How much water does baby need
When Is It Safe to Give Water to Infants?
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- How Infants Stay Hydrated
- When Babies Can Start Drinking Water
- Making Sure Water Is Baby-Safe
- Risks of Water for Infants
- Water as Your Baby Grows
If you have a baby, you’re probably concerned about making sure they have enough water and nutrients to stay healthy. Even though your baby drinks breast milk or formula, is that enough to keep them hydrated? Yes. Here’s what you need to know.
How Infants Stay Hydrated
As an adult, water is the most hydrating thing you can drink. It quenches your thirst and helps all of your systems stay balanced.
But children under a year old don’t need water like adults do. It can actually be dangerous for them. Babies get all their hydration from breast milk or formula.
When Babies Can Start Drinking Water
A baby should drink only breast milk or formula until they’re six months old. It has all the hydration and nutrition they need in the early months.
Even when you start giving them purees or table food at around 6 months of age, breast milk and formula are still more important than water. But you can begin to introduce it.
When babies are between 6 and 12 months of age, breast milk or formula continues to be a priority over water. But if you offer breast milk or formula first, you can then offer water, 2-3 ounces at a time. At this age, 4-8 ounces a day of water is enough. More than that may lead to water intoxication.
Making Sure Water Is Baby-Safe
Before using water to mix baby formula or offering a baby water for the first time, consider testing your tap water. While tap water may have fluoride that helps prevent tooth decay, it could also contain levels of lead that are unsafe for babies.
Most tap water in the U.S. is safe, with a few exceptions:
- If you have untested well water.
- If your water source has recently been contaminated.
- If your baby has low immunity.
If you’re worried about lead exposure and traces of chemicals in your water, install a filtration system or use distilled water instead which can be easily purchased.
Considerations for mixing formula with water. If you use tap water to mix formula, mix only one bottle at a time. Don’t use tap water to mix formula in bulk amounts.
A similar rule applies to water that you’ve boiled. Refrigerate boiled water within an hour, and throw it away if you don’t use it within 24 hours. Always allow the water to cool completely before mixing the formula. Hot water can burn your baby.
When you purchase formula, carefully follow the instructions on the container for mixing it with water. Instructions vary by brand. This will ensure your baby gets the right amount of nutrients and hydration.
Mixing in too much formula may lead to constipation or dehydration. Mixing in too little formula may lead to malnutrition or water intoxication.
Risks of Water for Infants
Drinking too much water at a young age is very dangerous. Water causes an imbalance in sodium levels that may lead to:
- Seizures
- Brain damage
- Coma
- Death
Water intoxication leads to changes in behavior such as:
- Confusion
- Drowsiness
- Muscle cramps and twitching
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty breathing
- Weakness
Watch for signs of water intoxication and call your doctor immediately if you have any concerns.
Water as Your Baby Grows
Between the ages of 1 and 3, your toddler needs 4 cups of liquid per day. This is a transitional period that should include both water and breastmilk or formula. The older your child gets, the more water they need. There are several ways you can encourage your older child to drink enough water.
Flavor water with fresh fruit. Water is healthier than juice since many children’s juices are full of sugar. If your child prefers the taste of juice, use fresh fruit to flavor their water. Lemon, berries, mint, and cucumber are great additions.
Offer more fruits and vegetables. Encourage your child to eat more fruits and vegetables with high water content. These help them stay hydrated without forcing them to drink more water than they want. Hydrating vegetables include cucumber, tomato, zucchini, celery, and iceberg lettuce. Hydrating fruits include strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, and grapefruit.
Make creative ice cubes and popsicles. Puree your fruit of choice with water and freeze it into ice cubes or popsicle molds.
Provide special drinkware. Use a fancy cup with favorite colors or characters. When you find ways to make water fun, your child is more likely to enjoy drinking it.
When Is It Safe to Give Water to Infants?
