Numbness in hand after pregnancy
Carpal Tunnel Post Pregnancy | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel post pregnancy is a common condition affecting new mothers. Carpal tunnel post pregnancy occurs due to an increased pressure on your median nerve at your wrist. Symptoms of carpal tunnel post pregnancy can include pins and needles, numbness, tingling, and pain in your arm, hand, and fingers. Your wrist has a space in it called the carpal tunnel. This is where your median nerve and nine tendons pass from your forearm into your hand. Carpal tunnel post pregnancy happens when pressure builds up from swelling in this tunnel. The increase in swelling puts pressure on your nerve, effectively causing a pinched nerve.
Fluid retention during your pregnancy can contribute to carpal tunnel post pregnancy. The fluid retention may disappear soon after your baby is born, however, many women report an increase in carpal tunnel symptoms after delivery. This is caused by continued early postpartum swelling and constant wrist bending required in caring for and feeding your baby. There may multiple contributing factors in you getting carpal tunnel post pregnancy, including arthritis, previous fractures or nerve irritation due to repetitive, prolonged, and/or vigorous wrist movements. In carpal tunnel post pregnancy numbness or tingling is mostly in your thumb, second, middle, and ring fingers. The symptoms are more likely to be experienced during the night but can occur during daily activities such as driving a car or feeding your baby. Postpartum mothers may sometimes notice their grip strength is weaker, some occasional clumsiness or an increased tendency to drop things.
What can you do about Carpal Tunnel Post Pregnancy?
At City Physiotherapy we will perform a thorough assessment of your wrist, symptoms, relevant medical history and body biomechanics. We will then give you treatment and provide you with valuable education and tools to minimise your symptoms. If left untreated, the pressure on your nerves will not magically go away by itself. It is imperative to receive treatment as early as possible to help relieve the pressure on your nerve around the carpal tunnel, allowing for the swelling to reduce sooner.
In the meantime you can:
- Try to maintain your wrist in a neutral position (not bent forward or backward) with your daily activities.
- Try using a supportive pillow to prop up your baby during feeding so you aren’t supporting the weight of your baby on your wrist.
- Don’t carry heavy washing baskets or bags of shopping. Try and get others to assist you where possible.
- Avoid a sustained pinch/grip, (ie over gripping cooking utensils when chopping or peeling or pegging out heaving washing such as wet towels and sheets – I find using a drying rack better as you don’t need to peg as much)
- Ensure you take regular rest and stretch breaks from daily activities to prevent overuse
Treatment can vary but may include, posture rehab strengthening exercises, taping or strapping for support, nerve glides, stretching, dry needling and other manual therapies. Our Physiotherapists can also fit you with a supportive wrist brace which you can wear during the day and also at night. This can be most helpful to minimise pressure on your median nerve and reduce swelling, which will help your carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms.
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Postpartum carpal tunnel: Causes and treatment
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Carpal tunnel syndrome – a condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your wrists and hands – is common during pregnancy and can sometimes linger after you give birth. There are many remedies for postpartum carpal tunnel, including splints, simple exercises, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines, and steroid shots. Carpal tunnel usually lets up on its own, but in some cases, you may need a minor surgical procedure to relieve pressure on your nerves. Call your provider right away if you notice sudden swelling in your hands, as this could be a sign of postpartum preeclampsia.
Photo credit: / deng qiufeng
What is postpartum carpal tunnel?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in your hands, wrists, and arms. It's common during pregnancy, and sometimes lingers after you give birth, thanks to postpartum swelling that can compress the median nerve in your hand and trigger symptoms. (You can also develop carpal tunnel postpartum even if you didn't have symptoms during pregnancy.)
