How long are child clearances good for
PA Child Abuse History Clearance
- Free — Volunteers
- $13 — Employees, Foster/Adoptive
Note: Child abuse clearance fees for volunteers will continue to be waived one time every 57 months.
How to Submit an Application
Online Submission
The Pennsylvania Child Abuse History clearance can be submitted and paid for online through the Child Welfare Information Solution (CWIS) self-service portal. Submitting an application online allows individual applicants to receive their results through an automated system that will notify them once their results have been processed. Applicants will be able to view and print their results online.
The self-service portal also provides organizations the ability to create business accounts to prepay for child abuse clearances and have online access to the results. Organizations who want to set up business accounts must first register for a Business Partner User account using the "Organization Account Access" link on the Child Welfare Portal. Organization accounts will allow businesses and organizations to purchase child abuse history clearance payment codes and distribute those codes to applicants. When an applicant uses a code given to them by an organization, the organization will have access to the applicant's child abuse history clearance results once those results are processed.
Paper Submission
- CY113 form — Child Abuse Clearance (English)
- CY113 form — Child Abuse Clearance (Spanish)
- CY 999 — Consent/Release of Information Authorization Form
Paper submissions of the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance application will still be accepted for anyone who may not have access to the internet, or who may be unable to access the self-service portal due to their attempting to access the system from outside the United States. Please note, results will be received more quickly if applied for electronically through the self-service portal. Submit paper applications to:
ChildLine and Abuse RegistryPennsylvania Department of Human ServicesPO Box 8170Harrisburg, PA 17105-8170
The instructions for how to complete the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance application are now included on the last page of the application and can be printed for easy reference when completing the application. Failure to comply with the instructions that are attached to the application will cause considerable delay in processing the results.
Applicants can now type their information directly onto the application or the information can be legibly handwritten onto the application.
If the information is typed directly onto the application, the information will NOT be able to be saved on a computer unless the computer has a licensed version of the acrobat adobe software. Therefore, please be sure to print the completed application before closing the document so that the information typed on the application is not lost.
If you have trouble accessing the application you may need to download the latest version of Adobe Reader, which is available free on the internet.
Once the application is received in the ChildLine and Abuse Registry's Verification Unit, the results of the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance will be mailed to the applicant's address that was noted on the application within 14 days from the date that the application is received in the ChildLine Verification Unit.
An applicant can request that a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance be mailed to an organization by completing a Consent Release of Information Authorization Form. Both the applicant and organization must sign the form and the form must be attached to a paper Child Abuse History Clearance application submitted via mail in order for the results to be released to the organization. Older versions of the Consent Release Form without a signature line for the organization will not be accepted and the certification result will be returned directly to the applicant, not the organization.
NOTE: Results cannot be sent to someone other than the applicant if applying for a Child Abuse History Clearance electronically via the online link above. If an organization pays the application fee, they will have the ability to access an applicant's results online if they set up a business account and provide the prepaid code to the applicant.
For questions related to the Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, please contact the ChildLine Verification Unit at 717-783-6211 or toll free at 1-877-371-5422.
Suspect Child Abuse? Call Childline: 1-800-932-0313
Background Check Requirements for Volunteers who Work with Minors - Human Resources
Which volunteers need to have the three background check clearances before they begin their volunteer work at the College?
Volunteers who have direct contact with a Minor that involves the care, supervision, guidance or control of a Minor AND has routine interaction with a Minor must have completed the full set of background check clearances BEFORE they arrive on campus.
Routine interaction (which is part of the definition of “direct contact”) is “regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s volunteer responsibilities”.
Examples of volunteers which meet this requirement include, but are not limited to:
- Volunteers who will be assisting at a College-run or College-sponsored program that involves Minors which last two or more days. This includes chaperones who accompany the camp from the participating organization.
What Background Checks are required for volunteers who work with Minors?
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, under Act 153, requires volunteers who work with Minors to complete the following:
- Pennsylvania Criminal History Records Check" is a check of criminal history information obtained from the Pennsylvania State Police that is maintained in the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository.
- “Pennsylvania State Child Abuse Clearance Check” is a check that includes a certification from the Department of Human Services as to whether the applicant is named in the statewide database as an alleged perpetrator in a pending, indicated or founded child abuse investigation in Pennsylvania.
- A “Federal Criminal History Records/FBI Check” is a check of federal criminal history information obtained by the submission of a full set of fingerprints to the Pennsylvania State Police or its authorized agent. Volunteers who have resided in PA continuously for the last 10 years are not required to complete the Federal Criminal History Records/FBI Check. These volunteers must submit a "Affidavit Regarding Qualification for Volunteer Service".
