Pregnant while nursing signs
Can you Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?
The simple answer is yes, but it’s a little bit more complicated than that. In this post, we’ll unpack fertility while nursing, the chances of getting pregnant while breastfeeding, and how tracking your temperature holds the key to your fertility. Get comfy, grab a coffee, and join us as we answer ‘can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?’
This article is also available in Spanish.
How soon can you get pregnant after giving birth while breastfeeding?
If you’re not breastfeeding, you can get pregnant again as soon as three weeks after giving birth. However, a review of studies in 2011 found that most women did not ovulate until six weeks after giving birth, this is different if you choose to breastfeed. If you are exclusively breastfeeding (i.e. feeding your baby only breast milk) this can work as a method of birth control for up to six months after giving birth.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to know when that first ovulation is going to arrive - you might not know it’s happened until you get your first period after pregnancy, by which point you’ve already been fertile. There are a couple of options available to help you detect ovulation. LH tests can detect a surge in hormones before ovulation, while taking your basal body temperature can confirm ovulation has happened.
Do I ovulate while breastfeeding?
You’re extremely unlikely to ovulate in the first weeks after giving birth, and if you are only feeding your baby breast milk then ovulation is likely to be delayed further. Of course, if you’re not ovulating, then you can’t get pregnant. However, since the signs of ovulation are extremely subtle, you likely won’t be able to tell when it’s coming and prepare for it.
You should get the opportunity to get contraceptive counseling with your doctor both before and after the birth of your baby. This is a good time to consider your birth control options and ask questions as you might want to try a different method of birth control than what you’ve used previously.
Chances of getting pregnant while breastfeeding
If used perfectly, breastfeeding as a birth control can be as much as 98% effective. This means you are only giving your baby breast milk, and only for the first six months. After this time the chances of becoming pregnant will increase. Of course, this varies from woman to woman, and while for some it might take a longer time for ovulation to resume, once it does there is a risk you might get pregnant.
If we look at birth control effectiveness, and take couples who have regular sex without using any protection there is an 85% chance they will fall pregnant within a year. Again, if you are breastfeeding exclusively, then ovulation is likely to be halted for the first months after giving birth and you can rely on breastfeeding as contraception during this time.
Pregnant while breastfeeding symptoms
The symptoms of early pregnancy can be hard to detect at the best of times, but if you’re looking after a little one and you’re having irregular cycles, it might be extra hard to detect a pregnancy. However, some symptoms of becoming pregnant while breastfeeding include:
- Missed/late period
- Tiredness
- Nausea
- Sore breasts
The symptoms of early pregnancy are also very similar to those of PMS, so it can be a little confusing - especially if you have been experiencing irregular cycles after giving birth. If you’re in doubt, take a pregnancy test and consult with your doctor if you still have concerns.
Birth control and breastfeeding
You can use both hormonal and non-hormonal birth control while breastfeeding. However, for the first three weeks after giving birth you should avoid birth control containing the hormone estrogen. You might want to try a non-hormonal birth control method post-pregnancy - or if the pill has always worked for you, you might reach for the packet again. Either way, it’s a good time to have a discussion about the available methods with a healthcare professional.
Using Natural Cycles while breastfeeding
Natural Cycles is an FDA Cleared app and thermometer that helps you understand your own personal fertile window. Natural Cycles has three modes that adapt to your unique fertility journey: NC° Birth Control, NC° Plan Pregnancy and NC° Follow Pregnancy.
Regardless of whether or not you choose to breastfeed, we recommend you start using Natural Cycles once you get your first period after giving birth. You can use Natural Cycles earlier, but keep in mind that until your first ovulation has been detected, NC° Birth Control will give you only red days.
We hope you’ve learned lots about breastfeeding, preventing pregnancy, and when you’re likely to ovulate again after giving birth. There’s lots more to learn about your body and whether you’re looking to plan or prevent pregnancy, Natural Cycles is a great tool that gives you personal insights into your own cycle. Are you ready to take control of your fertility?
Chances, Symptoms & Health Tips
You might have heard people say that breastfeeding is a great natural contraceptive and wondered if it is true. While many women do not menstruate while they are breastfeeding, this does not mean that they are not fertile during this time. Using some means of contraception is essential if you are keen on avoiding pregnancy during your breastfeeding days.
Video: Can You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?
Can You Get Pregnant While Nursing?
Yes, it is possible to be breastfeeding and get pregnant at the same time. Another question that looms around mothers is that how soon after birth can you get pregnant while breastfeeding. Well, a mother whose infant is under the age of six months and is exclusively breastfed might not menstruate during this period. However, if you re not breastfeeding exclusively, you have chances of getting pregnant three weeks after giving birth.
