Blood everytime i blow my nose
Here's Why You're Seeing Blood When You Blow Your Nose
The sight of blood after blowing your nose may concern you, but it’s often not serious. In fact, almost 60 million Americans experience a bloody nose annually. Your nose has a significant supply of blood in it, which can lead to bleeding when you blow your nose frequently.
Home-based and over-the-counter treatments may alleviate this condition if you experience it only occasionally or for a short stretch of time.
You may experience slight or heavy bleeding from your nose because of damage to the interior of your nasal passages. The majority of nosebleeds occur in the septum of the nose, particularly the front bottom section of this area. The septum is where your nose separates into two different sides.
Your nose has many blood vessels that can become damaged for a variety of reasons. Once the blood vessel is damaged, you may experience bleeding more frequently when blowing your nose. This is because the scab covering the broken blood vessel during the healing process may break off.
Here are some reasons you may experience bleeding when blowing your nose:
Cold, dry weather
You may find that you experience bleeding when blowing your nose more commonly in the winter months. This is when cold and dry air can damage your nose’s blood vessels because there isn’t enough moisture in your nose. It may become even more dry and irritated in the winter because you spend time in heated indoor environments that lack humidity.
Dryness in your nose can also cause a delay in the healing of broken blood vessels and result in infections in this organ. This in turn can lead to more frequent experiences of bleeding when blowing your nose.
Nose picking
Picking your nose can damage blood vessels. Nose picking in children is a frequent cause of bloody noses.
Foreign objects in the nose
You may also experience trauma to your nose’s blood vessels if a foreign object enters your nose. With young children, this could be something that they put in their nose. Even the tip of a nasal spray applicator might get stuck in a person’s nose.
One study found that 5 percent of participants using steroid spray for allergic and nonallergic rhinitis had a bloody nose within a two-month period.
Nasal congestion or respiratory infections
You may experience bleeding when blowing your nose because of nasal congestion or a respiratory infection. Frequent blowing of the nose may create broken blood vessels. This can also occur if you sneeze or cough frequently, such as when you have a respiratory condition. You may experience nasal congestion or respiratory infections from a common cold, allergies, sinusitis, or another health condition.
Anatomical abnormality
The anatomical structure of your nose may lead to bleeding when you blow your nose. A deviated septum, holes in the septum, bony spurs, or fractures to your nose could be the cause. Your nose may not be getting enough moisture if you have one of these conditions, and this can result in your nose bleeding when you blow it.
Injury or surgery
Any injury or surgical intervention to your nose or face may cause blood when blowing your nose.
Exposure to chemical substances
The blood vessels in your nose may become damaged by the use of drugs like cocaine or exposure to harsh chemicals like ammonia.
You may experience bleeding when blowing your nose because you take certain medications. Blood-thinning medications like aspirin, warfarin, and others affect the ability of your blood to clot and could lead to bleeding when blowing your nose.
Tumor in the nose
Very rarely, blood when blowing your nose can be caused by a tumor in the nose. Other symptoms of such a tumor include:
- pain around your eyes
- nasal congestion that progressively gets worse
- decreased sense of smell
You can treat this condition at home if you suspect the cause isn’t serious.
Blood that is gushing or running from your nose after blowing should be treated by doing the following until your nose stops bleeding:
- sitting down
- relaxing
- tilting your head forward
- pinching your nose shut
- breathing through your mouth
Once the bleeding is under control, keep your head above your heart for several hours and avoid contact with your nose.
After you’ve gotten a heavy nose bleed under control or if you’re trying to treat a minor nose bleed, you should consider:
- using a saline spray to add moisture to your nose
- avoiding nose picking, nose blowing, or inserting any foreign objects in your nose while it heals
- applying petroleum jelly to the inside of your nose with a cotton swab every day to keep it moisturized
- adding moisture to the air with a humidifier during cold and dry months
Serious nosebleeds that last longer than 15 or 20 minutes at a time or frequent bleeding when blowing the nose requires medical attention from your doctor. Your doctor can diagnose the cause of the condition and recommend a course of treatment to prevent it from reoccurring. This may include basic treatments at home, cautery, nasal packing, or surgical intervention.
Nosebleeds are a common condition experienced by millions of Americans each year. The condition may be harmless in nature and clear up with proper treatment at home.
You should see your doctor if you suspect the bleeding when blowing your nose is caused by a more serious condition or if you experience frequent or severe nosebleeds.
Blood when blowing nose: Causes and treatments
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Epistaxis, or a nosebleed, is generally caused by a broken blood vessel in the nose or sinuses. Bleeding from the nose, especially when blowing it, is very common and usually not a cause for concern.
