16 week growth spurt
Pregnancy at week 16 | Pregnancy Birth and Baby
Pregnancy at week 16 | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content4-minute read
Your baby
Your baby now weighs about 110g and is about 12.5cm – around the size of a small avocado. They are growing quickly and are about to have a growth spurt. They will roughly double in size over the next month.
The baby looks much more human now. Their eyes are no longer at the side of their head and their ears are in the right place. All of their joints are working and they can wriggle their fingers and toes.
The umbilical cord is now fully formed, with 2 arteries and 1 vein. Your baby may be gripping hold of it. They can flex their muscles and limbs and make expressions with their face, although they can’t control them yet.
Your baby at 16 weeks
Length: | 12.5cm |
Weight: | 110g |
Your body
Many women have a clear 'baby bump' by now. Some will even feel their baby moving for the first time, especially if this isn’t their first pregnancy. But don’t worry if you can’t feel anything yet – many women won’t notice their baby’s movements until 18 to 22 weeks into their pregnancy.
Increases in your blood and hormone levels might be causing you some discomfort. You might develop acne as your skin produces more oil. You might also notice varicose veins or get cramps in your legs. Exercising and stretching should help to relieve this.
As you and your baby put on weight, it’s important to take care of your back since back ache is common. Make sure you stand straight and bend and lift correctly. Doing simple stretches and exercises can also help with back ache.
Things to remember
Some women notice their libido increases during the second trimester. This is because of the hormones. Other women find they don’t want sex at all during this time.
It’s fine to have sex while you’re pregnant, unless your doctor or midwife has told you not to. It won’t harm your baby. If you or your partner don’t feel like sex, you can still be intimate by touching or massage. Every couple is different.
Your doctor may offer you further screening or diagnostic tests at this time, including a blood test and ultrasound (maternal serum screening) or amniocentesis.
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Your pregnancy at 17 weeks
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Last reviewed: August 2020
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16 Week Old Baby - Development, Milestones & Care Tips
Happy four months! Your little munchkin is 16 weeks old already and is probably making the best sound you have ever heard. Initially, taking care of your little one and even holding him in your arms must have seemed quite a task for you, but we know you must have done a great job, mommy! From now on, your little one will start meeting various milestones. His physical and mental growth will be rapid at this stage and his communication (we mean cooing and gurgling) will be the strongest among other things. It’s time you celebrate his little victories and track other important development and milestones such as talking, growth, etc.
Your 16-week-old Baby’s Development
The signs of your 16-week-old baby’s growth spurt will be more evident than before as he shows signs of rapid development, both physical and mental development. One of the major signs of development you will notice in your baby is an increase in his movement abilities and limb control. Reaching out to things by bending his body ahead and holding toys with both the hands or even moving them around are some of the signs of development you may notice. By this age, your little one should understand how to use his hands.
All your fears concerning your baby wobbling his head back and forth will subside as your baby will now be able to hold his head properly. While enjoying the tummy time under your supervision, he will try to lift his head and look right ahead. This can also give him a spur of energy and motivation to push his arms and legs to try and move ahead and take the very first steps of attempting to crawl.
Some babies start teething rather early. If your baby is one of those, you might notice slight signs of his very first tooth slowly rising to the surface. At this age, your little one may also want to put everything in his mouth.
Hours of sleepless nights while feeding your baby may come to an end as your baby may start sleeping peacefully for nearly 8 hours of the night, giving you enough time to rest and face the day fully energised.
Your baby will also start understanding when it is time to feed when he sees the feeding bottle or looks at you at a particular time of the day. He may start asserting his independence by wanting to hold the bottle by his hands or holding your breast in a particular way for his own comfort.
Communication and perception also increase to a great level by this age. Being able to follow objects will become a tad easier for him. Your baby will also be clever enough to know what kind of cries will get you to him quickly and will understand how to get what he wants. So he may constantly cry to call you for something and then instantly start smiling or laughing while interacting with someone else.
Rolling over will become a new discovery for him – an activity that he will now understand and will have the strength to do it. This will warrant keeping a watch on your kid whenever he is on the bed or on any raised surface. The best is to spread out a large mat with a soft cloth and let your baby keep rolling around on the ground.
[Also Read: 4 Months Old Baby Development]
Size of 16 Week Old Baby
This week, you passed another landmark; your 16-week-old child is now four months old.
It’s time to recognise what she has accomplished in such a brief amount of time. She is a joyful, laughing infant who can purposefully move her arms and produces the first sounds that will eventually help her learn to speak.
