How to get home child care license
Family Child Care Home Licensing Information
CDSS Programs Community Care Licensing Child Care Licensing How to Become Licensed FCCH Licensing Information
If you are considering opening a Family Child Care Home, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do I enjoy working with children?
- Am I knowledgeable about child development or willing to learn more about child development?
- Am I ready to be a professional business owner?
- Would I like to be able to set my own hours and wages?
- Would I like to work at home so that I can stay at home with my own children?
- Am I willing to open my home to other families and to have my home inspected by the Child Care Licensing Agency?
- Is my family supportive of my plans to operate a Family Child Care Home, and are they willing to get criminal background checks and meet all the requirements of people in the home?
- Am I willing to meet all licensing requirements and, if required, make changes to my home (e.
g. build a 5-foot fence around my swimming pool)?
- Am I ready to take responsibility for the health and safety of children other than my own?
If so, Family Child Care may offer you a rewarding and challenging career opportunity.
VIDEO: Is Family Child Care the Rights Business for Me?
In order to get a Family Child Care Home License:
1. You must attend an orientation
You may register for an online orientation or in-person orientation. In-person orientations are scheduled on a regular basis throughout California.
There is an orientation fee and it is nonrefundable, so be sure that you meet the qualifications for a license before you sign up for an orientation.
To review the qualifications for a license and Pre-Orientation Registration Information, click on the appropriate link: (English), (Espanol/Spanish), (Chinese).
You may sign up for an in-person orientation by viewing the orientation schedules and contacting your local Regional Office. The Regional Office directory will show you what counties each Child Care Licensing office covers. Online orientations are available as soon as you register.
2. You must be familiar with all Family Child Care Home licensing laws and regulations.
The Family Child Care Home licensing requirements are available on our Laws and Regulations page.
3. You must complete and submit all the information and forms required in the application packet. We will not accept your application until after you have completed the orientation. There is an application fee that is nonrefundable.
4. You must undergo a pre-licensing inspection. A Licensing Program Analyst will contact you to schedule an inspection of your home.
If you are ready to sign up for an orientation, please view the orientation schedules and contact your local licensing office or register for an online orientation.
VIDEO: How to Apply for a Family Child Care License.
Contact Us
Child Care Licensing Program
744 P Street, MS T9-15-48
Sacramento, CA 95814
Local Regional Offices
Inyo and Del Norte Counties
(Family Child Care Homes Only)
Child Care Advocates - (916) 654-1541
[email protected]
CCLD Complaint Hotline
1-844-LET-US-NO (1-844-538-8766)
[email protected]
Information regarding filing a complaint
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- Child Care Transparency Website (Licensing Facility Inspection Reports)
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- Help Paying for Child Care
- California Background Check Process
- Livescan Application Process & Fees
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- Laws and Regulations
- Forms
How to Become Licensed
CDSS Programs Community Care Licensing Child Care Licensing How to Become Licensed
The Child Care Licensing Program licenses both Child Care Centers (CCCs) and Family Child Care Homes (FCCHs) in California. Child Care Centers are usually located in a commercial building and Family Child Care Homes are in a licensee’s home. Only non-medical care and supervision can be provided in child care facilities and care is limited to periods of less than 24 hours.
The Child Care Licensing Program ensures that child care facilities operate according to the California Health and Safety Code and Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations in a number of ways:
- In-person and online orientations
- Pre-licensing inspections
- Unannounced facility inspections
- Complaint investigations
- Consultations
- Education and technical support, and
- Follow-up inspections
Is this the right business for me?
- Do I Need a License?
- Register for an Orientation
CCIP Family Child Care Provider Stories
Do you love caring for children? The California Child Care Initiative Project (CCIP) will help you launch and grow your home-based child care business. Watch these videos to learn more about the program.
Fact Sheets:
- Family Child Care Home Provider Requirements – English Form Spanish Form
- Family Child Care Home Capacity Requirements – English Form Spanish Form
- Child Care Center Provider Requirements
- Child Care Center Capacity Requirements
- Self-Assessment Guides
- Forms and Brochures
- Centralized Complaint and Information Bureau
- Child Care Quarterly Updates
- Mandated Reporter Training
- Child Care Related Websites
- Child Care Videos for Providers and Parents
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Coronavirus General Question Inbox: [email protected]
Community Care Licensing Division
Child Care Licensing Program
744 P Street, MS T9-15-48
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 651-6040
Child Care Advocates - (916) 654-1541
PDF of Child Care Licensing Regional Offices
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To file a complaint regarding a state licensed community care facility or child care facility visit our Complaint Hotline Page for contact information and more.
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- Important Note: Effective December 14, 2022, this report has been discontinued, and it will remain available until March 1, 2023.
- Important Note: Effective December 14, 2022, this report has been discontinued, and it will remain available until March 1, 2023.
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In accordance with Article 2 of the Federal Law of 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" care and supervision of children is a set of measures for organizing nutrition and household services for children, ensuring their personal hygiene and daily routine. Thus, this concept falls under educational activities in terms of preschool and (or) additional education of children.
According to Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities”, educational activities are subject to compulsory licensing. Pre-school education (kindergarten) and additional education of children are subspecies of education, respectively, represent a certain educational activity. And since child care and supervision relate to pre-school education (kindergarten) and (or) additional education for children, it is imperative to obtain a license to carry out educational activities.
