37 weeks with twins
37 Weeks Pregnant with Twins: Tips, Advice & How to Prep
37 weeks?? Amazing! Any day now you could be meeting your twinnies!
What can you expect at 37 weeks pregnant with twins? We’ve compiled a list of common symptoms, to-do’s this week, pregnancy tips, pregnancy concerns, questions to ask your doctor, advice from other pregnant moms of twins, and tons of other info below to help you through this week in your twin pregnancy. Enjoy!
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37 weeks pregnant with twins
37 weeks pregnant with twins video
Our new digital twin pregnancy journal is up for sale on the Twiniversity Etsy store! This is the first and only digital journal exclusively for twin pregnancy. It’s the perfect way to record your precious twin pregnancy memories to cherish for years to come. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and Twiniversity Shop!
What’s going on with those twinnies?
Median weight for dichorionic twins: 6lbs, 5oz
Median weight for monochorionic twins: 5lbs, 15oz
Your delivery day could be any day now! Babies are officially considered “full-term” at 37 weeks so if you’ve made it this far your babies may completely avoid the NICU. Woo hoo!
To-do listBinge watch some TV shows you’ve been meaning to try. Enjoy sitting on your butt as much as possible because any day now those twins will be here and you’ll be off to the races!
Write in your journal to capture these final days before the baby arrives. It will be a total hoot to look back at these journal entries someday and reflect on how far you’ve come.
Try your best to keep your mind off how uncomfortable you are! You’re so close to delivery! Warm baths, ice packs, anything you can do to keep yourself comfortable — do it.
5 tips for a better 37th weekRest as much as possible
Drink at least 100 oz of water a day
Moisturize your belly as much as possible
Talk to your doctor about last minute birth plan questions
Finalize hospital bags
Advice from other twin momsStay strong! It’s almost over. Rest, rest rest! Drink lots of water. Treat yourself to something nice like a manicure and pedicure (but be aware that they may take some nail polish off one finger if you’re having a c-section). – Daniela L., Chicago, IL
Be patient with yourself, count your kicks for each baby, and make sure you listen to your body. It is better to go in and be monitored than have regrets and unanswered questions. – Danielle S., North Carolina
Rest as much as you can and take care of yourself. As hard as it can be, let your partner help you around the house. – Betsy H., Anthem, AZ
Need some twin parent friends? Get the support you need with a Twiniversity Membership. Benefits include a monthly twin parent club meeting on Zoom, access to a private Facebook group just for twin parents, and a video library of twin parenting lessons. Visit Twiniversity.com/membership to join today!
Concerns other twin moms hadGoing into labor naturally.
Making it to induction day.
Concerned about giving birth. Also concerned about breastfeeding.
Every contraction puts me on edge thinking it’s time. I am learning to relax, drink water and listen to my body.
I’m a little scared about my c-section and recovery. The impending arrival of the twins is seeming more and more real.
Questions twin moms had for their doctorWhat is the plan for delivering vaginally in the operating room?
What do I need to do to prepare for my induction?
How do I know if they are real contractions and not just Braxton-Hicks?
We reviewed my birth plan
What position are the babies in?
Typical tests that are doneIt is common to have weekly nonstress testing (NST) with fluid assessments starting at 32 weeks in an uncomplicated twin gestation. As your pregnancy progresses you will likely be scheduled more and more frequently, building to every 1-2 days as you get closer to full term. A nonstress test is used to evaluate your babies’ health before birth. The goal of a nonstress test is to provide useful information about your babies’ oxygen supply by checking their heart rates and how it responds to your babies’ movements. The test might indicate the need for further monitoring, testing, treatment or delivery. A nonstress test typically requires no special preparation. During the nonstress test, you’ll lie on a reclining chair. You’ll have your blood pressure taken at regular intervals during the test and each baby will be monitored while you relax in a recliner for 20 minutes, playing on your phone or reading a book.
