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Posts about pregnancy
- Baby Names
Favorite Celtic/Gaelic Names?
Looking for girl names that are of this origin and more accessible in the US. We love Maeve, but feel it's getting sooo popular (know of five under three). Any suggestions for names similar to Maeve? Our favorite is Aoife, but we know pronunciation will be a nightmare. TIA! PS. I know it can be
3 minutes ago by CarolinaHurricane
- Ultrasounds
Definitely a boy?
Another mom recently posted about how she thought she had a boy on ultrasound, but then she was later told that it was just the umbilical cord & not a boy.
😱 Made me scared 😂 It's hard to tell what I'm looking at, but the ultrasound tech said that this is a boy. Is this definitely boy or possi
a minute ago by MommaKate718
- Pregnancy
Baby not moving much at 28 weeks.
I'm 28 weeks and I have covid. I notice my baby isn't active as he usually is. I did kick count yesterday and it took 1 hour and 8 mins to get 10 kicks. The last time I did kick count was December 4th and it took 35 mins to get 10 kicks. Yesterday, I laid down on my side because when he's more activ
12 minutes ago by NikitaAdrian
- Pregnancy
New symptoms
So today I am 36 weeks and am feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvis aka lightening crotch along with some tightening in my stomach.
Baby boy is also moving quite a bit and when I pee and wipe there is more mucous. I am not really feeling much pain/cramping. Just some with the lightening crotch. Are
16 minutes ago by Cipcip88
- Pregnancy
First trimester worries
I’m currently 5w2d pregnancy and it’s my first pregnancy. How did you stay calm and make it through these weeks before doctors appts? Every little thing has me worried! Every cramp or feeling in my belly has me worried! How early can I go for an ultrasound?
7 minutes ago by Kelsey115
- Baby Names
Name Question
We just found out my c-section has been scheduled for St.
Patrick's Day. Dh is now suggesting the name Fiona, which was originally on my list. Is it too much to name her that now with this birthday?
8 minutes ago by PamelaBeasley
- Pregnancy
Painful amniotic fluid swab
Hey y’all, last night I had a scare I was leaking fluids early at 22 weeks due to my underwear being super wet. I went to L&D and they did a amniotic fluid swab with a qtip. When I tell you as soon as the nurse pushed it in I felt intense pain. It turned out negative, but the doctor on called
an hour ago
- Pregnancy
Gestational diabetes test
I got my test result for gestational glucose test which is 163mg/dl non-fasting, is this too bad?
an hour ago by maya1048
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Posts about babies
- Breastfeeding Support and Help
Backed up?
My 7 week old is EBF on demand and takes sometimes a week to poop.
I have read an even heard from my pediatrician that breast-fed babies don’t need to poop every day. But I’m still concerned because he has a lot of gas and straining/stomach pain from what I think is constipation. Do any of you have
an hour ago
- Breastfeeding Support and Help
Hello. I am conflicted between which to drop and leave last. I am down to 2 feedings a day before bed and in the morning. At bedtime when I put my 14m old down 90% he tends to just pass out on the boob... which works for us cuz he does sleep thru the night and can go down for naps easy. And in the m
an hour ago
- Breastfeeding Support and Help
BF & Pregnant
Hi ladies! My LO is 8 months and still exclusively BF due to bottle and food aversion.
I’m freaking out bc i’m 2 days late on my period ( period has been regular the last 3 months). In the case I’m pregnant, do you ladies have any tips for me to keep up my milk supply? Right now he feeds on demand,
2 hours ago by Ohbaby89
- Babies
Formula feeding
Hello moms!❤️ my question is my baby has been drinking 4 oz since 1 month old which is now 12 weeks (3 months), should i increase his oz? He’s starting to show signs that he’s ready for more
an hour ago by Ngroeling
- Teaching Your Baby and Toddler To Sleep
9MO babbling at 5am/short daycare naps
Hi there, We did the takingcarababies approach to the Ferber method 1 week ago.
