What to do if baby has cold
Common cold in babies - Diagnosis and treatment
If your baby is younger than 3 months of age, call his or her doctor early in the illness. In newborns, it's especially important to make sure that a more serious illness isn't present, especially if your baby has a fever.
In general, you don't need to see the doctor if your older baby has a common cold. If you have questions or if your baby's symptoms worsen or don't go away, it might be time to see the doctor.
Your baby's doctor can generally diagnose a common cold by your baby's signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects your baby has a bacterial infection or other condition, he or she may order a chest X-ray or other tests to exclude other causes of your baby's symptoms.
There's no cure for the common cold. Most cases of the common cold get better without treatment, usually within a week to 10 days, but a cough may linger for a week or more. Antibiotics don't work against cold viruses.
Try to make your baby more comfortable with measures such as making sure he or she drinks enough fluids, suctioning nasal mucus and keeping the air moist.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications generally should be avoided in babies.
Fever-reducing medications
You can use OTC fever-reducing medications if a fever is making your child uncomfortable. However, these medications don't kill the cold virus. Fever is a part of your child's natural response to the virus, so it may help to allow your child to have a low-grade fever.
For treatment of fever or pain in children, consider giving your child infants' or children's over-the-counter fever and pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). These are safer alternatives to aspirin.
For children younger than 3 months old, don't give acetaminophen until your baby has been seen by a doctor. Don't give ibuprofen to a child younger than 6 months old or to children who are vomiting constantly or are dehydrated. Use these medications for the shortest time. If you give your child a pain reliever, follow the dosing guidelines carefully. Call your doctor if you have questions about the right dosage for your baby.
Children and teenagers recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms should never take aspirin. This is because aspirin has been linked to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, in such children.
Cough and cold medications
Cough and cold medications aren't safe for infants and young children. OTC cough and cold medicines don't treat the underlying cause of a child's cold and won't make it go away sooner ⸺ and they can be dangerous to your baby. Cough and cold medications have potentially serious side effects, including fatal overdoses in children younger than 2 years old.
Don't use over-the-counter medicines, except for fever reducers and pain relievers, to treat coughs and colds in children younger than 6 years old. Also consider avoiding use of these medicines for children younger than 12 years old.
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Lifestyle and home remedies
Most often, you can treat an older baby's cold at home. To make your baby as comfortable as possible, try some of these suggestions:
- Offer plenty of fluids. Liquids are important to avoid dehydration. Formula or breast milk is the best choice. Encourage your baby to take in the usual amount of fluids. Extra fluids aren't necessary. If you're breastfeeding your baby, keep it up. Breast milk offers extra protection from cold-causing germs.
Suction your baby's nose. Keep your baby's nasal passages clear with a rubber-bulb syringe. Squeeze the bulb syringe to expel the air. Then insert the tip of the bulb about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (about 6 to 12 millimeters) into your baby's nostril, pointing toward the back and side of the nose.
Release the bulb, holding it in place while it suctions the mucus from your baby's nose.
Remove the syringe from your baby's nostril and empty the contents onto a tissue by squeezing the bulb rapidly while holding the tip down. Repeat as often as needed for each nostril. Clean the bulb syringe with soap and water.
- Try nasal saline drops. Your baby's doctor may recommend saline nasal drops to moisten nasal passages and loosen thick nasal mucus. Look for these OTC drops in your local pharmacy. Apply saline nasal drops, wait for a short period, and then use a suction bulb to draw mucus out of each nostril.
- Moisten the air. Running a cool-water humidifier in your baby's room can ease nasal congestion. Change the water daily and follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the unit.
Preparing for your appointment
If you need to see your baby's pediatrician or family doctor, here's some information to help you get ready for your baby's appointment.
What you can do
Make a list of:
- Symptoms you've noticed in your baby, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
- Key personal information, such as whether your baby goes to child care or has otherwise been exposed to someone with a common cold. Include how many colds your baby has had, how long they lasted and whether your baby is exposed to secondhand smoke. It might help to make a note on your calendar the day you realize your baby has a cold.
- All medications, vitamins or supplements your baby is taking, including dosages.
- Questions to ask your doctor.
For a common cold, some questions to ask the doctor include:
- What is likely causing my baby's symptoms?
- Are there other possible causes?
- What tests are needed?
- What's the best course of action?
