Can u ovulate while pregnant
Can You Get Pregnant While Pregnant? It’s Rare But Possible
There are plenty of reasons to not love every minute of pregnancy — morning sickness, leg cramps, and heartburn, just to name a few — but the freedom to have sex with your partner whenever you want without worrying about birth control is one of pregnancy’s bigger selling points.
After all, you can’t get pregnant when you’re pregnant, right? RIGHT?!
Sorry to be the bearer of mind-blowing news, but everything you thought about pregnancy and fertility is pretty much wrong. OK, not everything… just enough to make it necessary for us to inform you that — technically — you can add another bun to your oven even when one’s already cooking in there.
A double pregnancy, or superfetation, is extremely rare — in fact, there aren’t even stats on how often it happens — but it’s scientifically possible. We’re not saying you should worry about it happening to you, just that you can’t say that it’s impossible. Here’s why.
There are three things that happen to your body when you get pregnant that make it super unlikely you’ll be able to get pregnant again in the next 9 months:
- You stop ovulating. You need to produce a healthy egg in order to get pregnant. Once that egg has been successfully fertilized and implants in your uterus, pregnancy hormones tell your ovaries that you don’t need to ovulate anymore right now.
- Speaking of your uterus, it gets pretty tough for another fertilized egg to implant once the first one has nestled in there. The uterine lining thickens to support the first egg and that makes it hard for another to attach itself.
- During pregnancy, your cervix produces something called a mucus plug, which not only protects your uterus from infection but also prevents sperm from passing through the cervix.
Any one of these things — ovulation, second implantation, or sperm getting through in the first place — happening after conception would be unusual.
Having all three of them happen, resulting in superfetation, is practically unheard of. (We mean this literally: Medical experts can only point to about 10 confirmed cases in the literature, as evidenced by a 2017 article.)
In order to have a double pregnancy, you’d have to either ovulate while pregnant or have two uteri. Both of those scenarios, again, are highly unlikely.
Ovulating during pregnancy happens so infrequently doctors haven’t been able to study why it may occur.
While uterine abnormalities aren’t quite as uncommon, doctors typically see people with a divided or partially formed uterus, not two separate uteri.
This condition, called didelphic uterus, is rare. While it can cause a double pregnancy, it’s more likely to result in a miscarriage than two pregnancies at the same time.
Since double pregnancy happens so infrequently, there’s no definitive info about how close in gestational age the two fetuses would be.
A 2013 study suggests these fetuses are usually conceived between 2 and 4 weeks apart, so it’s likely to be something that happens within a short window of time after the first conception. Considering that the average length of time between menstrual cycles is about 28 days, that makes sense.
As far as the timing of labor and delivery, a double pregnancy can complicate things a little but not dramatically. You wouldn’t be dealing with, say, a 7-month-old fetus and a 3-month-old one.
Your babies will be close in age. For the most part, babies born between 37 and 38 weeks gestation have healthy outcomes, so you could — in theory — schedule a delivery that falls somewhere in between the younger and older babies’ estimated due dates.
There have been a handful of confirmed double pregnancies over the years, including:
- Jessica Allen agreed to be a surrogate for a Chinese couple. When it was discovered she was carrying two fetuses, doctors assumed the embryo had split into twins. After delivering the babies, however, both Allen and the biological parents were confused about how different in appearance they were. DNA testing eventually confirmed that one baby was the biological child of Allen and her husband while the other was the biological child of the Chinese parents.
- Julia Grovenburg became pregnant with one baby in early 2010 and then conceived another roughly 2 and a half weeks later. The superfetation was discovered by her doctor during an ultrasound, which revealed the babies were growing at two different rates within two different uterine sacs. The babies also had two different due dates but were ultimately born via cesarean section on the same day.
- Kate Hill conceived two babies 10 days apart after receiving treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome. She and her husband were trying to conceive but only had sex once — despite the two eggs being fertilized separately.
Twins happen when a fertilized egg splits in two after implantation (for identical twins) or when two separate eggs are fertilized at the same exact time (for fraternal twins).
These are different from superfetation, which occurs when two eggs are fertilized during separate instances of ovulation.
In other words, twins are conceived during the same ovulatory cycle. In superfetation, one egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus, and then — during a secondary ovulatory cycle — another egg follows suit.
As far as knowing when a double pregnancy has occurred instead of the more likely twin conception, it’s fairly tough to decipher before the babies are born.
Two of the indicators — a significant difference in gestational size and a second baby suddenly appearing on a later ultrasound — can have other explanations. For example, it’s more reasonable to assume that the fetuses are simply growing differently or that an ultrasound technician missed the second fetus the first time around.
After birth, of course, a marked difference in the babies’ physical appearance (like being of two different ethnicities, as in Jessica Allen’s case) is a strong enough sign that DNA testing may be warranted, which would confirm or rule out superfetation for certain.
Further complicating things, there’s a similar-but-different biological phenomenon called superfecundation, which refers to fraternal twins with two different fathers.