An estimated 60 percent of people experience nosebleeds but only around 6 percent of cases require medical attention.
It can be hard to determine what causes broken blood vessels in the nose. However, there are several factors that may contribute to or cause the nose to bleed when blowing it. We take a look at them in this article.
Share on PinterestBlood appearing when blowing the nose may be caused by dry nasal cavities, an injury, nose picking, or blowing too hard.Common causes of blood appearing when blowing the nose include:
- blowing the nose too hard or too frequently
- inflammation or mucosal irritation caused by infection or allergies
- very dry nasal cavities or sinuses
- prolonged inhalation of very dry or cold air
- nose picking
- antibiotic medications
- blood thinning medications, such as warfarin, aspirin, and clopidogrel
- injury to the nose or face
- environmental factors, such as humidity or being at a high altitude
- abnormalities in the septum, which is the wall that separates the nostrils
Less common causes of nosebleeds include:
- nasal, sinus, face, or eye surgery
- foreign bodies in the nose
- nasal polyps or tumors
- inflammatory conditions
- high blood pressure
- holes in the septum
- blood disorders, such as low blood platelet levels and anemia
- conditions affecting the blood vessels, such as arteriosclerosis
- leukemia, a type of blood cancer conditions affecting the immune system
- liver or kidney problems
- scurvy, or severe vitamin C deficiency
- chemotherapy
- congestive heart failure
- chronic use or overuse of certain herbal supplements, most commonly vitamin E and gingko biloba
- exposure to toxic chemicals
- use of illicit drugs, especially cocaine
Some hereditary or genetic conditions that cause abnormal bleeding can also lead to blood appearing when the nose is blown. These conditions include:
- von Willebrand disease
- hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
- factor VIII deficiency (hemophilia A)
- factor IX deficiency (hemophilia B)
- factor XI deficiency
Share on PinterestGently and firmly pinching the nose may be a recommended treatment option for bleeding noses.
In most cases, a nosebleed or minor bleeding from the nose eventually stops on its own after a few minutes.
There are a few at-home remedies, however, that may encourage nosebleeds to stop earlier or reduce the amount of bleeding.
Basic treatment options for bleeding noses include:
- laying down flat with the head tilted backward to reduce blood flow to the nose
- relaxing and breathing through the mouth
- not touching or picking the nose once it has stopped bleeding
- laying down or resting in a seated position for a few hours after the bleeding has stopped
- gently but firmly pinching the nose, especially if the site of the bleeding is known
Around 90 percent of nosebleeds occur in the front bottom portion of the septum, the fleshy wall that divides the nostrils.
Prolonged or repetitive nosebleeds, or those caused by an underlying medical condition, require medical attention and treatment.
If nosebleeds are severe, a person may require more aggressive treatment to prevent extensive blood loss.
Medical treatment options include:
- nasal packing, where sterile cotton pads or dressings are packed into the nostril to limit bleeding
- topical medications to limit bleeding, known as local hemostatic agents
- topical antiseptic and antibiotic ointments and creams
- sealing a blood vessel shut using an electrical device or chemical such as silver nitrate
- surgery where the blood vessel is packed with sterile materials to block it off
- surgery where the blood vessel is tied together to seal it shut
- clotting medications
- blood transfusions
In many cases, there is no specific way to avoid nosebleeds, but there are some things that may help prevent or reduce the risk of them.
Blowing the nose gently and not picking at the skin can usually prevent minor bleeding.
Other tips for preventing bleeding when blowing the nose include:
- using over-the-counter nasal decongestant sprays or pills to treat allergies
- applying over-the-counter nasal lubricants or petroleum jelly in the nostrils to prevent dryness
- using saline sprays to prevent dryness
- avoiding picking the nose, especially scabs
- avoiding blowing the nose aggressively or too frequently
- protecting the nose from cold or dry air by using a scarf
- not overusing or misusing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and antibiotics
- reducing inflammation and nasal congestion by using a nasal or sinus rinse
- avoiding exposure to toxic chemicals
- not using illicit drugs, especially cocaine
One example of a nasal rinse is a Neti pot. These are commonly available online and can be used at home.
Share on PinterestIf nosebleeds are chronic or repetitive, a healthcare professional should be consulted.
People should seek medical attention anytime a nosebleed does not stop naturally within 20 minutes. They should also seek medical attention if it does not respond to initial treatments, such as applying pressure.
