What does cradle cap look like in babies
Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) in Infants (for Parents)
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
en español Costra láctea (dermatitis seborreica) en los bebés
What Is Cradle Cap?
Cradle cap is the common term for seborrheic dermatitis (seb-eh-REE-ik dur-muh-TYE-tis) of the scalp in infants.
Seborrheic dermatitis, also called seborrhea (seb-eh-REE-uh), can show up:
- on the forehead and face
- behind the ears
- in the diaper area, armpits, and other skin folds and creases
What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis)?
Babies can develop seborrheic dermatitis when they're between 2 weeks and 12 months old. It usually starts with cradle cap. A baby with cradle cap will have slightly red scaly or crusty yellow patches on the scalp. It may also start on the face or diaper area and spread to other parts of the body.
Seborrhea looks:
- red and moist in skin creases and folds (like the neck and behind the ears)
- yellowish with greasy patches or crusts
- scaly or flaky
Seborrheic dermatitis might look uncomfortable or irritating to the skin. But it usually isn't itchy and doesn't seem to bother infants.
What Causes Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis)?
The exact cause of cradle cap isn't known. It's likely due to a combination of things. Too much skin oil (sebum) in the oil glands and hair follicles and a type of yeast found on the skin called Malassezia may play roles in the development of seborrheic dermatitis.
How Is Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) Diagnosed?
Health care professionals can diagnose cradle cap and seborrheic dermatitis by the way the skin looks and where the rash is. Babies with seborrheic dermatitis are usually well and the condition should get better on its own or with treatment.
How Is Cradle Cap (Seborrheic Dermatitis) Treated?
Cradle cap and seborrheic dermatitis in infants usually clears up on its own in weeks or months. In the meantime, you may want to loosen and remove the scales on your baby's scalp:
- Wash your baby's hair once a day with mild, tear-free baby shampoo.
- Gently remove scales with a soft brush or toothbrush.
- If the scales don't loosen easily, apply a small amount of mineral oil or petroleum jelly to your baby's scalp. Let the oil to soak into the scales for a few minutes to several hours, if needed. Then use a soft brush or toothbrush to remove scales. Shampoo your baby's hair as usual.
If regular shampooing doesn't help, your doctor may recommend a mild steroid cream or antifungal shampoo.
For seborrhea on other parts of the body, your doctor may recommend a mild steroid or antifungal cream.
Do not use over-the-counter steroid or antifungal creams or anti-seborrhea shampoos without checking first with the doctor.
What Else Should I Know?
Sometimes seborrheic dermatitis in the diaper area or skin folds can get infected. Talk to your doctor if the rash gets worse or there are any signs of infection (the skin looks red, starts to drain fluid, or feels warm).
Cradle cap and seborrheic dermatitis in infants usually get better by 12 months of age. Seborrhea may come back around puberty as dandruff.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: February 2019
Cradle cap - NHS
Cradle cap is a harmless skin condition that's common in babies. It usually goes away on its own in 6 to 12 months, but there are things you can try to make it better.
Check if your baby has cradle cap
The main symptom of cradle cap is patches of greasy, scaly skin.
It's usually found on the scalp and face, but sometimes affects the nappy area. It can look like:
- patches of white or yellow greasy scales on the scalp and face that form a crust which might flake off
- small, dry flakes of skin on the nappy area
The scales look similar on all skin tones. But the skin under the scales may look pink or red if your baby has white skin, or lighter or darker than the surrounding skin if your baby has brown or black skin.
It is not itchy or painful and does not bother your baby.
The cause of cradle cap is not clear, but it cannot be caught from other babies.
Here is an image gallery with images and detailed descriptions. Select an image tab to get the bigger version of the image and to access the description.- 1: Cradle cap on the scalp of a baby with white skin. 1
- 2: Cradle cap on the scalp of a baby with medium brown skin. 2
- 3: Cradle cap on the scalp of a baby with white skin.
- 4: Cradle cap on the eyebrows of a baby with white skin. 4
DR P. MARAZZI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/567974/view
Detailed image description, image 1.This image shows cradle cap on the scalp of a baby with white skin and dark brown hair.
