How to find out what school my child got
Find Your School | My Tennessee Public Schools
Age, Grade Level, and School Location
Your child’s age and grade level are the indicators of the right school level: elementary, middle, or high school.
Your child’s age is your first indicator of his or her eligibility for beginning school. Students may start kindergarten if they turn five on or before August 15. A
child does not have to enroll in school at age five, but must enroll no later than his or her sixth birthday. TCA 49-6-3001a, b, c.
Voluntary Pre-K program in some districts. Enrollment in the Voluntary Pre-K program is based upon a child’s eligibility as identified in TCA 49-6-101─104.* Available space in each school system is limited and is based on the funding awarded each year through a grant process. Children must be four years old by Aug. 15 prior to the new school year and reside in the area served by the school district. No child who is age eligible for kindergarten (five years of age on or before Aug. 15 prior to the new school year) may be enrolled in pre-K.
Grade Level
Schools are traditionally organized by grade bands.
- Elementary school: Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, and grades 1-5. Some districts include grade 6 in the elementary school
- Middle school: Grades 6-8
- High school: Grades 9-12
Most schools follow this grade distribution, though some districts may include a sixth grade or ninth grade school/academy to help students adjust to middle school and high school. A few other arrangements exist in some districts, such as grades K-8 in one school.
The following link gives information about public, charter, non-public schools, and home schooling.
School Location
Which actual school is your child to attend?
Your residence address determines which actual school building your child will attend. In some districts, specialized magnet schools and academies may accept students from multiple zones; criteria for magnet and academy school eligibility are available directly from those districts. Additional attendance zoning exceptions may occur from district to district; policies regarding exceptions are also available directly from those districts.
District and Individual School Information
You may access your county’s district information either of the following ways:
- Click on either of these two links:
- It opens to a page with all the county/district names. Under the district name is the superintendent/director’s name. The address of the district office follows. Clicking on the name of the district links you to a page with phone numbers and web addresses for contacting the district. On the right side of the page (before clicking on the district name) there is a link to schools in the district, active and inactive.
Clicking on the “active” link takes you to a list of all schools in the district, addresses, phones, principal’s name, and the grades served by the individual school. Some schools have included a hyperlinked web address for the school. If no web address is listed, contact the school or district at the phone number provided for that information. Also on the right side of the page is a link to the CORE office which is the regional office overseeing information and needs for that district. These offices are used by the district; they are not intended for parents to access.
- A link above the county name, “Active District Schools,” takes you to a list of all schools in that district with their addresses, phone numbers, principal’s name, and other basic information. Each school name is linked to a page with the school address and phone number. If you already know which school your child will attend, you may contact the school directly. Some school Websites show zoning maps or zone assignments to help you locate your child’s school.
A district office phone also appears on that page. If the district Website does not guide you to the information you need, call the district office. They will assist you in finding that information. A school’s web address usually has a Parent link. Information about attendance zones may be found here if multiple schools exist for your student’s grade level.
- It opens to a page with all the county/district names. Under the district name is the superintendent/director’s name. The address of the district office follows. Clicking on the name of the district links you to a page with phone numbers and web addresses for contacting the district. On the right side of the page (before clicking on the district name) there is a link to schools in the district, active and inactive.
School websites are also listed on individual TDOE district pages. They are not hyper-linked. Go to the district’s web address and access the Parent link. Information about attendance zones may be found here if multiple schools exist for your student’s grade level. A link above the county name, “Active District Schools,” takes you to a list of all schools in that district with their addresses, phone numbers, principal’s name, and other basic information. Each school name is linked to a page with the school address and phone number. If you already know which school your child will attend, you may contact the school directly. Some school Websites show zoning maps or zone assignments to help you locate your child’s school. A district office phone also appears on that page. If the district Website does not guide you to the information you need, call the district office. They will assist you in finding that information.*Copy and paste the school address into your browser window OR you can go to the district site and access each school from there. In the actual district Website, schools’ Websites are hyperlinked.