Research shows that almost 30 percent of pregnant women will develop carpal tunnel in pregnancy – and about 15 percent of moms will still have carpal tunnel a month after giving birth. Some experts believe that risk factors for carpal tunnel may include excessive weight gain during pregnancy and gestational diabetes. Most new moms find that the symptoms resolve on their own within three months, but for some, it can persist and even worsen.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:
- Numbness, tingling, burning, and pain in your thumbs and fingers
- Shock-like sensations that travel down your arms to your thumbs and fingers
- Pain or tingling that shoots up your forearm.
(The pain is usually worse at night, and can even disturb your sleep.)
- Hand weakness that makes it hard to do things, such as button clothes. You may also find yourself dropping things frequently.
If your hands or wrists ever swell up suddenly, call your healthcare provider right away – especially if the swelling is accompanied by a severe headache, changes in your vision, upper abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, or shortness of breath. These are all potential symptoms of postpartum preeclampsia, a serious condition that requires prompt treatment.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is different than De Quervain's tenosynovitis, another common cause of wrist pain after pregnancy. De Quervain's is marked by inflammation of the tendon that runs down your forearm, through your wrist, and to your thumb. Many moms experience symptoms of De Quervain's, which are similar to postpartum carpal tunnel syndrome, since it can develop by overusing your wrist – to hold and feed a newborn, for example.
How to relieve postpartum carpal tunnel
Fortunately, there are many remedies that can help relieve some of the pain associated with postpartum carpal tunnel. Talk to your healthcare provider about what's best, which may include:
- Bracing or splinting. Wearing a wrist splint or brace works to keep your wrist in a neutral position, which reduces pressure on the median nerve.
- Hand exercises. Your provider may recommend certain exercises and stretches to help the median nerve move more freely within the carpal tunnel and improve range of motion. A short course of physical therapy may also help.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen can help relieve pain and inflammation during the postpartum period, though it's worth noting that they're not recommended during pregnancy. (It's best to talk to your provider before taking any pain medications, especially if you're breastfeeding.
- Steroid injections. These can temporarily relieve inflammation, and they’re safe for breastfeeding moms. If there's evidence of ongoing nerve damage though, surgery to repair the issue may be necessary.
You may have read that taking a daily dose of vitamin B6 can help alleviate carpal tunnel symptoms, but that's only true if you have a true B6 deficiency. If you're eating a healthy, balanced diet, you're getting the postpartum nutrients and vitamins you need.
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Will carpal tunnel after pregnancy go away on its own?
It depends. The pain usually goes away gradually as the swelling from pregnancy subsides. But if your carpal tunnel pain still persists even after the swelling resolves, you may need to wear a wrist splint or have a minor surgical procedure to relieve the pressure on your median nerve.
During the procedure, a small incision is made in your palm so the transverse carpal ligament, which pushes into the median nerve as the carpal tunnel swells and prevents it from functioning properly, can be cut. Once the ligament cut is made, pressure is alleviated, allowing the median nerve to do its job. The surgery isn't painful, but recovery can take several weeks.
Because carpal tunnel can cause nerve damage, it's important to let your healthcare provider know about your pain. Bring it up at your postpartum checkup if you're still feeling soreness or tingles, and they can assess the appropriate next steps.
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Postpartum warning signs
How long does postpartum recovery last?
How to lose weight after pregnancy the healthy way
Hallie Levine
Hallie Levine is an award-winning journalist who has covered health and wellness for more than 20 years. She lives with her three children in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Numb hands after childbirth - Mom and baby
1 min. reading
All female pregnancy is accompanied by all sorts of ailments. It is not uncommon for women to wake up daily with new symptoms. It happens that women complain that their hands go numb after childbirth or even during pregnancy. What can be the cause of this condition and how to deal with it? What does this condition indicate, and what should you pay special attention to?
What makes hands go numb after childbirth
Any symptoms that appear during pregnancy can have not only real causes, but also pathological ones. Do not dismiss them, so as not to miss the real problems of the body. nine0005
Quite often the last months of pregnancy are accompanied by edema. Hands are no exception. It happens that the accumulated liquid begins to compress the wrists located in the narrow channel, which causes trouble.