A pale yellow crust covers the top of the head. The crust ends at the hairline, just above the forehead. The crust has many scales of skin, many of which join together. There are no scales on the forehead.
The baby's hand is out of focus in the top left of the image.
Science Photo Library
https://www. sciencephoto.com/media/1191488/view
This image shows cradle cap on the scalp of a baby with medium brown skin and black hair.
A large oval area on the top of the head looks pink with many pale brown patches. There are also many pale yellow, flaky scales. At the edge of the patch of cradle cap, closest to the forehead, the scales are close together and form a crust. There's also a crust at the top of the head, with hair covering it.
The skin at the front of the scalp has no scales and is covered with thin strands of black hair.
There's a bright pink object in the top left of the image.
Biophoto Associates/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/699021/view
Detailed image description, image 3.
This image shows cradle cap on the scalp of a baby with white skin and pale brown hair.
An oval-shape patch of cradle cap spreads from the forehead to the top of the head. The skin in this area looks pink with many greasy, pale yellow scales. Most scales are close together, forming a crust, but some scales are further apart.
There's a small, round, dark pink patch on the head, in the lower left part of the image.
The baby is lying on a blue cloth, which is visible at the bottom and top left of the image.
Enid English / Alamy Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-a-three-week-old-bay-with-cradle-cap-on-the-eye-brows-uk-72546963.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=746A9B75-BE6E-4761-B017-402502B1F105&p=84355&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26pn%3d1%26ps%3d100%26sortby%3d2%26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26npgs%3d0%26qt%3dE60PAY%26qt_raw%3dE60PAY%26lic%3d3%26mr%3d0%26pr%3d0%26ot%3d0%26creative%3d%26ag%3d0%26hc%3d0%26pc%3d%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26tbar%3d1%26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%26loc%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d0xFF%26archive%3d1%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d32846%26a%3d%26cdid%3d%26cdsrt%3d%26name%3d%26qn%3d%26apalib%3d%26apalic%3d%26lightbox%3d%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d%26xstx%3d0%26simid%3d%26saveQry%3d%26editorial%3d1%26nu%3d%26t%3d%26edoptin%3d%26customgeoip%3d%26cap%3d1%26cbstore%3d1%26vd%3d0%26lb%3d%26fi%3d2%26edrf%3d1%26ispremium%3d1%26flip%3d0%26pl%3d
Detailed image description, image 4.
This image shows cradle cap on the face of a baby with white skin.
A raised crust of yellow scales covers the inner corners of each eyebrow. The crust is thickest towards the middle of their face. The eyebrow on the right side of the photo has a 2nd, smaller patch of crusty scales at the end.
The forehead and cheeks are covered in many tiny pink spots.
The baby's eyes are closed and their mouth is open. A blue striped blanket is in the background on the left and right of the image.
Things you can do to help with cradle cap
do not use olive oil, it may not be suitable for use on skin
do not use peanut oil (because of the allergy risk)
do not use soap or adult shampoos
do not pick crusts because this can increase the chance of infection
Your baby's hair may come away with the scales. Do not worry if this happens as it will soon grow back.
A pharmacist can help with cradle cap
You can ask a pharmacist about:
- an emollient you can use on your baby's scalp
- unperfumed baby shampoos
- barrier creams to use on your baby's nappy area, if it's also affected
Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:
- your baby's cradle cap does not get better after a few weeks of treatment
- your baby has cradle cap all over their body
- the crusts bleed or leak fluid
- the affected areas look swollen
Bleeding, leaking fluid and swelling could be signs of an infection or another condition like atopic eczema or scabies.
Page last reviewed: 21 April 2022
Next review due: 21 April 2025
Why hanging cradles are good, how to hang a cradle in an apartment - photos and ideas
Money down the drain! A purchase from which the baby will "grow" in three months! — Oh, don't jump to conclusions
Blogs, forums and books on child care have published many arguments for buying a cradle.
Let's criticize everyone!
