Can babies feel when you rub your belly
Bonding with your baby during pregnancy
Bonding with your baby during pregnancy | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content5-minute read
You don't need to wait until your baby is born to bond with them. Pregnancy can be the perfect time to start forming an attachment with your baby, which is very important for their development once your baby has actually arrived.
What might babies experience in the womb?
At around week 18 of your pregnancy, your baby will begin to hear the sounds of your body, such as your heartbeat and your stomach rumbling. At 26 weeks, a baby may react to noises both inside and outside the mother’s body, and may be soothed by the sound of her voice.
The outside noise your baby hears inside the uterus is about half the volume we hear. However, unborn babies may still startle and cry if exposed to a sudden loud noise.
Language development
After 32 weeks, your baby may start to recognise certain vowel sounds from your language. Some research suggests that very early language development may begin before birth.
As well as remembering certain sounds from their mother’s language, babies may remember certain music played to them in the womb.
Unborn babies’ retinas are developed at 20 weeks, and they open their eyes and can see light from 22 weeks. However, babies’ eyes continue to develop after they are born.
After around 18 weeks, babies like to sleep in the womb while their mother is awake, since movement can rock them to sleep. They can feel pain at 22 weeks, and at 26 weeks they can move in response to a hand being rubbed on the mother’s belly.
Ways to bond with your baby during pregnancy
Here are some things that might help you and your baby to start forming an attachment before birth.
- Talk and sing to your baby, knowing he or she can hear you.
- Gently touch and rub your belly, or massage it.
- Respond to your baby’s kicks. In the last trimester, you can gently push against the baby or rub your belly where the kick occurred and see if there is a response.
- Play music to your baby. Music that mimics a heartbeat of around 60 beats per minute, such as lullabies, is useful. You can also search online for relaxing or calming music.
- Give yourself time to reflect, go for a walk or have a warm bath and think about the baby. You may like to write a diary or stories to the baby about what you are experiencing.
- Have an ultrasound. Seeing your baby moving inside the womb can be a poignant experience for parents, and can help them to bond with the baby since it can suddenly seem ‘real’.
- Relax, look after yourself and try not to stress. Evidence shows that if a mother feels less stressed during her pregnancy, the health outcome for the baby is better. Your partner or a close friend may be helpful if you need someone to talk to.
How dads and caregivers can bond with the baby
If you are the baby’s father or other significant caregiver, here are some things you can do to help you become attached to the unborn baby.
- Massage the baby bump if the baby’s mother is happy for you to do so.
- Feel the baby kicking as often as you can.
- Attend ultrasound appointments with the mother.
- If you’re planning to be a support person at the birth, go to the prenatal classes, as well. Understand and discuss the birth plan with the baby’s mother and meet the maternity team. The more confidence you have in the pregnancy and birth process, the easier it will be for you to bond with the baby.
- Read and talk with the baby so they get used to your voice.
- Talk to other parents. Share your thoughts and feelings, and allow them to share theirs about their pregnancy and birth experience.
Older siblings can bond too
By preparing your toddler or child for the upcoming birth, you can help them to bond with the baby. This may involve talking to them about the baby, reading stories about pregnancy and babies, allowing them to touch your belly to feel the baby kicking, and preparing a gift together for the baby.
You could involve your child in preparation for the birth by taking them shopping for baby supplies or setting up the nursery. Your child may also like to put a piece of their art on the wall of the baby’s room.
Your feelings and the baby
You may find that instead of being excited about the birth of your baby, you are feeling stressed and confused. Your feelings during pregnancy can affect the baby too. For example, if you are feeling stressed, the baby’s heart rate will respond to this and potentially increase.
Talk to someone about your feelings and ask questions when you see your maternity team. Try to increase your support network and meet other expectant mums to share your experiences. Try to look after your own health and wellbeing, and make sure you get enough rest and relaxation.
If you have had a mental health issue before, or you are experiencing feelings that differ from those you usually have, you should visit your doctor as soon as you can. A range of treatments can help, including psychological therapy and certain antidepressants that can be used safely during pregnancy for moderate to severe depression. Your doctor will tell you which ones are safe or suggest another way to help you.
If you were already taking an antidepressant before you became pregnant, your doctor may advise you to stay on the antidepressant. You and your doctor may decide this is the most effective way to help your baby get the best start in life and it may give you the best chance of bonding with your baby.
