How to know if a child is possessed
Signs that a child might be possessed by Demons| GSC Movies
Belief in spiritual possession by demons and other supernatural entities remains very much with us, as it is one of the most widely held religious beliefs in the world.
A child is a sweet tempered and affectionate baby, then one day, things started to change. Maybe you woke up find them levitating in their bed or staring at you in the middle of the night. No matter how it started, you’re probably wondering “is the child possessed by a demons or some other devil?”
Be rest assured if you’re feeling crazy for even thinking a child might be possessed by a demons, because possession is actually extremely common. According to spiritual research, 30% of the population in the current era will be possessed by some sort of ghost, demons, or other negative energy. The child’s body is simply seen as a temporary vessel for the bad spirit.
Check out these to determine whether a child is possessed by a demons, for a list of warning signs of devil possession. Please do not attempt to perform an exorcism on your or any child you believe to be possessed by demons, and seek professional help immediately.
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Signs of demonic possession include superhuman strength, spitting, cursing, aversion to holy water, and the ability to speak in unknown languages. Maybe the child has been excessively vomiting, saying strange things, or has a sudden fascination with all things morbid, if you are frequently woken by a child peering out at you from the dark, bloodcurdling screams or guttural noises, and these are all mild signs of being possessed. However, if you find a child spinning their head 360 degrees, speaking in tongues, or unnaturally and rapidly moving their limbs, you’re most likely dealing with demons.
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Psychologists and theologians believe demons to be mere figments of the imagination, and regard demon possession as nothing more than an unscientific way of explaining mental illness. Actually, mental illness and demon possession are very different, so before you go any further, it’s also important to rule out mental illness as an explanation for the child’s behaviour, especially psychological illness, is a very different matter; it is the concern of medical science.
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Many people believe that evil spirits belong to the world of superstition and myth. According to this thinking, demons, or evil spirits, were conjured by primitive imagination; today we understand them as mental and emotional disorders. To be certain, the next time a child acts out in a manner you believe to be ‘demonic’, try binding that spirit by calling it out. As if they weren’t sure what had just happened, or if you see a child snap out of it and look at you confused, then there’s a good chance there are demons involved.
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In other cases, believers assume bad behavior is driven by evil spirits — “the devil made me (or him, or her) do it” is very much alive in many people’s minds. A child could be possessed by a demons, if they mentioning blood on the walls, speaks in a gruff voice to strangely named imaginary friends or claim to see things that aren’t there.
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Speaking of being possessed by demons, there is one showing in cinemas now, it is called “Stray”. Directed by Olga Gorodetskaya, and starred by Elena Lyadova and Vladimir Vdovichenkov, it was presented in the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival. Stray is a movie that destroys our image of childhood innocence.
Stray talks about Polina and Igor decide to heal the incredible grief through adoption, after the tragic disappearance of their only son. Both of them come upon a very special boy, an almost feral child who can only communicate in grunts and snarls, which considered as being possessed by demons. However, Igor starts to feel uneasy when Polina decides to name the stray child Vanya, because it is more starting to resemble their missing child and certainly not helping that new kid…
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Stray has been released in all cinemas in Malaysia today, if you are a fan of horror movie, you should not miss it. See the trailer and movie poster down below.
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7 Foolproof Techniques to Determine Whether your Child is Possessed
01 Nov 7 Foolproof Techniques to Determine Whether your Child is Possessed
Halloween is over, but your little rascal is still running around pretending to be one of the damned. Can’t tell whether they’re acting or have been overrun by demons? Try any of these helpful techniques in determining whether your child is dead, alive, or being used as a vessel of pure evil.
Technique 1
A diligent father hiding under his child’s bed to see whether she’s a demon.
Hide under your child’s bed a few minutes before your spouse tucks them in. Wait a couple of hours. Once you are sure the child is asleep, start breathing heavily. Run your knuckles up and down the spring boards until your child begins to stir. Reach out and grab him or her. If he or she screams, your child is likely still themselves. Possessed children will shrug it off and assume you are a monster: they do not fear their own.
