Red spots on baby neck
Nappy rash - NHS
Around 1 in 4 babies and toddlers in nappies have nappy rash at any one time. It doesn't usually develop in newborns, but all babies can get nappy rash.
Nappy rash can be caused by:
- your baby's skin being in contact with wee or poo for a long time
- the nappy rubbing against your baby's skin
- not cleaning the nappy area or changing the nappy often enough
- soap, detergent or bubble bath
- alcohol-based baby wipes
- some types of medicines, such as antibiotics or laxatives (used to make a baby poo more often)
There may be red patches on your baby's bottom, or the whole area may be red. Their skin may look sore and feel hot to touch, and there may be spots, pimples or blisters.
Most babies with mild nappy rash don't feel sore, but if the rash is severe your baby may feel uncomfortable and be distressed.
If your baby gets nappy rash, you can usually treat their skin yourself.
If the rash isn't upsetting your baby, at each nappy change apply a thin layer of a barrier cream to protect their skin. Ask your health visitor or pharmacist to recommend one.
Follow this advice to help look after your baby's skin.
- Change wet or dirty nappies as soon as possible.
- Clean the whole nappy area gently but thoroughly, wiping from front to back. Use water or fragrance-free and alcohol-free baby wipes. Read more about how to clean your baby and change your baby's nappy.
- Bath your baby daily – but avoid bathing them more than twice a day as that may dry out their skin.
- Dry your baby gently after washing them – avoid vigorous rubbing.
- Lie your baby on a towel and leave their nappy off for as long and as often as you can to let fresh air get to their skin.
- Do not use soap, bubble bath, or lotions.
- Do not use talcum powder as it contains ingredients that could irritate your baby's skin.
- Make sure your baby’s nappy fits properly. If it is too tight then it can irritate the skin and if it is too loose, then the nappy will not be able to soak up pee properly.
Nappy rash usually clears up after about 3 days if you follow this advice. You should keep following this advice as this will help prevent nappy rash from coming back.
If the rash is causing your baby discomfort, your health visitor or pharmacist can recommend a nappy rash cream to treat it.
You should apply the cream first and wait a few minutes before you apply the barrier cream.
If the rash doesn't go away or your baby develops a persistent bright red, moist rash with white or red pimples that spreads into the folds of their skin, they may have an infection.
Ask a pharmacist or health visitor for advice. The pharmacist may recommend a cream for you to use.
If the rash is severe, take your baby to the GP who may prescribe cream or medicine. Follow a GP's instructions on whether and when to apply barrier cream as well as the prescribed cream.
It's normal for babies to develop skin rashes, but it's important to know the difference between a minor irritation and a condition that requires attention.
Read more about rashes in babies and children.
Page last reviewed: 17 September 2021
Next review due: 17 September 2024
Slapped cheek syndrome - NHS
Slapped cheek syndrome (also called fifth disease) is common in children and should get better on its own within 3 weeks. It's rarer in adults, but can be more serious.
Check if it's slapped cheek syndrome
The first sign of slapped cheek syndrome is usually feeling unwell for a few days.
Symptoms may include:
- a high temperature
- a runny nose and sore throat
- a headache
A few days later, a spotty rash may appear on the chest, arms and legs. The rash can be raised and itchy. It may be harder to see on brown and black skin.Credit:
John Kaprielian/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY https://www.
How long it lasts
The cheek rash usually fades within 2 weeks.
The body rash also fades within 2 weeks, but sometimes lasts for up to a month, especially if you're exercising, hot, anxious or stressed.
Adults might also have joint pain and stiffness. This can happen in children too, but it's rare. Joint pain can continue for many weeks, even after the other symptoms have gone.
If you're not sure your child has slapped cheek syndrome
Look at other rashes in babies and children.
Things you can do yourself
You do not usually need to see a GP for slapped cheek syndrome.
There are some things you can do to ease the symptoms.
drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration – babies should continue their normal feeds
take paracetamol or ibuprofen for a high temperature, headaches or joint pain
use moisturiser on itchy skin
speak to a pharmacist about itchy skin – they can recommend the best antihistamine for children
Tell your midwife or a GP if you're pregnant or have a weakened immune system and have been near someone with slapped cheek syndrome.