A fetal biophysical profile (BPP) is a prenatal test used to check on a baby’s well-being. The test combines fetal heart rate monitoring (nonstress test) and fetal ultrasound to evaluate a baby’s heart rate, breathing, movements, muscle tone, and amniotic fluid level.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended routine screening for vaginal strep B for all pregnant women. This screening is performed between the 35th and 37th week of pregnancy. Studies show that testing done within 5 weeks of delivery is the most accurate at predicting the GBS status at birth. Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacterial infection that can be found in a pregnant woman’s vagina or rectum. This bacteria is normally found in the vagina and/or rectum of about 25% of all healthy, adult women. Women who test positive for GBS are said to be colonized. A mother can pass GBS to her baby during delivery. GBS affects about 1 in every 2,000 babies in the United States. Not every baby who is born to a mother who tests positive for GBS will become ill. Although GBS is rare in pregnant women, the outcome can be severe. As such, physicians include testing as a routine part of prenatal care.
If you are having a c-section you may be tested for MRSA. MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a type of staph infection. Even if a pregnant woman contracts MRSA in her pregnancy, it’s easy to treat. Antibiotics will cure most cases, and they’re safe for a developing baby to be exposed to. A baby will only get the infection if he comes into contact with it through vaginal delivery. Many women must be screened for MRSA when they need a C-section because hospitals must screen every surgery patient for the infection prior to the operation. To perform the screening, a nasal swab is collected by rotating a swab inside each nostril. Occasionally, a swab of a wound infection site or skin lesion is collected.
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If you should have any tearing during a vaginal delivery, I strongly recommend that you use the squeegee bottle as much as possible. What is a squeegee bottle? Well, it’s a soft plastic bottle with a plastic top that has tiny spouts at the end. You squeeze the bottle and water gushes out. This is the best method of cleaning yourself after using the toilet for the first several days after delivery. After tearing or stitches, toilet paper will not be your friend. Even urinating may sting. Make sure you take an extra squeegee bottle or two home from the hospital, because they are very hard to find in a pharmacy (or look into the Fridababy Fridet, the “mom washer”).
Pregnant with twins and not sure where to start? Visit the Ultimate Twin Pregnancy Guide to find all the top articles and resources to get you ready for twins. While you’re at it, check out our expecting twin classes and Twiniversity shop!
REMINDER: Don’t forget to take a belly shot!Belly photos at 37 weeks pregnant with twinsUltrasound photos at 37 weeks pregnant with twins
Articles you should read this week
5 Tips if Your Birth Plan Doesn’t Go As Planned
Finding the Strength to Accept a C-Section
Family-Centered C-Sections
Videos to check out
Register for class
Have you taken your expecting twins class yet? We offer a great class on demand so you can take it on your own schedule! There are so many video modules covering everything from your twins’ baby registry to your first week at home with twins! Sign up today to get started before your twins arrive.
Need a plan for the first week home with twins? Book your 60-minute twins \post-delivery strategy session on a video call with Lauren Oak, Twin Expert and Certified Postpartum Doula (and mom of twins!), to create a customized game plan for you and your twins when they come home. Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our Twiniversity Shop and Twin Parent Memberships.
Need twins lactation help from a pro? Book a virtual session with Twiniversity founder Natalie Diaz, Certified Lactation Counselor. Click here to book now!
Want to get weekly emails about your twin pregnancy? Sign up for the Twiniversity email list! Subscribe today to get emails about giveaways, events, weekly article roundups, and more! We’ll be sending you a weekly twin pregnancy email to keep you on track with your pregnancy to-do list! Click here to learn more… and while you’re at it, check out our expecting twins classes and personal twin parent coaching services.
⬅ 36 Weeks Pregnant with Twins 👶👶
👶👶 38 Weeks Pregnant with Twins ➡
AAFP. 2011c. Your baby’s development: The third trimester. American Academy of Family Physicians. http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/pregnancy-newborns/fetal-health/your-babys-development-the-third-trimester. html
Mayo Clinic. 2014b. Fetal development: The third trimester. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/fetal-development/art-20045997
MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2015. Fetal development. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002398.htm
OWH. 2010. Stages of pregnancy. U.S. Office on Women’s Health. http://www.womenshealth.gov/pregnancy/you-are-pregnant/stages-of-pregnancy.html
ACOG. 2015. FAQ156. Prenatal development: How your baby grows during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Prenatal-Development-How-Your-Baby-Grows-During-Pregnancy#one
Ultrasound, Symptoms, and More » TwinStuff
You’re 37 weeks pregnant with twins, which puts you oh so close to that big day. Whether you’re delivering via a C section, or going for a natural birth, the next couple of weeks are going to be incredibly exciting.
Good luck, girls, and lets go!
