Can unborn babies sense their father
13 tips for father-baby bonding
Whether you’re a brand-new dad or baby is still on the way, you might be feeling a little out of your element when it comes to bonding with your baby. After all, when baby doesn’t do much more than eat, sleep, poop and cry, how do you create that tight bond? And is it really that important at this stage?
Studies show that bonding with your baby has a huge impact on their mental and physical well-being. And babies come into this world ready to build a relationship with their parents. But many dads can feel overwhelmed since they may not have a ton of experience with babies. It might feel like mom, grandma or grandpa already has it all figured out while you’re struggling to know what to do.
Bonding can seem a lot more difficult than it really is. You’ll be surprised how many skills you already have that can make you a natural at taking care of and bonding with your baby. Try these simple suggestions to build on those skills and help create the father-baby bond in no time.
Ways dads can start bonding with baby during pregnancy
You don’t need to wait until baby is here to start building a relationship with them. But a common question we hear is: How can dad bond with baby in the womb? You can kick-start the bonding by using a few of the following suggestions.
Go to prenatal doctor visits
One of the best ways to start that father-baby bond before birth is to join your partner at prenatal appointments. You’ll be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat, see them moving on the ultrasound screen and hear development updates straight from the doctor or clinician.
If the visitor policy at your partner’s clinic has changed because of COVID-19 restrictions, you can always join the appointment by video or phone.
Take care of mom
Caring for your pregnant partner is caring for your baby. The more comfortable mom is, the happier baby is.
Also, ask your partner how you can help her, or offer to take on some new responsibilities to lighten her load. That might mean taking over some errands, scheduling a recurring date night or doing some baby-proofing chores around the house. Whatever it is, it’ll make you a more active participant in getting ready for the baby to come.
If you already have kiddos in the family, another way to help your partner is to offer to take over parenting duty for the day. Giving mom a break will help her relax. Plus, you’ll get some quality time with your kids before the new baby arrives.
Massage your partner’s belly
Gently massaging your partner’s belly can relieve discomfort and itchiness caused by the growing baby bump. And the bonus? Baby may start to know when their father is touching mom’s belly. Babies can sense touch from anyone, but they can also sense when touch (and voice) is familiar. And by 24 weeks into pregnancy, dad can usually feel baby kick – but the exact time varies.
Take time to learn about pregnancy
Knowing how your baby is growing and what milestones are ahead can help you feel more connected to your little one. For example, did you know that baby can make a fist at 12 weeks gestation? Or, that by 16 weeks they can hear your voice?
Make sure to learn what mom is going through, too. Being pregnant is hard. Part of a dad’s job is understanding the needs of mom and baby.
Talk to other fathers, attend prenatal classes, ask your partner how she’s feeling and talk to her doctor to learn all you can about the baby that’s on the way.
Prepare for the birth
When the big day arrives, you’ll play a huge role in the labor and delivery process. Being a part of planning and preparation can help you take on more fatherly responsibilities before baby is here.
For starters, help your partner make the birth plan. Together you can discuss the kind of birth experience your partner envisions. You might think through which hospital or birth center to choose, if your partner would prefer an unmedicated, “natural” birth or an epidural, and other important decisions.You’ll also decide who you want in the room with you and what you want to pack for the hospital.
Also, take time to learn how best to support your partner during labor and delivery. Attend prenatal classes, ask what your partner needs and reach out to friends and family who have been the support person for their partners.
Ways for dad to bond with their newborn from the moment they arrive
Now that baby is here, daddy-baby bonding time can hit a new level. You’re no longer limited to talking to your partner’s belly. But if you’re not sure where to start, try some of these tips.
Talk to baby
Babies can recognize voices as young as 1 week old. Make sure your voice is one of them! Talking to your baby strengthens language development, helping the part of the brain that understands language grow. They’ll start to pick up speech patterns and tone, which you’ll hear them mimic when they start baby talk.
So, talk to your baby throughout the day just like you would to any other member of your family. Chat about what you’re doing, things in your environment and anything else that comes to mind. If you’re not sure what to say, try reading to your baby or singing a song.
For an early start, dads can talk to baby in the womb. Babies can begin hearing sounds and voices around the 18-week mark. Are there any specific benefits of dad talking to baby in the womb? For one thing, talking to them early can help them recognize your voice sooner after they’re born.
