How to discipline a 3 years old child
What’s the Best Way to Discipline My Child?
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As a parent, one of your jobs to teach your child to behave. It's a job that takes time and patience. But, it helps to learn the effective and healthy discipline strategies.
Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) on the best ways to help your child learn acceptable behavior as they grow.
10 healthy discipline strategies that work
The AAP recommends positive discipline strategies that effectively teach children to manage their behavior and keep them from harm while promoting healthy development. These include:
Show and tell. Teach children right from wrong with calm words and actions. Model behaviors you would like to see in your children.
Set limits. Have clear and consistent rules your children can follow. Be sure to explain these rules in age-appropriate terms they can understand.
Give consequences. Calmly and firmly explain the consequences if they don't behave. For example, tell her that if she does not pick up her toys, you will put them away for the rest of the day. Be prepared to follow through right away. Don't give in by giving them back after a few minutes. But remember, never take away something your child truly needs, such as a meal.
Hear them out. Listening is important. Let your child finish the story before helping solve the problem. Watch for times when misbehavior has a pattern, like if your child is feeling jealous. Talk with your child about this rather than just giving consequences.
Give them your attention. The most powerful tool for effective discipline is attention—to reinforce good behaviors and discourage others.
Remember, all children want their parent's attention.
Catch them being good. Children need to know when they do something bad--and when they do something good. Notice good behavior and point it out, praising success and good tries. Be specific (for example, "Wow, you did a good job putting that toy away!").
Know when not to respond. As long as your child isn't doing something dangerous and gets plenty of attention for good behavior, ignoring bad behavior can be an effective way of stopping it. Ignoring bad behavior can also teach children natural consequences of their actions. For example, if your child keeps dropping her cookies on purpose, she will soon have no more cookies left to eat. If she throws and breaks her toy, she will not be able to play with it. It will not be long before she learns not to drop her cookies and to play carefully with her toys.
Be prepared for trouble.
Plan ahead for situations when your child might have trouble behaving. Prepare them for upcoming activities and how you want them to behave.
Redirect bad behavior. Sometimes children misbehave because they are bored or don't know any better. Find something else for your child to do.
Call a time-out. A time-out can be especially useful when a specific rule is broken. This discipline tool works best by warning children they will get a time out if they don't stop, reminding them what they did wrong in as few words―and with as little emotion―as possible, and removing them from the situation for a pre-set length of time (1 minute per year of age is a good rule of thumb). With children who are at least 3 years old, you can try letting their children lead their own time-out instead of setting a timer. You can just say, "Go to time out and come back when you feel ready and in control." This strategy, which can help the child learn and practice self-management skills, also works well for older children and teens.
Spanking and harsh words are harmful and don't work. Here's why:
The AAP policy statement, "Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children," highlights why it's important to focus on teaching good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior. Research shows that spanking, slapping and other forms of physical punishment don't work well to correct a child's behavior. The same holds true for yelling at or shaming a child. Beyond being ineffective, harsh physical and verbal punishments can also damage a child's long-term physical and mental health.
- Spanking's unhealthy cycle. The AAP advises that parents and caregivers should not spank or hit children. Instead of teaching responsibility and self-control, spanking often increases aggression and anger in children. A
study of children born in 20 large U.S. cities found that families who used physical punishment got caught in a negative cycle: the more children were spanked, the more they later misbehaved, which prompted more spankings in response.
Spanking's effects may also be felt beyond the parent-child relationship. Because it teaches that causing someone pain is OK if you're frustrated—even with those you love. Children who are spanked may be more likely to hit others when they don't get what they want.
- Lasting marks. Physical punishment increases the risk of injury, especially in children under 18 months of age, and may leave other measurable marks on the brain and body. Children who are spanked show higher levels of hormones tied to toxic stress. Physical punishment may also affect brain development. One study found that young adults who were spanked repeatedly had less gray matter, the part of the brain involved with self-control, and performed lower on IQ tests as young adults than the control group.
