More Read-ia, Less Media {Masterpiece Weekend}

Do you ever just get sick of the internet? of gadgets, phones, and the like? I do. But quite honestly, I don’t do much about it. Much of what I “do” is there. So maybe that’s why I get so sick of it.

But you and I both know that it’s near impossible to sneak on and off the internet by doing exactly what you set out to do, and nothing more. It’s hard. Or maybe your thing is the TV, or Netflix, or, or, or…

This month and beyond, I’m hoping to be more present in my life. And do you know what? I’d like to do more reading. Real paper book reading. Screen-less reading.

This weekend, I’m proposing (if you’ll join me), that we move into a season of More Read-ia, Less Media. And if you’re on social media, tag me so I can see what you’re reading by using the hashtag #morereadialessmedia

It sounds like an oxymoron to use a hashtag on social media at a time like this. But I’m not saying we fast from social media (but you can if you want!), I’m just saying we be more intentional.

So how about it? I have a whole stack of books that are begging me to read them faster than the snails pace I’ve been allowing myself.

If you’re curious, here’s what’s in my stack of real paper books this month:

The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst (I’m almost done with this one. Love it.)

Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker (I’m 1/4 through. Ooh, it’s good.)

The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp (Reading this one through for the second time. A beautiful Advent companion.)

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – (“Some instructions on writing and life”)

of course, The Bible


What’s in your stack this month? I’d LOVE to know.

Just scroll up to the top and leave a comment! Happy weekend, everyone.

Amanda Bacon

Amanda Bacon

Amanda is a stay-at-home mom of eight kids and has been married for sixteen years to the most helpful man on the planet. She is an adoption advocate and encouraging voice for moms everywhere.
Amanda Bacon

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  1. Bonnie says

    I have had enough media too, but MUST continue!! Audio books are more realistic for me so I’m currently “ear reading” “Captivating” by John & Stasi Eldredge. I’m very impressed with it so far.

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