- My baby has other health conditions.
How can I best manage them together?
- Are there restrictions we need to follow?
- Are there over-the-counter medications that aren't safe for my child at this age?
Don't hesitate to ask other questions you have.
What to expect from your doctor
Your baby's doctor is likely to ask you questions, including:
- When did your baby's symptoms begin?
- Have they been continuous or occasional?
- How severe are they?
- What, if anything, seems to improve them?
- What, if anything, appears to worsen them?
- Has the nasal congestion caused your baby to eat or drink less?
- Is your baby having as many wet diapers as usual?
- Has there been a fever? If so, how high?
- Are your child's vaccinations up to date?
- Has your child taken antibiotics recently?
Your doctor will ask additional questions based on your responses and your baby's symptoms and needs. Preparing and anticipating questions will help you make the most of your time with the doctor.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
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How to Make Your Little One Feel Better
Written by Stephanie Watson
In this Article
- Causes
- Symptoms
- Treatment
- Prevention
- When to Call the Doctor
Little noses get a lot of colds. Babies can catch eight or more during their first year alone, especially if they are in day care or have siblings who bring home germs from school. Though these sniffles and sneezes in babies are rarely serious, they're tough on parents, too -- and one of the biggest reasons for pediatrician visits. When you know how to help your child feel better and when to call the doctor, you can feel more confident until the cold is over.
Babies get so many colds because their immune system isn't yet ready to fight off the 100 or so viruses that cause these infections. The cold virus spreads through the air when someone who's sick coughs or sneezes. It also lands on surfaces such as toys and tables. When babies touch these surfaces and then put their hands in their mouths -- which they do a lot -- they give the cold virus an easy entry route.
Babies often pick up colds at day care. Or they can catch it from older brothers and sisters who bring the virus home from school -- or from grown-ups who shook hands with someone who should have stayed home from work.
Babies start to show signs of a cold about 1 to 3 days after they're infected. Symptoms in young children can include:
- Stuffy nose
- Runny nose, which should be clear at first but may turn yellow or green
- Sneezing
- Cough
- Fussiness
- Fatigue
- Reduced appetite
- Trouble sleeping
- Fever
- Vomiting, diarrhea
Your child should start to feel better in about 7 to 10 days.
Colds don't need to be treated. They usually go away on their own after a few days. Antibiotics won't work because they kill bacteria, and in this case, viruses are to blame.
You’ll naturally want to calm your baby's symptoms. But don't give over-the-counter cough and cold medicines to infants and toddlers. These products don't work well in kids under 6 years, and they can cause dangerous side effects in young children. The FDA advises against using them at all in children younger than 4.
To bring down a fever and make your child more comfortable, you can use acetaminophen (Children's Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Children's Motrin or Advil) if they're over 6 months old. Read the package to make sure you give the right dose for their weight and age.
Never give a child any medicine that contains aspirin. It can raise the risk for a rare but serious disease called Reye's syndrome.
To help your little one feel better, let them get lots of rest and try one of these home remedies:
Extra fluids. Nurse your infant more often or give them Pedialyte. In babies over 6 months, you can also give water and 100% fruit juice. The added fluid will prevent dehydration and keep your child’s nose and mouth moist.
Spray saline and suck out mucus. If your baby has trouble breathing through a stuffed nose, spray a few drops of a saline (saltwater) solution (commonly available in pharmacies) into each nostril to loosen the mucus. Then use a bulb syringe to remove the mucus. Squeeze the bulb and then place the tip into your child's nostril. Release the bulb to gently suction out the mucus. Wash the tip of the syringe with soap and water after each use. If you make your own saline solution, use distilled water or boiled tap water.
Turn on a humidifier. A cool-mist humidifier will add moisture to the air and keep your baby's nose from drying out. Wash out the machine after each use to prevent bacteria and mold buildup.
If your child has croup, inhaling warm steam in the bathroom or exposure to cool air may help with the barky cough symptoms.
Unfortunately, you can't prevent every cold, especially during the winter months when these viruses often circulate. But you can lower your baby's risk of getting sick with these tips:
- Ask anyone who's sick to stay away from your home.
- Keep your baby away from crowded places where there are lots of germs.
- Wash your hands often during the day. Ask anyone who holds your baby to also wash their hands.
- Clean your baby's toys often with soap and water.
- Don't let anyone use your baby's cup, utensils, or towels.