- Verbal abuse: How words hurt. Yelling at children and using words to cause emotional pain or shame also has been found to be ineffective and harmful. Harsh verbal discipline, even by parents who are otherwise warm and loving, can lead to more misbehavior and mental health problems in children.
Research shows that harsh verbal discipline, which becomes more common as children get older, may lead to more behavior problems and symptoms of depression in teens.
Learn from mistakes—including your own
Remember that, as a parent, you can give yourself a time out if you feel out of control. Just make sure your child is in a safe place, and then give yourself a few minutes to take a few deep breaths, relax or call a friend. When you are feeling better, go back to your child, hug each other, and start over.
If you do not handle a situation well the first time, try not to worry about it. Think about what you could have done differently and try to do it the next time. If you feel you have made a real mistake in the heat of the moment, wait to cool down, apologize to your child, and explain how you will handle the situation in the future. Be sure to keep your promise. This gives your child a good model of how to recover from mistakes.
Healthy & effective discipline tips by age/stage
Infants |
Toddlers |
Preschool Age |
Gradeschool-Age Children |
Adolescents & Teens |
More information
- 15 Tips to Survive the Terrible 3's
- How to Shape and Manage Your Young Child's Behavior
- Disciplining Older Children
- How to Give a Time-Out
- Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children (AAP Policy Statement)
- Last Updated
- 11/5/2018
- Source
- American Academy of Pediatrics (Copyright © 2018)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
How to Give a Time-Out
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Family Life
Family Life
Giving a child a time-out can be a useful tool to help them cool down and learn good behavior.
Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The basics of a time-out—by the numbers:
1. Warn your child first, "If you don't stop, you'll have a time-out."
2. Name the behavior (i.e., "don't hit").
3. Have your child go to a quiet place, like a corner of a room, not the bedroom or a play room.
4. Start the timer—1 minute for each year of age. For example:
2 years old = 2 minutes
3 years old = 3 minutes
4 years old = 4 minutes
5 years old = 5 minutes
5. If your child leaves the time out area, have her go back. If she throws a tantrum during time-out, ignore it unless there is danger of harm.
6. Restart the timer. Explain that he needs to "stay put" until it's over.
Should I skip the timer?
With children who are at least 3 years old, parents can try letting their children lead their own time-out. You can just say, "Go to time out and come back when you feel ready and in control." This can take the place of the timer and help the child learn and practice self-management skills. This strategy also works well for older children and teens.
Adults can take time-outs, too.
Correcting a child's behavior can be hard and, sometimes, frustrating. If you start to feel stressed or out of control, you can take a time-out for yourself. First make sure your child is in a safe place, like a playpen, crib, or bedroom. Then, do something you find relaxing, like listening to music, reading or meditation. When you feel calm, go hug your child and start fresh.
Grandparents and other caregivers can learn how time-outs work, too. Like with all discipline tools, the key is trying to use time-outs the same way each time for the behavior you want to stop. But, remember, time-outs can be used too much. Try other positive ways to correct your child's behavior. Talk with your pediatrician for more ideas.
Additional Information:
What's the Best Way to Discipline My Child?
15 Tips to Survive the Terrible 3's
How to Shape and Manage Your Young Child's Behavior
Disciplining Older Children
Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children (AAP Policy Statement)
- Last Updated
- 11/5/2018
- Source
- American Academy of Pediatrics (Copyright © 2018)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
How to properly punish a child: 10 important rules
One of the eternal questions of parents, a cause for anxiety and worry, heated discussions and disputes - should children be punished or not? And if yes, then how to do it right, so as not to harm the unstable child's psyche? And if you do not punish, then where is the guarantee that the child will not grow up as a spoiled egoist, ready at any moment to sit on the neck of kind-hearted parents and turn into a real tormentor? About this "Oh!" said family psychotherapist and clinical psychologist Maria Merolaeva.