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
In this Article
- How Infants Stay Hydrated
- When Babies Can Start Drinking Water
- Making Sure Water Is Baby-Safe
- Risks of Water for Infants
- Water as Your Baby Grows
If you have a baby, you’re probably concerned about making sure they have enough water and nutrients to stay healthy. Even though your baby drinks breast milk or formula, is that enough to keep them hydrated? Yes. Here’s what you need to know.
How Infants Stay Hydrated
As an adult, water is the most hydrating thing you can drink. It quenches your thirst and helps all of your systems stay balanced.
But children under a year old don’t need water like adults do. It can actually be dangerous for them. Babies get all their hydration from breast milk or formula.
When Babies Can Start Drinking Water
A baby should drink only breast milk or formula until they’re six months old. It has all the hydration and nutrition they need in the early months.
Even when you start giving them purees or table food at around 6 months of age, breast milk and formula are still more important than water. But you can begin to introduce it.
When babies are between 6 and 12 months of age, breast milk or formula continues to be a priority over water. But if you offer breast milk or formula first, you can then offer water, 2-3 ounces at a time. At this age, 4-8 ounces a day of water is enough. More than that may lead to water intoxication.
Making Sure Water Is Baby-Safe
Before using water to mix baby formula or offering a baby water for the first time, consider testing your tap water. While tap water may have fluoride that helps prevent tooth decay, it could also contain levels of lead that are unsafe for babies.
Most tap water in the U.S. is safe, with a few exceptions:
- If you have untested well water.
- If your water source has recently been contaminated.
- If your baby has low immunity.
If you’re worried about lead exposure and traces of chemicals in your water, install a filtration system or use distilled water instead which can be easily purchased.
Considerations for mixing formula with water. If you use tap water to mix formula, mix only one bottle at a time. Don’t use tap water to mix formula in bulk amounts.
A similar rule applies to water that you’ve boiled. Refrigerate boiled water within an hour, and throw it away if you don’t use it within 24 hours. Always allow the water to cool completely before mixing the formula. Hot water can burn your baby.
When you purchase formula, carefully follow the instructions on the container for mixing it with water. Instructions vary by brand. This will ensure your baby gets the right amount of nutrients and hydration.
Mixing in too much formula may lead to constipation or dehydration. Mixing in too little formula may lead to malnutrition or water intoxication.
Risks of Water for Infants
Drinking too much water at a young age is very dangerous. Water causes an imbalance in sodium levels that may lead to:
- Seizures
- Brain damage
- Coma
- Death
Water intoxication leads to changes in behavior such as:
- Confusion
- Drowsiness
- Muscle cramps and twitching
- Nausea and vomiting
- Difficulty breathing
- Weakness
Watch for signs of water intoxication and call your doctor immediately if you have any concerns.
Water as Your Baby Grows
Between the ages of 1 and 3, your toddler needs 4 cups of liquid per day. This is a transitional period that should include both water and breastmilk or formula. The older your child gets, the more water they need. There are several ways you can encourage your older child to drink enough water.
Flavor water with fresh fruit. Water is healthier than juice since many children’s juices are full of sugar. If your child prefers the taste of juice, use fresh fruit to flavor their water. Lemon, berries, mint, and cucumber are great additions.
Offer more fruits and vegetables. Encourage your child to eat more fruits and vegetables with high water content. These help them stay hydrated without forcing them to drink more water than they want. Hydrating vegetables include cucumber, tomato, zucchini, celery, and iceberg lettuce. Hydrating fruits include strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, cantaloupe, and grapefruit.
Make creative ice cubes and popsicles. Puree your fruit of choice with water and freeze it into ice cubes or popsicle molds.
Provide special drinkware. Use a fancy cup with favorite colors or characters. When you find ways to make water fun, your child is more likely to enjoy drinking it.
Daily norms of water consumption for children.
June 24, 2019
December 5, 2022
4 minutes
- Why is it important for children to drink water?
- Symptoms of lack of fluid in a child
- How to choose water for a child?