Caution: If you feel a presence with you under the bed, it is, in all likelihood, a ravenous monster planning on eating your child. Don’t worry: we’ll make sure to tell your wife and kid that you loved them very much!
Technique 2
A mounted wall camera.Hide a security camera in your child’s room. Make sure it is fully charged and has enough storage space (or tape, if you happen to be stuck in the 80s, far out!) and hit ‘record’. In the morning, review the tape for any evidence of supernatural activity: vomiting, head-spinning, floating, etc. Please note that hovering one foot or less above the bed is perfectly normal and should be expected of any child.
Technique 3
A well-intended father coated in strings of spaghetti attempting to prove his child is a demon.Have a bad back and don’t want to hide under the bed (as shown in technique 1)? Purchase an inexpensive Halloween mask or create your own. If you are on a budget, we recommend cooking spaghetti and dangling it off your head and arms. Once you are ready, simply walk into your child’s room late at night and stand at the foot of their bed until they wake up. Contort your arms and legs in short, jerky motions, then follow-up with a shrill scream. If your child does not immediately turn the light on, there is a high probability that he or she has been replaced by a demonic version of himself or herself.
Tip: For an even more realistic costume, pour the pot of boiling spaghetti directly on your face without letting it cool first.
Technique 4
A plate of spaghetti with a side of holy water.
Regardless of your religion or lack thereof, head to a local church and ask for a vial of holy water. Go home and cook a delicious meal for you and your family to enjoy. Sprinkle the holy water on the result, and serve. If your child is a vessel of ultimate evil, he or she will either begin to foam at the mouth and seize up, or cough out copious amounts of blood. Either way, it’s good to keep a bucket handy!
Technique 5
A very successful Latin quiz. A+There’s no better way of knowing what’s happening to your little rascal than getting involved in his or her life. Sign up for a Latin class and see how quickly your child picks it up. In all likelihood, if he or she is a normal child, his or her test scores should be average. However, if he or she is possessed, he or she will quickly become top of the class. Way to go, sport! We’re proud of you!
Technique 6
A father gently coercing his child out of a salt circle.Buy a few boxes of salt. Find your child and ask him or her to close his or her eyes while you quietly draw a salt circle around them. If you are doing this indoors, lay down some plastic first to make clean-up easier. Tell your child to open their eyes, then triple-dog-dare them to jump out of the circle. Whether your child is a spawn of Satan or truly your little angel, he or she will feel compelled to complete the challenge. Your child will either dissolve or find himself completely incapable of exiting the circle.
Caution: If your child fancies himself a mime, it may be virtually impossible to tell whether he or she is possessed or simply trying to impress you. Rest assured, you are better off getting rid of him or her anyways.
Technique 7
A regular human heart.Note: This method requires a fair amount of manual dexterity. If you have trouble drawing a straight line or holding objects, please avoid it.
OK, so you tried a few of the techniques on this list already, but you are still not convinced by the results. “Please, give me a sure-proof way of knowing,” you ask. If you want to be absolutely certain that your child is not a hell spawn, this is the technique for you! You will need:
- rubber gloves (feel free to use bright yellow or pink ones)
- a well-sharpened knife
- sewing kit, plastic
- rope
- duct tape
Start by taping plastic to the inside of your bathtub, put the gloves on, and call your child. When he or she enters the room, grab him or her firmly by the arm and tie him or her to the bath. Wait until he or she has cried long enough to fall asleep from exhaustion. Gently cut a vertical line about an inch to the left of the center of your child’s chest. Carefully peel the skin away, pull the ribs apart, and examine his or her heart. If it is black, green, or purple, then your child is damned. If it appears red, congratulations! Your child will live to see another day. Sew his skin back together and cover it in a protective layer of duct tape.
This concludes 7 Foolproof Techniques to Determine Whether Your Child Is Possessed. Remember: always exercise caution when trying any of our helpful tips, as demons will be a little irked when you unmask them. It is always best to apologize to them by offering your spouse’s soul or promising to produce more vessels for them in the future!