Maria Merolaeva, clinical psychologist, family psychotherapist
Some parents believe that a child is a source of sins and vices, it is necessary to punish him, using physical force, not sparing, otherwise nothing good will grow out of him. As a rule, they defend their position by saying that “we were beaten in childhood, and we grew up to be good people”, citing as an example those who grew up “not very”, which means, most likely, “they beat us a little”. The meaning of such a model of education is to subordinate the will of the child to himself, "so that he does not do stupid things."
The other extreme is to avoid any punishment, justifying it by saying that the child is “small, he just doesn’t understand what he is doing, he doesn’t do it on purpose, you just need to be able to negotiate with him” and so on. Thus, parents, without noticing it themselves, remove responsibility from their child. This model has become widespread in connection with the growth of the "value of the child" and denies the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe family hierarchy.
In fact, neither the first nor the second option is allowed. It is impossible to use physical and moral violence (to threaten, not to talk, blackmail, shout) to a child in any case. Of course, there are cases when a parent, under the influence of emotions, loses control and can spank or raise his voice, but deliberately making a child suffer means not leaving him a chance to develop such feelings as compassion, regret, not giving him the opportunity to realize that he is important and expensive.
Most often, parents leave the child completely unpunished, who are afraid of offending him, harming him, perhaps giving in to children's tantrums and anger, trying by any means to minimize their manifestations, or in the case of pedagogical neglect, when there is simply no strength to educate and it is easier to be allowed to do whatever you want than to try to change the behavior of the baby.
To figure out how to punish a child in a way that makes sense, you need to understand what punishment is, what is its purpose? What do we as parents want to achieve by punishing our children?
Etymologically, the word "punishment" comes from the verb "to show" - that is, to instruct, show. Then it is logical that "punishment" is something that we use to direct the child on the right path, to outline for him the boundaries of what is permitted. As a rule, when punishing, we want the best for our children - so that they understand what is good and what is bad, grow up as "real", "worthy" people, do not make irreparable mistakes in their lives, become better than us.
Then the next question is: what should be the punishment for the child to really realize that he did wrong, learn from what happened and learn from the experience? Will we achieve these lofty goals by raising a child with the help of carrots and sticks? Of course not. The only thing we can teach with such methods is to be afraid of punishments and parents, to try to earn encouragement, rewards - and all this without really thinking about what happened.
In order for punishment to be useful, and not just a way to relieve an upset, tired, helpless parent, the following rules must be observed:
The main rule stems from the basic need that every child has - the need for affection. A parent for a child is, first of all, a source of protection, children need the care of a strong and responsible adult who is a priori higher and dominates, but not in order to subjugate and oppress, but in order to help and protect. When a secure attachment is formed, a very close bond is established between the child and the parent, which greatly simplifies the interaction and makes the baby obedient.
When punishing a child, it is important to maintain a respectful attitude towards him.
In order for the lesson to be learned, the child, first of all, must understand, realize what he is wrong about, feel the consequences of his misconduct. And these consequences are not the belt or the cry of an angry parent, not the deprivation of sweets or the prohibition to leave the house. It is something that follows directly from what has been done. For example, if you were late home and didn’t call, it means that you don’t know how to plan your time and it’s too early for you to go out in the evenings with friends. You scream and cry on the playground or in the store - I'm very sorry, but it spoils my mood so much that now I don't want to continue the walk anymore and we will have to return home. If you didn’t do your homework on time, then you have to do it before going to bed instead of a cartoon or evening reading. If you offended someone and did not apologize, then they will no longer want to play with you.
The essence of this method is that for every action the child receives a response from life itself. This helps him gain an orientation in how the world works. It is this tactic that teaches children to anticipate the consequences of their actions in the future, to feel regret for what turned out badly.
Under no circumstances should a child have doubts that his parents love him for who he is. He must understand that he will be accepted regardless of his actions. That is why when punishing, it is important to focus on the offense, and not on the personality characteristics of the child. If, for example, a kid, while playing with food, spills soup, you should not tell him that he is a "blunder" - just explain why his act is bad and offer him a cleaning rag to consolidate the experience gained.