The list this week is pretty much the same as last week. If this is your first time here, read on:
A single fetus at 37 weeks
See 36 weeks pregnant with twins
See 38 weeks pregnant with twins
Your Twin Babies at 37 Weeks PregnantYour babies are putting on an ounce a day now, and they’re going to keep gaining weight at roughly that rate until they’re born. Right now, they’re about 18 to 19 inches long, and weigh over 6 pounds!
If they haven’t already, your babies will be practicing all of the essential skills that they’ll need out here in the real world, like blinking, sucking their thumbs, grabbing hold of things, and breathing.
Finally, their immune systems are ready to go, and strong enough to keep them safe on the outside world, although your breast milk will definitely help with that!
Twin Pregnancy Symptoms at 37 Weeks- Pelvic and abdominal pressure: Your babies are dropping into a head down position, ready to be born, and that puts increased pressure on your pelvic area anyway.
But your body is also loosening ligaments and tendons, to make the eventual birth a whole lot simpler. Don’t worry. Once the birth is done, you’ll be right as rain.
- Stretch marks: As your babies get bigger, they’re going to put more strain on your already taut belly. So if a few new stretch mark show up, don’t be surprised.
- Sleeping issues: You might have trouble getting to sleep. Or you might just wake up in the middle of the night with really vivid, random dreams and won’t be able to get back to sleep again. Either way, just get what rest you can. Even if you have to nap during the day.
- Spotting: This far into your pregnancy, you might experience a little bit of spotting. That’s completely normal, especially if you’re still sexually active. Just keep an eye on it if there’s more than a few drops of blood. That could be a sign that you’re having placenta problems, and that will need immediate treatment.
- Heartburn and digestive discomfort: Still experiencing this.
Still no fun. You might also experience…
- Nausea: In addition to the heartburn and digestive problems, you might start feeling nauseous again. (I bet you thought that was all gone and dealt with weeks ago.) Pay close attention to this, because it could be a sign that you’re about to go into labor.
You might be having another scan this week, just to make sure everything’s progressing fine.
Don’t expect anything different this close to the end of the journey. Now you’re just waiting for the last big push. (We had to use that pun. Don’t hate me!)
Things To Do this Week for a Healthy Pregnancy- If you haven’t already, you might find the nesting instinct kicking in hard soon. You’ll be looking at your house with a critical eye, moving things around, cleaning everything, and probably pulling things you haven’t seen in months from cupboards and wondering exactly why you ever bought them.
- You’re probably pretty immobile right now, and exhausted too. It’s fine to ask your partner for more help, especially if you’re having a bad day. Apart from that, try and get some well deserved relaxation.
You’re so close to the big day! We’re glad to have had you along with us, and know that you’re going to be a great mom for your new twins!
We know you’ve got this, but if you’ve got any last questions, drop them in the comments and we’ll do what we can to answer them! How do feel at 37 weeks pregnant with twins?
Named features of pregnancy twins or triplets - Newspaper.Ru
Named features of pregnancy twins or triplets - Gazeta.Ru | News
Today, multiple pregnancy is no longer considered a rarity, but it still requires great responsibility from both the expectant mother and the doctor. Anastasia Sokolovskaya, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the Nova Clinic network of reproduction and genetics centers, told Gazeta.Ru about this.
The doctor warns that in multiple pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous abortion is higher than in normal pregnancy, and women often develop anemia, toxicosis, thrombophlebitis due to the need for a double consumption of body resources. Therefore, in most cases, a pregnant woman will have to visit a gynecologist more often and have an ultrasound.
“The tummy can be seen as early as the 12th week of pregnancy, and early movements can be felt as early as 14-16 weeks. There may be high blood pressure, which is associated with the need to pump more than when carrying one fetus, the amount of blood. Pregnancies with twins or triplets usually do not last more than 37 weeks and often end in preterm labor. Therefore, the period of maternity leave for women with multiple pregnancies begins two weeks earlier (on the 28th, and not on the 30th week) and lasts longer, ”explains Anastasia Sokolovskaya.
The OB/GYN advises women who are pregnant with twins or triplets to write down their feelings and report them to their attending OB/GYN in a timely manner; eat right and eat small meals; eliminate any bad habits; in the absence of contraindications, maintain moderate physical activity.
“In the early stages, an examination should be done to assess the condition of the cervix. If necessary, the doctor may recommend suturing or installing a pessary,” the expert clarifies.
