24 weeks baby not moving much
Your baby's movements - NHS
When you'll feel your baby move
You should start to feel your baby move between around 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. If this is your first baby, you might not feel movements until after 20 weeks.
If you have not felt your baby move by 24 weeks, tell your midwife. They'll check your baby's heartbeat and movements.
You should feel your baby move right up to and during labour.
Other people cannot feel your baby move as early as you can. When they can feel the movements, by putting a hand on your bump, is different for everyone.
What your baby's movements feel like
The movements can feel like a gentle swirling or fluttering. As your pregnancy progresses, you may feel kicks and jerky movements.
Urgent advice: Call your midwife or maternity unit immediately if:
- your baby is moving less than usual
- you cannot feel your baby moving anymore
- there is a change to your baby's usual pattern of movements
They'll need to check your baby's movements and heartbeat.
Do not wait until the next day – call immediately, even if it's the middle of the night.
How often should your baby move?
There's no set number of movements you should feel each day – every baby is different.
You do not need to count the number of kicks or movements you feel each day.
The important thing is to get to know your baby's usual movements from day to day.
Do not use a home doppler (heartbeat listening kit) to try to check the baby's heartbeat yourself. This is not a reliable way to check your baby's health. Even if you hear a heartbeat, this does not mean your baby is well.
Why your baby's movements are important
If your baby is not well, they will not be as active as usual. This means less movement can be a sign of infection or another problem.
The sooner this is found out the better, so you and your baby can be given the right treatment and care.
This could save your baby's life.
Can your baby move too much
It's not likely your baby can move too much. The important thing is to be aware of your baby's usual pattern of movements.
Any changes to this pattern of movements should be checked by a midwife or doctor.
Find out more
- Tommy’s: baby movements in pregnancy
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: your baby’s movements in pregnancy
- signs that labour may be starting
Page last reviewed: 12 October 2021
Next review due: 12 October 2024
Baby movements in pregnancy | Tommy's
You may feel your baby move as early as 16 weeks of pregnancy, but most women usually feel something between 18 and 24 weeks. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not notice your baby’s movements until you are more than 20 weeks pregnant.
Tommy's has developed a guide to baby movements in partnership with NHS England on baby's movements in pregnancy. It is available in ten languages at the bottom of this page.
What does a movement feel like?
Baby movements in the womb, also known as fetal movements or ‘kicks’, can feel like anything from a flutter, kick, swish or roll. The type of movement may change as your pregnancy progresses.
How often should my baby move?
There is no set number of normal movements you should be feeling – every baby is different. Get to know how your baby moves.
From 18-24 weeks on you should feel the baby move more and more. After 32 weeks, the movements will stay roughly the same until you give birth.
- It is NOT TRUE that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy.
- You should CONTINUE to feel your baby move right up to the time you go into labour and during labour.
Get to know your baby’s normal kicks and movements.
DO NOT WAIT until the next day to seek advice if you are worried about your baby’s movements
Contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately if you think your baby’s movements have slowed down, stopped or changed. There are staff on the hospital maternity unit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- DO NOT put off calling until the next day to see what happens.
- Do not worry about phoning. It is important for your doctors and midwives to know if your baby’s movements have slowed down or stopped.
Find out what should happen when you report reduced fetal movement
Why are my baby’s movements important?
Feeling your baby move is a sign they are well.
If your baby moves less or if you notice a change this can sometimes be an important warning sign that a baby is unwell. If you get the right treatment and care as soon as you can this could save your baby’s life.
Is there anything that can affect being able to feel my baby move?
You may be less likely to be aware of your baby’s movements when you are active or busy.
If your placenta is at the front of your uterus (womb), it may not be easy for you to feel your baby’s movements. If your baby’s back is lying at the front of your uterus, you may feel fewer movements than if his or her back is lying alongside your own back.
But don’t assume this is why you can’t feel your baby’s movements. If you think your baby’s movements have slowed down, stopped or changed contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately. It’s always best to get checked.
Your baby lying head down or bottom first will not affect whether you can feel them move.
Can I make my baby move?
No, you should not try to make your baby move. If you think your baby’s movements have slowed down, stopped or changed contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately.
Can I use a home doppler to check on my baby?
