How big is my uterus at 8 weeks pregnant
8 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Belly, Ultrasound
Reviewed by
Tanya Tantry, MD
Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Medical Consultant at Flo
If you like milestones, then you’ll probably enjoy this one: you’ve now been incubating your baby-in-waiting for two months! Even if you’re not a sentimental kind of gal, it’s still an achievement to be noted. You’ve come a long way since this whole journey began — it may feel like ages since you first got news that you were expecting and started to anticipate all the changes to come in your life.
This is a big week for you and your baby. It’s fair to say that growth and development are continuing at quite a pace now. It’s also likely that you’ll be feeling a lot more pregnant than in previous weeks. If you’re like most women, nausea, and vomiting may have become a regular feature of your day (or night). This, in addition to a sensitivity to certain smells, may mean that you’ve got little appetite for food.
This week you need to plan your first visit to the gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations for the first trimester of pregnancy. You may feel the growing discomfort of morning sickness. Try to be patient; it usually lasts until the 12-14th week only.
If all you’re going through has you reeling a little, let Flo walk you through week 8 step by step so you know what to expect:
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In the previous week of pregnancy, many important fetal body systems were developing: brain, heart, lungs, and others. At the same time, your fetus grew in size until it was as long as a whole centimeter. This may not seem like much, but consider that not so long ago it was the size of a poppy seed.
So what’s going on with your baby this week?
How big is your baby at 8 weeks pregnant?
Only 1 cm long (0.4 in) last week, your little bundle has already put on more than a half a centimeter — it’s now around 1. 6 cm in length (0.63 in). That’s around the size of a bean. And get this: by next week, it will already have increased to twice this size! Talk about a growth spurt.
Pregnancy week 8 fetal development
By now your baby-to-be’s legs are lengthening, but it’s still too early to see the different parts of the leg as distinct sections: it will be a bit longer before thighs, knees, ankles, and feet can all be identified. But still, it’s a work in progress!
The fetus still gets its nourishment from the yolk sac for now. The placenta — the structure that will later provide for your baby’s nutritional needs and take care of waste — is still developing, forming structures that help attach the placenta to the wall of the womb.
If you were to look closer at your little one at this stage, you’d notice the head beginning to uncurl a little. You’d also see that the arms are longer than the legs — this gives the fetus an uneven appearance for now, but it’s simply because the upper body develops at a quicker rate than the lower. Of course, this will all even out in the fullness of time.
8 weeks pregnant belly
At week 8, you’re still not showing yet. Most first-time pregnancies don’t show until around week 12. If you’ve had previous pregnancies you may show earlier as a result of stretching of the muscles in your uterus and belly. Until then, enjoy your svelte figure.
8 weeks pregnant symptoms
By 8 weeks pregnant, your womb is around the size of a lemon — too small to show, but you’re still going to be feeling the effects of pregnancy. At this point, fatigue and nausea may be your most prominent symptoms. Whatever tiredness you encountered in the last few weeks will remain, if not increase. And if you’ve been affected by morning sickness (or afternoon or evening sickness!), you’ll probably still be experiencing this too.
At this stage, pregnancy hormones are jetting around your body and are responsible for you feeling like you’ve got premenstrual syndrome (PMS). You may feel a little emotional or fragile — perhaps you’ve noticed that minor issues that you encounter over the course of your day can make you feel unusually upset. Be aware of the changes that are taking place in your body and don’t be too hard on yourself if you find you’re becoming emotional.
You’ll probably have other symptoms too: your breasts may feel sore, heavy and uncomfortable, and you may urinate more than usual. By now, you’ll have missed your second period but remember that some women still bleed a little during pregnancy. Always mention any bleeding in pregnancy to your midwife or GP, particularly if the bleeding is substantial, it continues, or if it is accompanied by stomach pain.
Until now, it’s been safe to put off any thought of an ultrasound, but week 8 is the time to start making plans. In many countries, the first scan of a pregnant woman takes place between weeks 8 and 14. It’s usually followed by another scan at 18-21 weeks. Your healthcare provider has probably already mentioned this to you and put things into motion, but if not feel free to flag it up and ask what arrangements need to be made.
Your pregnancy may be a challenging time for you, but do your best to follow a healthy lifestyle. This will provide the best support for you and your baby until full term. Your diet should contain a wide variety of foods from all the recommended food groups, including a mixture of fresh fruit and vegetables whenever possible. You should also aim to drink between 8 and 10 8-ounce glasses of water each day, unless your doctor says otherwise.