Doctor has previously warned about B9 deficiency in women and men.
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37 weeks pregnant with twins (twins)
- What happens to babies and mom
- Size and weight of babies
- How can they lie
- Mom's weight and uterine size
- Pregnant sensations
- movements
- Democrators of birth
- What can see on ultrasound
- Possible problems
- Highly
- high pressure
- Swelling of the legs, arms, face
- Pulling on the lower abdomen
- What you need to know
- What is the likelihood of childbirth?
- Cesarean or ER?
- Health of children at birth at this term
- When to go to the doctor
- What tests to take
The 37th week of pregnancy with twins is, in a sense, a unique phenomenon. After all, only half of all conceived twins are born at this time, most of them are born much earlier. What should a woman in labor prepare for by the end of bearing twins?
What happens to babies and mother
Each of the twins at 37 weeks of pregnancy is a full-fledged little man, already fully formed and ready to meet his mother. Grown up twins are no longer very comfortable in the space of the uterus. The pregnant woman herself feels discomfort.
How they can lie down
At 37 weeks of gestation, the head of one of the twins, as a rule, falls into the pelvis of the woman in labor - the babies are preparing for the imminent birth.
However, different versions of their presentation in the uterus are possible:
- Both twins are in cephalic presentation.
- Both babies are in breech position.
- The first fetus is in cephalic presentation, the second in breech.
- The first baby is in a breech presentation, the second is in a transverse position.
- Transverse presentation of both fetuses.
Note: twins can only be born naturally if one or both babies are cephalic. All steel cases are indications for a caesarean section.
Maternal weight gain and uterus size
Maternal weight gain at 37 weeks is 17-24 kg. During the current week, a pregnant woman can gain about 600 g.
The uterus of a future woman in labor can rise to a height of up to 40 cm. soon meeting with the kids, the expectant mother of twins is very tired. This is understandable, because at the 37th week of pregnancy, the load on her body becomes maximum.
There is not enough room in the uterus for grown twins, and therefore the total number of their movements is reduced compared to previous weeks. And, nevertheless, with a hand on her stomach, the mother can feel the movement of her babies.
It is the presence and number of movements of the fetus that allows you to determine their condition in each week of pregnancy.
If the mother-to-be notices that the twins' movements are becoming too active, causing her discomfort and pain, she should consult a doctor. The same applies to the situation when there are no movements at all.
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How big should a bottle be for premature babies?
How does a divorce work with two children? Find out here.
Harbingers of childbirth
At the 37th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel some signs that are harbingers of childbirth:
- Periodic pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.
This condition is caused by uterine contractions, which can occur even in the middle of the night.
- Gastrointestinal disorders. Nausea, as well as frequent urge to urinate, may indicate imminent labor.
- Weight change. Just before giving birth, a woman may notice a loss of several kilograms.
- Excessively active movements of babies can also indicate the imminent onset of labor.
This is interesting: women often activate the so-called "nesting" instinct just before giving birth. A strong desire to furnish the home and prepare the home for the arrival of babies can also be a sign of an imminent delivery.
What can be seen on an ultrasound
An ultrasound at 37 weeks of gestation is not an elective procedure.
