3 month old baby in stomach
Tummy Time (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
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What Is Tummy Time?
Tummy time is laying babies on their stomachs for brief periods while they're awake. It's an important way to help babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles, and improve motor skills.
Be sure to stay with your baby and watch closely during tummy time.
What Can Tummy Time Help With?
Tummy time is good for:
- Newborns and infants 1–3 months old who are just developing neck control. Tummy time helps develop the muscles they'll need to roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk. Always stay with your baby during tummy time.
- Older babies, 4–7 months old. They should still spend some supervised time on their bellies, even if they can roll over and sit with some help. Tummy time helps them practice lifting their head and chest further by straightening their arms. This strengthens arm, chest, and back muscles.
- Newborns who have a neck condition called torticollis (tor-ti-KOLL-iss). Tight neck muscles keep the baby from turning their head. Tummy time encourages babies to look around, and along with exercises your doctor will show you, can help your baby's neck muscles relax.
- Babies with flat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly). This happens when babies spend too much time on their backs in the first few months of life. This can cause a flat spot, either on one side or the back of the head.
How Do I Do Tummy Time?
Start newborns on tummy time by placing them belly-down on your chest or across your lap for a few minutes at a time, two or three times a day. While lying on their belly, they can practice lifting their head and strengthening the neck and shoulder muscles. As your baby gets used to it, you can go for a little longer.
Older Babies
Place a blanket down in a clear area on the floor. Place your baby on their stomach on the blanket for 3–5 minutes to start, several times each day. Your baby may get fussy and frustrated in this position. Keep the first sessions of tummy time brief and gradually lengthen them. It's also a good idea to do tummy time when your baby is fed, changed, and happy.
As your baby gets used to it, place your little one belly-down more often or for longer periods of time. Experts recommend that babies work up to about 1 hour of tummy time a day by the time they're 3 months old.
Make some noises or shake a rattle to get your child to look up and push up. Place a favorite toy in front of your baby to encourage reaching and forward movement.
Babies With Torticollis or a Flat Spot
This exercise is good for babies with torticollis and/or a flat spot, and can help treat both problems:
- Lay your baby on your lap for tummy time. Position your baby with their head turned away from you. Then, talk or sing to your baby. Encourage your little one to turn and face you. Do this exercise for 10–15 minutes.
What Else Should I Know?
- Always stay with your baby during tummy time.
- Always place babies on their backs (never on their bellies) to sleep to help prevent SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
- Do tummy time on a low, safe surface. Don't put your baby on a sofa or bed, where they could roll off or suffocate on pillows or a soft surface.
If your baby doesn't seem to enjoy tummy time, add some variety. Sing songs, keep colorful toys nearby, get down on the floor and eye-to-eye with your baby, and have others join you. Don't give up! Tummy time is important, and some babies just need a little extra time to get used to it.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: October 2019
What You Need to Know About Tummy Time
What is Tummy Time?
Tummy Time is one of baby’s first exercises—and the most important!
Tummy Time is the period during the day your baby spends awake and on their stomach. It is a crucial exercise for baby’s motor, visual, and sensory development.
Baby can begin Tummy Time as a newborn. They can continue to do Tummy Time throughout their first year. Watch the Tummy Time guide:
Tummy Time: Know the Basics
Why does my baby need Tummy Time?- To develop the core muscles of the neck, back, and shoulder muscles
- To meet developmental milestones
- To possibly help prevent early motor delays and conditions, such as flat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly) and twisted neck (positional torticollis).
As a newborn baby, as soon as they come home from the hospital.
How long should you do Tummy Time?Aim to achieve at least an hour of Tummy Time total per day by 3 months of age. This hour of Tummy Time can be broken up into smaller parts. From newborn age, start with a few minutes at a time and build up to longer sessions.
Start with small increments of a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Eventually, try to do longer Tummy Time sessions, eventually building up to a full hour.
At what age should baby stop Tummy Time?Once baby begins crawling, around 7-9 months, they will be getting the developmental benefits of Tummy Time while moving, and it is not as essential to have them do Tummy Time. However, it is still beneficial to have baby spend some time in the Tummy Time position (also known as prone position) during play.
Always Remember: Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play!
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends baby always sleep on their back. That means spending time on their tummy while awake is crucial for development!
And remember: if baby falls asleep during Tummy Time, be sure to place them on their back and let them continue to sleep.