It's no secret that during pregnancy, women get used to unpleasant sensations, so numbness of the hands is attributed to a banal uncomfortable position. However, it is desirable to understand the true causes of the condition. nine0005
To prevent numbness of the hands after childbirth, it is worth controlling your weight even during pregnancy. After all, numbness of the fingers on the hands contributes to the increasing body weight. In addition, do not put excessive stress on the hands. The maximum weight is about 4 kilograms.
In some cases, numbness in the fingers after childbirth can be a sign of a problem with the heart, which is under severe stress throughout pregnancy. Also, the cause of such numbness can be nervous overload, so you should not allow them. nine0005
Causes of numbness of hands after childbirth
So, for many women, the phenomenon is typical when hands become numb after childbirth. In this case, the sensations can be different: if some feel just a tingling sensation, then others feel a burning sensation or complete numbness. Many try not to pay attention, being sure that they simply lay their hands down, or were in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Usually, this symptom is characterized by a nocturnal manifestation.
Doctors assure that the so-called tunnel syndrome can often be the cause of numbness of the hands after childbirth. It involves the infringement of nerve endings in the area of the carpal tunnel. It is most typical for those people who work with a computer. nine0005
But in some cases, osteochondrosis can also become the main reason that hands begin to go numb after childbirth. So, with the development of arthrosis in the cervical spine, or a banal overstrain of the muscles located in the same area, this may well provoke numbness. In addition, a sharp increase in body weight can lead to a similar condition, because in this case, a person’s activity is significantly reduced.
Due to the lack of minerals or vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism, the same tunnel syndrome can also develop. nine0005
Recovery after childbirth
nine0000 🔍 popular pregnancy questions and answers Fingers go numb.
September 20, 2015 19:50 at Personal Journal
No more strength to endure! Used to be numb in the mornings and evenings. And for more than a week, 3 fingers on each hand have been numb around the clock, and they go colic. Hands have become weak, it is difficult to cook something, take something small in your hand, weakness in the muscles or bones right up to the elbow, a real breakdown! Elbows are also often aching. I take magnesium, it does not help. I understand that after pregnancy it will most likely pass, but can you somehow ease the pain? Who did it, girls? I’m already starting to worry, because my friends didn’t have such a thing, so that it’s right around the clock! Doctors ignore, say they don't know what it is (
0 15403Fingers go numb, especially on the right
February 15, 2013 15:20 at Parents' health
Good afternoon! A little more than a week, my fingers began to go numb, even now, when I type, the index and middle ones on my right hand tingle. This morning, after sleeping, she was very numb, kneaded and massaged her fingers to improve blood flow, but it turned out with difficulty, while the index finger began to hurt a lot. I am now 38 weeks pregnant, and the swelling has increased recently. Can fingers be so numb because of this? Advise what to do? How can you help yourself at home? I won't be able to see a doctor anytime soon. nine0005 0 32130
Monochorionic diamniotic twins...
27 July 2015 16:59 at Personal log
diagnosis… This is the most common case of identical twins. To be more precise, these are twins. But in medicine they are usually called twins. The term (monochorial) means that babies have one placenta for two. the fetus. developing faster suppresses the other, absorbing more nutrients. As a result, children are born with a significant difference. The similarity of children will be insignificant .. Unfortunately, more than one doctor cannot determine their similarity, as this comes as a surprise . . The lucky mom expecting twins is always intrigued by the question of...
The body temperature jumps and the fingers go numb (((
Complain There was general anesthesia due to a defect in the placenta, and when I woke up I felt that the little finger and ring finger on my left hand were going numb, it was like that for about 4 months ... then it got a little better, it seemed to have passed ... Quite often barley began to appear in front of my eyes, then on one, then on the other ... digestion was not in order, but it seemed to improve with the diet ... Somehow, in my worries, I stopped paying special attention to everything ... recently my little finger and ring finger on my right hand began to go numb, not much, but I feel as if I had “overdone” a little, periodically it seems to pass, I feel my hands normally, then it comes back again ... A week ago I was preparing for my son's birthday, st ...
