull them off your breast more easily.
- Clean your nipples gently. When you have a cracked or bleeding nipple, rinse the breast after each feeding with warm water, pat with a clean towel, and air dry. Once a day, use a gentle, mild soap to clean the wound, rinse well with water, and air dry. Don't use antibacterial soap or skincare products with alcohol or fragrances on your nipples, as these can be drying.
- Use a warm compress. You may find it soothing to hold a washcloth that's been dipped in warm water (and wrung out) on your sore nipples for a few minutes.
Pat your nipples dry afterwards.
- Use an antibacterial cream as prescribed. If you have an open wound, see your healthcare provider. They may recommend an over-the-counter antibacterial cream or give you a prescription. Some of these products need to be removed before nursing, but many don't unless your baby objects to the taste or odor.
- Try lanolin. Many nursing moms use lanolin for sore, cracked nipples. It's a fat made from sheep's wool, so don't use it if you have a sensitivity to wool. Also don't use it if you have a yeast infection (thrush) on your breast, as it can trap moisture and encourage yeast growth. Otherwise, commercial lanolin products made for nursing mothers (ultrapure modified lanolin) are perfectly safe to try. Use a small, pea-size amount, and apply with clean fingertips to the sore, injured area after each feeding and after taking a shower or bath. Gently pat it on: Don't rub it in. Lanolin doesn't need to be removed before you breastfeed your baby.
- Apply expressed milk to your nipples. Breast milk has healing properties that can ease irritation, and it doesn't need to be washed off before nursing. However, don't do this if your nipple soreness is due to thrush, because applying breast milk can encourage yeast growth.
- Try hydrogel dressings designed for nipple healing. These pads are soothing and speed healing. Try to avoid touching your nipple or areola before applying the pad (bacteria from your fingers can get trapped under the pad). Also, don't use them if you have a yeast infection or with other topical products, such as lanolin. For an added cooling effect, store the hydrogel pads in the refrigerator.
- Take painkillers. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen about 30 minutes before nursing to help lessen pain. These medications are safe for breastfeeding moms to take in standard doses.
- Wear breast shells. Sometimes your nipples can become so sore that you can't bear the pressure of wearing a bra, or a scab sticks to your bra and is painfully yanked off.
In this case, try wearing a plastic breast shell inside your bra to create a space between your breast and the bra. Don't use breast shells if your breasts are engorged, however. Wearing them against an engorged breast could impede milk flow and lead to plugged ducts. Also, be sure to wash breast shells between wearings.
- Pay attention to your nursing bras. To prevent skin irritation from your nursing bras, buy ones that are comfortable, made from natural fabrics, and fit well. Make sure they're not too tight and they don't have seams that rub. Avoid underwire bras. Wash your nursing bras frequently with unscented laundry detergent and rinse well.
- Change nursing pads often if you use them, since damp nipples can invite infection. Use nursing pads that are 100-percent cotton.
- Avoid soaps and detergents with fragrances and chemicals. These can be irritating, so choose fragrance-free products.
- Consider LED therapy.
There's some evidence that light-emitting diode therapy is useful in treating nipple fissures. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with tissue healing and pain control. LED therapy isn't painful or invasive and has no side effects. If you're interested, ask your healthcare provider for a referral to a practitioner who offers this.
- Keep things clean. Bacteria can easily enter cracked, delicate skin. To prevent infection, be diligent about washing your hands before touching your cracked or bleeding nipples. Scrub your hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water before expressing milk or applying expressed milk, lanolin, creams, or hydrogel pads to your breasts.
When should I call the doctor for cracked or bleeding nipples?
Cracked or bleeding nipples can lead to infection, and painful breastfeeding is often associated with both early weaning and postpartum depression. Don't hesitate to check with your healthcare practitioner if:
- A cracked nipple is still painful and/or has a bloody discharge after 24 hours
- You notice fever, inflammation, oozing, pus, a very tender blister, or other signs of infection
- Your nipple and/or areola is shiny or flaky, or your nipple is burning
- You have nipple pain that radiates to the breast
- Cracked or bleeding nipples – and the accompanying pain – are interfering with breastfeeding.