To obtain a license for a kindergarten, other care and childcare, you must first obtain a sanitary certificate from Rospotrebnadzor, which will state that the room meets the sanitary requirements for children to stay in it.
Requirements for pre-school education (kindergarten) and additional adult education are different. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine to which specific type of education care and supervision of children belongs. Pre-school education is only a kindergarten, so everything that is not a kindergarten belongs to the additional education of children.
The following sanitary requirements apply for supplementary education of children:
- Children should never study together with adults; in any case, children should have a separate room;
- Children cannot be above the third floor;
- Children and adults must have separate bathrooms, so there must be three separate bathrooms (not cubicles) so that there is a separate bathroom for girls, a separate bathroom for boys and a separate bathroom for adult teachers / educators;
- Children's classrooms must have full-length furniture that can be adjusted to fit the child's height.
Such furniture should be marked for height accordingly.
Sanitary regulations SP 2.4.3648-20 established the following requirements for kindergarten:
- Requirements established for additional education of children;
- The area of toilets for children under 3 years old must be at least 12 m2, from 3 to 7 years old - 16.0 m2; for children over 7 years old - at least 0.1 m per child;
- The number of children in the groups of an organization implementing educational programs of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as a preschool organization), caring for and caring for children, including in groups located in residential and non-residential premises of the housing stock and non-residential buildings, is determined based on the calculation of the area of the group (play) room. For groups of early age (up to 3 years) - at least 2.5 m per 1 child and for groups of preschool age (from 3 to 7 years) - at least 2 m per child, excluding furniture and its placement.
The area of the bedroom for children under 3 children must be at least 1.8 m per child, for children from 3 to 7 years - at least 2.0 m per child. The gym for preschool children must be at least 75 m;
- Preschool organizations must have their own territory for children to walk (separately for each group). On its own territory, a preschool organization should have a play area (group and sports and recreation areas) and utility zones, as well as a place to store strollers, bicycles, sledges;
- The layout of the premises of preschool organizations and organizations providing care and attention to children, with the exception of premises located in residential premises, should provide the possibility of forming isolated premises for each children's group (hereinafter referred to as the group cell) - dressing room, group room, bedroom, buffet , a toilet combined with a washroom, the presence, if necessary, of additional rooms for classes with children (a music room, a gym, a speech therapist's office, rooms for other additional classes), as well as other rooms (premises for medical care, a catering unit, rooms for washing clothes ) and premises for service purposes;
- And other requirements according to SP 2.
Whether you need help obtaining a childcare license, a daycare license or a childcare license, our lawyers are here to help.
Ekaterina Golskaya,
lawyer, licensing specialist
United Lawyers group.
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Education license or childcare? / Practice — Legal protection
Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (as amended on March 7, 2018) "On Education in the Russian Federation" clearly separated two concepts: "educational activity" and "child care" , thus determining that the first is the activity for the implementation of educational programs, and the second is a set of measures for catering and household services for children, ensuring their personal hygiene and daily routine.
Federal Law of 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" contains a closed list of activities that are subject to licensing, which includes educational activities, but activities for the care and care of children do not.
From the above it follows that if the kindergarten does not implement any educational programs, but only cares for children, it is not required to obtain a license. This activity complies with OKVED: 88.91 - provision of day care services for children.
Considering this topic, one should also pay attention to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/05/2013 N 08-1049 "On the organization of various forms of childcare and care". It reveals in detail the prospect of developing private childcare groups, which can, on the one hand, solve the issue of the need for kindergartens, and, on the other hand, stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population.
It should be noted that law enforcement practice follows a similar path, confirming the conclusions given in the article. So by the Decree of the Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Court Borisov O.The. dated 07/11/2014 (in the case of Case N 4A-445/2014), the decision of the justice of the peace of the court district N 2 of the Ershov district of the Saratov region of 03/06/2014 and the decision of the Ershov district court of the Saratov region of 09. 04.2014 issued against the head of the municipal children's educational institution Kindergarten with. Orlov-Gai of the Ershov District of the Saratov Region in the case of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 19.20 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for carrying out educational activities without a license.
The Saratov Regional Court pointed out that while recognizing that MDOU Kindergarten N carries out educational activities that are subject to licensing, the courts did not take into account that, according to paragraph 34 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of 29December 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", babysitting and childcare is a set of measures for catering and household services for children, ensuring their personal hygiene and daily routine. This law separated the functions of providing free public pre-school education and the functions of looking after and caring for children without requiring a license. Therefore, in order to recognize this activity as educational, it is required to establish the facts of the implementation of educational programs.
Educational activities of individual entrepreneurs
Article 32 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" establishes that individual entrepreneurs can carry out educational activities in two ways: to carry out educational activities directly or with the involvement of teaching staff. If an individual entrepreneur attracts teachers, then the legal regime of his activity is fully consistent with the educational organization, but if he implements educational programs directly (independently), then he does not need to obtain a license for this. It is important to understand that the presence in the staff of individual entrepreneurs of employees who are not teachers (nannies, cleaners, counselors, tutors, etc.) does not force the entrepreneur to obtain an educational license, but the involvement of another teacher, under an employment contract or a contract for the provision of educational services, requires issuance of a license.