Baby face cold to touch
Temperature Awareness – SwaddleDesigns
Research has shown when a baby becomes overly chilled or overheated it is a serious medical situation, and both insufficient thermal insulation and overheating have been linked to SIDS, as stated in the International Journal of Epidemiology and The Journal of Pediatrics.
Continued education is important to help reduce the incidence of SIDS and sharing correct information is of utmost importance.
Parents and caregivers need to be educated that it is the parent’s important responsibility to dress baby appropriately based on current temperature of their environment and to adjust baby’s clothes as the temperature changes, and to touch and feel their baby to make sure that baby is not overly warm or overly chilled. Parents need to understand that no blanket and no product can naturally regulate their baby’s temperature.
Getting too warm is as likely as getting too cold, so parents must continue to monitor, touch and feel their baby to ensure baby is not too hot or too cold, because both overchilling and overheating are SIDS risk factors and can impact the health and well being of infants.
Deep sleep makes baby more vulnerable both to cold and heat, so when baby settles into sleep caregivers need to check their baby. It is an important responsibility of the caregiver to dress baby appropriately for sleep based on the temperature of their environment. Parents should not underdress or overdress their baby for sleep.
As a general guide, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends dressing baby in no more than one layer more than an adult would use to be comfortable in the same environment, Baby’s head should be uncovered, unless baby weighs less than eight pounds and the room is cold or baby is in a cold environment.
Parents and caregivers should touch baby’s chest, tummy or back to feel if baby is too hot or too cold. Baby’s tummy and chest should feel warm and dry, not sweaty or cold.
Baby's temperature can be assessed with reasonable precision by human touch. Abdominal temperature is representative of the core temperature and it is reliable in the diagnosis of hypothermia.
For many years it was considered okay if baby's hands and feet were cool. The belief was the coolness was due to baby's immature circulatory system. However, recently, the World Health Organization states that baby's hands and feet should be pink and warm.
Warm and pink feet of the baby indicate that the baby is in thermal comfort. But when feet are cold and trunk is warm it indicates that the baby is in cold stress. In hypothermia both feet and trunk are cold to touch.
Babies need to be comfortably warm. If they are just starting to get too warm or too cold they will often get fussy. Keep baby nearby to parents and caregivers, so they may respond and check on baby if baby becomes fussy.
Signs of Chilling
A baby who is not able to stay warm and is losing the battle to stay warm and is in danger of being chilled will become very quiet and still. Babies are not able to shiver like adults to generate heat. Babies that are too cold will not exert the energy it takes to cry, and may be uninterested in feeding. Their energy is being consumed by trying to stay warm. A baby that is dangerously chilled will have cold hands and feet and even baby’s chest will be cold under his or her clothes. This baby is already too cold and cannot make enough warmth for his or herself and should be held close to an adult body to warm baby. After baby is warm, extra layers or an appropriate covering may be added.
If such a baby were given no help in getting warm, baby could slip into the next stage of chilling which is called the neonatal cold syndrome. Vital body functions run very slowly and baby is lethargic, floppy and difficult to arouse. Baby’s hands and feet look swollen and bright pink and skin will feel very cold. This baby needs urgent medical attention and will need to be warmed slowly.
Signs of Overheating
A baby who is overly warm may have damp hair, a sweaty back and chest, red ears, a rapid pulse and sometimes fever. A layer of clothing should be removed and baby may need to be taken to a cooler environment or gently fanned.
A baby that is excessively overdressed for the current temperature of the environment is at risk for heatstroke which includes the following signs: A sudden rise in body temperature over 100 degrees F, hot dry skin, flushed or pale skin tone, rapid pulse, vomiting, rapid breathing, sluggishness, non-responsiveness, signs of dehydration. This baby needs urgent medical attention and layers of baby’s clothing should be removed. Oral fluids should be encouraged and baby should be sponged with tepid water.