Is it safe for my baby to breastfeed if my nipples are cracked or bleeding?
Yes. Your baby may swallow some blood and you may see it come out in their diaper, but it won't do them any harm. If you pump, you may notice that your breast milk has a pink tinge to it. This is due to blood from your cracked nipples, and it won't harm your baby.
Don't nurse until your nipples heal, though, if you have:
- Hepatitis C: If you have cracked or bleeding nipples, stop nursing temporarily, because until you receive treatment the virus can be passed through infected blood.
- Toxoplasmosis: Theoretically it's possible the parasite could pass to your baby through breastfeeding if you have cracked or bleeding nipples during the week or two after you get infected.
To keep your milk supply up in these cases, you can "pump and dump" – pump and discard the expressed milk.
Painful nipples are only one of the glitches you may encounter while breastfeeding. Read more about other nursing problems and solutions, from leaking breasts to an overabundant or dwindling milk supply.
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Karen Miles
Karen Miles is a writer and an expert on pregnancy and parenting who has contributed to BabyCenter for more than 20 years. She's passionate about bringing up-to-date, useful information to parents so they can make good decisions for their families. Her favorite gig of all is being "Mama Karen" to four grown children and "Nana" to nine grandkids.
Sore, cracked or bleeding nipples
Sore, cracked or bleeding nipples | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
Sore, cracked or bleeding nipples are common. Some mothers have such trouble with them that they stop breastfeeding early.
As a new mother, you may find it could take a few days or weeks to adapt to the strong suck of a healthy baby on your breasts.
It is normal for your breasts to become more sensitive in the first weeks after you have given birth. They may sting, burn, ache or feel tender. Over time, the discomfort and sensitivity should resolve.
If you have sore nipples, it may be that your baby isn’t attaching properly to your breast. This pain usually lasts about half a minute while baby first draws your nipple into their mouth.
Try to make sure your baby’s mouth is attached correctly for suckling from the very first breastfeed.
If you do not correct your baby’s latch, your nipples could be damaged, which causes problems like mastitis (infections).
How to get baby to attach to your breast correctly
- Make sure you are sitting or lying comfortably. Position your baby’s chest against your chest, with their mouth and nose facing your nipple.
- If you are lying down, let your baby’s cheek rest against your breast. If you are sitting up, lift your breast slightly so it does not press on your baby’s chin.
- Position your baby so the first contact point is their chin on your areola — the coloured area around your nipple.
- Bring your baby’s head to your breast, not the breast to baby’s head. Support your baby to move to where they are trying to go — towards your nipple.
- Ensure the nipple and much (or all) of the areola and some surrounding breast are in your baby’s mouth.
After a few rapid gulps, your baby should start to suck and swallow in a regular rhythm. Once you have got the hang of it, breastfeeding can be enjoyable and should not be painful.
How to manage sore nipples
Before putting baby to the breast
Wash your hands and sit in a comfortable position and try to relax. Apply a warm washer to the breast and gently massage or express to help milk flow. Express some milk to soften the areola to lubricate the nipple.
At the breast
Poor attachment is a key cause of sore nipples. Make sure the way your baby latches to your breast is correct. If you are not sure, ask for help from a health professional.
If the attachment feels uncomfortable after 30 seconds, break your baby’s suction by putting your finger in the corner of their mouth. Take your baby off and let them re-latch to your breast. Try different feeding positions. If your nipples are tender, limit your baby’s comfort sucking.
After the breastfeed
Check your nipples for redness and misshapen appearance. Wipe your breasts with clean water and let them dry. It can help to leave your bra off for a while and allow your nipples to air. Make sure your bra fits.
When expressing milk, make sure that the suction on your breast pump is not too strong. If the pain in your nipples increases after the first week, talk to a health professional.