Demon possession: how to recognize? | Pravmir
Obsession - what is it? Does such a concept exist in Orthodoxy? How to help the obsessed?
Contents of the article
- Obsession with evil spirits, symptoms of possession
- How to know that a person is possessed?
- Demon possession or mental illness?
- Reporting in Orthodoxy
- Reporting in Protestantism
- How to prevent a demon from moving in
- Is it possible to buy a report?
- Possession in the Bible
- Help for the Possessed
- Childish Fantasies or Obsession?
- Read also about possession in Pravmir:
- Video about possession:
Obsession with evil spirits, symptoms of possession
What is possession?
This term hides many conditions. One of them is when a person is under the strong influence of evil forces, spirits, the devil. Other is a term used in psychiatry. People can talk about obsession in a positive way - "he is obsessed with the idea of helping people." Yet obsession involves an unhealthy infatuation or those moments when a person cannot control himself. The possessed need help and sometimes the participation of the Church. Whether we are talking about a mental illness or a spiritual condition, Orthodox Christians believe that the Almighty God is able to help a person who is struggling with possession.
The Bible also gives us references to the fact that some people can be possessed by evil spirits. Therefore, Christians do not have to doubt the reality of the existence of possession.
In the Acts of the Apostles (19:13-16) there is this story: “Even some of the wandering Jewish exorcists began to use the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying: We conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preaches. This was done by some seven sons of the Jewish high priest Skeva. But the evil spirit answered and said: I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you? - and a man in whom there was an evil spirit rushed at them, and, having overcome them, took such power over them that they ran naked and beaten out of that house. Before Jesus Christ the demons trembled, and in His earthly life there were also episodes of the healing of the possessed.
How do you know if a person is possessed?
There are no specific "symptoms" or signs of possession. In the Bible, references to possession refer rather to episodes when a person was overwhelmed by sinful thoughts that he could not cope with. We also often use this word in speech, talking about the fact that a person is "obsessed with jealousy" or "obsessed with malice."
If we talk about the mention of such conditions in the Scriptures, we usually talked about the likeness of an epileptic seizure, loss of the gift of speech or unusual behavior, blasphemy of the saints. But if the Bible is an inspired text, then other reports of possession should be taken with a grain of salt. Few people know that the state of "possession" is also mentioned in psychiatry. Possession even has an ICD code. The fact that obsession was more common in the literature and testimonies of antiquity, by the way, suggests that psychiatry, as a science in medicine, then practically did not exist or was rather punitive than aimed at helping people. During the Inquisition, many suffered due to the fact that mentally ill people were considered possessed.
Read also - Reprimand of the possessed?
Demon possession or mental illness?
How to distinguish obsession from mental illness? Maybe the person is not possessed? Why do “reprimands” and exorcism sessions help if possession is a consequence of a mental disorder?
Item F44.3 "Trance and Possession" describes what many might think of as demon possession. However, in many cases it is a severe mental disorder that requires the help of a psychiatrist. Of course, turning to the Church and healing through the prayers of the Lord happens, but a person cannot take responsibility and deprive a loved one of qualified help if, in his opinion, a person is possessed. In case you suspect someone is possessed, take them to a psychiatrist. Doctors used to call obsession "kakodenomania". People suffering from this disorder often, in fact, suffered from schizophrenia. Because of their split personality, they believed that one of their personalities was a demon. People with narcissistic tendencies often suffer from such disorders.
People have been known to fake possession to get attention. They also needed psychiatric help. Now the delusions of possession are not common, because in society it is not customary, as in the Middle Ages, to write off any condition in which a person has a personality disorder as possession.
In the case when a person with the disease "obsession" was helped in the Church, doctors spoke more than once about the "placebo effect" and self-hypnosis.
Reports in Orthodoxy
The Orthodox Church, as a rule, does not conduct special rites for those suffering from possession. This is possible with special permission from the ruling bishop. In turn, in the Catholic Church there is a rite of exorcism. There are many films and literature about this.