Where to go for help
- Talk to your doctor, child health nurse or midwife.
- Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby on 1800 882 436 to speak with a maternal child health nurse.
- Find a parenting helpline that suits you here.
- Call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.
Beyond Blue (Pregnancy and parents - depression), Beyond Blue (Pregnancy and parents - emotional health and wellbeing), Centre for Community Child Health (The First Thousand Days - an evidence paper), Raising Children Network (Pregnancy week by week - second trimester), NSW Ministry of Health (Having a baby), Centre of Perinatal Excellence (Bonding with your baby), Virtual Medical Centre (Bonding with your baby during pregnancy), Women's and Children's Health Network (Attachment – babies, young children and their parents), Developmental Psychobiology (Maternal stress responses and anxiety during pregnancy - effects on fetal heart rate), Raising Children Network (Can you spoil a baby?), Raising Children Network (Bonding and attachment: newborns), Acta Paediatrica (Language experienced in utero affects vowel perception after birth: a two country study), Baby Centre (10 ways to bond with your baby bump)Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.
Last reviewed: February 2021
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Can Baby Feel When I Rub My Belly?
It’s a classic pregnancy pose: a mother stroking her belly, with a Mona Lisa smile on her face.
Surprisingly, a mother rubbing her bump in public can bring on controversial reactions.
People wonder if women do it for attention or if the growing baby can even feel it from the inside.
You might rub your belly for many reasons: protectiveness, communication, or just to push that little foot out of your ribs.
The team at BellyBelly think, whatever the reason and wherever you are, you should go ahead and rub your tummy!
Can my baby feel when I touch my belly?
After a certain point in pregnancy, babies can definitely feel and even enjoy the touch from their mothers.
In the first trimester, the baby is deep inside your abdomen and surrounded by a lot of amniotic fluid. Her body is tiny and still developing, so it’s unlikely she has any awareness of the outside yet.
However, big changes happen in the second trimester, which allows your little one to feel touch and respond to it.
Researchers have discovered babies as early as 21 weeks gestation show a response to their mother’s touch from the outside. In this study, researchers used ultrasound and watched fetal movements and heart rate increase when the belly was rubbed.
The study showed when mothers touched their tummy it produced a range of responses from the fetus inside.
This connection between mother and baby is perhaps the secret behind that Mona Lisa smile in pregnancy. A mother knows all along her baby can feel her touch.
It’s exciting of course to have science prove the things parents already believe to be true.
And it’s confirmation that bonding and connection begin in the womb.
Do babies like it when you rub your belly?
Another study suggests this in utero touch and bonding can have lasting effects on the baby’s temperament. Regular gentle touch means a more easygoing baby.
If that’s not another strong reason to rub your belly during pregnancy, I don’t know what is!
For more ideas on ways to connect with your baby before birth, check out Bonding With Your Unborn Baby – 12 Tips
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Can babies in the womb sense their father?
The truth is, an unborn baby can feel a touch from anyone, but babies start to show a preference for touch that’s familiar.
Pregnancy is a time for babies to get to know the people who will be important to them in the outside world.
Your partner might get an exciting reality check just to feel a kick or movement from the outside. The baby suddenly becomes tangible and it’s common to wonder, ‘Does my child know it’s me?’
How can family members bond with baby before birth?
The more your partner touches your tummy during pregnancy, the more familiar that touch becomes. This increases the bond for the whole family.
This is especially true when touch is combined with sound. Your little one can hear the sound by 16 weeks. And by 24 weeks she might respond to your voice.
Dads and siblings can all add their voices and join in. It’s been shown newborns recognize songs, after birth, that were sung to them in the womb.
If you have chosen it already, use your baby’s name when talking to your little one.
Touching while talking or singing to the baby will build a strong sense of familiarity, even before the baby is born.
The baby might even respond with playful pushbacks.
Dads can press a protruding part and see the baby roll to the other side. Older siblings trying to climb on their mother’s disappearing lap may find baby brother or sister kicking back!
Often the opposite happens. When you feel the baby kicking and quickly put your partner’s hand on that spot to feel it, the baby goes quiet.
Why does a baby stop moving when somebody touches your belly?
Only the baby truly knows the answer to this one!
My husband’s hands are always very warm, even in the dead of winter, and my babies seemed to hold very still whenever he touched my belly.