Do not use any hand-held monitors, dopplers or phone apps to check your baby’s heartbeat. Even if you think you detect a heartbeat, this does not mean your baby is well because it might be your own heartbeat. You need to be checked by a healthcare professional.
Find out more about why using home devices are not a safe way of checking your baby’s health.
You need to be monitored by a cardiotocography machine or a midwife who can interpret the baby’s heartbeat.
Any care or treatment that could save a baby needs to be done when the baby has a heartbeat.
What happens if my baby's movements have slowed down?
Less than 24 weeks pregnant
Contact your midwife if you have never felt your baby move by 24 weeks. They will check your baby’s heartbeat. You may have an ultrasound scan and you may be referred to a specialist fetal medicine centre to check your baby's health.
Between 24 and 28 weeks pregnant
You should contact your midwife or local maternity unit immediately. Do not wait until the next day or next appointment.
You will have a full antenatal check-up that includes checking the size of your uterus, measuring your blood pressure and testing your urine for protein. If your uterus measures smaller or larger than expected, you may have an ultrasound scan to check on your baby’s growth and development.
Over 28 weeks
You should contact your midwife or local maternity unit immediately. Do not wait until the next day or next appointment.
You will have a full antenatal check-up, your baby's heart rate will be monitored to reassure you about your baby's wellbeing. This is done with a cardiotocograph monitor.
An ultrasound scan may be arranged if:
- your womb is smaller or larger than expected
- you have a high risk pregnancy
- the heart rate is normal but you still feel that your baby's movements are slower or less
- you have had reduced fetal movements already in your pregnancy.
If the movements have slowed down does it mean my baby is not well?
Fewer movements could mean that your baby is unwell, but usually these checks reveal that everything is OK. Most women who have experienced one episode of fewer movements go on to have a straightforward pregnancy and healthy baby. However it is very important that you are checked to make sure everything is OK.
What if my baby’s movements are reduced again?
If, after your check up, you are still not happy with your baby’s movement, you must contact either your midwife or maternity unit straight away, even if everything was OK last time.
NEVER HESITATE to contact your midwife or the maternity unit for advice, no matter how many times this happens.
Download the leaflet
The leaflet Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well is available to download in English and many different languages.
Why the baby began to move less in the stomach at 24 weeks. When to worry if the baby does not move in the stomach, and what to do to make him move? Why the baby began to move less and what to do
The first tremors of the baby occur at the 13th week of pregnancy, but they are so small that the mother does not notice it. Primiparous first movements are noted in the period of 19-20 weeks, and mothers with experience at 17-18. Fetal movements are an indicator that the baby is developing, but the absence is alarming. nine0003
What determines the frequency of fetal movements
The frequency of movements made by the baby depends on many factors. Conventionally, they can be divided into physiological and abnormal.
Physiological include:
- emerging character;
- desire to eat;
- stay of the mother in a stuffy room;
- Presence of loud bass in the room. For example, when listening to music with a high frequency;
- the position of the mother is comfortable or uncomfortable for the child. nine0014
Smooth, painless tremors are an indicator of normal well-being of the baby. Their number depends on the experience of motherhood.
From anomalous causes:
- acute hypoxia;
- threatened preterm labor;
- polyhydramnios;
- infectious disease.
At the same time, the tremors are rough and painful; in later periods, a pathological process can be suspected due to the violent behavior of the baby. However, you can determine the cause of activity or calm after consulting a doctor and. nine0003
There are no tremors in the first trimester due to the small stature and weight of the baby.
In the second trimester, starting from the 18th week, the first weak movements appear, which increase with the course of pregnancy. From 24 weeks the child is active.
At the end of the second trimester, the mother is able to control the movements of the fetus by stroking the abdomen and talking to the unborn child.
In the trimester, activity gradually fades away - the fetus grows, enlarges and it is difficult and cramped for him to move, but they do not completely disappear. nine0003
The child has a well-defined pattern of wakefulness and sleep.
Norms and control of the baby's movement
From the 24th week of gestation, the average fetal tremors are 10-15 times a day.
Active movements appear in the afternoon, and often at night.
Sleep is 18 hours, and the duration of 1 sleep period is 3 to 4 hours. At this time, the baby makes the minimum number of movements that the woman does not feel.
You can track the number of fetal movements yourself. There is a whole scheme for this. nine0003
- Keep a diary for notes;
- Starting at 28 weeks, carry out a movement test.