Argument 1: You have a firstborn - little experience, many fears
A hanging cradle or cradle can be a lifesaver in caring for a newborn baby - especially if this is your first experience. The cradle takes up little space and is fairly easy to move from room to room. Now you don’t need to check “how is he there”: you can just take the baby with you to the kitchen, for example. nine0006
But if you are ready to endure certain inconveniences, at first you can put the child to bed (and roll the child around the apartment after you) in an ordinary pram.
Maria Gladysheva
Argument 2: they did the same 500 years ago
Right. The cradle was historically needed so that you could leave the baby while the parents sow, plow, build. In the suspended cradle, the baby could be rocked by both the old nanny and the five-year-old sister. And in the warm season, they took the cradle with them into the field: so the mother could feed and work. nine0006
Let's take note of the ideas of motion sickness, sleeping in the open air and the principle of "the child is where the mother is."
Linen House
Argument 3: to the cradle swings but the crib does not
This is actually a lie. Rocking features are also available for full-sized cribs (look for an option on skids with a latch). The problem here is different: when rocking in an ordinary crib, the child will be “carried away” from side to side. Not a very pleasant scenario - you still have to buy a mattress - a "cocoon". This is such an additional mattress (aka carrying), as if hugging a baby. According to the manufacturer, the "cocoon" serves the child for the first five months. But in fact, you need the first three (as well as the cradle). It is obviously possible to sell both at an online flea market. nine0006
Conclusion: If you are counting money, compare by price not a cradle and "do not buy anything". And “I buy a cradle” or “I buy a cocoon” in the main bed.
Dots design
Argument 4: by the cradle moves, but the crib does not
Yes, that's why people buy prams, as in the photo above, and take the child out in them for a walk, sleep.
However, everything strongly depends on the place and season. For example, hanging a cradle on a sandy beach in the shade of a palm tree is easy. And dragging a stroller 100 meters across the sand is a super task. In a small apartment, moving a stroller from room to room is quite difficult: dirty wheels, a solid size stroller, narrow aisles and furniture on the way. nine0006
Maria Gladysheva
In contrast to the "spread" stroller, the dimensions of the suspension cradle for newborns are quite small. The cradle is quite compact and does not take up floor space. It is easier to move it to get through.
Conclusion: If you want your child to be "where the mother is". And at the same time, you are wintering in an exotic country with a newborn, or the apartment is small - a hanging cradle is an excellent way out.
Maria Gladysheva
Argument 5: y cradles will not run out of batteries
Unlike a baby monitor, with which anything can happen at the most unpredictable moment. On the one hand, with a baby monitor, you can tightly close the door to the bedroom and go about your (loud) business - the transmitter will give a signal. Some will even show you videos and provide the opportunity to “broadcast mom” to the baby right in the crib.
On the other hand, there is something unpleasant about the face of a sleeping baby in an electrical appliance, isn't it? Maybe let him get used to sleeping against the background of natural household noise - in the kitchen, under the supervision of his mother? And you don't have to spend money on batteries. nine0006
E2 Architecture + Interiors Ltd
Argument 6: to the cradle is small - no stroller bed. It is this argument that supporters of swaddling, carrying babies in a sling and sleeping in a tiny cradle make: tightness in the first months of life is beneficial to the psychological health of the baby.
Design Dua
“The cradle provides a smooth, natural transition and adaptation to new developmental conditions. A child in the cradle is less likely to suffer from hypertonicity, colic, fears, and, accordingly, develops more harmoniously. In addition, the cradle, due to its small size, is easier to move and makes it possible to be near the child more often, which also has a positive effect on the psychological state of the child and parents, ”says psychologist Ksenia Smorodinskaya.
Elena Ambrosimova
There are also arguments against overcrowding: the cradle cannot be hung on the loggia for winter sleep. A child in overalls and a warm envelope itself resembles a large cocoon. That is why the dimensions of the strollers are so large: they are designed for winter walks and the sleep of a six-month-old, rather large baby. And hanging cradles - no. For children whose first six months fall in May-October, and even in the southern regions of Russia, it is strange to think about a winter envelope, a cradle would be the best option. And if you have a "winter baby" - then no cradles for sleeping on the terrace: only a stroller. nine0006
Tip: Look for a bassinet with seat belts and a hammock to prevent tipping over when you wake up. There are, for example, Amazonas Koala (pictured above).