In Orthodoxy, “reprimand” is rather a rarity. In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Father Herman (Chesnokov) is reprimanding. A report is a special rank that is read to help people for whom evidence-based medicine is powerless. Believers turn to the Lord for help. Reporting does not cost any money, so believers can ask for help. And, nevertheless, first of all it is necessary to exclude mental illnesses. The line between pathology and supernatural intervention is not easy to draw in the case of possession. This should be done by a specialist. If you are afraid that a doctor who does not believe in God may miss the state of possession, then we hasten to console you - many psychiatrists are religious people and at the same time as a doctor you can turn to the Church for spiritual help.
A priest who sees that a person has symptoms of epilepsy, which can be mistaken for possession, in the first place, refers the person to an epileptologist, and not to a reprimand.
Reprimands in Protestantism
Interestingly, traditional Protestants (Lutherans) do not perform any rituals for people suffering from possession. A righteous life and prayers are the means that Protestants offer to those possessed by evil forces.
In Christianity, a unified attitude towards possession has not been formed, since many of those who allegedly suffered from it, in fact, were victims of mental illness, pretended to get fame. Some also believe that the Lord allows possession is not accidental. When people see unusual and supernatural things done through evil, they may think about turning to God and about the fact that not only the body, but also the soul is real. The physical and mental state of a person can directly depend on what kind of life he leads.
Unfortunately, numerous examples show that a righteous life is not a guarantee of both mental and physical health. But, Christians should not build their lives in anticipation of rewards on earth. Jesus Christ conquered the world, so we are looking for rewards in Heaven.
How to prevent a demon from possessing
Are there specific recommendations on what to do to prevent a demon from possessing? Is it possible that possession is the result of an unrighteous life? Does Communion help with obsession?
There are no recommendations and algorithms, following which you can know for sure that the demon will not inhabit a person. The Church allows and conducts the consecration of a dwelling, a means of transportation, but the Christian faith does not imply rituals or ceremonies that reliably protect against possession. This is nothing more than superstition. Particular care should be taken with offers to save from possession on a commercial basis. Numerous priests offering amulets and charms from the evil eye or evil spirits have nothing to do with the Church. God has given us his grace for free.
Is it possible to buy a report?
In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, pilgrims are always grateful for a feasible donation, but the “reprimand” has no definite value and there are no ranks that exorcise demons from a person for money.
According to the teachings of the Fathers of the Church, it is difficult for an evil spirit to enter where the Holy Spirit dwells. People became open to evil when their souls were possessed by sin and evil thoughts. So Judas betrayed Christ, possessed by greed. Of course, there are no sinless people, but we must try so that sin does not take possession of the soul of a person, does not crowd out the presence of the Divine principle in a person. After all, we were created in the image and likeness of the Heavenly Father.
If a Christian lives a church life, confesses and takes Communion, sincerely wants to live according to the Testament of Christ, he should not be afraid that he will suffer from obsession. You should not pay attention to stupid superstitions that indicate the possibility of the evil eye, warn against contact with black cats and women who carry empty buckets. Evil spirits are powerless before Christ, which is directly indicated by His victory over death and hell.
Possession in the Bible
Was demon possession mentioned in the Bible? Does the Bible directly say that possession really exists and what danger it poses? Should believers be afraid of being possessed, and are evil spirits capable of inspiring their will to an entire nation?
There are references in the Bible that evil forces are looking for victims. The Apostle Paul says “your adversary the devil walks like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour”, while we know that God is stronger than the devil and Jesus healed the possessed.
In the book of Job, the devil really harmed a person, but by permission from the Lord. Everything the Lord does, He does for the good of man.
V Dan. 10:13 we also see evidence that possession can extend not only to one person, but to an entire nation. Many believe that the history of Nazism in Germany can serve as such an example.
Descriptions of possession can be found in several places of Scripture at once: (Matt. 4:24; 8:16, 28, 33; 9:32; 12:22; 15:22; Mark 1:32; 5:15-16 18; John 10:21)
Help for the possessed
What should we do if we think that a person is possessed? Call an ambulance for psychiatric help, pray, turn to exorcists from other faiths, or look for elders who give reprimands?