The essence of the method is to count 10 fetal movements twice a day. From 9 am to 9 pm, and from 9 pm to 9 am. You can test daily.
Example, the first activity of the fetus at 9.20, then at 11.40, 3 - at 12.15, etc. 10 movement - at 17.35 - 1 part of the test is over, the table indicates 2 times 9.20 and 17.35. The second part of the test - counting from 9 pm to 9morning.
According to this method, it is possible to constantly monitor the baby's activity. An alarm signal is the complete absence of movement for 12 hours, or excessive activity.
The larger the child becomes, the stronger its movements, and there is a feeling that the child is dancing in the womb.
Such frequent occurrences indicate a pathological course of pregnancy.
What to do if there is no movement and why the baby does not move in the stomach
The absence of movements heard by the mother is not an indication that the baby is not active. Quite often, movements are recorded on ultrasound, but for some reason the mother does not feel them.
There are ways to “wake up” the baby:
- Stroke the belly with patting movements. If the gestational age is over 28 weeks, the baby understands the warmth from touch and pushes to the place where the hand of mom or dad is located.
- You can have a sweet hour with a chocolate bar or chocolates. The glucose present enters the bloodstream to the baby and causes him to be active, but sometimes this method is ineffective. nine0014
- A glass of cold water should cause a change in core temperature and cause the baby to move.
- Turn on loud music that the child likes.
If it is not possible to induce fetal activity for two or more hours, it is necessary to go for a consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will be able to listen to the fetal heartbeat and measure its activity using a device for.
The most terrible reason for the absence of tremors is intrauterine fetal death. nine0003
Causes of freezing
In subsequent trimesters
- Infectious processes, in particular sexually transmitted;
- Acute fetal hypoxia. These include: entanglement with the umbilical artery, oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios;
- with severe development;
- cardiac pathologies, especially those with poor blood supply to the fetal heart muscle;
- genetic diseases;
- Endocrine disorders ( , ).
It is possible to identify the main cause after ultrasound diagnostics and post-mortem biomaterial examination.
If the baby does not move much in the womb, there are several reasons for that:
- Short term;
- Baby's health problems.
- complete absence of fetal movements during the day;
- soreness in lower abdomen;
- frequent urination;
- bleeding; nine0014
- feeling of nausea with bouts of vomiting;
- temperature increase;
- breast tenderness.
Pregnancy after a missed pregnancy
It is possible to get pregnant and give birth after a missed pregnancy. However, the process of pregnancy planning is entrusted to the doctor.
First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of intrauterine death of the fetus.
The result is clarified in the histological examination of the preparation and autopsy. Only after establishing the cause, it is necessary to begin treatment. nine0003
It is important to note that persistent miscarriages increase the risk of recurrent fetal freezing by 38%.
You should not rush to get pregnant after ST. It is necessary to undergo a full examination, restore the hormonal background, and be treated if necessary.
In the recovery phase, she needs physical and moral support.
The optimal term for re-pregnancy is 24 months, but it can decrease or increase.
It depends on the gestational age, when the pregnancy was terminated and the reasons for its termination. nine0003
The baby rarely moves in the stomach - this is a cause for concern for many mothers, especially those who are expecting their first baby, because from the 18-20th week of pregnancy, fetal movements are already noticeable and, perhaps, quite active; the baby makes itself felt at least 10 times a day - that's how often the baby should move in the stomach.
At first, the mother feels erratic movements, but over time, closer to the birth, with their help the baby begins to communicate with the mother, expressing his pleasure or joy, anger or anxiety. Depending on the time of day, the child becomes less or more active, but if you are worried that the child is not moving much, or the previously active fetus has “calmed down”, this may be a reason to consult a gynecologist for advice. In the meantime, let's look at the main reasons why the baby stopped moving actively in the stomach. nine0003
Why the baby rarely moves
Perhaps your concern is completely in vain, because, for example, leading an active lifestyle during pregnancy, you may simply not notice how the baby kicks in the tummy. This is for the second trimester. But there are other reasons why the baby is not actively moving in the uterus.
1. The character of the baby is manifested even in the womb, there are fidgets who make themselves felt every hour, and there are calm children who do not move very actively from the very beginning. You should sound the alarm just when the activity of the baby has sharply declined. nine0003
2. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is already quite large, and there is very little space for it in the uterus - this can also explain why the baby moves badly in the mother's stomach.
