Are folic acid and folate the same thing
Folic Acid vs. Folate — What’s the Difference?
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Folate and folic acid are different forms of vitamin B9.
While there’s a distinct difference between the two, their names are often used interchangeably.
In fact, there’s even a lot of confusion among professionals about folic acid and folate.
This article explains the difference between folic acid and folate.
Vitamin B9 is an essential nutrient that naturally occurs as folate.
It serves many important functions in your body. For example, it plays a crucial role in cell growth and DNA formation (1).
Low levels of vitamin B9 are associated with an increased risk of several health conditions, including:
- Elevated homocysteine. High homocysteine levels have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke (2).
- Birth defects. Low folate levels in pregnant women have been linked to birth abnormalities, such as neural tube defects (3).
- Cancer risk. Poor levels of folate are also linked to increased cancer risk, though higher levels of folate have also been linked with a higher risk of prostate cancer. More research is needed in this area (4, 5).
For these reasons, supplementing with vitamin B9 is common. Fortifying food with this nutrient is mandatory in many countries, including the United States and Canada.
SummaryVitamin B9 is an essential nutrient that’s mainly present as folate and folic acid. It’s commonly taken in supplement form and even added to processed food in North America.
Folate is the naturally occurring form of vitamin B9.
Its name is derived from the Latin word “folium,” which means leaf. In fact, leafy vegetables are among the best dietary sources of folate.
Folate is a generic name for a group of related compounds with similar nutritional properties.
The active form of vitamin B9 is a type of folate known as levomefolic acid or 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF).
In your digestive system, most dietary folate is converted into 5-MTHF before entering your bloodstream (6).
SummaryFolate is the naturally occurring form of vitamin B9. Before entering your bloodstream, your digestive system converts it to the biologically active form of vitamin B9 — 5-MTHF.
Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 that’s also known as pteroylmonoglutamic acid.
It’s used in supplements and added to processed food products, such as flour and breakfast cereals.
Unlike folate, not all of the folic acid you consume is converted into the active form of vitamin B9 — 5-MTHF — in your digestive system. Instead, it needs to be converted in your liver or other tissues (6).
Yet, this process is slow and inefficient in some people. After taking a folic acid supplement, it takes time for your body to convert all of it to 5-MTHF (7).
Even a small dose, such as 200 to 400 mcg per day, may not be completely metabolized until the next dose is taken. This problem may become worse when fortified foods are consumed in addition to taking folic acid supplements (8, 9).
As a result, unmetabolized folic acid is commonly detected in people’s bloodstreams, even in the fasted state (10, 11, 12).
This is a cause for concern, as high levels of unmetabolized folic acid have been associated with several health problems.
However, one study suggests that taking folic acid along with other B vitamins, particularly vitamin B6, makes the conversion more efficient (11).
SummaryFolic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. Your body does not convert it into active vitamin B9 very well, so unmetabolized folic acid may build up in your bloodstream.
Several studies indicate that chronically elevated levels of unmetabolized folic acid may have adverse health effects, including increased cancer risk.
High levels of unmetabolized folic acid have been associated with increased cancer risk, though some studies disagree. No conclusive evidence proves that unmetabolized folic acid plays a direct role (13, 14, 15).
Even a small, daily dose of 400 mcg may cause unmetabolized folic acid to build up in your bloodstream (9, 16).
Although high folic acid intake is a concern, the health implications are unclear, and further studies are needed.
SummaryResearchers are concerned that high levels of unmetabolized folic acid may negatively affect health, but more studies are needed before any strong conclusions can be reached.
It’s best to get vitamin B9 from whole foods.
High-folate foods include:
- asparagus
- avocados
- Brussels sprouts
- leafy greens like spinach and lettuce
However, for some people, such as those who are pregnant, supplements are an easy way to ensure adequate vitamin B9 intake.
Folic acid is the most common supplemental form of vitamin B9. It can be purchased at many drug stores, as well as online.