This happens when two eggs are released during one ovulatory cycle, with each one being fertilized by sperm from a different male partner. A woman would need to have sex with two different men within the short window of ovulation, which is typically about 5 days.
Since the eggs are released, fertilized, and implanted during the same ovulatory cycle, superfecundation isn’t the same as a double pregnancy. It’s almost equally as rare, though. One study from way back in 1992 estimated it had happened in about 2 percent of the twin cases examined.
Once more for the people in the back: This situation happens so infrequently that doctors can’t say if the risks of carrying and delivering babies with a double pregnancy are higher or not than in traditional pregnancies.
If both fetuses are developing normally, there may not be any increased risks in carrying them. On the other hand, problems may arise if one is significantly “younger” in gestational age or less developed than the other.
Beyond that, a person facing delivery with a double pregnancy would simply have the same risks as anyone delivering multiples. Those risks include low birth weight, preeclampsia, and preterm delivery, among others.
Do you need to be worried about winding up with a superfetation situation? Probably not. It can happen once in a blue moon — and if you’re an extremely rare case, it could explain why your “twins” aren’t developing along the same growth pattern.
Otherwise, consider this a fun fact to pull out at parties: Yes, you can (in theory) become pregnant while pregnant.
Do You Ovulate When Pregnant? – Knix
Your menstrual cycle is typically interrupted by pregnancy. This means when you are pregnant, you typically don’t ovulate or menstruate. The body “switches gears”, so to speak, and focuses on developing the growing embryo.
However, on rare occasions (i.e. undergoing fertility treatment), fertilization and implantation of a second embryo may occur during an ongoing initial pregnancy.
In this article, we’ll explain the key phases of a menstrual cycle and then look more closely at what happens during ovulation. Then we will dive deeper with simple terms, into current theories surrounding the complex and rare occurrence of superfetation, which by definition is when a woman becomes pregnant during a different ovulatory cycle, while already pregnant.
Your Menstrual Cycle: The Structures and their Phases
Your monthly menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases occurring in two different structures at the same time.
- The ovary
- The uterus
The Ovary
- Follicular
- Ovulation
- Luteal
The Uterus
- Secretory
- Proliferative
- Menstruation
The most commonly referenced menstrual cycle is 28 days. However, the normal range for many adult women of reproductive age is 21-35 days.
Many also experience irregular menstrual cycles, which can be caused by a variety of differing factors. Tracking the menstrual cycle can be helpful in collecting information and detecting any abnormalities or deviations from your normal menstrual baseline.
What Is Ovulation?
In women of reproductive age, the ovary releases a follicle (oocyte) each month, around days 13–15 of a 28-day menstrual cycle.
After the oocyte is released from the ovary (ovulation), it moves into the fallopian tube. The rupture of the ovarian follicle during ovulation can cause some light spotting, and some can even feel it happen.
Ovulation is controlled by the release of specific hormones like (i.e. luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland (also in the brain) at a specific time within the menstrual cycle. The predictability of ovulation can be affected by other hormone levels as well as stressors.
What Happens After Ovulation?
After ovulation, the oocyte moves through the fallopian tube for 12–24 hours, waiting to be fertilized by sperm. Your sex drive may also increase during ovulation. It’s worth noting that sperm can live inside a female body for up to 5 days, so the window for getting pregnant is longer than just a couple of days.
If the egg is not fertilized during that time, it disintegrates (breaks down), and menstruation (your period) begins approximately two weeks (14 days) later.
Ovulation and Pregnancy: ‘The Fertile Window’
For those trying to get pregnant and have a baby, knowing when you might be ovulating is important. Your most fertile days ("the fertile window") are the five days leading up to and including ovulation. The fertile window is when you’re most likely to get pregnant. So, having sex during your fertile window gives you the best chance of ensuring the egg is fertilized by sperm, so you become pregnant.
Taking Advantage of the Fertile Window
As previously mentioned, ovulation is a calculated process. Not to mention, the woman's reproductive cycle is just one side of the equation, i.e. knowing when you're likely to get pregnant is only part of the picture. Sperm health is also key in your chances of getting pregnant.
When you ovulate, an egg is released from a mature follicle in your ovary. The ruptured t follicle transforms into a structure known as the corpus luteum, which exists for two weeks post-ovulation.
The corpus luteum releases mainly progesterone which works to maintain the lining of your uterus (the endometrium) in preparation for implantation of a fertilized egg.
When Does Ovulation Happen?
Every person’s cycle is different. Some have longer periods than others. So the timing of ovulation is not always the same in every woman's cycle, and there can also be a normal variation between cycles in the same person.
A normal menstrual cycle in an adult can be anywhere between 21 to 35 days and21 to 45 days in teens. Tracking your menstrual cycle can be extremely helpful in understanding your normal.
How Do You Count Your Menstrual Cycle?
Your menstrual cycle range is counted from the first day of one menstrual period to the first day of the next menstrual period. Typically ovulation is counted backwards and is about 13-15 days before the first day of your menstrual period flow.
When Are Your Most Fertile Days?