Try not to fixate on the old idea of ‘eating for two’ — in reality you only need around 300 extra calories per day to provide for your baby. And don’t worry too much if nausea or vomiting in early pregnancy mean that you don’t have much of an appetite; as long as you’ve been careful about your diet in the preceding weeks, your baby will still get what he or she needs.
Sex at week 8 of pregnancy
Unless your doctor has told you otherwise, your sex life can continue as normal throughout pregnancy.
Here’s your week 8 pregnancy checklist with the only arrangement:
- Now might be a good time to start wearing a more supportive bra.
Your breasts are going to feel increasingly heavy and uncomfortable as time goes on. A well-fitting, supportive bra will increase comfort and minimize later sagging.
It’s not uncommon for women at this stage of pregnancy to find the experience overwhelming, even if they have the support of friends and family. Take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come and how well you’re coping! In fact, one of the best ways to care for your growing baby is to take care of yourself.
This means taking time out of your day to rest and relax — this will make it easier to deal with tiredness and nausea. Make sure that your diet is nourishing and healthy. And if possible, try to incorporate a little exercise into your daily routine. A short walk or a few laps in the local swimming pool will make a world of difference to how you feel!
Don’t be shy to call upon the support of others around you. Let friends and relatives know that you’d really appreciate their generosity in helping you out around the house or with personal tasks. Tell work colleagues how you’re feeling and see if they’re willing to make adjustments in the office to make things easier for you. And of course, make sure to reach out to your trusted healthcare professional for expert medical advice.
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Pregnancy at week 8 | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
Your baby
Your baby is now 1. 3cm long. They still look a bit like a tadpole, but the tail is getting shorter and will eventually disappear. The eyes and nose are visible, the inner ear and the tongue are developing, and the roof of the mouth is coming together with the upper jaw.
There are hands at the end of the arm buds, and webbed fingers are starting to grow. The arms and legs are made of cartilage at this stage. The reproductive organs are also developing now, but it’s too early to tell whether the baby is a boy or a girl.
The fetus is still inside the amniotic sac and getting its nutrients from a yolk sac. The placenta is developing and will attach to the wall of the womb with structures called chorionic villi.
Your baby at 8 weeks
Length: | 1.3cm |
Your body
Even though your baby is tiny, by week 8 your womb (uterus) has grown to the size of a tennis ball. It’s putting more pressure on your bladder, so you might need to go to the toilet more often than normal.
This is the week when morning sickness is often at its worst. Some women are glowing and have a lot of energy, but others are feeling tired, emotional and moody. It’s normal to have mood swings when you’re pregnant, but chat to your doctor if you’re feeling very anxious or down.
At this time, you may start to notice problems with your teeth. Hormones can make your gums bleed more easily and you may also develop lumps on the gums. Vomiting a lot or eating sweet foods can also affect your teeth. Make sure you floss and use a soft toothbrush. It’s a good idea to see a dentist regularly throughout your pregnancy.
Things to remember
If you haven’t seen a doctor yet, now is the time to go. You will have a number of regular antenatal visits with your doctor, midwife or obstetrician regularly throughout your pregnancy.
It’s important to look after your own health when you’re pregnant. For example, if you catch the flu when you’re pregnant it can be much more serious and result in you going to hospital. It’s a good idea to consider a flu shot - it’s free for pregnant women in Australia at any stage of their pregnancy, under the National Immunisation Program. You can read more about influenza vaccination in pregnancy on the Department of Health website.
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Your pregnancy at 9 weeks
Learn about your pregnancy journey and what is happening to you and your baby.
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Department of Health (Immunisation for pregnancy), Raising Children Network (Pregnancy week-by-week), Women's and Children's Health Network (The first 3 months of pregnancy: the first trimester), Australian Dental Association (Pregnancy)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: August 2020
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Pregnancy calendar 8 weeks - Miracle Doctor multidisciplinary clinic in Moscow
Compared to last week, the 8-week-old baby has grown significantly. Its length is already 1.5-2 cm, and it weighs up to 3 grams. The auricles stand out on the head, the process of formation of the upper lip is underway, during which its individual parts are gradually approaching. The salivary glands are also laid. The ultrasound shows that the tail has almost completely disappeared, the eyelids almost close their eyes, and the embryo itself makes the first spontaneous movements. Tiny webbed fingers have already finally formed on the arms and legs. The arms of the embryo bend at the elbows and wrists, as there is an intensive development of the bones of the skeleton and joints. The formation of the musculoskeletal system requires the intake of nutrients in a large volume. If a woman still does not take vitamins for pregnant women, the building material is scooped from the body of the expectant mother. Therefore, do not neglect the vitamins recommended by the gynecologist. You should also follow a healthy diet rich in natural minerals and trace elements. nine0003
The formation of the heart during the 8th week of pregnancy is completed by sealing the septum between its sections. There is an improvement in the communication of the heart with the main blood vessels.