But there is no way of determining when her body might release an egg, leading to ovulation. So, the chances of becoming pregnant during breastfeeding do exist, though it might be marginally lower.
How Does Breastfeeding Affect Pregnancy?
There is increased production of the hormone prolactin in your body as a result of the nipples being stimulated during breastfeeding. Higher levels of prolactin mean a decrease in your fertility. This hormone prevents ovulation and keeps menstruation from happening. Prolactin levels are at their highest during nighttime and soon after you wake up. But, it is important to remember that there can be ovulation even if you do not experience any menstrual flow yet.
Baseline Prolactin Levels in Women
The amount of prolactin in a woman’s body will vary depending on whether she is pregnant or not, as well as the postpartum period and whether she’s lactating. Here is a sample table to give you an idea of normal prolactin levels:
Your Condition | Prolactin (mg/ml) |
Not pregnant and not lactating | <25 |
Pregnant (Full Term) | 200 |
Postpartum (7 days) and lactating | 100 |
Postpartum (3 months) and lactating | 100 |
Postpartum (6 months), lactating, no menstruation | 110 |
Postpartum (6 months), lactating, menstruating | 70 |
Postpartum (9 months) and lactating | 50 |
If you become pregnant while breastfeeding, there are some symptoms that you might experience:

You might start to feel quite thirsty frequently, and this is common during breastfeeding as your baby will be consuming a major chunk of the fluids you take in. But if you are pregnant while breastfeeding, it could heighten your thirst as the new baby will also require fluids and will be drawing this from your body.
2. Fatigue
Being fatigued is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy while breastfeeding. Just as you think you are getting your energy levels back to normal, you are likely to feel exhausted at the slightest effort. Simply doing the laundry or washing the dishes might prove to be too much for you. While fatigue usually sets in towards the end of the first trimester, with breastfeeding mothers, this can happen early on.
3. Tender and Painful Breasts
This is one symptom that you are likely to attribute to breastfeeding your baby. However, if you suddenly experience increased nipple sensitivity or find your nipples extra painful and sore after breastfeeding, then you might want to take a pregnancy test.
4. Reduced Milk Production
If you feel that your milk production has significantly decreased and your baby remains hungry even after a normal feed, then it might be due to pregnancy. This usually occurs after about two months of pregnancy but cannot be completely ruled out in the early stages of your pregnancy either. Also, the taste of your breast milk is likely to change if you are pregnant and this might become evident when your baby refuses to feed or seems to feed with some hesitation. Some babies might also start weaning themselves from breast milk as a result of these changes.
5. Cramping
The cramping that occurs if you are pregnant can be quite severe. It might feel as if your period is about to start, but that never happens, and only the cramping persists. This could be a strong indicator of the possibility of pregnancy especially if it is accompanied by spotting while breastfeeding.
6. Nausea or Morning Sickness
If you are pregnant while breastfeeding, it is likely that nausea and morning sickness will be greater this time around. Hence, it is important that you ensure it does not prevent you from eating well as you will need to provide nourishment to two babies simultaneously as well as sustain your own energy and health.
7. Increased Levels of Hunger
As a breastfeeding mother, your hunger is bound to have increased significantly. But if there is a sudden spike in your hunger levels accompanied by some of the other symptoms of pregnancy, then there is a good chance that you have conceived once again.
8. Lumps in Your Breasts
Pregnancy, as well as the many hormonal changes that occur postpartum, can lead to the formation of different types of lumps in your breasts. These can range from blocked milk sacs known as galactoceles to fluid-filled cysts and fibrous tissue also known as fibroadenoma.
Health Tips for a Breastfeeding Mother, Unborn Child, and Newborn Baby
If you find out that you are pregnant while you are still breastfeeding your infant, there is nothing to be anxious about. Just following a few simple tips will help ensure that your infant, your unborn baby, and you all stay healthy and well.
1. Eat a Balanced Diet
It is important to eat well and plan your diet properly to ensure that your daily nutrition requirements are fulfilled. You have to nourish not just yourself, but two other growing individuals at the same time. Besides eating a balanced diet, you must take a prenatal vitamin and add at least 500 calories to your daily dietary intake. This is because the foetus will need at least 300 calories to grow adequately. The rest is essential to prevent any interruption in your milk supply for your infant.