Parents and caregivers need to be aware that no blanket or product can naturally regulate a baby’s temperature. It is an important responsibility of the parents and caregiver to dress their baby appropriately according to the current temperature of their environment. Parents should not overdress or underdress baby. As a general guide the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends dressing baby in no more than one layer more than an adult would use to be comfortable in the same environment.
Most medical experts recommend a sleep environment of 65-72 degrees F. If parents use central air or heat they should set the thermostat for this temperature range and dress the baby in no more than one layer more than an adult would use to be comfortable, and then touch baby’s chest, back or abdomen to ensure baby is not too hot or too cold.
Even though we describe temperature awareness with babies as the Goldilocks Guide – not too hot, not too cold, but just right - when it comes to babies, temperature awareness is important and serious business.
Williams SM, et al. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Insulation from Bedding and Clothing and its Effect Modifiers. International Journal of Epidemiology1996; 25, 366-75
Beal S, Porter C. Sudden infant death syndrome related to climate. Acta Ped Scanda 1991;80:278-87
How old is your baby?
5 Signs Your Baby Is Too Cold & Needs A Little Warmth
It can happen during the day and at night when they’re sleeping.
by Olivia Youngs and Abi Berwager Schreier
Originally Published:
One of the hardest things about being a new parent is learning your baby's cues. Since they’re unable to fend for themselves or verbally communicate things like “It’s freezing in here,” it's crucial parents learn signs of hunger, tiredness, sickness, temperature, and more. When you want to know how to tell if your baby is cold, both when they are asleep and awake, there are some signs you can look out for.
Babies don't have the ability to self-regulate their temperatures like adults, according to InfantCPR. Their bodies lose heat through unprotected surfaces, such as their head, hands, or feet — which is called "radiated heat," according to Mayo Clinic. Dr. Daniel Ganjian, a pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, tells Romper that a baby’s ability to regulate their own body temperature gets better as they get older, and usually between 3 and 4 years old. “Nonetheless, even at older ages, kids still need reminders to dress well before going outside. Even teenagers need reminders. Temperature self-regulation is not perfect and must always be accompanied by proper clothing,” he says.
Similarly, if babies don't have enough layers on or are in a very cold room, being too cold and, in rare cases, experiencing hypothermia are real threats. Even in warmer months, it's important to monitor your baby's temperature to make sure they're warm enough, especially indoors. In the colder months, you'll need to keep an eye on their temperature outside as well as indoors.
In fact, there’s even an optimal baby room temperature (regardless of how cold or hot it is outside). Dr. Gina Posner, board-certified pediatrician at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, says, “I usually tell people to keep their house around 72 degrees. But, some kids run warmer or colder than others, so if at 72, your baby feels too hot and they are in only a diaper, then cool it down. If they feel too cold at 72, then give them an extra layer of clothing and check again.”
Obviously, appropriate pajamas, swaddles, and blankets (if your baby is old enough), can be used to help regulate their temperature as well. “Remember, the temperature on the thermostat in the hallway does not always match the temperature in the bedrooms,” Ganjian says.
As overwhelming as it may sound to have to learn all of your baby's cues, soon they'll become second nature. And once you do, regulating your child's temperature will be simple.
Their hands and feet feel cold
Although this is generally a poor indicator of your baby's overall body temperature, heat escapes quickly through the hands and feet and they're often the most exposed. An article in Indian Pediatrics noted that your baby's feet and hands should be warm like the rest of their body. So if your baby's hands or feet feel cold, throw on an extra layer, just to be safe. Posner confirms, “Your baby is too cold if you see mottling of their extremities, and if the hands or feet are cold to the touch. You can also feel the back of their neck and if it is cold, that can be a sign that they are chilly.” If you’re worried about them when they’re in bed, see if your baby is cold to the touch while sleeping. That can be a good indication to layer up.
