When can i start using baby products on my newborn
Bathing your baby | Ready Steady Baby!
Bathing your baby's a lovely way to spend time together and bond with them.
It’s natural to feel a bit worried if you’ve never done it before, though.
Confidence will come
Some people find they’re so careful it takes ages to give a bath in the first few weeks. This is completely natural and you’ll get more confident as the weeks go on.
Don’t worry too much if your baby doesn’t like having a bath at first – some babies don’t. They should get used to it and start to enjoy it more after a few weeks.
Start a routine
Whether it’s a bath, a top and tail or a nappy change, try and keep to the same routine each time you do it. This helps your baby learn what’s happening and feel safe.
Talk to them at each step and tell them what you’re doing so they can pick up the routine.
Before bathing your baby
Before you give your baby a bath:
- get everything ready and make sure the room's warm and free of draughts
- get out a towel, a fresh nappy and some clean clothes
- check the water's the right temperature and your baby's awake and ready
- wash your hands
Filling the bath
When filling the bath:
- put cold water in the bath first, then add hot - test the temperature with your elbow, it should feel comfortably warm
- fill it to about 8 to 10 cm of water so they can move their arms and legs about
Putting baby in the bath
To put your baby in the bath safely:
- lower them into the water on their back
- support their head, shoulders and back with both hands
If you use your bath you’ll need to lean over your baby, which isn’t very comfortable. Usually it's easier to use a basin or a small baby bath on the floor. When they’re bigger and you’re feeling more confident, you could try a slightly deeper bath.
Bathing your baby
To bath your baby:
- keep one hand under their head and shoulders to support them
- use your free hand to wet their body - if they only have a little hair, rinse their head by pouring some water over it with your hand
- rub over the skin gently with a clean cloth
Dry your baby in a large, soft warm towel, put on their nappy and dress them.
Using soaps and shampoos
Only use plain water for newborn babies.
You can start using unperfumed baby bath from about 4 to 6 weeks, but be careful to only use a little so you don’t damage your baby’s skin.
Babies with longer hair may need a drop of mild shampoo on wet hair, lathered and rinsed off.
Washing between the folds
Some babies have folds of skin, especially round their neck, thighs and wrists. Milk can get trapped there which can irritate the skin, making it sore.
Clean inside these folds gently.
Washing the birth stump
The stump of the umbilical cord usually falls off by itself after around 10 days, leaving a perfect tummy button. Don't worry if it takes a little longer or seems a bit smelly. Let the water wash gently around it to remove any discharge.
Topping and tailing your baby
You don’t have to bath your baby every day – instead you can give them a quick top and tail.
Topping and tailing is a quick alternative to a bath and you can do it once or twice a day.
What you'll need
To top and tail your baby you'll need:
- cotton wool or two soft clean cloths
- a bowl of warm water
- a fresh nappy
- clean clothes if you need them
- a bin, bag or bucket for waste
How to top and tail your baby
To top and tail your baby:
- Wash your hands
- Undress your baby on their back and leave the nappy on - if they’re very young they may be more comfortable if you wrap them in a towel to keep warm
- Wipe their face, neck and ears with cotton wool or a soft cloth dipped in warm water and dry them with cotton wool, a cloth or a soft towel
- Wipe their underarms and dry them
- Take the nappy off and, if they’re a very new baby, wash off any discharge that’s come from the stump of the umbilical cord
- Wash their genitals and bottom – for girls, wipe with a clean wet cloth or cotton wool from front to back
- Pat the skin dry
- Put on a fresh nappy and dress them
Be gentle when cleaning your baby's genital area - never try to pull back a baby boy’s foreskin.
Your baby's finger and toenails
Keep fingernails and toenails neat and trimmed, as your baby might scratch the skin on their face.
Use special baby nail scissors with rounded edges and don’t cut too far down.
Cradle cap
Cradle cap's a common scalp condition in babies. It shows up as scaly, greasy patches on their scalp, a bit like bad dandruff.
It’s nothing to worry about – in fact it’s a sign that your baby’s skin is growing.
Try rubbing baby oil or vegetable oil into your baby’s scalp to loosen the scales, and then rinse it off. If the scalp looks red or seems infected, get advice from your midwife, health visitor, family nurse or pharmacist.
Translations and alternative formats of this information are available from Public Health Scotland.
When To Start Bathing Your Newborn and How to Choose the Right Product
Giving your baby a bath can be tricky if you’re a new parent. Each baby is different when it comes to how enjoyable bath time is, but in every case, there are important things to think about, especially when it comes to your baby’s safety and health.
One of these important factors is baby bath products. When should you start using bath products on your little one? And what kind of products are the safest and most optimal to use? The best place to start is by understanding the difference between babies’ skin and our own. That knowledge will guide you as a parent to choosing the best baby shampoo and body wash possible.