We joked that his body heat made them sleepy. This was useful later when we were dealing with a fussy newborn. I’d hand them to him and he would use his magic warming hands to rock them to sleep.
Can I hurt my baby by pressing on my stomach?
New parents are often concerned about whether pushing or prodding will hurt the baby or damage anything within.
Chances are, rubbing your baby bump is much more likely to create comfort than cause harm. It’s similar to a massage.
Of course, if you’ve experienced a big impact from a fall or an accident, it’s a good idea to consult your healthcare professional to make sure everything is okay.
Your body is designed to protect your child from the normal wear and tear of life. Your muscular uterus and the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby will cushion her from impact or injury.
Why does my baby move when I touch my belly?
But what about you? How does your body feel with a new life developing inside?
There might be feet under your ribs, and little fists punching your bladder.
As a growing baby takes up more space, rubbing might be a necessary way to coax the baby out of a painful spot.
Rubbing those hard spots on your baby bump is also a way to learn more about optimal fetal positioning. With practice, you can learn to discern between elbows and knees, hands and feet.
Your little one might favor one side of your body or constantly kick the same area until it’s sore.
Your response can have a positive effect on you and baby, gently shifting out of the uncomfortable positions and strengthening the bond.
Does rubbing my belly really matter to baby?
As we’ve learned from studies and from natural instincts, there are lots of good reasons for women to touch their tummy in pregnancy.
Rubbing your belly can:
- Create a special bond
- Start a pattern of playfulness
- Introduce baby to other family members
- Help you get familiar with fetal positioning
- Increase the chances of calm newborn temperament.
Although each child and each situation is different, all parents can connect with their children before birth through the power of touch.
The benefits show us that bellies really are for rubbing.
Life before birth – Dixion Medical Center in Orel
The author of the article is
Olga Mikhailovna Khoreva,
psychologist of the clinic "Dixion"
In modern society, we no longer treat pregnant women with such trepidation, but at the same time we still know little about the life of a person in the womb of a mother. We have little idea what it feels like to happen. Perinatal psychology reveals these mysteries.
This kind of psychology appeared not so long ago, about forty years ago. This science studies the mental life of a baby in the womb or a newborn, his connection with his mother, the influence of her psychological state on him. nine0005
Many scientists claim that the fetus has a long-term memory and mental life.
The perinatal period has a great influence on the future of a person. It turns out that what happened to him in the womb, as well as during and after childbirth, is stored in his subconscious. In the future, these events affect how a person will become, how he will behave in certain situations.
The events of the perinatal period can be divided into three stages: pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. nine0005
Stage 1: Pregnancy
At this time, a person's life potential is formed, the ability to adapt to various conditions. Dear mothers, learn to love your baby in the tummy, even if his appearance was not a very pleasant surprise for you!
According to scientists, the basic physical and mental potential of the desired child is much higher. Otherwise, children do not sleep well, are easily upset, and cannot calm down for a long time. Often they are physically weaker than desired children. nine0005
The baby in the mother's belly is very sensitive to her mood. He hears, sees, tastes and touches. The child "sees the world" through the eyes of the mother, perceives it through her emotions. Therefore, pregnant women are asked to avoid stress, not to worry.
The child succeeds in all this with the help of hormones that come to the child through the placenta, and with the help of the mother's electromagnetic field. Scientists believe that mother and child communicate by means of millimeter-wave electromagnetic waves. nine0005
It is possible that some of the information is transmitted to the child through the aquatic environment of the mother's body. But the baby still in the womb can show independence. From about the tenth week, the fetus feels touch, that is, it has a sense of touch. From the eighteenth week - begins to distinguish the taste and drink amniotic fluid. At this time, you need to carefully monitor your menu - you can teach your child to eat "not right."
Hearing develops around the 22nd week, but children do not hear external noise well. They are disturbed by the sound of the work of the internal organs of the mother. But they hear their mother perfectly. So we recommend expectant mothers to sing songs, read aloud and just talk to your baby. nine0005
This is best done when the baby is awake. This time is easy to determine. Usually during this period the child is actively moving. It will be great if every day during this period you communicate with him like this: touch your tummy and say something, for example: “Hello, baby.” Over time, the conversations will become longer, and the child will respond to touches by pushing. It is advisable to involve older children and dad in this game. Just keep in mind that each family member should have a “own” part of the tummy for touching and their own “sound code”. In this way, the baby's sense of touch and hearing are developed, and it also has a positive effect on the emotional development of the child. nine0005
By the twenty-fourth week, the child's pupils are able to react to light. Some scientists believe that complete darkness reigns in the womb, others that the red part of the spectrum enters the uterus. The baby will learn to distinguish smells only when he is born - being in the womb, he will trust the mother's sense of smell.