When must I have these background checks in place?
Volunteers who work with Minors on our campus must present the three above clearances to the Human Resources Office or the Conference Services Manager, in the case of volunteers for a summer camp or conference, BEFORE they begin serving in their volunteer capacity.
How do I obtain my PA State Criminal Clearance?
- Go to:
- Click on “New Record Check”
- Complete the required information
- The fee is waived for volunteers
What is the process to obtain my PA Child Abuse Clearance?
- Go to the new Child Welfare Portal: https://www.
- Click on “Individual Login”
- Create a Keystone ID by completing all of the required information
- The system will email the candidate an automatic password
- The candidate will go back into the system ( to “LOGIN” using the newly assigned password. The system will then offer the candidate an opportunity to create a new password.
- After a new password is completed, log back into the system, click on “Clearances” and follow the directions to obtain the PA Child Abuse Clearance Check.
- The fee is waived for volunteers
How do I obtain my FBI clearance?
If you have lived in the state of PA continuously for 10 or more years, you do not need to complete the FBI Clearance. Please see below for the “Affidavit Regarding Qualification for Volunteer Service.”
If you have NOT lived in PA continuously for 10 or more years, the instructions are below for obtaining your FBI Clearance.
- The following states have COGENT Sites which are able to assist with the fingerprinting process: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. If you live in one of these states, or close by, we recommend taking advantage of their services.
1. The applicant must register prior to going to the fingerprint site. Walk in service without prior registration will not be provided at any fingerprinting location
2. Go to the COGENT Website to Register:
- If you wish to visit a site in Pennsylvania go to:
- Click on “Register Online” and follow the instructions. You must register through the Department of Human Services.
- Complete the registration process. You will receive a form that must be taken with you to the fingerprinting site.
3. Visit a COGENT site to have your fingerprints taken. For a listing of IdentoGO sites in PA, please visit: https://www.
4. Review a listing of the required documentation to take to the IdentoGO Site.
5. Volunteers may call 844-321-2101 for assistance.
6. The cost of this check is $28.75.
Who is paying for these background checks?
For volunteers, the state of Pennsylvania has waived the cost of the state criminal check as well as the child abuse check. The cost of the FBI clearance is $28.75 and the volunteer is responsible for that expense. As mentioned previously, volunteers who have lived in PA for 10 or more years do not need to complete the FBI clearance. They must sign the "Affidavit Regarding Qualification for Volunteer Service".
What is the Affidavit Regarding Qualification for Volunteer Service?
Volunteers who have lived in PA continuously for 10 or more years do not need to complete the FBI clearance. Instead, they must sign the "Affidavit Regarding Qualification for Volunteer Service" and
present it to Gettysburg College before they begin their volunteer service.
How long are these clearances good for?
New clearances must be obtained every 60 months.
I recently had these same checks completed for other service. Do I need to obtain new checks for Gettysburg College if they were completed within the last 5 years?
No. As long as the clearances were completed within the last 5 years, you do not need to obtain new clearances. Volunteers are required to sign a “Sworn Statement for Portability of Clearances” and present their three checks to the appropriate College Official.
what are needed, when to apply, how and where to get a certificate of epidemiological circle, validity period
Viktoria Zorina
sent the child to the camp
Author profile
My eldest daughter is 12 years old, and I sent her to the camp 4 times, so I know what information is required.
In camps and sanatoriums without treatment, they ask not only for medical certificates, but also for other documents: for example, consent to send a child to a camp, a copy of the CHI policy or a copy of a vaccination certificate. This is written on the website of the camp or sanatorium, in disputable cases, you can clarify the list of documents by phone. 9/у
The most important document for sending a child to camp is a medical certificate of health. It is also known as form 079/u or "camp certificate".
How to fill out the registration form 079/у
An example of a certificate for a camp
In a sanatorium without treatment, they may ask for the same certificate or a regular certificate from a pediatrician about the child's health - this is acceptable.
In certificate 079/y, the doctor will indicate basic information about the child and his state of health, including:
- Past infectious diseases, such as chickenpox or measles.
- Preventive vaccinations: they are copied from the medical record.
- State of health: indicate existing diagnoses.
- Medical group: from the first "without restrictions" to the fourth "allowed only for physiotherapy exercises.
- No contact with people with infectious diseases.
- Absence of medical contraindications for staying in the organization of children's recreation and their recovery.