How Does Baby Skin Differ From Adult Skin
Infant skin, while it may look supple and flawless, is more sensitive and vulnerable than adult skin. The barrier between the baby’s bloodstream and the outside world is weaker than ours and even more so in babies that are premature. This puts babies at a higher risk of infection as well as an excess loss of water.
Knowing that babies have such sensitive skin is a good starting point for understanding how to take care of it, especially during their bath time.
What Kind of Baby Bath Products Are Best For Newborns
Choose products that are as gentle as possible. The best baby shampoos and body washes have simple limited ingredients. A product is not necessarily good just because it is a well-known brand or has attractive packaging. Be sure to read the ingredients and labels closely.
Many parents these days figure that organic baby shampoo and body wash is the way to go. While safe and gentle products tend to have organic ingredients, organic ingredients per se do not guarantee that the product is right for your newborn. The same is true of “natural” products.
Look for a baby wash that is:
- Made from ingredients that are known to be beneficial or harmless to babies (such as coconut oil or rose water)
- Made of fewer ingredients rather than more
- Free from parabens fragrance colourants or aggressive foaming agents
- If possible, made from edible ingredients.
When Can I Use Baby Shampoo on My Newborn
Contrary to what some believe there is no reason to wait until your baby’s umbilical cord falls off before you give him a bath as long as you make sure to dry the umbilical stump afterwards. You can bathe your baby as early as a few hours after birth although it’s okay to wait a few days.
As long as your newborn has hair there is nothing wrong with shampooing within the first week. Since shampoo usually doubles as a body wash for most products for infants, it’s doubly important to screen the ingredients carefully before use. Choose a product that has simple ingredients and does not have sulfates or any other foaming agents.
Why is Water-Only Bathing Not Recommended For Newborns
The factors to keep in mind when it comes to choosing safe baby shampoos and body washes can seem like a bit much at first. Some parents may, in fact, wonder if it’s safer to bathe their baby in water only. They may rationalize that water-only bathing is safer since they don’t have to worry about whether or not a baby bath product will do more harm than good.
The problem with using only water is that it tends to dry out the skin. This is especially true if the water that comes out of your faucet is hard water. Dry skin can lead to irritation, scaling and other problems. Therefore, it’s best to use gentle infant bath products with the qualities already mentioned – and also, ideally, ones that have a liquid consistency that is easily diluted.
Once you have found the ideal baby shampoo and body wash for your little one you can figure out a routine that works for the two of you. Some babies love to stay in the water longer than others, but in any case, bath-time can become a meaningful ritual and bonding experience for the two of you.
Researching for natural and safe products takes a lot of time. Currently, one of the most secure product out there is the Babyology Wash & Shampoo made with 100% edible ingredients. Be sure to check it on Amazon.
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Certification of clothes for children - Quantum Group Certification Center
Order the service
You can place an order for certification of children's products you are interested in from Quantum group specialists through the contact forms specified here, as well as through the online form.
Before the release of children's products, the manufacturer/seller needs to confirm the safety of their products. For this purpose, mandatory certification is carried out.
Requirements for the characteristics of children's clothing are approved in the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of products intended for children and adolescents." 9 are subject to mandatory certification0009 underwear , summer headwear , suit , dress , top etc. products for children under 1 year old .
In the production of clothing intended for children over the age of one, it is obligatory to draw up a declaration of compliance with the safety requirements specified by the technical regulations.
Another mandatory procedure, in case of release for sale of disposable sanitary and hygienic products (diapers, underpants, diapers, etc.), knitted or textile underwear for children , is a state registration. This form of conformity assessment is carried out for products for children under 3 years old.
Confirmation of the safety of children's clothing is carried out in accordance with the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 28 dated March 5, 2013, which approved a complete list of products for children subject to mandatory certification, declaration and / or state registration. You can view the document here.
State registration is carried out at the stage of putting goods into production (for products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union), and for products imported to the border of the Customs Union for the first time - before they are imported. After obtaining a certificate of state registration, a declaration of conformity is provided.
A complete list of children's clothing, which is subject to mandatory safety confirmation, is presented in the provisions of the TR CU for products for children and adolescents.
You also need to familiarize yourself with the catalog of codes for the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP) for domestic products:
Items: | OKP code: |
Linen | 84 1000, 85 4000 |
Hosiery | 84 3000 |
Wearable | 85 2000, 85 3000 |
Upper | 84 2000, 85 1000 |
Hats | 84 5000, 85 6000 |
Table 1. Material: TN VED code: 611120, 620920 611130, 620930 611190, 620990 OKP codes for products for children that require a mandatory certificate0005
Cotton yarn Synthetic threads Other textiles
Table 2. HS codes for children's goods subject to mandatory certification in the world market (stability of production, availability of a QMS certificate, etc.).