Normally newborns weigh between 14 and 15 pounds at 16 weeks (6.4-7 kilos). Due to their rapid growth, you could observe the development of a very cute double chin and gorgeous big thighs.
See a qualified physician if you have concerns about your child’s size.
Your Sixteen-Week-Old Baby’s Milestones
Here are some of the milestones you should look out for in your baby.
- By this age, your little one should be able to sit upright and hold his head properly as well.
This should last for about 8-10 minutes by himself.
- The giggling and smiles will be further complemented with some loud gurgle-filled laughter as he rejoices in the emotion.
- As you walk around the house, he will begin to follow your movements.
- Most of all, your baby should be able to sleep for a long time at night, giving you the much needed and desired nighttime sleep.
- Lateral movement tracking will be enhanced as well as understanding the coordination of limbs when he begins to splash water around during baths.
- Having been fed via bottles or nipples, he may start accepting spoon-feeds, too.
- When you bend his legs and help him do the cycling exercise, he will discover how his legs bend at the knees and keep himself occupied at this new discovery.
- His eyes and ears will be a lot sharper and responsive when you move around in the garden or the park.
- Your little one will now make use of his fists to hold things firmly or even use both hands to hold them together and squeeze objects.
[Also Read: 4 Months Old Baby Milestones]
Feeding a Sixteen Week Old BabyNew moms can start going to their workplace again, i.e., if they were on maternity leave. If you were working, you can start going to work again. You will have to ensure enough supply of milk or formula to feed the baby. Most women at this age are generally advised to start introducing solids to the babies. However, research has conclusively proven that breast milk is the most nutritious and important food that a baby should have for at least 1 year of his life. Having said that, you can still start trying out feeding your baby some milk or formula with a spoon. This will help exercise his mouth muscles and get him used to a different feeding style. He might get impatient since he would be used to drinking copious amounts of milk from your breast or the bottle. In certain cases, doctors might recommend giving solid foods, too. But it is completely your call if you’d wish to do so, you can. Even if you have begun, stopping the feeding of solid food items will not affect the baby adversely.
[Also Read: 4 Months Old Baby Food]
Sleeping With a 16 Week Old
Your 16-week old baby’s sleep schedule should start falling in sync with your schedule and you may find your baby sleeping through the night, which would be quite a relief for you. This may not always be the case since the cerebral and physical development at this stage is at an all-time high and most of the growth happens in deep sleep only. If your baby has not been fed properly during the day, there are higher chances of him waking up at night for a quick feed. For most other babies, they do tend to wake up at night but that isn’t because of hunger. That is a natural rhythm they settle into. In such situations, having your baby sleep next to you is advantageous. At times, your baby might wake up, make simple sounds, and go back to sleep all by himself. At other times, if the sounds continue, you can quickly give him your breast. He will suckle on it for a while until he is lulled back to sleep.
[Also Read: 4 Months Old Baby Sleep]
Separation Anxiety in 16-Week-Old BabyAt 16 weeks, babies still develop their understanding of the world and their relationships with caregivers. Separation anxiety may become more noticeable at this age, but it varies from baby to baby. Here’s some information about separation anxiety in a 16-week-old baby:
What Is Separation Anxiety?Separation anxiety is a normal developmental phase where a baby becomes more aware of their primary caregiver and may experience distress when separated. This is a sign that the baby is forming healthy attachments, which is an important
Signs of separation anxiety: At 16 weeks, signs of separation anxiety may include crying or fussing when a caregiver leaves the room or becoming more clingy and demanding attention. Some babies may also become more irritable, have trouble sleeping, or lose interest in play when separated from their caregiver.
Coping with separation anxiety: There are several things caregivers can do to help their 16-week-old baby cope with separation anxiety, such as gradually increasing the amount of time they spend away from the baby, comforting the baby with a favourite toy or blanket, and establishing predictable routines. It’s also important to respond to the baby’s distress with patience and empathy, reassuring them that you will return and offering plenty of physical affection when reunited.
Overall, separation anxiety is a normal part of a 16-week-old baby’s development, and with patience and understanding, caregivers can help their baby navigate this phase with confidence and security.
Most paediatricians and health organisations do not recommend introducing solids to a 16-week-old baby. Medical science recommends that infants should be exclusively breastfed or formula-fed for the first six months of life, and solid foods should not be introduced until around six months of age.