- Tell older children to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow, instead of into the air.
- Don't let anyone smoke near your child. Cigarette smoke can make your baby more likely to get sick.
When to Call the Doctor
You don't need to call a doctor for a cold if your baby is over 3 months old. In younger infants, make the call when symptoms start -- especially if your baby has a fever. Cold-like symptoms might actually signal a more serious illness, such as pneumonia or an ear infection. You’ll feel better if you check on it.
No matter what your child's age, call the doctor if you notice any of these more serious symptoms:
- Fever of 102 F or higher
- Trouble breathing
- Not wanting to eat or drink
- Signs of dehydration, such as no tears or fewer wet diapers than usual
- Unusual sleepiness
Also call if your baby doesn't get better after a week or so, or if the symptoms get worse.
Children's Health Guide
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- Childhood Symptoms
- Common Problems
- Chronic Conditions
A cold in a child: how to treat it correctly
Many parents are ready for the fact that babies will catch common, including seasonal infections, which is typical for childhood. Some parents study the methods of treating ARVI and colds in advance, read about it from experienced mothers in blogs and diaries, consult with doctors they know, and watch medical programs. But even despite the fact that the child's body from birth has a powerful immune system, this protection is imperfect. Therefore, no matter how informed the mother is, when the child becomes ill, she has a lot of questions that require qualified answers.
What is ARI and SARS
Most often, children are faced with acute respiratory diseases, abbreviated as acute respiratory infections or colds. This is especially evident when visiting children's groups, where they come into contact with other kids, and actually exchange various pathogens. The mothers of "kindergarten" children are very familiar with the phrase: "We go for 2 days, then 2 weeks - on sick leave."
A cold can be both viral and bacterial, even fungal and of a different nature, in 70-80% of cases it is of a viral nature. It is impossible to establish the origin of a cold with accuracy on a pediatric examination, as well as “by eye” to distinguish one infection from another. However, there are certain signs that indicate the action of viruses, harmful bacteria and other pathogens. For example, nasal mucus is indicative of an acute respiratory viral infection, which usually begins with mild malaise, decreased appetite, moodiness, and sleep disturbance in a child. This is a prodromal period, it lasts from several hours to 1-2 days. And such a viral infection as the flu begins acutely, immediately with a very high temperature, intoxication, there is almost no prodromal period, dry cough appears in the late stages of the disease. Often SARS passes with catarrhal symptoms: nasal congestion, change in tone of voice, "circles", "blue" under the eyes, runny nose, discharge from the nose, cough, sore throat and swallowing.
What to do?
First of all, you need to remember that parents should not panic if the child has a fever and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold. Any mood of the mother is transmitted to the baby. A cold with a competent approach is simply MUST pass in 5-7 days without complications. And it is important to know that the treatment of a cold is complex, which includes the main drugs - antiviral, antibacterial, etc., as well as symptomatic therapy. You should not rely on just one medicine as a panacea, a magic pill from advertising or the advice of a pharmacy worker.
How to treat?
Antivirals. There is a lot of misinformation about antivirals now. They are credited with mythical side effects and actions. If this comes from a doctor, then he must provide data confirming his point of view in official sources, which are state medical institutions, major scientific journals.
Antibiotics. As for antibiotics, their use is currently limited by very clear indications, contraindications, age of the patient, etc. In addition, antibiotics, especially with uncontrolled, frequent use, contribute to the formation of new strains of harmful bacteria that are difficult to treat. Usually, against the background of antibiotic treatment, it is customary to prescribe biological products - live microbes that make up the human intestinal microflora. But there is an opinion that the antibiotic has a detrimental effect on these bacteria, and such therapy does not bring the desired result.
Auxiliaries . In the treatment of colds of any origin, symptomatic therapy is used, the action of which is directed against the symptoms of the disease. They are called auxiliary, as they help to alleviate the course of a cold. They do not get rid of the cause of ARVI, but the child's own antibodies work against viruses.