1 1232Second births earlier, girls born earlier, identical pregnancies and other blablabla!!
August 15, 2015 10:13 am at Personal Journal natural childbirth weighing 3290 gr. and 53 cm. I have no ruptures of injuries and hematomas. Her entanglement was not seen, so we have 8/10 on Apgar. The pregnancy was perfect. There was no nausea, everything was in order with the placenta. I flew on vacation, on business trips. Unless she ate like an elephant and gained 18 kg. With whom I fought later) but this is my eternal struggle, I'm used to it. Everyone tried to determine something by the shape of the abdomen, but this is not possible in a person whose skin is stretched after a lot of weight. Pregnancy second. (Even more desirable) tried as much as a whole ...
July 23, 2016 2:36 pm at Personal Journal
37-38 weeks, legs became very strong in literally 2-3 days, huge pads became. 3) at the same time, fingers began to go numb at night, it only helped when walking around. 4) from 38 weeks, hands go numb at night right up to the shoulder, and the hand bakes. Terrible! I felt a little better from hot water. 5) Today I am 38.
3 September 2021 05:43 at Personal Journal
Complain Post for myself I'm fat... No, I'm an unreal whale🤦♀️ it's hard to carry my carcass, weight is about 87 kg (Oh God, how could I get so much? In the summer I tried to eat cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage...) I hope that after giving birth I will lose weight. .. Resolutely determined ... It seems to me that B will never end, how long have I been pregnant? In March, there were the last CDs, is this in this century? 😁 time goes by slowly, but baby, sit in the house, it's too early to be born (it was at this time that EX happened 4 years ago and later everything ended badly. .. Some of the posts in my journal have been preserved) I've been injecting Clexane in my stomach since April, sometimes it hurts, sometimes with blood, sometimes bruises spread, sometimes I cry... I have to... 2 7314
Hands go numb! Maybe my entry will help someone
October 30, 2013 09:10 at Personal journal
I already wrote that my hands are very numb. Very strong numbness, constantly in the left, and at night in the right hand. I got to the point that I can’t hold anything in my hands - my hands immediately begin to go numb. And the night becomes torture in general - from about 4 in the morning it’s impossible to sleep at all - my fingers numb soooo that I walk around the room like a ghost in the dark, shaking and roaring from pain when they begin to “thaw”, but one has only to lie down and the fingers turn to stone in an instant. Living with such a state has become unbearable - I absolutely do not get enough sleep, constant discomfort and pain, as a disabled person I can’t do anything with my hands. Which is characteristic - ONLY large , the index and middle fingers on both hands, the ring and little fingers are quite healthy ...
Panic attacks during pregnancy - how to cope?
complain -straxi-pri-pregnancy/. Today, the article is already devoted specifically to panic attacks during pregnancy. Questions of this kind are asked to me very often: “Is it possible to get pregnant if a woman is prone to panic attacks? How does pregnancy affect panic attacks? and everything like that. According to my observations, many women, despite their panic attacks, become pregnant and give birth to beautiful, healthy children. Often it even happens that pregnancy and subsequent childbirth simply cure a woman of panic attacks. However, this does not always happen, unfortunately. Pregnancy is not a panacea for panic attacks. But panic attacks in most ...
4 16013253Fingertips go numb!