Stage 2: Birth
Who will be the child in the "big" life - will he be a "winner" or "victim", how will he fight for a place under the sun - this is determined during this perinatal period. nine0005
Scientists believe that natural childbirth has the best effect on the future of the baby. Stimulation of childbirth has a negative impact on the mother and child - it breaks their interaction, speeds up the process against their will, so it is worth resorting to it only for medical reasons. Despite the fact that with a planned caesarean section, everything happens painlessly for the baby, many scientists believe that in this case your child will not become a fighter, and they do not recommend resorting to cesarean section unnecessarily. nine0005
If you want your child to be a fighter, behave properly when pushing, and then the mouse will become more assertive in the performance of the tasks assigned to him, act accordingly and perceive various situations objectively.
Breathing will help to behave properly during contractions and efforts, and it will also help reduce pain. You can learn how to breathe correctly during childbirth on your own or in courses for pregnant women. During childbirth, listen carefully to what the midwife says and try to follow her advice. nine0005
Husband, mother or other close person can provide great support and assistance during childbirth. The so-called joint births have a number of advantages: during contractions, the mother will not be alone with pain, there will be a loved one nearby who can distract her, support and help in this difficult situation; besides this close person is easier to perceive than a stranger, so the words of the midwife, repeated by the husband, will reach your consciousness faster.
Stage 3: Postpartum
According to scientists, at this perinatal stage, a person's attitude to freedom, their capabilities and strengths is formed. Therefore, during natural childbirth, the child is immediately placed on the mother's stomach. He sees his mother, feels her warmth, that is, he feels protected. Immediately after birth, the baby looks at his mother's face - he seems to get to know her again. This process of "gazing" is called bonding.
Psychologists say that during this process a stable emotional bond is formed between mother and child. If the father, whom the baby had only heard before, is next to the newborn and the mother, it will be just great - he will also be involved in the bonding process. It will be great if dad takes the baby in his arms, hugs him, talks to him. The presence of the father is especially important in the case of a caesarean section. While the doctors are "conjuring" over the mother, the baby will be in the hands of the father. nine0005
If it happens that a child cannot be with his mother for a long time after giving birth, then in life independence may become a burden for him. But with good care, breastfeeding for up to a year, tenderness and love, this state of affairs can be corrected.
Breastfeeding is a very important moment that affects both the emotional and physical development of the child.
The composition of breast milk is individual and ideal for just one baby. This composition changes during the day and days of a newborn's life. nine0005
Emotions are the thread that connects mother and child - they still form a single whole, but in the psycho-emotional, and not in the physical plane. The newborn is very sensitive to the mood of the mother. If the mother is upset, then the baby also behaves restlessly.
An important factor influencing the emotional development of a child is the attentive, sensitive attitude of his parents both to him and to each other. You need to spend as much time as possible together, smile, hold the child in your arms more often. nine0005
It has been proven that the baby develops faster if he has a lot of contact with his parents from birth. Of great importance are touches at every change of clothes, bathing, carrying on hands, feeding, massage.
It may be that some of the hypotheses of perinatal psychology seem dubious. But this science makes you think that inside a pregnant woman is not just a fetus, but a developing personality.
