Bloody mucus in stool while pregnant
Bloody Stool During Pregnancy: Causes and Home Treatments
It’s always distressing if you find blood in your stool or see blood on the toilet paper after wiping. If you’re pregnant, you might feel particularly concerned. After all, your body is doing important work. You don’t want anything to go wrong, and you certainly don’t want to find out that you’re experiencing a serious medical issue.
Thankfully, except in rare cases, most instances of bloody stool during pregnancy are fairly innocuous and don’t signal a medical emergency. In fact, the majority of instances of bloody stool in pregnancy are because of common pregnancy ailments.
Is it normal to poop blood during pregnancy?
Rectal bleeding during pregnancy is quite common, likely because of how common constipation, hemorrhoids, and anal fissures are during pregnancy.
A 2018 study noted that two-thirds of pregnant people experienced peri-anal disease, which includes anal fissures and hemorrhoids. Incidences were highest in the third trimester and after giving birth.
According to a 2020 review of studies, experiencing blood stool in pregnancy is common. The majority of the time, causes include nonserious conditions such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Rarely, bloody stool in pregnancy is caused by more serious conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease. In especially rare cases, bloody stool may be caused by cancer.
Anal fissures
Anal fissures are small tears in your anus, usually caused by constipation or straining while pooping. Anal fissures can also be caused by frequent diarrhea, STDs, inflammatory bowel disease, HIV, and anal sex. Pregnancy is a frequent cause of anal fissures because pregnant people are more prone to constipation.
Anal fissures usually only last about 6 weeks or so, but more serious anal fissures can become chronic. Symptoms of anal fissures include:
- Light bleeding while passing stool or after a bowel movement
- Blood from anal fissures is usually bright red
- Anal pain
- Pain during and after a bowel movement
Hemorrhoids occur when the veins around your anus and rectum get inflamed or become swollen. This usually happens because of straining while pooping or because of hard, impacted stool putting pressure on your anus and rectum.
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common pregnancy ailments, affecting between 25 to 35 percent of pregnant individuals. Constipation during pregnancy is one factor that makes hemorrhoids more likely. Additionally, pregnant people are more likely to experience hemorrhoids because of the increase in blood circulation that happens during pregnancy and the increased weight and pressure of the uterus.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids may include:
- Bright red blood in your stool, on the toilet paper after wiping, or in the toilet bowl after pooping
- Small, tender lumps close to your anus
- Itchiness
- Pain when sitting
Other causes
Although anal fissures and hemorrhoids are the most common causes of bloody stool in pregnancy, other causes can include having a stomach virus or bacterial infection that causes diarrhea. Blood in stool during pregnancy can also be caused by inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease), which can be exacerbated during pregnancy or emerge for the first time.
In rare instances, blood in stool during pregnancy may be caused by a malignancy, such as colorectal cancer. Incidences of this are rare; only about 1 in 1,000 pregnant people receive a diagnosis of cancer.
When to call a doctor
Bloody stool in pregnancy isn’t something to panic about. Still, you should talk with a doctor or midwife anytime you see blood in your stool during pregnancy. The majority of the time, it will be something like anal fissures or hemorrhoids. But occasionally, you might be experiencing something more serious, so it’s important that you discuss your symptoms with them.
Although inflammatory bowel disease is less likely, it can be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and needs to be treated promptly. It’s also important that a healthcare professional rules out serious conditions, such as colorectal cancer.
You may be wondering if you’re more likely to experience bloody stool during the first, second, or third trimester. Here’s what we know:
- Anal fissures and hemorrhoids can happen at any time during pregnancy, but they’re more likely to happen as your uterus gets larger or during times when you’re constipated.
- A 2022 review of studies noted that anal fissures and hemorrhoids were most likely in the third trimester of pregnancy.
- According to an older 2014 study, of the pregnant people who experienced hemorrhoids, 61 percent experienced them in the third trimester, 1.6 percent experienced them in the first trimester, and 34 percent experienced them after giving birth.
Treating the common causes of bloody stool during pregnancy means treating the condition that is most likely to cause it: constipation. Once constipation is addressed, both anal fissures and hemorrhoids will be less likely to happen.
You’ll want to work on healing and treating the anal fissures and hemorrhoids themselves as well.
Treatment for constipation
According to an older 2012 study, constipation during pregnancy can be treated by:
- Increasing fiber in your diet and drinking extra fluids
- Adding more exercise and movement into your day
- Probiotics
- Trying a bulk-forming agent such as psyllium or other fiber supplements
- With doctor/midwife approval, trying a stool softener or laxative
You can also discuss the option of trying an additional prenatal vitamin with a doctor or other healthcare professional, especially if you’re taking one with iron, which can cause constipation.