The stomach of the embryo moves down into the abdominal cavity, where it will now remain forever. Nerve elements are formed in the tissues of the muscular layer of the stomach, which subsequently ensure the correct passage of food through the stomach further into the intestines. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the formation of the testicles in the unborn boy begins. nine0003
Most moms-to-be feel exhausted at this stage. Constant fatigue is present due to ongoing hormonal changes. In the body, the level of the so-called pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin increases. An increase in hCG stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone and estrogen, which are required to maintain pregnancy. The role of progesterone is to strengthen the walls of the cervix, the development of the milk ducts for subsequent breastfeeding. Progesterone is present in the body of a woman outside of pregnancy, but in a smaller amount. Under the influence of estrogen, the lining of the uterus prepares for pregnancy. It increases the number of glands and blood vessels. The restructuring of the hormonal background, necessary for the preservation and development of pregnancy, also has negative consequences. An increase in the amount of progesterone worsens intestinal motility, as a result of which a woman suffers from heartburn. The hCG hormone causes toxicosis with accompanying nausea and vomiting. Estrogen is the cause of frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, fever and increased sweating of pregnant women. nine0003
The uterus of a woman at the 8th week of pregnancy is already enlarged, but not so much that it could be noticeable even to herself. The processes occurring in the uterus make themselves felt with weak spasms. These irregular spasms are not dangerous. Attention should be drawn to uterine contractions, accompanied by bleeding. They can be harbingers of a miscarriage.
A gynecologist can determine the increase in the volume of the uterus during examination. If you have not yet consulted a doctor, then it's time to do it now. Your pregnancy specialist will create an individual follow-up plan based on your family and obstetric history. A woman is assigned a number of laboratory tests, among which the following are common to all: nine0003
- urinalysis for hCG, protein and leukocytes,
- complete blood count,
- blood for HIV,
- blood on RW,
- determination of the Rh factor of blood,
- smear for vaginal microflora.
The initial body weight of the woman and the volume of the pelvis are also measured. With an unfavorable family history, you will need to consult a geneticist, who, using prenatal diagnostics, will reveal serious pathologies of fetal development. nine0003
At the 8th week of pregnancy, some women periodically feel pain in the lower back or buttocks. The reason for this is irritation of the sciatic nerve due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus. To relieve pain, you need to change the position of the body, lie on its side. This posture will reduce the pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve behind it.
Already at this time, women with a predisposition to varicose veins are faced with the first symptoms of the disease. You can reduce the feeling of heaviness and soreness in the legs by wearing compression underwear. You should also avoid standing for a long time. nine0003
Fertility clinic patient pregnancy calendar
Hello! The problem of infertility was not someone else's for me. We tried to get pregnant for five years, and our hopes collapsed one after another. As a result, we used the services of the infertility treatment clinic, and we ended up with an IVF protocol. My daughter, the happy result of this protocol, will soon be one and a half years old. All this time - from the first visit to the doctor and before childbirth, I kept a diary, I keep it now - I write down important moments of our life. nine0038
I hope my daughter will have a brother or sister - already with the help of the cryo-protocol. I know how hard it is to believe that everything will be fine when your life turns into one continuous examination, various procedures and fruitless attempts. However, believe me - EVERYTHING WILL BE OK .