Finding the cause of cracked or bleeding nipples
You will need to work out the source of your nipple problems. The first thing to do is to check if your baby is latching on correctly. You may need to ask a health professional for assistance. They can also check your baby for problems with their lips and tongue and whether you have medical problems like dermatitis or nipple infection. If you use a nipple shield, make sure it is the correct size and if you’re using a breast pump, make sure you’re doing it properly.
How to treat cracked or bleeding nipples
There are a number of things you can do to treat cracked or bleeding nipples.
- Look after your nipples: wash your nipples with water after every feed and clean and sterilise your nipple shield after each feed.
- If you can, continue breastfeeding (it is quite safe for baby to feed on a bleeding nipple). But if it’s too painful, you may need to take your baby off the breast for 24 to 48 hours, rest the nipple and feed your baby expressed breast milk. Gradually reintroduce the breast after resting for a short time and take special care with positioning and attachment.
- If you’re going to take pain-relieving medication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Many household remedies are ineffective or harmful.
The Australian Breastfeeding Association has more tips on treating sore or cracked nipples.
If you need further help or are experiencing prolonged abnormal breast pain, contact your doctor, lactation consultant, breast feeding counsellor, child health nurse or Pregnancy Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436.
Australian Breastfeeding Association (Sore/cracked nipples), Australian Breastfeeding Association (Mastitis), Australian Breastfeeding Association (Attachment to the breast), Raising Children Network (Breastfeeding attachment techniques), Tresillian (Breastfeeding 0-3 months)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: December 2020
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- Breastfeeding your baby
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Cracked nipples in nursing mothers, methods of their treatment and prevention
Tiunova Elena
Published: 01/15/2023
Reading time: 5 min
Breastfeeding a baby is an exciting and joyful process, but, alas, it does not always go smoothly. Approximately 10-15% of nursing mothers experience the problem of cracked nipples. They can occur from the first days of feeding, cause pain, discomfort, interfere. This problem requires a timely solution: you should not feed through force, it is better to take care of treatment in a timely manner. Neglecting the problem can make it worse.
Causes of cracked nipples
Cracks are easy to identify: they look like small cuts, scratches or tears in the skin around the nipple. Sometimes injuries to the skin of the breast occur for reasons unrelated to the behavior of the mother and baby, but breastfeeding errors are much more common. They are often allowed by primiparas, who do not have experience and sufficient baggage of information. Although WHO recommends that physicians provide adequate information to patients both before and immediately after delivery [1], mothers can still face challenges.
Incorrect nipple latch. Doctors say it's a common cause of damage. Until now, many people believe that the capture of the nipple by a child during feeding is simple, and are perplexed when faced with the need to learn. The fact is that it is difficult to properly capture the breast for a baby, although he has a sucking reflex almost immediately. If breastfeeding is incorrect, only the tip of the nipple will be in the mouth of the baby, which will roll freely in the mouth during feeding. In an attempt to fix the chest, the baby will try to grab it with his gums, inadvertently injuring. You can understand that this is a problem by several signs:0003
- the child hurts the mother while feeding;
- the baby does not fully grasp the areola during suckling.
Incorrect latch leads to the fact that after 2-3 feedings, microtraumas appear on the surface of the nipple, which can later turn into deep cracks.
Incorrect pumping. This problem is usually encountered by mothers who pump irregularly, for example, only in situations when they need to go somewhere. They lack experience to form a habit. If pumping is done manually, you do not need to press on the entire nipple: this is a common mistake that leads to microtrauma and damage.
“When pumping by hand, grasp not only the nipple, but also the areola and part of the breast around it.”
Tiunova Elena
Pediatrician of the highest category, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of faculty pediatrics and propaedeutics of childhood diseases, Ural State Medical University
If a breast pump is used, it is important to choose the right model from a competent manufacturer and use it in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It often happens that the pump is set to maximum power in the hope of increasing lactation, but this only damages the skin and provokes the development of cracks in the chest.