When to proceed with registration. It is best to issue a certificate 079 / y in May or later - it should be ready by the day of departure. If a child goes to two different camps, after returning from the first one, you will need to get a new certificate.
For many camps and sanatoriums, there is not enough data on the absence of contacts with infected people in certificate 079 / y, you need to get a separate certificate 291.
Where and how to get help. It can be obtained from the school nurse: the school has the child's medical record. If the child goes to kindergarten, you need to contact the nurse in the garden. Certificate 079/y can be issued on the day of application.
Also, a certificate to the camp can be issued at the clinic to which the student is attached. To do this, you need to contact your local doctor or pediatrician. You may have to wait 2-3 days: the timing depends only on the workload of the medical worker. The doctor can refer you to other specialists or for an examination - for example, if you need to clarify the diagnosis. Therefore, it is not worth postponing the execution of documents until the last days.
If the child is treated at a paid medical center, then a certificate can be issued there. This service may be included in the list under the health insurance contract or paid separately. Some clinics issue certificates without a child's medical history, but then they ask you to bring an extract from the medical record and a vaccination certificate.
Cost of certificate 079/y:
Medsi, Moscow — 4650 R with examinations and analyses;
"My clinic", Moscow - 1500 R without tests;
"Scandinavia", St. Petersburg - from 2200 R without analysisPDF, 401 KB
Check if everything is written correctly in the help. It happens that they confuse the child's middle name or the list of vaccinations: for example, they must necessarily indicate the date of the last Mantoux test or diaskintest. Due to incorrectly filled out certificate 079 / y, they may not be allowed into the camp.
An example of a completed certificate 079 / y for the campValidity of the certificate. Certificate 079/y is valid for 90 days from the date of issuance, including the time when the child is resting in the camp. If the child leaves on June 1, it can be issued already in April. If a child goes to two camps in the summer, the certificate will need to be issued again after returning from the first one.
Is it possible to buy a certificate for the camp without examinations. There is a high risk that a fake certificate will not be accepted.
It is also a scam: the use of forged documents is subject to criminal liability. Depending on the severity of the crime, a fine of up to 80,000 R or in the amount of wages for a period of up to 6 months, up to 480 hours of compulsory work, up to 2 years of corrective labor, or up to 6 months of arrest can be imposed.
Section 5, Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Information about contacts No. 291
Certificate 291, which is also a certificate of contacts or a certificate of sanitary and epidemiological environment, confirms that the child did not have contact with people with infectious diseases. If a child goes to a camp for the first shift or to a sanatorium during the school year, a certificate of lack of contacts at school or kindergarten may also be required.
We are talking about both traditional diseases like chickenpox or measles, and COVID-19. If a sick person lives in the same apartment with a child, they won’t issue a certificate, but if it’s in the same entrance, it’s okay. If quarantine is declared in the class or group of the kindergarten where the child goes, a certificate will not be issued if he has been in contact with sick people: you will have to wait until the quarantine ends.
How much does it cost to vaccinate a child?
When to proceed with registration. The decision of the chief sanitary doctor states that data on the epidemiological environment must be entered into the certificate in the form 079 / y no earlier than three working days before arrival. This means that the certificate must also be fresh - many camps ask you to take it on the eve of arrival, but some allow you to issue a certificate five days in advance.
Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 28, 2020 No. 28 "On Approval of Sanitary Rules SP 2.4.3648-20"
Where and how to get a certificate. Certificate No. 291 is issued by an epidemiologist or a district doctor in a polyclinic at the place of residence. If the child is going to the first shift, a certificate can be obtained from the nurse at the school. Private medical centers do not issue such certificates.
Certificate validity period. Information about contacts, according to the decision of the chief sanitary doctor, is valid for three working days, but you need to take into account the requirements of a particular sanatorium or camp.
Fecal test for worm eggs
To go to the camp, it is necessary to pass a fecal test for worm eggs. The results of the analysis can be entered in the certificate 079 / y or brought on a separate form.
Section XLIII Sanpin 3.3686-21 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the prevention of infectious diseases"
When to start processing. Most camps and sanitariums require testing for worm eggs fresher than 10 days. In some cases, the period is increased to three months, but it is better to find out the exact information on the website of the camp or sanatorium.
Where and how to get help. A stool test for worm eggs can be taken free of charge at a polyclinic with a referral from a local doctor.
It is also accepted in paid clinics and laboratories. You can buy a container for testing at a pharmacy or take it in advance where you will take it for a fee. In free clinics, these jars are usually not given out.