I would be glad if you find support and useful information in my diary
| Today I found out that I'm pregnant. |
3rd week | This is the optimal period for conception. The sperm is resorbed in the egg and its nucleus is reunited with the chromosome of the egg. A few days after fertilization, a blastocyst is attached to the upper part of the internal cavity of the uterus, from the side of the ovary. |
4 weeks | I developed unexplained irritability, fatigue, swollen mammary glands. The doctor said: “So the corpus luteum in your ovary is working tirelessly!”. By the way, it is on the fourth week that a new hormone appears in a woman's body - chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. During this period, the fertilized egg begins to turn into an embryo. It resembles a flat disk made up of layers. At this time, extra-embryonic organs are actively developing, providing nutrition, respiration, biochemical support and comprehensive protection of the baby. nine0038 |
Week 5 | Now my baby looks more like a cute cylinder 1. |
Week 6 | At this stage, the neural tube of the embryo has already been covered with tissue. At its end, the brain begins to form, the heart begins to beat, the rudiments of arms and legs appear. The length from the crown to the sacrum is 2-4 mm. The volume of amniotic fluid is 2-3 ml. To those changes in well-being that appeared last week, new ones were added: headaches, frequent urination, drowsiness, decreased appetite, nausea and even vomiting. nine0038 |
7 week | As early as the seventh week, the brain develops intensively, the digestive tract begins to form, and the rectum is present. |
8 week | Now, at eight weeks old, my baby is already making his first spontaneous movements. His ears, nose and upper lip begin to emerge. Hands and fingers are clearly visible. The formation of the heart is completed - the partitions between its departments are being improved. Ultrasound performed at the end of the eighth week would have made it possible to distinguish between the head and pelvic ends of the embryo. The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 14-20 mm. Weight - about 3 g. At the eighth week, my uterus begins to increase, but it is not noticeable yet. |
9 week | The ninth week has gone: the “back” of the embryo will begin to straighten, and the tail will “dry out”. There is an intensive development of the brain. This week begins the formation of the cerebellum (the part of the brain that provides coordination of movements). The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 22-30 mm. Weight - about 4 g. I still have increased fatigue, nausea, and sometimes dizziness. nine0038 |
10 week | The final week of the embryo stage has arrived - the tenth! The general parameters of the body have already been laid down. And by the end of the week, it can be officially called a fetus. My baby is already able to move involuntarily. The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 31-42 mm. It is the size of a small plum. |
Week 11 | Growing up! It is from the eleventh to the twentieth week of pregnancy that my baby will develop rapidly. Inside a small organism, internal organs develop, genitals are revealed, the formation of the sternum is completed, fingers and toes continue to develop. At this stage, the liver is one tenth of the baby's weight. The kidneys begin to work, producing urine. The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 44-60 mm. The baby is about the size of an apricot. Weight - about 8 g. The doctor explained to me that during this period my body burns calories faster than before pregnancy. The volume of circulating blood also increases. Therefore, I feel internal heat, drink a lot of fluids and sweat profusely .. |
12 week | At the twelfth week, all the systems of my baby's body have already formed, they only have to grow and develop. The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 61 mm. Now it is the size of a large chicken egg. Weight - about 9-13 g. My uterus has increased in width by about 10 cm. It becomes tight in the hip area, and it rises into the abdominal cavity. The state of health is slowly improving: nausea begins to pass, the stomach grows, but it is not too large yet - ordinary clothes are still in time. nine0038 |
Week 13 | The most important event of this week of my baby's development is the beginning of his rapid growth, which will end by the 22nd week of fetal development. By this period, the fetus has formed all twenty milk teeth. The tissue begins to be laid, from which the bones of the child will be formed, a pair of ribs is outlined, the nose and chin emerge more clearly. |
Week 14 | At the fourteenth week, my baby's face continues to take shape: the bridge of the nose, cheeks and ears are drawn. The eyes are no longer so widely spaced. Lanugo appears - an embryonic fluff that performs a protective function. In a boy, a prostate appears during this period, and in girls, the ovaries descend from the abdominal cavity to the hip region. nine0051 The genitals can be characterized as male and female, but they are not yet distinguishable on ultrasound. The length from the crown to the sacrum is 80-113 mm. The baby is the size of a pear. Weight - approximately 25 g. |