There are several reasons why it’s important to wait until around six months to introduce solid foods to a baby:
- Digestive system: At 16 weeks, a baby’s digestive system is still developing and may not be ready to handle solid foods. Introducing solids too early can increase the risk of digestive issues, such as constipation, diarrhoea, and upset stomach.
- Choking hazard: Babies at this age may not have developed the ability to swallow solid foods safely and could choke or gag.
- Nutritional needs: Breast milk or formula provides all the nutrition a baby needs for the first six months of life. Introducing solid foods too early may displace the nutrients in breast milk or formula, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies.
If you’re considering introducing solid foods to your 16-week-old baby, it’s important to discuss this with your paediatrician first. They can help you determine if your baby is ready for solid foods and provide guidance on the best way to introduce them safely and gradually.
Tips to Take Care of Your 16-week-old Baby
Here are some tips you should follow while caring for your 16-week-old baby.
- Most mothers opt to introduce solids at this age. You can too if you want, but don’t stop breastfeeding him. Breast milk is very nutritious for a baby, so keep breastfeeding your baby.
- At times, teething of the baby may cause him some pain and he may want to chew on to something constantly. Keep a sterile chewy toy next to him for that.
- Let your child start sitting for extended periods regularly. This will further build the strength in his back and spine.
[Also Read: 4 Months Old Baby Care]
Tests and Vaccinations
A large number of vaccines are usually administered in the weeks prior to this week. If all of them have been done as per the schedule, no additional vaccination is scheduled for this week.
At 16 weeks, babies generally have a few routine checkups, tests, and vaccinations. Here are some of the typical ones:
Checkup: The baby will have a checkup with their pediatrician to monitor their growth and development, and to address any concerns or questions that parents may have.
Vaccinations: At 16 weeks, babies typically receive several vaccinations to protect them from serious illnesses. These may include:
- DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis)
- IPV (polio)
- Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b)
- PCV13 (pneumococcal conjugate)
- Rotavirus
Your paediatrician may also recommend additional vaccines based on your baby’s individual needs and health history.
Blood tests: Some doctors may recommend blood tests to screen for certain genetic or metabolic disorders, such as sickle cell anaemia or cystic fibrosis.
Hearing screening: Some hospitals or clinics may offer a hearing screening test at this age to check for any hearing problems.
It’s important to keep track of your baby’s health record and follow up with your paediatrician regarding any recommended tests, checkups, or vaccinations.
Vaccines are critical in preventing major infections in children and infants, and they are often well-tolerated and safe. Vaccines, however, can negatively affect some children, just like any medical procedure. The following are some typical adverse reactions that could happen to a 16-week-old infant following vaccination:
- Pain or swelling at the injection site: Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site is typical in infants. Within a few days, this normally goes away.
- Fever: One typical adverse effect of several vaccines is a low-grade fever. This can be controlled with the right fever-reducing drugs, including acetaminophen.
- Fussiness or irritability: Some infants may exhibit increased fussiness or irritability after vaccination. Within a few days, this normally goes away.
- Appetite loss: Some infants may experience a loss of appetite or difficulty eating after receiving a vaccine, but this is usually brief and goes away in a day or two.
Although serious vaccination side effects are uncommon, they can include severe allergic responses, convulsions, or high fever. After your baby’s vaccinations, you must call your paediatrician immediately if you have any odd or serious symptoms. The advantages of vaccinations generally outweigh the risks of adverse reactions, and they are essential to safeguarding your child against deadly diseases.
Simple Ways to Keep Your Baby Calm During Their VaccinationsParents can employ several easy techniques to keep their baby quiet and comfortable both before and after vaccinations, which may be a stressful and difficult experience for infants. Here are a few pieces of advice:
- Touching your baby and giving them lots of hugs and physical comfort will make them feel more at ease and soothed both during and after the vaccine.
- Breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby: Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding your baby can assist in diverting their attention and offer a source of comfort during or right after the vaccine.
- Employ a pacifier: Giving your infant a pacifier during the vaccination can be a source of comfort and can help to divert their attention from the pain of the injection.
- Distract your baby: Bringing toys, books, or other distractions might keep your child engaged and offer comfort while receiving the shot.
- In order to make your baby feel more at ease during the vaccination, it’s important to remain calm and relaxed. Babies can sense their parents’ stress and anxiety.
- Employ painkillers: To help ease any pain or discomfort your infant may feel following the vaccine, your paediatrician may advise using acetaminophen or similar drugs.