If your average menstrual cycle is 28 days and the first day of your cycle is day 1 of your menstrual period, ovulation typically occurs between days 13-15. Thus, you want to have sex every day or every other day, five days before your fertile window (day 13-15) and continue through your fertile window.
If your average menstrual cycle length is 35 days, ovulation typically happens between days 20-22. Therefore, sexual intercourse should begin five days prior to day 20.
Signs of Ovulation
Ovulation often goes completely unnoticed by women. However, when you ovulate, there are some trackable signs.
Ovulation Symptoms
- Your basal body temperature falls: Your basal body temperature drops a little bit just before the egg is released from your ovary. Then, 24 hours after the egg's release, your body temperature rises, and the temperature stays up for several days.
- Cervical mucus changes: The changes in your discharge over the course of your menstrual cycle also hold clues about fertility and when you might be ovulating. If your cervical mucus is:
- Dry, absent, thick, sticky: ovulation is less likely
- White, creamy: Ovulation may be coming
- Clear, slippery and stretchy (cervical mucus is an egg white texture): The probability of ovulation and thus conception is highest.
- Your cervix softens and opens up: As you approach your most fertile time, your cervix softens. This is sometimes known as having a short, high, open, and wet cervix (SHOW) and is a sign of high fertility.
- You may experience a slight twinge or cramping: “Mittelschmerz” translates literally as “middle pain” and is the name for the slight twinge or cramp that some women experience during ovulation (when the follicle releases the egg).
- Spotting: When the ovary releases an egg, a mature follicle ruptures to allow the egg to be released.
This may be a cause of spotting for a day or so.
What Usually Happens When You Get Pregnant?
When you get pregnant, a fertilized egg is implanted in your uterine lining (the endometrium) and grows into an embryo.
The corpus luteum produces progesterone to maintain the lining of the uterus (endometrium) in a way that facilitates implantation and growth for 14 days. If human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is produced by the developing placenta, this stimulates the corpus luteum to continue progesterone production, until the placenta itself takes over the production of progesterone. HCG is detected in urine during a pregnancy test.
Hormonal Changes
The hormonal fluctuations after becoming pregnant are different (and rightfully so!) from your usual menstrual cycle.
Pregnancy hormones usually “interrupt” the usual menstrual cycle so that the lining can remain intact for the developing embryo.
These hormonal changes help prepare the woman’s body for a developing fetus and a healthy pregnancy).
According to this article in the New York Times, “Ordinarily, the release of eggs [ovulation] ceases once a woman is pregnant, and the hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy work together to prevent another conception.”
There is a Rare Exception: Superfetation
Theoretically, based on pregnancy physiology, it would be impossible or highly unlikely for a woman to ovulate after getting pregnant.
However, it is speculated that it is possible to overcome the natural physiological barriers to superfetation with advanced reproductive therapies (i.e. fertility medications used to improve chances of pregnancy).
Superfetation is, by definition, what happens when a woman becomes pregnant, during a different ovulatory cycle, while already pregnant. Superfecundation is a similar but different term that refers to the fertilization of two eggs during the same ovulatory period via separate instances of sex (same or differing partners) or artificial insemination during the ovulatory period.
While it’s common to certain animals (e.g., rodents, rabbits, horses, sheep, kangaroos, badgers, and mink), it is rare in humans.
How Does Superfetation Occur?
Theoretically, in order for superfetation to occur, a series of unlikely events must happen. These include:
- Spontaneous ovulation during pregnancy.
- Additional sperm would have to be present in the fallopian tube or would have to travel through a pregnant uterus.
- The endometrium must be able to accept a second pregnancy.
The first step alone is unlikely to happen because the hormones released during pregnancy typically block future ovulatory cycles. Of the few cases of superfetation reported, the cause of this has usually been that the person was undergoing advanced reproductive therapies, i.e. fertility treatment.
To give you a real sense of how rare this is, according to a 2008 paper published in the European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, there have only been 10 cases recorded in medical history.
Other Factors That Can Disrupt Your Menstrual Cycle
Odds are most of us have experienced a late or missed period related to stress at least once.
Your menstrual cycle is a very calculated and hormone-dependent process that can be disrupted by fluctuations in hormone levels due to stress and other causes.
Though you shouldn’t panic, some of the factors that can disrupt your menstrual cycle can also be cause for medical concern. Here are some examples.
- Stress & anxiety: Increased stress may trigger many reactions, including stress hormone (cortisol) fluctuations. Increased levels of cortisol in response to stress may cause changes to your health, including irregularities in menstrual bleeding. For some, breakthrough bleeding may be a sign that you're experiencing high levels of emotional stress.
- Exhaustion: Feeling jet-lagged or suffering from insomnia? Healthy sleep habits are key, and sleep deprivation can impact the regularity of your menstrual cycle.
- Diet & eating disorders: Nutrition is key for general wellbeing, including reproductive health. People with eating disorders or energy deficiencies due to decreased or inadequate daily caloric intake may find their cycles disrupted.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Women with PCOS may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods in combination with increased androgen levels (i.e. testosterone). The ovaries may develop numerous tiny follicles due to their inability to mature follicles and ovulate regularly.