- How much fluid does a child need per day?
- General Guidelines for Baby Drinking
- Recommended Foods
Please note that all information posted on the site Prowellness is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action, or medical advice. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product. This site is not a specialized medical portal and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. The Site Owner is not liable to any party who has suffered indirect or direct damage as a result of misuse of materials posted on this resource.
Daily water intake for children.
Without a sufficient amount of fluid, a person will not be able to boast of excellent health. In the formation of the child's body and its immune system, water plays a key role.
Why is it important for children to drink water?
Water has a beneficial effect on the child's body and is involved in the formation of the following processes:
- improved metabolism;
- maintaining normal body temperature;
- reduced risk of allergic reactions;
- mood improvement.
Symptoms of lack of fluid in a child
Any of the following symptoms are observed, that is, a reason to think about the lack of fluid in the child's body:
- Fatigue.
- Bad mood for no reason.
- Weakened immunity.
- Allergic reactions.
- Dry skin.
- Dryness and cracking of the lips.
- Abdominal pain, problems with stool and digestion.
- Pain in muscles and bones.
- Oral and gum problems.
- Pale skin.
- Infrequent urination.
Vitamin D3 - Essential Vitamins will help increase immunity in a child. It ensures normal growth and development of bones, promotes muscle tone, is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, is involved in the regulation of blood pressure, plays a huge role in the prevention of allergic diseases in adults and children.
Introducing a tasty treat that will become an additional source of vitamins for your child - Ditops Fruit Chewable Tablets with Vitamins A, C and D. Three main vitamins for every day in a convenient form will be good helpers for strengthening the immune system and the growth of the child.
How to choose water for a child?
Water for children should have a special balanced composition. The concentration of salts in it should be reduced, preservatives and dyes should be absent.
Attention! A water bottle must have an inscription that the product is intended for baby food, and a mark that this is water of the highest category.
Sweet or carbonated drinks are undesirable, they can cause pain in the abdomen, bloating, tooth decay. They are contraindicated for newborns.
How much liquid does a child need per day?
The main criterion for calculating the norm of water for a child is his age. So:
- The first months of a child's life do not need to be specially supplemented with water.
The right amount of fluid is already in breast milk. A baby will need 100-170 ml of water per day.
- From six months to a year, the baby needs to drink more, up to 260 ml per day.
- From one to three years old, the baby needs to drink 300-400 ml of liquid.
- From four to five years old, it is worth offering the baby up to 800 ml of drink per day.
- After five years, he is supposed to drink a liter of water a day.
Attention! The required volume of fluid consumed includes only water. Juices, soups, broths, teas, milk do not replace water.
General recommendations for a child's drinking regimen
When monitoring the drinking regimen of crumbs, it is worth considering additional factors:
- If a child drinks water above the norm, then there is no need to forbid him to do this and take away the bottle.
- A sick child needs to drink more fluids, so the infection will quickly leave the body.
- A bottle-fed baby needs to drink fluids more frequently and more than a breast-fed baby.
- When in a room with a temperature above 25°C, the crumbs need to be supplemented between meals.
- If the child has eaten dry or solid food, the need for water increases.
- When the baby is physically active, his need for fluid increases.
- An adult should take a bottle of water with him for a street walk that involves the active movement of a child.
- Have a water cooler, carafe or bottle of water in front of the baby so he can pour himself a drink.
Pay your attention to Tea cocktail (apple and peach) - Yoo Go with juicy apple and tender peach, bright strawberry and Siberian mint. Natural tea cocktail with excellent aroma and rich taste will be a good companion for your family in any weather.
Establishing a drinking regimen for a child is very important for his health. In the case of chronic diseases or diseases of the internal organs, the situation must be additionally discussed with the doctor.