After vaccination, it’s common for babies to feel uncomfortable or irritable, so be sure to comfort and support them as much as you can. Please contact your paediatrician if you have any worries about how your infant may respond to the immunisation.
Games and Activities to Keep Your Baby Engaged
As your baby will be able to sit upright for longer and support his own head, you can involve him in a number of games. As he can also look around quite a bit, you can start by making soap bubbles for him. This can be played in the hall but also in the bathroom since there will be soap and water quite a bit. Make sure your little one is seated firmly in a seat or on the bed secured properly on all sides. Then start blowing bubbles and let them float all around. The mere sight of floating bubbles will get him all excited. Pop the bubbles with your fingers or let them settle on your hand. This will let him know that it is fine to touch these bubbles. Once that happens, there’s no stopping him from trying to grab them all.
Your baby will also enjoy listening to music and songs. By this age, he may also remember certain sounds. So try making up a song of your own, where you start pointing at yourself and say ‘mama’, point at the father and say ‘dada’ and so on. These simple words will help him associate different people accordingly.
[Also Read: 4 Months Old Baby Games and Activities]
When to Consult a Doctor
Most babies gain substantial weight around this week which is within the expected norms. If your baby does not gain enough weight as per his age, it is suggested that you have your baby’s paediatrician look into the matter.
Apart from that, if your 16-week old baby’s fussiness keeps increasing and he does not sleep as much as needed, he does not eat properly or respond to sounds, you should refer a doctor a the earliest.
Once your baby turns four months of age, he will start taking his own measures at exploring the world and learning new things even more passionately. As much joy as that would bring, it is important you be on guard so that he doesn’t end up hurting himself. Start babyproofing certain places around the home and keep the environment safe and secure to ensure he grows properly and remains unhurt.
Previous Week: 15 Weeks Old Baby
Next Week: 17 Weeks Old Baby
Growth Rapships in Children - Article Babysleep on Leaks of Development of Week in Children
Tatyana Chkhikvishvili
Tatyana Chkhikikvishvili
Head of online programs, psychologist, consultant for consultant, consultant sleep and breastfeeding
mother of two children
For the first 1. 5 years of life, the child changes fantastically! Height, weight, physical skills and mental abilities - never again in his life will his development be so rapid.
But the development of the child does not occur evenly, but in leaps. Suddenly, unexpectedly, some new skill appears in the crumbs, and then for some time nothing new seems to happen. In fact, a new skill has a preparatory period, about a week. And this week is a real crisis for both the baby and the parents.
These crises in the development of children are noticeable and natural, Dr. Hetty Vandereit and Professor Frans Ploy - psychologists, specialists in the field of early childhood development - even created a special calendar of child crises.
But don't be afraid! Each crisis is a consequence of the development of the child, so these crisis weeks are more likely to add up to a calendar of jumps in the development of the child. Each crisis is a jump in the development of the nervous system, a jump in the growth of the brain, the emergence of new abilities in a child. For a baby, this is comparable to the discovery of a new, completely unknown world. Of course, this worries the child. During a crisis, he can worry, act up, cry, sleep and eat worse.
Change is too fast. They are incomprehensible to the child, he is excited and frightened. During a crisis, the baby really needs your attention and help. Be patient. It is in your power to help your child go through every crisis, every growth spurt easier and faster.
The growth spurt table shows how developmental spurts are distributed over the weeks of a baby's life. Weeks highlighted in light green show crisis. Lightning and blue color indicates the most difficult time. The crisis is followed by weeks marked in white - this is a calm period, the end of the crisis. The child successfully survived another leap and mastered something new. Until the next developmental leap and a new crisis, there will be a rather calm time when the baby consolidates new skills.
Child crisis calendar
Developmental leaps in children occur at about the same age. Up to 1.5 years, the child experiences 10 such jumps. At first, each crisis is short, and they often succeed each other. Gradually, the intervals between crisis periods lengthen, but the duration of each jump also increases.
If the baby was born prematurely, see the growth spurt calendar from the due date (DOT). If the baby was born late, start counting earlier, also with the PDD.
BabySleep prepared a series of articles about growth spurts in children. Learn how to recognize the approach of each crisis, what your child will learn after it ends, what difficulties may arise and how to help your child cope with them.