If you think that a loved one has signs of possession, first of all take him to the doctor. Sometimes people begin to behave atypically or aggressively due to mental illness or organic brain damage. This does not negate the opportunity to ask for prayerful and spiritual help in the Church, since the Lord heals a person from any ailments, if this is exactly what is required for the salvation of the soul. Check with your confessor or a priest you trust.
Childhood fantasy or obsession?
Read also - If your child sees angels
Pay special attention to the condition of young children. It is easy to confuse their fantasies with both mental illness and possession, having false ideas about this concept. If a child says that he sees angels or is afraid of nightmares, it is better to show him to a child psychiatrist and think about working with a psychologist in the future.
It is false to say that babies cry “because they are not baptized”, “they have a dashing eye on them”, etc. The Sacrament of Baptism is a promise to follow Christ. Neither Baptism nor Communion are "remedies for obsession", while, undoubtedly, the Lord protects and does not allow the forces of evil to harm the soul of a person who sincerely believes in God and tries to lead a worthy and righteous life.
The main thing is not to feel superstitious fear before obsession and people who suffer from it. Fiction films about obsession are terrifying, but they are often just fiction. Despite the fact that many are based on real events. Perhaps they just need qualified help, a prayer for their health, an appeal to God with a request to heal them from a serious illness. Nothing is impossible for the Lord.
Read also about the possession on Pravmir:
- It's time to see a psychiatrist: voices are allowed (+ video)
- About kindness and obsession
- Casting out demons
Possession video:
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Priest: "I saw demons, they are green!". How to Know if You Have the Devil
“In 15 years, I've only seen a few possessed people. More often, people inspire themselves that a demon is sitting in them, ”says Stanislav Shirororadiuk, Bishop of the Kiev-Zhytomyr RCC.
Vlad ABRAMOV, Katerina TEREKHOVA, Alexandra KHARCHENKO. — "Segodnya", April 23, 2010 (Russian)
The main devil fighters of Ukraine spoke about why it is impossible to watch TV shows and how they expel evil spirits from people
Father Vasily. He has been casting out demons for 17 years in Ukraine and in Europe, during which time he has helped thousands of people. Photo by A. Dudush
Get out, Satan!” - the priest shouts menacingly, and sometimes confirms his request with a pair of silver bullets. This is how numerous films paint a picture of the battle between good and evil. But what does exorcism actually look like? We talked to the most famous exorcists of Ukraine. Orthodox and Catholic priests, pagans and psychics told us about their methods of fighting evil.
Of course, there are no aspen stakes in the arsenal of priests. The “exorcism session” is, first of all, prayers for many hours, as well as a demon, like a fire, runs from holy water and a censer. Sometimes it is enough to go to a prayer service just once to exorcise the devil, but often only after years a person is completely cleansed.
Officially, the Church comments on the exorcism of demons very carefully. According to UGCC spokesman Pavel Drozdyak, exorcisms can only be performed by priests who have received permission from the bishop. The press service of the UOC (MP) told us that His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr does not bless exorcism, but nevertheless it is carried out in some monasteries and churches.
"IF YOU START BARKING...". Every Wednesday, the Intercession Cathedral in Donetsk (GCC) becomes an arena of struggle between light and dark forces. On this day, one of the most famous exorcists of Ukraine, the holy father Vasily Pantelyuk, conducts seances of exorcism here. We saw the rite of struggle with the army of Lucifer with our own eyes.
Immediately after matins, the communed citizens descend into the basement room. The women cross themselves and whisper: “There is not a single window here. It's very scary." But what starts to happen after a few minutes is much scarier. Already after the first prayer of Father Vasily, the parishioners hurriedly take out empty packages from their pockets - a good half of the worshipers begin to vomit. The priest reassures: “If you start barking, croaking, laughing, crying, screaming, yawning, you will feel a gag reflex, then an evil spirit comes out.”