Although nosebleeds tend to be harmless, severe or prolonged nosebleeds can cause serious blood loss, especially in:
- young children
- people over the age of 65
- people with immune conditions
It is also important to talk with a doctor about chronic or repetitive nosebleeds.
Chronic nosebleeds can be a sign of underlying medical conditions, such as blood or inflammatory disorders. Repetitive nosebleeds can also be a sign of nasal deformities or tumors, especially when they only involve one nostril.
People should also seek medical attention if nosebleeds are accompanied by any of the following symptoms:
- pain or tenderness around the eyes
- stuffy nose that continues to get worse and will not clear
- mucus that drips in the back of the throat
- change in the appearance of the nose or surrounding area
- pus in the nose
- chronic watery eyes
- reduced sense of smell
- change in vision
- enlarged lymph nodes in the neck
- pain or pressure in the ears
- hearing loss
- numbness in the face
- loosening, numbness, or pain in the teeth
- difficulty opening the mouth
- headache
Bleeding from the nose when blowing it is a common experience. It is usually due to inflamed or damaged nasal tissues and blood vessels, and is not a cause for concern.
Nosebleeds are generally harmless, and stop on their own or after applying gentle pressure to the area.
Severe or repetitive nosebleeds can be a sign of an underlying medical condition that may require treatment, such blood disorders or obstructions.
People should speak with a doctor about severe or repetitive nosebleeds, especially when accompanied by additional symptoms.
If there is a runny nose with blood
A runny nose as such does not indicate the development of pathology. But if a rabbit is present in the discharge, it is worth paying maximum attention to this symptomatology.
Causes of a runny nose with blood
Thus, the specialists of the clinic "IntelPlus" in Vidnoe identify the physiological and pathological causes of this problem. Speaking specifically about the physiological origin of the negative phenomenon - a runny nose with blood, then the following points can be distinguished.
- Room air too dry. The nasal mucosa is overdried - capillary vessels will break with any tension, blowing your nose.
- The person blows his nose too hard. And it is precisely this, intensive cleansing of the nose from mucus that is the cause of the appearance of blood in the discharge from the nose.
- Mechanical injuries. This often happens if a person picks his nose and injures the mucous membrane, or when cleansing his nose with a hard stick.
- Patient-specific structural features of blood vessels - they are too fragile. And, as a result, with any tension, impact - there will be blood in the mucus from the nose.
- Hormonal imbalance. Often teenagers and pregnant women face this phenomenon, and the reason is a hormonal disorder.
- Vascular spasm. And here already from the nose, blood can, as they say, gush like a fountain, especially during intense physical or emotional stress.
- Abuse by the patient of vasoconstrictor drugs used in the fight against the common cold.
Therefore, it is worth taking any drops that narrow the blood vessels for no more than a week.
Pathological causes
It is not always possible to provoke a runny nose with blood from such simple reasons as described above. And it is already worth looking for the primary source in a more serious problem, namely:
- The viral nature of the disease. So the well-known cold begins precisely through a runny nose, when in the first days the discharge is transparent, and after 3-5 days they change their color and texture to thick, green snot.
- Sinusitis. This pathology is a consequence of several pathological conditions, for example, the same sinusitis. At the same time, nasal discharge is a consequence of the development of pathogenic microbes, the patient may be disturbed by migraine attacks, and nasal congestion leads to a desire to clear it. And this is an overvoltage and a rupture of the vessel, as a result of blood in the secretions.
- Vitamin deficiency. In particular, vitamins of groups B and C, E and D lead to the fact that the walls of blood vessels weaken, and with any runny nose or sneeze, an attempt to clear the nose leads to the appearance of blood in the discharge. That is why it is so important to drink a course of vitamins.
- Increased intracranial pressure - this can also lead to blood in nasal discharge. And often with such a phenomenon, a person feels migraine attacks, pain in the eye area. But if blood appears, you should immediately visit a specialist.
- Otitis is a disease that is a complication of the pathology of the nasal cavity, occurring in its chronic form. And the development of otitis media is indicated by bouts of pain in the ear.
- Migraine attacks can also cause blood in the nasal discharge from a broken vessel. In this case, the patient, in addition to the headache, is worried about intolerance to bright light, loud sounds.
- A cyst develops in the maxillary sinus.
This pathology is not so common, but it can appear after the sinusitis suffered by the patient. Or the individual characteristics of the structure of the sinus, when the cyst will impede the supply of air, and as a result, the appearance of negative symptoms.
According to the specialists of our clinic, there is no special cure for a cold with blood. The main thing is to identify and eliminate the cause of this condition, and start from this in matters of prevention and therapy.