June 29, 2016 10:31 am at After giving birth, nothing happened at all, 5 days. Hands go numb at night! And my knuckles hurt! Complain June 6, 2012 13:40 at Issues during pregnancy fist hurt! In the morning everything passes and as if nothing had happened, and at night again a nightmare! G. said she prescribed calcium D3. Drink. Already a week! Damn it doesn't help! Numb and dumb. I hope this is due to pregnancy! I hope it goes away after giving birth. And then I feel numb as an old fart! nine0005 0 56887 Hands go numb Complain September 24, 2013 12:56 pm at And during the day I can’t even talk on the phone for a long time - my hands go numb. Preeclampsia in pregnancy Complain The concern of obstetricians with a large increase in the weight of a pregnant woman is not related to concern about her appearance, but about the health of the mother and baby. Often to the question: “How much can and should a woman gain weight during pregnancy?” Many answer correctly, about 10-12 kg. But it happens that some add 20 kg or more. Women are indignant: “Why are we constantly weighed in the antenatal clinic, what difference does it make to the doctor, what kind of figure will I have after childbirth? And in general, a woman during pregnancy should eat whatever she wants. And then the baby will not receive the necessary nutrients. So we often have to explain to doctors that pathological weight gain is one of the early symptoms . Preeclampsia in pregnancy Complain May 13, 2010 00:06 at Preeclampsia The concern of obstetricians with a large weight gain of a pregnant woman is not related to concern about her appearance, but about the health of her mother and baby. Often the question: “How much can and should a woman gain weight during pregnancy?” Many answer correctly, about 10-12 kg. But it happens that some add 20 kg or more. Women are indignant: “Why are we constantly weighed in the antenatal clinic, what difference does it make to the doctor, what kind of figure will I have after childbirth? And in general, a woman during pregnancy should eat whatever she wants. And then the baby will not receive the necessary nutrients. So we often have to explain to doctors that pathological weight gain is one of the early symptoms ... Hands go numb Complain July 31, 2012 01:01 am at My hands have been getting numb at night for about a month now. Hands go numb and hurt Complain 11 December 2013 14:22 at + even the lower back hurt and there was a feeling of tightness in the chest, it was painful to breathe. I read that it is osteochondrosis that affects me so much ... Tell me, how did anyone struggle with this during pregnancy and did it go away after childbirth? Falling apart after childbirth everything hurts. Complain July 22, 2019 22:33 at Girls, all the joints hurt, the pelvis ... and my poor legs ... my feet and knees hurt like crazy ... my feet are very straight. It feels like I weigh 200 kg, they get tired and swell (it’s very noticeable that they swell) ... and my fingers swell. Moreover, I noticed that limbs go numb from any load. For example: while driving, when I drive, my foot on the pedal goes numb, I iron my clothes, my hands cramp. I endured all this during pregnancy, hoping that as soon as I give birth everything will return to normal ... I’m already scared of the Christmas tree ... it’s hard for me to carry myself! And my teeth crumble and hair fall. (I’m already really thinking if I’ll stay bald) 😢😢😢 I started drinking PREGNACARE BREAST-FEEDING today, I hope it helps. nine0005 1 23402 March 19, 2017 11:55 am at Personal Journal Complain Sometimes the fingers on my hands go numb, then on the right, then on the left (it happens a little, but it happens), after I stop feeling my fingers, half of the lower lip goes numb (depending on which hand the fingers go numb) and I seem to stop thinking. swollen:((( Complain October 30, 2012 16:41 at Personal Journal I didn’t have time to remove the wedding ring from my finger and it began to press hard on me and my fingers began to go numb, first the one on which the ring was on, then the middle one. 2 days ago I woke up from the fact that my fingers were very numb and twisted my arm, I told my husband, we started to take off the ring together, looked for a couple of tips on the Internet, took oil and thread and started to take it off, things seemed to go, it came to the phalanx and that's it , the finger turned blue, we're back to the ring. You definitely can't take it off!0005 0 4543 Just about me) about doctors, convulsions, holidays and knitting... Complain I spent May in hospitals, first in gynecology on preservation, then in the maternity hospital . June 22, 2016 20:42 at Personal journal everything was.... In general, yesterday was 40.1 weeks. The doctor and I agreed to meet for a scheduled