Ladies in fashionable raincoats, who smoked on the doorstep of the church a couple of hours ago, are tearing their hair out. Literally. They do not pull out with roots, but jerkily pull their head in different directions. Others are shaking as if with a fever. But the worst thing is the screams. It's not like acting, it's not like pretending. Some squeal so that the heart freezes, as if you were standing not in a temple, but in a slaughterhouse where pigs are slaughtered. And it's not just a screech. It folds into words. "I won't eat anymore!" - a plump woman who reproaches herself either for gluttony, or for her love for a charm. "Don't hit me, please!" her neighbor screams to herself. "Stop drinking!" - heart-rendingly yells a woman who came to the temple tipsy. An old grandmother almost loses consciousness, we help her to reach the bench. The woman starts kicking her legs, her eyes roll back. We are asked to leave. The last thing we hear is thumps, people fall to the floor… (video report from the temple can be viewed here).
HELL OF NOSTALGIA FOR THE USSR. “I will make sure that she does not live to see the morning. I will force her to hang herself,” these were the words the devil “greeted” Father Vasily 17 years ago during his first rite of exorcism. No, the unclean one did not appear in the form of a devil with horns and hooves. The girl who was brought to the church spoke in a low male voice. Later, she remembered her suffering. The hand itself reached for the noose, but then the image of the Virgin appeared, and the rope fell to the floor. “It was necessary to save that girl, and I began to pray,” Father Vasily recalls. The prayer went on for 20 hours. The girl then felt better, then she began to rage with renewed vigor. “She shouted:“ You must be killed! Temples have been erected! It used to be so good, but now I go on the bus - there is a cross, on the minibus - an icon, ”recalls the priest. After a grueling struggle, the demon left the girl, and the priest became famous as a master of exorcism. He traveled all over Ukraine, cast out demons in Spain and Italy. He admits that over the years he has learned to "smell" the devil. With the help of his techniques, he shines through a person like an x-ray and finds Satan, even if he is hiding in the tip of his little finger.
It happened that I even saw evil spirits. He says that sometimes, like the shadow of a terrible furry beast, disgusting green creatures appear or are seen in the temple.
“There have been different cases over the years. Once the devil shouts to me: “Don't try, I won't get out! She smokes!". It took a long time to persuade the obsessed woman to quit smoking. Another demon did not want to part with the sinner because she worked on Sundays (according to the Holy Scriptures, work on Sunday is a sin, this day should be devoted to prayers. - Auth.), - says Father Vasily. - Once I was in a prison where mentally ill people, murderers, maniacs are kept. But I did not see signs of possession in any of them.
TRANSLATION FROM SATAN. Once, after a prayer, a girl confessed that she herself called the unclean and signed a contract with him. Like, she gave her soul in exchange for money. And what did you think? "Money transfers" from the other world never reached the girl. She did not receive a single hryvnia from the demon, and depression covered her - they say, no soul, no money. “The task of the devil is to drive you to despair,” says the father. “Make your thoughts so dark that suicide seems the only way out. You hang yourself, and he takes your soul."
How can you protect yourself from the wiles of the devil? Our experts-exorcists told the following parable: “The world was asked: “What is darkness?”. He replied, "I don't know." The moral is simple: be pure in soul, and no demon will be afraid of you. For the devil, daily prayers and Holy Communion are more terrible than exorcism. Also, according to priests, visiting psychics and fortune tellers, you are at risk and can "catch" a demon.
Since we have agreed that demon possession as a phenomenon is not an invention, then we will have to take the symptoms on faith:
1 Excessive irritability and irascibility. The person himself may consider that this is a feature of his temperament. But if the aggressiveness in it is noted by others, then this, alas, is so.
2 People are afraid to fall asleep, they scream in their sleep, they hear knocks and steps in an empty apartment, objects fall by themselves in the house.
