After baby fitness
Exercise After Pregnancy | ACOG
Frequently Asked Questions
Exercise has the following benefits for postpartum women:
It helps strengthen and tone abdominal muscles.
It boosts energy.
It may help prevent postpartum depression.
It promotes better sleep.
It relieves stress.
It can help you lose the extra weight that you may have gained during pregnancy.
After having a baby, you should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. You can divide the 150 minutes into 30-minute workouts on 5 days of the week or into smaller 10-minute sessions throughout each day. For example, you could go for three 10-minute walks each day.
An aerobic activity is one in which you move large muscles of the body (like those in the legs and arms) in a rhythmic way.
Moderate intensity means you are moving enough to raise your heart rate and start sweating. You can still talk normally, but you cannot sing. Examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activities include brisk walking and riding a bike on a level surface.
A vigorous-intensity activity is one in which it is hard to talk without pausing for breath. If you followed a vigorous-intensity exercise program before pregnancy, it may be possible to return to your regular workouts soon after the baby is born. Be sure to talk with your obstetrician–gynecologist (ob-gyn) first.
This type of exercise works the body’s major muscle groups, such as the legs, arms, and hips. Examples include yoga, Pilates, lifting weights, sit-ups, and push-ups. There are also exercises called Kegel exercises that help tone the muscles of the pelvic floor. Muscle-strengthening activities should be done in addition to your aerobic activity on at least 2 days a week.
If you had a healthy pregnancy and a normal vaginal delivery, you should be able to start exercising again soon after the baby is born. Usually, it is safe to begin exercising a few days after giving birth—or as soon as you feel ready. If you had a cesarean birth or complications, ask your ob-gyn when it is safe to begin exercising again.
Aim to stay active for 20 to 30 minutes a day.
When you first start exercising after childbirth, try simple postpartum exercises that help strengthen major muscle groups, including abdominal and back muscles.
Gradually add moderate-intensity exercise. If you exercised vigorously before pregnancy or you are a competitive athlete, you can work up to vigorous-intensity activity.
Remember, even 10 minutes of exercise benefits your body. Stop exercising if you feel pain.
When you are ready to start exercising, walking is a great way to get back in shape. Another good way to get daily exercise is by joining an exercise class.
Check with your local fitness clubs or community centers for classes that interest you, such as yoga, Pilates, spinning, and dance. Some gyms offer special postpartum exercise classes and classes you can take with your baby.
If you do not want to join a gym but want the benefits of having someone to exercise with, ask a friend to be your workout buddy.
If you want to exercise on your own, check out fitness videos and online exercise programs. Many are designed for women who have just had a baby.
You may already have a great exercise tool in your pocket. Smart phone apps for exercise and fitness can help you stay motivated, keep track of your progress, and connect you with others with the same exercise goals. Many apps are free or cost very little.
As you get ready for your workout, follow these steps:
Wear loose-fitting clothing that will help keep you cool.
If you are breastfeeding, feed your baby or express your milk before your workout to avoid any discomfort that may come from engorged breasts.
Wear a bra that fits well and gives plenty of support to protect your breasts.
Have a bottle of water handy and take several sips during your workout.
The Move Your Way website from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can help you find safe, fun ways to get active after pregnancy.
Cesarean Birth: Birth of a fetus from the uterus through an incision (cut) made in the woman’s abdomen.
Complications: Diseases or conditions that happen as a result of another disease or condition. An example is pneumonia that occurs as a result of the flu. A complication also can occur as a result of a condition, such as pregnancy. An example of a pregnancy complication is preterm labor.
Kegel Exercises: Pelvic muscle exercises. Doing these exercises helps with bladder and bowel control as well as sexual function.
Obstetrician–Gynecologist (Ob-Gyn): A doctor with special training and education in women’s health.
Postpartum Depression: A type of depressive mood disorder that develops in the first year after the birth of a child. This type of depression can affect a woman’s ability to take care of her child.
Don't have an ob-gyn? Search for doctors near you.
Last updated: March 2022
Last reviewed: August 2022
Pregnancy After Pregnancy Postpartum Healing and Support Nutrition and Exercise
Copyright 2022 by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. All rights reserved. Read copyright and permissions information.