examination and if anything. She hospitalizes me in prenatal. I arrive at 16:00, climb into a chair, she looks and says the opening of 2 fingers, something I don’t understand, she says water is leaking along the way. I say I didn't even notice! Makes the test positive, makes the control also positive. And then I hear a murmur! She's all right, you're in labor!!! I think, nishtyak, if they moved away, then I won’t suffer for long !!! I call my husband (he was sitting in the car waiting) I say cockroach packages, I give birth !!! He rushed the poor, stands and n . My story about the second birth. Complain 15 July 2010 04:26 at Stories about childbirth I found a minute to tell about how it was)). At 36 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound was diagnosed with oligohydramnios and premature aging of the placenta. Went to the day hospital. The doctor said we treat low water and at 37 weeks we go to the hospital to prepare for childbirth. During the treatment, CTG was done three times, the baby's condition is excellent. After treatment, ultrasound showed that all excellent, the lack of water was eliminated. They let me go for another week. At the next appointment, the kind aunt doctor looked in her chair opening,))) in the morning the cork came off. On the same day, another examination and a promise to give birth before Monday (it was Friday). And to be sure the doctor advised on Sunday to drink two glasses of ice-cold champagne and work with her husband ... My story about the second birth. Complain July 15, 2010 04:26 am at Personal Journal I found a minute to talk about how it was)). At 36 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound was diagnosed with oligohydramnios and premature aging of the placenta. Went to the day hospital. The doctor said we treat low water and at 37 weeks we go to the hospital to prepare for childbirth. During the treatment, CTG was done three times, the baby's condition is excellent. After treatment, ultrasound showed that all excellent, the lack of water was eliminated. They let me go for another week. At the next appointment, the kind aunt doctor looked in her chair opening,))) in the morning the cork came off. On the same day, another examination and a promise to give birth before Monday (it was Friday). And to be sure the doctor advised on Sunday to drink two glasses of ice-cold champagne and work with ... My complaints about life...))) 35 week Complain April 4, 2013 2:27 pm at Women's consultation Oooh, my physical condition is something now . Vacation, second screening, breaking news... Complain September 14, 2015 3:47 pm at I decided to write about the latest events and news. We went with my husband and a baby in the tummy on vacation. Coming soon))) Complain March 5, 2015 12:29 pm at Personal Journal Greetings, girls! how are you??? everything is fine with us, the mood, like many, would be faster to give birth)))) a current joke "How are you? - Haven't given birth yet!")) We are in a fighting mood for childbirth, but until the quarantine is lifted, I won't agree to give birth, not for In addition, my husband and I planned and prepared so much, so that later I would take the rap alone !!! Maybe someone knows when they promise to remove it in our maternity hospitals???? Of the burdens of pregnant women, pain in the lower back, fatigue, shortness of breath, swelling on the arms and legs (the legs are especially frustrating, a kind of elephant columns), I haven’t worn a wedding band for 2 weeks, I took it off with a squeal, because somehow it swelled up at once, and it was very problematic to remove, my fingers are still numb . Was at a scheduled appointment Complain June 12, 2018 01:12 am at Personal journal Today I was at a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. They took my blood pressure and it was good. The doctor said that all the blood tests that I had done were also good. They did a urine test today for urinary tract infections, they immediately did some kind of test there and said that everything was fine. I complained of edema, that my fingers and sometimes my legs go numb. The doctor said just eat less salty. Today we listened to the heart ❤️, everything is fine too. They said that there would be no more ultrasound, that is, according to the plan, they generally only have one ultrasound for the entire pregnancy, which they do at 20 weeks and that’s it. She said that they do an additional ultrasound if the fetus is growing slowly or there are any other abnormalities, or when . My birth is a vinaigrette))) Complain I would say I had a vinaigrette, not childbirth - I tried EVERYTHING, well, or almost everything. I'll start from the very beginning June 6, early morning. 