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Essential Tummy Time Moves
Try these different ways to do Tummy Time with baby:
Tummy-to-Tummy or Tummy-to-Chest- Lie down on the floor or a bed, flat or propped up on pillows. Place baby on your chest or tummy, so you and baby are face-to-face. Always hold firmly for safety.
- Position one hand under the tummy and between the legs and carry baby tummy down. Use other hand to support baby’s head and neck. Nestle baby close to your body to help get baby accustomed to the position.
- Place baby face down across your lap.
A hand on baby’s bottom will help steady and calm them. This move can also be used to burp and soothe baby.
- Get down to baby's level to encourage eye contact. Baby loves to see your face!
Want to be a Tummy Time expert? Take the course!
Your Guide to Tummy Time has everything expecting and new parents need to know about this crucial exercise, including Tummy Time options and activities.
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Check out what others are saying about the course:
“If someone's wants to be an expert in Tummy Time, Pathways.org's tummy time expert course is an essential course that every parent should consider.
The introduction of tummy time, the importance, how it impacts the child's progression, how it helps prevent medical conditions, how to ensure a baby's engagement in tummy time and all the wonderful ways of implementing it were well explained and guided!
I'm totally in love with this course and would definitely recommend this course to anyone who might need it”
Tummy Time Abilities
What Tummy Time should look like each month:
How do you know baby is making progress during Tummy Time? Check these abilities to ensure baby is continuing to develop.
- Using Tummy-to-Tummy, Tummy Down Carry, and Lap Soothe positions
- Working towards Tummy Time on the floor
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 2 weeks!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Many parents like Tummy to Tummy for their newborn. This allows you to be face-to-face with baby and enjoy lots of baby cuddles!
At 1 month, baby is...- Turning head during Tummy Time
- Attempting to lift head up – even if it’s only for a second
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 1 month!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Get down on the floor at baby’s eye level. Baby loves your face and voice!
At 2 months baby is...- Spending at least one minute in Tummy Time several times a day without becoming upset
- Doing the majority of Tummy Time exercises on the floor
- Possibly tilting their head to one side
- Watch to make sure they alternate tilting to both directions instead of always favoring one side, which may be a possible sign of positional torticollis
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 2 months!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Face baby different directions in their crib each night to help develop neck muscles by turning a different direction to look at you each morning.
At 3 months, baby is...
- Beginning to put weight on arms, with elbows behind their shoulders at a 45 degree angle
- Gaining head control and is able to lift head between 45 to 90 degrees, without tilting head to either side
- Spending a total of 1 hour each day in Tummy Time
- Starting to visually track toys or rattles you move around during Tummy Time
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 3 months!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Place baby tummy down on an exercise ball, holding their sides for support. Slowly move the ball toward and away from you, allowing baby to lift and hold their head more easily.
At 4 months, baby is...
- Lifting head up 90 degrees and keeping their head centered
- Pushing up on forearms and brings chest off floor. Elbows will be under their shoulders at a 90 degree angle or in front of shoulders.
- Lifting head and moving neck to track toys, voices, and faces during Tummy Time
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 4 months!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Babies love faces—even their own! Use mirrors during Tummy Time to help keep them engaged and having fun.
- Beginning to push up on hands with straight elbows
- Starting to move hands forward to reach for toys that are placed nearby
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 5 months!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Do baby push-ups. Place hands under baby’s chest and tummy, and use gentle lifting cues to get baby to push up on hands for brief periods.
At 6+ months, baby is...- Self-directing Tummy Time
- Reaching and grabbing toys of different sizes while on tummy
- Able to pivot in a circle while on stomach
- Rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back
- Starting to prefer being on their stomach. Being on their tummy allows them to play, move, and explore more easily.
Watch baby do Tummy Time at 6 months!
Expert Tummy Time tip: Encourage baby to practice rolling and moving while on their tummy. Use toys to keep them motivated!
How Tummy Time Helps Baby's Development
Tummy Time helps baby's motor and sensory development
Tummy Time is crucial for healthy motor, sensory and visual development:
- Strengthens baby’s back, neck, shoulders, and core muscles.
- Build a foundation for baby to meet motor milestones including rolling, sitting, crawling, and more.
- Feeling different textures (blankets, carpet, etc.) on their arms, hands, and cheeks can help baby’s sense of touch (tactile sense).