3. Know that the future son or daughter is sensitive to your mood - if the pregnant woman is calm, then the child may quiet down. It also happens that from the active movements of the mother, the fetus, especially the 6-7-month-old, simply falls asleep, and therefore stops moving.
Fetal activity and heart rate diagnostics
If the baby is not actively moving in the abdomen, or you notice that the fetus has not moved for more than 12 hours, you should urgently see a doctor and undergo an CT scan. It is done from the 26th week of pregnancy, it is completely safe and allows you to record your baby's heartbeat. After KGT, the doctor will give an opinion on the child's condition and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary therapy or recommend to lie down for preservation. One way or another, take the state of pregnancy with joy, eat healthy food, get positive emotions and walk more in the fresh air. And then, after the time set by nature, you will give birth to a healthy and active baby. nine0003
It is recommended to track the frequency of the child from 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements include not only kicks, but also rolling, light pushes. The baby can be active for a long time, or it can calm down for several hours, but at least ten episodes of movements per day are considered the norm.
Baby moves a little: reasons
A woman may notice that the baby has become smaller in her stomach. This is especially true for the middle of pregnancy, when movements are not always felt equally strong. The baby may move less when the mother is active. When walking, its smooth movements produce the effect of motion sickness and lull the child. The baby usually calms down two to three weeks before the birth, this is due to the fact that he already has practically no room for movement, he reserves strength. nine0003
What should I do if my baby is not moving well?
Scientists believe that the fetus moves more often when it lacks oxygen. However, a sign of severe hypoxia is the absence of movement for a long time. If after 28 weeks the child does not move much or does not make itself felt for 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The specialist should not only listen to the heart with a stethoscope, but also conduct cardiotocography (CTG). During this procedure, the fetal heartbeat is recorded for half an hour. The heart rate should vary on average from 120 to per minute depending on the activity level of the baby, increasing during movement. The monotony of heart contractions, a rarer heartbeat may be a sign of severe hypoxia and require immediate delivery. nine0003
If the baby does not move in the stomach for a while or moves less, is there anything to worry about? What to do to make the child "wake up" and move?
The first perceptible movements of the baby are a unique experience for a pregnant woman. Suddenly, the being in the womb becomes physically real, and she comes into direct contact with him without the help of monitors or ultrasound. Over time, pushing becomes a daily routine and a kind of dialogue.
Mom got drunk on coffee or was frightened of something, and the child abruptly starts jerking her legs and arms. And the future dad is very touched by the well-visible heels and fists traveling along the stomach. Therefore, it is not surprising that prolonged silence and calm often cause parental anxiety. How and when does the baby move in the womb? If the baby does not move in the mother's stomach for a long time, when is it worth sounding the alarm? nine0003
The fetus begins to move around the seventh week of pregnancy, but is still too small for the woman to feel anything.
The standard is that perceptible movements appear between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. Thus, if the baby does not move at 18 weeks, you just need to be a little more patient.
At the same time, it should be taken into account that women who are very slender and who have already given birth notice changes within themselves faster. At this stage, this feeling is comparable to bowel movements or "butterflies in the stomach. " If during this period, that is, if, say, at 20 weeks it happens that the child does not move for 2 days, no activity is felt, although it was regular before, there is no reason to panic. The fact is that the fetus is still so small that it can still "go underground."
From 24 weeks During pregnancy, the situation is changing: doctors talk about the appearance of stability and regularity in the movements of the baby, which, for example, sleeps all the time, and is very active in the evening. Such patterns need to be observed, because their changes can be an alarming signal. nine0003
In third trimester is no longer acrobatic stunts, but rather shaking, “murmuring”, swarming, spinning or ... hiccups - due to limited space. It happens that a protruding limb hits the mother in the ribs, and then you can gently return it back or change the position of the body so that the child also changes position.
At last week Before giving birth, there is sometimes a little "silence" of a son or daughter who does not kick as much and moves a little less due to lack of space. However, the activity cannot stop completely. Therefore, if the child does not move for a long time, this is not the norm. nine0003
How and what to do to make the child move?
The most common reason for not feeling fetal movements for some time is simply a banal sound sleep.
Babies in the womb usually sleep for a very short time - 20-40 minutes, but they happen to sleep more than an hour and a half in one "session".
