Morning sickness worse at night
Can You Get Morning Sickness at Night? – Cleveland Clinic
Morning sickness. It’s a frequent symptom of pregnancy, and perhaps the most curiously named. So-called “morning” sickness is a feeling of nausea and/or vomiting during pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can strike any time of day or night. It’s a common symptom of early pregnancy, affecting up to 90% of people who are pregnant, says gynecologist Selena Zanotti, MD.
Is morning sickness only in the morning?Unfortunately, feelings of nausea and bouts of vomiting during your pregnancy may not disappear when the clock strikes noon. Queasiness, nausea and vomiting can happen throughout the day and night during your pregnancy.
“Morning sickness is a misnomer,” Dr. Zanotti says. “It is most common in the morning when women wake up and haven’t eaten anything, but it can occur at any point during the day and throughout the evening and night.”
Morning sickness is most likely to happen during your first trimester (roughly 14 weeks) of pregnancy, though it can last into your second trimester, and beyond. The time of day, frequency and intensity of morning sickness will vary from person to person and can change throughout your pregnancy.
The reason you may experience morning sickness at night, or during the day, may be related to changes in hormones that happen during pregnancy.
“Estrogen and progesterone increase in pregnancy and may affect the way foods and drinks move through your body. Also, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin, the hormone responsible for that positive pregnancy test) is at its peak in the first trimester, which is when you are most likely to experience pregnancy nausea and/or vomiting,” Dr. Zanotti explains.
Morning sickness may also have a genetic layer. If your birth parent or sibling experienced morning sickness in their pregnancies, you may have a higher likelihood of pregnancy nausea. It’s also common among people with a history of migraines, mood disorders or motion sickness.
Some studies suggest morning sickness may have protected our hunting-and-gathering ancestors. Feelings of nausea may have guarded early humans and their developing embryos by causing pregnant people to avoid potentially dangerous foods, like poisonous berries or spoiled meat.
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During your pregnancy, morning sickness may be triggered by:
- Feeling hungry or thirsty.
- Eating, especially spicy or greasy foods.
- Smelling strong or offensive smells, like perfumes or certain foods.
- Lying down.
- Prenatal vitamins.
Some people say morning sickness at night is an early indication of your baby’s biological sex, but Dr. Zanotti says the science on this is shaky.
“Some small studies have shown a higher incidence of female fetuses being associated with morning sickness, but no large studies have been done to assess this or determine a reason why it would occur,” she notes.
To curb morning sickness at night, Dr. Zanotti suggests:
Eat what works for youHeavy, spicy and greasy foods frequently set off nausea in people who are pregnant. Pay attention to how your body reacts to certain foods, and stick to the foods that work for you. Eat small meals regularly, and keep on hand some easy-on-the-stomach snacks, like crackers or nuts. Having healthy snacks next to your bed can make it easy to reach for a little something to quell pregnancy nausea at night and when you first wake up.
The BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apples and toast) is easy on your stomach and can help you find some relief from morning sickness during the night or day. Sour foods and sour candies can do the trick, too. Try sucking on a slice of citrus — like lemon, lime or orange — when morning sickness takes over. Ginger is another popular way to find relief from morning sickness. You may find that ginger supplements, ginger tea, ginger candy or sucking on ginger root can help.
Lying flat, especially after eating, can cause the juices in your stomach to rise and leave you feeling queasy. To fight morning sickness at night, try propping up your top half (head to chest) with some extra pillows to keep inclined while you rest.
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Change up when you take your vitaminsPrenatal vitamins are important during your pregnancy. They ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to keep you and your baby healthy.
But you may find that your vitamins contribute to pregnancy nausea, too. If you’re taking your prenatal vitamins before bed, try taking them in the morning to fight off morning sickness at night, and vice versa. Taking your vitamins with a small, healthy snack can help to curb feelings of pregnancy sickness, as well. It’s important, though, that you don’t stop taking prenatal vitamins or change vitamins without talking with your doctor.
When to see your doctorThe good news for you? Morning sickness — or night sickness, or even morning-noon-and-night sickness, as the case may be — likely isn’t dangerous for you or your developing baby, Dr. Zanotti reassures.
However, an estimated 1% to 3% of pregnancies experience hyperemesis gravidarum — next-level nausea and vomiting that can make it hard to carry on with normal life. If you have these symptoms, talk with your doctor:
- You frequently vomit multiple times a day and can’t seem to keep anything down.
- You experience weight loss during your pregnancy (5% of your body weight or more).