Please note that all information posted on the site Prowellness is provided for informational purposes only and is not a personal program, a direct recommendation for action, or medical advice. Do not use these materials for diagnosis, treatment, or any medical procedure. Consult your physician before using any technique or using any product. This site is not a specialized medical portal and does not replace the professional advice of a specialist. The Site Owner is not liable to any party who has suffered indirect or direct damage as a result of misuse of materials posted on this resource.
Expert: Maria Elagina Business Profi of Siberian Wellness and nutritionist in cosmetics
Reviewer: Ekaterina Vorobieva Adept of a healthy and active lifestyle
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The child's need for water.

Author of article Belmer Sergey Viktorovich
March 14, 2023
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Water calculator
Water calculator - calculate how much water your child needs.
Water is the basis of life and a natural component of the human body. Children's bodies especially need proper water intake. After all, it is at an early age that the most important stages in the development of the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive and immune systems of the body occur.
The right diet for a child is the basis of his health and further development. And the sooner you help your child form the habit of competent water consumption, the easier it will be for him to maintain a healthy and proper lifestyle in the future.
The body of a child is 80% water, and an adult is 60%. So, let's figure it out: how much water is needed for the healthy development of a child's body, what kind of water is useful, and how often should a child be offered a drink?
Expert opinion
These and other important questions on the topic are answered by Belmer Sergey Viktorovich , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics No. 2 of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University (RNIMU) named after. N.I. Pirogov.
Let's debunk the most popular myths about water, that is, the most popular misconceptions about its benefits, quantity, quality, and possible harm.
Myth #1: It is necessary to give the baby water from the moment of birth
It's a delusion. It all depends on the specific situation, whether the child is breastfed or not. How much and how often the child consumes breast milk or formula per day. Every age has different water needs. See for yourself:
Standards for the total daily water requirement of children
Child age | Water requirement per 1 kg. body weight |
1 day | 90 ml |
10 days | 135 ml |
3 months | 150 ml |
6 months | 140 ml |
9 months | 130 ml |
1 year | 125 ml |
4 years | 105 ml |
The table values take into account all the water that the child receives during the day. This is pure water, and various drinks, and soups, and solid food, which also contains water.
Based on the data presented in the table, you can easily calculate the child's need for clean water. So, for example, take a baby weighing 3 kilograms. According to the table, we calculate the daily need of the baby for water: 3 kg * 90 ml = 270 ml / day. If you know how much water from milk or complementary foods a child receives per day, it is not difficult to calculate whether additional water should be given to the baby.
As a rule, a breast-fed baby up to six months of age has enough water from mother's milk and does not require additional water intake. With the introduction of complementary foods, additional water is required for the child.
But once again I want to remind you that the rate of water consumption is a purely individual value, which depends on the activity of the child, the biochemical characteristics of the child's body, on the temperature and humidity of the surrounding air.
Myth #2: Bottled water should still be boiled
Bottled water does not need to be boiled. The technology of water preparation and bottling ensures its sterility throughout the entire shelf life. In this regard, boiling, aimed specifically at the destruction of microorganisms in water, is not required in this case. In all other cases, such as tap water, spring, well, etc., it is necessary to boil. And sometimes more serious methods of processing such water are required, but it is not recommended to give such water to children.
Myth #3: There is no difference between "baby" and "adult" water.
"Children's" water is distinguished by higher quality requirements and a physiologically balanced composition. Bottled water of the first and, especially, the highest category is subject to very strict requirements for its safety, in particular, for its chemical composition. In the case of "baby" water, the requirements for its composition are even higher. In its production, it is necessary not only to prevent the excess of the concentration of macro- and microelements, but also to ensure their balanced content, taking into account the characteristics of the child's body.
Myth #4: Water can be easily replaced with juices, fruit drinks and other drinks
Any drink is a source of water. However, the composition of various drinks, such as juices, fruit drinks, etc., contains other substances besides water, such as sugar, the excess of which may be undesirable for a child. In this regard, replacing “clean water” with other drinks should be done with great care. After the introduction of complementary foods, juices and fruit drinks appear in the composition of the child's diet in regulated volumes.
