Blisters on baby face
Nappy rash - NHS
Around 1 in 4 babies and toddlers in nappies have nappy rash at any one time. It doesn't usually develop in newborns, but all babies can get nappy rash.
Nappy rash can be caused by:
- your baby's skin being in contact with wee or poo for a long time
- the nappy rubbing against your baby's skin
- not cleaning the nappy area or changing the nappy often enough
- soap, detergent or bubble bath
- alcohol-based baby wipes
- some types of medicines, such as antibiotics or laxatives (used to make a baby poo more often)
There may be red patches on your baby's bottom, or the whole area may be red. Their skin may look sore and feel hot to touch, and there may be spots, pimples or blisters.
Most babies with mild nappy rash don't feel sore, but if the rash is severe your baby may feel uncomfortable and be distressed.
If your baby gets nappy rash, you can usually treat their skin yourself.
If the rash isn't upsetting your baby, at each nappy change apply a thin layer of a barrier cream to protect their skin. Ask your health visitor or pharmacist to recommend one.
Follow this advice to help look after your baby's skin.
- Change wet or dirty nappies as soon as possible.
- Clean the whole nappy area gently but thoroughly, wiping from front to back. Use water or fragrance-free and alcohol-free baby wipes. Read more about how to clean your baby and change your baby's nappy.
- Bath your baby daily – but avoid bathing them more than twice a day as that may dry out their skin.
- Dry your baby gently after washing them – avoid vigorous rubbing.
- Lie your baby on a towel and leave their nappy off for as long and as often as you can to let fresh air get to their skin.
- Do not use soap, bubble bath, or lotions.
- Do not use talcum powder as it contains ingredients that could irritate your baby's skin.
- Make sure your baby’s nappy fits properly. If it is too tight then it can irritate the skin and if it is too loose, then the nappy will not be able to soak up pee properly.
Nappy rash usually clears up after about 3 days if you follow this advice. You should keep following this advice as this will help prevent nappy rash from coming back.
If the rash is causing your baby discomfort, your health visitor or pharmacist can recommend a nappy rash cream to treat it.
You should apply the cream first and wait a few minutes before you apply the barrier cream.
If the rash doesn't go away or your baby develops a persistent bright red, moist rash with white or red pimples that spreads into the folds of their skin, they may have an infection.
Ask a pharmacist or health visitor for advice. The pharmacist may recommend a cream for you to use.
If the rash is severe, take your baby to the GP who may prescribe cream or medicine. Follow a GP's instructions on whether and when to apply barrier cream as well as the prescribed cream.
It's normal for babies to develop skin rashes, but it's important to know the difference between a minor irritation and a condition that requires attention.
Read more about rashes in babies and children.
Page last reviewed: 17 September 2021
Next review due: 17 September 2024
Slapped cheek syndrome - NHS
Slapped cheek syndrome (also called fifth disease) is common in children and should get better on its own within 3 weeks. It's rarer in adults, but can be more serious.
Check if it's slapped cheek syndrome
The first sign of slapped cheek syndrome is usually feeling unwell for a few days.
Symptoms may include:
- a high temperature
- a runny nose and sore throat
- a headache
A few days later, a spotty rash may appear on the chest, arms and legs. The rash can be raised and itchy. It may be harder to see on brown and black skin.Credit:
John Kaprielian/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY https://www.
How long it lasts
The cheek rash usually fades within 2 weeks.
The body rash also fades within 2 weeks, but sometimes lasts for up to a month, especially if you're exercising, hot, anxious or stressed.
Adults might also have joint pain and stiffness. This can happen in children too, but it's rare. Joint pain can continue for many weeks, even after the other symptoms have gone.
If you're not sure your child has slapped cheek syndrome
Look at other rashes in babies and children.
Things you can do yourself
You do not usually need to see a GP for slapped cheek syndrome.
There are some things you can do to ease the symptoms.
drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration – babies should continue their normal feeds
take paracetamol or ibuprofen for a high temperature, headaches or joint pain
use moisturiser on itchy skin
speak to a pharmacist about itchy skin – they can recommend the best antihistamine for children
Important: Important
Tell your midwife or a GP if you're pregnant or have a weakened immune system and have been near someone with slapped cheek syndrome.
Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:
you think you have slapped cheek syndrome and:
- you're pregnant – there's a very small risk of miscarriage or other complications
- you have a blood disorder, such as sickle cell disease or thalassaemia – there's a risk of severe anaemia
- you have a weakened immune system – for example, because of chemotherapy or diabetes
Ask for an urgent appointment if you have:
- very pale skin
- shortness of breath
- extreme tiredness
- fainting
These can be signs of severe anaemia and you might be sent to hospital for a blood transfusion.
How slapped cheek syndrome is spread
It's hard to avoid spreading slapped cheek syndrome because most people do not know they have it until they get the rash.
You can only spread it to other people before the rash appears.
Slapped cheek syndrome is caused by a virus (parvovirus B19). The virus spreads to other people, surfaces or objects by coughing or sneezing near them.
To reduce the risk of spreading the virus:
- wash your hands often with water and soap
- use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
- bin used tissues as quickly as possible
You do not have to stay off work or school after the rash appears.
Let the school or teacher know if your child has slapped cheek syndrome.
Page last reviewed: 18 February 2021
Next review due: 18 February 2024
Blisters on the body of a child
Having found blisters in a child, the parent should pay attention to this symptom. It is very important to find out its cause, otherwise it will not be possible to eliminate the rash. In addition, a rash is not always a harmless symptom. In some cases, it indicates a disease that requires medical attention. Large or small blisters in a child can occur for completely different reasons, which can be suspected by the place of occurrence and the nature of the rash.
What are blisters and their features
In most cases, blisters in a child do not linger for a long time, due to their structure. These are cavityless formations that are the result of acute inflammation of the surface layer of the skin. Almost always, the child itches because of the blisters, they give him severe discomfort. Most often, the bubbles are round, but sometimes there are oval elements. The color of the rash varies from pinkish to red, white or gray.
A similar rash appears during exudation, when blood plasma enters the intercellular space. In this state, it is easier for the immune system to act on pathogens that have entered the body. Transparent or white blisters in a child are on different parts of the body. It all depends on the pathogen, allergen or other provoking factor that caused inflammation. For example, large blisters in a child are most likely caused by a burn, but they are classified as injuries, not rashes.
Blisters are also called urticaria. They are slightly raised and denser areas of the skin that are formed as a result of swelling of the dermis, which acts as the middle layer of the skin. In general, such elements are called urticaria. In young children, it is accompanied by constant anxiety and the presence of traces of scratching in places of maximum rash.
Possible causes
In most cases, parents understand almost any rash as blisters. In this regard, the causes that cause transparent or white blisters in a child are very diverse. For children, there are several most likely factors that provoke rashes. The main causes of blisters in a child:
- allergic reaction;
- infectious diseases;
- sunburn;
- diaper dermatitis or diaper rash;
- viral diseases.
When a doctor's help is needed
If the blisters on the child's body do not go away within 1-2 days, this is a reason to make an appointment with a doctor - a pediatrician or a dermatologist. In JSC "Medicina" (clinic of academician Roitberg) in the center of Moscow, you can visit any pediatric specialist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary diagnostic studies, which will help to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
On the legs and arms
Blisters in a child in the area of the extremities occur due to their insufficient hygiene. Even microcracks can become a "gateway" for infection, which will provoke local inflammation. If the blisters resemble hives, then this is an allergy that can be provoked by:
- food products;
- contact with synthetic clothing;
- medicinal preparations;
- dust;
- frost;
- pets.
In this case, blisters may appear on the hands and feet. They are accompanied by other allergic symptoms. It can be severe itching, tearing, sneezing, sore throat, etc. There are practically no diseases that could cause blisters of such localization, but it’s still worth visiting a doctor with a child.
All over the body
throughout the body, that is, a very high probability that one of the infections is the cause. Moreover, many of these diseases are contagious, and therefore it is better to call a doctor at home. Possible causes of rashes:
- streptoderma;
- varicella;
- follicular angina;
- erysipelas;
- enterovirus;
- herpes zoster;
- pemphigus;
- herpes 1 and 2 types.
With infection, in addition to rashes, fever, general weakness and chills are observed. The localization of the blisters may suggest the type of disease. For example, with pemphigus, a rash appears on the abdomen, around the navel, and on the thighs. A variation of this disease is Ritter's disease (exfoliating dermatitis). Bubbles first appear around the mouth, usually during feeding (if a woman has cracked nipples), and then spread throughout the body. Erysipelatous inflammation also begins in the area around the navel, after which it quickly spreads to neighboring tissues.