Snot with blood
I want to thank Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna!
I would like to thank Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna!
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The nose breathes much better than before the operation!
Many thanks to all the staff of the clinic and in particular to the surgeon Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya for the excellent work
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I am very glad that I fell into the hands of just such a doctor as Anton Pavlovich!
I am very glad that I fell into the hands of just such a doctor as Anton Pavlovich!
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We have been going to Elena Pavlovna since a year. Always listens and gives clear advice.
We have been going to Elena Pavlovna since one year. Always listens and gives clear advice. The doctor is completely trustworthy.
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I will give Dr. Sushkov "5" points
I will give Dr. Sushkov "5" points. I went to this doctor for the first time.
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I liked the clinic, all measures to prevent the spread of covid infection are taken
I liked it at the clinic, all measures to prevent the spread of covid infection are taken, that is, masks, disinfectors in
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By coincidence, I ended up with Anton Pavlovich. Now - only to him!
Since 2012 I have been seen at the clinic "Ear-eye Cancer", last year, by coincidence, I came to Anton Pavlovich
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Hello, I would like to thank the doctor with a capital letter Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksadrovna for professionalism and good work
Hello, I would like to thank the doctor with a capital letter Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksadrovna for her professionalism and good work
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Anton Pavlovich Osadchiy, I am immensely grateful to you for curing my daughter!
Anton Pavlovich Osadchy, I am immensely grateful to you for curing your daughter! Thanks for your professionalism.
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Valentina Nikolaevna devotes enough time to me. In general, as a professional, she inspires confidence in me!
Everything is fine, I will go again, because the doctor helped me with the first diagnosis!
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In my opinion, Natalia Valerievna is friendly, she asks and finds out everything, she listens to her patient!
The appointment went quite well, I was satisfied. I was prescribed therapy, I will be treated by this specialist.
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I did not regret that I had the operation in this clinic with the surgeon E.A. Lebedinskaya.
For a long time I did not dare to correct the nasal septum.
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Many thanks to the doctor and this clinic, I will recommend it to all my friends.
I will share my impressions.
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It can be seen that Mikhail Germanovich is a professional in his field.
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Low bow to Elena Alexandrovna for her golden hands
My son had adenoids and hypertrophy of palatine tonsils of the 3rd degree.
If not for him, it is not known whether my daughter would have heard or not
Dmitry Vladimirovich has been watching my daughter for a year. I'm extremely happy that we have it.
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Thanks to Svetlana Vyacheslavovna: I saw everything, found it, prescribed the treatment.
I had problems with my throat and ears. Suffered from August to November. Finally turned to this clinic, because.
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I express my deep gratitude to Tervo Svetlana Olegovna
I express my deep gratitude to Tervo Svetlana Olegovna and all the medical staff for their quality and professionalism
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I want to express my gratitude to Irina Valerievna Gasheeva
I want to express my gratitude to Irina Valerievna Gasheeva.
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Svetlana Vyacheslavovna has been treating all members of our family for several years
Svetlana Vyacheslavovna has been treating all members of our family for several years, an attentive, competent and honest specialist, all
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Review about the doctor Lebedinskaya E. A.
At the first appointment, exostosis of the left external auditory canal was immediately diagnosed, and the operation was excellent.
Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God.
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Thank you! Utkina Natalya Pavlovna for professionalism and high knowledge of her business
Thank you!
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I would like to thank Anton Pavlovich Osadchy for his professionalism and sensitive attitude towards the patient!
I would like to thank Anton Pavlovich Osadchy for his professionalism and sensitive attitude towards the patient!
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Ludmila Vladimirovna is a polite specialist
Ludmila Vladimirovna is a polite specialist who is very well versed in her field.
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Wonderful and talented doctor!
Good afternoon! For a long time he suffered from allergic rhinitis, as a consequence - polyposis.
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I would like to thank Desyatka M.E. for his work.
I would like to thank Desyatka M.E. for his work.
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I would like to express my gratitude to AP Osadchiy for his work.
I would like to express my gratitude to A.P. Osadchiy for his work.
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Seen by many doctors and chose Anton Pavlovich
Seen by many doctors and chose Anton Pavlovich.
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Osadchy A.P. is our family doctor
Osadchy A.P. is our family doctor, to whom we unconditionally trust our health!
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I have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for more than a year
I have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for more than a year, due to a chronic illness and frequent illnesses against this background,
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We have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for a year now, with our older and younger children.
We have been seeing Anton Pavlovich for a year now, with our older and younger children.
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Anton Pavlovich - Doctor from God!