- As baby moves and their weight shifts, they gain a sense of body awareness (proprioception).
- Positioning baby differently helps develop their movement and balance (vestibular sense).
- Helps develop hand-eye coordination. By looking down at their hands, baby is seeing how they move and what they can do.
Did you know you can use time on the floor to play as an alternative to baby being in a carrier or bouncy seat?
In addition to having proven developmental benefits, Tummy Time can help prevent two conditions: positional plagiocephaly and positional torticollis.
Positional plagiocephaly is the development of flat spots on the back and side of the head, which can lead to asymmetries of the head and face.
Positional torticollis is the stiffening of neck muscles, causing baby’s head to tilt to one side.
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Tummy Time Tips for Success
If baby isn't enjoying Tummy Time, try some of these ideas!
If baby has different people caring for them...
Make sure all caregivers know Tummy Time is a normal part of baby’s daily routine
If baby resists Tummy Time...
Do a couple minutes of Tummy Time after every diaper change or after every bath so baby starts to expect it
Avoid Tummy Time immediately after feeding
If baby cries during Tummy Time…
Try doing Tummy Time exercises when baby is most happy
Make Tummy Time fun time
- Sing songs during Tummy Time to calm and soothe baby
- Use rattles, toys, and mirrors to encourage visual tracking
- Get down on the floor at baby’s eye level.
Baby loves your face!
If baby falls asleep during Tummy Time…
Place them on their back—do not let them sleep on their tummy
Remember: Every bit of Tummy Time makes a difference!
Don’t get discouraged. If you have done plenty of Tummy Time with baby, but are concerned they are not meeting their milestones, bring your concerns to baby’s pediatrician or healthcare provider.
Learn More About Early Detection and Intervention
Tummy Time Activities
90,000 signs, abdomen and fetal development at 3 months of pregnancy | MUSTELA
Signs, symptoms and sensations
The third month of pregnancy may still be accompanied by morning sickness. But there are no such pronounced signs of toxicosis that were at the beginning (vomiting, intolerance to odors). Appetite increases, acute hunger is felt if you skip a meal.
Unpleasant signs of the third month of pregnancy:
- Heartburn.
nine0008 A burning sensation behind the sternum most often occurs after eating. Physiological heartburn is associated with a weakening of the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter and an increase in abdominal pressure. [1] This promotes reflux and reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
- Sudden mood swings. Occur due to changes in hormonal levels and increased levels of progesterone in the blood. Some women during this period become too temperamental, others feel peace and tranquility. nine0014
- Fatigue. Associated with the peculiarities of the circulation of pregnant women. The body needs additional blood to supply the fetus, which manifests itself in a breakdown.
- Urination. Gradually growing uterus puts pressure on the kidneys and bladder, so during pregnancy you have to go to the toilet more often.
- Vaginal discharge. A small amount of clear mucus is considered normal.
If the discharge becomes cheesy and is accompanied by itching, tell your doctor about your symptoms. These may be signs of thrush and should be treated.[2] nine0014
- Constipation. Another unpleasant sign of 3 months of pregnancy associated with a sharp increase in progesterone levels. The hormone helps to relax the uterus and at the same time slows down peristalsis.
Physiological changes of the third month concern the mammary glands. Sensitivity increases, nipples become rougher, the areola darkens, the breast gradually increases. This is how the body prepares for breastfeeding.
Changes in the hormonal background are reflected in the condition of the skin. It becomes softer and velvety, which is associated with increased production of sebum. In women with a fatty type, excessive greasiness with rashes may appear. nine0005
3 month pregnant belly
An expectant mother can gain 3 to 5 kg by the end of the first trimester. This indicator is individual, depending on the characteristics of metabolism and fetal development. Weight increases not so much due to the mass of the embryo, but due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood, intercellular fluid, and subcutaneous fatty tissue.
The size of the abdomen on the 3rd month changes slightly. Some bulge and a small fat layer at the waist can only be noticed by the expectant mother herself. nine0043 The belly may become noticeable towards the end of the first trimester in thin women. At this time, you need to learn how to move smoothly. It will only increase, and it will be more and more difficult to adapt to a new figure.