Don’t forget!
For best effect, make sure to space out taking a fiber supplement with any other medications or supplements you’re taking. Otherwise, the fiber can block your body from being able to absorb the medication properly.
Make sure to discuss any possibility of reactions or lessened effects with a doctor before you add a vitamin to your regimen as well.
Treatment for anal fissures during pregnancy
Some common ways to treat anal fissures during pregnancy include:
- Taking a sitz bath or a short, warm bath
- Taking topical analgesics with a doctor’s or midwife’s approval
Treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy
Treatments for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are similar to treatments for anal fissures and may include:
- Sitz baths
- Epsom salt baths
- Hemorrhoid creams and suppositories
- Spending less time straining on the toilet
- Avoiding frequent sitting, or using a hemorrhoid pillow for comfort
- Wipes and pads soaked in witch hazel
If you’re pregnant and you notice blood after pooping or blood in your poop, it’s understandable that you may feel alarmed or distressed. You may even feel embarrassed and ashamed. Still, it’s important that you share these symptoms with a doctor or midwife. You can be assured that a doctor or other healthcare professional won’t find this surprising, as bloody stool is quite common in pregnancy.
In the vast majority of cases, an anal fissure or hemorrhoids will be diagnosed, and you’ll be given tips for how to manage these conditions. If a doctor or other healthcare professional believes other causes are to blame, they may discuss further testing with you.
Mucus In Stool During Pregnancy? Should you be worried? Is it Normal? Reasons
Pregnancy brings about various physiological changes in the body. There are some common problems faced by pregnant women like nausea, vomiting, fatigue, changes in dietary preference, etc. which are caused due to the widespread changes going on in the body. However, sometimes pregnant women may face some uncommon symptoms which may put them to worry. Presence of mucus is one such condition that most pregnant women do not know of and hence, it is necessary to be more aware of it.
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What causes mucus in stool?
Mostly, mucus in stool is caused due to some digestive problems. Common causes of mucus in stool in pregnant women are:
- Hormonal changes can result in the presence of mucus in stool. Since during pregnancy, there are high hormonal fluctuations taking place in the body, there is an increased chance of finding mucus in stool.
- The increase in the size of the uterus during pregnancy disrupts the intestine which may also lead to excretion of mucus.
- Dehydration can also lead to mucus in stool.
- Infection in the stomach or other parts of the digestive tract may also result in mucus.
- Food allergies can also result in mucus excretion.
Must Read: How To Tackle Backaches During Pregnancy
- Many doctors recommend various vitamin supplements to women before or during pregnancy.
This can also cause mucus in stool, especially if the vitamins have an excess of iron or calcium.
Is it normal?
Though rather uncommon, it is completely okay to find some mucus in your stool during pregnancy. Especially during the first trimester, when the body is undergoing a lot of changes, there is an increased risk of mucus excretion which is completely normal. Also, if your doctor prescribes supplements, there is an increased chance of finding mucus in stool and is nothing to worry about.
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There are certain guidelines which can help in reducing the risk of mucus excretion during pregnancy like:
- Staying hydrated helps in prevention of mucus and various other health problems during pregnancy. Drink plenty of water during pregnancy, and if needed, use hydration salts too.
- Performing light exercises which are suitable for pregnant women (with the prior recommendation of your doctor) can also help.
- Maintaining a healthy diet is also important, not just for mucus prevention but for a healthier pregnancy in general.
To know more About Uterine rupture during pregnancy
When to see a doctor?
Mostly the presence of mucus in stool is not a cause of worry. However, if you notice additional symptoms like the presence of blood along with the presence of mucus, it is highly advisable to contact your health provider.
Moreover, if you have extreme abdominal pain or haemorrhoids, it is also advisable to contact a maternity doctor. Additionally, excretion of very high quantities of mucus or persistent presence of mucus in the stool should also be not taken lightly.
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Blood in stool during bowel movements, occult blood in stool
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This disease is treated by Proctologist
The information provided on this page should not be used for self-treatment or self-diagnosis. If you suspect a disease, you should seek help from a qualified specialist. Only your doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Article content:
- Varieties of feces with blood
- What does blood in stool mean
- Symptoms in this pathology
- Is this problem dangerous? nine0025
- Who to contact? How to prepare for examination and analysis
- Cause diagnosis
What is bloody stool?