Anton Pavlovich - Doctor from God! With children, he finds a common language with "half a kick" and with mothers too.
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Many thanks to Maxim Eduardovich!
Many thanks to Maxim Eduardovich! Health to you, professional success! Doctor from God!
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Doctor Davletshina Olesya Alekseevna - a professional in her field
Excellent clinic "Ear, throat, nose", doctor Davletshina Olesya Alekseevna - a professional in her field, we are treated only by her
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Anton Pavlovich - a doctor with the highest letter, a doctor from God
Very kind, attentive, competent, polite, competent, sympathetic, professional.
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Everything is at the highest level!
Today I was at a consultation appointment with Vladlena Aleksandrovna Korotaeva.
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Excellent clinic "Ear, throat, nose"
Excellent clinic "Ear, throat, nose", doctor Davletshina Olesya Alekseevna - a professional in her field, we are treated only by her
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I want to express my gratitude to Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
I want to express my gratitude to Osadchy Anton Pavlovich.
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I would like to express my deep gratitude to Natalia Aleksandrovna
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Natalya Aleksandrovna, my son had lingering snot everything turned into bronchitis for a long time to heal
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A therapist friend advised Elena Aleksandrovna as an excellent ENT surgeon
Specialist with a capital letter!
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Dmitry Vladimirovich diagnosed a rather complicated pathology in my child
Good afternoon!
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Osadchiy Anton Pavlovich - an excellent doctor and a pro in his field!
Osadchy Anton Pavlovich - an excellent doctor and a pro in his field!
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Friendly, helpful staff, comfortable, pleasant environment
Friendly, helpful staff, comfortable, pleasant environment, doctor Anfilatov is a high-level professional, we walk
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I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
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The doctor immediately endeared me and, more importantly, the child.
Applied with fever and suspected angina + otitis media.
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I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
I express my deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna and the entire staff of the clinic.
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Special thanks to Dr. Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna
The medical staff in the clinic is attentive and responsive.
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I recommend Anton Pavlovich as a highly qualified specialist.
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Kind attitude and undoubted professionalism
Good afternoon, we want to leave a review about the wonderful doctor A.P.!
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Doctor Anfilatov Andrey Viktorovich is quite competent.
The impression of the reception was extremely positive.
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Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God!
Anton Pavlovich - a doctor from God! He really saved me!
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We will recommend this clinic and the doctor to everyone - Maxim Eduardovich Desyatok.
I liked it very much. Very efficient and high quality. Great relationship with the patient. Very friendly staff.
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Osadchiy Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful, attentive, understanding, kind DOCTOR!!!!
Osadchy Anton Pavlovich wonderful, attentive, understanding, kind DOCTOR!!!!
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Many thanks to the doctor Zykin Oleg Vladimirovich for the operation
Many thanks to the doctor Zykin Oleg Vladimirovich for the operation. Excellent people work in this clinic. Save
Read full review... I was at the reception with my daughter, we liked the treatment of the staff and BP
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Were at the reception of Sushkov really liked the doctor for a timely appointment.
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Natalya Pavlovna Utkina is a high-level specialist, a doctor from God.
I like the doctor's attitude and approach, he always tries to find a new way to treat a chronic disease, if the previous one
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Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov is a highly qualified specialist.
Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov - highly qualified specialist.
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High professionals work here
High professionals work here, people who love their work, only positive feedback and words of gratitude.
I express my deep gratitude to the doctor Maxim Eduardovich!
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Thanks to Maxim Eduardovich
I'd like to express my huge, huge, gratitude to Maxim Eduardovich.
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Thanks a lot to Maxim Eduardovich!
Thanks a lot to Maxim Eduardovich! For a month they suffered with a child's nose, until they got an appointment with this doctor!
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I am very grateful to Maxim Eduardovich for the help and treatment.
I am very grateful to Maxim Eduardovich for the assistance and treatment provided.
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Operated on by Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna
Operated on by Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, straightening the nasal septum.
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Oleg Vladimirovich is a very competent and sympathetic doctor!
Oleg Vladimirovich is a very competent and sympathetic doctor. I went to him with my child, now I am being treated myself.
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Voronchihina Natalia Valerievna is the best ENT doctor in the city.
Voronchihina Natalia Valerievna - the best ENT doctor in the city. He was treated by everyone who can, and even abroad.
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Many thanks to Dr.
I recommend it to everyone who wants to breathe freely again! I went to the Ear.Throat.Nose clinic on the recommendations of doctors.
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I express my deep gratitude to Maxim Eduardovich
I express my deep gratitude to Maxim Eduardovich. An excellent specialist and a professional in his field!