How to treat a runny nose? In case of a runny nose, a nasal toilet with saline solutions is performed. The procedure is simple, but requires certain skills and care. To do this, you should seat the child with his back to him, first clean his nose. In babies, this can be done with cotton buds (in children under six months old, only with ordinary cotton turundas), and at an older age, children can already blow their nose. After that, you need to raise the chin, holding the child's face with his palm in a raised position. Using a pipette, drip saline solution into both nasal passages, lower the child's head forward. Part of the medicine may spill out of the nose, but the result of such a procedure will still be achieved. If there are no special recommendations from the pediatrician of the sick child, you can use a pipette and normal saline. But preferably a sterile solution based on sea water. It is a delusion to think that washing a child's nose will be addictive or the snot will flow out on its own. Part, of course, can leak out, but if you do not clean your nose, there is a high risk of infection spreading to the lower respiratory tract, the development of complications such as inflammation of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs.
If the runny nose is profuse, watery, painful, accompanied by nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drugs (based on oxymetazoline, xylometazoline) are used in the form of drops at bedtime, before walking with the child. This helps the baby to have a good rest in a dream without waking up, and on a walk it is normal to breathe through the nose without taking cold air into the mouth. It should not be instilled into the nose of a child in a supine state, since there is a high probability of a change in pressure during such manipulation and there is a risk of otitis media. All instillations must be done while sitting. The use of special preparations in the form of soft (spray with limited jet pressure) should be carried out with great care, since there is also a risk of promoting the spread of infection under pressure.
Antipyretics . Often there are questions about the use of antipyretics, for children - these are drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, for babies - in syrup, suppositories. It should be noted that if there are no special recommendations in this regard, it is necessary to reduce the temperature above 38.3 - 38.5 ° С. If the child feels well, plays, has an appetite, and, in general, tolerates temperature well, antipyretic drugs can not be used. If the parents see that the child's condition is bad, he refuses to eat and drink, becomes lethargic, vomiting occurs, headache, the temperature rises further, you can start giving antipyretics even at a low temperature.
How to treat a cough? Questions about cough are the most frequent and sometimes the most difficult at pediatric appointments for SARS. It is best if the doctor dynamically observes the coughing child. In this case, the specialist can distinguish changes in the tone of the voice, a barking component, a dry or wet cough, wheezing, localization of wheezing. If the pediatrician recommends taking an x-ray, you should not refuse such an examination, this will help to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Currently, in the treatment of cough, inhalation drugs are widely used - through a special device - an inhaler. This tactic reduces the systemic effect of the drug on the child's body, where the drug reaches the point of its application - large and medium bronchi, and even alveoli. Inhalers can be used from the very birth of a child, but it is necessary to pay attention to the type of device, the medicinal substances recommended for it, their dosages and the frequency of use.
Activities before the doctor arrives
Sometimes, especially during the season of high incidence of flu and colds, there are difficulties with a doctor's visit, you have to wait for an appointment, the doctor does not have time to come as quickly as parents would like. There are steps that can be taken before the arrival of a specialist. It is necessary to measure the temperature of the child and write down the data on the thermometry performed in a diary, which is then shown to the doctor. If the temperature is high, do not wrap or even dress the child warmly. At home, you can generally strip to your underwear. Disposable diapers are also recommended to be removed from babies. Do not forget about physical methods of cooling - you can wipe it with cool water, you can put a cloth moistened with water on the head, stomach, places of the main vessels. A sick child should be given plenty of fractional water, even if he refuses to drink, it is necessary to constantly offer from a teaspoon, moisten his lips.
There are no children who do not get sick. Everyone gets sick, only some often, while others not so much. The main thing to remember is that any medicines should be prescribed by a doctor at an internal appointment, after examination.
How to cure a cold in a child?
- Details
- Category: Pediatrics
- Created on 04/04/2017 11:21
The common cold is a viral infection that affects all babies and many adults. However, in children this disease can lead to many serious complications such as bacterial superinfection, severe cough or pneumonia, so urgent antibiotic treatment is sometimes required. A high fever in a child is a life-threatening symptom that can cause seizures. A prolonged cough and runny nose is very tiring for a small patient. We will tell moms and dads how to behave if your baby has a cold.
High fever and sudden deterioration in health
Viruses cause colds in children. Temperature and cough are clear symptoms that there is inflammation in the body, and the child needs to be treated urgently. If your child has a high fever, rashes, and seizures, don't panic! You must keep a cool head to help the baby. First of all, open his airway by laying the child on his side and tilting his head slightly. Then be sure to see a doctor. After the cessation of convulsions, it is necessary to lower the temperature. Undress your baby, put a cold compress with ice cubes on his forehead, dress him in a diaper or diaper soaked in cool water, and give him an antipyretic.