It’s technically a 14 day effort but I felt it’s been overall successful after 3 nights. He puts himself to sleep within 5-10 min of laying down now and only fusses/whines once as I’m leaving right now only on a couple
4 hours ago by AllisonRebeccah
- Breastfeeding Support and Help
My sin was bitten in January 12th. Yesterday my milk started coming in, and I am so engorged. He's been a champ and has still been breastfeeding well. My question is: how long until my milk production evens out, and I'm not engorged anymore? It is painful!
an hour ago by Seabat
- Teaching Your Baby and Toddler To Sleep
I place my baby in the middle of the bassinet every night but lately I find her scooting to the one side that isn’t all the way mesh.
What do I do? She is in a Velcro swaddle and she’ll be a month old on Thursday.
4 hours ago by AllisonRebeccah
- Babies
I place my baby in the middle of the bassinet every night but lately I find her scooting to the one side that isn’t all the way mesh. What do I do? She is in a Velcro swaddle and she’ll be a month old on Thursday.
6 hours ago by Roxyx
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Posts about getting pregnant
- Getting Pregnant - Trying to Conceive
Ovulating day 21 of 28 day cycle? Help! 2MCs
I have been TTC for over a year (i have 2.5 year old). I had a MC March 2022 at 13 weeks and had a D and C.
Then I had a chemical pregnancy September 2022. I consistently ovulate day 20 or 21 and get my period usually 7 days later. My OB said that’s not possible and you should be ovulating around da
19 minutes ago
- Getting Pregnant - Trying to Conceive
Line eyes pls/heavy implantation
Has anyone had heavy implantation bleeding with clots ?
18 minutes ago by NikitaAdrian
- Trying to Conceive Community
No line progression..chemical or ectopic?
Hi ladies…I’m cross-posting this from the September birth board to see if someone here may (unfortunately) have more experience with this. I’ve been testing since 9dpo and pulling very very faint lines since then.
I think by 11dpo (1/13/23) I got a “borderline” bfp with pink from a wondfo. The pro
7 minutes ago by Sara121090
- Trying to Conceive Community
Pretty sure it’s negative even though I feel like I see something in person but it’s probably just an indent unfortunately.. has anyone gotten a bfp late after 14dpo?? According to my Premom app I should have started today but my cycles aren’t always the same I range from a 28-31 or 32 day cycle so
an hour ago by Maryat0417
- Trying to Conceive Community
Implantation or period *TMI pic
I'm due in 2 days. On a 40/41 cd. 13 dpo right now. And while "investigating" on if I need a pad soon, found this.
I can't tell if it's implantation or upcoming period. Been trying for 1 year now. Extreme sore nipples and breast. Mild cramps. Need professional opinions
an hour ago by Sierra1099
- Trying to Conceive Community
Poll: Need The Expert Line Eyes
These were just taken this morning (1st pee) at 10 DPO right at 5 minutes.
2 hours ago
4 votes
- Getting Pregnant - Trying to Conceive
Pregnancy Symptoms during Postpartum
I’m 16 months postpartum and have been feeling so exhausted the last few days. My son sleeps pretty well during the night at this point and nothing has really changed with my work/personal schedule but I find myself needing to take naps again to make it through the day.
My cycle is still irregular t
an hour ago by NikitaAdrian
- Trying to Conceive Community
Late Ovulation
Has anyone had success with shortening cycles and moving ovulation up? I’m currently working on correcting a short luteal phase issue but I’m still ovulating on day 21 ish….I hate that I have almost 5 weeks in between trying. I’d love to regulate my cycle so it’s closer to 28 days with ovulation clo
4 hours ago
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Bargain Hunters | BabyCenter
Bargain Hunters Group Rules
BabyCenter Team
Welcome to Bargain Hunters!If you wish to report content or profiles that concern you, here’s how:Report posts and comments using the gray flag at the bottom right of the content.
Report a profile by tapping their screen name and then the three dots.Most importantly: Racism, racist content, and racis
Post car accident pain relief help!
DF and I were in a car accident on Monday. I broke my arm and had surgery on Tuesday. (He's still in the hospital with a broken hip.) The arm pain is minimal, but my neck and tailbone are killing me. I've been alternating heat and ice on my neck which help in the moment. But as soon as it's not hot/
a few seconds ago by JNRsMommy1
coping mechanisms for hurt child?
ODD is emotional. When she’s hurt or sick or uncomfortable she flips her lid.