If you are concerned about the baby's low activity, that the baby has not moved for a while, you can try to wake him up. How can I do that? nine0003
- Eat a little, have a snack with something sweet. As a rule, the reception works effectively.
- Another way to get the baby to move is to drink a glass of very cold water. It will change the internal temperature, and this should provoke the baby to make some movements.
- You can also try to wake up the baby by playing rhythmic music quite loudly (it happens that children perform acrobatic “somersaults” in the stomach due to a sudden noise).
- You can move around on your own, but not too monotonously, because you can get the opposite effect: instead of waking the child (and getting moral relief), you will lull him to sleep.
- If, despite these efforts, after two hours you still do not feel any movements of the child, then you need to urgently consult a gynecologist.
If the baby in the stomach does not move actively and regularly enough, the anxiety of this signal depends on the duration of pregnancy and the individual "movement schedule". But in any case, you should not panic, because these special movements can be tritely “missed”. Because few people have the opportunity, having discarded all their affairs, to sit quietly for hours and listen to what is happening inside. First you need to take measures so that the child moves. However, if doubts remain, it is still better to urgently contact a medical institution in order to dispel or confirm them and begin to act. nine0005
For future parents, the first movements of the fetus in the womb are of great importance. For the first time they are found in the middle of pregnancy.
In the first pregnancy, the movements of the baby begin to be felt later than in the second and subsequent times. Sometimes women who have not given birth yet confuse this phenomenon with muscle spasms, gas formation, etc. Why does this happen? The abdominal wall is stretched and becomes more sensitive.
When does a woman begin to feel fetal movements? nine0007
Most expectant mothers are interested in when the baby will start to push. Most often, the first movements are noticed in the middle of the 4th - the beginning of the 5th month. It is impossible to name the exact date, because it is individual. Sometimes the baby starts moving earlier, sometimes a little later. Within the specified two weeks, the onset of movements is considered the norm.
Evolution of sensations in the stomach of a future mother
As the pregnancy proceeds and the fetus develops, the nature and frequency of movements change accordingly. This must be monitored in order to consult a doctor in time if alarming signs are detected. It is necessary to inform the specialist when the baby began to move, how actively he does it. nine0003
The child does not just move randomly all day, he performs various actions. On ultrasound, they notice how the fetus swallows liquid, rotates its head, twists its arms, touches the umbilical cord, etc. If the child turns over, a change in the shape of the abdomen is observed.
The baby begins to rotate already by the 8th month, choosing a permanent position. Most often this is a head down pose. The shocks are so clear that the woman understands when the baby is sleeping or awake, what position is comfortable for him, etc.
Closer to childbirth, tremors are more felt in the right side if the baby is positioned upside down. They often cause discomfort, and to avoid it, you can lean forward or lie on your side. Also, in the later stages, the head or buttocks are fixed at the entrance to the small pelvis, the fetus moves less, because it is cramped. However, some babies start pushing harder.
How does the baby move just before birth?
In most cases, movements become less intense. This is due to two factors:
- The fetus is already large, but continues to develop. The uterus is able to stretch, but it is not dimensionless. Closer to childbirth, there is little space for the fetus, so it is constrained in movement. Also, at the end of the gestation period, the uterus descends in such a way that the baby is fixed between the pelvic bones, which further limits it.
- The fetus assumes a vertical position before delivery, when it was previously in a horizontal position - it is in the abdomen upside down. Most of the shocks fall on the upper part of the uterus, which is the least sensitive. nine0014
The fetus remains constantly active, but a pregnant woman experiences completely different sensations in the second and third trimesters. In the second, the stomach “walks with a shaker”, you can see the baby’s foot or hand through the skin. Closer to childbirth, it is no longer possible to notice this.
Why can a child move little or stop doing it?
It is not always bad when the baby began to move less or does not show physical activity at all. There may be physiological reasons for this. In other cases, it is worth thinking about the wrong course of pregnancy. One way or another, when the fetus has stopped pushing, you need to consult a doctor for advice. nine0003
Physiological causes
If the child is quiet for a minute, do not immediately run to the hospital. The lack of movement for several hours is a variant of the norm. Most likely, the baby is sleeping. This phenomenon is also explained by other factors: a change in the position of the fetus and the restriction of its movements before childbirth.