- Uterine fibroids or polyps: Fibroids are benign growths that can cause heavy and irregular bleeding and disrupt your cycle. They can also cause pain and discomfort.
- Birth control: Hormonal birth control essentially regulates how the uterus bleeds while also preventing pregnancy.
- Common infections: Infections such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) may cause period irregularities.
It’s worth noting that most are treatable when diagnosed early. However, some can become serious and impact future fertility if symptoms are ignored, or an asymptomatic infection is undetected.
- Medications: Certain medications may cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Your pharmacist should advise you of any side effects of medication.
- Perimenopause: This is the stage prior to menopause (when periods cease completely) and is usually characterized by irregular menstrual cycles as periods gradually stop. Menopause is diagnosed when there has been an absence of the menstrual cycle for 12 months (1 year).
When to See a Doctor to Have Symptoms Medically Reviewed
If you experience any of the following, it’s worth scheduling a checkup with your doctor for medical advice:
- Heavy periods with a lot of clotting (especially clots larger than a quarter)
- Irregular periods outside of the normal menstrual cycle range or a significant deviation from your normal cycle.
- Spotting between periods with or without abdominal pain or cramping
- Pain or a burning sensation when peeing
- Unusual vaginal discharge and/or redness and itchiness
Don't Ignore These Signs and Symptoms
Even if you don’t have any of the above symptoms, always visit the doctor in the following situations:
- If you think you’re pregnant or are trying to get pregnant: To be administered a pregnancy test and have an ultrasound performed to confirm the intrauterine location of the pregnancy.
- If you experience inconsistent spotting: That occurs frequently and randomly and may or may not be associated with cramping and/or pain.
- Bleeding or spotting after unprotected sex: Unprotected sex can put you at risk for STIs and other infections.
- Post-menopausal vaginal bleeding: You’ve been through menopause, and you experience vaginal bleeding.
Medically reviewed by Dr. Chimsom T. Oleka, M.D, Written by Jane Flanagan — Updated on November 1, 2021.
Ovulation and pregnancy - methods of determination, relationship
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Ovulation is the process of release of a mature egg from the follicle in the ovary. This phenomenon occurs once a month, around the middle of the menstrual cycle. The beginning of the cycle itself is counted from the first day of menstruation to the beginning of the next. And if we take the average menstrual cycle equal to 28 days, then ovulation with it will fall on about 13-15 days. nine0003
How to determine the beginning of ovulation when planning a pregnancy
The physiological and hormonal cycles of each woman are strictly individual. In addition, many factors can influence the duration of a single menstrual cycle: stress, colds and other diseases, nutrition, taking various medications, etc. Therefore, at the very beginning of the cycle, it is impossible to say with certainty exactly when ovulation will occur. But there are several methods that can help you determine the exact start date. nine0003
- Special diagnostic complexes that measure the content of a certain type of hormone (luteinizing hormone) in urine. Such kits can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, and they always contain detailed instructions for use.
A positive result with such a diagnosis usually indicates that ovulation will occur within the next 48 hours. But such complexes have not too high reliability, so a false positive result is possible. nine0031
- Basal temperature measurement . This method must be applied over several menstrual cycles in order to subsequently plot changes in basal temperature. It must be measured immediately after a night's sleep, at about the same time every day. Based on your individual schedule, it is possible to determine the onset of ovulation with a high degree of probability. Usually, about a day before ovulation, the basal body temperature decreases slightly, and the immediate release of the egg is accompanied by an increase in basal temperature by 0.3-0.6 ° C. nine0031
The relationship between ovulation and pregnancy
The period of release of the egg from the follicle and the following 24 hours is the optimal time for its fertilization and conception of a child. But, of course, not every ovulation ends in pregnancy. After all, a woman's body contains approximately 450 to 550 eggs, and all of them are already in her ovaries at the birth of a girl. This number determines the number of ovulations for her entire life, since once a month one of the eggs matures and becomes ready for fertilization. nine0003
An ovum that has left the ovary remains capable of fertilization for no more than a day, and spermatozoa retain this possibility for up to 72 hours. And it is during this period, that is, approximately 2-3 days before the onset of ovulation, that the efforts made by the couple have the highest probability of successful fertilization and the onset of pregnancy.
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How to get pregnant during menstruation and breastfeeding
Does ovulation occur during pregnancy? A complex chain leads to pregnancy in the female body, which begins with ovulation. All processes associated with the further development of the embryo are very closely interconnected, and therefore ovulation seems impossible during pregnancy. But is it?
Normally, the follicle containing the female egg matures and pushes the egg ready for fertilization out of the ovary. It is sent to the uterus, and if at that time there are spermatozoa in the female body, then the strongest, fertilizing the egg, will initiate a new life. nine0003
While the egg moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, in the medical world this process is called ovulation, while the woman experiences some deviations in health, very small:
- pain occurs in the area where the ovary is located;
- headaches and slight dizziness may occur;
- small discharge appears from the vagina.