Hold your baby close and connect through skin-to-skin contact
You may have heard that skin-to-skin contact is an important way to bond with baby. But it’s not just great for bonding, this kind of touch has many benefits for both you and baby.
Touch helps baby feel safer and can even help reduce how often they cry. Your body can also help baby regulate their temperature and heartbeat. This a natural ability that both moms and dads have. Skin-to-skin touch also provides tons of other benefits for baby, including improved mental development, reduced stress and possibly a lowered risk of obesity in the future.
For you, this kind of touch boosts the “feel good” hormones, endorphins and oxytocin. These create feelings of love, protectiveness and happiness. Plus, they can help reduce stress and boost your confidence as a parent.
Make eye contact
It sounds easy, but making eye contact with your baby is one of the keys to their early development. Studies have shown that regular eye contact can help babies develop stronger language skills by the time they’re 2 years old.
When do babies recognize their father or mother?
Babies can recognize their parents pretty early actually – as young as 4 days old. By making eye contact with your baby during feeding times, cuddle sessions and throughout the day, you’re helping your child memorize your face and learn to trust you. To help your baby get a good look at you, hold them between 8 and 15 inches away from your face while looking into their eyes.
Take part in mealtimes
It’s easy to feel like mealtimes are all about baby and mom, especially if mom is breastfeeding. But you can and should take part, too.
During the first month, newborns eat between eight and 12 times a day. An easy way to get involved with one of baby’s most frequent activities is to simply join in. Be the parent who carries baby to and from mealtimes. This will give mom a break and give you some prime cuddle time throughout the day.
You can hang out during the meal, too. If mom is breastfeeding, ask if you can help support the baby. If you’re bottle feeding, take turns feeding them.
You can also use this time to flex your cleaning skills. Bottles, breast pumps, bibs and everything else used during mealtimes needs to be sanitized after each use. Taking over this chore can give mom a chance to relax and remind you that you play an important part in making sure your baby is well taken care of.
Become the “Diaper Dad”
Taking over some responsibilities with your new baby can be a great way for you to strengthen your relationship. It will build your confidence as a great dad, and it will help your baby learn to count on you.
Consider taking over diaper duty. This is something you can do from day one, helping you share in the work getting you some quality father-baby bonding time.
Make diaper changing a fun event. A changing table can become a stage where you sing silly songs or make funny faces at your baby.
If being in charge of diaper changes doesn’t work for you, choose something else that does. Maybe you’re the dad in charge of the bedtime routine, maybe you’re the parent who soothes baby when they cry. You’ll find what works to create some father-baby bonding.
Show baby the world
Everything is new to babies. Being your baby’s guide to the great, big world can help them learn and grow, as well as develop a strong sense of trust between you and your child. Plus, having outings is just plain fun.
When your baby is brand new, you’ll want to be cautious about exposing them to new illnesses. Their immune system will be low for the first eight weeks or so of their lives. But as they get older – and receive their vaccinations – their world can get bigger and bigger.
Take your baby to places that were special to you as a kid. Maybe you have a favorite park or loved story time at the local library. Visit the zoo, museums and other places with exciting things for baby to look at. Or simply go on walks around the neighborhood, taking in the sights and sounds of home.
If you’re not sure where to start, check out local dads’ groups and parenting classes in your community.
Give mom time with your older kids
If you already have kids at home, adding a new baby to the family can make it more challenging to spend quality time with the older kids. Family dynamics change, making everything from how you introduce the new baby to your kids to one-on-one time with your kids more important.
One way to bond with your baby and help your older kids get the attention they deserve is to trade off time with your partner. Choose times when you’ll be alone with the baby while your partner spends time alone with your other kids. Alternate to ensure every kid gets to spend time with both parents.
Keep baby healthy
Being part of your baby’s health is a great way to teach them about a healthy lifestyle and ensure they’re getting the care they need. Choosing a doctor for your baby who can be by their side from birth to early adulthood can help guide you, your partner and baby through all the big milestones and everyday needs.
Join your partner in making the decision. Many different kinds of doctors are able to provide care for infants and beyond, including pediatricians, family doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners and many others. Talk as a family about what kind of doctor is the best option for your child. Then, go the extra mile and schedule your baby’s first wellness checkup after they’re born.