This information is designed as an educational aid for the public. It offers current information and opinions related to women's health. It is not intended as a statement of the standard of care. It does not explain all of the proper treatments or methods of care. It is not a substitute for the advice of a physician. Read ACOG’s complete disclaimer.
Postpartum Exercise: What to Know About Exercising After Pregnancy
TIPS TO LIVE BY Feb. 17, 2021 - Katie McCallum
Life looks different after having a baby. From your morning routine to your evening routine to your workout routine, almost everything changes.
Speaking of your workout routine...
How soon after giving birth can you start thinking about exercise again?
"Pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by some pretty significant changes in your body. Exercise can help you heal and recover, but your workouts will look different than what you're probably used to for several weeks," says Dr. Kathleen Mundy, OB-GYN at Houston Methodist. "While many women are eager to burn off baby weight, I recommend thinking of postpartum exercise as a way to reap the lifestyle benefits of physical activity, while also slowly regaining strength in the muscles weakened during your pregnancy. "
Making time for exercise after pregnancy can help you:
- Feel more energized
- Sleep better
- Manage stress more effectively
- Lose weight
- Regain strength in your abdominal muscles
"Regular exercise may also help fight symptoms of postpartum depression, the baby blues some new moms feel after giving birth," adds Dr. Mundy.
How soon after giving birth can you exercise?Like most things exercise, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to how soon is too soon and how much is too much.
"When it's safe for you to start exercising again depends on your how your pregnancy and delivery went. If you had an uncomplicated pregnancy and normal vaginal delivery, you can start doing light exercises as soon as a few days after giving birth. If you experienced a complicated pregnancy or had a cesarean section, your body will likely need more time. Your doctor will help you understand when you can start exercising again," explains Dr. Mundy.
And a certain emphasis needs to be placed on light exercise. Trying to do too much too soon may be tempting — especially if you miss your old workout routine — but it's ill-advised.
"First and foremost, and regardless of your pre-pregnancy fitness level, it's important to start slow and let your body be your guide," recommends Dr. Mundy. "The structural and hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy don't just disappear as soon as your baby is delivered, and overdoing it after pregnancy can result in urine or feces leakages, pelvis discomfort, joint pain and even injury."
Slowly easing into exercise means opting for low-impact workouts — such as walking and postpartum exercises — long before you go for a run or do a HIIT workout. And, as you slowly increase the intensity of your workouts over time, be sure to listen to your body and stop immediately if you feel any pain.
"Most importantly, set realistic exercise goals for yourself. If you're new to exercise and looking to burn some baby weight, keep in mind that, in addition to regaining strength, improving your overall cardiovascular fitness and building muscle takes time. If you're already an avid exerciser, you'll still need to be patient as your body recovers."
Pregnancy and childbirth change your body in many ways, but, in particular, they weaken your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. This is significant because these muscle groups help provide stability and balance while performing daily activities, as well as while exercising.
"After pregnancy, it's very important to regain strength in these muscles, and postpartum exercises are a way to do that," explains Dr. Mundy. "These exercises can help prevent incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in the future."
A postpartum exercise routine can safely include:
- Pelvic tilt exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles
- Kegel exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
- Belly breathing to help re-coordinate your breathing throughout your core
- Happy baby pose to loosen tight pelvic floor muscles
- Walking to improve your cardiovascular fitness and challenge your muscles
"Be very cautious about the type of abdominal and pelvic muscle exercises you do after pregnancy," warns Dr. Mundy. "Quickly returning to high-intensity core workouts can strain your weakened abdominal and pelvic muscles and cause pain or injury."
For the first several weeks after giving birth, your exercises won't entail jumping, running, weightlifting or anything rigorous. But once you do get to a healthy fitness level where your workouts really get you moving, you may be wondering how exercise affects breastfeeding.
"There's a misconception that you should breastfeed or pump before your workout, as high-intensity exercise can cause lactic acid buildup in your breast milk, which babies won't eat. This is probably very rare. That being said, I do still recommend that you pump before a workout simply because exercising when your breasts are full can be uncomfortable," explains Dr. Mundy.