Myth #5: Baby water is a marketing ploy
It's a delusion. "Children's" water, as I have already said, is distinguished by special requirements for its composition, in particular, the balance of the amount of macro- and microelements, corresponding to the needs of the child's body.
Myth #6: Boiled and filtered water is no different from baby water
Boiling destroys microorganisms. The results of filtration depend on the characteristics of the filter, but, first of all, particles suspended in it are removed.
Myth #7: Water with any mineral composition is good for a child
The water contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, selenium and many other macro- and microelements that are necessary for the body. It is important that their content does not exceed the permissible concentration. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that water is not the exclusive and even the main source of these substances: the child receives them, first of all, from other foods. However, the deficiency of certain minerals in water, which is often observed in various regions of the world, can lead to diseases. Thus, water without minerals is hazardous to health.
Myth #8: Boiled water is best for formula feeding
It's a delusion. It is best to use specially prepared industrially "baby" water. It is safe and has an optimal chemical composition.
These are the main myths about water in terms of baby food and consumption that are encountered today. For a more detailed study of the topic, consider a few more frequently asked questions that parents of babies contact us with.
What are the benefits of the minerals indicated in the composition? (Ca, Mg, K, bicarbonates, sulfates, fluorides, chlorides)
Minerals in the composition of water are necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes. Calcium and magnesium are essential for bone formation and the functioning of the nervous system, potassium is essential for the normal functioning of the heart and muscles, sodium is a key factor in almost all metabolic processes. It is very important that the chemical composition of water meets the needs of the body, which is achieved by certain technological methods in the production of special "children's" water.
How to persuade a child to drink water?
It's hard to persuade. The child drinks according to his needs. Feeling thirsty is an indicator of water intake. Water in a bottle or drinking bowl should always be nearby. Offer your baby first quality water, not sugary drinks.
How to teach a toddler to drink from a bottle?
In the first days and months of life, if necessary, you can gradually accustom the child to water, supplementing it with a spoon or from a bottle with a nipple. And if you start giving water at an older age, then you can immediately move on to a baby cup or sippy cup.
How to drink a child on a trip?
Special baby water is the best choice for a child while traveling. Such water is sterile and compensates for possible loss of salts, thanks to a balanced chemical composition.
How much baby water to take on a plane?
It depends on the age of the child and the duration of the flight, but not less than 100 ml. This is the minimum stock.
Should I give my baby water at night?
It is not necessary to water the child at night, but if such a need arises, offer the child a couple of sips of water. This is fine.
Should I give my child to drink after active games in the heat?
This must be done without fail, and not only after, but also during active games in the sun or in hot weather, since water is excreted from the body in significant quantities with sweating. Offer your baby water as often as possible. It is more convenient to take special "baby" water in a bottle for a walk, it has a small volume, but sufficient even for a two- or three-hour walk.
Children's water "FrutoNyanya" - from the first days of life!
Children's water "FrutoNyanya" is water of the highest category. Does not require boiling. The water is carefully balanced in terms of mineral composition and is suitable even for the smallest children.
FrutoNyanya special children's water is available in 0.

Choose the format that best suits you. A bottle of 0.33 liters is ideal for a walk. And for home use: preparing cereals, mixtures and pouring into a children's drinking bowl, bottled water of 1.5 liters will be convenient. A 5L canister is a great option for a large family or to take the required amount of water with you to the country.
Water quality control is carried out at all stages of the technological process of its production in the accredited testing center "FrutoNyanya". The test center employees take water samples at every stage of its production.
When extracting water from a well, the stage of water treatment, whether it is purification from mechanical impurities, the stage of normalizing the composition of water in terms of the content of macro- and microelements, the ozonation process or final filtration. Also, samples are taken without fail when pouring water into containers and its packaging.
All samples undergo mandatory testing for compliance with the requirements and standards.