Try not to worry: Bonding happens naturally
Remember, you were made to bond with your new baby. Though it can feel overwhelming at first, natural instincts will take over.
You might already be a pro at making silly faces or the king of dramatic storybook readings. You also probably know which chores you can take on to make everything a true family affair. With a little practice, you’ll have fatherly confidence, too.
If you’re worried that the bond isn’t developing between you and your baby, talk with your child’s doctor.
It’s important to know that feelings of anxiety and even sadness are normal for all new parents. And dads can experience postpartum depression, too. So, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor if you need emotional and mental support.
Life with a new baby can be overwhelming. Doctors can offer guidance and answer your questions so you can focus on being the best dad.
Benefits Of Dad Talking To Baby In Womb
You could be feeling a little out of your zone when it comes to bonding with your newborn, whether you’re a new father or the baby is still on the way. And besides, how do you form a strong bond with a baby that you can’t see or feel (apart from an occasional kick) before birth, and doesn’t do much more than eat, sleep, poop, and cry those long months after? Why is it so necessary at this point? Also, what are the benefits of a dad talking to baby in the womb?
In the following article, we will look at the importance of bonding between father and baby.
Bonding with your baby has been shown to have a significant impact on their mental and physical health by recent research. And babies arrive in the world eager to form bonds with their parents. However, many dads may feel frustrated since they have little experience with babies. As you’re unsure what to do, it may appear that your mother, grandmother, or grandfather has it all figured out.
Do babies know their dad in the womb?Babies in the womb recognize their father before they are born if they hear his voice on a frequent basis. They may not understand what a father is, but they will recognize their parents’ voices and feel reassured by familiar voices and sounds.
Babies usually recognize their father’s voice after their mother’s. Hearing your voice after birth will bring them comfort because they have heard it for months in the womb. Babies may learn about you from an early age, so start chatting!
When can the baby hear dad's voice in the womb?Babies may start hearing sounds outside the womb as early as the second trimester. This means that around the time of your second sonogram, you should begin speaking, singing, and humming to your baby. You can start talking at any moment; there is no such thing as too soon! This is because your baby’s five senses begin to evolve at about 21 weeks and they begin to process everything in their environment.
Dad needs to work a little harder to be heard, but talking to the bump may help your baby recognize your voice as well. Remarkable research on preterm newborns revealed that they were more sensitive to lower-pitched noises than higher-pitched ones.
We also know that unborn babies can recall and recognize distinct noises, so dads may be able to begin bonding with their children before they are born.
Encourage dad to chat to the bump about their day, hobbies, or interests to make him feel more engaged in your pregnancy. And, while your baby won’t recognize what’s being said, it’s comforting to know that, at least in the third trimester, babies are listening and learning about their family.
Early bonding allows you to build quick ties with each other and may be an enjoyable way to support your partner throughout pregnancy. Many pregnant women like sharing their kicks with their partners, and this shared experience is a great way for them to prepare and become excited together.
To begin with, hearing their father’s voice on a frequent basis in the womb has advantages for the baby. It may be soothing to babies, which is essential for their proper growth. A calming atmosphere is helpful to babies as they develop and promotes stress reduction. There have been studies that link early relationships between parents and their babies in the womb to healthy development in toddler-aged children.
Second, as a soon-to-be father, you should begin bonding with your baby as soon as possible. This is sometimes a more difficult task for fathers than for mothers since you are experiencing pregnancy in very different ways. But don’t let it deter you. Speak to your baby whenever possible, and if talking isn’t your thing, try singing, reading, or humming instead.
This will improve your baby’s recognition of your voice and recognition of you as one of their key caregivers. It will also help you bond with your kid and feel more connected to your spouse while they go during pregnancy. It feels nice to be in it together as best you can for both of you.
Keep in mind that if you are not physically near to your unborn child on a regular basis, you may create an audio message and ask that the mother play it to the baby. If you are often away from home or do not reside with the mom, video or phone conversations are another reasonable alternative.
Does a baby know when their father touches my belly?When the father touches the mother’s belly, the baby may become awake. Babies can detect touch from anybody, but they can also detect familiar touch (and speech). And around 24 weeks, dad should be able to feel the baby kick – but the exact time depends.