Compliance with established standards is verified during product testing. For children's products, special attention is paid to indicators of hygroscopicity, breathability, rigidity, color fastness to various influences. Laboratory experts determine the chemical composition of clothing and correlate the values obtained with the maximum permissible standards.
Please note that products intended for newborns must not contain artificial fibers. All goods must be made only from natural fabrics without internal seams.
The results of the verifications are recorded in the protocols, and on their basis a decision is made to issue a certificate.
What documents are needed for a newborn baby in 2022 and how to apply for them
Sergey Nemchinov
quickly collected documents for my son
Author profile
In order for the state to know about the newborn and get rights, documents are needed.
In 2019, our son was born. My wife and I have been preparing for this for a long time, realizing that it will not be easy. A month before the birth of the child, we agreed on who was responsible for what. My wife took care of healthy eating and cleanliness in the house, and I took care of the collection of documents and shopping trips. The upbringing, development of the child and walking with him have become common tasks.
In the article I will tell you what documents a newborn needs, which ones will be useful for benefits and public services, and which ones can be issued later or can be dispensed with altogether.
Types of documents for a newborn
I divided all my son's documents into two types: basic, which are required constantly or often, and non-basic, which are rarely needed.
I attributed to the main ones:
- Birth certificate.
- Registration at the place of residence according to Form No. 8.
- CHI policy.
I put the following documents in the list of minor documents:
- A note about the child in the parents' passports.
- Stamp of Russian citizenship on the birth certificate.
- Paper certificate of TIN.
- Foreign passport.
In addition, we had to attach the child to the clinic, put the child on the waiting list for kindergarten, receive payments at birth, and add our son to our profile on public services. The latter is optional, but I thought it would be convenient and definitely not superfluous. If information about the child is available on public services, you can, for example, sign him up to see a doctor via the Internet.
How to receive documents and services
I made the following plan for myself in advance:
- To receive documents from the maternity hospital. They are needed to complete other paperwork.
- Get your son's birth certificate at the registry office as soon as possible: you won't get other documents without it.
- Already with a birth certificate, issue a permanent registration of your son and SNILS through the MFC.
- Enter information about the child in the internal passport.
- Issue a compulsory medical insurance policy at the insurance company.
I intended to spend a week on all this.
TIN and citizenship mark I decided to make on the occasion when I am near the tax or migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was not in my plans to set aside time for this. I did not issue a foreign passport for my son: this is not necessary yet.
After receiving the compulsory medical insurance policy and registration, I was going to attach the child to the clinic and put him on the waiting list for kindergarten. It took a day and full access to the public services portal.
I'll tell you more about how I collected documents for my son and what services I arranged for him.
Mandatory Document
Documents from the maternity hospitalThe collection of documents begins at the maternity hospital. Upon discharge, we were given the following papers:
- Medical birth certificate. You will need it at the registry office to issue a regular birth certificate. The medical certificate is issued by the medical organization where the birth took place. If this happened at home, it is issued by the clinic or hospital where the woman went after giving birth.
If twins or triplets are born, medical certificates are issued for each child.
- Birth certificate. It is needed for the state to pay for medical care for women during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for monitoring a child in a clinic during the first year of life.
- Discharge summary. In it, the attending physician describes how the birth went, what tests and ultrasounds were performed on the child, and what recommendations the doctors gave. It also indicates the weight, height and other indicators of the child. A copy of the discharge summary will be needed by the pediatrician and gynecologist.
Procedure for issuing a medical birth certificate
Order of the Ministry of Health on a birth certificate
In addition to the documents, we were given an instruction where it was written that the district pediatrician would come home in the next few days after discharge. You don’t need to specifically call him: the maternity hospital itself will send a request to the clinic at the place of the child’s future residence. The address of the mother is indicated in the questionnaire upon admission to the maternity hospital. The pediatrician needs to give the birth certificate and the discharge summary.
Mandatory Document
Birth certificateWhat is it. A birth certificate is the main document of a child under 14 years old, that is, until the moment when he can get a passport.
Art. 23 of the Law "On acts of civil status"
A birth certificate certifies the fact of the birth of a child on a certain day and in a certain place. It can also be used to identify parents in order to judge the citizenship of the child by their citizenship.
Where required. A birth certificate is required everywhere: without it, you cannot get other documents, public services, benefits and payments, such as a lump sum at birth. A certificate is required to receive medical care and register.
Where to apply. Registry offices, MFCs and some maternity hospitals can issue a birth certificate.