Interfering with feeding. It happens that the mother mistakenly believes that the child has already eaten, and tries to wean him from the breast. The baby continues to eat and reflexively begins to grab the nipple, which leads to his injuries. So that weaning does not cause discomfort to the mother and does not lead to the appearance of cracks, you need to do this only when the baby is sure to eat, fall asleep and release the breast on his own. If, for some reason, the mother urgently needs to stop feeding, you can gently insert a finger into the baby's mouth, and only then remove the breast. This will help avoid injury. Also, do not abuse pacifiers: a baby accustomed to them squeezes the chest more.
Improper breast skin care. Neglect of hygiene or, conversely, an excess of drying care products can also cause cracks. Soap, cosmetics, which contain alcohol - all this dries the skin, and overdried skin is easier to injure. Some people think that it is necessary to wash the breast with soap before each feeding. This is not so: daily hygiene procedures are enough. Improper care may also include:
- wearing too tight or hard underwear made of unsuitable fabrics, underwire bras;
- the use of powders and other laundry detergents that may cause allergies.
Cracks can also be caused by leaking milk residues. They are recommended to be removed. If a baby develops thrush in his mouth, this can also harm the sensitive skin of the chest - you need to carefully monitor the condition of the baby.
Skin diseases. Often, cracked nipples are interrelated with other diseases, both infectious and not. For example, allergies or thrush can increase the risk of injury. In addition, diseases can develop against the background of cracks: injured skin is more vulnerable to infections. If you find signs of any illness, contact your doctor immediately. The specialist will prescribe treatment and give advice on what to do with feeding further, depending on the situation.
Sensitive skin. There is a situation when the baby is properly applied to the breast, but the nipples still crack and hurt. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the skin. If the skin is thin and sensitive, the mother usually knows about this in advance, but for reliability, you can consult a doctor. In such situations, the cracks are usually small and quickly heal, and the sensitivity gradually decreases. The longer a woman breastfeeds, the less discomfort she causes, until eventually it disappears completely. However, if the pain does not go away, this is a reason to consult a specialist.
Vascular problems. After milk has been sucked out of the breast, a spasm may occur in it. Nipples at such moments become hard and tense, hurt and change color. It is important to remember that in the event of a spasm, the nipple becomes especially vulnerable, so the breast should be treated with care. Discomfort will soon pass: vasospasm does not last long. To alleviate the condition, you can put a damp, warm towel or heating pad on your chest.
Danger of cracked nipples
It may seem that microtrauma does not cause much harm to the mother, but this is not so. It is not worth neglecting them and feeding through force, ignoring pain. In fact, injured nipple skin is an open door for a variety of infections. If bacteria get into the crack, an inflammatory process may begin, which will subsequently pass to the entire mammary gland. Cracks can cause mastitis.
In addition, inflammation can lead to serious consequences: you will need to take medicines and possibly stop breastfeeding. Therefore, if cracks appear on the nipples, you need to pay attention to this immediately, do not endure and do not think that pain is normal. Cracks are easier to manage when they are still shallow; the more severe the injury, the longer it will take to heal.
How to feed a baby if there are cracks in the nipples
By themselves, microtraumas are not a reason to stop breastfeeding, but sometimes the pain during feeding is so severe that the mother begins to think about it. In reality, this is not at all necessary: there are ways to continue breastfeeding your baby, even if cracks appear on the nipples. Breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and baby. The baby receives all the substances he needs, the mother, in turn, releases the hormone oxytocin [2], which, among other things, contributes to the return to normal after childbirth.
Is it necessary to stop breastfeeding with fissures
No, it is not necessary at all, if the fissures are not caused by an infection or have not become infected after the appearance. Of course, if the damage is deep, blood or ichor oozes from the injured nipple, you should not give it to the child. It is better to wait for complete healing. The same goes for inflammation, conditions in which the milk is contaminated or the baby can become infected through contact with the nipple. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor, consult with him about taking medication and the possibility of continuing to feed. You should not neglect a visit to the doctor, each case is individual and needs to be considered separately. If there is no infection or extensive damage, then there is no ban on feeding even if there are cracks. But there are ways to reduce the pain and reduce the risk of further injury to the breast.