If no movement is felt for more than 3 hours, you should try to stir the baby - for example, eat sweets or drink sweet tea, lie on your left side for about an hour, take a walk, walk up the stairs. The child must respond to such actions. nine0003
As a rule, towards the end of pregnancy, a woman recognizes the baby's sleep and wake cycles, knows all his habits and preferences, so she is not particularly worried when he calms down. Excessive concern for movements in the abdomen, as well as an absolute lack of attention to this phenomenon, is not welcome.
Causes for concern
Sometimes the fetus does not move or moves less actively as a result of lack of oxygen. This can be indicated by the calmness of the baby during the day, when the mother is awake and knows that he usually does not sleep at this time. In this case, you must consult a doctor. If it is not possible to contact a gynecologist immediately, you should call an ambulance. nine0003
Doctors use a special device to listen to the fetal heartbeat, which is normally 120-160 beats per minute. If the indicators are generally normal, a cardiotocographic study is performed to assess the contractions of the baby's heart, his general condition and to identify hypoxia.
This examination takes about half an hour. If a motor reaction was not detected during it, the pregnant woman is asked to actively move, then the study is carried out again. nine0003
When hypoxia is confirmed, treatment is prescribed, which depends on the severity of the pathology. With minor deviations, pregnancy is constantly monitored, various examinations are periodically carried out. If the symptoms of hypoxia are pronounced, urgent delivery is necessary. Depending on the condition of the pregnant woman, they resort to a caesarean section or induction of labor.
How to check the movements at home?
There are tests to help check your baby's activity at home. It is recommended to get a card that you can take from a doctor or draw up yourself. Every day, it marks all the movements of the baby for a certain period of time. nine0003
The next method is called the Sadowski method. After dinner, the pregnant woman needs to lie on her left side and count the number of movements, taking into account even the most subtle ones. In an hour, the fetus should move 10 times, if the number of movements is less, you need to count them for another hour. You should be concerned if the child moves less than 10 times in 2 hours after eating in the evening.
The child seems to move a little. When to worry if the baby does not move in the stomach, and what to do to make him move? What determines the frequency of fetal movement
If the baby does not move in the stomach for a while or moves less, is there anything to worry about? What to do to make the child "wake up" and move?
The first perceptible movements of the baby are a unique experience for a pregnant woman. Suddenly, the being in the womb becomes physically real, and she comes into direct contact with him without the help of monitors or ultrasound. Over time, pushing becomes a daily routine and a kind of dialogue.
Mom got drunk on coffee or was frightened of something, and the child abruptly starts jerking her legs and arms. And the future dad is very touched by the well-visible heels and fists traveling along the stomach. Therefore, it is not surprising that prolonged silence and calm often cause parental anxiety. How and when does the baby move in the womb? If the baby does not move in the mother's stomach for a long time, when is it worth sounding the alarm? nine0003
The fetus begins to move around the seventh week of pregnancy, but is still too small for the woman to feel anything.
The standard is that perceptible movements appear between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. Thus, if the baby does not move at 18 weeks, you just need to be a little more patient.
At the same time, it should be taken into account that women who are very slender and who have already given birth notice changes within themselves faster. At this stage, this feeling is comparable to bowel movements or "butterflies in the stomach." If during this period, that is, if, say, at 20 weeks it happens that the child does not move for 2 days, no activity is felt, although it was regular before, there is no reason to panic. The fact is that the fetus is still so small that it can still "go underground."
From 24 weeks During pregnancy, the situation is changing: doctors talk about the appearance of stability and regularity in the movements of the baby, which, for example, sleeps all the time, and is very active in the evening. Such patterns need to be observed, because their changes can be an alarming signal. nine0003
In third trimester is no longer acrobatic stunts, but rather shaking, “murmuring”, swarming, spinning or ... hiccups - due to limited space. It happens that a protruding limb hits the mother in the ribs, and then you can gently return it back or change the position of the body so that the child also changes position.
At last week Before giving birth, there is sometimes a little "silence" of a son or daughter who does not kick as much and moves a little less due to lack of space. However, the activity cannot stop completely. Therefore, if the child does not move for a long time, this is not the norm. nine0003
How and what to do to make the child move?
The most common reason for not feeling fetal movements for some time is simply a banal sound sleep.
Babies in the womb usually sleep for a very short time - 20-40 minutes, but they happen to sleep more than an hour and a half in one "session".