Non-urgent advice: See a GP if:
you think you have slapped cheek syndrome and:
- you're pregnant – there's a very small risk of miscarriage or other complications
- you have a blood disorder, such as sickle cell disease or thalassaemia – there's a risk of severe anaemia
- you have a weakened immune system – for example, because of chemotherapy or diabetes
Ask for an urgent appointment if you have:
- very pale skin
- shortness of breath
- extreme tiredness
- fainting
These can be signs of severe anaemia and you might be sent to hospital for a blood transfusion.
How slapped cheek syndrome is spread
It's hard to avoid spreading slapped cheek syndrome because most people do not know they have it until they get the rash.
You can only spread it to other people before the rash appears.
Slapped cheek syndrome is caused by a virus (parvovirus B19). The virus spreads to other people, surfaces or objects by coughing or sneezing near them.
To reduce the risk of spreading the virus:
- wash your hands often with water and soap
- use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
- bin used tissues as quickly as possible
You do not have to stay off work or school after the rash appears.
Let the school or teacher know if your child has slapped cheek syndrome.
Page last reviewed: 18 February 2021
Next review due: 18 February 2024
reasons and what to do about it
Red areas of the skin can be the result of a violation of the rules of care, that is, they can be caused by physiological causes, and also be one of the first symptoms of various dermatological diseases. In order to eliminate redness, you first need to establish the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon.
Pathological redness can be caused by an allergic reaction, a symptom of an infectious or autoimmune disease. nine0003
In a child, redness of the skin of the hands is often a sign of allergic dermatitis. External signs of this disease are usually localized in open areas of the body: face, hands, neck. In addition to redness of the skin, allergic dermatitis is accompanied by symptoms such as:
Severe forms of allergies include diseases such as eczema and Quincke's edema. With eczema, the skin is a reddened, itchy area covered with crusts or blisters. Angioedema usually occurs as an allergic reaction to insect bites or certain allergens. nine0003
Redness of the skin of the hands in a child can be caused by kidney or liver failure, infectious diseases, or be the result of exposure to detergents, care cosmetics.
Redness of the skin of the legs, accompanied by a rash, itching and increased dryness, should not be left out of the attention of parents. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:
- urticaria or contact dermatitis - red patches varying in shape and size, may merge with each other, causing irritation, severe itching and discomfort; nine0018
- injuries, bruises and sprains - in addition to redness, the child has noticeable swelling;
- fungal infection - redness accompanied by peeling of the skin, the appearance of cracks and severe itching;
- bacterial infections - often resulting from reinfection through scratching and other skin breaks;
- Coxsackie virus, chicken pox, measles.
The appearance of redness on the skin of the legs requires an immediate visit to a doctor - a pediatrician or dermatologist. nine0003
Face and neck
The appearance of red spots on the cheeks usually indicates an allergic reaction. In infancy, the organs of the digestive system can not always successfully perform their function. In addition to redness, the child has nausea, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain, problems with appetite, irritability, sleep disturbances.
Food allergies are most often caused by cow's milk protein, chicken eggs, fish, honey, chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits. Allergic reactions often occur when a baby tries a new food for the first time, especially when it comes to exotic fruits. nine0003
In the cold season, the child may experience redness around the mouth. The absence of sebaceous glands in the lips provokes drying, irritation and the appearance of painful points and small wounds.
The reasons for this phenomenon may be:
- allergic reactions;
- decreased general immunity;
- adverse weather conditions;
- deficiency of vitamins in the body; nine0018
- bad habits - eg thumb sucking;
- features of digestion.
Redness of the skin on the face also occurs with seborrheic dermatitis. With this disease, increased dryness and peeling are noted in certain parts of the body. The exact cause of seborrheic dermatitis has not been established, but it usually develops on oily skin and is not associated with allergic reactions or lack of hygiene.
Peeling crusts are usually localized in the scalp, around the wings of the nose, eyebrows, ears, less often on the child's body. nine0003
Seborrheic dermatitis can appear at any age, this physiological deficiency is often observed in infants. Usually, the crusts do not present discomfort to the child and can be regarded mainly as an aesthetic defect. The scaly growths and redness do not cause pain or irritation and often go away on their own without treatment. It is believed that the cause of their appearance are maternal hormones transmitted to the child.
To eliminate crusts from the baby's head, before washing the affected area is smeared with vegetable oil, and then the hair is washed with a mild baby shampoo. nine0003
In order to eliminate redness and its accompanying symptoms, it is necessary to establish the cause of the phenomenon.