Here are some do's and don'ts of exercising while you're breastfeeding:
- Do drink plenty of water
- Do wear a supportive bra that fits properly (not too tight, but not too loose)
- Do gradually increase your activity level
- Don't exercise with full breasts (breastfeed or pump before a workout)
- Don't overdo it — stress and fatigue can reduce your breast milk and increase your risk of a breast infection
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What is children's fitness? | THE BASE
You will not envy modern parents - the flow of conflicting recommendations for raising children is endless. But all experts agree on one thing: for the full development of your child, physical activity is necessary, and in ordinary life they are often not enough. The first thing that comes to mind is the idea of giving the child to the sports section, although for most children, children's fitness classes are much better suited.
What makes children's fitness different
Unlike the usual sections divided by sports, children's fitness is a mixed set of exercises from different types of physical activity: aerobic, strength, gymnastic, choreographic, and even wrestling and yoga elements. Group classes are held in a playful way under the guidance of a children's coach and do not require strict adherence to the program.
As such, there is no selection in the fitness section for children: children of different ages and levels of physical fitness can do it. Often groups are formed taking into account the health characteristics of young athletes.
What are the benefits of children's fitness
Active movement is necessary for the child every day, and the obvious benefits of fitness will help to motivate for regular classes.
- Health is strengthened: the endurance of the heart and blood vessels is trained, proper breathing develops, mental stress is relieved.
- Children's fitness classes help versatile development: they improve memory and attention, reaction speed and coordination of movements.
- Regular exercises develop all muscle groups, improve flexibility, form a slender, beautiful figure.
- Physical activity makes it possible to relax and throw out the accumulated energy, which is especially important for hyperactive children.
- Problems such as flat feet or curvature of the spine in children are well corrected with regular exercise.
- Physically developed children are less likely to gain excess weight in the future and related diseases (obesity, hypertension, diabetes).
- Group activities help shy children get along with their peers.
Fitness at different stages of child development
Any classes in children's fitness take into account the age characteristics of the child, focus on the characteristics of children's health and temperament. Still, there are some general recommendations related to the age of the child.
Junior schoolchildren
Children from 10 years old can be offered a more serious load than simple outdoor games. Many guys are already able to master the correct technique for performing strength exercises and appreciate the competitive element of children's fitness. Children willingly imitate adult athletes, so strength equipment is added to the main functional training program. Classes are optimal 2-3 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
For younger students, learning through play is still exciting. The fitness club THE BASE has developed an original children's program called Antigravity Kids. Somersaults, flights and other game exercises in a hammock are useful not only for the development of physical strength and plasticity. At the same time, complex brain work takes place to improve concentration, overcome fear and self-doubt.
Great mood and health benefits will bring children's dance classes in various styles of Dance Kids. In addition to correct posture, flexibility, and muscle strength, musicality and a sense of self-confidence develop.
From about the age of 14, fitness classes acquire an almost “adult” character. But the load on the body of a teenager should still be gentle. The program is developed taking into account the peculiarities of such a difficult transitional period in the life of each child. The BASE club now offers teenagers 23 workouts for every taste.
For example, Crossfit Teenagers general strengthening classes help teenagers learn to control their own bodies, develop strength and endurance. It is also a great preparation for other sports activities.
Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes are recommended to develop coordination of movements, agility and flexibility more precisely. in our club. In addition, martial arts perfectly temper character and give self-confidence, which is so necessary for any teenager.
Classes at the Cardio studio under the Good Bye Fat program! help to remove excess weight, which often appears with complex hormonal changes in adolescence. Run For Shape strength training adds a competent load on all muscles and makes the body slim and resilient.
Contraindications to exercise
Before starting fitness classes, consult a doctor - this is a rule for both adults and children. If the child has chronic diseases, the program must be adjusted taking into account these features.
There are no absolute contraindications for children's training. For example, for some diseases of the respiratory or cardiovascular system, intense aerobic exercise should be avoided, but other activities are not canceled. A weak musculoskeletal system cannot be loaded with strength exercises, and at the same time it would be good to strengthen it with gymnastics.
Together with a doctor and a certified trainer, it is easy to find the optimal fitness program for your child, which will help him grow up healthy and strong.