Pale skin
If your baby is feeling cold, they could potentially have paler skin than normal. However, if this is accompanied by inactivity and being lethargic, this could be a sign of hypothermia. If this happens, Posner says, “Slowly warm them up — wrap them in blankets or you can even do skin-to-skin with you with blankets on top of them. Also, putting a hat on their head is helpful since babies lose a lot of heat from their head. My biggest concern with a baby that is too cold is that they might have an infection causing it — especially if you are not in a particularly cold environment. In that case, bring them to the hospital or their doctor.”
They're fussy for seemingly no reason
In the beginning stages of being cold, your baby may fuss when nothing else is wrong to let you know they're chilly. If this happens, simply add some socks or a warmer outfit and your baby will be more comfortable. “I tell parents to put one extra layer on their baby than what they are wearing. So, if you are wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants, then baby might need a jacket on top of that,” Ganjian says.
They snart sneezing
Ganjian says, “When your baby starts sneezing, usually it is a sign they are cold. This is due to a response connected to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain which controls temperature in the body. That is why babies usually sneeze when they are being changed. It is very normal and not related to them being sick with the cold virus.”
They're still and lethargic
One of the more dangerous signs that your baby is cold is being very still, quiet, and lethargic. These are signs of hypothermia in infants, which shouldn't be ignored, as your baby's body can't heat itself properly at this point. “When your child becomes quiet and does not move much, it can mean that they are too cold. Take them inside the house and let them have skin-to-skin on your body, while wrapping a blanket around both of you,” Ganjian says.
Warming up your baby if they are asleep is not impossible, but you have to be extra mindful of safety as you can’t simply tuck a blanket around them. (Babies should not sleep with soft blankets or toys in their crib until they are at least 12 months old as it’s a suffocation hazard). You could risk waking them up by adding another layer (either clothing or a sleep sack), or you could bump up the heat or bring in a safe space heater.
Luckily, there are numerous ways to warm up your baby when they are awake. Bring them into a warmer environment (into a warmer room of the house or indoors if they are outside), crank up the thermostat, add a few more layers to their outfit, or use your own body heat.
Gina Posner, board-certified pediatrician at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center
Daniel Ganjian, pediatrician at Providence Saint John’s Health Center
This article was originally published on
How to understand whether a child is cold or not
The most difficult thing for young parents is to learn to recognize the signs that their baby gives when he is hungry, overworked, sick, wants to communicate. Some signals are especially difficult to understand. For example, the baby is frozen or not. The signs are not always so obvious.
Thermoregulation in babies works differently. They supercool almost 4 times faster than adults. The child's body loses heat from unprotected surfaces. For example, if the head, arms and legs are not covered. Or if the baby is dressed too lightly, but at the same time it is too cold in the room or on the street.
Premature and low birth weight infants do not have sufficient body fat in the first month of life. Therefore, their body may not be ready to regulate temperature even when warm. In addition, they will burn too many calories to keep warm with constant hypothermia. What will affect their health.
But even healthy newborn babies cannot keep warm if the temperature in the room or outside is too low.
Overheating is no less dangerous for a baby than hypothermia.
At the same time, mothers tend to wrap up the baby more often. Overheating leads to heat stroke and increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Therefore, it is correct to monitor the temperature in general and avoid both hypothermia and overheating.
The normal air temperature for a child at home is 18-21 degrees. When the temperature is low or too high, he feels uncomfortable and wakes up more often than usual.
Remember that the temperature in the room will not always be the same as in the nursery. Therefore, it is worth having a thermometer in every room.
How to tell if a baby is cold
To tell if a baby is cold or not outside, look at the baby's physical signs and behavior.
- Cold hands, feet, cheeks and nose are not the best indicator, because heat quickly leaves these parts of the body, since they are most often exposed and always remain cool. In any case, we pay attention to other signs.
- Pale skin. If you see that the child's skin has become very pale and the lips have changed color, then he is very cold. In this case, the baby most often ceases to behave actively and becomes lethargic. These are already signs of severe hypothermia.