A series of articles prepared on the basis of the book “The Wonder Weeks: How to Turn Your Baby's Eight Great Fussy Phases into Magical Leaps Forward”, Hetty Vanderijt, Frans Plooij (“Naughty? So developing!”, Hetty Vanderijt, Frans Ploy)
', nextArrow: '', responsive: [{breakpoint: 1199, settings: {arrows: !1, infinite: !1, slidesToShow: 1}}] }) })growth spurts | Novgorodskie Vedomosti
How to help a schoolchild to become taller
They say that other people's children grow up quickly. Not true: their own too! They do it most actively in the first year of life. The next growth spurt, the so-called first physiological stretch, ends in the first grade, followed by the second, already in adolescence.
On average, at such moments, children become 9-10 cm taller per year.
Only now some guys double the standard, while others are hopelessly behind it, which causes a lot of grief and worries. Is it so scary, and what does the growth of a child depend on? Can it be influenced? Tatyana BUTENKO, a teenage doctor, answers these questions.
According to the standard
Whether a child meets the age standard for growth can be found out by a special formula: height (cm) \u003d 5x + 75. Here x is the age of the student (that is, the number of full years), 5 cm is the average annual increase in height, and 75 cm is the average body length that babies reach by the age of one. These calculations are correct for children of primary school age (up to 12 years old). Then the second physiological traction begins - instead of 5 cm, as before, the teenager begins to add 9-10 cm per year. The peak growth rate occurs at 12 years of age.
It can be seen from the table that boys and girls take turns stretching. Schoolgirls begin to grow intensively from the age of 11-12, stretching by an average of 9-10 cm, a maximum of 15 cm. Then the bone growth zones close, and the young ladies grow up quite a bit. But the guys are accepted to stretch up: the jump falls on 13-14 years. During the year, young men become 10-15 cm taller, and some even 20-25 cm taller!
Stick a children's measuring tape on the wall and mark the child's height on it, putting the date of measurement next to each mark. Repeat them every month. This data is not only a memory of childhood, but also the most valuable information about the physical development of a son or daughter. It may be needed by a doctor if the child begins to lag behind in growth or, on the contrary, stretches too violently.
Just don't panic
Having suddenly found out that he is a cut below his peers, a sixth grader experiences real suffering. He needs the unfortunate 10-15 cm like air! No amount of talk about the fact that growth is not the point, the main thing is to be smart, healthy, talented, does not help. Meanwhile, you should not lose heart - after all, teenagers of the same age grow in different ways. Some of them complete their so-called “longitudinal growth” by the age of 17-18, while others begin to stretch later and do it more slowly: the process continues up to 20 years. The rate of growth and its limit are determined by heredity and living conditions. A fifth grader who is not high in relation to his peers by the tenth grade can catch up with them, and even outgrow someone.
Parents should not be frightened by the apparent lag of their son behind girls, whose greatest growth spurt occurs at 11-13 years of age. At this time, they quickly overtake boys in many parameters of physical development, including growth. However, the boys themselves, unlike their mothers, are usually not too upset by this fact. Jealous attitude and increased attention to their own and other people's growth occurs in them later - at the age of 13-15. This is a time of rapid stretching and intense puberty. For two years, the increase in body length for most young men is 10-14 centimeters.
At the same time, the stratification in the adolescent environment is very large: the difference in height among classmates of the same age can reach 15 cm. And among girls, a different trend is observed: if from 11 to 13 years old, a schoolgirl gained 11 cm in height, then from 15 to 17 years old, an increase will be no more than 2 cm. This is quite normal.
Would you like to know how your child will look like by the age of 20? To do this, you need to add the height of both parents, divide the resulting amount by two and subtract 6.5 cm from the result if you have a daughter, or add the same amount if you have a son.
Nowhere below
However, there are critical lows that should be taken as cause for alarm by parents. The lower limit of child height is as follows: 129 cm at 11 years old, 133 cm at 12 years old, 138 cm at 13 years old, 145 cm at 14 years old, 151 cm at 15 years old, 157 cm at 16 years old, 160 cm at 17 years old. If a child, especially a boy, does not reach these values, be sure to show it to a pediatric endocrinologist.
As a rule, the majority of short children have constitutional growth retardation due to hereditary causes. Their parents at school age were also small and grew more slowly than expected. But over time, they caught up with their peers. In such cases, you need to help nature.
Make sure that your child's diet contains enough lactic acid products containing calcium: bones need it for growth. A teenager needs 1500 mg before and 1400 mg after 14 years of age. To replenish calcium, a student should eat 3-4 cheese sandwiches every day and drink the same number of cups of yogurt or kefir (this important substance is absorbed better from fermented milk products than from milk).