3 days before due date. I get up to use the toilet, look at the sheets - the stain is damp, small. Well, I think everything has begun! The waters are leaking! I sat a little thoughtful on the edge of the bed - I get up, again a stain. Zero sensations, no contractions, no pulling pain, dull as in a tank. I wake up my husband, solemnly show the stain and retire to the toilet. Well, here you need to know my husband, no persuasions like “darling, we count contractions up to an interval of 5 minutes” do not work. at the exit from the toilet, my missus catches me with a half-crazy look ... My birth is a vinaigrette :) Complain 30 June 2012 10:18 at Stories about birth I would say I had a vinaigrette, not childbirth - I tried EVERYTHING, well, or almost everything. article about preeclampsia Complain 21 August 2010 06:59 at Personal journal The concern of obstetricians with a large weight gain of a pregnant woman is not related to concern about her appearance, but about the health of her mother and baby. Often the question: “How much can and should a woman gain weight during pregnancy?” Many answer correctly, about 10-12 kg. My fingertips go numb, I don't know why. Especially the middle ones. The last weeks of pregnancy were large swelling of the arms and legs, in the first two days after childbirth, the swelling went away and this appeared. Who faced? Is it normal? Could sewing me up... there... hurt any nerve? nine0005 0 9212
I read it, it seems to be connected with long work at the computer - “tunnel syndrome”, and during pregnancy this sore climbs out. After giving birth, they promise it will pass. Has anyone else experienced this, or heard of it? nine0005 0 121159
At first, it seemed to be cramping, well, I told the doctor, he tells me that this is a problem for many pregnant women. He says that they can start to get sick later. It will go away after childbirth. And now, about a week ago, my right hand completely numbed, I don’t feel it at all and I can’t move my fingers, and the left is somewhere around 50% capable, with which I knead my right hand at night: ((it’s very scary that they will completely refuse. They start both hands function normally around lunchtime.Sometimes when I walk and my right arm starts to go numb.What kind of nonsense is this?The doctor doesn't have any medicine...
This is a terrible feeling and yesterday it was the 2nd time in pregnancy. Maybe someone had it? What is it? This has never happened before pregnancy.0 291
.. Now I feel pretty good and everything would be fine, but I can’t sleep at night due to convulsions (((Girls, who had the same problem? Than Were you exhausted already? We’ll write you out at week 30, you’ll get ... What to write out? Whom to write out and how can I be before the 30th week?0005 0 7426
.. 34 32251
.. firstly, EDEMOSIS, and not just swelling, but to such a state that the legs do not fit into homemade flip flops, no shoes fit at all, except for sneakers, but I feel that it’s cramped in them PPC !!! If you stretch while lying down, it immediately brings your legs together, and sometimes at night it reduces, your hands go numb, your fingers are huge, swollen, they are not inferior to your legs! I seem to try to drink less, Canephron and Hofitol 3 times a day, something doesn’t work ... It’s already impossible to lie on my back, it shoots through the lower back ((Secondly, I recently discovered VEINS on my right leg behind, and not just blood vessels, but healthy veins that appeared, even shed a tear, could not stand it ... I'm afraid that they won't go away, I have ...
Everything went great, thank God… I was worried about the flight. My son (for sure, they confirmed it at the second screening, showing the economy of our little one in all its glory) was worried during takeoffs and landings ... I was worried with him. But everything went well. The baby liked the sea, he always woke up when we came to the beach, he was active in his stomach))) I felt good, had a wonderful rest, now everything is in work. Literally right after the vacation I went to a scheduled appointment at the residential complex, then after some time to the second screen ...
.. especially during sleep (apparently, it affects ...
I'll start from the very beginning June 6, early morning. 3 days before due date. I get up to use the toilet, look at the sheets - the stain is damp, small. Well, I think everything has begun! The waters are leaking! I sat a little thoughtful on the edge of the bed - I get up, again a stain. Zero sensations, no contractions, no pulling pain, dull as in a tank. I wake up my husband, solemnly show the stain and retire to the toilet. Well, here you need to know my husband, no persuasions like “darling, we count contractions up to an interval of 5 minutes” do not work. at the exit from the toilet, my missus catches me with a half-crazy look ...