The result of the type "detected / not detected" is issued on a form with the seal of a medical institution, sometimes the results are entered in the certificate 079/y. Paid analyzes are usually done in a day, free ones - in 3-4 days. The cost of a stool test for worm eggs in a private laboratory is 500-700 R.
You are entitled to free analyzes according to compulsory medical insurance
Validity of the certificate. It's different in all camps. Someone demands that the certificate be fresher than 10 days, others agree to an examination two months ago. Legislatively, this is not enshrined in any way.
Scraping for enterobiasis
Enterobiasis is a parasitic disease caused by pinworms. An infected child feels itching in the anus, and over time, dermatitis may appear due to constant scratching and intestinal upset.
Section XLIII Sanpin 3.3686-21 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the prevention of infectious diseases"
Prevention of enterobiasis is simple - you need to observe hygiene: regularly wash and wash your hands. If a child with enterobiasis gets into a camp or a sanatorium, he can infect other children when using a shared toilet, toys and other items: when scratching itchy places, pinworm eggs fall under the nails and are transferred further.
The results of the analysis can be entered in the certificate 079/y or do it on a separate form.
When to proceed with registration. Most camps and sanatoriums require a scraping result for enterobiosis fresher than 10 days. In some cases, the period is increased to three months, the exact information can be found on the website of the camp or sanatorium.
Where and how to get help. Scraping for enterobiosis can be taken free of charge at the clinic on the direction of a local doctor or pediatrician. In this case, the laboratory assistant takes it.
It is also accepted in paid clinics. As a rule, scrapings are not taken in laboratories; they must be taken from the child yourself. The scraping tool is a special glass with a sticky layer, which is issued in advance in the laboratory. Scraping should be taken from the area near the anus in the morning after washing.
What to do? 12.12.19
The clinic forces you to buy a container for tests
The result of the “detected / not detected” type is issued on a form with the seal of a medical institution. Paid analyzes are usually done in a day, free ones - in 3-4 days. The cost of a scraping for enterobiosis in a private laboratory is 500-700 R.
Validity of the certificate. The result of a scraping for enterobiosis is valid for a different period depending on the requirements of the organization: from 10 days to 6 months.
Mantoux test or diaskintest
Most camps require a negative Mantoux test or diaskintest not older than a year at the end of the shift. This means that if the child returns from the camp on June 30, 2022, then the sample or test had to be done before July 1, 2021. The results are entered in the certificate 079 / y.
In Russia, children over the age of seven are usually given a diaskintest.
If for some reason parents refuse the diaskintest, they can provide a conclusion from a phthisiatrician after a chest x-ray. Fluorography is done only from the age of 15. Another alternative is the quantiferon test, or T-SPOT. This is an analysis for tuberculosis in venous blood.
Amazing story 10.06.19
Supreme Court: children without a Mantoux test can be isolated from others
Where and how to get a certificate. Diaskintest is done in public clinics and private medical centers on certain days of the week. In many schools, diaskintest is performed during the school year.
Three days later, the result will be recorded in the medical record and vaccination certificate, and then in the certificate for the camp or sanatorium. The result must be negative, otherwise the child will be sent for a consultation with a phthisiatrician.
You can take an x-ray and get a TB doctor's report free of charge at a tuberculosis dispensary or for a fee at a private medical center. The quantiferon test is performed in private medical centers and only for a fee. Its average price in Moscow is 5000-7000 R.
Validity period of the certificate. The result of a diaskintest, quantiferon test or radiography is valid for a year, and this year must expire after leaving the camp or sanatorium.
PCR test
A PCR test for coronavirus will be needed if the child is sent to a camp outside the Russian Federation or if PCR results are required in your region. Before the summer holidays of 2021, the test was not needed anywhere. However, in December 2021, the Novosibirsk Region began requiring PCR tests for children who go to camps. By the summer, the rules may change, so it's best to check the information in your region just before the trip.
Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region dated December 16, 2021 No. 524-p
PCR test results are not required to obtain certificate 079/y.
When to proceed with registration. If the child is traveling abroad, depending on the country, the test must be taken 72-96 hours before arrival in the country, the results must be in English on the form.
Upon returning to Russia, two more PCR tests must be passed: one within three days after return, the second within five days, but not earlier than one day after the first. The results must be uploaded to the public services portal.
Where and how to get help. PCR for COVID-19 can be taken free of charge at the clinic, but there is no guarantee that the result will be prepared on time. It can also be taken for a fee at laboratories, medical centers, hospitals and airports.