The study is prescribed according to the doctor's indications and allows you to track some features of the course of pregnancy: After the ultrasound, the specialist makes the final decision on the delivery method - natural or caesarean section. By the way: if the expectant mother still does not know the gender of her babies, it will be difficult to track this parameter at 37 weeks. The legs of the fetuses pulled up under the chin, most likely, will not allow them to recognize their gender. By the end of a multiple pregnancy, a woman may experience some problems, such as uterine tone, high blood pressure, severe swelling. Not all symptoms are harmless, and therefore should not be ignored. Stiffening of the abdomen is often caused by an increased tone of the uterus - this phenomenon can be observed even at the end of pregnancy: Note: Pregnant women should be on the lookout. If the feeling of "petrification" of the uterus is accompanied by pain in the back and lower abdomen, it is quite possible that labor activity begins. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. Difficulty in moving is not uncommon during late pregnancy. Grown up twins by 37 weeks often fall directly into the pelvis, causing pressure in this area. Accordingly, it becomes more difficult for the expectant mother to move. In addition, an enlarged uterus can compress the hypochondrium, cause pain in the lower back, which also does not contribute to high physical activity. At the end of pregnancy, a pregnant woman should have more rest in anticipation of childbirth. At the first signs of fatigue, she should take a horizontal position lying on her side. Doctors pay special attention to high blood pressure in pregnant women. Such a condition can threaten the development of preeclampsia, which, in turn, can provoke a disruption in the functioning of the internal organs of babies. The same pathology can cause severe edema in the mother and oxygen starvation of the fetus. Even if hypertension has not provoked preeclampsia, this condition should be monitored and treated. High blood pressure can cause unpleasant consequences such as: The alarm should be sounded if the tonometer readings reach 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher. Edema at 37 weeks of pregnancy with twins occurs in many women. The body of a pregnant woman retains fluid in order to provide twins with it in the future if their mother consumes little water. Advice: You can determine the excess fluid in the body of a woman yourself. To do this, just press on the skin with your finger. If the integument immediately took its original form, most likely, the swelling is not too pronounced. A remaining dent may indicate excess fluid. An expectant mother should also be alerted by a sharp weight gain. Especially dangerous are the so-called hidden edema, invisible externally. Swollen internal organs cannot function properly. A doctor will help to track hidden edema by drawing a parallel between the amount of water a woman drinks per day and the amount of urine she excretes. To do this, the doctor recommends keeping a diary of observations. Severe and obvious edema, as a rule, cannot go unnoticed. In some cases, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to move and even bend her fingers. This condition adversely affects the well-being of mothers and babies, and therefore requires medical supervision. Drawing pain in the lower abdomen is often caused by the lowering of babies into the pregnant woman's pelvis. The fetal head presses on the ligaments and muscles in this area. Discomfort in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by pain in the perineum, which indicates a gradual divergence of the pelvic bones. If the pain is short-lived, the pregnant woman should not sound the alarm. By the end of the 3rd trimester, a pregnant woman should be "fully armed" - the meeting with the crumbs, most likely, is just around the corner. What are the doctors' forecasts for babies born at this time? Labor at 37 weeks of gestation can begin any minute. Most likely, it is this week that the mother of future twins will be sent to a medical facility so as not to miss the onset of labor. Note: 57% of twins are born before 37 weeks, 12% are born before 32 weeks. The main indication for caesarean section is breech presentation of one or both fetuses. Both doctors and the expectant mother should understand that the main task during the birth of twins is to reduce the risk of complications during delivery. Even if the babies are in head presentation, the decision regarding the tactics of childbirth is made by the doctor and the pregnant woman should listen to the opinion of a specialist. Note: If a woman's previous birth was by caesarean section, second births (especially twins) cannot be natural. Would you like to know What is the best formula for premature babies? How to make a choice? Read the article. Why does a pregnant girl dream of twins? Details are here. You can find the norm of protein in the urine during pregnancy with twins here. Birth at 37 weeks' gestation is not considered premature. Babies born are officially considered full-term. If the birth went well, and there were no pregnancy complications, the mother should not worry about the health of her crumbs. Twins' joy hormone-producing organisms help compensate for stress experienced by newborns during childbirth. All systems and organs of healthy babies function smoothly and fully. As a rule, at the 37th week of pregnancy with twins, a woman is already in the hospital of the department of pathology of pregnant women. All future mothers, whose pregnancy needs medical supervision, come here. If this does not happen, the woman should immediately see a doctor if you have the following warning signs:
Possible problems
Stiffening of the abdomen
Difficulty walking
High blood pressure
It is impossible to ignore such signs - you should immediately consult a doctor for advice and treatment.
Edema of the legs, arms, face
But in some cases, edema may indicate pathological processes in the body of a pregnant woman.
This means that the twins will not be able to get the substances they need.
Pulling in the lower abdomen
It is enough to take a horizontal position and rest for half an hour. If during this time the pain does not go away, moreover, it is accompanied by muscle contraction in the lower abdomen and convulsions, this may mean the onset of labor. A woman should urgently see a doctor or call an ambulance.
What you need to know
What is the probability of childbirth?
Cesarean or EP?
The same applies to the situation when the expectant mother has a lot of or oligohydramnios, or if the babies are intertwined with the umbilical cords. Multiple entanglement of the umbilical cord of the baby's neck also requires an operation.
Health of children at birth at this term
When to go to the doctor