When punishing a child, focus on staying in an adult position. If at the moment of a conversation with a child the parent feels irritation or despair, this means that he has been knocked out of the position of an adult.
This often happens when children's tears, whims and tantrums awaken the inner child in us - then we become helpless. In this case, you should ask yourself the question "How old am I now?", step aside, cool down a bit and only after that return to the conversation. For example, in a situation where a child refuses to turn off the TV, but a large number of cartoons is definitely not good for him, a mother from an adult position can say this: “I'm sorry, but I can't let you watch the second cartoon, because if you watch two in a row, then you have a tantrum, and everyone’s mood deteriorates.”
Be consistent, consistent and predictable in your demands and reactions. This means that within the family there must be some unified concept of what is possible, what is not, what is good and what is bad. The child must be initiated into the nuances of this concept and firmly know what he can be punished for. At the same time, the way the parents react should not depend on the mood, the weather outside the window and the time of year.
For example, if a mother in a good mood asks a child to turn off the TV, and he starts to act up and does not turn it off, she, smiling, allows him to continue. But in the same situation, if the mother is in a bad mood, she starts to quarrel, scream and most likely punish the baby. In this state of affairs, the child is simply not able to learn what he can and cannot do.
It is very important to use so-called "temporary" language, rather than permanent language, when talking to a child about bad behavior. For example, “You just broke a toy, now you have to play without it for a while” instead of saying “You always break everything! I will never buy you toys again.” Using words such as “never, never, to anyone,” you risk not fulfilling this promise and losing trust.
Punishment must be age-appropriate. It is useless to try to explain something and give lectures to a two-year-old kid, because he is simply not able to learn what you are telling him about and cannot concentrate voluntary attention for more than five minutes.
In the same way, it does not make sense as a punishment to forbid a teenager to eat sweets.
Punishment must be just and proportionate to the seriousness of the act.
In no case should you frighten and intimidate a child - this is a sure way to teach him to lie and get out.
Always, under any circumstances, remember the greatest value that we have - the emotional connection with the child. After all, if you think about it, it becomes obvious that not a single spoiled sofa or a bad mark at school, an extra 30 minutes at the computer or a lost phone is worth breaking this connection, darkening the image of the inner parent that each of us hears somewhere in soul when it needs protection, support, love and acceptance.
Read also:
If parents are perfectionists: 6 injuries from childhood
At what age the child needs his own smartphone: Psychologist's opinion
Photo: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock. com
Psychology of the Psychology of Psychology 9000
How to punish a child without a belt
What to do with a child who does not obey, manipulates, whines, rushes into tears just to get his own way? How to respond and should children be punished for bad behavior?
When we punish a child, we do something to him. But the task of parents is to avoid the call to punish and strive to solve the problem together with the child. When you think about punishing a child, then it's time to teach him how to behave correctly.
Let's see which methods of punishment do not work, and which ones really help the child learn to control his emotions and not repeat bad behavior in the future.
Punishments that teach nothing:
1. Put in a corner, beat on the bottom with a strap
This method of punishment does not teach the child anything. He does not get the correct behavior model. In this way, parents only show that they are physically stronger than the child.
Sending a child to his room in order to think about his behavior works similarly.
2. Call to apologize
Also does not work. Through this punishment, the kid understands that a person can be offended as you like, and then just apologize. The apology loses its value.
3. Deprivation of cartoons for the whole day
In this case, the child quickly says: “Well, without cartoons, then without cartoons!” and finds another job. He does not attach importance to such punishment, and again it does not teach him anything.
4. Unrestrained threats:
"No sweets!" "That's it, no cartoons!" - Usually the baby starts crying and begging even harder, and you change your mind: “Okay, just 1 candy/one cartoon…”
"If you misbehave, we won't go to the sea!" - Naturally, in this case it is clear that anyway, with any behavior of the child, the family will go to the sea. Since the ticket was bought in advance.