At this time, the hormonal background changes. If the fertilized egg reaches the limits of the uterus, then the female body thus begins to prepare for changes so that all organs can adjust to the new mode, already working for two. nine0003
If nothing happened, i.e. spermatozoa were absent at that time in the female body, then the egg reaches the uterus, but then, as unnecessary, together with particles of the epithelium, which is located on the inner walls of the uterus, it is excreted from the body, and as a result, a process called menstruation occurs.
The task of a fertilized egg is to immediately attach to the walls of the uterus so that the fetus can develop, which means that the next menstruation will not occur, since conception has already occurred. nine0003
When a woman is pregnant, a lot of changes occur in the body, and hormonal changes come first. This is necessary to support both the female and children's bodies.
But a new ovum cannot mature in any way and be fertilized also due to the fact that nature has taken care to preserve the nascent life, and if a ready fertilized ovum arrives every month, then the overloaded uterus will not endure such a load, like the whole organism. Therefore, ovulation will occur only when the baby is born, the body will rest and be ready for the next pregnancy. nine0003
There are different situations, and suddenly ovulation occurs during pregnancy, but in this case, the egg will fail: it will not be able to fertilize, because all the resources of the body are aimed at preserving a new life, and there is no point in wasting extra strength.
At this time, the ovaries can rest without producing new eggs. Moreover, the cervix at this time is reliably blocked by the mucous membrane, and therefore, no matter how many spermatozoa try to penetrate inside, they are unlikely to succeed. nine0003
Possible causes
But still, there are exceptions if the pregnancy develops, but at the same time the egg is mature, left the ovary and, moving along the fallopian tube, still managed to be fertilized, once in the uterus. And what happened: it turns out that the place is already occupied, and there is no way to attach to the wall, because the embryo has already firmly established itself and is developing there.
Cases when ovulation was recorded during pregnancy did happen, but this can only happen in the first month of pregnancy, at an early stage. This happens if there was another mature egg in the ovary, which was fertilized and managed to get to the uterus in time and attach to its walls. In this case, the two embryos will develop at the same time, and the children will be born at the same time. nine0003
But as soon as the mucous membrane is formed, reliably protecting the cervix from the appearance of sperm, even if ovulation occurs, nothing will happen. So the percentage of fertilization at a later date is simply zero.
Ovulation can be felt, there are tests in pharmacies that will reveal whether this time is coming. The principle of action is based on the fact that during the maturation of the follicle, it manages to produce estrogens that enter the bloodstream, and when their number reaches a certain level, it means that ovulation will come soon. The body then releases luteinizing hormone into the blood. This is the most striking sign that ovulation has begun, which on average can last as little as 48 hours. nine0003
The test is designed so that when the indicator interacts with luteinizing hormone, the color of the indicator strip changes.
Pregnant women sometimes feel some kind of abnormality, and they have a question - can there be ovulation during this period. Not trusting the doctor, they buy an ovulation test, and sometimes a positive result comes out. However, during pregnancy, the test cannot indicate an increased level of this hormone, which means that certain pathological processes in the female body may take place during this period, for example:0003
- inflammatory processes;
- manifestation of immunological features;
- serious hormonal disorders;
- infections associated with the genitourinary system;
- abnormalities in the work of the kidneys;
- disorders caused by stress.
But there are differences in the state of health that a pregnant woman can understand even if the next ovulation period has come:
- there are no habitual pulling pains in the lower abdomen where the ovaries are located; nine0031
- there is no increased sexual desire, as during ovulation, this behavior regulates the surge of hormones so that the woman can continue the birth;
- the feeling of malaise, which caused a lot of trouble, disappeared;
- no sudden mood swings, depression.
What does an ovulation test show during pregnancy?
While carrying a child, an unusual organ appears in a woman - the placenta, which is needed to protect the embryo, nourish it and help it develop in time. She produces chorionic gonadotropin, which is very similar in structure to luteinizing hormone, therefore, after conducting a test, a woman may be surprised to see a positive result, which indicates that the pregnant woman is ovulating. So you can mislead and make the expectant mother worry. nine0003
But it is not uncommon for doctors to encounter this misunderstanding when a pregnant woman mistakenly uses a pregnancy test instead of an ovulation test. The doctor can only reassure the woman and explain that everything is normal in her body, there are no violations.
In women who give birth after age 40, the menstrual cycle may be irregular, but ovulation will end in pregnancy and then there will be gradual ovarian failure after delivery.
These two phenomena are inextricably linked. After all, ovulation is the prelude to conception and pregnancy. This is the period of maturation of the female reproductive ovum. No ovulation, no pregnancy. Can ovulation occur during pregnancy? We will deal with the intricacies of female physiology. nine0003
According to the laws of nature
When an egg matures in the follicle of the female ovary, it leaves it and goes through the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity. This process is called ovulation and means the woman's body is ready for conception. Against this background, hormonal changes occur, which are accompanied by painful and aching sensations in the lower abdomen, thick vaginal discharge. It is during the period of ovulation that a female egg can be fertilized by a male sperm during intercourse. If this did not happen, conception did not take place, then after a while it is excreted from the body. This is the period of menstruation - the beginning of the menstrual cycle. nine0003
When an egg is fertilized by a sperm during ovulation, it again moves up the fallopian tube and attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. Pregnancy occurs, the embryo develops. It is logical that the female body directs all its forces to the healthy bearing of the baby. At the same time, for 9 months, the eggs no longer mature. It is so arranged by nature that after the onset of an “interesting” position, ovulation can harm the woman and the embryo.