A baby inside the womb is not a physiological thing, it is a person who has his own mental life, and his future largely depends on the woman, on how she behaved during pregnancy, childbirth and the first hours after them. nine0005
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Tummy, tummy no pain! - KP.RU
Komsomolskaya Pravda
House. FamilyMom and babyMom and baby: Health
June 11, 2016 1:00
How to save a newborn from abdominal pain. A set of measures from ten points
Of course, we should not forget that everything is individual. The most important thing is to listen to your own child and your mother's heart Photo: Gennady BISENOV
Recalling my first experience of motherhood, I realize how much experience and knowledge I lacked then. Ah, young green. For three months my firstborn cried a lot, suffering from pain in his tummy. Following the recommendations of the doctors, I gave the child medications, laid the baby on his stomach, used a warm diaper, but all to no avail. For the first three months, I could not let him off my hands, I pumped and pumped everything. Until the hour “X” arrived, when, as if by a click, everything suddenly stopped. The child has outgrown the “colic and gaziki” phase! With my second and third child, already being an experienced mother, I was able to avoid tummy problems. Nothing prevented me from enjoying motherhood and enjoying communication with children. No wonder they say that the children of mothers with many children do not have tummies. I would like to share with you a set of measures verified on my own experience. nine0005
1. Calm in the mother's stomach = calm in the baby's stomach
The microflora of the baby is formed from the mother's microflora. Therefore, mom, as usual, should start with herself. Approximately ten days before the expected birth, we begin to drink bacteria that normalize the intestinal microflora. After the birth of a child, if necessary, a nursing mother can re-drink a course of probiotics. Beneficial bacteria will be passed from mother's milk to the baby.
2. Simple porridge is our food
Doctors are arguing about the need for a diet for a breastfeeding mother. But I know for sure that it’s worth eating something “not right” and a sleepless night is guaranteed. Therefore, I advocate a strict diet. Don't let the word "diet" scare you. Serious restrictions should be observed only for the first ten days. Then we will gradually introduce different foods and step by step return to our normal diet, but following the principles of a healthy diet. You can do everything healthy, not fatty, not fried, no hot spices and sweets. It is very important that there is no exotic in the diet. The diet should be simple traditional food. Most importantly, listen to your baby's well-being and choose a basic set of products that the child reacts positively to. nine0005
Here is an example:
- for the first ten days I give him only buckwheat and sometimes boiled pasta;
- after ten days I gradually introduce boiled beef and turkey;
- then stewed zucchini;
- baked green apples;
- kefir;
- thermally processed cottage cheese.
At the same time, it is better to eat simple buckwheat for dinner - this is a guarantee of a good night. Kefir, apples, zucchini - this is food for the first half of the day.
Unfortunately, in some maternity hospitals, nutrition is adapted for nursing women. And you need to restore your strength. Therefore, you can eat a little of everything. But as soon as useful buckwheat is brought from home, it is worth switching to it. nine0005
Later, if the child reacts negatively to some new product: the tummy hurts or red cheeks appear, it is worth a day or two to sit on your basic diet again.
All products should be introduced in the morning and little by little. That is, you should not eat a whole tomato in the morning, but a small slice. If all is well, then eat two slices of tomato every other day. After the child is three months old, new foods can be introduced more actively, so that the food is complete and varied. nine0096
3. Feeding
I must say right away that I have no experience in feeding a newborn from a bottle. But about the rules of breastfeeding are well known. They are very simple:
- it is important that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola;
- feed in a position in which it is convenient for the child to suck and he does not choke;
- if the jet pressure is too strong and the baby still chokes, express a little of the first milk;
- hold up after feeding, wait for the air to escape; nine0005
- you need to get to the back fat milk, which provides important fats, enzymes that ensure the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, let the baby suckle the breast for as long as he wants. If the nipples hurt at first, then they can be lubricated with pure lanolin;
- breastfeed on demand.
4. Freedom for the little ones!
Do you think that if you yourself were lying tightly in diapers all day long, would your stomach work well? Of course not! Therefore, try to carry a bigger baby:
- vertically facing you;
- vertically facing away from you, pressing down on the stomach. So you can wear if enough time has passed after feeding;
- wear face down on your stomach in your palm.
The main thing is that the baby is comfortable and pleasant.
If your baby is twitching, tense, blushing and crying, try to help him. Remove the diaper and hold it over the sink in a known position: turn your back to yourself, reclining, press your legs to your tummy. Surely, he will do better than lying down. nine0005
Let your child move freely without a diaper. Lay your baby on a waterproof sheet. Boys can put a small diaper between their legs. To improve intestinal motility, movement is necessary.
5. Sport is the guarantee of health
Already in the maternity hospital, if there are no contraindications, you can lay the newborn on the stomach. We turn the child on the tummy, while he rests on bent elbows. It is good to put the baby on his stomach with his tummy - a pleasure for both the child and the mother. nine0005
After leaving the hospital, the baby should do exercises twice a day.