We know that babies in the womb are conscious — they are conscious of being loved and cherished. When people speak to them tenderly and react to their every action with attention and care, they feel that they are acknowledged. They are aware of the individuals in their surroundings and begin to develop opinions about whether their world is safe or dangerous even before they are born.
They may recognize voices they heard while in the womb after they are born. If the father speaks tenderly to the unborn baby, the baby forms an emotional bond with him. Because the familiar sound allows the baby to know he is secure, the dad’s voice may have a soothing and relaxing impact on him.
Also read:When can you hear a baby’s heartbeat with Doppler?
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Mom, don't! / Pravoslavie.Ru
one June is celebrated as International Day child protection. Protection from whom? From maniacs, pedophiles, from adoptive parents in a same-sex marriage?.. Yes, in including from them. But not in the first place. That's why that today the child has a worse enemy. It's... his own mother! Yes Yes. How would it did not sound paradoxical. And we can't go wrong if Let's call this holiday more precisely - "Day protection of children from their own mothers. nine0002 *** Official data on how much annually in Russia abortions are very different. Sociologists call values from one and a half to three million. According to unofficial According to statistics, eight people are killed per year in our country. million babies in the womb, and given use of abortive contraceptives The numbers are quite astronomical. Just two percent of Russian women at the age of forty did not abortion. Every year in our country, about half a million babies. So even the most modest official estimates, per child born there is one killed. During World War II in Fifty-five million people died all over the world; now sixty million are killed on our planet a year (!) unborn children. That's some scary math! nine0003
Mom, what happened to you? You gave birth in war, in devastation, gave birth even when there was no guarantee that in a month or two the whole family will not die of hunger. You I preferred to die myself, if only your baby would live. AND now in times of relative prosperity - you give away your own unborn child (and sometimes more than one) to execution and being torn to pieces. For the baby in there was no safer place in the whole universe than under you heart. And now it’s not a plane or a car, but a mother’s The womb has become the place where the child is most dangerous. What happened to you? nine0003
I often wonder why women don't understand or don't want to understand what a terrible atrocity they are committing, having an abortion? This spring in the socio-economic Institute of Saratov, we held an exhibition of anti-abortion topics. In the library there were stands with illustrative material. Groups of students came and we (that is, I am a priest - and a doctor from Society of Orthodox Doctors) held a lecture for them. One day, after a lecture, acquaintances standing together with students, broadcast to me the words of one girl. "So what? she said, listening to us. — My mother had three abortions - and nothing! I AM I regret that I did not hear these words and could not with her talk. I really wanted to ask if she really does not understand that in place of those three dead brothers or sisters could she be? What a mother would go to the doctor and ask to be spared her own daughters? The doctor would take the instrument and begin to take it out of mother's womb. She would try to hide, silently screamed, but there would be nowhere to go in my mother, ticks would get everywhere. And she would have been torn off her arms, legs, head, pulled out along parts out!.. And instead of it in the socio-economic someone else would have studied at the institute, the one whose native Mom decided to keep her alive. Is it not comes? nine0003
Unfortunately, many people consider abortion an ordinary obstetric surgery. As one friend told me: “I used to think that abortion It's a side effect of marriage." In the United The United States is currently undergoing a high-profile trial. Judge some abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Doctor (if, of course, it can be so name) performed abortions in late pregnancy. And when children removed from their mother's womb were alive, he cut off their heads with scissors. He is accused seven such episodes. Death threatens the child-killing doctor execution. America was shocked by this story. But here's what else strikes in this situation, so it's kind of diabolical logic: Kermit killed before, killed inside the womb, that under the law of that state up to twenty-four weeks pregnancy he could do with impunity. Someone even calculated that for his "medical practice" he killed sixteen thousand babies. Unfortunate journalists, covering the trial, are completely confused in terminology. What is the name of the baby who was killed in womb, and what is the name of the one who was executed by White light? If one can be destroyed with impunity, and for the murder of the second faces the death penalty, then call they should be somehow different. For example, the first "embryo", "embryo" (embryo), and the second is still a “child” (baby). Approximately so they did. This story shows the view modern man to the worldwide industry of infanticide. nine0003
It is possible that in the foreseeable future in Russia there will be the need to establish a day for the protection of the elderly. AND I would call it like this: "The day of protection of the elderly from the youth." The Russian people are getting old. Now average the age of the Russian is 40 years. This is a lot. If nation will continue to age, we will face a situation when one able-bodied citizen will have to support two or three pensioners. And that's enough burdensome. Society will start looking for a way out. And not it is excluded that they will be euthanasia. If we are now we kill our own children with impunity by the millions, why there to talk about old people! One shot and there is no person. And society is free from paying pensions and other "gimp" associated with the elderly. nine0003
So an abortion euthanasia is directly related. And this should be think about those who live "for themselves", not wanting fill your life with nothing burdensome, for example, children. It is worth thinking at least from personal interests.