It is more convenient and faster to get a certificate at the maternity hospital: it will be given upon discharge, you do not need to go anywhere else. But this opportunity is not available in all regions of Russia.
In 2022, at the MFC, a birth certificate is usually issued immediately - within an hour after the application is submitted. This is convenient because MFCs are open daily from 08:00 to 20:00. Plus, you can come at a pre-selected time without a queue. In the registry office of any region, the document is issued on the same day.
I live in Yaroslavl, so I decided to contact the registry office: in my city, maternity hospitals do not issue birth certificates, and registration through the MFC took several days.
Beforehand, I called the registry office at the place of registration and specified the list of required documents and reception hours. In my case, it was possible to come at any time from 9:00 to 17:00, except for lunch from 12:00 to 13:00. It makes no sense to arrive 5 or even 10 minutes before lunch or the end of the working day. I was promised to issue a certificate within an hour.
As a result, taking into account the waiting in a small queue and filling out the application, the child's birth certificate was issued to me in 30 minutes.
One-time allowance for the birth of a child
Together with the birth certificate, I was given a birth certificate. The certificate is valid for 6 months. It is needed to apply for a federal lump sum for the birth of a child.
I applied for this allowance at work 2 months after the birth of my son. In February 2020, he took the application for payment to the accounting department, attached copies of the marriage and birth certificates of his son, a birth certificate, a certificate from his wife's place of work stating that she did not receive this payment. In April, I was given 17,479.73 R along with salary. If the child was born after February 1, 2022, the payment will be higher - 20,472.77 R.
How to get payments when a child is born
the payment can be received through the MFC, the department of social protection or on the website of regional public services.
A parent brings a certificate of birth to work in the accounting department A certificate from the place of work that the other parent did not receive a lump sum must be submitted in the originalWhat documents are needed. To issue a birth certificate, you will need the following documents:
- Application for birth from both parents according to form No. 1. The form will be issued at the registry office, MFC or at the maternity hospital, it can be filled out on the spot by hand. Another application can be downloaded and filled in advance.
- Medical birth certificate.
- Parents' original passports.
- Original marriage certificate or other document that can be used to add information about the father to the birth certificate, such as a certificate of paternity.
Original passports and marriage certificates must be submitted once when applying for an employee of the MFC or registry office to check the personal data of the parents. The medical birth certificate is taken away.
Declaration of birth. By law, an application for the birth of a child must be made within a month after the birth. But there are no sanctions for violating this deadline.
Art. 16 of the Law "On acts of civil status"
The most important thing in the application is to correctly indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the child. The name is not allowed to be composed of numbers, alphanumeric characters, numerals, symbols and signs, except for a hyphen. Also, there should not be swear words, indications of ranks, positions, titles. For example, you cannot name a child Prince Vladimir, Catherine 2020, Peter the Fourth. Otherwise, birth registration will be refused.
Art. 18 of the Law "On acts of civil status"
The surname of the child is recorded according to the surname of the parents. If they are different, you can give the last name of one of the parents or double the name of the father and mother in any order. A double surname must consist of a maximum of two words, which are connected by a hyphen.
If the parents are married, the patronymic of the child is recorded by the name of the father, unless it can be abandoned according to national custom. In the case when they are not married and there is no certificate of paternity, the mother can give the patronymic.
At the request of the parents, the nationality of the child can be indicated on the birth certificate. To do this, you need to check the box in the appropriate field of the application and write the nationality.
Nationality is not citizenship. You can be a citizen of Russia, but by nationality - a Tatar or a Chuvash. We are both Russians, so we indicated that our child is Russian.
I wrote an application to the registry office. It turned out that the wife also had to come to confirm the last name, first name and patronymic of her son, which I indicated in the application, and put my signature. We lived not far, so I went to the house, my wife signed the application, and I returned with him to the registry office. If we filled out the application at home and the wife signed it in advance, there would be no problems.
How to issue a birth certificate through public services
A child's birth certificate can also be issued through public services. To do this, you need to fill out a special form on the website and send an application for birth via the Internet.
If you apply through public services, the mother of the child does not need to come to the MFC or the registry office: she can put an electronic signature - this is enough to give consent to the child's name. So I was told in the registry office.
To submit an application through public services, both the mother and father must have a verified account on the portal. Otherwise, the message of public services will ask you to either confirm your account at the MFC, or personally contact the registry office to apply for a birth.
For the article, I figured out how to fill out and submit an application for registering the birth of a child through public services. Here is the instruction.
On the public services website, in the "Search" field, enter "Birth Registration". Two options will appear: "Registration of birth from two parents" and "Registration of the birth of a child by a mother who is not married to the father of the child." Married parents choose the first option.