If you are concerned about the baby's low activity, that the baby has not moved for a while, you can try to wake him up. How can I do that? nine0003
- Eat a little, have a snack with something sweet. As a rule, the reception works effectively.
- Another way to get the baby to move is to drink a glass of very cold water. It will change the internal temperature, and this should provoke the baby to make some movements.
- You can also try to wake up the baby by playing rhythmic music quite loudly (it happens that children perform acrobatic “somersaults” in the stomach due to a sudden noise). nine0014
- You can move around on your own, but not too monotonously, because you can get the opposite effect: instead of waking the child (and getting moral relief), you will lull him to sleep.
- If, despite these efforts, after two hours you still do not feel any movements of the child, then you need to urgently consult a gynecologist.
If the baby in the stomach does not move actively and regularly enough, the anxiety of this signal depends on the duration of pregnancy and the individual "movement schedule". But in any case, you should not panic, because these special movements can be tritely “missed”. Because few people have the opportunity, having discarded all their affairs, to sit quietly for hours and listen to what is happening inside. First you need to take measures so that the child moves. However, if doubts remain, it is still better to urgently contact a medical institution in order to dispel or confirm them and begin to act. nine0005
It is recommended to track the frequency of the child from 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements include not only kicks, but also rolling, light pushes. The baby can be active for a long time, or it can calm down for several hours, but at least ten episodes of movements per day are considered the norm.
Baby moves a little: reasons
A woman may notice that the baby has become smaller in her stomach. This is especially true for the middle of pregnancy, when movements are not always felt equally strong. The baby may move less when the mother is active. When walking, its smooth movements produce the effect of motion sickness and lull the child. The baby usually calms down two to three weeks before the birth, this is due to the fact that he already has practically no room for movement, he reserves strength. nine0003
What should I do if my baby is not moving well?
Scientists believe that the fetus moves more often when it lacks oxygen. However, a sign of severe hypoxia is the absence of movement for a long time. If after 28 weeks the child does not move much or does not make itself felt for 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The specialist should not only listen to the heart with a stethoscope, but also conduct cardiotocography (CTG). During this procedure, the fetal heartbeat is recorded for half an hour. The heart rate should vary on average from 120 to per minute depending on the activity level of the baby, increasing during movement. The monotony of heart contractions, a rarer heartbeat may be a sign of severe hypoxia and require immediate delivery. nine0003
For future parents, the first movements of the fetus in the womb are of great importance. For the first time they are found in the middle of pregnancy.
In the first pregnancy, the movements of the baby begin to be felt later than in the second and subsequent times. Sometimes women who have not given birth yet confuse this phenomenon with muscle spasms, gas formation, etc. Why does this happen? The abdominal wall is stretched and becomes more sensitive.
When does a woman begin to feel fetal movements? nine0007
Most expectant mothers are interested in when the baby will start to push. Most often, the first movements are noticed in the middle of the 4th - the beginning of the 5th month. It is impossible to name the exact date, because it is individual. Sometimes the baby starts moving earlier, sometimes a little later. Within the specified two weeks, the onset of movements is considered the norm.
Evolution of sensations in the stomach of a future mother
As the pregnancy proceeds and the fetus develops, the nature and frequency of movements change accordingly. This must be monitored in order to consult a doctor in time if alarming signs are detected. It is necessary to inform the specialist when the baby began to move, how actively he does it. nine0003
The child does not just move randomly all day, he performs various actions. On ultrasound, they notice how the fetus swallows liquid, rotates its head, twists its arms, touches the umbilical cord, etc. If the child turns over, a change in the shape of the abdomen is observed.
The baby begins to rotate already by the 8th month, choosing a permanent position. Most often this is a head down pose. The shocks are so clear that the woman understands when the baby is sleeping or awake, what position is comfortable for him, etc.
Closer to childbirth, tremors are more felt in the right side if the baby is positioned upside down. They often cause discomfort, and to avoid it, you can lean forward or lie on your side. Also, in the later stages, the head or buttocks are fixed at the entrance to the small pelvis, the fetus moves less, because it is cramped. However, some babies start pushing harder.
How does the baby move just before birth?
In most cases, movements become less intense. This is due to two factors:
- The fetus is already large, but continues to develop. The uterus is able to stretch, but it is not dimensionless. Closer to childbirth, there is little space for the fetus, so it is constrained in movement. Also, at the end of the gestation period, the uterus descends in such a way that the baby is fixed between the pelvic bones, which further limits it.
