How to tie karate belt child
Suit Up the Kiddies! How to Tie a Karate Belt on a Child
Even if you already know how to tie a Karate belt, you might find that tying it on another person is a whole different topic. After all, everything is backward! You can’t personally feel how snugly the belt fits around the waist, and children aren’t the best at explaining if something is uncomfortable.
If you’ve ever struggled to tie a Karate belt on another person, this post is for you. Read on to learn our top tips and tricks to learn how to tie a Karate belt on a child correctly.
Table of Contents
- The Importance of the Karate Belt
- Frequent Troubles with Kids’ Belts
- How to Avoid These Troubles
- The Right Wrap
- A Tight Knot
- How to Tie a Karate Belt on a Child
- Suit Up Your Kiddie!
The Importance of the Karate Belt
The Karate uniform is an integral part of martial arts training. It is designed to be comfortable and allow the practitioner to move their body freely in all directions. This freedom of movement is crucial for martial artists. They can’t kick their opponent in the head if their clothes prevent them from stretching up that high!
The uniform itself, traditionally called a gi, is pretty basic and has three parts — the pants, the jacket, and the belt.
The belt is perhaps the most iconic part of a Karate uniform. As a student progresses through the art, they will be awarded different colored belts until, one day, they are awarded the coveted Black Belt.
Different schools of Karate and martial arts will use slightly different colors, and some will add stripes to the same color belt to indicate progression. However, all forms of martial arts start their students as White Belts and award a Black Belt as the ultimate achievement.
Of course, training doesn’t stop once a student is awarded a Black Belt, and there are various levels of Black Belt through which you can continue progressing.
However, the Black Belt is the symbol that you have morphed into a proficient martial artist and a force to be reckoned with.
Frequent Troubles with Kids’ Belts
Whether you’re a Karate instructor or a parent whose child is a budding martial artist, you’ve no doubt seen what happens when the belt is tied incorrectly. The belt might be too loose around the child’s waist, leading to a sloppy presentation and not holding their jacket together properly.
The belt can also be too tight, causing discomfort and inhibiting the child’s ability to breathe. Obviously, this isn’t ideal when they’re trying to put their all into an active Karate class.
Finally, the belt knot might loosen and the belt falls off altogether, creating a tripping hazard and other obvious problems.
How to Avoid These Troubles
Thankfully, avoiding these troubles isn’t too difficult. It all comes down to wrapping the belt correctly, neither too loose nor too tight, and tying a tight belt knot.
The Right Wrap
Anyone can figure out that wrapping the belt too tightly will cause obvious breathing problems. However, many people may not realize that a belt that is loose enough when the child is at rest, may not be loose enough once they begin breathing heavily.
In a study done through the cooperation of two universities in Japan, researchers discovered that the 3-dimensional distance of the thorax and abdomen can expand by as much as two thirds more during heavy breathing as opposed to restful breathing.
A wrap that seems just right or even slightly loose can cause complaints from your child once they get moving.
To avoid this problem, the belt’s wrap around the child’s waist should be slightly loose. Of course, a belt that is too loose causes its own set of problems. Tie the belt so that you can fit one hand easily but snugly between the child’s abdomen and the belt.
A Tight Knot
Furthermore, the belt knot must be tied tightly enough to avoid it coming undone during heavy physical activity. Ensuring a tight knot isn’t too difficult, once you’ve made the knot, simply give the ends of the belt a couple of strong tugs to cinch it up tight.
How to Tie a Karate Belt on a Child
You may already be familiar with how to tie a karate belt on yourself. If not, you can check out this explanation of how to tie a karate belt.
Tying the belt on a child is the same, but the steps will feel backward since your body is in the opposite position.
Begin by folding the belt in half to find the middle. Place this point on the child’s middle just under their belly button. Wrap the belt around their waist, forming an ‘X’ in the back and bringing both ends back to the front. The belt should lay flat and not be twisted at any point.
Bring the left side of the belt (the child’s right) over the top of the right side and tuck it up under the strap wrapped around their waist. This is a good time to slip your hand between the belt and the child’s waist to check for proper tightness.
The right side of the belt will be pointing to the left, bend it back to point towards the right. Bring the top strap down and over the right strap, then bring it up under the right strap on the left side of itself (through the loop).
The left strap should end up hanging to the left and the right should end up hanging to the right. Pull tight and give a couple of sharp tugs to tighten.
Here’s a great visual demonstration:
Suit Up Your Kiddie!
Who knew there was such an art to tying belts? We hope this article has helped you figure out how to get your little martial artist ready for an amazing class. Now, your little one can fully enjoy their training without worrying about their belt coming undone or restricting their ability to breathe.
Interested in learning more about Karate? Here at the Karate Blog, we are a community of like-minded martial artists, dedicated to improving our art and encouraging one another along the way. Check out more of our blog posts starting with tips on how to improve your Karate faster!