2. Rest Well
Your energy levels are likely to be much lower than it would be during a regular pregnancy. This is because your body is involved in nurturing a foetus while it is also nourishing a newborn. This will result in double the effort on your part, and you will be prone to fatigue without doing much. Resting well will help you cope with it all much better.
3. Choose a Comfortable Position
You can choose to either lie down or sit up in a comfortable position when you’re breastfeeding. This will help you catch up on some well-deserved rest, something that you’ll need in abundance while taking care of an infant, that too with a new baby on the way. However, if you do choose to lie down, make sure you don’t fall asleep while breastfeeding your baby.
4. Stay Hydrated
Breastfeeding can rob your body of fluids, and it is important to stay hydrated at all times. When pregnant, this becomes even more important as dehydration can lead to spells of dizziness and prove detrimental to the growth of the foetus. So, make sure you drink lots of water, fruit juices, milkshakes, and other such healthy fluids every day, especially in summer.
5. Ensure Appropriate Nipple Care
The increase in hormone levels, especially of oestrogen and progesterone, can make your nipples sore. Add to this the breastfeeding, and there are higher chances of your nipples becoming dry or cracking. This can lead to bacterial infections if the nipples don’t get adequate care. Using a nipple shield or specific ointments intended for the purpose might give you some relief. The soreness might decrease as the pregnancy progresses and you might feel better in a few weeks’ time.
6. Wean If Required
If you find your pregnancy symptoms worsening or causing you extreme discomfort and having an adverse impact on your health, you might want to consider weaning your child off breastfeeding. You could reduce the number of feeds and supplement with formula the rest of the time. If your child is more than half a year old, you can slowly start increasing the intake of solids and thus, gradually stop breastfeeding altogether. Some children might have an emotional attachment to breastfeeding rather than it being a nutritional need. In this case, increase emotional bonding with your child in other ways to make up for the lack of breastfeeding. Hugs and cuddles aside, make sure to spend more time with your child doing fun activities that will help the two of you bond, thus meeting his emotional requirements.
Is It Safe to Breastfeed While You Are Pregnant?
You might wonder about the safety of breastfeeding while pregnant as it is common knowledge that breastfeeding can cause uterine contractions. Uterine contractions can induce preterm labour in some instances. But you don’t have to worry much about this as it is not a problem in a healthy pregnancy. Breastfeeding releases the hormone oxytocin, which is what leads to uterine contractions. However, since the hormone is released in very small amounts, it is highly unlikely to lead to contractions that can induce preterm labour. Such mild contractions are harmless to the unborn baby and also unlikely to cause a miscarriage.
However, there are some cases in which your doctor might advise you to stop breastfeeding. These are as follows:
- In the case there is a risk of suffering a miscarriage
- If there is documented cervical incompetence
- After the second trimester of pregnancy, when the needs of the unborn baby increase significantly and can easily tire you out
- During the last trimester of pregnancy when nipple stimulation can lead to contractions
What Are the Benefits of Breastfeeding During Pregnancy?
Being pregnant while nursing may feel more challenging when you are already jumping up with pregnancy hormones, but it is, in fact, beneficial for a mother and her baby. Here’s how:
- Breastfeeding supplies the baby with essential nutrients and immunity-boosters for their growth as long as they breastfeed.
- Breastfeeding can be a great relaxing way to spend time with your baby when you are fatigued or nauseous as it will divert your mind off of it.
- Breastfeeding will reduce the chances of breast engorgement after you deliver the baby.
- Breastfeeding will not only relax you but also your little one during times of change in your life.
1. How Do I Know If I am Ovulating While Breastfeeding?
There are certain signs that you can follow to know if you are ovulating while breastfeeding Some of the common signs are experiencing cramping and getting a period, later on, a slight rise in the body temperature (nothing concerning), having light and clear cervical mucus that makes you feel wet, a libido boost – an urge for sexual intercourse, and tender breasts.
2. When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test If I am Breastfeeding?
Pregnancy symptoms may feel similar to PMS symptoms, so they should not be missed. Usually, if you are not sure of your cycles, then you can take the test 19 days after having sex.
If in doubt, take a pregnancy test with the help of a medical expert for clear results.
3. How Long Can I Breastfeed While Pregnant?
You can breastfeed your baby throughout the course of your pregnancy. You may even tandem feed, which is breastfeeding both the children after the delivery. If you have any doubt, feel free to ask this question to your doctor.
4. Can Breastfeeding Cause Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy?
High-risk mothers are in extreme danger of miscarriage due to breastfeeding during pregnancy. Women with a history of uterine pain, bleeding, or preterm labor are recommended not to breastfeed as a precautionary measure. If a mother is not high-risk, nursing while pregnant is not harmful.