- If the baby has just begun to freeze, he may be naughty in order to somehow communicate that he is cold. In case he still can't speak.
How to understand that a newborn is cold outside
- The child lies in the stroller, calms down and does not move. This is a special sign in a newborn that cannot be ignored. With these signs, immediately return home, undress the baby and lay it on yourself, skin to skin, covering yourself with a blanket.
- The baby will not cry because there is no strength.
However, he may refuse to feed. The energy of the newborn will go to keep warm.
- The baby starts to sneeze. This happens in response to the part of the brain, the hypothalamus, which controls body temperature. Therefore, children often sneeze while changing clothes. This is normal and does not always mean that they are sick.
How to dress your child according to the weather for a walk
Use the layering rule to dress your baby for the weather. Putting on an extra layer of clothing or, conversely, taking it off is the best way to warm or cool the baby.
In cold weather, wear several layers of clothing. For example, one layer more than yours. So, if you are wearing a long-sleeve T-shirt and jeans, you should also put on a jacket or sweater for your baby. As soon as you enter the room, do not forget to undress the child so that he does not overheat.
A hat and panama are needed at any time of the year, as they keep warm and protect from the sun. In summer, choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that absorb sweat quickly.
How to understand that the baby is cold at home
A mother should be guided by her feelings and the physical signs of the baby.
- If he wakes up at night for feeding or in the morning has cold thighs, forearms and back between the shoulder blades, then he is cold.
- But if only the nose, arms and legs are cool, this is normal, and the child is comfortable sleeping. During sleep, the body lowers its body temperature slightly. But if these parts of the body are icy, then the baby is frozen. When in doubt, feel the back of the neck. Warm means everything is in order.
- You can also touch the folds of your arms and legs. If it's cold, it's definitely freezing.
It is also important to watch that there is no overheating
- If the baby begins to sweat, breathes quickly, his skin is red, then he is very hot. And this is a signal that he was dressed too warmly for sleep.
- When overheated, the child may scream and cry, and breathing becomes faster.
- When it's hot, the grown-up child starts throwing off the blanket, and the baby starts to get out from under the diaper in which you swaddled him.
How to dress for sleep
The choice of clothes for sleep requires special attention from parents. It is important to dress your baby according to the weather and room temperature.
Sleepwear should be comfortable, made from natural materials, and safe. Avoid ties, strings, small details on slips or pajamas.
In case of cool weather, choose two-layer clothing: cotton and something else made of warm material. This allows you to warm up, and sweat, and not freeze without discomfort.
Skip the blanket - it's not safe to use, especially in the first year of a baby's life. Replace it with a baby sleeping bag. It can be used all year round. For the summer, buy a thinner, lighter weight version that is suitable for warm weather. Be sure to select the bag according to the size, and not more.
A newborn should never be swaddled too tightly or covered over his face or head. This will increase your risk of SIDS.
Wear a light cap to keep out the cold, but only when you are awake. During sleep, it can slide onto the face of the newborn and cut off the supply of oxygen.
It is also better to take off your socks for sleep and use overalls if you are not swaddling your baby.
What temperature should the room be if the child has a cold?
Keep the same temperature throughout the day. Although in a cool room it is easier for a child to breathe with a stuffy nose and difficulty breathing.
If he has a fever, change into lighter clothing.
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All about hypothermia in children
Low ambient temperature has an adverse effect on the body; cold can cause damage, the consequences of which can be very serious. The risk of hypothermia in a child is much higher than in an adult - this is due to the imperfection of the mechanisms of thermoregulation, a number of functional features. Although hypothermia is considered less dangerous than overheating, it causes various pathologies, among which colds dominate. A small child is not able to complain, to independently tell about the sensations that he experiences. Parents are required to be attentive in order to notice the symptoms of hypothermia in time and provide first aid.