How the fetus develops
By the middle of the third month of pregnancy, the embryo becomes a fetus - in this “status” the child will be until birth. At this stage, all parts of the baby's body tend to reflect, the nervous system is actively developing, and the first reflexes appear. nine0050
How the fetus develops in this phase of pregnancy (by weeks) (3):
Week No. 9
The coccygeal-parietal size of the fetus reaches 22-30 mm, and the weight is about 2 g. , lymph nodes, the middle layer of the adrenal glands, the ability to urinate appears. In boys, the formation of the penis begins, and in girls, the clitoris. The upper and lower limbs can already move due to the development of muscles.
Week #10
The average fruit weight is 5 g with a length of 30-40 mm. The heart rate is about 150 beats per minute. The formation of the anatomy of the arms and legs is being completed, the rudiments of milk teeth are being laid, the organs of the digestive system and the taste buds of the tongue are being improved. Agglutinogens appear in red blood cells, which in the future will determine the baby's blood group.
Week No. 11
A critical stage of development is coming to an end - the risk of miscarriage and miscarriage is reduced. The fetus reaches a size of 5 cm in length with a weight of about 8 g. Blood vessels continue to develop, the formation of the heart is completed. About 10% of the body of an unborn baby is occupied by the liver. In the intestines, the first reflex movements are observed, which resemble peristalsis. nine0005
Week № 12
The length of the child's body ranges from 6-9 cm. Fingers are clearly visible on ultrasound, nail plates begin to form. The thymus gland improves, the development of the face continues - the ears move closer to the sides of the head.
By the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, the umbilical cord and placenta are finalized. They are responsible for the continuous connection between the child and the mother until the very birth.
Ultrasound in the third month of pregnancy
For a period of 11 to 13 weeks, expectant mothers are scheduled for the first ultrasound examination . It will help to assess the development of the placenta, fix the dynamics of the development of the child, adjust the date of birth.
Things to do in early pregnancy:
- Assess the baby's size and weight.
- See the baby's body parts - upper and lower limbs with fingers.
- Assess the location and degree of development of internal organs, the symmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. nine0014
- Record fetal heartbeat.
In some cases, it is possible to determine the sex with high accuracy.
The doctor during the ultrasound examination pays attention not only to the development of the child, but also to the anatomy of the mother. In the third month, the growth of the uterus becomes especially noticeable. Its size reaches the fist, goes beyond the pubis and begins to rise into the abdominal cavity.
The end of the 1st trimester is a good time for the first screening. A digital study allows you to study the fetus in more detail, identify congenital malformations, chromosomal abnormalities and other pathologies of gestation. nine0005
Recommended restrictions for expectant mothers
In the third month, the most important internal organs and systems of the baby continue to form. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to be responsible for herself, her health and observe the restrictions.
What is prohibited during pregnancy:
- Take medication without a doctor's prescription. Many drugs can cause fetal malformations, adversely affect the reproductive system, provoke uterine hypertonicity and other complications. nine0014
- Excessive exercise. If there is no threat of miscarriage, sports are only welcome. They help maintain a good mood, serve as a preventive measure for constipation and congestion. But unusual exercises for the body and high loads during pregnancy can be harmful to health.
- Eat spicy, smoked and salty foods. It creates an increased load on the liver and kidneys, irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and provokes heartburn. Raw food, especially eggs, milk, fish, is also prohibited. These products can become a source of pathogens and helminth eggs. nine0014
- Hypothermia and overheating. Low temperatures impair circulation and may lead to fetal hypoxia.
Hypothermia, when a woman's body temperature exceeds 37.7 ° C, can cause miscarriage. [4]
- Wear tight clothing and footwear. They compress soft tissues, disrupt normal blood circulation and cause lymphatic congestion. A high heel increases the load on the lumbosacral region, a woman gets tired faster and complains of muscle weakness. nine0014
During pregnancy, maximum attention should be paid to diet.
It should consist of healthy foods - cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes, meat, liver, boiled eggs, baked fish. Make sure that enough calcium enters the body - it will contribute to the proper formation of the child's skeleton and help keep mom's teeth healthy. Include milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, green leafy vegetables, natural yogurt, white cabbage in the menu. Following the recommendations will help you successfully complete the first trimester and prepare for a new stage of waiting for the baby. nine0005
3 months pregnant – what happens, symptoms and sensations, belly in the third month of pregnancy
≈ 8 min read time
- 3rd month of pregnancy: what's new? nine0011 Wardrobe change
- Heartburn
- How to track your weight nine0014
- Stretch marks during pregnancy
- How mood changes in the 3rd month nine0011 The importance of proper nutrition
- What vitamins should be included in the diet
- Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles nine0014
- How a child develops
- Screening, ultrasound and other procedures nine0035
- The best way to fight heartburn is to reduce the portion size at each meal, which should be increased to 5 - 7 per day. The habit of eating tightly three times a day (if you had one) should now be a thing of the past.