If the mother is not married, the process for issuing a birth certificate is different Next, a birth application form will appear, which is divided into columns. First you need to enter the data of the parent who started filling out the application. In my case, the father's data: full name, date of birth, gender, SNILS, email, phone, passport details, registration address.
In column 4, you can optionally indicate the father's nationality so that it is reflected in the child's birth certificate. In column 5, you need to enter data from the marriage certificate.
If the profile with personal data on public services is already filled out, they will automatically appear in the application. In the application, I indicated my nationalityColumn 6 is information about the child: full name, date of birth, gender and place of birth. Column 7 - information from the medical birth certificate: series, number, date of issue and the organization that issued it.
In columns 8, 9, 10, you must select the registry office where you will receive a birth certificate, the date and time of its visit.
At the end, you must specify SNILS, date of birth and email of the other parent: an invitation will be sent to fill out the application. I have provided my wife's details. In the letter that came to the wife's mail, it was necessary to click on the link "Open Application".
The application will already contain the information provided by the first parent. My wife had to enter only her personal data and, if desired, her nationality.
After filling in all the fields, you need to click on the "Submit my data" button. The parent who started filling out the application will receive a notification of submission by e-mail.
The personal data to be provided to the mother of the child is the same as that required to be provided to the father. The list of nationalities includes both an Australian and a Tatar.
Mandatory Document
Registration at the place of residence according to the form No. 8What is it. Form No. 8 shows the address at which the person is currently registered. Thanks to this document, the state, various bodies and organizations know where to find a person, and determine what public services and payments he will receive in the region of residence.
By law, the place of residence of children under 14 years of age is the place of residence of their parents. You cannot register a child separately from the parents.
Section 2 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation
The consent and presence of the second parent is not required for registration. But if the parents have different places of residence or they are not married, the consent of one of them to register the child may be required.
Where required. Registration at the place of residence is necessary for the child to receive payments and public services in the place where he lives. This can be, for example, enrollment in kindergarten and school. You cannot get these services without registration.
Registration in the first years of life is also required in order to comply with the law and statistics. And also, to save a place in the Young Family program: to get housing in the region where parents participate in the program.
Conditions of the "Young Family" program
Regional payment for the birth of a child
After registering a child at the place of residence, you can apply for some regional payments. Whether the region pays and in what amount, you need to look in local laws on social support for families, for example, in the social code of the region or on the local government portal. For example, in St. Petersburg, information is listed on the website of the city administration.
In 2022, the regional payment in St. Petersburg is 34,777 RUR. It will come to a bank card that will be issued specifically for this. You can only spend money on children's goods in stores that participate in the state program. In St. Petersburg, the list includes all major retail chains.
In Yaroslavl in 2019, we received a one-time payment at the birth of a child in the amount of 4428 R. The payment can be made by the mother of the child within 6 months after his birth - this issue was dealt with by the spouse. To do this, she turned to the guardianship department at the place of residence.
st. 77 of the social code of the Yaroslavl region
Where to apply. You can register at the MFC, at the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, through public services and at the passport office of the management company of the house where you are going to register the child.
The fastest way is to register directly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by pre-registering for a specific day at public services: registration will be issued on the day of application. If you come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs without an appointment, the process will take up to 3 days. The MFC and the passport office promise to complete the registration within 7 days.
What documents are needed. To register a child, you will need:
- Child's birth certificate.
- Passports of both parents.
- Application for registration. The form will be given at the MFC or at the passport office. At public services, the application will be generated automatically and will be sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in electronic form.
I registered through the MFC along with other documents for the child: it is more convenient than driving around the city and standing in lines everywhere. Came to the center on December 16, 2019years, filled out and signed the application on the spot. My wife and I are registered at the same address, so she was not asked for additional consent for registration. The MFC employee took the originals of the birth certificate and our passports for the duration of the service. After 5 days, on December 21, I received the registration of the child according to Form No. 8 in my hands.
Mandatory Document
SNILSWhat is it. SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account in the pension insurance system. It is issued once and for life.
According to SNILS, the pension fund keeps records of insured persons and tracks their insurance premiums. A budget is formed from them, from which a pension is paid upon reaching retirement age, disability, or in case of loss of a breadwinner. SNILS now provides state and municipal services.
How to get SNILS
Now they issue not a separate green card, but a notification of registration in the ADI-REG system, in which SNILS is indicated.
If you lose the number, you can restore a duplicate of the notification to the Pension Fund on the applicationWhere necessary. At first, a child needs SNILS in order to issue a compulsory medical insurance policy and attach it to a clinic. And in the future, it will be needed almost everywhere when communicating with the state.
In order not to carry a notification of registration in the ADI-REG system with you every time, you can simply write down SNILS on your phone and indicate it if necessary.