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Sergei Grigorievich is a wonderful specialist
We have long known that Sergei Grigorievich is a wonderful specialist.
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I express my deep gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich.
I express my deep gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich. Great professional and just a nice person! My daughter is 2.8.
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We express our deep gratitude to Alexey Viktorovich Sindyaev
We express our deep gratitude to Aleksey Viktorovich Sindyaev for high-quality and professional assistance in treatment
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Very attentive specialist
We have been contacting Olesya Alekseevna for a long time. A very attentive professional.
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I thank Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov for the exact diagnosis
Thank Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov for the exact diagnosis, for the right treatment, for attentiveness
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Thanks to him my husband began to breathe calmly at night!
Thanks to him, my husband began to breathe calmly at night! We have forgotten what drops and constant headaches are!
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I highly recommend her. More such doctors.
The best otolaryngologist in Perm at present. Caring, compassionate, excellent doctor.
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Yulia Yurievna is a very good doctor, attentive, responsible, sincere.
Yuliya Yurievna is a very good doctor, attentive, responsible, sincere. Everything is always explained clearly.
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I had an operation to correct the nasal septum and remove polyps.
I had surgery to correct my nasal septum and remove polyps. Toiled for 30 years.
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I want to express my gratitude for the professionally performed operation to remove the adenoid.
I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the ear-nose-throat clinic in Perm.
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Definitely here! And definitely to Berezina Elizaveta Sergeevna !!
Definitely here! And definitely to Berezina Elizaveta Sergeevna !!! She has saved us so many times.
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Professional examination, sensitive and attentive attitude of the doctor and medical staff!
Hello! Today I was at the reception of Lyudmila Vladimirovna.
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Low bow and good health to Elizaveta Sergeevna!
When a baby appeared in our family, we were told, most importantly, to find a good ENT specialist, and when we came to Elizaveta Sergeevna
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A doctor from God, solved our problem, performed an operation.
A wonderful doctor - Sushkov Mikhail Germanovich. A professional in his field.
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Now we will be observed only by Anton Pavlovich.
Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful doctor!
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Resection of the nasal septum was done by Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna, I liked everything, competent and helpful staff.
I recommend this clinic.
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The best clinic in Perm for the treatment of ENT diseases
This is probably the best clinic in Perm for the treatment of ENT diseases.
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Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh - a professional doctor
Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh - a professional doctor and very attentive to patients.
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I think that Elena Pavlovna is a professional.
Doctor, Elena Pavlovna, very good.
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We would like to leave a review with great gratitude from the whole family to the doctor Anfilatov A. V.
Good afternoon, group administrators. We would like to leave a review with great gratitude from the whole family to the doctor Anfilatov A.
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Thank you very much for your professionalism.
Hello. I heard about the clinic for a long time, but did not apply, but in vain.
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I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic, especially Tervo Svetlana Olegovna
I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic, especially Tervo Svetlana Olegovna, for the high-quality performed tone
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Excellent diagnostics, HIGH professionalism and sensitive attitude towards patients
The child had polyps and adenoids in the nose. He practically did not breathe.
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Breathing nose after several years of torment is just a gift.
My nose hasn't breathed in over 10 years.
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Thank you very much to all doctors, nurses and administrators.
Were in the clinic ear, throat, nose on Permskaya at the reception of Meltseva Elena Vladimirovna.
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Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna
Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna, very attentive, kind and qualified.
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Tervo Svetlana Olegovna removed adenoids for her son
I would like to leave my review about the ear, throat, nose clinic. They write a lot about her here, so I decided to put in my 5 cents.
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I consider it my duty to say thank you at least by writing a review about the doctor Lebedinskaya
I consider it my duty to say thank you at least by writing a review about the doctor Lebedinskaya.
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Many thanks to Elena Aleksandrovna
I underwent a course of treatment to correct the nasal septum, I would like to note the great professionalism of Elena Aleksandrovna Le
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We wish there were more such doctors!
I couldn't breathe through my nose for a very long time, I sat on vasoconstrictor drops like a drug addict.
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Anton Pavlovich Osadchy is a very competent doctor!
Very competent doctor. Easily finds a common language with children.
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I would like to express my gratitude to the clinic "Ear-Throat-Nos" and my doctor Sergey Grigoryevich Ostanin.
I want to express my gratitude to the clinic "Ear-Throat-Nose" and my doctor Sergey Grigoryevich Ostanin.
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I am very grateful to Elena Alexandrovna and all the doctors
I am very grateful to Elena Alexandrovna and all the doctors and employees of this clinic.