On the fingers and palms
Blisters on the palms of a child are one of the most common manifestations of eczema that develops against the background of blockage of the sweat glands. This disease is called dyshidrosis. Even blisters on the palms of a child occur with scarlet fever. They are formed, as a rule, after the parents have discovered other symptoms, so the rash no longer surprises them.
Also, blisters on the toes of a child occur due to:
- allergies;
- dermatitis;
- insect bites;
- vitamin deficiency.
Feet and heels
Blisters on the feet of a child often occur due to a fungal disease. Spots on the heel can be the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. These are common calluses that occur immediately after rubbing the skin. Because of them, the child’s gait is disturbed, because it hurts him to walk in uncomfortable shoes.
Another reason is again an allergic reaction, especially if there was contact with the allergen at the site of the rash. Another cause of blisters is autoimmune arthritis, which is characterized by stiffness and pain in the joints.
On the face
Blisters on the face of a child occur for the following reasons:
- herpes. The rash is localized on the lips or around the mouth. In the first 2-3 days it causes itching, after which it opens and becomes covered with crusts;
- viral infections: scarlet fever, influenza, rubella, chicken pox, measles;
- allergic reaction to sunlight. Blisters are localized under the eyes and on the chin.
Almost all infections are not characterized by a rash that is localized only on the face. Most often, rashes are observed on other parts of the body. Only herpes is characterized by a rash of a certain localization, most often around the mouth.
Buttocks and scrotum
Blisters on a child's buttocks are a common symptom of skin irritation. In infants, it is the result of:
- allergies to diaper or underwear materials;
- insufficient hygiene of the genital area;
- chafing of the skin with tight underwear;
- prickly heat (sleep in a hot room, clothes not for the weather, hot season).
Diaper rash sometimes occurs even with sufficient care, if the child has increased skin vulnerability or a tendency to allergic conditions. Prickly heat is the smallest swelling of the upper layer of the skin like bubbles of a reddish or bright pink color. They appear in the back, chest, armpits and neck folds.
A fungal infection can also cause a rash on the buttocks. On the scrotum, it is formed with genital herpes. Once in the body, this virus remains in it forever and makes itself felt when the immune system is weakened.
In adolescents, a rash on the buttocks may accompany a disease such as psoriasis. In this case, rashes are also found on other parts of the body: elbows, along the hairline on the forehead, on the head, etc.
On the back
reaction or infection. In newborns, a rash can be a sign of prickly heat, overheating. Eruptions appear in the area of the shoulder blades and in all folds of the skin. Also, the cause of the appearance of such blisters can be bites of fleas or bedbugs.
Practical tips
The main discomfort from rashes is that they itch. But in no case should you scratch them, since microtrauma as a result of bursting of the bubbles can cause a secondary bacterial infection to attach. This will only aggravate the situation and worsen the condition of the child. To prevent the rash from itching, you can give your child an antihistamine.
In the presence of signs of an infectious disease, self-medication is by no means possible. In case of fever, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The younger the child, the more severely he suffers an infectious disease. In addition, many pathologies can provoke serious complications.
Other useful tips for parents:
- if 10-15 hours have passed since the rash appeared and it has not disappeared, it is necessary to examine the whole body and record the location of the rash, take the temperature, and then consult a doctor;
- before consulting a specialist, it is allowed to treat rashes with an antiseptic preparation.
In the first year of life, various rashes often appear in children. This is due to the fact that delicate skin is only adapting to new conditions for it. When a rash appears after sleep, if there is no temperature on its background, you can not worry. If the rash does not cover most of the body, then most likely they are not dangerous. Otherwise, you should seek help from a specialist.
How to make an appointment with a dermatologist
To make an appointment with a pediatrician or dermatologist, you can call us at +7 (495) 775-73-60 or use the online form where you can choose a specialist and an appointment time. We work on all days, including weekends and holidays. JSC "Medicina" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) is located in the Central Administrative District, not far from the metro stations Mayakovskaya, Tverskaya, Chekhovskaya, Belorusskaya and Novoslobodskaya. In addition, here you can use the service of calling a doctor at home. This will be convenient if the child has a serious general condition or you suspect the presence of a contagious disease.
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Rash in a child on the body, legs, back
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