Episode 2 – The Good, the Hard, & the Unexpected // Podcast

This week on the podcast, we will be discussing the good, the hard, and the unexpected parts of motherhood in this current season of life. And of course we’ll throw in some stories (this time about wildlife in Alaska) along with some goofiness as we talk about our culture’s obsession with bacon.

Thanks so much, everyone, for the outpouring of love and encouragement these last several days since launching our site and podcast! It’s been a fun, yet challenging leap into the world of podcasting, but we’re thrilled to be back with the newest installment of our weekly episode.

After you listen, would you consider doing something for us? Could you head over to iTunes and review our podcast? Not only would these two newbies love to hear your thoughts, but others would benefit as they’re encouraged to listen as well. Many thanks.


If you could pick just one thing each, what would be the good, the hard, and the unexpected parts of your current season of motherhood? We would love to hear from you.


  1. Alayna Sucevich says

    My good:
    Small meaningful moments like this- when my 5 year old daughter asks me a question and I answer, and her reply is, “wow mom, you really DO know everything!” Or when my 3 year old son says to me,”mom, I just wish I could marry you cause I love you soooo much.” Lol
    My Hard: practicing what I preach down to the littlest thing ’cause as a stay-at-home mom my kids are ALWAYS watching!!
    My unexpected: I never thought I would ask my husband if he could make it possible for me to shower and take a poop all by myself on Mother’s Day! No gifts needed… Those two “luxuries” would be enough!! Lol…and sorry for being a tad graphic but I think other moms will completely relate!

  2. Merry says

    With adult kids who are 27, 25, and 22; two grand babies; and 1 semi-retired husband.
    My good: Being confided in and needed by my adult kids.
    My hard: Letting go….and trusting that God will keep my adult kids and praying they keep themselves in Him.
    My unexpected: The empty nest that can be very full and satisfying if I am settled and content in Jesus.

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