Other supplements contain 5-MTHF, which is considered an adequate alternative to folic acid (17).
Supplemental 5-MTHF is available in the form of levomefolate calcium or levomefolate magnesium. It’s sold under the brand names Metafolin, Deplin, and Enlyte, and it’s available online.
SummaryThe healthiest dietary sources of vitamin B9 are whole foods, such as leafy green vegetables. If you need to take supplements, methyl folate is a good alternative to folic acid.
Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 in food, while folic acid is a synthetic form.
High intake of folic acid may lead to increased blood levels of unmetabolized folic acid. Some researchers speculate that this may have adverse health effects over time, but further studies are needed before solid conclusions can be reached.
Alternatives to folic acid supplements include 5-MTHF (levomefolate) or whole foods, such as leafy greens.
Folic Acid and Pregnancy: How Much You’ll Need
Folic acid is a B vitamin found in many supplements and fortified foods. It’s the synthetic form of folate. Folic acid is used by your body to make new cells and produce DNA. It’s required for normal growth and development throughout your life.
Taking folic acid is particularly vital before and during pregnancy. It’s important for the proper organ development of a developing baby.
Research shows that taking folic acid before you get pregnant may help prevent birth defects including serious neural tube defects such as spina bifida, encephalocele (rarely), and anencephaly.
Approximately 3,000 babies are born with neural tube defects in the United States each year. Normally, the neural tube develops into the spinal cord and brain by 28 days after conception.
If the neural tube doesn’t close properly, neural tube defects occur. Anencephaly is a condition in which the brain doesn’t develop properly. Babies born with anencephaly cannot survive.
Babies born with spina bifida or encephalocele may face multiple surgeries, paralysis, and long-term disability.
According to a 2015 review of studies, maternal folic acid supplementation significantly decreases the risk of congenital heart defects. These defects occur in 8 out of every 1,000 births in the United States.
According to the American Heart Association, congenital heart defects happen when the heart or blood vessels don’t grow normally before birth. They may impact the interior walls of the heart, the heart valves, or the arteries and veins of the heart.
Research also shows folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy may help prevent cleft lip and cleft palate.
These birth defects occur if parts of the mouth and lip do not merge together properly during the first 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy. One or more surgeries are usually needed to correct the condition.
All pregnant women should take get at least 600 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily, according to The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Most prenatal vitamins contain this amount of folic acid.
Taking folic acid after you discover you’re pregnant may not be soon enough. Many women don’t realize they’re pregnant until 6 weeks or more after conception. Neural tube defects occur during the first month of pregnancy, often before you realize you’re pregnant.
To make sure you have enough folic acid in your body to prevent neural tube defects, the CDC recommends women who plan to become pregnant or who are of childbearing age take 400 mcg of folic acid daily.
If you’ve already given birth to a child with a neural tube defect, you may need higher doses of folic acid in the months leading up to your next pregnancy and during the first few months of pregnancy. Your doctor can advise you on the right dose.
You may also need higher doses of folic acid if you:
- have kidney disease and are on dialysis
- have sickle cell disease
- have liver disease
- drink more than one alcoholic beverage daily
- take medications to treat epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, lupus, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, or inflammatory bowel disease
Natural folate is found in many foods including leafy greens, beets, and broccoli. Some foods in the United States are fortified with folic acid. These include:
- cereals
- rice
- orange juice
- pasta
Many servings of fortified breakfast cereals contain 100 percent of the folic acid you need. Even so, it may be hard to know exactly how much you’re getting unless you track the amounts of folate and folic acid in everything you eat.
There’s no guarantee that you will get enough folic acid from food alone, so a supplement is important.
If you have morning sickness in early pregnancy, it may be difficult to eat enough fortified foods to get the folic acid you need.
To make sure you get enough folic acid, doctors will usually recommend taking a folic acid supplement or a prenatal vitamin that contains folic acid before and during pregnancy.
You can’t get too much natural folate from foods. However, you should not consume more than 1,000 mcg (1 mg) of folic acid (from vitamins, fortified foods, or a combination of both) daily.