She’s been wailing for 25 minutes about the cut on the roof of her mouth. I have offered her distractions (games, technology, read a book) ice for her mouth, tried a meditation/breathing exercises, she just screams.
2 minutes ago by tinkerham
Sunday Coffee Chat 🧋☕🍵🫖🥐🍳🥞🥯🥓🧇🍩
Morning. Woke way too early and cant sleep. Got the day right!
3 minutes ago by bkovari
Does AT&T work good near pigeon forge/Gatlinburg?
😅 planning a family trip and our phones (AT&T) seem to not work in the most random places and my husband needs his for work. I’m assuming they will since it’s a busy area - but yet still mountains.
Also what are some ideas of must do things there? We’ve got young kids (6,5,2,1) and are looking
5 minutes ago by nathansmom
Possible strep again?
I had strep 3-4 weeks ago, can’t remember the date. I finished the 10 days of antibiotics and all was well. Well I woke up with severe throat pain, both ears hurt and those glands under your chin/neck hurt too. Of course it’s Sunday so I’ll have to go to UC if I decide to go. Here is a gross pic of
9 minutes ago by Kimmi3486
Easy stove top chili recipes?
I am obsessed with chili this winter but haven’t found a great stove top recipe. Any suggestions?
11 minutes ago by Ladybugbear
OCD anybody ?
My therapist thinks I may have OCD.
The obsessive thoughts fit me perfectly . I certainly don’t have the cleaning part of it Anybody been diagnosed? What treatments did you use ?
12 minutes ago by KrazyKittyLady
First and now second period
My DD (12) started her first period on December 22. I was expecting her not to have another for a few months, but here we are with her second period already. Is this odd or something to be concerned about? I am going to do some looking online and also call her doctor if need be, but thought I would
18 minutes ago by Deannak12
Which clothing brands are worth the splurge?
I know this is going to vary a lot based on multiple factors, but in general, what clothing brands do you find worth the splurge?
20 minutes ago by RSTchick2019
Am I a total curmudgeon or is this batty and insane?
Dh thinks I'm kind of a curmudgeon.
I think. He won't say. It's the demeanor. 🤣 My neighbors have apparently lost a cat. I woke this morning to find their smallish (like eight and six?) kids in NY backyard looking. My privacy fenced backyard. I have a big dog they have never met- he's sweet b
28 minutes ago by KrazyKittyLady
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An ode to an OG (SallyCarrera)
Haven’t been here in forever and almost couldn’t get into my account. I’m not sure if anyone from my time is still even around, but we lost one of our own recently. Rip to my bhb friend 💔 I met Shaina (SallyCarrera) at least ten years ago in our bhb group. A handful of us girls stayed in touch o
39 minutes ago by Fourgirls-4me
Anyone with Cushing’s disease?
Ellie 123456
I know it’s a fairly rare condition, but wondering if anyone here has it? I went to my doctor because I’ve unexpectedly / rapidly been gaining weight over the past year and was feeling really weird in lots of ways.
They did some blood tests that are consistent with Cushing’s, and an MRI from a yea
an hour ago by lindseyann3
Dr. BH - skin bumps
My DD (7) started showing up this bumps in her arm that she says it's itchy. I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday, but until then, what do you think it is? Edit to add: Sha has a history of eczema, but hasn't had a flare up since her 6th birthday.
an hour ago by lorihanifan
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Experience?
Anyone have kids in an IB high school? Care to share your experience?
an hour ago by Nikkie R.
Memes That Make You LOL IRL #11
We've reached the end of #10, the VERY end almost.
See, we can have nice things! C&P from prior thread: The rules are simple: Don't delete! Just edit your meme if you've had a change of heart or posted it twice. Deleting comments glitches the thread and glitches get stitches! Don't forge
an hour ago by Namiko12
About to start the medical abortion process due to extreme HG & the father
I’m 12 weeks pregnant and had all plans of keeping this baby. I found out the gender, picked her out a name and even started lightly shopping Nothing cannot be done about the HG, nothing that the doctor is prescribing is working. I’ve missed a lot of work and am on thin ice. I cannot eat, I cannot
an hour ago by PiperOlls
Things that make you happy or good news?
I’m having a shit week.
