How to adopt a immigrant child
Orphan Process | USCISYou Are a U.S. citizen. If you are married, your spouse must also sign Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative and must also adopt the child If you are n...
Right after birth
What Happens Right After Baby Is Born?You know all about contractions. You’ve wrapped your head around dilation. You have your deep breathing down pat. You’re as ready as you’ll ever be to push. But w...
Abnormal 10 week ultrasound
10 Week Ultrasound: Procedure, Abnormalities and MoreIf you are reading this, we take it that you are 10 weeks pregnant. Congratulations! Now that you are 10 weeks pregnant, you can stop worrying when...
Gay men children
For gay men, having a biological child can be complicatedMost people hoping to become parents envision having children who are genetically related to them. But for gay men, this process is complicated...
How old can you claim a child
How Long Do Kids Stay Dependents?Once you are a parent, you never stop being a parent. You stayed up with your kids when they had the flu, helped them study for the ACT, cheered them on at their gradu...
Yellow discharge during early pregnancy
Yellow Discharge During Pregnancy: Symptoms & RisksYellow vaginal discharge could be a sign of an infection. If you’re pregnant and have yellow vaginal discharge, make an appointment to see your docto...
Sac with no embryo
Blighted Ovum (Anembryonic Pregnancy): Causes & Symptoms Overview A blighted ovum is when the gestational sac containing the embryo is empty.What is a blighted ovum?A blighted ovum (also called an ane...
How early can signs of pregnancy show
12 Early Signs of Pregnancy | SSM Health Matters BlogWhen you have decided that you’re ready for a baby, sometimes waiting to see the two little lines on a pregnancy test can feel like forever. Will i...
When babies move in the womb
Your baby's movements - NHS When you'll feel your baby move You should start to feel your baby move between around 16 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. If this is your first baby, you might not feel movements...
What does hcg levels mean
hCG levels | Pregnancy Birth and BabyhCG levels | Pregnancy Birth and Baby beginning of content 3-minute read Listen Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone normally produced by the placen...