- Your nausea and vomiting are frequent and persistent, even after trying the suggestions above.
“Severe morning sickness can cause dehydration,” Dr. Zanotti says. “If morning sickness is leading to weakness or dizziness, you may need intravenous fluids. If you can’t keep any food down or are experiencing significant weight loss, talk with your healthcare provider. There are medications that can help.”
While morning sickness can, unfortunately, come with the job of growing new life, there are steps you can take to make yourself more comfortable. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms if home remedies aren’t doing the trick, and rest assured that while morning sickness isn’t confined to the a.m., it’ll likely ease up in your second trimester.
6 ways to manage morning sickness at night
Pregnancy-related nausea isn’t just a morning thing. It can strike at night, too. Try these tips to curb it.
Photo: @ushappyfour via Instagram
For many women, the term “morning sickness” is laughable. Just ask any mom-to-be who’s exited the dinner table looking a little greener than usual or leaped from bed at 11 p.m. to kneel before the porcelain throne.
Nausea and vomiting, that awfully unglamourous side effect linked to pregnancy hormones, can begin as early as three weeks into a pregnancy and usually dissipates by 12 to 16 weeks, although some women experience it for much longer. The worst of the nausea usually comes in the morning when the combination of pregnancy hormones and an empty stomach can make getting out of bed feel like stepping off a roller coaster. But some of us struggle with feeling much more ill at night.
Why the discrepancy? “Some women get sick later in the day if they haven’t maintained a balanced blood sugar level,” says Nicola Strydom, a registered midwife in Calgary. If you’ve eaten a lot of sweets or carbohydrates, your blood sugar might spike and crash, which can cause you to feel queasy. Not snacking between lunch and dinner can have the same effect. Sensitivity to smells may also play a part, Strydom says. Even if you manage to avoid trigger odours in the office all day, you might open your front door at 6 p.m. and walk right into a pungent wave of cooking smells wafting from your partner’s (ordinarily delicious) specialty dish. Sometimes, that’s enough to send you running to the bathroom. Or it could simply be exhaustion after a long day, which has also been found to exacerbate nausea.
Luckily, there are steps you can take to help ease the effects of nighttime sickness.
1. Graze through the day and night
Nausea is most common on an empty stomach. Instead of three large meals, try three smaller meals with additional snack breaks in between. Almonds or low-sugar yogurt can help fend off queasiness both during your commute home and right before bed. “Something with a little bit of protein is great for keeping your glycemic index a little more balanced,” says Strydom, adding it will also make you feel full longer. Keep easy-to-grab protein-filled snacks by your bedside so you can take a nibble if you wake in the night or before you get out of bed.
2. Stay hydrated
Dehydration can be both the cause and outcome of nausea and vomiting. Sip on water all evening, and keep water on your nightstand.
3. Cut the fat and sugar
Fried foods and fare that is high in sugars and fats are harder to digest, which can cause bloating, heartburn and acid reflux. If you’re prone to nausea, avoid them as much as possible. When you eat a carbohydrate or a sugary food, like an apple, balance it with a protein, such as cheese.
4. Clear the air
If certain smells make you want to hurl, open your windows and turn on your stove fan. Another trick: Eat your dinner cold. While that may sound unappetizing, cold food is less smelly.
5. Alternative remedies
Studies show ginger may help reduce nausea, so try sipping some ginger tea in the evening. An acupressure wristband, which you can pick up at a drugstore for around $15, might also help. Clinical trials published in Health Care for Women International have shown these wristbands to be 50 percent effective at keeping pregnancy-related queasiness at bay.
6. Medication
If you’re looking for more relief, you might want to talk to your healthcare provider about Diclectin, a combination of vitamin B6 and an antihistamine that is the only prescription drug approved for treating pregnancy nausea in Canada. It causes drowsiness, so it can also help you get some rest. However, recent reports suggest it may not be as safe as once thought—talk to your midwife or doctor about the risks and benefits. Another option is taking vitamin B6 on its own (up to 200 milligrams a day is safe), which has also been shown to relieve morning sickness.
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Why nausea in the morning on an empty stomach - causes and how to treat at home
Most often, pregnant women face nausea in the morning on an empty stomach, due to intoxication, but it is not uncommon for this problem to occur in males or even children
Do not worry too much if you have encountered such a problem once, it is likely that this is a banal poisoning. But, if nausea in the morning on an empty stomach does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. Some people are used to dealing with this problem with folk remedies and medicines and they really get better, but it is worth considering that most likely the disease or pathology itself continues to develop. And as a result, it will turn into a more serious form. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor who will find out the cause of morning sickness and prescribe the most effective treatment.