Maria Gladysheva
Argument 7: by cradles will fit into places where there is nowhere to put a crib
There are situations when there is not enough space on the floor to put a full-size crib for a newborn. And a ceiling-mounted cradle or a sleeping basket is the solution to the problem. nine0006
However, we must not forget that wooden baby cribs are produced more compactly than standard ones (they are called “cradle beds”). In fact, it will be the same cradle, only not suspended, but on legs with rollers or runners for motion sickness.
Enjoy Home Studio
BUT you can leave a baby in a crib - no in a cradle
This phrase may seem like blasphemy: how is it to leave a baby? One? In the crib? Unattended?
Olga Shangina | Photography
But you will most likely have to do this dozens of times a day: no one canceled the shower and toilet.
A child over three months old learns to roll over from side to side. Indeed, leaving him alone in a rocking cradle is much more dangerous than in a crib. The alternative is just a playpen.
Arca design
BUT the bed can be moved close to your own
Usually, in this case, the side is removed from the crib and moved close to the parent: there is no risk of accidentally crushing the baby in a dream, as if laid on an adult mattress (this is done by supporters of joint sleep). nine0006
Unfortunately, this is convenient in theory - until you start joining two beds in height (it is almost impossible to make them flush). And if an adult bed also has a protruding frame, the hole on the “border” will have to be plugged in a completely artisanal way. Or keep the sides raised, and the crib "assembly" (as in the example in the photo above).
In the cradle, hanging next to the bed, you can also reach out your hand - put it on the child's tummy to calm night colic. nine0006
You still have to get up (wake up) to change a diaper, there are no options here. Putting a fed baby to bed and rocking half asleep (your) is sometimes more valuable than just sleeping next door. And due to the length of the mounting suspension, you can hang the cradle to the ceiling at any height you need.
BUT "in the kitchen" it is easier to put a chaise longue - a cradle why
The chaise longue is a child seat with an adjustable seat. Unfortunately, it cannot replace a stroller or a cradle: it is an accessory for a sleepless child. Sleeping (and lying down for a long time) in a sun lounger is bad for a newborn's spine. nine0006
Elena Ambrosimova
Pictured: Stokke's new 2018 Tripp Trapp® Newborn Set (growing high chair and superstructure bed for a newborn). If the Norwegian - insanely expensive - high chair already has a lot of analogues, like the Russian growing high chair kotokoto or "Humpbacked Horse". That cradle-superstructure for a newborn can only be bought in the original version.
BUT I'm not gonna rock baby
Don't download. Like beds without runners, cradles are also “fixed”: they look like a large basket with a mattress - with or without a support. This can be put on any free surface like a chair, table, bedside table. There is tightness and psychological comfort from co-sleeping - there is no rocking. The second option is a wooden cradle in the manner of a reduced bed.
So, we advise you to buy a hanging cradle for newborns:
Maria Gladysheva
1. If you have a spring or early summer child. And you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors with him.
2. If you want your newborn to always be “where mom is”. And you have free hands.
3. If you have a small apartment or room, there is nowhere to put a regular bed.
4. If furniture cannot be rearranged. Unlike a traditional crib, the cradle can be hung anywhere.
5. If you have a multi-storey building, you need a second bed downstairs.
White Fox Styling
You don't have to buy a bassinet:
1. If you don't want to hang it up. There are floor options for "hammocks" made of textiles and carrying baskets - they are just as compact and designed for sleeping.
2. If you are not financially ready to buy for three months. Take a used "cocoon" - it's cheaper.
3. If you lead an active social life - take your child to visit, to a cafe - a reliable car seat will be much more useful. Especially one that can be mounted on a wheelbase and turned into a stroller. nine0006
4. A second carrycot can replace the baby carrier. In a few months, you can sell it too.
Do you think the cradle - is an excess or a necessity? What exactly, in your opinion, is the use of the bassinet? Share your ideas on how to properly hang a baby bassinet in your home for both mom and baby
Ihr Ansprechpartner für Komplettsanierungen & Neubau | Düsseldorf
do-it-yourself wicker basket for a newborn made of wicker, baby carriers
The baby sleeps a lot during the first months of his life. Up to two months, the newborn is awake only 6 hours a day, the remaining 18 hours he rests.