Dear reader, for the hour that you are sitting in front of computer, think about what you read or write comment, in our country, if we take the most modest sociologists estimate that three hundred unborn will be killed kids. Three hundred! In an hour! For the day, respectively, will be interrupted three thousand six hundred human lives. And this will happen even on June 1, International Children's Day, when, perhaps, some kind of pompous events, the right speeches are being made ... nine0003
P.S. Probably, each of us sometimes wants to dream. To dream that with some mother or aunt doctor on this day a miracle will happen. And they suddenly will kill the baby. Refuse to commit this atrocity. And he will live! And sick in old age mother this son or daughter will be able to go to the pharmacy for medicines or bring a glass of water. Maybe it will even happen that my aunt is a doctor before her death, on the threshold of eternity, understand what she was doing, call the priest, and come that not killed kid, and now - the father, and will cover her head with stole ... But this is just absurd dreams. A business, even the smallest, is always better the greatest dreams ... Works in this field, in the field of child and family protection, a really great a bunch of. nine0003
What do babies learn in the womb?
- Leslie Evans Ogden
- BBC Earth
Image credit: Thinkstock
communication with parents. Learning certainly begins before birth, says a BBC Earth columnist.
When I was expecting my first child, like most expectant mothers, I received a lot of unsolicited advice. nine0003
"Don't eat spicy things, especially garlic, especially when you're breastfeeding." But as a terrible fan of spicy food, I didn't really listen. Cuisines differ markedly by culture. Therefore, children who are born in the spice capitals of the world are accustomed to the spicy flavor with their mother's milk.
It was pure speculation on my part, but given my tiny test subject's excellent appetite, it seemed to me that he was not at all against the Thai curry and garlic dishes that he tried through breast milk. nine0003
Image copyright, EdelmannScience Photo Library
Photo caption,Babies learn about their mother's cooking tastes even before birth
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Recent scientific research confirms that babies learn about their mother's culinary tastes even before birth. But in fact, learning in the womb is not limited to the taste of food. And it is also not limited to human babies. Experiments show that all kinds of animals, from small to large, begin to explore the world even before they are born. Babies carefully observe the tastes, smells, sounds and even images available in the womb. nine0003
How can a child learn to recognize the taste of garlic in the mother's stomach? Peter Goepper from the University of Belfast set out to find out. He observed 33 children whose mothers preferred garlic dishes or did not eat garlic during pregnancy.
Image copyright, Thinkstock
Image caption,Babies are sensitive to different flavors of breast milk
A scientist found that children's culinary tastes persisted even years later, because those whose mothers ate garlic during pregnancy ate potatoes with pleasure with garlic even at 8 or 9years.
But how can human babies taste food in the womb? One theory, Goepper explains, is that the tastes get into the amniotic fluid, and when the fetus swallows it—from around the tenth week of pregnancy—"it tastes it."
Tastes can also pass directly into the blood of the fetus through the mother's blood. Garlic, for example, lingers in our body systems for several hours after eating. This explains why at close range you can smell it even the next day after eating it. nine0003
Image copyright, Thinkstock
Image caption,Garlic and chili have a very strong taste
Researchers have shown that not only strong tastes, but also, for example, the taste of carrots can influence the culinary preferences of the fruit.
If such conclusions seem unscientific to you, consider that for mammalian babies, taste and smell are important factors that trigger the suckling process.
"When a baby is breastfed, he tastes the same taste in his mother's milk that he was used to during 30 weeks in the womb, and therefore he perceives it well," explains the scientist. "If the taste is different, feeding can become more problematic ". nine0003
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VIPAS 9000 , in rabbits, rats, dogs and cats.