Once fertilization has already taken place, the production of new eggs is no longer needed by the woman's reproductive system. Her body is being rebuilt: the ovaries do not produce eggs, the cervix is blocked by a specific mucous membrane, and spermatozoa can no longer be active in it. nine0003
About exceptions to the rules
If we still assume that ovulation during pregnancy is possible and a new conception may occur, then the fetal egg simply cannot attach itself to the uterus, because the embryo is already developing there.
There are no rules without exceptions. Therefore, sometimes the process of ovulation occurs when carrying a baby. But only in the first month of pregnancy. At its early stage, there is a chance that a second egg will come out of the ovary and be fertilized. To date, there are several cases of re-fertilization after the onset of pregnancy. But these are rare exceptions to the rule. That is, a woman cannot bear two embryos at the same time with different terms of conception. A multiple pregnancy is the carrying of two or three babies conceived at the same time. They are born in the process of one birth, one after another. nine0003
About ovulation tests
Today they help couples who want to have a baby and are trying to determine if an egg is maturing in a woman's body, use the optimal day to conceive.
All ovulation tests are based on the same principle. Their action is to change the color of the indicator strip as a result of the ingestion of luteinizing hormone. Its level is at the highest, to which the test reacts. So can it happen that a pregnant woman's ovulation test will show a positive result? Practice shows that this is impossible. Such a test cannot be positive in a future mother. However, the same practice confirms that, due to their inattention, many representatives of the weaker sex use another pregnancy test. That is why the result is positive. And this is quite natural. After all, the task of such a diagnostic method is to confirm the "interesting" situation. It is confirmed by the presence in the blood of the hormone of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin. The indicator strip of the pregnancy test just reacts to its presence. nine0003
An ovulation test can be, that is, unreliable, in some cases. We are talking about kidney failure, hormonal dysfunction of the body, postmenopause. Then it is possible to increase the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood.
So, the onset of ovulation in pregnant women is impossible, as already laid down by nature. Therefore, during this period, contraceptives are no longer used in intimate relationships - there is no need for them.
Ovulation is a physiological process in which, under the influence of hormones, a follicle is formed in the ovaries, in which an egg is then formed. When the eggs begin to leave the follicles, a woman begins a period of increased fertility. As you know, in the normal case, during pregnancy, menstruation stops. But this sometimes happens not immediately, and in some cases they can continue during the first months of gestation. In this regard, many women are wondering if this is somehow related to ovulation? Does ovulation occur during pregnancy, does the egg mature during such menstruation, or is the endometrium simply renewed? nine0003
Could it be?
With the onset of pregnancy, a large-scale hormonal restructuring takes place in a woman's body. As a result, the follicles cease to mature, and, consequently, the maturation and release of the egg does not occur. This is due to the fact that if the process occurred, it could cause significant harm to both the mother and the fetus. For this reason, the evolutionary program has developed in such a way that once fertilization occurs, hormone levels change so rapidly that subsequent pregnancies are impossible. nine0003
Thus, in order to preserve and normal gestation of the fetus, a restructuring occurs in the body that prevents further ovulation. Is ovulation possible in pregnant women? Even if we assume that this is the case, then such an egg would still not be able to be fertilized due to the hormonal changes mentioned above. In addition, the viscosity of cervical mucus increases, resulting in a mucous plug in the cervix, and sperm can no longer penetrate the eggs. nine0003
But even if fertilization for some reason took place, the resulting fetal egg would not be able to attach to the wall of the uterus, because the endometrium undergoes significant changes during gestation. Thus, it is obvious that when a fetal egg is attached to the wall of the uterus, a number of processes occur in the body to ensure that a subsequent pregnancy will not occur. This includes stopping ovulation.
It is believed that there may be some exceptions to the rule, when in view of the characteristics of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the body in the early stages of egg maturation is still possible. Why this sometimes happens and what it is fraught with is described in the next part of the article. nine0003
Exceptional cases
Does ovulation occur during pregnancy in exceptional cases? There are a number of exceptions to every rule. Thus, in extremely rare cases, ovulation can also occur while carrying a child. But for this it is necessary that several factors coincide:
- The conception occurred very close in time to the physiological onset of ovulation. In this case, the body has not yet had time to rebuild hormonally, and a significant restructuring of the reproductive system and the nature of its mucous membranes has not yet occurred. And during this period there is a possibility of re-fertilization of the egg during an existing pregnancy.