Children born after July 15, 2020 are automatically assigned SNILS after their parents receive a birth certificate. You don’t have to go anywhere for this: you need to upload a certificate for public services and wait - the child’s SNILS will come to the parent’s personal account.
I issued SNILS for my son in 2019, so I did it through the MFC. I filled out the application and the questionnaire at the center along with the application for registration at the place of residence. I received a notification of registration in the ADI-REG system with SNILS on December 21 along with form No. 8.
Mandatory Document
CHI policyWhat is it. Compulsory medical insurance policy, CHI, is a document that is usually presented in Russia in order to receive free medical care.
CHI policy unlimitedWhere required. A compulsory medical insurance policy is needed to attach a child to a children's clinic. According to it, you can visit the local pediatrician, narrow specialists for free, do all the necessary vaccinations, go to the hospital and perform operations.
In the first month of life, the child is provided with medical assistance under the MHI policy of the mother or other legal representative. But from the 31st day he needs his policy.
FFOMS letter dated 05.23.2016 No. 4529/91/i
Where to apply. You can issue a policy for a child in person at the office of the insurance company or at the MFC branch. You can also use the website of public services or the website of your insurance company for this purpose.
Once the application is submitted, the policy will be ready no earlier than 30 days and no later than 45 days. Until that moment, a temporary policy will be issued: you will receive it immediately.
Under a temporary policy, you can also receive free medical care and attach a child to a clinic. After the main policy is issued, you need to inform the children's clinic about this.
How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy
Temporary policy has a limited validity periodWhat documents are needed. To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a child, you will need:
- Birth certificate.
- Policy application.
- Passport of one of the parents.
I have issued a CHI policy for my son at an insurance company. My friend works there, so the process went faster. On December 27, I applied to the insurance company, wrote a statement - and on the same day I was issued a temporary policy.
In January 2020, we had to move from Yaroslavl to the Moscow region, so I asked to send the policy by mail to the new address. We received it on January 28, 2020.
Optional document
Entry about the child in the parents' passportsWhat is it. An entry about children in the internal passport is placed on page 17. An employee of the territorial division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs writes down the full name, gender, date of birth of the child and stamps the department. Such a record is optional, but the ATS authorities cannot refuse this right either.
The presence of an entry about the child in the parents' passports confirms kinship, but cannot replace birth certificates.
You can also enter a child under 14 years old in an old-style international passport, not a biometric one. A photograph of the child is pasted onto a page specially designated for this, his full name, gender and date of birth are entered. All data is stamped. An entry in the international passport confirms the relationship of the parent with the child and his citizenship.
Where required. Since the entry in the internal passport confirms the relationship, in some cases it will help parents act in the interests of the child without a birth certificate. For example, if a policeman stopped on the street and you need to prove that the child is yours. There is not always a birth certificate at hand.
According to the entry in the parent's foreign passport, the child will be able to travel to another country without their own passport. You can travel abroad only with the parent to whom the child is registered in the foreign country, and only up to 18 years.
Not all countries will allow a child to enter on the basis of an entry in the parent's passport. It is better to clarify this point in advance on the website of the consular department of the Russian Foreign Ministry or the embassy of the state of interest.
For example, a child's parent will be allowed to enter Switzerland with a foreign passport. And to enter Cuba, children over 14 need their own passport.
Information about entering Switzerland on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Information about entering Cuba on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Where to apply. Information about children in internal and foreign passports is entered by the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region - UVM. There you can contact directly or through the MFC.
The child's internal passport is entered on the day of application. This is not a separate service of the department, but they do it. The registration will be made simultaneously with the registration of the child.
A child's foreign passport can be entered through the MFC, in the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or through public services at the same time as the parent's old-style international passport is issued.
It is possible to enter information about children through public services only when applying for an old-style international passportWhat documents are needed. To enter data about a child in the internal passports of the parents, you need to provide a birth certificate of the child and the parents' passports.
To enter a child in a passport, you will need:
- Birth certificate of the child.
- Internal and foreign passport of the parent's old sample.
- Completed service application form. It will be issued at the migration department or the MFC.
- State duty payment receipt — 500 R.
- Two photographs of the child 3.
5 × 4.5 cm on matte paper.
When I applied for the registration of my son at the place of residence, the MFC employee said that my son would be entered into our passports automatically with my wife.
I don't have a foreign passport, so there is nowhere to register the child. My wife has a biometric passport, no information about children is entered there.
Optional document
Citizenship markWhat is it. This is a mark in the form of a stamp that the child has Russian citizenship. It is stamped on the back of the birth certificate.