NOTE: Because each district maintains its own Website, there is not a consistent format or heading title for locating the details of how to enroll; use the search window or an identified link on the site to help find your child’s correct school. It may be necessary to call the district office for assistance.
This site provides information about schools when you click the county name. It includes data about the schools, academics, and the local community as it relates to schools.There are phone numbers for the schools, so you can contact them for more information.
Changes in School Zones
In districts with multiple schools for each level, zones may change occasionally. It is important to check your residence zoning regardless of what it has been in previous years. Some districts provide a ‘Transportation’ link to guide you through finding the appropriate zone for your child’s school.
Transportation and Buses
Information about available transportation and details regarding school bus routes is available from the school or by contacting the district Transportation Department. Some districts include a Transportation link that may provide the needed information.
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District/School Boundaries - California Department of Education FAQ (CA Dept of Education)
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Information regarding district/school boundaries.
Policies regarding district/school boundaries are the responsibility of each local district governing board and are not within the jurisdiction of the California Department of Education (CDE). Each school district governing board has ultimate authority over general education processes. Parents/guardians should contact their local school district administration to share their concerns and to determine what local processes their district has in place regarding district/school boundaries. Contact information for California public schools, private schools, nonpublic and nonsectarian schools, County Offices of Education, and school districts can be found on the CDE California School Directory web page.
California’s educational system relies on local control for the management of school districts on the theory that those closest to the problems and needs of each individual district are the best able to make appropriate decisions on behalf of the district. In allocating their resources among the schools of the district, school district governing boards and district administrators must follow the law, but they also have the additional tough job of setting the educational priorities for their schools and weighing the importance and urgency of all of their education needs.
The CDE does not maintain a school boundary or district map library. A list of names of California public school districts can be found on the CDE QuickQuest web page. Each school district should have information regarding their boundaries at their district office. Individuals should contact the school district they are interested in obtaining boundary information for assistance.
- District Organization Handbook
- Geographic Information Systems
District Organization Handbook
Most people see school districts as stable or even permanent governmental entities. School district boundaries, however, do change. Territory is transferred from one school district to another, districts are divided or combined with their neighbors, and some districts are terminated. The District Organization Handbook describes how these changes come about and provides reference for procedures and responsibilities for all parties involved in the school district organization process. The District Organization Handbook is available on the CDE School District Organization web page.
Questions regarding the District Organization Handbook should be directed to the Charter Apportionments and District Reorganization Office by phone at 916-324-4541.
Geographic Information Systems
The CDE does not maintain a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) map library. The U.S. Census Bureau creates special tabulations of decennial census data by school district geography. Individuals can find information and materials to review and download on the U.S. Census Bureau School District Boundaries Web page.
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Questions: California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 24, 2022
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how to find where the child is studying?
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Tell me, please, how can I find out where my child is studying? I know which school the girl went to last year, I know that her documents were taken away in the summer and transferred to another school. In the former school there is no information where he was transferred. How else can you find out? I was told that when she was registered at the new school, the former school would receive an inquiry about her performance and then it would be possible to find out where she was studying now. Is it so? what are the deadlines for this? and are there other ways to find a child's new school?
Why should you be given information about someone else's child?
who are you? kidnapper?
start a new topic for your question. Here I ask)))
Here I ask.
IMHO you do not have the right to give such information, if someone from the school gave information about my child to a stranger, I would sue them later.
would have gone to court. What is the intent?
I know that they do not have the right, but they give me. I asked on the forum what is the procedure for transferring from school to school, and not about the availability of rights.
mother whose child was sued and is not allowed to communicate. School is the only place where I can see the child.
any intent, maybe you're a pedophile and are stalking a child. The court would not lose if illegal actions are committed at the school, they will be responsible for this. At the same time, file a complaint against you for persecution.
if you were sued, then you will violate the court order, then all the more you can pull the school and you at the same time.
first, a certificate from the new school is brought to the old school, that the school takes him and the child will study there. Then the parents write a statement with a request to give documents in connection with the transfer to a school such and such. They give a personal file, a medical card and carry it to a new school. Those. the old school from the very beginning is aware of where the child is now studying, they have no right to let go just like that, on the street.