Whether you're expecting a baby or breastfeeding, the above dietary guidelines will form the basis of your new dietary philosophy. nine0014
- Another recommendation to help avoid an attack of heartburn after a meal is the strong advice not to take a horizontal position immediately after eating.
- And of course, do not forget that fatty and spicy foods can leave behind very unpleasant sensations in the stomach and in other moments of your life, so try to exclude such dishes from the menu during pregnancy (and not remember about them after).
- Pregnancy is a turning point in a woman's and family's life, involving both physical and emotional changes. Understanding the fact that they are inevitable in such a fateful event will help you balance your inner state and tune in a positive way in accepting future changes in your life.
You are not alone, millions of other women are experiencing the same internal transformations and emotions at the same second.
- In addition to this psychological pressure on the psyche of the expectant mother, mood swings in the first trimester may be associated with the physiological stress experienced by the body in connection with your "interesting position". Hormonal shifts and changes in metabolism also affect how you feel about each new day of your pregnancy. nine0014
- If you do not work on improving the emotional background, you may find yourself among that part of pregnant women who go from a state of abrupt mood changes to a state of depression, which is not at all necessary in your current situation. Therefore, already now, when you notice that you cannot always control the change of moods during the day, you need to start working on yourself.
- steal a few minutes of rest during the day;
- get enough sleep;
- eat healthy, energetically and biologically rich food;
- stay physically active, exercise, walk more;
- spend more time with the father of your unborn child;
- take naps if possible;
- read good books, watch good movies, listen to good music; nine0014
- meet friends;
- try yoga and/or meditation;
- know that you are not alone, millions of other pregnant women experience the same condition.
- The appendage in the form of a tail, which was located at the end of the spine, disappears at this stage.
- The umbilical cord is fully formed and supplies blood to the cardiovascular system of the embryo.
- The embryo begins to make the first movements.
- Practically formed joints.
- The formation of the inner part of the ear is completed, now its outer part is laid and begins to develop. nine0014
- All major internal organs continue to develop, the uterus increases in size.
- The internal reproductive organs of the embryo begin to form.
- The most critical period of development has passed, now the active growth of the fetus will begin. nine0014
- Blood circulates through the baby's cardiovascular system.
- The facial part of the head continues to develop, facial features are already clearly distinguishable. The eyelid is formed and now closes the eyes, they will open again at the border of the second and third trimesters.
- The arms and legs are very clearly formed, with tiny thin fingers, the membranes between which disappear.
- The head is still very large in relation to the body: in size it approaches almost half the entire length of the body. nine0014
- The auricles look recognizable, but are still quite low.
- The main organs of the fetus continue to develop.
- The face is almost fully formed, it is wide, the eyes are set far apart, the eyelids have developed. The ears gradually begin to move towards those areas where they are anatomically destined to be permanently fixed.
- Muscles develop, movements of the arms and legs become more energetic, but the movements of the fetus are not yet felt by the mother.
- Hair and nails begin to grow.
- The skin of the fetus is very thin, blood vessels show through it.
- Bones begin to harden.
- The external genitalia are forming, after a few weeks they will become visible on ultrasound.
- The kidneys begin to work, the fetus produces urine, returning waste through the placenta back to the mother. nine0014
- The fetus inhales and exhales small amounts of amniotic fluid to allow its lungs to grow and develop.
- The placenta at this stage of development is almost a separate organ. The volume of amniotic fluid will gradually increase until the 40th week.
- As the muscular system develops, the fetus becomes able to stretch and push.
He clenches and unclenches his fingers, curls his toes, pushes and kicks with all four limbs. If you put your hand on the stomach, the baby will react, but you will not feel it: the fetus is still too small for you to be able to fix its movements.
- Nerve cells are rapidly dividing, and neural connections are formed in the brain.
- The eyes begin to move closer to the center of the face, which is increasingly acquiring ordinary human features. The ears also move closer to the right place. nine0014
- Significantly increased size and weight of the fetus. The process of formation of tissues and organs continues.