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The operation was carried out, now I breathe in full force!
Many thanks to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna and her colleagues!
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Lyudmila Vladimirovna Generalchuk finds an approach to our child
Wonderful doctor Lyudmila Vladimirovna Generalchuk, very sympathetic, kind, professional, finds the right fit
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Yulia Yurievna is a qualified specialist!
Yulia Yuryevna is a qualified specialist, she helped us a lot, if we hadn't contacted her, we wouldn't have known what kind of conditions we have
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We are very glad that there is such a specialized clinic!
We are very glad that such a specialized clinic exists!
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Thanks to Zykin O.V. We turned to him with advanced acute purulent otitis media
Thanks to Zykin O.V.
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I express my gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich Anfilatov for his work!
I express my gratitude to Andrey Viktorovich for his work!
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Anton Pavlovich Osadchiy is a wonderful specialist in his field
ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful specialist in his field.
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Thank you very much to Sergey Grigorievich Ostanin
Thank you very much to Sergey Grigorievich Ostanin for my long-awaited deliverance from 24 years of nasal congestion, no
Read full review... We are not afraid of anything with such a doctor...
I am not afraid of big words, because Natalya Pavlovna is our everything. For 3.5 years she has been treating our two children.
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A miracle happened, because I got to Konishchev Dmitry Vladimirovich!
For the first time I decided to write a review for a doctor, as a sign of great gratitude.
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I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Desyatka Maxim Eduardovich.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Desyatka Maxim Eduardovich.
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I would like to thank Golovach Svetlana Vyacheslavna.
I would like to express my gratitude to Svetlana Vyacheslavna Golovach.
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The doctor found the problem, explained everything in great detail
Came with an acute problem to see Olesya Alekseevna, the doctor found the problem, explained everything in detail, in detail
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Thank you very much doctor Dolgikh Elena Pavlovna
Thank you very much doctor Dolgikh Elena Pavlovna for curing my sinusitis.
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Thanks to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna for the operation
Thanks to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna for the operation, for her professionalism and support, caring attitude
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We are very pleased with the doctor Utkina N .P.
We are very satisfied with the doctor Utkina N.P. Our whole family has been going to her for many years.
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Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna
Many thanks to Dr. Gasheeva Irina Vladimirovna, very attentive
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Thank you very much Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya
I went to the clinic with persistent sore throat, before that I had two ENTs, who, after unsuccessful treatment
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Gratitude for the professionally performed operation to remove the adenoid
I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the ear and throat clinic in Perm.
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THANK YOU for forgetting what ADENOIDS are!!
I am writing to say a huge THANK YOU for forgetting what ADENOIDS are!! My daughter is 3 years old.
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I would like to note the great professionalism of Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya
I went through a course of treatment to correct the nasal septum, I would like to note the great professionalism of Elena Alexandrovna Le
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Highly qualified specialists work in the clinic
Visited Okulova O.V.
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You saved me!!!
Dear Olesya Alekseevna! Thank you so much wonderful wonderful! You saved me!!!
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The doctor was friendly, showed everything in detail...
Today we urgently contacted your clinic.
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Thank you for your professionalism!
Many thanks to Elena Aleksandrovna Lebedinskaya and Lyudmila Germanovna Makarova for their professionalism, attentive attention
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Review of ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
I want to say a huge human thanks to the young and charismatic Doctor
Read full review 900 ...Review of the ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
Thank you for prescribing the treatment, which really helped me! You will always find the right solution so that everything passes without a trace and easily!
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Review of ENT doctor Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov
Very attentive, calm, tactful specialist
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Review of ENT doctor Generalchuk Lyudmila Vladimirovna
I express my sincere gratitude Read full review...
Review of ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich
"Thank you for the nose, thanks for the ears..."
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Review of the ENT doctor Komlik Lyubov Nikolaevna
I have addressed this doctor more than once, as she also sees at the Regional Clinical Hospital.
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Reviews about ENT doctor Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna: "I love you, thank you, dear doctor!"
After the operation to correct the nasal septum, I realized that I had been breathing incorrectly all my life.
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Thanks to Yuliya Yuryevna Kotelnikova: "Grateful for professionalism, experience and knowledge, attention"
I want to express my gratitude to the Clinic, especially to the ENT doctor Yulia Kotelnikova.
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Reviews about ENT doctor Osadchy Anton Pavlovich: "Some positive emotions from treatment"
Anton Pavlovich is a wonderful doctor among ENTs of Perm, only positive emotions from treatment.