The child's nationality mark is optional and rare
Where required. For children under 14 years old to travel to Kyrgyzstan if there is no international passport. Also, the mark is a confirmation of the Russian citizenship of a child under 14 years old when issuing a passport for him, if the birth certificate does not contain information about the citizenship of the parents or one of them.
paras. "a" paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 575
paragraph 37.3.2 of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 16, 2017 No. 864
Where to apply. In the migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence. To do this, you need to come at the reception hours. The citizenship stamp will be put on the same day.
What documents are needed. To mark the child's citizenship on the certificate, you will need:
- Child's birth certificate.
- Registration according to Form No. 8.
- Passport of one of the parents.
I decided to put a stamp on my son's certificate: it's easy to do, it may come in handy in the future, for example, when I issue a passport for my child. It took me half an hour to stamp.
Optional document
TIN What is it. TIN is the taxpayer identification number. It is assigned to the tax office at the child's place of residence automatically after the birth certificate is issued. The data is transferred to the tax office by the registry office.
The certificate of registration can be obtained on an A4 sheet: a 12-digit TIN will be indicated there. This is the kind of paper evidence I decided to get.
TIN number one for lifeWhere required. The TIN itself is needed to check taxes. For example, if you register an apartment for a child, the property tax will come in his name, but the parents will pay it. It is not necessary to get a paper certificate for this, but I did it anyway.
What to do? 10/17/18
I want to register a car for a child in order to save on taxes and fines. So it is possible?
Where to apply. You can issue a paper certificate of tax registration in person at any tax office or through the website of the Federal Tax Service within 5 working days. At the MFC, a certificate will be issued within 7 days. You can also get a certificate by mail: for this, you must first send an application to the tax office, it will take up to 30 days.
What documents are needed. To issue a tax registration certificate for a child, you will need:
- Child's birth certificate.
- Passport of one of the parents.
- Application for a certificate. The form will be issued at the tax office, and if you apply on the Website, you must fill out an electronic form.
About a week after I received my son's birth certificate, I checked his TIN on the tax website. On December 23, I went to the nearest inspection and wrote an application for a paper certificate of tax registration of my son. After 5 working days, on December 30, I took the finished document.
Optional document
International passport A foreign passport certifies the identity of a child outside of Russia. A child can cross the border with a foreign passport either with one of the parents, or with a notarized consent to travel abroad from both or one of them.
You also need a passport to get a residence permit in another country.
How to let a child go abroad alone
How to issue a passport, T—Zh already wrote. The process of obtaining a passport for a child is almost the same: in addition, you only need to provide confirmation of Russian citizenship. It can be either information about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of the parents or one of them in the birth certificate of the child, or a mark of citizenship on the reverse side of the certificate.
In addition, the state fee for a children's passport is less: 2500 R for a biometric, 1000 R for an old-style passport.
I have not yet issued a passport for my son.
Mandatory service
Attachment to the clinicTo attach a child to a clinic, you must write an application to the children's clinic at the place of registration or residence and attach copies of the following documents:
- Birth certificate of the child.
- CHI policy.
- SNILS child.
- Child registration certificates.
- Passports of the parent.
- SNILS of the parent.
If the child already has an outpatient card, its original must be given to the clinic. Copies of other documents must be made in advance.
The application form will be issued at the clinic. Copies of documents along with the application must be submitted to a special window. Within 10 days, the child will be attached to the clinic.
You can also do this through regional public services. The term of attachment in this case is only 1 day, and the list of documents is the same. To fill out an application, you need to log in to the site through your profile on public services and fill out the form.
To attach a child to a clinic, you will need authorization through public services List of documents in one of the clinics in the Moscow region. Judging by it, it is usually mothers who attach children to the clinic.
. We had to move to the Moscow Region from Yaroslavl two months after the birth of the child. We knew about this in advance, so when the pediatrician came to our house for the first time, we immediately warned her.
The doctor knew how to act in such a situation. She said to give the birth certificate to a clinic in the Moscow region: most of the time during the first six months of life, the son will receive medical care there. We did not attach the child to the polyclinic by registration in Yaroslavl, and the pediatrician herself issued all referrals to specialists.
She also asked us to quickly apply for a CHI policy so that the state would pay for her services. And she said to buy a clean outpatient card with a vaccination certificate. I still didn’t figure out whether I was obliged to buy a card with a certificate myself, but I still bought them at the publishing house for 150 R.
During these two months, my son received medical services free of charge under the policy, and received vaccinations. The disadvantage of this situation is that we ourselves could not make an appointment with a doctor through public services or by phone: we depended on the pediatrician and coupons for an appointment with her.
How the CHI policy works
Before moving, we took a card with all records and a vaccination certificate from the Yaroslavl clinic. Perhaps in another region they will simply make a complete extract from the card, but the vaccination certificate must be returned.
Upon arrival in the Moscow Region, I went to the nearest children's clinic and assigned my son to it.