- The intestine moves further into the body of the fetus (initially it is located outside the abdominal cavity).
- The liver begins to function, it will be responsible for cleansing the blood and storing nutrients.
- The pancreas begins to produce insulin.
- The doctor can already listen to the fetal heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope.
- The head is now not half, but one third of the total size of the fetus.
- Until now, the head has outstripped the body in its growth, but now the torso begins to grow faster.
- The legs still need to grow to become longer and the arms are starting to get the right proportions in relation to the body. Now the baby can reach his mouth with his fist. nine0014
- The eyes and ears of the fetus continue to develop and move towards the cherished goal.
- The neck lengthens, the chin no longer rests on the chest.
- A skin pattern (so-called fingerprints) becomes visible on the fingertips.
- Almost all internal organs are formed, but they cannot yet function independently of the mother. The uterus is already palpable, although the pregnancy itself is not yet noticeable.
- The central nervous system, heart, limbs, eyes and ears are at a critical stage in their development.
- In the first trimester, ultrasound is prescribed by a specialist in charge of a woman's pregnancy, primarily to determine the fact itself, as well as the duration of pregnancy. Usually it is carried out in the interval from the 11th to the 14th week.
- Ultrasound is a procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to diagnose the condition of the placenta and fetus in a pregnant woman. This is a non-invasive method that, if used correctly, does not cause proven harm to the unborn child. In general, the value of ultrasound during pregnancy can not be overestimated. nine0014
- At the same time, many mothers note that babies often hide from a sensor that transmits sound vibrations. But think about it: we ourselves would hardly have reacted differently to a sound or light impact, the strength and duration of which we are not able to control. We close our eyes as we step out of the dark hallway into the bright sunlight, startle at the sharp siren of a passing car, and mute the sound as another commercial starts to play on TV. These are all normal human reactions in response to stimulation received by our senses. nine0014
- In order to avoid risks, the Russian practice of pregnancy management has established a standard: ultrasound is performed three times during the entire period - once in each trimester - in order to make sure that the placenta and fetus develop according to the norms derived from many years of monitoring the course of pregnancy in hundreds of millions of women. And only if necessary (according to some indications), the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound examination.
- Invasive diagnostic methods are widely used to determine paternity and in a number of special cases to determine how the pregnancy and fetus develop.
They involve penetration into the uterine cavity and sampling of amniotic fluid, as well as tissues and cells of the unborn baby. This kind of diagnosis allows you to establish or exclude the possibility of defects and malformations of the fetus. nine0014
- Physicians always communicate the pros and cons of these procedures to the pregnant woman, as there is some evidence that they are not 100% safe. Therefore, discussions on this topic do not subside.
- The decision in favor of the procedure is not easy, it requires consideration by all family members together with the leading doctor, and, of course, when making a choice, one should take into account the totality of factors influencing it.
- Aptulaeva T.
The 3rd month of waiting for a baby: the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus by weeks, which organs and systems of the body are improving in their structure and functioning, what changes a pregnant woman notices in her own body, what sensations can occur - this article is devoted to this.
So, you are in the 3rd month. Interestingly, you may still not look pregnant to others, but your own feelings and internal changes are already more than obvious to you. What is going on in your body right now? nine0005
Despite the fact that the scales do not yet record significant changes in indicators, you may notice that the clothes become tight. Perhaps you have already removed things that are tight-fitting to your figure. Soon you will visit the section of clothes for expectant mothers. If this is your second or third pregnancy, you probably already got and tried on your favorite outfits left over from the previous one.
Choose clothes that will keep you feeling attractive. Comfort, of course, is above all, but until you have signs of pregnancy that are obvious to others, it may be difficult for you to believe that after three or four months you can begin to evaluate your reflection in the mirror extremely biased. Therefore, choose the most feminine outfits.
The expectant mother at this stage has many reasons for joy. So, you probably noticed that nails and hair began to grow faster. There is no exact explanation for this - maybe hormones, maybe increased blood circulation, but the main thing is that such changes allow you to glow with pleasure even more. While carrying a baby, many grow their hair: whether superstition is to blame, whether a change in priorities - each woman will have her own explanation. But the fact remains: rarely does hair naturally acquire such strength and radiance as when a mother is waiting for a baby. Enjoy your natural beauty! nine0005
You may experience toxicosis, nausea and heartburn. All of these conditions are normal in your position. But that doesn't mean you can't do anything about them—there are ways to alleviate the symptoms.