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Review about ENT doctor Samolovskikh L.A.: "Cured sinusitis without a "puncture!"0003
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Review of ENT doctor Semerikova NA: "... my joy knows no bounds..."
We arrived with the last hope at the Clinic ear, throat, nose. The child's nose was not breathing at all.
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ENT Semerikova Natalya Aleksandrovna reviews
Natalya Aleksandrovna is our favorite doctor!
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She just saved my son's life
I read the reviews and decided to leave my own. Doctor with a capital letter. Very whimsical!
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Anfilatov Andrey Viktorovich - the best ENT doctor!
I express my deep gratitude to ENT doctor Anfilatov Andrey Viktorovich.
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Saved my child from frequent SARS!
Many thanks to ENT doctor Utkina Natalya Pavlovna for her attentive and careful attitude, high professionalism!
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Please open your clinic in Naberezhnye Chelny!
I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Elena Aleksandrovna, Natalya Viktorovna, as well as the entire staff of your Clinic.
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I am very grateful to Utkina Natalya Pavlovna!
I, Borisova Oksana Andreevna, am a regular patient of the Clinic, or rather, my child has been observed in Kli for 4 years already.
We express our gratitude to the entire staff of the Ear, Nose, Throat Clinic, and especially Tervo Svetlana Olegovna!
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Please encourage L.V. Vereshchagin!
I visit the Ear, Nose, Throat Clinic and treat tonsillitis. I am being treated by an ENT doctor Vereshchagina Lidia Vladimirovna.
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Thank you Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh!
Visited the clinic several times.
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My poor son, how did he live with such an adenoid?!
Hello everyone! I want to share my story and thank ENT doctor Svetlana Olegovna Tervo.
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My son can breathe normally! Thank you!
My child is severely allergic to house dust mites.
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Thanks to E.A. Lebedinskaya
Letter of thanks from ENT to doctor E.A.
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Review of ENT doctor L.V. Samolovskikh
Good day
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Reviews about ENT doctors E.A. Lebedinskaya, S.O. Tervo Nurses
Many thanks to E.A.
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Review of ENT doctor V.N. Shaidurova
I express my admiration for the reverent, humane and professional attitude towards the patient Shaidurovo
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Thank you for a healthy throat!
I lived with tonsillitis for many years, not a single ENT even tried to wash the plugs for me, apparently they didn’t want to bother.
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Helped at a difficult time for health
I support all the praise for the clinic! I can’t help but respond, because
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If only we could have such clinics...
Once again, my son and I used the services of the "Ear, Throat, Nose" clinic!
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With faith in recovery
I want to express my sincere gratitude to the doctor Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Zaitseva.
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We didn't miss anything!
I consider it good form to leave a review about the doctors and the clinic and thus say "thank you" to those who cured us
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Thank you, Elena Alexandrovna!
Thank you for helping me breathe real air!
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We felt like at home in the clinic!
We express our deep gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Aleksandrovna, Medvedeva Natalya Viktorovna, Zaitsev Kirill Yuryev
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Thanks to Elena Aleksandrovna for golden hands!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya for her golden hands, which are able to accomplish
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Thank you for bringing back normal feelings!
Having gone through the operation and treatment in the clinic, I would like to express my gratitude to Lebedinskaya Elena Alexandrovna, Medvedeva
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I liked the doctor!
I would like to note the appointment of Dr. Mikhail Germanovich Sushkov. Very friendly and professional welcome.
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Thanks to Dr. Sindyaev!
After a long treatment in the district polyclinic, my case was very difficult and neglected...
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Thank you! Made my nose!
Thank you! They did my nose. I am breathing! Special thanks to Elena Alexandrovna for her patience.
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Many thanks to all the staff!
Many thanks to all the clinic staff! Very nice, responsive, attentive and professional team!
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Thanks to O.V. Zykin
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Thanks to NA Semerikova
Thanks to Natalia Aleksandrovna for the good attitude. She deserves an award!!!
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Thanks to Dr. Dolgikh
Thanks to Dr. Elena Pavlovna Dolgikh for the reception. Would love to see this specialist again!
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Hooray, I'm breathing!
Dear Elena Alexandrovna, thank you very much for your professionalism and kindness.
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Dear clinic!
Many thanks to Andrey Anfilatov for our health and the health of our loved ones!
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Thank you for your professionalism!
Many thanks to Elena Alexandrovna Lebedinskaya and Lyudmila Germanovna Makarova for their professionalism, attentive attitude
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Keep making us HEALTHER!!!
Thank you so much!!! Great clinic!!! Well done staff!!! Keep making us HEALTHER!!!
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