The duration of sleep is gradually reduced: by six months to 16 hours. That's most of the day! So, the baby's sleeping place should be comfortable and safe. nine0006
After being in the womb, the baby will be more comfortable in a small enclosed space. This requirement is best met by a cradle. It is also called a cradle, basket, carrying.
In the old days, hanging cradles were used to make the baby easier to rock. The wicker version, made from natural materials, is absolutely safe and will not cause allergies.
- 1 What a wicker cradle looks like
- 2 Features of the children's basket for infants
- 3 Popular brands
- 4 How to make yourself
- 4.1 Material Choice: Roang or IVO for newborns
The cradle is a small baby cradle. It is designed for babies up to 6 months old. A wicker cradle for babies, unlike a bed, is a one-piece product.
ComfortBaby Home
It does not have removable, adjustable sides, a bottom that can be set to different heights. The mattress is placed in the basket. Some manufacturers upholster the cradle from the inside with soft fabric and make a hood, like in a stroller. The cradle may have handles for carrying or hanging.
It can be placed on a special stand in a stable position or on skids to rock the baby. Depending on the manufacturer, the stand may or may not be included. There are models with wheels to transport the baby from room to room. nine0006
Caprice Royal
Baby basket features
Compared to a regular baby crib, the basket has a number of advantages:
- Small size. The size of a bed in a standard baby cot is 60 cm wide and 120 cm long. The height of the baby at birth is on average 50 cm. Therefore, the length of the bed in the cradle ranges from 75 to 100 cm, and the width is from 40 to 55 cm.
Obviously, it is much more compact. nine0223
- Mobility. The wicker carrycot is very light and does not take up much space. Therefore, it can be placed anywhere. If she has handles, then the cradle is also used as a carrying cradle for newborns: they take it with them to the kitchen, into the car, put it on the floor, on the parent's bed.
The main disadvantage of the cradle is a short period of use. A few months after birth, the baby will grow up and no longer fit in it. In addition, he will learn to roll over and sit down. Staying in the cradle will become unsafe for him. nine0006
The wicker cradle will not cause allergies in the baby, since a minimum of varnish and paint is used in its manufacture.
Environmental friendliness is the main advantage of wicker cradles (photo)
Popular brands
Wicker baskets for carrying babies are produced by different manufacturers. Price will vary depending on what is included.
The cheapest wicker cradle will cost in the form of a basket with handles without additional accessories. nine0243
The presence of a stand, mattress, blanket, pillow increases the cost of the cradle.
Expensive cradles are equipped with cotton bedding and bedding made from natural materials with antibacterial fillers. Lingerie made in delicate shades is often decorated with author's embroidery and fine lace. For canopies, thin tulle is used.
Cuccioli model from Italbaby brand
Let's take a closer look at cradles from different manufacturers. nine0243
All baskets for newborns by Italian company Italbaby are made of rods, upholstered inside with soft cotton fabric with a delicate pattern. Cheap models have a folding fabric hood, more expensive ones have a tulle canopy.
Regardless of the price, the set includes the cradle itself, mattress, blanket with pillow. In more expensive models, bed linen is made of high quality fabric with delicate seams.
Such cradles are equipped with large rubberized wheels. nine0006
Baskets for newborns of another Italian brand Pali are made of natural rod. They are equipped with handles, many of them have a fabric hood. The set includes a cradle, mattress, bed linen.
Funnababy (Turkey) sells carriers made from rattan. The set includes a mattress, a sheet, a duvet with a duvet cover, a pillow and a pillowcase. The cradles of this manufacturer are easy to carry. Optional stand can be purchased. nine0006
Greek manufacturer HPA offers bassinet made of wicker. Like most cradles, this company's cradle has handles and can be used as a carrier. A mosquito net is also included with the standard set.
HPA Kikirikoo
The Polish brand ComfortBaby represents indoor prams. This is a cradle on wheels. These strollers are easy to move around the house. Blanket, pillow, duvet cover, pillowcase, canopy and soft side are included.