For more information on digestion during pregnancy, click here. nine0005
If you're experiencing bouts of nausea, chances are you haven't started gaining weight yet, and you may even have lost it. Let this not bother you, normally women rarely begin to recover already in the first trimester, and if this happens, then within 1 - 1.5 kg. Rest assured, in the coming months you will still take yours. But don't overdo it! A good increase is considered to be within 10 - 12 kg for the entire period of expectation of the baby (for women with normal weight before pregnancy). nine0005
Some women, even at such times, may notice the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks. Gradual weight gain reduces the risk of their occurrence, it is more beneficial for both of you than sudden jumps on the scale. Exercising and moisturizing your skin will also help prevent stretch marks.
Check with your doctor about the use of any products that you are going to apply to the skin, because they will enter the bloodstream of both you and your baby, which may be unsafe. The doctor will definitely give you recommendations on which cream for stretch marks for pregnant women may suit you best. nine0005
In any case, it all depends on the elasticity of the skin, and this factor is hereditary. Therefore, either stretch marks are destined to appear, or not.
If stretch marks appear, after childbirth they will begin to brighten, but - let's not give you too much hope - they will not completely go away. Therefore, as always, prevention is better than cure. If you have a tendency to them (ask your mom), watch your weight, do exercises and moisturize your skin as naturally as possible. nine0005
And don't forget to read the material on self-care during pregnancy.
Milk glands. As for the mammary glands, stretch marks may also appear on them. Also, in addition to darkening the nipples and gradually increasing their size, you may find that the veins under the skin of the mammary glands become more noticeable, and the breast acquires a bumpy structure, which is felt when probing. This is normal: milk ducts form in the breast, and colostrum in them, which can begin to be released during massage as early as the second trimester. nine0005
Fatigue. Hormonal changes, lack of sleep, morning sickness - these and other reasons can cause you to constantly feel tired, lethargic and overwhelmed. It is very important for you to get enough sleep now, so try to create the most comfortable conditions for this, including staying up late in front of the TV, spending less time on the computer or watching content on digital devices such as a tablet or smartphone. Scientists believe that the blue light of screens, including the smallest ones, interferes with the release of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep. nine0005
Mood swings. A change in mood is usually observed in the 2nd and especially in the 3rd month of pregnancy. Significant changes in hormonal balance (primarily due to estrogen and progesterone) affect the level of neurotransmitters - chemicals in the nervous system that are responsible for mood.
You can be both overwhelmed with enthusiasm about the pregnancy that has taken place, and worried about some aspects of the upcoming changes in life: will I be a good mother, how will the birth go, are my husband and I ready for such responsibility, will we cope financially, will my life be the same? nine0005
To help overcome the influence of mood swings on your overall emotional background, the following remedies can: nine0005
At the end of the first trimester, though not earlier than the 12th - 13th week, you will notice a weakening of the symptoms of early toxicosis.
The issue of proper nutrition is now more acute than ever: your baby is about to begin a noticeable growth. You both want quality food, as natural as possible and with minimal processing before it hits your fridge. Give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and cereals, lean meat and fish from the natural habitat, dairy products, especially kefir and cottage cheese: the first will regulate the balance of the bacterial flora of your intestines, the second is necessary as the best source of calcium - after milk, which, in unlike fermented milk products, not everyone is well tolerated. nine0005
It is important that the daily diet contains not only products of all food groups, but also the necessary vitamins: folic acid, iron (with low hemoglobin), B vitamins, iodine, vitamin D if you rarely go to the sun. If your doctor has recommended other prenatal vitamins for you, do not forget about them.
There are different points of view regarding the harm and benefits of taking vitamins, from side effects and allergization at too high doses to early aging of the body with long-term use. But the use of vitamins necessary for the normal development of the child in low doses during the few months of pregnancy can hardly be considered a serious threat to your health and longevity. nine0005
Listen to yourself, your doctor, other people whose opinion you trust, and act in accordance with the emerging point of view. Believing in yourself and in a successful pregnancy is a guarantee that you will go through the next few months in pleasantly exciting, and not in tedious anticipation.