Redness of the skin on the pope in a child is the result of diaper rash (diaper dermatitis). The skin turns red in the perineum or in the folds, where moisture accumulates the most. Usually the baby reacts negatively to touch when changing a diaper, washing after a bowel movement.
An increased risk of diaper rash on the buttocks occurs when there are violations in the digestive system. Frequent rare stool irritates the delicate skin of the baby, causing redness of the skin. In this case, a review of the child's nutrition system can help. nine0003
The reasons for the appearance of redness of the buttocks in a baby can be:
- incorrectly fitted diaper;
- increased temperature in the room when the child develops prickly heat;
- taking certain medications;
- transition to a new milk formula;
- incorrect selection of detergents and cosmetics for skin care;
- urticaria;
- fungal diseases. nine0018
If redness is not associated with physiological causes, the child should be shown to the doctor.
Diagnosis of redness and irritation
Since the appearance of red patches of skin can be caused by a huge number of reasons, the diagnosis of this problem is of great importance. Depending on the cause of the disease, a pediatrician, dermatologist or other specialist will choose the most effective treatment methods.
In the course of diagnosis, data from an external examination of the child are used. At the same time, attention is paid to the localization of redness, spots and rashes, their size, shape and severity of manifestation. nine0003
Based on the results of the examination, it is recommended to conduct laboratory and instrumental studies. The patient is prescribed general and biochemical blood tests, allergy tests are performed to determine the allergen. If the reddening of the skin in a child is caused by infectious diseases, diagnostic measures are aimed at identifying the causative agent of the infection for the purpose of surgical treatment.
If a fungal infection is suspected, a skin scraping is taken for further examination under a microscope. nine0003
If redness is caused by physiological causes, parents are given recommendations on how to organize the child's nutrition and care procedures. These measures will minimize not only redness, but also other negative reactions from the skin, such as excessive dryness, irritation and roughness.
The treatment of redness as part of the symptoms of various diseases, first of all, is aimed at eliminating the cause that causes this phenomenon. It also aims to ensure that negative skin reactions that cause discomfort to the child are eliminated as soon as possible. nine0003
Prevention of redness and skin irritation
Negative reactions from the skin in childhood are rarely caused by serious diseases and in most cases this problem can be solved by timely treatment and preventive measures.
Prevention of atopic dermatitis:
- adjust the child's diet, exclude foods that cause negative reactions in the body; nine0017 moisturize the skin with hypoallergenic cosmetics;
- eliminate or minimize environmental allergens - pets, synthetic clothing, certain foods, harsh detergents;
- regularly carry out wet cleaning of the premises;
- for washing clothes and baby diapers, use special products.
In order to prevent the severe course of diseases caused by viral, bacterial or fungal infections, it is necessary to detect diseases in a timely manner and carry out appropriate treatment. nine0003
It is possible to prevent the appearance of redness and irritation of the baby's skin caused by diaper rash, subject to the following recommendations:
- bed linen and clothing of the child must be made of natural, breathable fabrics only;
- regularly change the baby's diapers or swaddling clothes, do not allow the baby to stay wet for a long time;
- after each bowel movement, the baby should be washed with warm water; nine0017 while bathing, it is recommended to add decoctions of string or chamomile to the bath;
- from time to time the baby should be left undressed on the changing table for air baths;
- only products intended for sensitive skin can be used while bathing;
- use soft towels to dry the body after washing, do not rub the skin;
- powders and care oils are used separately; nine0018
- ensure that the child is not deficient in vitamins.
To prevent allergic reactions, in which redness and irritation of the skin occurs, care must be taken when introducing new complementary foods. You can not introduce several products into the baby's diet at once, you need to start with vegetable or fruit purees. A new product is given in a limited amount (for example, a teaspoon) and the body's reaction is monitored. In the absence of allergies, the amount of the product is increased. nine0003
Of great importance in prevention belongs to walks in the fresh air. With the child you need to walk daily for 2-3 hours. During the heating period in the room, it is important to prevent the air from drying out. To do this, it is recommended to use special humidifiers or at least put a container of water in the room.