If you get pregnant while breastfeeding, it’s important to weigh the needs and requirements of your nursing child and your unborn child against each other. The decision of whether it is best to continue with breastfeeding or not is something that you must make after evaluating all aspects. Your individual circumstances will also play a crucial role in the decisions you take and the choices you make. Ultimately, it is important not to have any guilt or regrets about any of these later in life.
Also Read:
How to Breastfeed a Baby
Breastfeeding Your Baby: How to Get Started
Essential Tips to Consider While Breastfeeding a Newborn
in what cases and what are the first signs of pregnancy
The older generation confidently says that you cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. True, for some reason, he is silent about how the weather children appeared. So can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? We answer in detail.
Vita Zorina
Remember, but write down
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Some people think that breastfeeding is the most reliable contraception, but it's not.
It is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, but how big is the risk, and how to find out about pregnancy, read our article.
When can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?
The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding a child concerns many young mothers for a reason. Many of them are completely unprepared for a new pregnancy, either morally or financially, for many, immediate pregnancy is prohibited for medical reasons. And at the same time, I really want to forget about contraception and rely on hormones that will save you from unwanted pregnancy!
During breastfeeding, there really are no critical days - someone has before the end of breastfeeding, someone has only a couple of months. This lactational amenorrhea is caused by the body producing prolactin, which suppresses estrogen. Nevertheless, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to get pregnant if you are breastfeeding, the answer will be yes. Ovulation while breastfeeding is possible, which means you can conceive a new baby. The fact is that the first menstruation comes (or does not come, if conception has occurred) after ovulation, which means that at the time of ovulation you still do not even suspect the possibility of becoming pregnant again.
You are not likely to cycle again if:
- you are breastfeeding only;
- the child is applied to the breast at least 8 times a day, the night break is no more than 5 hours;
- you don't supplement your baby and don't give him a pacifier.
Under these conditions, one can hope (no one will give a guarantee) that there will be no ovulation at least in the first six months after childbirth. If at least one condition is not met, or if the baby is already 6 months old, it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. According to WHO, this happens in about 2% of cases.
Is it possible for a breastfeeding mother with menstruation to get pregnant? Undoubtedly! In such a situation, the probability of conception is no less than that of non-nursing women. So be sure to use protection if your plans do not include the birth of the weather.
Is it possible to get pregnant with HB: the main signs
We found out that even a nursing mother can get pregnant without menstruation. It remains to understand how to guess about pregnancy. Usually we focus on the delay, but in this situation this method is clearly not suitable. In what situations should you be concerned? Here are a few signs.
1. You are very tired
In the first months of pregnancy, fatigue is one of its most common symptoms. Of course, life with a baby usually does not look like a resort, but it is quite possible that it was easier for you, and now you want to sleep all the time. Of course, this is not the most unambiguous sign, but just in case, check for pregnancy while breastfeeding.
2. You go to the toilet more often
Increased blood flow to feed the embryo stimulates the kidneys to produce more urine. Surely you remember how you ran to the toilet while the child was still inside. So it is quite possible that the same situation has now developed: it is quite possible for a nursing mother to become pregnant, so this option cannot be ruled out.
3. Feeling sick
If you don't feel like this at the moment and you haven't been poisoned, your nausea could be caused by an increase in the level of the hCG hormone, which rises during pregnancy. So don't waste time finding out if you can get pregnant if you are breastfeeding, just buy a test at your nearest pharmacy.
4. Your chest hurts
Estrogen and progesterone fluctuations often give this symptom, but breastfeeding can also cause pain, so it is important to track down the cause. Most importantly, remember that you can get pregnant while breastfeeding, do not ignore this possibility.
Pros and cons of breastfeeding during pregnancy
According to scientists, breastfeeding during pregnancy does not harm either the fetus or the mother. If you decide to leave the pregnancy, and it is proceeding normally, then there is no need to immediately stop breastfeeding. Continue to feed calmly, remembering to eat right: your body needs especially a lot of nutrients right now.
Benefits of breastfeeding during pregnancy:
- you continue to provide the child with essential nutrients and immune protection;
- you form a strong emotional bond with your baby during feeding.
- your breasts may become too sensitive due to pregnancy, and feeding will be unpleasant or even painful;
- you need to pay special attention to your health so that your body can provide for both children without harm to itself;
- feeding can provoke uterine contractions, which, under adverse conditions, will lead to a miscarriage - be sure to consult a gynecologist about this.