Exercise for a calm tummy:
- bend the legs, pressing the knees to the stomach and straighten;
- do the well-known exercise "bike". Alternately bend and straighten the legs;
- knee-elbow exercise. We bend and pull the opposite knee and elbow in the direction of each other;
As soon as the navel heals, you can do exercises on the fitball:
- put a clean diaper on the fitball;
- put the child on the fitball with his tummy, hold by the legs and start rocking back and forth five times;
- right and left five times;
- in a circle in one direction five times. In a circle in the other direction five times.
At first, the range of motion is low, gradually, as you get used to the ball, we increase the amplitude.
During the exercises, tell the child rhymes and sing songs.
Swimming is very good with a child. nine0005
You can bathe your baby in a bath the day after leaving the maternity hospital. Supporting the baby under the head and shoulders, we let him swim, move around. We bring to the sides so that he pushes off. Then we turn it over on the stomach, support the shoulders and chin with our hands and also let it swim. Yes, yes, I know that they used to bathe in a diaper, in warm and boiled water. I also bathed my first child the old fashioned way. I already bathed the younger ones in a modern way. In ordinary water 36 degrees. At the same time, the temperature was gradually lowered. Of course, everyone chooses how to bathe, focusing on the reaction of their child. But still, it is better to temper the baby. At the age of two weeks, you can move on to water procedures in a large bath. Swimming with dad is a lot of fun. Dad can put the baby on his stomach, playing and talking with the baby. When doctors allow mom to take a bath, she can take over the baton of joint bathing. Hygiene must be observed: before bathing with a baby, take a shower with soap, swim in swimming trunks. nine0005
Around the age of three or four weeks, the child can be allowed to swim by himself with a bathing ring around his neck. Many children get real pleasure from the fact that they can move around on their own. When a child swims in such a circle, you can not turn away from him for a second. He can kick off with his legs and roll over.
If there are no contraindications from a neuropathologist, then at the age of one and a half months it is time to practice swimming and start diving:
- similar to swimming lessons in the pool, which are in every clinic. A referral to the pool will be given to you by a neurologist during a medical examination in a month and a half; nine0005
- take a couple of lessons from a swimming instructor and practice at home in the bath.
6. Massage
Twice a day, after gymnastics, we do a tummy massage. Basic movements:
- stroke the tummy with palms down five times;
- now stroke the palms in opposite directions
- stroke the stomach with the palms from the sides to the center, to the navel;
- iron in an inverted U shape clockwise. We put the base of the palm on the lower abdomen and with our fingers we lead clockwise from the right side to the left; nine0005
- knead the left barrel. Gently, slightly press deeper, you yourself will feel how deep you can press. Sometimes it feels like the tummy is seething inside under the fingers. We massage in this way until all the gaziki come out.
7. Walk
Babies usually sleep well while moving. Thus, if you know that usually at eight o'clock in the evening the baby will begin to have colic, you can plan a walk for this time. In the fresh air, with the rocking of the stroller, most likely, the newborn will sleep sweetly. If the child sleeps well while driving in the car, you can put him in a car seat and take a ride. nine0005
8. Heat on the tummy
The classic recipe is to put a warm diaper on the tummy. But for a mother with a crying baby in her arms, it is not so easy to take an iron and iron a diaper. You can simplify the task. Take a 0.25 liter drinking water bottle, fill it with warm water and wrap it with a diaper and put it on your tummy.
9. Calmness and only calmness
The kid is attuned to his mother's wave and subtly feels the slightest mother's excitement. A nervous mother will also worry the baby. He starts to cry and cry and the tummy can react to the nervous situation around. Therefore, the task of the mother is to always remain calm, happy and smiling. And for this the most important thing:
- get enough sleep. To get enough sleep, you need to sleep with children when they sleep. Things can be done with the children;
- to be rested! Things will never end. Therefore, we prioritize: things that are important, urgent, not mandatory, and which can be done according to the residual principle.
- do not forget about yourself, look for islands of joy for yourself in this whirlwind.
10. This too will pass
As a rule, the period of “colic and gas” ends in three months. It can be simply outlived. No more tears at the same time. Mom can actively diversify her diet. It seems that the baby has become quite big. And nostalgic: children grow up very quickly and soon we will not be able to rock them in our arms when they are in pain. nine0005
Of course, we should not forget that everyone is individual. Most importantly, listen to your own child and your mother's heart. Only a mother can decide which technique is right for her baby.
Tested by mom on her own experience.
Age category of the site 18+
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