But this is extremely unlikely, since it is almost impossible to get pregnant before ovulation; nine0031
- The hormonal background had some initial disturbances which did not interfere with the pregnancy, but made the changes in pregnancy slower or less significant;
- The viscosity of cervical mucus increases slowly, also under the influence of hormones and / or the characteristics and work of the ducts and glands of the cervical secretion. As a result, spermatozoa were able to freely enter the uterus;
- At the same time, in order for pregnancy to occur, the levels of progesterone and estrogen must remain unchanged for some time or change only slightly. Only in this case, the embryo will be able to attach to the endometrium. nine0031
But the presence of failures in all four areas indicates that the woman has quite serious health problems, in which conception, in principle, cannot occur. It is for this reason that only a few cases of pregnancy in such a situation have been documented in medicine. Theoretically, if re-fertilization occurs in the early stages, it will lead to a miscarriage. Moreover, the timing for such a situation should be so early that a woman may not even notice this miscarriage. nine0193
Ovulation tests
In addition to the pregnancy tests known to all women, there are also ovulation tests that are carried out on urine or saliva. They help determine if the egg is maturing. It is necessary to know this in order to choose the optimal time for conceiving a child at the stage of family planning, since it is during the period of ovulation that the chances of conception are especially high.
The fact that this stage of the menstrual cycle has come, the woman can be notified by changing the color of the indicator strip on the test. At the same time, urine tests are considered more effective and informative than salivary ones. In general, the information content of such tests is lower than that of gestation tests, they are less accurate. nine0003
How it works
This test works in the same way as a pregnancy test. The color of the indicator changes depending on whether a certain hormone is present in the patient's body in sufficient concentration. The ovulation test directly interacts with the luteinizing hormone. This hormone is directly related to the menstrual cycle, and its concentration changes throughout the cycle.
So it reaches a minimum in the first days of the cycle, and by the time of ovulation it reaches a maximum (in fact, if it does not reach the maximum, then the egg will not mature). If there is ovulation at the moment, and the level of the hormone is maximum, then this will reflect the test. The indicator is colored only at a certain concentration of this hormone, therefore it will not show anything at other stages of the cycle. nine0003
Positive ovulation test
Is it possible to ovulate during pregnancy? We have already answered this question in the negative above. But then why tests for this condition during pregnancy are often positive, because the luteinizing hormone no longer needs to be secreted. The production of estrogen, which is responsible for the release of this hormone, is regulated by progesterone, as a result of which there are no biochemical prerequisites for the appearance in the body of the necessary concentration of luteinizing hormone. nine0003
Thus, although theoretically such a test cannot exist, practice shows that sometimes such results are obtained. This is due precisely to the error in this type of tests, which was mentioned above. The fact is that during pregnancy there may be some other reasons due to which the content of luteinizing hormone is quite high. These are such phenomena as:
- Postmenopause;
- Renal failure;
- Hormonal dysfunction. nine0031
All of these conditions can give a positive ovulation test. Therefore, if you see such a test, knowing about pregnancy, it is better to immediately undergo an additional examination by a doctor.
Ovulation is an important physiological process that occurs monthly in the female body. After it comes (or does not occur) pregnancy. Can you ovulate during pregnancy? To answer this question, you need to understand the work of the female reproductive system.
Every month, complex cyclical changes occur in a woman's body, which consist of several stages: the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase. Their correct sequence depends on certain hormones that enter the bloodstream. Pregnancy is a happy outcome of all these changes. After all, after conception, the phase change stops.
During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the follicle into the fallopian tubes. At this time, the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) is actively preparing for fertilization: it allows the egg to attach well to the wall and begin to grow. nine0003
Consider how ovulation occurs. The pituitary and hypothalamus begin to produce substances that activate the ovaries. Under their influence, follicles that have the shape of a ball ripen. Their inner content is filled with special substances, and the outer part consists of two layers.
The cell that contains the largest amount of the necessary substances and is the largest becomes the dominant follicle. It begins to form the future egg. The remaining follicles become smaller and "fall asleep". nine0003
When the dominant follicle grows to its maximum size, the brain sends a signal to it, and it breaks the membrane, releasing a mature egg. The duration of the ovulation period is 16-48 hours. With the help of special processes, which are located at the end of the fallopian tubes, the egg is "sucked" into the fallopian tube.
If conception has occurred
Within 12-24 hours the egg waits for the sperm in the fallopian tube. If they fail to meet, the woman gets her period. Before menstruation, the body experiences a natural hormonal surge, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and clear vaginal discharge. nine0003
In case of fertilization, the egg reaches the uterine cavity and is fixed in its wall. From this moment on, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically. The onset of pregnancy does not allow new follicles to mature in the ovary.
If pregnancy has occurred, then the need for the maturation of the egg disappears for the entire period of gestation and lactation. This state of affairs is provided by the corpus luteum and the placenta, which produce progesterone. He will restrain the maturation of new eggs. nine0003
The entire female reproductive system in pregnant women is aimed at bearing a child, therefore, in order not to waste the necessary resources, the ovaries temporarily cease to fulfill their duties. During pregnancy, ovulation is no longer necessary.