So I wanna hear your good news or silly things that make you ridiculously happy.
an hour ago by lifeafteryou
Sister Wives and Other TLC Polygamy Shows Thread
Welcome to the Sister Wives thread! New season starts Feb. 14, 2021! Hug the OP if you're reading! Wiki: Previous Thread: Stalker Links Kody-
an hour ago by StellaB2
Your fav pancake toppings
What are your favorite? I just love maple syrup, sometimes berries. Once in a while I eat them with just lemon juice and sugar.
Simple but SO yummy!
an hour ago by marlou1313
Autism ABA center and therapy
Hi, is there is anyone know good AbA center and therapy for 2 years old baby that accepts Humana Medicaid because we are with early step and they do nothing and it’s very slow and Aba cry that I called is waiting list 6to 8 months or this because of the medicad please if anyone has good information
2 hours ago by mutti08
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Information about the composition of the Children's Public Council of the Museum of Victory
Main Museum Children's Public Council
The Victory Museum formed the Children's Public Council
Children's Public Council of the museum was formed on April 27 at the First meeting of activists of school museums in Moscow. It included 75 schoolchildren-activists and representatives of youth associations. The activities of the Children's Public Council are aimed at supporting and developing the initiatives of schoolchildren, increasing their knowledge in the fields of history. nine0003
The Children's Public Council allows activists, together with the Museum of Victory, its branches and partners, to implement projects, initiatives, and relevant ideas. Each participant gets the opportunity to initiate, supervise, participate in city, all-Russian and international events, forums, gatherings. The Children's Public Council actively cooperates with school museums in Russia.
“The Children's Public Council has big plans, ideas, projects! We, members of the Children's Public Council, see our main task in conveying to our friends, peers and classmates how important it is to remember the war and know our history, ”- Matvey Medvedenko, a member of the Children's Public Council. nine0003
Composition of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Balaban Tatyana Yuryevna
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School Gloria"
Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Aslanyan Ksenia Arsenovna
State Autonomous Autonomous Education of the city "School" School No. 1518"
Deputy Chairman of the Children's Public Council of the Museum of Victory
Medvedenko Matvei Borisovich
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School No. Lelyushenko"
Coordinator of the direction of planning
Shakerova Sofia Renatovna
State budgetary professional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Educational Complex"
coordinator of social networks and media
Borisov Ivan Vladimirovich
1748 "Vertical"
Planning direction coordinator
Alyabyev Ilya Aleksandrovich
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School No. Ryabinkina"
Leader of the technical direction
Pronyaeva Kristina Ivanovna
Federal state state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Museum of Victory
Dzekunova Arina Maksimovna
State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of Moscow "Moscow State Educational Complex"
Coordinator of social networks and media
Mirzoeva Sabina Octaevna
Autonomous School of Technical Service "
Activist Council of the Museum of Victory
Mukhanova Anastasia Sergeevna
State Autonomous educational institution of the Moscow Region “Balashikhinsky Lyceum”
Activist of the media direction
Baturin Daniil Vyacheslavovich
FSBUVO RUTS (MIIT) Moscow College of Tansport
Coordinator of social networks and media
Kurkchyan Nadezhda city of Moscow "School No. 463 named after Hero of the Soviet Union D.N. Medvedev"
Mass media activist
Chipurin GELB Sergeevich
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School No. 1248”
leader of the media direction
Ilya Aleksandrovich
State budgetary institution of Moscow “School No. 2114”
Activist of the Media
Khalilov Elilovo Elilovo Elilovo Elilov Dzheyhunovna
Federal State Treasury General Educational Institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Bastroon Renata Eduardovna
State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Romanov school"
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
State budgetary educational institution of the city "School" School No. 1589 "
Activist of the organizational direction
Surkova Valeria Vladimirovna
Federal state state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding school for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Museum of Victory
Zabrodsky Denis Sergeevich
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 2036" organizational direction
Popova Olga Nikolaevna
Municipal budgetary educational institution "Insar secondary school No. 1"
Activist of the direction of social networks and messengers
Frolov Anton Aleksandrovich
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "Romanov school"
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Vitoshko Elina Alekseevna
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School" School "School" School "School" School "School Vernadsky"
Media activist
Antokhin Dmitry Romanovich
Municipal budgetary general education lyceum No. 18, Orel
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Museum of Victory
