Yesterday in church, our pastor took a moment to speak directly to the fathers in our congregation. He didn’t preach a Father’s Day sermon, but as the service closed, he spurred the dads on to be their child’s greatest source of encouragement, and someone their children gravitate toward.
Even though it was directed at the men, it hit me right between the eyes.
I absolutely desire for Jeremy and I to be our kids’ greatest source of earthly encouragement. But are we?
Do they gravitate toward us? Toward him? Toward me?
If not, or not in certain ways, why not?
How are we training them to steer clear of us, seeking validation and kindness in other people or things?
Are we encouraging our kids toward a Christ-following life, rather than a great big set of rules that stifle?
How are we nit-picking, controlling, and hovering?
These are some questions I’ve been asking myself as I seek to be a greater encouragement to my kids. Our culture and world can be so cruel and crushing to our children. Shouldn’t we be the ones who build them up?
How can we create an atmosphere of safety and hope and encouragement right here in our homes while we have these children for these years?
This is something I’ll continue to ponder. What can we do today to be the champions of our children?
Let’s share our ideas together in the comments. Finish this sentence:
To encourage, rather than discourage my child/children, today I will _______________________________.