Cold is one of the most well-known and widespread damaging factors. From birth, children are wrapped as warmly as possible, protected from drafts. The mechanisms of thermoregulation in children differ from those in adults. Low ambient temperature, tolerated by parents without any consequences, can be dangerous for the child. However, the likelihood of hypothermia in young children who are supervised, eat enough and are warmly dressed is minimal.
A child who walks on the street without supervision, plays in a cold room, swims in a pond can get cold much faster. The risk of hypothermia is very high in winter, autumn and early spring, although hypothermia occurs even in the summer months - for example, if it starts raining suddenly.
Hypothermia can occur in a child under various circumstances.
It is divided into such types as: local; general.
1. Local hypothermia is called frostbite - cold affects limited areas of the skin (most often the most open - limbs, nose, ears).
2. General hypothermia is said if the child has been in conditions of low temperature for a long time, which has affected the whole organism as a whole.
It is advisable to describe the symptoms of hypothermia in a child according to the classification presented earlier. So, frostbite can be superficial and deep. There is a division into severity, which is used to assess the condition and establish a diagnosis. At the first degree, the following signs are observed:
- pronounced pallor of the skin in the affected area, the disappearance of sensitivity (including pain), the onset of itching, pain, swelling of soft tissues and redness after warming.
The second degree of frostbite is characterized by:
- edema, pallor and bluish tint of the skin, the presence of blisters with bloody contents.
Third degree frostbite:
is necrosis of the skin, underlying tissues. In children, as a rule, symptoms of general hypothermia also develop. Hemorrhagic blisters appear.
At the fourth degree of frostbite it is noted:
- necrosis of all layers of tissue (including bone). The skin is purple, blisters with black liquid inside are visible. There is blackening and mummification of the affected area, the occurrence of dry or wet gangrene. There is no sensitivity in the area of cold damage. Widespread and deep frostbite may be accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition. Body temperature rises, weakness, headache appear. The fourth degree of frostbite is associated with the risk of developing rhabdomyolysis (destruction of muscle tissue cells) and acute renal failure.
General hypothermia is manifested by such symptoms as:
- appearance of uncontrolled shivering;
- difficulty in pronunciation, jerky speech;
-feeling of great fatigue;
- pallor, cyanotic skin tone; impaired consciousness up to fainting.
- Body temperature during general hypothermia does not exceed 35 °C.
At the initial stage of the development of symptoms, the patient is agitated, trembling, trying to warm himself by increasing motor activity. After a while, the excitement is replaced by lethargy, apathy. There is a headache, dizziness, muscle tone decreases. You need to know that infants do not have shivering, so you should not rely on this sign when determining the likelihood of hypothermia. An alarming sign is the cessation of chills, difficulty in speech and voluntary movements, accompanied by a feeling of numbness of the fingers. The victim may feel pain in the muscles, he develops convulsions. Breathing and pulse weaken, the reaction to stimuli disappears, the face becomes "mask-like", paresis of the vocal cords occurs. In the terminal stage of hypothermia, arrhythmias and urinary incontinence may develop; involuntary movements of the limbs may be observed, the victim is unconscious.
Symptoms of hypothermia in young children may not always be bright, which requires systematic monitoring of body temperature!!!
Help for an injured child should be provided immediately after finding out the fact of hypothermia. Wherever the patient is - in the water, in the open air - he should be taken to a warm room. At the same time, it is important to prevent re-cooling during transportation, and to carry out the movement without unnecessary fuss.
In general hypothermia, excess movement can cause additional damage, causing arrhythmia. In case of frostbite, you can not rub and knead the damaged areas of the skin (including with snow), lubricate them with greasy creams, tightly bandage, lower them into hot water. These actions only exacerbate the severity of the defeat!!!
To help a child with local and general hypothermia, you must:
- stop contact with cold;
- remove wet, tight clothes and shoes;
- use warm blankets, blankets for wrapping;
- Apply an aseptic heat-insulating dressing to frostbite areas.