Kids training at THE BASE
Children's fitness: why it is so useful
Along with the school year, the fitness season started for children. Has your child been exercising for several years, or are you just looking at children's workouts? In any case, there are questions that concern 99% of parents. Everything important about fitness for the youngest - in the story of our experts - supervisor, master trainer of the World Class children's club Tulskaya Alevtina Usenko and manager of the Mind Body Studio by World Class, traumatologist-orthopedist Marat Kalmurzaev .
And those who read the article to the end will be invited to the Open Days in our Children's clubs - the opportunity to try our developmental classes and sports sections for free ;)
Child health and developmental stages
Throughout the development of the child's body, competent training has a positive effect on the child. First of all, the correct motor stereotypes are established, the child learns to control his body, coordination, dexterity and plasticity develop.
During middle school, training helps to maintain the child's muscle tone, which is necessary for proper posture. In adolescence, when bone tissue growth accelerates, training helps to unload the musculoskeletal system, form a balanced muscle work and, of course, give the child confidence in himself and his movements.
Regular training from an early age is an excellent disease prevention. First of all, the musculoskeletal system, namely, curvature and posture disorders. Also, fitness classes can prevent disorders of the neuropsychic sphere (depression, overwork, neuroses, phobias, etc.)
Regular physical activity with proper "dosage" allows the child to properly distribute forces, get rid of excessive stress. Also, training instills an understanding of discipline and organization, creating a healthy competitive spirit.
According to the observations of doctors, schoolchildren are increasingly faced with problems with posture and vision. Also, a large load and a large flow of information provokes problems of a psycho-neurological nature (neurosis, depression, loss of strength).
Mind Body has 3 activities designed especially for children.
- AntiGravity Kids
The key principle of such training is learning through play. From gentle rocking to the feeling of flying in a hammock, kids discover their world of possibilities while improving their core physical abilities. For children 6-14 years old.
- Yoga Kids
These are the basic elements of yoga, which are also taught in a playful way. It combines the joy of discovering one's own abilities, the development of the child's flexibility and plasticity. For children 6-14 years old.
- La Gymnastique
This is the name of health-improving gymnastics in combination with the basic elements of yoga and choreography. Thanks to such exercises, posture improves, flat feet are prevented, flexibility and plasticity develop. For children 6-14 years old.
I invite young lovers of a healthy lifestyle to our studio and will be happy to answer questions about posture and child development! Remember: health, success and beauty are laid from early childhood!
World Class has developed both group and individual training for children. Individual lessons depend on the specific tasks set by parents (for example, preparation for professional sports).
Group training in our clubs is available for children aged 1 and 2 months up to 16 years. The programs are designed taking into account the characteristics of a particular period of child development. We divide the groups in this way:
- 1 year 2 months – 3 years
Of course, such training for kids takes place only with parents who act, in fact, as translators from the language of the trainer into the language of their kids.
Such activities have a great effect on children, because they look at each other, stretch, try, it is much easier to grow and develop in a group.
It is important to understand that at first, children do a small part of the exercises - this is possible and this is not scary. So they go through a period of adaptation. For someone it lasts 3 months, for someone everything goes the first time. Sometimes it happens that in training the baby does not show interest, but comes home and starts showing the parents the exercises from the training.
- 3-5 years
From the age of 3, children can already go to group classes on their own. Here, work is underway on the base, and the prevention of postural disorders is also connected. Communication between the coach and the child is built on imagination, associative exercises.
- 5-8 years
This is a more serious workout in terms of load. Strength lessons are added to all major muscle groups. The lesson takes place in a playful way, there is always some kind of plot. The peculiarities of the interests of children of this age are always taken into account (for example, a thematic training based on the plot of a cartoon). At this age, children are quite athletes, so you can focus on the technique of performance, give them functional training.
- 9-12 years old
In this age group, there is already a wide range of exercises with gymnastic and strength equipment (light dumbbells, for example). Children imitate adults. In such groups, we add corrective and dance directions to functional training.
- 13-16
Teenagers, of course, even more want to get into the cherished adult world. The guys begin to work out in the gym, with serious simulators. Here we train endurance, strengthen the muscles of the corset. Of course, these are not as intense classes as in adults. Volume increases with age.