If redness, itching, skin irritation still occur, in addition to general treatment, it is necessary to use special cosmetics with effective local action. Their use is aimed at the rapid elimination of external manifestations of allergies and other diseases. nine0003
You can quickly eliminate redness and irritation of the skin in a child with the help of emollients. The active substances in these cosmetic products help to soften, moisturize, relieve inflammation and regenerate the skin.
Emollients that are suitable for sensitive and delicate skin at any age are presented in the Emolium cosmetic series. Their regular use allows you to successfully deal with such phenomena as excessive dryness, roughness, inflammation and redness of the skin. Leading dermatologists and pediatricians took part in the development of the Emolium series. nine0003
Emolium products are successfully used in skin care prone to such diseases as atopic dermatitis, urticaria, seborrheic dermatitis. They can be recommended for children whose skin is prone to rashes, blisters and crusts.
Moisturizing the skin and maintaining its water-lipid barrier is of great importance. To do this, use the bathing emulsion of the Emolium series. The remedy can be prescribed from the first days of a baby's life in order to soften hard water and prevent dryness and irritation. nine0003
"Emolium" is represented by three types of funds: basic, special and triactive series. You can learn more about the products by clicking on the link.
possible causes and features of treatment ::
Why do spots appear on the neck? Red spots are often an allergic reaction of the body. The skin on the neck and face is especially thin and more delicate than on other parts of the body. Because of this, she is most prone to rashes.
Causes of allergies
Now we will list the factors that can cause allergies, spots on the neck, red spots on the face.
- The use of creams or other cosmetics can cause an allergic process in the body.
- Medicines can also cause allergies. Because of them, spots on the neck will come out, red spots on the face also appear.
- Foods that the body does not accept, or any additives.
- The effect of the external environment on the body. Cold or sunlight can cause spots on the neck, red spots on the face. This also includes flowering. nine0018
- Infection of the body with worms.
- Jewelry causes an allergic reaction.
- Perfumes.
- Animal wool.
- Dust.
Spots in babies
Red spots on the neck of a child are not uncommon. Often, redness of the skin and rashes appear in infants. This is due to the fact that their stomach adapts to food intake. Therefore, many foods can cause an allergic reaction. It can appear during the period when the child is breastfed. nine0003
Here mother needs to watch her diet. If she notices red spots on the child’s neck or other irritations, then those foods that can cause rashes should be excluded from the menu. When introducing new food into the baby's diet, it is recommended to start with a minimum dose. The next step is to keep an eye on the child. If everything is fine, then you can give this product in larger quantities. In the case when red spots appear on the neck, you need to stop eating this food for a while. nine0003
Parents should be aware that the child's immunity is not yet strong. Therefore, the body is very sensitive to various stimuli. For example, an allergy to washing powder, hygiene products, fabrics, and so on may begin. Therefore, children's products are produced without any impurities.
In addition to allergies, in infants, rashes may appear due to sweating or overheating, then the red spot on the neck itches. Therefore, parents are advised to carefully monitor the condition of the child. If there are any rashes on the skin or redness, you need to take measures to eliminate them. It would be best to take the baby to the doctor. nine0003
What causes an allergy and red spots on the neck in an adult?
In addition to the above causes of such a reaction, there may also be other effects on the skin of the neck, due to which redness or a rash may begin. These include local influences. For example, wearing a chain that causes red spots on the face and neck. Sweat formation and its effect on the skin. Usually, children who are not yet a year old are more likely to experience this condition. As a rule, babies at this age have folds. They can trap sweat. Therefore, babies should be wiped, especially their folds. Also, one of the common reasons for the appearance of red spots on the neck of a child is the use of perfumes by mother or other family members. The child's body is considered very sensitive to the effects of external factors. Adults who surround the baby are not recommended to use perfume. Because they can irritate the baby's skin. nine0003
Washing powder is also considered an allergen. Therefore, it is better to buy special children's ones, which do not contain any fragrances. Such products are more suitable for children's things. There are also special fabric softeners that are considered non-allergenic.
How does the neck reaction show up?
Neck allergies are easy to see and feel. A person may develop rashes, red spots appear, and itching also appears. In some cases, peeling or peeling of skin scales occurs. There are swelling or increased dryness of the skin. nine0003
In addition, people with allergies can get headaches. It is also possible to experience shortness of breath.