The appearance of blood in the stool during defecation is always an alarming sign. Such a symptom occurs in the presence of defects in the mucous membrane, violation of the integrity of the vessels, which provokes bleeding. It is important to emphasize that the appearance of blood during defecation does not always indicate tumor lesions of the large intestine. However, its appearance is a reason to visit a doctor and have an examination to rule out a number of diseases - proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.
Varieties of feces with blood
The color of blood released during bowel movements can be bright red or cherry, purple or almost black. The volume of bleeding varies significantly - from copious outflow of blood to a few drops, smearing secretions. Defecation against the background of the appearance of blood can be absolutely painless, with pain only in the anus or lower abdomen, throughout the intestines. In some cases, there are no visual changes, but hidden blood in the feces is determined, serious pathologies can become its causes. nine0003
What does blood in the stool mean
The appearance of different amounts of blood in the stool - from slight to severe bleeding indicates damage to the intestinal mucosa or anus. The causes of this can be serious problems of the colon and rectum. Blood that is noticeable without analysis can be one of the signs of internal, external hemorrhoids, colitis, anal fissures, colorectal cancer. Source:
Causes of blood in the stool in children. Clinical example of marcafa-micheli disease. Fedulova E.N., Bogomolov A.R. Pediatrician, Volume V, No. 2, 2014. p.69-75. The nature of bleeding in each of the diseases can be very different.
Along with blood after defecation, in each pathology, a number of other symptoms appear, by which the diagnosis can be determined.
Hemorrhoids typically have scant bright scarlet or red discharge, may have dark clots or blood that is not mixed with stool. Additionally, itching and burning in the anus, pain, a feeling of fullness in the rectum, prolapse of nodes are determined. nine0003
With anal fissures, red, scarlet blood is released, does not mix with feces, the volume of secretions is small, pain during bowel movements is typical, which quickly passes, a feeling of fullness is possible.
Colon cancer results in red or almost black clotted blood that is released at the onset of a bowel movement. Fecal masses can be completely stained with blood. Additionally, there is mucus in the stool, impurities of pus, an unpleasant odor, abdominal pain, problems with the stool, bloating, weakness, weight loss. nine0003
In ulcerative colitis, blood is mixed with feces, has the appearance of inclusions or mucus with blood, stools are liquid, frequent, with a bad smell, pus, abdominal pain of a cramping nature, bloating, malaise.
Is this problem dangerous?
There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool, so you should not hesitate or self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the reasons - why there is blood in the stool. With constant blood loss, anemia may develop, which worsens the general condition, inflammatory processes in the intestines, and digestive disorders. nine0003
Who to contact? How to prepare for examination and tests
When such symptoms appear, the first thing to determine is which doctor to contact. This may be a proctologist or a surgeon, an oncologist (if a tumor process is suspected). The doctor will conduct a full examination, ask in detail about all the existing complaints and prescribe a series of tests, laboratory tests. In order to increase the reliability of studies, it is necessary to properly prepare for them. nine0003
You should come to the proctologist for examination after taking a shower and all hygiene procedures, with an empty bowel. For testing, the doctor will clarify the conditions in detail, but there is a general rule for all laboratory tests - enemas and laxatives should not be used.
Diagnosis of the causes
The diagnosis is made in several stages - a doctor's consultation, examination, digital rectal examination and biomaterial examination. A proctologist may prescribe fecal occult blood tests, a test for worm eggs, a survey study (coprogram), and general and biochemical blood tests to assess general health. Source:
Non-invasive diagnosis of ulcerative colitis based on fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical test for fecal occult blood. N. V. Filipenko. Problems of health and ecology, 2010. pp.144-151. To assess the condition of the intestine, instrumental studies are prescribed:
- retromanoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- abdominal ultrasound;
- X-ray with contrast, etc.
What diseases can be a sign of bleeding from the anus? nine0057
Anal fissures, hemorrhoids, intestinal diverticula, polyps, intestinal cancer, angiodysplasia of the small and large intestine, intestinal ischemia, vascular thrombosis, acute infectious colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and many other diseases.
How to understand where the blood comes from?
You can guess by looking into the toilet. If the stomach or small intestine bleeds, you will see black, tarry stools because the blood is mixed with hydrochloric acid. It will be scarlet, in the form of veins and drops, if the rectum bleeds. When bleeding from the colon, cherry-colored blood, evenly mixed with feces. Pinpoint the source of bleeding at 9Endoscopy helps in 0% of cases.
Which doctor should I contact for bleeding from the anus?