This mechanism has evolved to protect newborns from dangerous foods and to help them recognize their mother. "It makes sense, because it's very important to be able to recognize who is naturally programmed to take care of us," Gepper notes. nine0003
This is especially important for animals that can be exploited by other species, giving them their offspring to feed.
While observing the behavior of the bird Malurus cyaneus (of the nettle family), Australian scientists accidentally noticed that females, while hatching eggs, make special sounds that are very similar to the cries of their hungry chicks after they hatch from eggs.
It is possible that in this way the mother teaches her unborn children the special signals they will call her after hatching. Scientists tested this hypothesis and found that chicks that call their parents differently are fed less. Moreover, even very slight differences in signals affect the behavior of adult birds. nine0003
Photo copyright, David
Photo caption,Malurus cyaneus
Other studies have shown that nestlings and ducks are taught to sing.
Scientists Christopher Garsh and Robert Lickliter of Indiana conducted an experiment that resembles the tale of the ugly duckling. Experiments have shown that partridge chicks prefer the call of a Japanese quail, rather than representatives of their own species, if they were played recordings of his singing before birth in an incubator.
What about human embryos? Are they able to learn sounds in the womb? Experiments by psychologist Athena Voouloumanos at New York University have shown that babies give more preference to human speech than to other sounds, and to their parents' language over other languages.
It is interesting that they learn their native language not only when their mother speaks, but also from the lips of other speakers. And the children of bilingual mothers, as Voulumanos' colleague at the University of British Columbia found, responded equally strongly to both of their mothers' native languages. nine0003
Photo copyright, David
Photo caption,Partridge (Colinus virginianus)
Can babies in the womb also learn to recognize musical melodies?
In an experiment by Finnish scientists, a group of late-term pregnant women listened almost daily to a children's lullaby, "A Little Star Twinkles. " After the babies were born, scientists tested the children's reactions to small changes in the song's melody using an encephalogram. nine0003
The brains of babies who listened to it in the womb reacted much more actively to both versions of the melody (correct and incorrect) than the brains of those who did not play the lullaby. This suggests that the children recognized and remembered the melody.
One important consequence of this discovery is the need to pay special attention to the sound environment of premature babies. If there is a lot of mechanical noise in the neonatal unit, babies may remember these sounds at the expense of speech sounds and subsequently have difficulty learning language. nine0003
Image copyright, Thinkstock
Image caption,Playing music to the belly probably won't work
However, scientists are skeptical about artificially modeling the sounds a fetus can hear. And they consider the popularity of devices that play music directly to babies in the womb and attached to the stomach or even have vaginal speakers as a commercial move.
It turns out, however, that the babies of different animals in the womb are able to perceive not only tastes, smells and sounds. nine0003
An unexpected discovery was made by researchers observing cuttlefish, animals that zoologists believe have one of the richest behavioral repertoires in the world. Researcher Ludovic Dickel of the University of Cannes in Lower Normandy in France found that once the cuttlefish's visual system starts to function, about three weeks before hatching from the egg, the animal begins to learn through sight.
In one experiment, Dickel and his colleagues showed cuttlefish embryos images of crabs, which usually could not affect the embryos' sense of taste or smell because they did not release chemicals. After hatching, cuttlefish exposed to crabs had a markedly greater preference for prey from the crustacean family than their peers who received no visual cues before birth. nine0003
Photo copyright, David Fleethamnaturepl. com
Pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) eggs
As Ludovic Dickel's team found, cuttlefish began to learn even earlier, four weeks before hatching. They sensed touches and chemical cues, such as the scent of predatory European sea bass.
The ability to quickly learn to recognize the smell of danger is also inherent in salamanders and frogs.
Knowledge of the dangers of the environment in which an animal will be born is an important way for amphibians to survive. Many of them develop in an environment filled with predators, and 90-99% of the young may die before they transform from a tadpole to an adult.
Sometimes water bodies become safe, which allows active movement and search for food, however, in other periods, the number of predators increases markedly, and in order to survive, animals are forced to be very careful. They learn this from the many chemicals that surround them in the water and contain a lot of information about the environment.