Episode 4 – Mothering Myths: Part 1 of 5 // Podcast

Thank you for joining us as we begin this five-part series focusing on five prevalent mothering myths. Over the next few weeks, we will be addressing those things which get in the way of the abundant life God has for us as moms. In this particular episode, we’ll be tackling Myth #1: I Should Have It All Together, All the Time. Instead of striving for perfection, let’s encourage each other to find joy and peace in His plan for us, and not lose sight of the fact that we are His MASTERPIECE!

If you appreciate what you hear in this episode, would you be so kind as to share this with your friends? It’s as easy as utilizing one of the share buttons at the bottom of the post. Thank you for helping us get the word out! We would love for moms everywhere to find hope, encouragement, and camaraderie in the things we discuss. Your help plays a vital role in doing just that as we get this ministry off the ground.

We appreciate you. Now, on to Episode 4!


  1. Andrea Sandefur says

    Thanks gals. This season of being mommy is pretty tough, and I really appreciated your memories of preschool parenting :) This is one momma that definitely DOES NOT have it all together, and I’m very thankful that it isn’t a requirement for the job!!

  2. Kristina Visser says

    Thank you so much for this. It is so good to know that I am not alone in this mommy thing! And, it helps me to realize that I need to be that friend that encourages my friends that we are all not perfect and it is OK!!!! I have been fighting with myself about the thing of just being me and not trying to be someone else. Thank you so much for always bringing us back to the LORD! It is sooo good.:)

  3. Audra says

    Thank you ladies, for doing this. And thank you to God, for having me listen to it tonight.

    I’m not feeling well, sinus headache, and even my four year old caught on, “I think that you aren’t being very nice because you don’t feel good.” *slap to the forehead*

    But it did provide me with the opportunity to aplogize, and say I think I should ask Jesus to help me be more patient and kind.

    I left the room abruptly, returned several times to put them back in bed, so I have to admit I did not ask Jesus for help. However, He is so good to not let His children continue on in when in the wrong. I do desire to show my children Jesus more than they see me, and now that my heart is humbled, I think I can actually go and try to make things right with my precious babies.

  4. Christina says

    Hello, Masterpiece Mom Ladies, I just discovered your blog and am catching up on podcasts as I fold laundry. Your realness and encouragement is exactly what I’ve been needing, especially this podcast so far. I have three children under age six with my youngest being fifteen months. We’ve gone through a very sleepless winter due to ear infections, had a two month break with health and sleep and now this last week my little guy is coming out with molars, eye teeth and of course an ear infection to go with it. I had the worst mom moment when two nights ago, the fifth of no sleep, and a clouded mind I couldn’t help my son with his pain through the night only to realize at five in the morning that he had been poopy all night with a very sore bum by that time. Everything inside me broke and I sobbed feeling like such a failure and so ashamed that I could have missed that and caused more pain on top of what he was already feeling. This just added to the struggle with feeling like I fail so much and that my ‘not having it all together’ defines who I am as a mom. So thankful for your encouragement that despite the hard times and feelings, God remains good and loving all the time. Yesterday I could hardly speak about what happened and now it feels good to write it out and let it go. Anyway, may you be very blessed through your ministry, I feel like I know you girls because I too share a wonderful friendship with a mom who also does things differently than me and having a mom friend to walk the road with means so much.

    • says


      We are so excited to have you join this community! Welcome! Love that we are in this task and joy of motherhood together. Just know that you are not alone! Not only has our faithful God equipped you with just the right gifts and talents for your family, but He knows you are the best mom for your kids. He has chosen YOU! So thankful He doesn’t expect perfection, because as you well know, none of us are perfect. Excited to hear what you think of the next few mothering myths (#4 just came out today)…

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