You can contact a surgeon, proctologist, gastroenterologist. Often, patients come to the primary appointment with a therapist. This doctor conducts a clinical examination and decides which specialist to refer the patient to, based on the suspected or established source of bleeding.
- Immunochromatographic test for the detection of fecal occult blood. Nikitina A.V., Akinshina Yu.A., Nishchakova N.E., Amelina E.A., Mardanly S.G. Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2019. p.536-540
- Causes of blood in the feces in children. Clinical example of marcafa-micheli disease. Fedulova E.N., Bogomolov A.R. Pediatrician, Volume V, No. 2, 2014. p.69-75
- Non-invasive diagnosis of ulcerative colitis based on fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical test for fecal occult blood. N. V. Filipenko. Problems of health and ecology, 2010.
- Tests for occult blood - screening methods for the detection of precancerous formations and tumors of the colon at an early stage of development. Novikova V.P., Drygin A.N. Pediatrician, V.10, Issue 5, 2019. p.73-78
Article published on : 07/09/2013
Last updated : 11/06/2022
See also
Anal fringes
Fistula of the rectum (chronic paraproctitis)
Medicom LLC
(Udarnikov Avenue)
Medicom LLC
(Vyborgskoye Highway)
Medi Len LLC
(Marshal Zakharov St.)
Medi Prof LLC
(Dunaisky prospect)
Medi Prof LLC
(Malaya Balkanskaya street)
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Blood in stool during bowel movements, occult blood in stool
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This disease is treated by Proctologist
The information provided on this page should not be used for self-treatment or self-diagnosis. If you suspect a disease, you should seek help from a qualified specialist. Only your doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment. nine0003
Article content:
- Varieties of feces with blood
- What does blood in stool mean
- Symptoms in this pathology
- Is this problem dangerous?
- Who to contact? How to prepare for examination and analysis
- Cause diagnosis
What is bloody stool?
The appearance of blood in the stool during defecation is always an alarming sign. Such a symptom occurs in the presence of defects in the mucous membrane, violation of the integrity of the vessels, which provokes bleeding. It is important to emphasize that the appearance of blood during defecation does not always indicate tumor lesions of the large intestine. However, its appearance is a reason to visit a doctor and have an examination to rule out a number of diseases - proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.
Varieties of feces with blood
The color of blood released during bowel movements can be bright red or cherry, purple or almost black. The volume of bleeding varies significantly - from copious outflow of blood to a few drops, smearing secretions. Defecation against the background of the appearance of blood can be absolutely painless, with pain only in the anus or lower abdomen, throughout the intestines. In some cases, there are no visual changes, but hidden blood in the feces is determined, serious pathologies can become its causes. nine0003
What does blood in the stool mean
The appearance of different amounts of blood in the stool - from slight to severe bleeding indicates damage to the intestinal mucosa or anus. The causes of this can be serious problems of the colon and rectum. Blood that is noticeable without analysis can be one of the signs of internal, external hemorrhoids, colitis, anal fissures, colorectal cancer. Source:
Causes of blood in the stool in children. Clinical example of marcafa-micheli disease. Fedulova E.N., Bogomolov A.R. Pediatrician, Volume V, No. 2, 2014. p.69-75. The nature of bleeding in each of the diseases can be very different.
Along with blood after defecation, in each pathology, a number of other symptoms appear, by which the diagnosis can be determined.
Hemorrhoids typically have scant bright scarlet or red discharge, may have dark clots or blood that is not mixed with stool. Additionally, itching and burning in the anus, pain, a feeling of fullness in the rectum, prolapse of nodes are determined. nine0003
With anal fissures, red, scarlet blood is released, does not mix with feces, the volume of secretions is small, pain during bowel movements is typical, which quickly passes, a feeling of fullness is possible.
Colon cancer results in red or almost black clotted blood that is released at the onset of a bowel movement. Fecal masses can be completely stained with blood. Additionally, there is mucus in the stool, impurities of pus, an unpleasant odor, abdominal pain, problems with the stool, bloating, weakness, weight loss. nine0003
In ulcerative colitis, blood is mixed with feces, has the appearance of inclusions or mucus with blood, stools are liquid, frequent, with a bad smell, pus, abdominal pain of a cramping nature, bloating, malaise.
Is this problem dangerous?