So, a breastfeeding mother can also get pregnant. Keep this in mind and do not neglect contraception. There are many birth control methods that are compatible with breastfeeding: condoms, coils, some pills, injections, patches. You don't have to give up sex or rely on your hormones to protect you for sure!
Pregnancy while breastfeeding: first signs
0-6 months
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Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation? There is an opinion that this is impossible. However, in practice, such cases are not uncommon. How to recognize the first signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding and what are the risks? More on this later in the article.
4 min. for reading Feb. 17, 2022
What happens in the body of a nursing woman
Immediately after the birth of a child, the amount of a special hormone, oxytocin, increases in a woman's body. It causes the uterus to contract after childbirth and is also responsible for the production of breast milk. The more often you breastfeed your baby, the higher the concentration of oxytocin in the blood. Interestingly, the same hormone is a provocateur of lactational amenorrhea. In other words, it is he who is to blame for the absence of menstruation.
It is generally accepted that as long as you are breastfeeding your baby and there are no periods, it is impossible to get pregnant. After all, there is no menstruation, no ovulation. No ovulation - no egg ready for fertilization. Everything is logical. In some women, amenorrhea can last a year or two, and in some - a month. And to understand when it ended is extremely difficult. The main sign of the restoration of fertility (ability to reproduce) is menstruation. But menstruation begins two weeks after ovulation. Therefore, a sexually active nursing mother can become pregnant again at any time, without even knowing it.
In addition to oxytocin, the amount of prolactin in the body of a nursing woman also increases. It blocks the growth of follicles and ovulation, but there is no guarantee that the follicle will not start growing. Therefore, it is also impossible to exclude the possibility of fertilization during this period.
Breastfeeding pregnancy: how it's possible
Unplanned conception during lactation can happen, doctors say. The fact is that during breastfeeding, fertility decreases, but does not freeze completely. And if a woman is breastfeeding her baby on schedule rather than on demand, or if she alternates between breastfeeding and formula, the chances of getting pregnant again are quite high.
Longer intervals between feedings or complete weaning of the baby from the breast reduces the level of oxytocin and prolactin in the blood. This, in turn, starts the process of follicle growth and ovulation, the resumption of the menstrual cycle. If you are not planning a second child in the first year after the birth of the first, consider contraception.
Symptoms of pregnancy while breastfeeding
How to determine pregnancy during lactation? It's not easy enough. Breastfeeding mothers often simply do not notice the classic signs of the birth of a new life in the womb, attributing them to the natural postpartum state of the body. Indeed, insomnia, anxiety, excessive fatigue, nausea and back pain are quite typical phenomena for a woman who has recently given birth. And the most obvious symptom of pregnancy - the absence of menstruation - is completely written off, since they are not there anyway. How do you know if you are pregnant or not?
See also: Second child in the family
The first signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding may be:
- You are more tired than usual and you constantly want to sleep.
This symptom can be attributed to sleep deprivation at night and baby care, which takes all your strength. However, if you notice that you are getting tired more than usual and in the morning you feel completely overwhelmed, even if the baby did not wake up at night, buy a pregnancy test.
- Often run to the toilet
This may be due to cystitis or kidney disease, or it may be one of the symptoms of a new pregnancy. Our body is designed in this way: as soon as a new life is born in the womb, the body increases blood flow to provide the unborn baby with all the necessary substances. This in turn causes the kidneys to produce more urine. Do you often go to the toilet? Make an appointment with a gynecologist and buy a pregnancy test.
- You feel pain in your chest
This may be due not only to stagnation of milk, but also to a new pregnancy. Changes in the amount of estrogen and progesterone cause those very painful sensations in the mammary glands. Are you seeing this symptom in yourself? Buy a test.
- You feel sick in the morning.
Anything can make you feel sick, including an increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood. This hormone increases during pregnancy. Take blood tests and take a pregnancy test. It will respond to changes in the composition of urine, even during lactation.
- The baby refuses to breastfeed.
When a new pregnancy occurs, the hormonal background changes. Because of this, the taste of breast milk changes, its consistency thickens and it becomes smaller. Therefore, your baby may refuse to take the breast, will be naughty and constantly demand to eat.
Pregnancy during lactation: pros and cons
Another baby in the family is a joy. You should be aware of the possible risks and positive aspects that a new pregnancy promises.
It is much easier to bring up children who are the same age as children with a difference in age of several years. They have a common daily routine, common interests and toys for two. It will be easier for you to adjust.
Possible risks:
- It takes at least 2 years for a woman's body to fully recover after childbirth. A new child may simply not have enough resources for growth and development.
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