How to tie a karate belt
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How to tie a belt correctly? 3 options. Karate club "DZANSHIN"
For karate classes you need a kimono and an obi (belt). Kimonos are made from blended fabrics that have good breathability and give the product a neat look. Obi are made from several layers of cotton. The width of the belt is 4-6 cm, while the length varies in the range from 2. 2 to 3.2 cm. hang down two or three dozen centimeters. The correctness of the choice and tying of the karate belt is easy to check. If its ends do not hang below the knee or the edge of the kimono, then the obi is chosen correctly.
How to tie a belt on a karate kimono? General rules.
The belt in karate carries a symbolic meaning and performs a practical function. On the one hand, it demonstrates the level of mastery of the owner. On the other hand, it holds the edges of the kimono, not allowing them to swing open at the time of the reception.
It is necessary to tie the karate belt in such a way that the fixation of the edges of the kimono is strong, but at the same time there is no interference with the movements of the athlete. The knot must be placed clearly in the center of the abdomen. Then the obi, pulling the kimono with the proper force, will allow the athlete to feel how the muscles of his abdomen contract in the moment of concentration.
How to properly tie a karate belt? How close should it be to the body? According to the rules, at the moment of concentration, the stomach should press on the obi so that it would be difficult to put a hand under it.
At the Zanshin school, the first three or four months they train without a kimono or a belt. They get used to the new environment and new activities for themselves. After the first exam, students receive a kimono, and after moving to the ninth level of KYu, a white obi. That's when we teach them how to properly tie a belt in karate. We explain in detail to each child step-by-step actions, we help in case of difficulties.
How to tie a belt on a kimono in Shotokan Karate? Option 1.
To tie a karate belt, follow these steps.
- Place the middle of the belt below the navel and wrap it around the waist twice.
- We stretch the outer end of the belt under the rows covering the waist, and bring it up, out.
- With the upper end of the belt we make a knot around its lower end. We push into the loop formed and bring it out. We tighten the resulting knot horizontally.
This method is found to be very simple and reliable. A knot made in this way will never unravel itself. A video on how to tie a karate belt is attached.
How to tie a karate belt? Option 2 and 3.
The second way of tying the obi is similar to the first. But in this case, the right end should be slightly shorter than the left, "working" end. Since he does not actually participate in the tying process. We act like this:
- We wrap the waist with the left, long end of the belt. The right, short end is located all the time below the navel.
- We bring the long end to the center of the abdomen, lay it on the short end, and then pull it under both rows of the belt (those that cover the waist). The direction of movement is down and back. Half of the knot is ready! The ends are aligned.
- We cross both ends and act as when tying a regular knot. We stretch one end over the second and insert it into the loop formed. We tighten.
Another way to tie a karate belt? There is some modification of the second method. The belt is stretched not under two, but under one previous circle.
Whichever way you choose, the meaning of the movements is the same everywhere:
Putting a belt below the navel means that karate allows you to give and take life. But it's meant to protect her. Crossing the ends of the belt at the back symbolizes readiness for hostilities that take place behind the back, and moving them forward symbolizes the acceptance of the inevitability of what is happening. Skipping one end under the belt in the direction from bottom to top indicates that karate improves a person, and from top to bottom - about the impossibility of forgetting the experience of past masters.
A karate belt is like an award. To get it, you need to work hard on yourself. Children who are engaged in martial arts discover the deep meaning of life. They become confident, serious, disciplined.
Bring your child to us. Within a few months, you will be pleasantly surprised by the good changes in it.
How to tie a belt on a kimono in karate
For karate classes, a uniform is required: a kimono (karategi) and a belt. The belt or obi has both a practical and a symbolic function. He holds the edges of the jacket at the moment of the struggle so that they do not swing open. It also clearly demonstrates to others the degree of skill of a karateka.
It is important to tie the belt correctly, otherwise the fixation of the edges of the clothing will not be strong, it will be difficult for the athlete to perform certain elements.
Content (click to curtail)
- Why it is important to immediately learn to tie a belt on Kimono
- of the destination and the general rules for tying a belt in carat
- How to tie a belt in carat
- The first option
- Features of the belt tie in different styles of karate
- How to tie a belt in karate
- How to tie a belt in kyokushinkai
- How to tie a belt in karate shotokan
- Algorithm for tie the belt
- Video: how to tie a belt in karate
- Second video
- girls
- Fourth video
Why is it important to learn how to tie a belt on a kimono right away
Karate is a real ancient Eastern tradition, not just a sport. Like any other system, it has its own rules, and coaches require them to be followed. You can recognize a karateka by their equipment, here every detail is of great importance, including how the belt is tied.
The jacket is a kimono item that does not have buttons, snaps or zippers. If you do not gird yourself, then in the process of wrestling, the clothes will open up, spin on the body, ride up and interfere with the lesson in every possible way.
