Threatening miscarriage symptoms
Miscarriage - threatened: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
A threatened miscarriage is a condition that indicates the potential for a miscarriage or early pregnancy loss. It might take place before the 20th week of pregnancy.
Some pregnant women have some vaginal bleeding during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Bleeding may occur with or without abdominal cramps. When the symptoms indicate a miscarriage is possible, the condition is called a "threatened abortion." (This refers to a natural event that is not due to a medical or surgical abortion.)
Miscarriage is common. Small falls, injuries or stress during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause threatened miscarriage. It occurs in almost one half of all pregnancies. The chance of miscarriage is higher in older women. About one half of women who have bleeding in the first trimester will have a miscarriage.
Symptoms of a threatened miscarriage include:
- Vaginal bleeding during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy (last menstrual period was less than 20 weeks ago).
Vaginal bleeding occurs in almost all threatened miscarriages.
- Abdominal cramps may also occur. If abdominal cramps occur in the absence of significant bleeding, consult your health care provider to check for other problems besides threatened miscarriage.
Note: During a miscarriage, low back pain or abdominal pain (dull to sharp, constant to intermittent) can occur. Tissue or clot-like material may pass from the vagina.
Your provider may perform an abdominal or vaginal ultrasound to check the baby's development and heartbeat, and the amount of bleeding. A pelvic exam may also be done to check your cervix.
Blood tests done may include:
- Beta HCG (quantitative) test (pregnancy test) over a period of days or weeks to confirm whether the pregnancy is continuing
- Complete blood count (CBC) to determine the presence of anemia
- Progesterone level
- White blood count (WBC) with differential to rule out infection
Apart from controlling the blood loss, you may not need any particular treatment. If you are Rh Negative, then you may be given immune globulin. You may be told to avoid or restrict some activities. Not having sexual intercourse is often recommended until the warning signs have disappeared.
Most women with a threatened miscarriage go on to have a normal pregnancy.
Women who have had two or more miscarriages in a row are more likely than other women to miscarry again.
Complications may include:
- Anemia from moderate to heavy blood loss, which may require a blood transfusion.
- Infection.
- Miscarriage.
- The health care provider will want to ensure that the symptoms are not due to an ectopic pregnancy. This is a potentially life-threatening complication.
If you know you are (or are likely to be) pregnant and you have any symptoms of threatened miscarriage, contact your prenatal provider right away.
Most miscarriages cannot be prevented. The most common cause of a miscarriage is a random genetic abnormality in the developing pregnancy. If you have two or more repeated miscarriages, you should consult a specialist to look for an underlying condition that is causing the problem. Women who get prenatal care have better pregnancy outcomes for themselves and their babies.
A healthy pregnancy is more likely when you avoid things that are harmful to your pregnancy, such as:
- Alcohol
- Infectious diseases
- High caffeine intake
- Recreational drugs
- X-rays
Taking a prenatal vitamin or folic acid supplement before becoming pregnant and throughout your pregnancy can lower your chance of miscarriage and improve the chance of delivering a healthy baby.
It is better to treat health problems before you get pregnant than to wait until you are already pregnant. Miscarriages caused by diseases that affect your whole body, such as high blood pressure, are rare. But you can prevent these miscarriages by detecting and treating the disease before becoming pregnant.
Other factors that can increase your risk for miscarriage include:
- Obesity
- Thyroid problems
- Uncontrolled diabetes
Threatened miscarriage; Threatened spontaneous abortion; Abortion - threatened; Threatened abortion; Early pregnancy loss; Spontaneous abortion
- Early pregnancy
- Threatened miscarriage
Keyhan S, Muasher L, Muasher SJ. Spontaneous abortion and recurrent pregnancy loss: etiology, diagnosis, treatment. In: Lobo RA, Gershenson DM, Lentz GM, Valea FA, eds. Comprehensive Gynecology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2017:chap 16.
Richards DS. Obstetric ultrasound: imaging, dating, growth, and anomaly. In: Landon MB, Galan HL, Jauniaux ERM, et al, eds. Gabbe's Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2021:chap 9.