Are you legally entitled to have contact with your child? in any case, if the child is so carefully hidden, then even the number of the school will not give you much. They won't let you into the building, but they'll probably graze her nearby. you can, of course, make an appointment with the director, but he (a) is probably warned (a).
I believe that the management, both there and there, is alerted to a possible situation.
I worked as a secretary at a school. Documents are given only when a certificate is brought from the new school that the child is taken there. And then the personal matter is completely given. Those. at your school they know very well where the child transferred. Why didn’t they say I don’t know, especially if you are a mother, they know something bad about you? We had such a situation, the father was looking for the child, he even came with a lawyer, and the mother transferred. But there my father was very unpleasant, and my mother had visited us before that, everyone was on her side. Our director gave a written answer, but somehow evasively, without a school number. So think who knows what about you there, why they didn’t give information.
And what if the director at the reception decides to violate the court order? Why do they need it?
of course!
I just wrote about the legal procedure for transferring a child from school to school.
And it is also better to look for legal ways of communicating with a child.
we do not know what kind of decision the court made. and making an appointment is a legal way to enter the building.
Go to the director, cry, tell the whole story. Maybe unofficially she will give you a secret hint. Or a secretary. Nobody asks for official papers. You never know who leaked the info.
judged is not equal to deprived of rights.
The former school knows which school the child is being transferred to. The school does not hand over documents until a certificate is provided in the form that such and such a school is ready to accept such and such a child. According to this certificate, the docks are issued, the certificate is filed somewhere in the former school.
Transferred a child. I had it.
Girls, calm down. I'm looking for someone else's child, she may have witnessed a crime and she was transferred to another school. My children are with me, and where they study, I know))))
you are lying again
if you are a witness to a crime, then the person is found through law enforcement agencies, and not on your own someone’s mother is looking for
documents and given without a certificate if they leave for another city, just write a statement and that’s it, you really indicate where you are serving in it, so the school has some information.
some nonsense. or are you from the authorities? then you must provide information.
a witness to a crime? look for the girl's parents, but don't touch the girl
people from the authorities will not ask on the forum how to find a child, the author stirs up something and lies every post, the authorities cry for her.
what are we talking about. find an outsider child and make a witness out of him, aha-aha.
communication order determined? if yes, then connect bailiffs. if not, then identify and connect bailiffs. if you have been deprived of parental rights, then you have the same rights as a kidnapper. but you can file a claim for restoration of parental rights
you decide who you are. and then higher there are other indications.
if the child is a witness to the crime, then only the investigator has the right to search for him. not you.
Not so since 2014.
It is enough to say "we are going abroad" and no certificate is required.
In 2011, they gave me my personal file and the child's medical card without any questions.
2012 - came to school and wrote a statement by hand - in connection with going abroad, the country is such and such, I ask you to expel the child from school and issue documents. issued.
Which one? Well, she wrote that she was leaving for Zazhopinsk, but she herself went to Nizhniye Vyshchelki - and a mustache.
My friends moved to Russia from Kazakhstan. In Russia, they took a certificate that the child was accepted to school. Only after that the documents were issued in Kazakhstan.
The old school must have information about the new school. If we are talking about the Russian Federation.
Another question is that they don't want to tell you about it. And, perhaps, they do not have the right to do so at all
You are not in the subject. There are several situations in which personal information may be provided. They are listed in the legislation, and information is obtained through official requests. In all other cases, there is both administrative and criminal liability. The presence of malicious intent does not matter.
Therefore, parents may well initiate the process and win it.
Since 2014, it is possible to pick up documents at the request of a parent. The school asks in the future to inform where the child is attached. Look for contacts in the department, they have lists of all students.