What are the forms of allergies and what causes red spots on the neck? One of the most common causes is hives. This disease begins to manifest itself with a slight redness. Then it turns into blisters. Urticaria can spread throughout the body, not just the neck. Blisters may appear on the arms or legs. There are also cases of urticaria on the mucous membrane. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of the disease. These include taking antibiotics, sweating, viruses, cold, heat, and more. Even a nervous state or excitement for any reason can cause urticaria. nine0003
Atonic dermatitis
Atonic dermatitis is also a fairly common disease. It has a chronic form. This disease is associated with the use of foods that contain substances that cause an allergic reaction in the body. One feature of this disease is itching. He worries a lot.
First of all, the patient must follow a special diet, exclude from his menu products that provoke allergies. These include:
- Chocolate and cocoa.
- Smoked products.
- Meat.
- Meat-based broths.
- Fish should be excluded from consumption and broths with it.
- Berries such as strawberries, strawberries and others.
- Honey.
- Nuts.
- Mushrooms.
- Citrus fruits.
Be sure to take a course of treatment prescribed by a doctor. The treatment regimen, as a rule, consists in prescribing antibiotics and drugs that contain detoxifying elements. They are necessary in order to purify the blood, namely its plasma. In addition, the patient will need to use anti-allergy drugs. They can be used both internally and externally. nine0003
Other causes
There are several non-allergic causes that can cause red spots. In the summer season, a person can be bitten by some kind of insect. As a result, a red spot appears. If it is combed, it increases in size.
Then there is a risk of infection in the body. Therefore, if itching from a bite appears, it is recommended to treat this place with a special agent. Now pharmacies sell a large number of such drugs, various creams and gels. Applying them to the bite site will relieve itching. nine0003
Pityriasis versicolor
There are cases when the red spot on the neck is flaky. In this case, there is a possibility that a person has contracted multi-colored lichen. This disease develops due to a yeast-like fungus. After a while, the red spot turns brown and a crust forms. The disease is treated with the use of antifungal mixtures.
Pityriasis rosea
In addition to pityriasis versicolor, there is also pink. He is getting worse. It occurs due to damage to the body by any infections. For example, a person can overheat or, conversely, overcool. Pink lichen is accompanied by increased body temperature. In the treatment, methods are used that are aimed at maintaining immunity. This type of lichen goes away on its own in a couple of weeks. nine0003
Stress can also cause red spots. In this situation, treatment with medication is not required. But you need to be able to put the nervous system in order, then the spots will pass on their own. There are several techniques that allow a person to calm down:
- It is necessary to engage in physical education. Yoga or dancing is great here. Relaxing music will also have a positive effect on the human body.
- Special preparations for sedation. They can be homeopathic or herbal. nine0018
- Collection of herbs that have a calming and relaxing effect.
- A person who is constantly nervous needs to find something to do that will switch him and set him up for positive emotions.
Red spots during stress appear due to certain hormones that promote vasodilation. A person with such a feature should learn to control himself. It is necessary to prevent such a manifestation of the body. Here you should learn not to think about the unpleasant, to control your emotions. And do not worry about the fact that red spots may appear under stress or a non-standard situation. nine0003
Eczema, psoriasis
These diseases are considered quite severe. The reason for their appearance can be stressful situations. Psoriasis can be inherited. One of the features of these diseases is skin redness. Eczema can start for various reasons, there are quite a few of them. For example, allergies or fungus. From the neck, peeling caused by eczema begins to spread throughout the body. In this situation, a person does not need to hesitate to visit a doctor. Since delay will lead to the neglect of the disease and its transition to a chronic form. It is better to take all necessary measures to improve the body in a timely manner. nine0003
In psoriasis, rashes are usually localized in the elbows and knees. But there may be cases of irritation on the neck. In order to exclude or confirm the diagnosis, you need to contact a specialist. Unfortunately, psoriasis is not well treated.
Infectious diseases
There are also a number of infectious diseases that are accompanied by the appearance of red spots and rashes on the skin. These include:
- Chickenpox.
- Rubella.
- Measles. nine0018
- Scarlet fever.
Chickenpox is considered a childhood disease. But sometimes adults get sick. This disease is quite easily tolerated in childhood. But an adult can feel quite bad. It is also well known that if a person had chicken pox in childhood, then in the future he cannot become infected with it. But there are exceptions. They appear when a person has a very weakened immune system. In this case, he can again become infected with this disease. You should know that chickenpox is very easily transmitted.