Salhi BA, Nagrani S. Acute complications of pregnancy. In: Walls RM, Hockberger RS, Gausche-Hill M, eds. Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2018:chap 178.
Updated by: LaQuita Martinez, MD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Emory Johns Creek Hospital, Alpharetta, GA. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.
Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Tests
A threatened abortion is vaginal bleeding that occurs in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy and is sometimes accompanied by abdominal cramps.
The condition is known as threatened abortion or threatened miscarriage because its symptoms indicate a miscarriage is possible.
Vaginal bleeding is fairly common among pregnant people. In a 2016 cohort, 24% of women experienced bleeding during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy. Of these women, 60% carried their pregnancy to term.
The exact cause of a threatened abortion usually isn’t known. But it’s more common among people who previously had a miscarriage.
Any vaginal bleeding during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy can be a symptom of a threatened abortion. Some people also have abdominal cramps or lower back pain.
During a regular miscarriage, people often experience dull or sharp pain in the abdomen and lower back. They may also pass tissue with clot-like material from the vagina.
Call your doctor or obstetrician immediately if you’re pregnant and experiencing these symptoms.
The actual cause of a threatened abortion isn’t always known. Still, certain factors may increase your risk of having one. These include:
- a bacterial or viral infection during pregnancy
- trauma to the abdomen
- advanced parental age (over age 35)
- exposure to certain medications or chemicals
Other risk factors for a threatened abortion include obesity, unmanaged diabetes, and unmanaged thyroid disease. If you’re overweight, have diabetes, or have thyroid disease, speak with your doctor about ways to stay healthy during pregnancy.
You should also tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you take. Some may be unsafe to use during pregnancy.
Your doctor will perform a pelvic exam if a threatened abortion is suspected. During a pelvic exam, your doctor will examine your reproductive organs, including your vagina, cervix, and uterus.
They’ll look for the source of your bleeding and determine whether the amniotic sac has ruptured. The pelvic exam will take only a few minutes to complete.
An ultrasound will monitor the heartbeat and development of the fetus. It can also help determine the amount of bleeding. A transvaginal ultrasound, or an ultrasound that uses a vaginal probe, is typically more accurate than an abdominal ultrasound in early pregnancy.
During a transvaginal ultrasound, your doctor will insert an ultrasound probe about 2 or 3 inches into your vagina. The probe uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of your reproductive organs, allowing your doctor to see them in more detail.
Blood tests, including a complete blood count, may also be performed to check for abnormal hormone levels. Specifically, these tests will measure the levels of hormones in your blood called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and progesterone.
HCG is a hormone that your body produces during pregnancy, and progesterone is a hormone that supports a pregnancy. Atypical levels of either hormone may indicate a problem.
A miscarriage often can’t be prevented. In some cases, though, your doctor may suggest ways to lower your risk of having a miscarriage.
As you recover, your doctor may tell you to avoid certain activities. Bed rest and avoiding sexual intercourse may be suggested until your symptoms go away. However, there is no research to back up these suggestions.
Your doctor will also treat conditions that increase the risk of complications during pregnancy, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism.
Your doctor may also want to give you a progesterone injection to increase hormone levels. Your doctor will also administer Rh immunoglobulin if you have Rh-negative blood and your developing fetus has Rh-positive blood. This stops your body from creating antibodies against your child’s blood.
Many people who experience a threatened abortion go on to deliver healthy babies. This is more likely if your cervix isn’t already dilated and the fetus is still securely attached to the wall of your uterus. If you have atypical hormone levels, hormone therapy can often help you carry the baby to term.
Approximately 50% of people who experience a threatened abortion don’t have a miscarriage. Most people who do miscarry will go on to have successful pregnancies in the future. But you should see your doctor to discuss possible causes if you’ve experienced two or more miscarriages in a row.
For some people, a threatened abortion is a very stressful experience and can lead to anxiety and depression. It’s important to talk with your doctor if you’re experiencing symptoms of either condition following a threatened abortion or miscarriage. They can help you get the treatment you need.
Your doctor may also know about local support groups where you can discuss your experience and concerns with others who can relate to what you’re experiencing.