Where to take PCR for coronavirus:
"Citylab" - 1850 R,
"Helix" - 2180 R,
"Invitro" - 1910 R
Validity of the certificate. There are no specific deadlines for the PCR result for coronavirus, there are only deadlines for passing the analysis. Depending on the country, the test must be passed no earlier than 72-96 hours before arrival. After returning to Russia, the first test must be passed within three days, the second - within five days.
Medical examination, tests and vaccinations for admission to kindergarten
Before a child enters kindergarten, parents have troublesome days. You need to decide on the choice of kindergarten, apply. To do this, parents need to visit the selected institution and write an application with their own hands. The application can also be submitted online by registering on the site to join the electronic queue. To visit the kindergarten, you must provide a document. To get it, you need to undergo an examination in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development.
Medical examination
Preventive medical examination includes a visit to a pediatrician and doctors of other specializations. For a full assessment of health, medical tests will also be needed. At the medical examination, you need to have with you:
- Card 026, in which the results of examinations and recommendations will be entered. Shelf life - 3 months.
- Vaccination certificate - this may be required in some preschools. To be filled out by a clinic worker.
- Copy of health insurance policy.
- A document confirming consent to the processing of personal data, signed by one of the parents.
Card 026 is issued by a pediatrician who also issues referrals to doctors of other specializations. After that, the parents apply to the clinic reception to receive coupons, which will indicate the time and date of the visit to the specialists.
Marks of the main specialists are put down in the card. The pediatrician also gives referrals to other doctors, which is due to the characteristics of the child.
Children are referred to a phthisiatrician if there is no Mantoux test or if it is positive. An additional examination may be needed from a dermatologist, as well as from a doctor with whom the child is registered due to a chronic illness.
The list of tests required when registering a child for kindergarten
The list of tests is small, but it will take time to complete them.
- Complete blood count. The fence is made from a finger on an empty stomach, while drinking water is allowed. Valid for 30 days.
- Blood for sugar. The procedure and conditions are similar to the UAC. Valid for 30 days.
- Urinalysis. The first morning urine is collected. Valid for 30 days.
- Bakposev and analysis of feces for worms. Valid for 10 days.
- Preanal scraping for detection of enterobiasis.
Valid for 10 days.
Complete blood count
Done in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 8-12 hours after the last meal. You can drink only clean, gas-free water. On the eve, you should not feed the child with fatty and fried foods, you should not allow emotional and physical overstrain. This is necessary for the analysis to be more accurate and informative. KLA is given in the morning, done within two days.
The first morning urine taken after hygiene procedures is taken for analysis. The collection is made in a clean container, you can buy it at a pharmacy or clinic. It is recommended to skip the first 5-10 ml, there should be 50-100 ml of liquid in the jar. The analysis is taken in the morning, done in 1-2 days.
Examination of feces or bakposev
The analysis is aimed at assessing the intestinal microflora, detecting bacteria. To take material from the rectal mucosa, a scraping is done. Sowing takes four days. Thus, dysentery, some varieties of salmonella and shigella are detected, infection with which can cause the spread of the disease among children.
Test for worms
Detects the presence of helminths and diseases associated with parasites. For greater reliability of the analysis, the pot must be perfectly clean, and the feces are taken from several sections of the mass. The fresher the sample, the more informative it is. May be taken the night before if stored in the refrigerator. The study is carried out quickly, the result is visible immediately under the microscope.
Test for enterobiasis
Enterobiasis is contracted through contact through hands, which is dangerous for the entire children's team. Therefore, it is very important to identify the disease and prevent it from spreading. To take the material, a scraping is made from the anal area, in which eggs are laid and cause itching of the skin. Before analysis, evening and morning hygiene procedures in the genital area should be abandoned.
If tests are taken early and there are more than ten days left before the first visit, some tests need to be retaken. Including analysis for enterobiasis, since its results are reliable for no more than seven days. This is important to consider when preparing children for kindergarten.
The mandatory list may be supplemented with other tests. You will also need a certificate confirming the absence of contacts between the child and people with infectious diseases. From the date of issue, the document is valid for three days. Prices for tests may vary depending on the institution, so it is better to check at the place of delivery.
What vaccinations are needed
A tuberculin test is mandatory. The rest of the vaccinations are done in accordance with the calendar. Parents' disagreement to be vaccinated must be accompanied by a written refusal attached to the outpatient and 026 card.
Conclusion of the pediatrician and certificate of absence of quarantine
Based on the results of a comprehensive examination by a pediatrician, an epicrisis is drawn up, which is a complete report on the child's health.