Children's fitness can be divided into 3 main areas:
- General developmental
Children are helped to lay the foundations, they learn different types of movement, the prototype of physical qualities. Here and walking, and crawling, and climbing, and jumping, balance, and running. - Corrective
This is the prevention of flat feet, training already involves working with appropriate fitness equipment. I advise you to pay attention to such activities from the early childhood of your baby. - Fine motor skills
It has long been known that small hand movements are directly related to the functioning of the brain and the development of speech. Classes in this direction strengthen the wrist muscles. - Extra lessons
In our clubs there are dances with mom and yoga with mom. At such trainings, not only the baby, but also the mother receives a good physical load. She is here not just as an escort, but a full-fledged participant in the process.
General principles
As a rule, such workouts last 30–45 minutes .
The trainer's talent to create a relaxed and good atmosphere is very important. Our trainers are all-rounders. They know how to work and find their key to each age group. In addition to a sports, profile background, they, of course, also need a creative approach. Each lesson is preceded by a lot of preparation, so that the guys would be interested and exciting in the "fitness lesson".
About the benefits and the right load
All children's fitness programs in World Class are built in such a way that the load increases smoothly, taking into account the age characteristics of children. At the same time, the approach to each baby is still individual. It is almost impossible to get tired of such activities, you can walk every day: a change of activity gives active rest, and this allows you to quickly recover. The lessons are interesting. Children get tired of the monotony and "boring" of the lesson. In adult groups, for example, for children, training lasts a standard, school 45 minutes, and they do not cause severe overwork. Some of our kids go almost every day! For pleasure, for the obvious benefit, for the sake of communication with the coach and peers. If you wish, of course, you can arrange 1-2 days off for yourself.
All of these workouts develop endurance that correlates to everyday life. The effect of the classes extends to everyday life. Children learn to quickly adapt to all conditions of life, not getting tired and learning new things with interest.
How to maintain the effect of training at home
- You can do the simplest exercises. The main thing is to do them regularly. For example, in the morning you can stretch in a well-known pose - “cat” or “downward-facing dog”. Very young children can reach for their mother's hand. Hold the baby by the handles of the canopy, pull him.
- I advise you to make planks of different types. Again, even toddlers can make them. The child is in the bar, and you ask him to stand so that the ball rolls under the tummy and does not hit him. Turn everything into a game - it's easier and more interesting!
- Hyperextension is highly recommended.
- Swimming freestyle or breaststroke.
- Press . For example, lifting the body, while the knees are bent, and the feet are on the floor. This is for toddlers. Twisting (direct, reverse) is already for older guys.
- Cycling is a useful and wonderful thing.
Traditionally, at the beginning of the school year, we hold Open Days in our Kids Clubs . These days, children and their parents can visit sports clubs and educational programs free of charge, without a club card . Choose a club that is convenient for you with a Kids Club and sign up with a Kids Fitness Supervisor:
World Class
Zhitnaya – September 19, Maria, +79686825473
Zemlyanoy Val - September 25 - October 1, Alexandra, +79687248084
Capitol - September 11–13, Marina, +7
Kuntsevo — September 12–13, Olga, +79060511106
Olympic — September 18–19, Natalia, +79264013545
Pavlovo — September 11–12, Marina, +79165230594
Presnya — September 19–20, Sergey, +79261309581
Strogino — September 11–15, Anna, +79104196875
Triumph — September 12–13, Tatyana, +79099618916
Tulskaya — September 12–14, Alevtina, +79262828005
Vlasova - September 4–30, Anna, +79199941820
Sheremetyevskaya - September 11–17, Evgeny, +79199669793
Yugo-Zapadnaya, September 11–17, Ulyana, +79055750178
Lady's — September 14–15, Ekaterina, +79162050578
World Class LITE
Boat — September 11–17, Kristina, +79167670198
Mitino — September 4–8, Ekaterina, +79264278010
Polezhaevskaya — September 11–17, Anna, +79265686042
Varshavka — September 11–17, Elena, +79151514643
Sparrow Hills — September 12–13, Olga, +79169486032
Sevastopol - until September 30, Olga, +79253101503