It’s difficult to prevent a miscarriage, but certain behaviors can help support a healthy pregnancy. These include:
- avoiding drinking alcohol
- avoiding smoking cigarettes
- not using illegal drugs
- minimizing consumption of caffeine
- avoiding certain foods that can make you ill and harm your fetus
- avoiding exposure to toxic chemicals or harsh cleaning solutions
- promptly treating any viral or bacterial infections that occur
- taking prenatal vitamins, such as folic acid
- exercising at least 2 hours a week
You can also maintain a healthy pregnancy by getting early, comprehensive prenatal care. Receiving prompt prenatal care makes it possible for your doctor to detect and treat any potential health problems early in the pregnancy. This will prevent complications and help ensure the delivery of a healthy baby.
Threatened miscarriage: treatment, causes and symptoms, diagnosis and prevention
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Miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion, in other words, the loss of a fetus that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. According to statistics, about 15 percent of women who want to become mothers face such a problem. In some cases, even under the condition of a critical situation, a miscarriage can be prevented. The purpose of preventive measures depends on the cause of the rejection of the fetus. nine0006
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What can lead to a miscarriage
Losing a baby early in pregnancy can be due to a number of reasons, including:
- Hormonal imbalances leading to progesterone deficiency and excess male hormones. Prevention in this case involves taking appropriate drugs to restore hormonal balance.
- Sexually transmitted infections. Treatment by a specialist will avoid possible complications. nine0084
- Abortions.
- Weakness of the cervix.
- Taking medications and herbal preparations that lead to the opening of the cervix.
- Heavy lifting, hitting, falling.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol.
- Chromosomal abnormalities.
Characteristic symptoms
Miscarriage may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and discharge of varying intensity: from spotting to uterine bleeding. nine0006
Miscarriage is characterized by several clinical stages:
- Threatened miscarriage. Unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen, slight discharge. This situation can last until childbirth.
- The beginning of a miscarriage. Increased discharge, pain from aching turns into cramping, accompanied by dizziness and weakness. Taking special drugs can eliminate the problem and save the pregnancy.
- Miscarriage in action.
In this case, it is pointless to hope for the salvation of the child. Sharp pains covering the entire lumbar region indicate the death of the fetal egg. nine0084
- Contraction of the uterus, after which all pain disappears and the bleeding stops.
How to behave in case of a threatened miscarriage
The first thing to do in this case is to contact a doctor who will conduct the necessary examination and, based on the results, prescribe an adequate treatment. The examination involves the implementation of a number of tests - from the study of hormonal levels to the detection of infections, susceptibility to a number of diseases.
The main recommendation that all specialists give to patients with a threatened miscarriage is complete rest, and in some cases hospitalization and adherence to the established treatment regimen.
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The threat of miscarriage: how to recognize and prevent
Pregnancy is a period of life that is extremely important for any woman. However, it is at this stage that the body loses most of its protective properties, becoming more vulnerable to adverse factors, especially in the case of existing health problems. According to disappointing statistics, about 15% of all clinically confirmed pregnancies end in the loss of a baby, and every second expectant mother is familiar with the diagnosis “ threatened miscarriage ” firsthand. nine0006
What is a miscarriage?
Miscarriage is an involuntary termination of pregnancy that occurs before 20 weeks of gestation, when the weight of the fetus does not exceed 500 grams. More than 80% of miscarriages occur early up to 12 weeks. It is at this time that the initial laying of the organs of the fetus occurs, and therefore any impact can be negative. Often, the woman herself, not knowing about her pregnancy, perceives the bleeding that has arisen as the monthly onset of the menstrual cycle. This situation is dangerous and can cause serious complications in case of incomplete expulsion from the fetus. nine0006
If the threat of miscarriage occurs after 22 weeks, then we are talking about premature birth and born babies weighing over 650 grams. can be successfully cared for thanks to the achievements of modern medicine and the experience of doctors.