How to organize the process of breastfeeding with cracks
- Correctly attach the baby to the breast, correctly remove it from the baby's mouth after feeding and hold the baby during feeding.
You can learn this with the help of informational materials or specialists: doctors or lactation consultants [3], who will teach you how to properly attach your baby to the breast. According to some reports, this can reduce the risk of cracks by 50%;
- If only one breast is damaged, it is recommended not to feed it until the cracks have healed, and to use the second while healing.
- Special nipple covers for nursing can be used. They prevent the baby from squeezing the nipple and damaging the skin of the breast. There are also sanitary pads that are worn between feedings. Under them, you can apply a healing ointment.
- Feed your baby more often than usual. The more hungry the baby, the more intensively he sucks.
- It is recommended to start with a less damaged nipple: at the beginning of feeding, the baby suckles more actively.
- If the injury is severe, breastfeeding can be interrupted by expressing, then giving the baby the expressed milk.
After wound healing, HB can be resumed.
How to treat cracked nipples
If the nipples are injured, treatment should be comprehensive. These are healing ointments and preparations containing vitamins: they are needed to strengthen and protect the skin. Overdried with soap or alcohol-containing products, the skin will need to be moisturized. The scheme in each case is individual and depends on the condition of the breast. You can consult with your doctor to better understand how to treat cracks in a particular case. Remember that drugs must be approved for use while breastfeeding.
Essential drugs. There are several basic products that can help with cracks:
- ointments and creams based on dexpanthenol. This substance is used as a wound healing, at the same time it increases skin regeneration, moisturizes and strengthens. It is used for burns, wounds, ulcers. Well-known means - "Panthenol-D" or "Bepanten". Funds are sold in different forms;
- preparations containing zinc.
Zinc has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, avoids the penetration of infection into wounds, but dries the skin;
- products with lanolin, which has a moisturizing effect. It is recommended to eliminate dry skin;
Folk remedies. If the cracks are still shallow, there is no inflammation or infection, you can use folk methods. They are also used for prevention. They should be used with caution: remember that some herbs may cause allergies or not be suitable in a particular case, and untested remedies can do harm. To avoid this risk, check in advance if the method is safe and use only those that will not cause harm. This is the milk itself, which, according to some reports, has a wound-healing effect. You can gently anoint the nipples with breast milk and be without underwear for a while.
Remember that this does not always work, and if the lesion is severe, it will not be enough. In the case of inflammation, extensive damage or infection, consult a doctor and use the drugs that he will prescribe.
Prevention of cracked nipples
It is much easier to prevent painful and annoying cracks than to treat them. To reduce the risk of them, you can:
- consult a doctor or use the services of a lactation consultant [3], who will teach you how to properly latch on. According to some reports, this can reduce the risk of cracks by 50%;
- start breast care early. Do not overdry it with soap or care products, and moisturizers, do not wear tight traumatic underwear;
- use hygienic liners and change them when wet, so that excessively moist environment does not cause cracks;
- do not neglect hygiene, but also do not wash your breasts too often. A daily shower will suffice.
World medical organizations, in particular WHO, agree that mother's milk is the best food for a baby [1]. Moreover, breastfeeding can also be beneficial for the mother [2]. Therefore, you should not turn off the process when cracks occur, unless there are serious reasons for this. You can get rid of pain and injuries, and then feeding will not cause discomfort to either the baby or his mother.
[1] WHO: Breastfeeding
[2] Carlos González The Gift of a Lifetime: A Guide to Breastfeeding
[3] William and Martha Sears Your Baby from Birth to 2 Years
Tiunova Elena
Pediatrician of the highest category, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of faculty pediatrics and propaedeutics of childhood diseases, Ural State Medical University
About the author
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Article contents
- Causes of cracked nipples
- Danger of cracked nipples
- How to feed a baby with cracked nipples
- Is it necessary to stop breastfeeding with fissures
- How to organize the process of breastfeeding with cracks
- How to treat cracked nipples
- Prevention of cracked nipples
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Cracked nipples | Medela
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