- The fetus assumes a vertical position before delivery, when it was previously in a horizontal position - it is in the abdomen upside down. Most of the shocks fall on the upper part of the uterus, which is the least sensitive. nine0014
The fetus remains constantly active, but a pregnant woman experiences completely different sensations in the second and third trimesters. In the second, the stomach “walks with a shaker”, you can see the baby’s foot or hand through the skin. Closer to childbirth, it is no longer possible to notice this.
Why can a child move little or stop doing it?
It is not always bad when the baby began to move less or does not show physical activity at all. There may be physiological reasons for this. In other cases, it is worth thinking about the wrong course of pregnancy. One way or another, when the fetus has stopped pushing, you need to consult a doctor for advice. nine0003
Physiological causes
If the child is quiet for a minute, do not immediately run to the hospital. The lack of movement for several hours is a variant of the norm. Most likely, the baby is sleeping. This phenomenon is also explained by other factors: a change in the position of the fetus and the restriction of its movements before childbirth.
If no movement is felt for more than 3 hours, you should try to stir the baby - for example, eat sweets or drink sweet tea, lie on your left side for about an hour, take a walk, walk up the stairs. The child must respond to such actions. nine0003
As a rule, towards the end of pregnancy, a woman recognizes the baby's sleep and wake cycles, knows all his habits and preferences, so she is not particularly worried when he calms down. Excessive concern for movements in the abdomen, as well as an absolute lack of attention to this phenomenon, is not welcome.
Causes for concern
Sometimes the fetus does not move or moves less actively as a result of lack of oxygen. This can be indicated by the calmness of the baby during the day, when the mother is awake and knows that he usually does not sleep at this time. In this case, you must consult a doctor. If it is not possible to contact a gynecologist immediately, you should call an ambulance. nine0003
Doctors use a special device to listen to the fetal heartbeat, which is normally 120-160 beats per minute. If the indicators are generally normal, a cardiotocographic study is performed to assess the contractions of the baby's heart, his general condition and to identify hypoxia.
This examination takes about half an hour. If a motor reaction was not detected during it, the pregnant woman is asked to actively move, then the study is carried out again. nine0003
When hypoxia is confirmed, treatment is prescribed, which depends on the severity of the pathology. With minor deviations, pregnancy is constantly monitored, various examinations are periodically carried out. If the symptoms of hypoxia are pronounced, urgent delivery is necessary. Depending on the condition of the pregnant woman, they resort to a caesarean section or induction of labor.
How to check the movements at home?
There are tests to help check your baby's activity at home. It is recommended to get a card that you can take from a doctor or draw up yourself. Every day, it marks all the movements of the baby for a certain period of time. nine0003
The next method is called the Sadowski method. After dinner, the pregnant woman needs to lie on her left side and count the number of movements, taking into account even the most subtle ones. In an hour, the fetus should move 10 times, if the number of movements is less, you need to count them for another hour. You should be concerned if the child moves less than 10 times in 2 hours after eating in the evening.
Why the child began to move less and what to do
The child moves a little in the stomach - what threatens it? Each expectant mother listens very carefully to the movements of her baby and always worries if their frequency and intensity go beyond the norm. What can cause a decrease in the activity of a child in the womb? nine0003
First you need to learn how to determine whether the number of movements corresponds to the norm. Pregnant women usually begin to feel tremors from 18-20 weeks. Fetal movements during pregnancy are not always regular, that is, they are not felt at a certain time interval daily. Much depends on the daily routine of the mother herself. Plentiful meals increase the activity of the child, and quiet everyday life can put him to sleep and reduce the number of movements.
And yet, how often should a baby move in the womb? Usually obstetrician-gynecologists recommend counting a series of shocks from 9hours of the morning. It is necessary to count not only distinct movements, but also episodes of barely noticeable shocks. If there are not even ten such episodes or episodes before 9 p.m., then you should consider this carefully. Why the child moves a little is a well-known fact. Small physical activity may be associated with a lack of oxygen to the child's blood.
Inactivity for several hours requires immediate medical attention. Delay can lead to severe metabolic disorders and necrosis of the tissues of the heart and brain of the child, which are most sensitive to lack of oxygen.