Symptoms that must not be ignored
The fact that the pregnancy is at risk of miscarriage is indicated by the onset of vaginal bleeding. A no less alarming sign is a pulling pain that has appeared in the lower part of the abdomen. Painful sensations radiating to the sacrum or inguinal region indicate the presence of uterine hypertonicity and an attempt by the body to get rid of the developing fetus. The causes of bleeding and discomfort may be less serious, but these symptoms should definitely not be ignored. If the expectant mother is given a disappointing diagnosis, the task of the doctors is to do everything possible to keep the pregnancy until a safe period. nine0006 The threat of miscarriage can be provoked by a number of reasons and not in every case it is possible to establish the true problem. And, nevertheless, every woman should be aware of the factors that can lead to termination of pregnancy: No woman is insured against involuntary termination of pregnancy, and yet there are a number of factors that increase the risk and require more attention from the expectant mother and additional control from the attending physician: Even in the slightest suspicion, a specialist should be contacted immediately. It is very important to maintain a sober mind and not panic. Your calmness and timely medical care in most cases help to keep the pregnancy. If you notice bloody discharge, indicating a possible detachment of the chorion - the membranes of the embryo, with which it is held on the walls of the uterus, you should lie down and call an ambulance. Trying to get to a medical facility on your own in such a state is not worth it. nine0006 If a doctor suspects a threatened miscarriage , a number of tests and examinations will help clarify the situation and identify the degree of danger. After a thorough examination and determination of the level of danger, the doctor will prescribe maintenance therapy. In the case when the risk of termination of pregnancy is particularly high, the expectant mother is left for treatment in a hospital until her condition stabilizes and the threat of miscarriage is eliminated. If the condition does not cause serious concern, a woman can be treated at home, subject to the doctor's instructions and maintaining complete calm, for which she will be prescribed sedatives on a natural basis. nine0006 Treatment aimed at preserving pregnancy, includes the following stages: If The threat of miscarriage was caused by hormonal disorders, the pregnant woman will be prescribed by the main necessary hormone - progesterone. Taking drugs (usually "Utrozhestan" or "Dufaston") is prescribed according to a special scheme and is used until a period of 16 weeks is reached. By this time, the mature placenta begins to produce the necessary hormones on its own. nine0006 There is no need to obtain hormones artificially, but it is very important to know that the abrupt cessation of progesterone use can cause spontaneous abortion. Cancellation of the drug should occur in stages, by reducing the dose entering the body weekly. Prescribing antispasmodics can reduce uterine tone and reduce pain. The most common drugs that can be used until the pain disappears completely are papaverine (candles) and drotaverine (tablets). nine0006 The expectant mother will be required to take vitamins, which will not only strengthen the body as a whole, but also contribute to the fact that the threat of miscarriage will be minimized. Considering the number of factors that affect the course of pregnancy, it is impossible to find a magic formula that reduces the risk of miscarriage to zero. And yet, some preventive measures will help reduce the risk of complications to the minimum possible: Problems. nine0084 Whatever its intensity, duration and color saturation, this is a signal that you should immediately seek help from a specialist. nine0006
The main reasons causing the threat of miscarriage
The leaders who appear among the first on this list are rubella, chlamydia, hepatitis, taxoplasmosis, syphilis. Even the sore throat familiar to everyone at the initial stage can be fatal. nine0084
Who is at extra risk?
After a series of studies, doctors say that the risk of abortion after 30 years increases by 2 times, after 40 years the probability of carrying a child decreases to 20%. Doctors attribute this problem to the aging of the eggs, which nature endows a woman at birth and lose their vitality as they get older. Past diseases, the accumulation of toxic substances adversely affect the ability of eggs to conceive. nine0084
However, if a woman has to constantly experience excessive loads, lift weights, then this is a serious reason to think about changing jobs or going on maternity leave as soon as possible.
What should I do if I suspect a threatened miscarriage? nine0079
First of all, the specialist will check the heartbeat of the developing fetus. Ultrasound examination will help to find out about the condition of the placenta and embryo, as well as show possible pathologies of the structure of the uterus. Examination by a gynecologist will determine the presence of tone.
Methods of treatment
Hormonal therapy
2. Decreased tone
3. Vitamin support
The use of folic acid during the first trimester as a separate drug or as part of a vitamin complex will prevent the development of neural tube defects in the embryo.
How to avoid the threat of miscarriage: prevention measures