Episode 14 – The Troublesome Twins: Mom and Worry // Podcast

Moms and Worry just seem to go together. Like bacon and eggs. From anxiousness over finances, children’s health, family safety, to all those pesky To-Do’s, we mamas are queens of worrying.

But worry doesn’t have to come with the territory of motherhood. In fact, it can keep us from experiencing some pretty amazing things: like peace, rest, eternal perspective, and seeing His provision, just to name a few.

Join us as we discuss ways to stop worry in its tracks and replace it with something better. It’s time to lay those worries down, Mom, and trust that He’s got it all under control.

Thanks for listening! Now stop being a worrywart and go share this link with all your friends.



  1. Nancy says

    Thanks for the encouragement! I have been worrying about the upcoming birth of our baby, but realized I need to go to Him for peace!

    • Amanda Bacon says

      You bet, Nancy. :) And congratulations on the impending birth! Great news. Praying God’s peace floods your heart while you wait.

  2. Diana A. says

    You ladies are doing a wonderful job! :) It’s my favorite to listen to like 3 podcasts in a row while My Littles is taking her nap. I, as well, officially have a black thumb…and yes I was not able to keep my succulent alive. Sigh…oh well. Maybe my hubby will be an excellent gardener once we have our own home :)

  3. says

    How is it every time I come over here I hear or read something that I have been dealing with at that time. It is totally a GOD thing, I know it is!! Everything that you talked about was like listening to my own heart!
    Thanks girls! You are always such encouragements to me! Always pointing to the LORD!

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