Week 15 | nine0002 My baby's rapid growth continues. The skin is still very thin, and the color is closer to red than to pink. A few fine hairs mark the eyebrows, hair on the head and on the body breaks through. The arms bend at the elbows and wrists, clenched into tiny fists. The length from the crown to the sacrum is 93-103 mm. Baby the size of a mango. Weight - about 50 g. The turning point has come! I feel great! Nausea is completely gone, but the stomach still does not interfere. You can feel the uterus - it is located 7-10 cm below the navel. And in a week or two, I can already feel the movements of my baby. nine0038 |
Week 16 | Our family has another reason to celebrate - we have sixteen weeks! Another important period has passed. My baby is now holding his head straight. The muscles of his face are formed, so he begins to grimace, winks involuntarily, opens and closes his mouth, frowns. Improves hand-leg coordination. The length from the crown to the sacrum is 108-116 mm. The baby is the size of an orange. Weight - about 80 g. At this stage, my uterus continues to expand, giving space to the fetus growing in the placenta. nine0038 |
Week 17 | Yes... Pregnancy can't be hidden any more - my tummy more and more betrays our future status. Now the placenta is already fully formed, with a dense network of blood vessels through which nutrients enter and waste products are ejected. The baby learns to respond to loud noises that occur nearby. The length from the crown of the head to the sacrum is 11-12 cm. The weight is about 100 g. The doctor warned: if you suddenly experience discomfort, or even pain, you should not be afraid: the uterus grows and, as it grows, presses on the internal organs, shifting them upwards, and to the sides. |
Week 18 | My baby is growing and I am getting bigger. The strengthening of the bones of the fetus continues, the facial features are becoming clearer every day, the phalanges of the fingers and toes are formed, and a pattern has already appeared on them, which ensures the uniqueness of the fingerprints. My baby is already beginning to perceive the outside world and makes itself felt by pushing his leg into the stomach. The length from the crown to the sacrum is 12.5-14 cm. The baby is the size of a large grapefruit. Weight - about 150 g. At the eighteenth week, sleep and rest gives me some inconvenience, as my uterus continues to grow and requires more and more space in the abdominal cavity. nine0038 |
Week 19 | Soon the middle of pregnancy... And now the development and growth of the brain continues, the limbs already have proportional sizes, the growth of the child slows down a little, the formation of fat begins, the most important source of heat for the newborn - at the base of the neck, behind the chest, around the kidneys. |
Week 20 | At 20 weeks my baby is a tiny human with hair on his head and tiny nails on his fingers and toes. He yawns, sucks his thumb, plays with the umbilical cord, somersaults. This week his skin thickens, becomes four layers. The length from the crown to the sacrum is 14-16 cm. The baby is the size of a small melon. Weight - about 260 g. Half of the pregnancy is over ... |
21 weeks | At the twenty-first week, my baby's blood count is already quite high in red blood cells. |
Week 22 | I can call this period comfortable. Now my baby continues to grow and prepare itself for life outside the womb. This week, his eyebrows are better defined, the hair on his head continues to grow. Perception is improving every day. The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 19 cm. The baby is the size of a corncob. Weight - about 350 g. My health will continue to be good. The stomach has increased, but not enough to greatly interfere. |
Week 23 | My baby continues to change and becomes more and more like a newborn. His body is rounded, the fluff with which he is covered darkens. The child is becoming more and more active. The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 20 cm. My baby is the size of a large eggplant. Weight - about 450 g. The uterus has risen almost 4 cm above the navel, its height above the pubic symphysis is 23 cm. Weight gain is from 5 to 7 kg. nine0038 |
Week 24 | My little one has already gained almost 735 g and is 31.2 cm tall. He now looks very much like a newborn, although he is still very small. His nervous system is developing rapidly. The volume of the brain gradually increases. This week is the beginning of the child's viability, that is, his ability to live independently. |
Week 25 | My baby is growing and developing. It already weighs 844 g, and its length is 32.5. Intensive strengthening of the bone-articular system continues, right now it will be determined whether it will be right-handed or left-handed. There is a fingerprint pattern on his fingers. And he has formed his own special mode of sleep and wakefulness. My body continues to tirelessly prepare for a meeting with the baby: the breast becomes more elastic, and the mammary glands began to secrete colostrum, a substance similar in composition to breast milk. The uterus has grown a little more, this is especially noticeable when viewed from the side. |
Week 26 | At this time, my baby gradually begins to open his eyes. He even developed taste buds. Therefore, at this stage of pregnancy, he already shows a love for sweets. Now the child hears everything that happens inside and around. The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 40 cm. The baby is the size of an average watermelon. Weight - about 970 g. At 26 weeks I continue to have headaches, leg cramps, back and pelvic pain. The tremors become more and more sharp and also give pain under the ribs. It can be relieved by lying on your side. |