Such threats teach that parents do not keep their word. And the child learns to treat all attempts to establish boundaries in relation to other things as well.
When you are planning to make a malicious promise to your child, it is worth pausing and considering whether you can keep it. And if you make a promise, you need to keep it. Or better not to do it at all.
How to properly punish disobedience:
- Choose methods that preserve the dignity of both the child and the adult. Do not punish harshly.
- Methods of punishment must be age appropriate and understandable to the child. The child must be able to cope with punishment emotionally at the level of his development.
- Punishment should help the child learn and understand how his actions affect others and why.
- Give clear instructions to the child during punishment
- The punishment must be adequate to the “crime”
How to punish a child for bad behavior at 1 year old
From the age of one, you can already tell your child how he feels now:
- you are tired because you haven't slept;
- you are hungry, therefore you are angry;
- you are cold because you have not put on mittens.
Learn to recognize your child from an early age. Highlight their strengths and areas that need support. You can not change the baby for yourself.
Start teaching discipline to your child as early as possible - think together about alternatives to physical punishment from a position of love. Strive to join efforts to resolve the issue: together we will manage, decide, come up with.
How to punish a child at 2-3 years old
The best way to punish is to take a time out, a break. It is especially effective during the crisis period, when the baby does not hear, does not see you. Time out helps when a child loses control of himself and his body and can cause harm to himself and others.
At such moments, you need to give the child the opportunity to catch his breath and get rid of the environment of excessive stimuli. For example, take it to another room. But to isolate not from a position to punish, but from a position - to give the child space where he can collect himself, catch his breath and return to a balanced state.
How to correctly punish with a time-out:
During a tantrum, take the child in your arms and calmly, but not accusatoryly or strictly, say: “Let's go with you to another room and breathe.”
The child may disagree, break out and run into another room.
Calmly say: “I see that it is difficult for you, I will help you.” Take him in your arms and put him back to you. Hug and give him tight control over your body. Say that you are ready to let him go when the arms and legs calm down and stop kicking. If he continues to struggle, hold the child until he calms down.
The message of such a respite:
- create a safe environment for all
- teach how to deal with your emotions by saying them to your child
- show that any feelings can be dealt with by noticing them
"Pillow of the world" - another option for effective punishment of a three-year-old child.
When you see the child starting to lose control, say, “Now is a good time to catch your breath and go sit on a cushion/chair. ” That is, send the child to a place where he feels comfortable.
You are not isolating the child, but offering a safe zone where he can calm down: “Now you need to sit on a pillow / in the room / in your favorite chair, and I need to drink tea. After that, we will discuss everything.”
If the child refuses, you yourself lead him and sit with him. In this case, the punisher must calm down himself and behave kindly.
How to punish a child at 4-5 years old
At this age, many parents think that the child is manipulating. Manipulation from the parent's point of view is a deliberately calculated scenario that will lead to the result: "To get candy - you need to kick, scream until mom gives it." But in fact, for a very long time, a preschooler is not capable of building such a plan.
Children are able to understand how they affect their parents: if you cry for a long time, my mother will make sure that I don't cry. When we reinforce such actions, the child remembers and repeats this scenario. And parents think that he is manipulating. What matters here is your reaction to stop this behavior.
During this period, children really need to feel the love of their parents. And so they may begin to lie, as it is important for them to be good for adults.
Use logical consequences as punishment.
This is the most understandable and intelligible form of punishment. It can be used even before the fourth year. We do not correct the child's mistakes, but let them feel and understand the result of their actions. For example:
- We went for a walk without a hat - he was cold. You can take out a hat and say: “Yes, you see, your ears get cold without a hat.” And the next time the child is going for a walk, ask him what to wear, do you need a hat? What should I wear today to keep him warm outside?
- The child is hungry for a walk because he has not eaten well. Explain, “You didn’t eat all of your lunch, now you see you don’t have the energy to walk.