There’s no way to prevent all birth defects with 100 percent certainty. Taking adequate amounts of folic acid before and during pregnancy may help decrease your risk of:
- neural tube defects
- congenital heart defects
- cleft palate
- cleft lip
If pregnancy is in your future, consider adding a prenatal vitamin to your daily routine. Prenatal vitamins are available in capsule, tablet, and chewable forms. To avoid stomach upset, take prenatal vitamins with food.
Always talk to your doctor about taking the correct dose of prenatal vitamin because taking too many supplements can be toxic for your baby-to-be.
You should also add foods fortified with folic acid to your diet. Don’t wait until you find out you’re pregnant to get serious about folic acid. By then, it may be too late. Talk to your doctor to determine the right amount of folic acid you’ll need.
Folate or folic acid? — "The Gift of Life", the center of classical obstetrics
Those who have read our previous article are aware of the importance of vitamin B9, the particular importance of which is noticeable during the period of bearing a baby. Just one example (he speaks of the severity of possible pathologies):
“The fetal neural tube is the primary form of the nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord. If the process of closing the upper part of the tube is disturbed, anencephaly develops (there is no brain in the fetus). In case of violation in the lower part, a spinal hernia is formed. These pathologies are rare, one in a thousand. The formation of the tube occurs in the first trimester, so WHO recommends receiving 400 micrograms of folic acid daily from the moment of planning and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, because it is fundamental in the development of the baby's body.
The text of the recommendation is:
Pregnant women are advised to take an oral folic acid supplement containing 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of folic acid** daily***.
** Folic acid should be started as early as possible (before conception if possible) to prevent neural tube defects.
*** This recommendation replaces the previous WHO recommendation (Daily iron and folic acid supplementation in pregnant women, 2012). ”
"Folic acid" and "folate" - what's the difference:
* Folate is the term used for the water-soluble B vitamins, "Vitamin B9". It is he who is found in nature and products in its natural form.
* Folic acid is an oxidized synthetic substance present in vitamin complexes. Synthesized in 1943, not found in nature.
Present in green leaves, hence its Latin name "folium" ("leaf"), akin to the word "folio". Now remember the word "methylfolate" - an organic compound, a biologically active form of vitamin B9. It is he who will need to be used in case of insufficiency of the level of the vitamin.
Let's look at the processes of their transformation:
* Folate enters our body as dihydrofolate (vitamin B9), with natural metabolism in the small intestine mucosa, turning into tetrahydrofolate, which is involved in further biosynthesis.
* Folic acid is methylated in the liver and requires a special enzyme, dehydrofolate reductase, to be converted to tetrahydrofolate.
Problems arise if the body does not have enough of this enzyme in the liver, or if we take large amounts of synthetic "folic acid", resulting in high levels of unmetabolized folic acid in the blood.
What can its excessive concentration lead to? It increases the risk of developing malignant tumors, leads to anemia. What to do? After all, if there are few greens in the diet, then most likely you will have a folate deficiency. Proper nutrition is important, if you like the following, cook:
- lentils and beans;
- liver, mushrooms and champignons;
- eggplant and asparagus in various forms;
At every meal use:
- green salad and spinach;
- seeds, almonds, walnuts;
- avocado and citrus …
Understanding the intricacies of biochemical transformations is not easy, but the topic of folates and folic acid has already been studied enough and, unfortunately, it is known from experience that not every woman is suitable for the synthetic form of folic acid, but the active form is needed. The genetic test for polymorphisms of the folate cycle genes helps us to find out. Therefore, it is advisable for every expectant mother with a burdened obstetric history to perform this test and take into account its results when planning a pregnancy.
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What is folic acid and how it is useful: 6 scientific facts
January 19, 2022 read 7-10 minutes
Folic acid is an essential vitamin for expectant mothers. It is important for heart health, helps in cancer prevention, and promotes brain health. We figure out what else is useful for vitamin B9and what products contain it.