There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool, so you should not hesitate or self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the reasons - why there is blood in the stool. With constant blood loss, anemia may develop, which worsens the general condition, inflammatory processes in the intestines, and digestive disorders. nine0003
Who to contact? How to prepare for examination and tests
When such symptoms appear, the first thing to determine is which doctor to contact. This may be a proctologist or a surgeon, an oncologist (if a tumor process is suspected). The doctor will conduct a full examination, ask in detail about all the existing complaints and prescribe a series of tests, laboratory tests. In order to increase the reliability of studies, it is necessary to properly prepare for them. nine0003
You should come to the proctologist for examination after taking a shower and all hygiene procedures, with an empty bowel. For testing, the doctor will clarify the conditions in detail, but there is a general rule for all laboratory tests - enemas and laxatives should not be used.
Diagnosis of the causes
The diagnosis is made in several stages - a doctor's consultation, examination, digital rectal examination and biomaterial examination. A proctologist may prescribe fecal occult blood tests, a test for worm eggs, a survey study (coprogram), and general and biochemical blood tests to assess general health. Source:
Non-invasive diagnosis of ulcerative colitis based on fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical test for fecal occult blood. N. V. Filipenko. Problems of health and ecology, 2010. pp.144-151. To assess the condition of the intestine, instrumental studies are prescribed:
- retromanoscopy;
- colonoscopy;
- abdominal ultrasound;
- X-ray with contrast, etc.
What diseases can be a sign of bleeding from the anus? nine0057
Anal fissures, hemorrhoids, intestinal diverticula, polyps, intestinal cancer, angiodysplasia of the small and large intestine, intestinal ischemia, vascular thrombosis, acute infectious colitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and many other diseases.
How to understand where the blood comes from?
You can guess by looking into the toilet. If the stomach or small intestine bleeds, you will see black, tarry stools because the blood is mixed with hydrochloric acid. It will be scarlet, in the form of veins and drops, if the rectum bleeds. When bleeding from the colon, cherry-colored blood, evenly mixed with feces. Pinpoint the source of bleeding at 9Endoscopy helps in 0% of cases.
Which doctor should I contact for bleeding from the anus?
You can contact a surgeon, proctologist, gastroenterologist. Often, patients come to the primary appointment with a therapist. This doctor conducts a clinical examination and decides which specialist to refer the patient to, based on the suspected or established source of bleeding.
- Immunochromatographic test for the detection of fecal occult blood. Nikitina A.V., Akinshina Yu.A., Nishchakova N.E., Amelina E.A., Mardanly S.G. Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2019. p.536-540
- Causes of blood in the feces in children. Clinical example of marcafa-micheli disease. Fedulova E.N., Bogomolov A.R. Pediatrician, Volume V, No. 2, 2014. p.69-75
- Non-invasive diagnosis of ulcerative colitis based on fecal lactoferrin and immunochemical test for fecal occult blood. N. V. Filipenko. Problems of health and ecology, 2010. p.144-151
- Tests for occult blood - screening methods for the detection of precancerous formations and tumors of the colon at an early stage of development. Novikova V.P., Drygin A.N. Pediatrician, V.10, Issue 5, 2019. p.73-78
Article published on : 07/09/2013
Last updated : 11/06/2022
See also
Anal fringes
Fistula of the rectum (chronic paraproctitis)
Medicom LLC
(Udarnikov Avenue)
Medicom LLC
(Vyborgskoye Highway)
Medi Len LLC
(Marshal Zakharov St. )
Medi Prof LLC
(Dunaisky prospect)
Medi Prof LLC
(Malaya Balkanskaya street)
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In order to pass the mandatory registration, you must come to the registration desk 10 minutes before your appointment with your passport.
If the patient is a minor (children under 18), it is mandatory to be accompanied by one of the parents with the presentation of his passport and birth certificate of the child.
Relatives and third parties accompanying a minor must have a notarized consent of the parents or legal representatives.
If you have booked an appointment with a coloproctologist, please read the information about preparing for an appointment
The price of the consultation includes:
History taking, preliminary diagnosis and examination appointment. All additional doctor's manipulations at the appointment are paid according to the price list.
If you change your mind, please unsubscribe from the appointment by phone +7 (812) 435-55-55
The price of the consultation includes:
History taking, preliminary diagnosis and examination appointment. All additional doctor's manipulations at the appointment are paid according to the price list. nine0003
If you change your mind, please unsubscribe from the appointment using your Personal Account or by phone +7 (812) 435-55-55.
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You are subject to some restrictions on online booking. nine0003
Appointment possible via contact center.
You can sign up by phone +7 (812) 435-55-55
The specialist does not see patients of the specified age. To register please fill out the form below and you will be contacted.
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