At the 3rd month after consulting a doctor, you can start doing Kegel exercises. They strengthen the vaginal muscles, which significantly helps in childbirth and after them - so say the mothers who performed these exercises before, during and after pregnancy. nine0005
The effect of them is noticeable not only in childbirth: toning the muscles of the pelvic floor helps to avoid the troubles associated with hemorrhoids and decreased control over urination, delicate problems that many pregnant women face.
The great advantage of Kegel exercises is that they can be done anytime, anywhere without anyone else having any idea. There are several techniques for their implementation, they are all very simple: to squeeze and unclench the muscles of the lower pelvis with different frequency and intensity, alternating with pauses of different duration. We talk more about this in an article on sports and exercise during pregnancy. nine0005
And now let's find out how your future baby develops in the 3rd month. We remind you that we indicate the obstetric gestational age. It is usually longer than the embryonic by about 2 weeks and is counted from the first day of the last menstruation.
The child, which at the beginning of the 3rd month is called an embryo, and at the end of it a fetus, is still extremely small, but is already preparing for an imminent growth and weight gain.
9th week of pregnancy nine0005
Main event: the first movements of the embryo.
Fruit size: height - 2 cm, weight - 3 g.
10th week of pregnancy
The main event: the end of the embryonic period of development.
Fruit size: height - 3 cm, weight - 5 g.
11th week of pregnancy
The main event: the beginning of the fetal period of development.
Fruit dimensions: height - 5 cm, weight - 10 g.
12th week of pregnancy
Main event: completion of the formation of the placenta. nine0005
Fruit dimensions: height - 6 cm, weight - 15 g.
13th week of pregnancy
Main event: end of term.
Fruit dimensions: height - 5 cm, weight - 10 g.
At 11 to 14 weeks, you'll have your first screening, an ultrasound (ultrasound), and finally meet your baby. Ultrasound helps to track the normal development of the placenta, fixes the dynamics of the development of the systems and organs of the child, and corrects the timing of delivery. Despite the fact that this invaluable procedure for doctors provides a huge array of necessary information, it nevertheless raises questions and concerns among some of the audience of expectant mothers. nine0005
Sometimes pregnant women are worried about whether some other methods of invasive (with penetration into the amniotic cavity) diagnostics (for example, a paternity test, etc.) are harmful.
Therefore, the question of the ratio of harm and benefit from a procedure that allows you to establish the fact of pregnancy, make sure that it is correct and compare the development of the fetus in dynamics with the norms, should not cause painful reflection.
However, the long-term harm from frequent and/or prolonged use of ultrasound waves is not yet fully understood. Therefore, ultrasound during pregnancy should be performed only by qualified personnel and only for medical purposes. Remind yourself of this when you feel like you don't have enough pre-birth photos of your baby. nine0005
With the end of the 13th week, your pregnancy enters the second trimester. Its first signs in the form of nausea and fatigue will remain in the past, you may even feel as if you have no pregnancy, but the growing tummy will not leave you or those around you in any doubt: a new life is growing inside you! Health to you and your future baby! nine0005
9 weeks pregnant
The 3rd month of pregnancy has begun. Congratulations! The most difficult stage is over. At this time, the level of hormones in the blood will reach a maximum, and then you will feel better. Most expectant mothers gradually pass unpleasant physical sensations, but emotional instability still persists. Outwardly, the “interesting position” is not yet noticeable to outsiders, but your favorite jeans have probably become cramped for you, because the tummy is slowly growing! nine0005
10 weeks pregnant
The 10th week of pregnancy marks the end of one of the most critical milestones in your baby's development. Usually the bulk of the pathologies appear before the end of this period. And if you successfully survived the first 10 weeks, then you can be more than 90% sure that the threat of defects in the child has passed.
nine0140 11 weeks pregnant By the 11th week of pregnancy, the baby's height is from 4. 4 to 6 cm, and the weight is about 8 g. The fetus has already formed all the systems of the body, and in the remaining 29 weeks they will develop, and the child will grow intensively.
12 weeks pregnant
By the 12th week of pregnancy, all the internal organs and systems of the child have already formed, and every day your baby is getting closer and closer to the usual appearance of a baby. nine0005
13 weeks pregnant
From the 13th week of pregnancy, you enter a new period for you - the second trimester, which is considered the easiest of the entire period of bearing a child. Early toxicosis is already over, the risk of abortion is minimal, and the stomach is not yet so big as to tire you with its heaviness.