If a karateka knows how to tie a belt, visually he looks neat, tidy, this is how respect for karate and the traditions of this system is expressed. It becomes clear to the coach that the beginner has serious intentions, since he managed to learn how to tie such a complex knot on the obi. He is ready to receive new skills, will be an obedient student and will be able to embark on a spiritual path.
Some schools do not wear kimonos for the first class, so there is no need to tie a belt. This is due to the fact that after one or two classes, children burn out for martial arts, and it is no longer possible to return the equipment. Such a moment is discussed on an individual basis.
Coaches allow you to practice in sportswear, and they give you a kimono after the first exam, then a white belt, they teach you how to tie it.
Appointments and general rules for tying a karate belt
There are basic rules for how to tie an obi:
- the belt knot is placed in the center of the abdomen. This will allow the karateka to feel how the abdominal muscles have tightened;
- the belt must be tightened tightly so that the palm cannot fit under it;
- the knot is tied tightly so that it does not come loose during a duel or class;
- The tied ends of the accessory are the same length. This carries a certain meaning: the balance of the physical world and spirituality;
- The ends of the belt must not hang below the knees, their length is selected according to the athlete's height. It is allowed to hang the ends of the belt just below the edge of the gi jacket;
- depending on the build of the karateka, the length of the ends of the obi is 20-30 cm.
How to tie a karate belt
Let's look at two options for how to tie a karate kimono belt for a child.
The first option
How to tie a belt in karateThe first method is the most common:
- find the middle of the belt - fold the belt in half;
- unfold the belt again, placing the middle in the center of the abdomen just below the navel;
- wrap the belt around the waist twice;
- pull the outer edge of the belt inward from the bottom up;
- adjust tightening force;
- thread the end of the belt again, but not completely, so that a loop is obtained;
- Tuck the other end of the belt into the loop from top to bottom.
- tighten obi.
Second variant
Option two: how to tie a belt in karateThe difference from the first one is that the belt is not aligned in the center of the abdomen clearly in the middle, that is, initially the belt is folded with an offset.
Here is a diagram of how to tie a karate belt without alignment in the middle:
- The left part of the obi is wrapped around the waist just below the navel, the right edge of the belt remains free.
- Place the left end on the right end in the center of the abdomen.
- The long end is tucked in from the bottom up under the belt layer, aligned in length with the short end.
- Both parts of the belt are crossed between each other and tied into a knot, tightened, adjusted.
- The long end is again tucked under the outer circumference, but not fully tightened to form a loop.
- The opposite edge of the obi is pulled into the loop from top to bottom under two circles or under one outer circle, tightened.
This version of the knot is also firmly held and cannot be untied without the efforts of the athlete.
How to tie a belt in karateFeatures of tying a belt in different styles of karate
Depending on the direction of martial arts, there are rules on how to tie a belt on a kimono.
Visually, it is sometimes difficult to find differences, but still they are. The most popular martial arts are Karate, Kyokushin, Shotokan. Let's take a closer look at step-by-step algorithms on how to simply and quickly tie a karate belt in one case or another.
How to tie a belt in Karate
This method of tying a knot is suitable for both adults and children, because it is simple in technique and easy to remember.
- The short end of the obi, about 30 cm, is applied to the waist over the clothes.
- The long part of the belt is turned around the waist, the layers strictly overlap each other.
- The end is tucked under the resulting circles from bottom to top.
- Make a loop, insert the opposite end of the accessory, tighten into a knot as described in the diagram above.
How to tie a belt in Kyokushin
Consider how to properly tie a belt on a kimono for Kyokushin karate.
How to tie a belt in KyokushinIn this martial art, the belt is not folded in half, but offset to the left, aligned on the stomach in the area below the navel. Athletes wind parts of the obi behind the back, wrap it around the waist twice. In front, the edges of the belt are aligned, the outer end picks up two circles and is brought out upward.
Around the lower end, tighten the knot in a horizontal surface, adjust the tightening force. The edges should be the same length. The knot is beautiful, strong and supports the kimono well.
How to tie a belt in Shotokan Karate
- Fold the belt in half, find the middle, attach to the center of the abdomen.
- The ends are wrapped twice around the waist, one end along the outer circle, and the other along the inner.
- The knot will be formed if the lower part is passed under one or all rows of the belt, then pulled out from above, tightened.
- Make a circle with the upper end, push the lower part inside and tie in a knot.
- As a result, both ends should be pointing down, they are the same size, the knot itself is beautiful and neat.
Algorithm for tying a belt
There is another instruction on how to tie an obi before a workout or competition according to all the rules.
- Determine the middle of the accessory, pull the ends forward, attach to the torso at the level below the navel.
- Wrap around the waist, the edges of the belt should be in front.
- The right edge is carried out under the left, then under one of the circles, hands hold the rows of the belt around the waist.
- The left part of the obi is brought out into a loop, then tightened to a strong and flat knot.
Beginners who have just started karate make various mistakes, so they cannot tie their belt properly.