Possible diseases
Most often, morning sickness on an empty stomach may indicate the presence of the following diseases: unpleasant symptoms. This is due to inflammatory processes in the duodenum 12. The patient can also be tormented by: burning, bloating during and after eating, heartburn.
Other causes of nausea in the morning
After excluding the above diseases from the list of causes, the following causes can be considered:
- Pregnancy. Intoxication and nausea in the morning is often found in pregnant women, especially in the early stages. This is a normal reaction of the body to significant changes and hormonal changes. It is very important to completely exclude drugs for the treatment of the digestive tract during pregnancy. These funds can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the patient, the unborn child and the course of pregnancy. Therefore, you will have to endure this ailment and get by with folk remedies, but be sure to consult your doctor.
- Migraine. Morning sickness on an empty stomach may precede a severe headache. You will most likely still feel a lot of noise and increased sensitivity to smells.
- High blood pressure (hypertension). The problem of morning sickness can be accompanied by headache and dizziness. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in a timely manner, you risk starting this disease, which in turn can lead to a stroke.
- Cardiovascular disease - rarely, nausea on an empty stomach occurs with heart failure or developing myocardial infarction. If nausea is accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness and tightness behind the sternum, numbness or tingling in one half of the body, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, as this may be an incipient myocardial infarction.
- Increased intracranial pressure - Nausea and regurgitation in infants can occur when pressure increases inside the ventricles of the brain.
What to do if you feel sick in the morning
It is important to understand that regular morning sickness is a signal of the presence of a pathology or disease and it is highly undesirable to self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor for an examination, but if you don’t have such an opportunity at the moment, there are several effective ways that will help reduce or temporarily get rid of this problem:
- Medicines. You need to be very careful and you must be sure that morning sickness is not the cause of pregnancy or an intestinal disease.
- Ginger root, mint and lemon drinks. You can make infusions of these products for maximum effect, simply by adding them to a glass and boiling water, after 15 minutes you will have a very effective and safe (in the absence of allergies) remedy for morning sickness. YOU can also just add them to hot tea.
- Medicinal collection - if nausea relentlessly torments you in the morning, you can try a collection of mint, oak bark and celandine. To prepare the drink, take 1 tsp of mint leaves, dried oak bark and chopped celandine, pour 0.5 l of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. After the broth is cooled and filtered, take 1 tablespoon 3-5 times a day before meals.
- During pregnancy. There are some little tricks you can use. For example, do not get out of bed quickly, drink plenty of fluids. Eliminate fatty and heavy foods from your diet. Eat small meals several times a day.
Just got up and already tired: how to distinguish ordinary laziness from a serious illness
July 14, 2017, 15:30,
when learning to brush their own teeth or lace up their shoes. And in the school of idleness they even declare war. Suffice it to recall that on the flyleaf of the primer there were in bold type proverbs like "Laziness is worse than illness."Modern doctors have something to answer both folk wisdom and those who consider laziness to be the fruit of spoilage, improper upbringing and bad heredity. According to doctors, laziness is a disease, or rather, its symptom.
The destiny of workaholics
An obsessive alarm clock, coffee on the run, sitting in front of a computer all day... Go to a foreign language course, sign up for a gym or swimming pool, meet college friends - all these plans are again and again postponed until later .
What is it: banal laziness and lack of willpower? Probably not. Constant lethargy, lack of motivation, irritability and absent-mindedness can be symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Surprisingly, a disease that causes insurmountable laziness in a person most often affects workaholics.
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Chronic fatigue syndrome was first described by American doctors in the mid-eighties of the XX century after they studied thousands of patients who complained of constant lethargy , irritability and apathy. It turned out that almost all of them lived in big cities and worked hard.
"From a medical point of view, laziness is a completely natural reaction of our body. If a person constantly works at the limit of his strength, the brain tries to protect himself from a stressful situation. And the unwillingness to do anything can slow down a workaholic," says therapist Elena Tikhomirov.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is like a speed limiter in a car. Exceeded the allowed limit - and a signal starts beeping in the cabin, warning that moving faster is life-threatening.