An important point: when you change the region of residence, you must visit the office of the insurance company in the new city. Employees of the insurance company will make a note about the change of the region of residence on the reverse side of the CHI policy. Only after that the clinic will register the child.
After I attached my son to a children's clinic, on the public services portal of the Moscow Region it was possible to make an appointment with all doctors via the Internet, see information about the local pediatrician and vaccinations. To do this, you need to enter the data of the CHI policy - the main or temporary one - and the date of birth of the child.
In the electronic registry, you can see the local doctor and the vaccinations made. You can make an appointment with narrow specialists On the reverse side of the policy put the number, the name of the insurance organization and its seal. You can change your insurance company once a year. And within the framework of one insurance company, you can attach to its regional branches as much as you likeMandatory service
Queue to kindergarten The sooner a child is placed in the queue for the nearest kindergarten, the more likely it is that he will get into it at the desired age.
What to do? 12/19/18
How to queue for kindergarten
Children of judges, prosecutors, employees of the investigative committee, children of citizens from special risk units, as well as families who have lost their breadwinner from among these have the right to a place in kindergarten without a queue citizens.
Children from large families, children with disabilities, and children of military and police officers have the right to a priority seat.
If you receive a benefit after you apply, notify the Department of Education. Our family has no benefits.
To apply for a kindergarten, you need to prepare the following documents:
- Application for enrollment in a kindergarten.
- A document that confirms the benefit for extraordinary or priority enrollment of a child in a kindergarten.
- Child's birth certificate.
- Recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission for children with disabilities.
I put my child on the waiting list in Yaroslavl. Perhaps we will return to this city and the kindergarten will be needed. But if we decide to stay in the Moscow region for a long time, we will queue here as soon as we register. To join the queue in another region, you must first remove yourself from the queue in the region in which you are attached to the kindergarten.
Benefits for admission to kindergarten
The most convenient way to enroll a child in kindergarten is through public services. I did exactly that.
Public services will open a special form - this is an application for enrollment in a kindergarten. First you need to fill in the personal data of the applicant: the parent who is applying.
In column 4, you must enter the full name, date of birth, gender and SNILS of the child. In column 5 - birth certificate data. In column 6 - the address of the child by registration.
In column 3, you need to indicate the desired date of enrollment, the specifics of the group and the mode of stay in the garden. The date of enrollment is always the beginning of the academic year, that is, September. Enrollment lists in different regions appear at different times. In Yaroslavl - in April.
The specifics of the group depends on whether the child has features of physical development. For example, if he has hearing problems, he will fall into a group of children with the same problem. If there are no developmental features, the child will be in the general group.
The mode of stay in the garden is different: from 5 hours to around the clock. Basically choose 8-10 hours.
Then you need to choose kindergartens that are convenient for visiting. I applied to the nearest to the place of residence in Yaroslavl. You can select multiple institutions.
Depending on the region, the number of gardens where you can queue up varies. For example, in the Moscow region, you can choose three, in Yaroslavl - up to seven. First, it is better to indicate the kindergarten that you want to go to the most.
Next, you need to attach copies of the parent's passport, birth certificate of the child, his residence permit and SNILS and send an application.
Ordinary kindergartens operate in the mode of general developmental groups The size of investments should not exceed 3.5 MBAfter the application is submitted, the department of education or other body that maintains an entry in the kindergarten will give an answer about the registration of the child in the queue and assign him a unique number.
Also, in the institution that I chose first in the list, I was additionally issued a paper notice of my son's registration in the queue.
A child in public services with parents
If there is a confirmed profile in public services, you can specify data about your child in it. This will come in handy for enrolling a child in a doctor, as well as for enrolling in a kindergarten: when submitting an application, the information will appear in the form automatically. Both mom and dad can enter data about the child in their profile.
To enter information about a child, in the profile on public services, go to "My data", and then to the "Information about children" tab.
The parent's profile must be confirmed Then you need to fill in all the fields that open: full name, date of birth, gender, SNILS, TIN, birth certificate, residence permit and the child's OMS policy. After that, information about children will be displayed when you open your profile.
In the first years of life, a child does not need to create a separate account: it will be simplified, and the list of services will be limited. But already at school, the child will be able to use the electronic diary using his profile. To create a simplified account, you will need a phone number and an email address - the one that is not used for public services. I didn't create a profile for my son: he doesn't need it yet.
On public services, indicate the full name, date of birth and gender of the child. SNILS and TIN are optional. Also, enter the details of the birth certificate AND indicate the policy number. If some document is missing, it can be added later. The binding code is needed to link the accounts of the child and the parent. Information about parents will appear in the child's profileRemember
- You need to collect documents for the child as soon as possible.