3 Looking for any excuse not to go to church (say, yes, I want to go, but there is a lot of work).
4 And the pagans advise to clap your hands and say "hal" - hearing this, the possessed will jump.
Stanislav Shirororadiuk. Photo
Bishops are the main exorcists in the Catholic Church. “In 15 years I have only seen a few possessed people. More often, people inspire themselves that a demon is sitting in them, ”says Stanislav Shirororadiuk, Bishop of the Kiev-Zhytomyr RCC. He says that it is quite easy to define false possession. It is worth sprinkling a person with plain water, and then with consecrated water, and observe the reaction: “A different person starts growling or screaming from the one that flows in the tap, which means he is playing obsession. But I had a chance to look at Satan. One demoniac shouted at the whole temple about my sins, about what no one but me knew. Say, you are fighting with me, but what is he like? I admit, my hands dropped. I thought: “Am I really a good priest?” And the devil did just that. Another time a stench came from a man. Like a decomposed corpse. And the possessed one showed his tongue to my predecessor ... half a meter long. But the devil was expelled - people stopped raging."
According to the holy father, in order to rid a person of a demon, one session of exorcism is not always enough. Sometimes it takes years for the evil spirits to leave for the next world. Sometimes this fails. “It’s a pity for one guy from Zhytomyr. He sewed himself a shirt with satanic symbols, performed some rituals... No matter how hard we tried to help him, we couldn't, - the bishop sighs. “But don't be afraid. All those baptized are under the protection of the Lord, and in order to become possessed, one must meet halfway to Satan: they visited a psychic, indulged in spiritualism, and the devil himself begins to play with you.
Christians without rank could cast out the devil. But their spirit of life is weakening, and now only priests can cast out demons, without fail with the permission of the bishop or the abbot of the monastery.
“In the mid-80s, interest in various occult teachings increased in the country,” says the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, hegumen Longin (Chernukha). At the same time, the Church began to revive. Many became interested in exorcism, whole pilgrimages were organized "to the elders for proofreading. " And people gradually formed a wrong attitude towards casting out demons. Many for spiritual healing began to consider reading more important (a prayer for the expulsion of evil spirits). But this is an aid. First of all - the sacraments of Confession and Communion, daily prayers, the fight against passions, such as constant sitting in front of TVs, gluttony, fornication, pride, etc. But instead, many simply went to the proofreading and became a laughing stock, a toy in the hands of the devil. During the prayers, they screamed and writhed, but the demons did not leave them,” says the father.
Often people come to churches who are unfamiliar with exorcism, and the sight of demoniacs can frighten them or turn them away from the church. “Often I had to see demoniacs in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, for example, a mother with children - she howled like an animal, her babies screamed in adult male voices,” recalls Father Longin. Therefore, the UOC limited places for expulsion.
BORTNICHI. Back in the last century, proofreading was “transferred” from the Lavra to the “Kitaevskaya Hermitage” monastery. Now the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bortnichi (a district of the capital) is very popular.
Father Varlaam: “Sometimes I see things in church that are scarier than in horror films. Photo
People in the neighborhood say that Father Varlaam can cure both drunkenness and the evil eye. For the ability to look into the depths of the soul, he was even called the seeing father. But the 70-year-old priest himself says this: “I'm not helping. I only read prayers, and according to your faith, be it to you. Sometimes it happens in proofreading that it’s scarier than in the movies. People are screaming, writhing. But that's not what hurts the most. Many people are sent to me by psychics and healers. They will examine the person and say: "A curse has been imposed, proofreading is needed." I don’t understand why finish off a person with stories about a “birth curse”, it’s not easy for him because of his illness!? Sometimes you want to close your eyes and run. Because of impotence, because there are no demons in them and there is no need to come to special prayer services. It is not because of Satan that they get cancer. But for such patients, the temple is the last resort. I serve, I calm them down, I pray to God for healing. Or that was the case. A girl in tears comes from a fortune-teller and says: "They put a crown of celibacy on me." What kind of "crown" is this ... We talked heart to heart with her, it turned out that she would meet someone - either a drinker, or a gamer ... So is the "crown" to blame or that there are no sensible men now? Calmed her down. And soon she forgot about the “curse” and met a good guy.”