In the middle of the 20th century, American biochemists struggled with the secret of a substance that helps pregnant women with megaloblastic anemia. In 1941 they succeeded in obtaining folic acid from spinach leaves, and by 1945 they were able to synthesize it chemically.
The material was commented by Maria Volchenkova, a nutritionist at Best Doctor, a clinical psychologist, a member of the Russian Union of Nutritionists, Nutritionists and Food Industry Specialists, an expert in working with DNA tests.
What is folic acid
Folic acid is a water-soluble analogue of vitamin B9 created by scientists, essential for the proper development of the circulatory and immune systems. In 1931, the existence of an unknown substance that helps pregnant women overcome megaloblastic anemia was reported by doctor and researcher Lucy Wills. She noticed that her patients get better after taking the yeast extract.
Only ten years later, scientists were able to establish that this substance was folate, and remove it from spinach leaves. And for the first time it took 4 tons of plants. The drug was called folic acid - from the Latin word folium (leaf). K 19In 1945, they learned how to synthesize it chemically.
Folic acid and all its derivatives are classified as folates. However, there are some differences between the artificial vitamin and B9 found in foods in how they are absorbed and act on the body.
Folate is found in beans, broccoli, leafy vegetables, eggs, beef liver, etc. Remember: the more processed the products are, the less useful substances remain in them. Folic acid supplements are not necessary if a person leads a healthy lifestyle and eats a balanced diet.
What is folic acid good for
We store most of our folate stores in the liver, and the rest in the blood and tissues. This substance is critical for a wide range of functions in the body:
- production and health maintenance of new cells;
- DNA replication process;
- cell division;
- metabolism of nucleic and amino acids;
- maturation of erythrocytes.
Folate deficiency is associated with an increased risk of megaloblastic anemia and heart disease. Lack of vitamin B9 in pregnant women can lead to various developmental disorders of the child.
Almost half of vitamin B9 is lost during cooking
Folic acid dosage
Synthetic folic acid is almost completely absorbed by the body, while folate, which a person receives from foods, is absorbed by about 50%.
Recommended intake for folate:
- Birth to 6 months: 65 mcg/day
- Up to 1 year: 80 mcg/day
- 1-3 years: 150 mcg/day
- 4-8 years: 200 mcg/day
- 9-13: 300 mcg/day
- From 14 years old: 400 mcg/day
- Pregnant women (with an uncomplicated obstetric history): 400-600 mcg/day
- Nursing mothers: 500 mcg/day.
Although cases of folic acid overdose are extremely rare, its excess can lead to a number of negative health effects. The daily intake of folate should not exceed 1000 mcg/day.
Folic acid benefits
Since its discovery, folic acid has been considered primarily a "female vitamin". It plays an important role in the maturation of eggs, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, and the development of the fetus. However, further medical research has shown that this substance has many beneficial properties for all.
May prevent pregnancy complications
A sufficient amount of folate in the body of the expectant mother is important for the quality of eggs, their implantation and maturation of the fetus. Often, folic acid supplements are prescribed to pregnant women to prevent birth defects in the development of the child, as well as complications associated with pregnancy, in particular preeclampsia. In addition, high levels of vitamin B9 in the body are associated with a lower risk of preterm birth.
Helps control blood sugar levels
Folic acid can reduce the likelihood of spikes in blood sugar levels and increase the sensitivity of body cells to insulin. A folate-rich diet may reduce the risk of diabetic complications, including neuropathy.
Helps prevent cancer
In the late 1980s, evidence emerged that a diet based on green leafy foods rich in folate, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients could prevent colon cancer. In those years, the concept of "folic anti-cancer diet" became popular.
A diet rich in foods rich in vitamins B9, B6 and B12 reduces the risk of breast cancer. Also, with the help of folate, you can slow down the process of tumor growth if it has already appeared.
You can read the continuation of the article at the link to RBC Style.
Obstetrician-gynecologist Gynecologist
Source RBC Style
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