The Russian company Pletenny Dom presents a classic rattan cradle. It is sold without bed linen and mattress.
Factory MOZHGA (Russia) offers cribs from split vines. They come with handles and a stand is included. Bed linen is not included.
For the production of expensive cradles, specially processed materials are taken that do not require varnishing and paint.
Caravel product from MOZHGA
Table - Models of cradles and their main characteristics
Name, country of origin Material Dimensions cm Handles Stand Mattress Blanket Pali Moses Basket Gigi Lele, Italy palm leaves 44x84 + not included + + Carrying basket Italbaby Cuccioli, Italy rattan rods 50x86 + not included with + + Cradle “Barney”, Russia rattan rods 40x80 – not included with – – Room stroller ComfortBaby Home, Poland 45x85 – included with + + Caravel Cradle MOZHGA, Russia willow vine 47x85 – not included with – – Snow-white set for sleeping and resting a newborn
How to make it yourself
You can make a wicker basket for a baby yourself.
nine0243 To do this, stock up on the necessary materials and patience. Those who have ever made wattle in the country or in the village will find it easier, because the weaving technology is the same. For beginners, it will take more than one evening to create a cradle.
Material choice: rattan or willow
Wicker carriers are most often made of rattan or willow.
Rattan is dried rattan stems. It grows in tropical Asia. The tree has even stems: the diameter may not change for four meters. nine0006
Because it grows in humid climates, it bends easily. The structure of the wood is slightly porous. This ensures the stability of the finished product in a humid environment. Since the rods are long and even, the rattan cradle looks very neat.
Willow loves moisture too. The wood of its rods is more dense, homogeneous, but also less flexible.
Willow twigs have more knots. But this is not always a drawback: thanks to the knots, the willow cradle looks more interesting and looks like an old one.
Willow benefits: It has antiseptic properties and is inexpensive.
Leipold Amadeus
How to make a wicker bed
Since rattan grows in Asia, you need to buy it in a store to make a basket.
Willow twigs can be prepared by yourself. This should be done in autumn, before frost, or in spring, before buds appear. Cut off thin twigs that bend but do not break. Quality raw materials have a thin core. nine0006
Prepared twigs are boiled for one hour on high heat and one hour on low heat. And dark rods need to be boiled for three hours. It is easier to remove the skin from boiled branches.
Here's a miracle you can do with your own hands
To create a cozy basket for your baby, follow these steps:
- The first step in weaving a basket for a newborn is making the bottom. To do this, take 3-4 long rods and 7-8 short twigs. Short rods are split and long ones are inserted into them, as in the figure.
To make the rods bend better, they are pre-soaked. For beginners, the rods can break, but over time, you can learn to feel the rod. nine0223
- The next step is to insert the uprights. The bottom is placed on edge and racks are inserted every 5 cm. They put the bottom on the table, and connect the racks at the top together to make it more convenient to weave.
- Then weaving. Between the racks lay twigs. They should go around the racks in a figure eight. To make the product look neat and complete, they make an edging. To do this, use the type of weaving "braid". When the edge is finished, the racks are not cut off, but tucked into the edge.
- At the very end, they make pens. To do this, use a thick stick that can be bent into an arc. The stick is inserted between the intertwined twigs of the basket. If the weaving is tight, then it will not be easy to do, but the reliability will be higher. nine0223
- A baby mattress and bed linen are placed in a handmade carrier.
Learn more
- Thumbsucking in the womb
- How to help a child with mucus cough
- Hiccup cure for infants
- Giving up child
- Gestational sac but no baby
- Cure a head cold
- Numbness in hand after pregnancy
- How to make your child respect you
- How do you know your baby is constipated
- How is epidural done
- 8 months pregnant with triplets
- Small size. The size of a bed in a standard baby cot is 60 cm wide and 120 cm long. The height of the baby at birth is on average 50 cm. Therefore, the length of the bed in the cradle ranges from 75 to 100 cm, and the width is from 40 to 55 cm.
- 4.1 Material Choice: Roang or IVO for newborns