When the "speed" of our life is exceeded, the body produces stress hormones - adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. In extreme situations, these substances help a person quickly navigate and escape from danger: they speed up the pulse, increase blood pressure, and stimulate the brain. That is why a person begins to think faster, becomes more resilient, can withstand cold, hunger, and even blood loss. But for our benefit, these substances work only in situations that really threaten life and health. Usually this is a short period of time, and when the danger is left behind, relaxation sets in.
From a medical point of view, laziness is a completely natural reaction of our body. If a person is constantly working at the limit of his strength, the brain tries to protect itself from a stressful situation.And what can slow down a workaholic is just the unwillingness to do anything
Elena Tikhomirova
If there is no relaxation, the constant high level of stress hormones causes hypertension, insomnia, disorders of the heart and stomach, and rapid skin aging. After a few months of living in such a rhythm, the resources of the body are depleted, and the person feels lethargic, overwhelmed, indifferent to everything, that is, lazy. But he has to keep going.
“Sometimes a person pushes himself too hard: “I have to be better than others,” “I have to get more than others,” “to be better than others, you have to try harder,” says psychologist Pavel Volzhenkov, — as a result, a person breaks the balance of work and rest, drives himself to such an extent that he leaves three to four hours to sleep.
Working at this pace is like trying to run a marathon at the speed of a sprinter. Meanwhile, the main rule of long-distance runners is the ability to distribute forces. Therefore, doctors recommend that workaholics reduce their workload by at least twenty percent in order to really achieve success at work and at the same time stay healthy.
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Another serious cause of constant fatigue and apathy is chronic lack of sleep. Workaholics often neglect sleep and either work at night or do things they don’t have time to do during the day: meet friends, go shopping or go to the movies.
But in the evening, the brain starts to produce the hormone melatonin, which causes a desire to sleep. Melatonin is both our doctor and worker: while we sleep, it restores strength, strengthens the immune system, and slows down the aging of the body.
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It is most active from twelve to three in the morning. With a lack of sleep, the production of melatonin decreases, the biorhythms of the body go astray, which is why we cannot fall asleep, even if we are deadly tired, and in the morning we wake up with difficulty and feel overwhelmed.
“Nature created a person so that his brain would rest at night and work during the day,” says cardiologist and therapist Nizami Guliyev, “during sleep, the brain processes and assimilates the information it has received during the day, as if making room for a new one. If a person does not get enough sleep ", but at the same time it works at the usual intense rhythm, the brain is simply not able to process information quickly. It's like a computer with a small amount of memory that was forced to download a heavy video. It will do it very slowly."
After a night spent on the next project, the body will tend to rest and resist the flow of new information. Working in this state is perceived as a traumatic factor from which one must hide. So, the surging laziness and desire to do anything, if only not work, is quite natural.
Disease of managers
Lack of physical activity can also cause laziness. When we spend the whole day at a sedentary job and our body is essentially inactive, the number of impulses from the muscles to the nervous system decreases, the blood is poorly oxygenated. As a result, the working capacity of the brain decreases, memory and concentration deteriorate. And we feel lethargy, weakness and ... unwillingness to work.
If a person does not get enough sleep, but at the same time works in the usual intensive rhythm, the brain is simply not able to process information quickly. It's like a computer with a small amount of memory, which was forced to download a heavy video. He will do it very slowly. and if this is not possible, get off one stop earlier from home and walk a couple of kilometers on foot. Get a dog and walk it for at least forty minutes in the morning and evening.”Research scientists have shown that regular and moderate physical activity improves short-term memory and concentration by almost thirty percent. So companies that provide their employees with discounted memberships to fitness clubs actually provide a higher efficiency of their work.
"...similar to an English spleen, in short: Russian melancholy"
But what if a person has no health problems, gets enough sleep, moves enough, does not work too hard, and at the same time strives with all his heart for idleness? It turns out that he is the same lazy person? Not at all.
Most likely, such a person is simply not doing his job or is experiencing psychological stress.
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this or that action, - explains the psychologist Pavel Volzhenkov, - in fact, a person simply defends himself if he does something that he does not like. For example, if a person goes to work that does not bring him satisfaction. "
Laziness as a result of satiety with life or greenhouse education, according to psychologists, is extremely rare.
More often it is a shield with which a person closes himself from the need to make an important decision for himself. After all, it will entail changes in the established life, uncertainty and, possibly, failures, which people always try to avoid.
So, if bouts of laziness periodically come over you, do not rush to scold yourself, but rather try to figure out if you like what you are doing. And when you decide to change, don't forget what Confucius said: "Choose a job you love and you won't work a single day in your life.