Good to know
Colds and coughs in childhood require prompt medical attention, it is especially important to see a doctor at the first sign of illness. This will give us the opportunity not only to prevent the development of the disease, but also to reduce the risk of complications. Remember that timely treatment will help to avoid the use of antibiotics.
In infants, colds are usually more severe than in adults, because the body is still very weak and cannot fight the infection. The temperature can sometimes rise above 40 degrees Celsius. After 2-3 days it falls, but other unpleasant symptoms of a cold persist for several days. In contrast, a cough sometimes goes away after only two to three weeks.
In infants under six months of age, the main symptom of a cold may be difficulty feeding: the nasal mucosa swells and this forces the infant to breathe through the mouth.
How to deal with temperature at home
It is necessary to provide a small organism with a rapid loss of heat through the skin. To do this, put the patient in bed and cover with a thin cotton sheet. Apply a cold compress to your face. If after 15-20 minutes the temperature does not drop, give the baby an antipyretic.
At high temperatures (above 38.
5 degrees), wiping the body with a damp washcloth should also be used. How to do rubdowns? Take a clean sponge for washing dishes. Place towels around the baby in bed. Pour warm water into a bowl or bucket. Dip a sponge into this water, wring it out slightly (water should drip out of it) and, starting from the head, wipe the baby's body. After 5-10 minutes, the temperature should start to drop. Stop treatment when the temperature has completely subsided.
Give your child plenty of fluids, preferably rich in vitamin C. At high temperatures, the body sweats and then easily dehydrates. In addition, drinking plenty of water will help turn a dry cough into a wet one and cure this ailment.
Make sure that the bed linen in the crib is fresh and soft (made from fabrics such as cotton or flannel). The skin becomes very sensitive during the temperature, so sheets and duvet covers should not further irritate it.
If the child falls asleep, check that he is well covered, and if the body temperature does not rise, change sweaty pajamas for clean clothes.
Don't forget to ventilate the room, even if it's cold outside. Oxygen-rich air helps cure infection and cough.
How to deal with a runny nose
It is recommended that infants be placed on their stomachs as this position will prevent nasal fluid from entering the lungs, making it much easier for the little patient to breathe.
If the child is already large, you can put some pillows under his back so that he sleeps in a lying position (this will help relieve not only a runny nose, but also a cough).
Keep the room well humidified. If you do not have a special humidifier, hang terry towels soaked in cold water in the room. However, you should not put towels on the radiator, because this way you will humidify the air only around the window, and even then for a short time. You can also hang wet diapers on the crib rails.
Give inhalations to help the child breathe and clear the airways. This procedure helps to cure not only a runny nose, but also a cough. Fill a saucepan with hot water and drip a few drops of essential oil, such as peppermint, menthol, eucalyptus. Let the child breathe over this steam for about 10 minutes. You can also apply essential oil (1-2 drops) to baby pajamas or wet diapers hanging next to the bed.
How to overcome a cough
Keep your child away from running, as shortness of breath after strenuous exercise can cause coughing.
Make sure your baby is drinking plenty of fluids. You can give him water, tea, juices, fruits and vegetables. Moisturizing promotes better sputum discharge, as a result of which the cough passes quickly.
Humidify your child's room. We also remind you that you need to ventilate the room, regardless of the air temperature outside.
If your baby has a phlegm problem, hang him over your knees and pat him gently on the back. This helps to break up the secretions from the bronchi, making the cough wet and clear faster.
A persistent cough can be treated with psyllium. If you do not have the opportunity to buy ready-made syrup in a pharmacy, you can simply brew a tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Since this drink has an unpleasant taste, add honey to it. By the way, honey will also help cure a cough in a child, especially linden honey. The more you give your baby such a drink, the faster he will recover.
Radish syrup is another effective cough remedy. Cut the vegetable into small pieces, pour over honey and leave for 2 hours. The liquid that comes out of the radish should be given to the child 1 teaspoon every 3 hours until the cough goes away.
Your child's health should be entrusted to professionals.
If you experience the first symptoms, consult a doctor! At the First Children's Medical Center, experienced doctors will quickly recognize the signs of the disease, conduct a complete examination using modern medical equipment and provide qualified medical care. We work seven days a week and are waiting for you at any time from 8.00 to 20.00.
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