The body makes every effort to grow the embryo and ensure its safety.
So, if a woman is pregnant, she does not ovulate: from a physiological point of view, these concepts are incompatible.
In the early stages of pregnancy, the female body is rearranged, adapting to new circumstances: the entire female reproductive system changes, creating favorable conditions for bearing a healthy child. nine0003
Rare exceptions
So, we gave a negative answer to the question, can there be ovulation during pregnancy. Theoretically, this is impossible. After all, if a new fertilization occurs, then the fetal egg will not be able to fit in the uterus, since all its free space is already occupied by the developing embryo.
Despite the theoretical impossibility of such a process, medical practice is familiar with situations when a mature egg is already released during pregnancy, and ovulation has occurred. nine0003
In rare cases, ovulation during pregnancy is possible in the first week of gestation, or rather, a few hours or days after conception (maximum after 7 days). If the second egg is also fertilized, then fraternal twins will be born, that is, children arising from two (or even three) different eggs. In this case, the woman safely bears several children.
If seven or more days have passed since the first conception, the mucous membrane will cover the cervix, and there can be no fertilization of the second egg. The physiological characteristics of the female uterus do not provide for the possibility of simultaneous bearing of children conceived at different times (for example, with a difference of a month or more). nine0003
What will an ovulation test show?
Many women use an ovulation test to get pregnant. With its help, they determine whether the maturation of the egg in the body has occurred. And they can choose the best time to conceive.
During the maturation of the follicle, the woman's blood is saturated with estrogens. As soon as the woman's blood receives the right amount of this hormone, ovulation occurs, that is, the luteinizing hormone is released. An ovulation test will show a positive result only if this hormone enters its indicator. nine0003
Can an ovulation test be positive if pregnancy has already begun? Such a reaction is impossible, since the process of ovulation in a pregnant woman is excluded.
However, out of curiosity, many future parents use this test after pregnancy. And it happens that it shows a positive result. This situation can happen for two reasons.
- A girl mixed up a pregnancy test with an ovulation test; nine0028 The test showed a false positive result.
During pregnancy, the placenta produces human chorionic gonadotropin, which is similar in structure to luteinizing hormone. Interacting with the indicator, it can give a false positive result.
Reading 4 min.
Can ovulation occur during pregnancy? These two concepts are interconnected, because without one physiological process one should not expect another.
nine0164Physiological aspect
The formation of the follicle is associated with the main activity of the ovaries and menstruation. That egg, which has successfully matured, enters the uterus. This process is necessarily accompanied by massive changes in the hormonal background. A woman may complain of thick and discomfort in the ovary.
If the conception of the baby did not occur, then the egg must be released from the body through the next menstruation. When a woman becomes pregnant, she is attached to one of the walls of the uterus, where the active development of the embryo begins. In this case, the planned menstruation does not occur. nine0003
From now on, the main role is assigned to the child. The body of the future woman in labor gives all its strength to the development of the fetus. At the initial stage of pregnancy, abundant red discharge and pain in the lower abdomen are often noted. According to doctors, in this case, there is no need to be nervous and worry once again. This situation may be a manifestation of the reaction of the body. As a rule, the discharge should disappear at 5-8 weeks of pregnancy.
In case of successful conception, it is completely covered by the newly formed mucous membrane. The ovaries, in turn, stop producing the cells necessary for reproduction. Spermatozoa stop showing their activity. nine0003
Laws of nature
In case of successful conception, the hormonal background of the expectant mother changes. Predominantly ovulation during pregnancy is not acceptable. Nature initially made sure that the egg is not able to mature when a woman carries a child under her heart, because her “exit” can harm the health of the future woman in labor and the fetus.
From a theoretical point of view, during pregnancy, the released egg would still not be fertilized. Each function is carried out with a purpose. Therefore, ovulation is necessary for conception. Since it has already happened before, there is no need for it. nine0003
Along with the hormonal background, reproductive functions also actively change. If we assume that after conception the release of the egg is possible, then fertilization is not excluded. However, the spermatozoa will not be fixed in the cervix, since the embryo is already actively developing there.
Possible exceptions
There are some exceptions to any rule, so some pregnant women do ovulate. This can happen at the beginning of the 9 month period. Then there is a chance of fertilization of the second egg. nine0193 Medical practice knows only a few cases of second conception.
Ovulation Tests
The task of ovulation tests is to determine the exact period of egg formation. Their use helps, when planning a pregnancy, to guess the most suitable moment for successful fertilization. If the color of the strip changes on the test, then ovulation has occurred. According to doctors, when it comes, the level of hCG rises sharply.
The latter is closely related to the stage of the menstrual cycle. When the main follicle matures, there is a noticeable increase in estrogen hormones in the blood. That is, their number is sufficient for the onset of the next ovulation. nine0003
Positive ovulation test
A pregnant woman cannot have a positive ovulation test, but there are some exceptions. Sometimes girls, being inattentive, do a pregnancy test, so they see two stripes.
There are women who, knowing about a successful conception, still do an ovulation test just for the sake of it.