I am transferring my son now, no documents are given to me upon application, I filled out an electronic application through PSU, already 4 statuses have changed in no school yet they don’t see him
That I was transferred in 93, 94, 95 from school to school, that I translated my son in 2012 - no certificates that someone was ready to accept a child were required. You come, hand over textbooks to the accounting department and pick up documents.
The lady's testimony changes from message to message.
I'm not from Moscow, from St. Petersburg. In what department in another city? in the department of education can there be lists of those enrolled?
A parent comes to a new school and they give him a piece of paper that they are ready to take the child to such and such a class, with this piece of paper the parent goes to school and they give him all the documents with a map where all the grades are affixed and sealed. No requests are made. And if one of the outsiders was looking for my child and he was given information, he would be torn to shreds.
Open theme in windows
You can find out how a child learns through the State Services
Identification of students at the entrance to the school by their faces, electronic textbooks, virtual performances of the Bolshoi Theater, demonstration of an internal combustion engine device in 3D on the screen. All this seems like an unreal technology of the future. However, according to the assurances of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, changes are coming. Once upon a time it seemed that looking on the Internet and finding out what your child was given even before he came home from school was also the technology of the future. Meanwhile, electronic diaries and journals are now firmly established in the modern educational process.
The student's electronic diary provides information about the student's progress. Here, parents can find out grades, see teachers' comments on setting a particular point for a completed task, and track missed lessons.
In the Shlisselburg Secondary School No. 1, the systems of electronic diaries and journals have been working for nine years (they started working gradually: first they connected 1 class from the parallel, then 2-3 classes. The whole school has been working with the platform since 2014) years . The administrator responsible for the work of teachers with Dnevnik.RU Olga Kurtseitova shared her impressions and said that in the future the school plans to completely abandon the paper version of the magazine.
Olga Olegovna, what gives the use of services to teachers, parents, students?
- For teachers, using the electronic diary service allows you to quickly exchange information with the parents of students through personal messages. Thanks to the electronic journal, it became possible to quickly create a report on the progress and attendance of the class as a whole and each participant separately. If earlier, once a month, the class teacher (writing out marks from a paper journal in the student's diary) pasted a sheet with grades into the diary, now the report is created automatically.
For parents - this is a round-the-clock access to the child's electronic diary (you can clearly control the progress - you won't be able to hide the deuces, and you won't be able to cheat about homework and lesson schedules). It is possible to find out the average grade.
Schoolchildren need not be afraid, not to write down their homework, everything is in the electronic diary. This is convenient for those who are sick or missed classes. In the diary, you can use the library with the works of the school course, audio and video materials.
What are the advantages of these systems?
- This is a large database that helps to track the educational process as a whole, the transparency of grades, saving time, the ability to quickly notify participants in the educational process through announcements. Several teachers can work with an electronic journal at once, and, of course, now it cannot physically get lost.
Are there any plans to stop paper versions?
- Yes. Today we have already abandoned the paper version of magazines in elementary school.
Most parents also see positive aspects in using the service, the main thing is to get used to it.
Lyubov Yuzgin: There are many pluses. Basically, I like it. I learn grades and homework before the child. There is an opportunity at any time to understand what needs to be corrected, tightened up.
The minus is the cost for the mobile version. But we don't use the app. Site only. And it's very accessible.
Tatyana Pavlova
Photo from open Internet sources
Registration of electronic diary through "State Services"
after the questionnaire is being checked, the standard is the standard one and will be able to fill up the standard cabinet . ru through public services.
Such registration is performed as follows:
- Enter into any search engine a request for an online document of a student in the desired region. There is no specific reference because each region has its own service.
- Follow the link.
- Enter temporary access information received on the Internet resource of public services.
- Enter the required information.
- Follow the active link to the student's online document.
After the registration of the electronic diary through the State Services, all the news of the educational institution will now be available to students and their relatives.
Registration of an electronic diary through ""
D when you start using the learning resource, you need to take from the responsible employee of the educational institution for authorization on the site, indicating your full name, birthday and SNILS number.