Arina Aleksandrovna Basak
Federal state state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Museum of the Children's Council "Activist
Activist PobedyTolmacheva Maria Alekseevna
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 1539»
The leader of the media direction
Kurapova Sofya Aleksandrovna
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow“ School No. 2054 ”
Activist of the media direction
Egorova Ksenia Vitalievna
State budgetary educational institution of Moscow“ School No. 1392 named after D.V. Ryabinkina"
Activist in the direction of social networks and instant messengers
Maltseva Ekaterina Alekseevna
Federal State Public Educational Institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Azarova Elizaveta Romanovna
Federal state state educational institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "
Activist of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum Kirilina Pavlovna
9000 9000. General Educational Institution "Moscow Cadet Corps" Boarding School of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "9Ol000 educational institution of the city of Moscow "Moscow State Educational Complex" The first meeting of the Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Joint meeting of the Public and Children's Public Council of the Victory Museum
Schoolchildren designed patriotism
Children will fight chess
Send the completed application to bukreev@cmvov. ru
The Playscape / waa Children's Community Center
The Playscape / waa 9 Children's Community Center0003
Short. The landscape is a reconstruction inside an existing industrial complex in northern Beijing. Warehouse complex from the 1970s for grain storage supported by a vehicle. Our client was a healthcare provider specializing in the observation and support of movement-related children's development for a wide range of age groups.
Concept (Back to the area). We believe that the missing element of child development in a modern Chinese city is a largely functioning neighborhood. We hoped to give the impression of a street game and prioritize reducing gizmos and screen time. Drawing inspiration from the popular culture of the past and abstracting important character traits of our new neighborhood. The landscape personified the following features:
Hide and Seek (Group Interaction): Free will is vital to engaging the child's imagination and promoting this interaction in the group. Adventure Playground (Risk): The balance is invisible until we lose it, children decide what level of risk they are comfortable with. Nook and Cranny (body proportions): Spaces are designed for kids with nooks and crannies to explore and understand ergonomics. Labyrinth (discovery): you need to explore places out of sight to discover yourself, the most efficient or direct route is not always the most pleasant. Fantasy: (Imagination) The landscape is abstracted by the removal of iconography and allows flexibility in thought-based scenarios. nine0003
The playground is a tool that promotes learning by allowing children to create stories, dream and develop feelings related to balance (balance) and proprioception (awareness). Balance is taken for granted until it is questioned. We hope that activity-based emotional responses to this built environment and perception will be exploited. May complement the client's tools to help strengthen coordination throughout the child's development. nine0003
Device architecture. Three major architectural interventions built the game themes out of the concept.
Tube: focuses on small corners to test proprioception (body awareness). These fittings are a series of connecting bridges and ladders. Five diameter scales can be observed; 2.3 m (walkways) 1.7 m (stairs) 1.3 m (protective balustrade) 0.8 m (rails) 0.4 m (exterior lighting).
Rooftop: Provides a vantage point for the stage and its possibilities, and gives children the opportunity to choose non-standard routes. A full loop can be made and children can travel from the terrace and over obstacles under the embankment on slides that vary in height from 7 m to 4.3 m. The network forces them to take alternative directions to their destinations, sometimes the second shortest route is more fun. nine0003
Mound: enhances the development of feelings related to balance (balance) and freedom of decision. The mounds allow children to explore and make decisions about their comfort against risk and many slopes at speed. An additional covered play area was created by using the area under the topography. Which can be accessed through several slots or slides from the terrace level.
The building complex is a group of existing warehouses surrounding a courtyard. A public street separates the south building, which is connected by an air bridge connecting the roof terraces. Access also provides a private route to the adjoining nursery and access to a nearby public park. nine0003
The existing cluster provides 3 indoor play spaces. The Playspace 1 is a single level 6m bass tom. Used for children from 2 to 4 years old as a hanging space with hanging fabrics. Features also include a soft space topography for babies, complete with a restaurant and library. Playspace 2 is divided vertically into three levels. A multi-level environment for children over 4 years old, including an underground interactive environment, a steep terrain climb, with a suspended tension net, all connected with slides.
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