Lest readers get the impression that our hero is more of a psychologist than an exorcist, let's give an example from his practice. One girl was brought to Bortnichi by her parents. While studying in another city, he went crazy. But at the same time, she was afraid to step even on the threshold of the church. After the prayers of Father Varlaam, the girl felt better, she began to pray herself, to be baptized. After one of the readings, she said that her friends envied her. They didn’t like that the girl had a handsome boyfriend, they decided to beat him off and spoiled him. Moreover, the girl told this story not on her own behalf, but as if a friend was repenting, and with details that she could not know.
Father Vasily beats the demon on an empty stomach. Photo by A. Kharchenko
The most authoritative demon fighter in Lviv is Father Vasily Voronovsky, who serves in the church of St. Michael. An 80-year-old priest with half a century of experience has been exorcising for three decades. During this time, he learned to feel "those who are not in the caress of God" with his fingertips. “I smear the sign of the cross on the forehead of the parishioners with peace. When the turn comes to the possessed, the hand begins to tingle, ”says the holy father.
In his experience, the demon usually appears in the form of fire. “In one house in the village of Komarno, a fire broke out for no reason. They extinguished it with water, and it ignited again. When they decided to call me, an inscription appeared on the wall: “Do not call the priest, otherwise I will take revenge,” Father Vasily recalls. After the prayers, the priest assures, the unclean one was no longer naughty.
In another family, in the village of Yaktorovo, a barn suddenly burned down, one child suddenly found himself on the roof of the house, although the door leading to it was closed from the outside, and the other was sitting tied up in the garden: “The owners of the hut were not married, so at first I married, and then cast out the demon. Since then, they've been fine."
On the day of the rite, the priest goes hungry. Like, on a full stomach, the devil can harm, which once happened. “I had dinner and was getting ready for bed when I was asked to help a girl who saw a demon at a New Year's party and became numb with fear. After the expulsion, she spoke, and I woke up in the morning and could not utter a word. The spirit of silence passed over me. After long prayers, the devil receded, and since then I have been reading prayers on an empty stomach, ”explains Voronovsky.
And one day the impure allegedly took revenge on the priest - when he was driving to perform the rite of exile, the rear window of his car shattered for no reason at all, and the alarm turned on, which the driver cannot cut down in any way. And somehow, during the service, the temperature suddenly jumped at the priest, and dropped only after long prayers. Voronovsky believes that the fortune-tellers, who sometimes come to the temple to harm, did it.
Pagans from read that the world is full of spirits: some enhance clairvoyance, others drain the forces 9022 among the pagans there were Ekzors and cysts. “When I get rid of “malicious entities”, I see their faces: either animal, then wrinkled children, then senile,” says the Supreme Magus of Ukraine-Rus Volodymyr Kurovsky. Slavic exorcism is pagan prayers, rolling out an egg, hitting a tambourine, and even traveling to worlds where spirits live in order to find an ally in exile - they say, there are good-natured people among the spirits. “Somehow, a frightened mother brought her daughter:“ Whatever I think, she retells word for word! It turned out that the girl's friend performed the ceremony, and an evil spirit settled in her. They kicked him out - he no longer reads thoughts. But my daughter’s clairvoyance remained.”
“Energy essence” is what psychics call beings that, like parasites, live in a person and feed on his energy and emotions. “Anger, aggression, jealousy are the delicacy that attracts them. Once in a person, the “demon” gradually grows stronger and begins to push him to behavior that provokes negative emotions, ”says Vladimir, master of the school of karmic correction and energy healing. Here, special portals are created for the exiled entity, with the help of which it is moved to another world. According to psychics, screams, convulsions during exorcism without a portal occur because the "demon", expelled to nowhere, is uncomfortable outside the body. And the "devils" look like clots of light a few centimeters in size. There is another non-trivial view of obsession. The sun-eater, healer Nikolai Dolgoruky, claims: “Star brothers from Sirius complain: “We are mistaken for demons.”
Science considers demoniac to be nothing more than a disease - in psychiatry there is even the concept of "Delirium of possession". With various mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, the patient believes that someone has moved into him.