Week 27 | At this stage, my baby has all the major organ systems working, although they have yet to develop. The brain has been growing rapidly in the last three months. The skin looks very wrinkled due to constant exposure to the aquatic environment. |
Week 28 | At 28 weeks my baby is already opening his eyes. The final color of the eyes will be established a few months after birth. They are framed by thin short cilia. The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 25 cm. Weight is approximately 1100 g. The uterus grows and is already high above the navel - approximately 8.5-9cm, and from the symphysis - by almost 30 cm. The weight also increased. From now on, I need to visit my doctor at least once every two weeks. |
Week 29 | At 29 weeks my baby is busy preparing for birth and extrauterine life. |
30 week | At thirtieth week my baby's eyes are already wide open, he reacts to bright light shining through his stomach, he has hair growing, his whole head is covered with them, but the skin is still wrinkled. The child has developed its own rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. He is ready to show maximum agility just when I am trying to fall asleep. The length from the top of the head to the sacrum is about 27 cm. Weight is about 1400 g. The center of gravity of my body continues to move, I watch my posture. The volume of urine has increased, it is harder for the kidneys to perform their function. |
31 weeks | At this stage, my baby continues to grow. He has already become plump, blood vessels are no longer visible under the skin, and he has also mastered sucking, his kidneys work well. The length from the top of the head to the sacrum is about 28 cm. Weight is about 1600 g. Now my body produces a special hormone-relaxin. This substance causes weakening of the joints of the pelvic bones. The pelvic ring becomes more extensible. The more pliable it is, the less difficulties for the child during his birth. nine0038 |
32 weeks | My baby already weighs about 1.9 kg. Its length is 42.3 cm. Most of the wrinkles have disappeared from the face. There is a lot of hair on the head. Weight is gained incredibly quickly. |
Week 33 | My baby continues to grow. All fingers and toes cover the grooves - a skin pattern. He still has enough room to move, and he continues to push and roll. However, the space is narrowing, and by the end of the week somersaults will end. The baby sleeps a lot. Waking up, he begins to listen to sounds and to his feelings. The length from the top of the head to the sacrum is about 43.6 cm. Weight is about 2000 g. Now the weight is growing much faster than in the early stages of pregnancy. I find it increasingly difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, and I dream that when I give birth, I will sleep only on my stomach. |
34 weeks | My chubby baby weighs almost 2248g. He is 44.5 cm tall. This week his skin has become smoother and rosier due to the fact that white energy-dense fat already makes up 8% of his weight. From this, the hair on the child's head became much thicker. He has almost shed the germinal fluff. My body continues to prepare for childbirth. Uterine contractions begin to differ somewhat from those that used to be. Braxton Hicks contractions become more regular. nine0038 |
35 week | Soon my baby will start to descend. The walls of the water room begin to confuse him. This week, the baby's nails have already grown to the very edge of the fingers. Therefore, there may be scratches on the face that the baby received while in the womb. Starting this week, he will gain approximately 220 grams weekly. |
36 week | At this stage my baby has chubby cheeks and a body to match. He is preparing for feeding and therefore sucks his fingers all the time. The skull is still quite soft. Now the baby begins to actively prepare for birth. Length from crown to sacrum - about 47 cm. Weight - about 2750 g. From this week I should see my doctor weekly. nine0038 |
37 week | Changes continue in my baby's nervous system. A protective sheath is created around the nerves. This process will continue throughout the first year of life and allows for better coordination of movements. |
38 week | My baby is gaining weight on average about 30 grams per day and continues to intensively prepare for life outside the womb. His height is about 50 cm. Weight - about 3000 g. Only 5% of multiparous mothers walk longer than this period. The first stage of my labor will be vigorous contractions, thinning and stretching the cervix, allowing the fetus to enter the birth canal. The second stage is the exit of the child through the vagina and its birth. The third stage is the separation of the children's place. nine0038 |
39 week | My baby weighs about 3.2 kg. His height is 50.2 cm. All organs and systems have already formed, are in the "right" places and continue to develop. |
40 week | My baby is very tired from the darkness. His movements have slowed down - he is preparing for the birth. Now he weighs about 3.5 kg. With a height of 50 cm. He is about the size he will be at birth. Milk teeth are fully formed, although they will appear only 8-10 months after birth. The long-awaited moment of the meeting will come soon. My family and I are already tired of waiting. Now I am worried about only one thing - how the birth will go. I just make sure everything is going to be alright. So it will be. After all, I did everything possible to prepare for childbirth. nine0038 |
We wish you good tests, good doctors, easy conscious childbirth and healthy children in the near future, so that your female happiness reaches its highest point and does not give up its positions.