Exercises to dilate cervix faster
How to dilate faster during labor: Safe methods
There are ways to induce labor medically, but a person can often encourage dilation by keeping the body relaxed and loose. This can help ease the delivery.
Dilation is a term that describes the widening of the cervical opening. Dilation of the cervix is one sign that a pregnant woman is going into labor.
During the final stages of pregnancy, doctors perform cervical exams to track the progress of the pregnancy and the extent of dilation of the cervix.
In the first stage of labor, the cervix will dilate to 10 centimeters (cm) in width.
Dilation is typically gradual, but the cervix can widen rapidly over 1 or 2 days. A few different factors can influence how quickly dilation occurs.
In this article, learn how to dilate more quickly before and during labor.
The following methods can help in dilation without using medication:
Move around
Getting up and moving around may help speed dilation by increasing blood flow.
Walking around the room, doing simple movements in bed or chair, or even changing positions may encourage dilation.
This is because the weight of the baby applies pressure to the cervix.
People may also find swaying or dancing to calming music effective.
Use an exercise ball
A large inflatable exercise ball, called a birthing ball in this case, may also help.
Sitting on the ball and rocking back and forth or moving in circles can help keep the muscles in the pelvis loose and relaxed for delivery.
It is easy to become tense during the last stages of pregnancy, but learning to relax can have a range of benefits.
Stress and muscle tension and can delay labor by making it harder for the cervix to dilate. These issues can also keep the baby from descending.
Many women benefit from practicing breathing exercises or meditation before and during labor. Even dimming the lights can help.
Laughing can keep stress and fear at bay. Even momentary relief can relax the body and aid dilation.
Joking around, or watching funny movies or stand-up comedy may help to keep spirits up before and during labor.
Have sex
Sexual stimulation can relax the body.
Also, a hormone called prostaglandin in semen can promote dilation.
Share on PinterestMedical intervention may be necessary during labor.
While labor is a natural process, there are times when a doctor needs to intervene.
Medical intervention may be necessary if:
- a woman has an infection in the uterus
- the baby is more than 2 weeks overdue, and active labor has not begun
- the water has broken, but there are no contractions
- underlying medical conditions will complicate delivery for the mother or baby
A doctor may apply a medication that contains prostaglandin to soften the cervix and promote dilation.
A process called membrane stripping may help. It involves a doctor or midwife rubbing their fingers against the membranes of the amniotic sac to release prostaglandin into the uterus and help the cervix dilate.
Women interested in unmedicated or “natural” birth may avoid medical intervention until it is necessary.
There are three distinct stages:
Stage one
Share on PinterestThere are three distinct stages of labor.
This stage has three phases.
In the first phase, the cervix dilates to 3 cm. The baby drops lower into the pelvis, and this increases the levels of prostaglandin in the body, which stimulates dilation.
The mucus plug that has sealed the opening of the uterus during pregnancy will fall away.
Capillaries in the cervix can rupture during this stage and cause bloody discharge known as the bloody show. This is normal.
The next phase is active labor, when the cervix will dilate further. Some doctors mark the end of this phase when the width of the cervix reaches 7 cm. Others use contractions as a guideline.
The final step in this stage, called the transition phase, lasts until the cervix dilates to 10 cm.
Stage two
The second stage of labor begins when the cervix dilates to 10 cm and ends with delivery. The length of time can vary from woman to woman, and a variety of factors influence it.
Stage three
In this stage, the doctor will deliver the placenta and cut the umbilical cord.
In some situations, a doctor may use medical methods to encourage dilation.
However, there are a number of natural ways to promote dilation before and during labor. It is often a good idea to find ways to relax.
8 Best Exercises for Inducing Labor Naturally (Step-by-Step Guide)
Are you past your due date and hoping to naturally stimulate labor so you won’t have to be induced with medication?
As you anxiously await your baby’s birth, you may wonder if you should try to induce labor or if it’s best to let your baby come on their own. While most babies come out when they are ready, some need a little extra encouragement to make the move.
In this post, we’ll discuss when it’s okay to try to induce labor, who should and shouldn’t use exercise to stimulate labor, and we’ll teach you eight effective exercises to help induce labor naturally.
Table of Contents
- When Is it Okay to Try to Induce Labor?
- Who Shouldn’t Use Exercise to Induce Labor?
- 8 Activities to Naturally Induce Labor
- Getting Baby into the “Sweet Spot”
- Get Moving
When Is it Okay to Try to Induce Labor?
It’s always best to speak with your obstetrician or midwife before trying to induce labor. But generally speaking, the optimal time to encourage labor to start is between 39 to 41 weeks gestation. Babies born during this period are considered full-term and have the best possible health outcomes (1).
If you try to induce labor too early, your baby could have issues with breastfeeding, jaundice, or even breathing problems. Babies who go to 39 to 40 weeks gestation have also been shown to have better brain development than those born before this period.
However, if you have not given birth by 42 weeks, your care provider will monitor you more closely and discuss possible medical interventions. There are some risks that begin to increase at this point, such as harder labor, placenta deterioration, fetal distress, decreased amount of amniotic fluid, and in rare cases, stillbirth (2).
Most care providers and the ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology) recommend at least offering induction and doing a biophysical profile and nonstress test at 41 weeks (3).
Editor's Note:
Caitlin Goodwin, MSN, RN, CNM
There are also some cases where you might be facing an early medical induction due to other risk factors, but you may want to try some natural methods first.
Natural induction methods may be a good option for you to try first, but again, it’s always best to discuss your options with your care provider.
Who Shouldn’t Use Exercise to Induce Labor?
Regular exercise is safe for the majority of pregnant women. However, there are some instances where exercises may not be the safest option for inducing labor.
If you have any of the following conditions, it’s best to speak with your care provider before performing any exercise.
- Prescribed bed rest.
- Pre-eclampsia.
- Severely high or low amniotic fluid.
- Placenta previa or any other condition involving the placenta.
- History of premature labor.
- Gestational hypertension.
- Short cervix.
8 Activities to Naturally Induce Labor
If you’re at or past your due date, you may want to try some of these eight activities to help get things moving and avoid a medical induction.
1. Walking
A simple walk keeps your body healthy and can even help jump-start labor. Walking may also help speed up slow labors. This low-impact exercise promotes uterine contractions, particularly with women who haven’t been as active during their pregnancy.
By taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood, you can help your cervix dilate and your baby drop further into your pelvis. If nothing else, it’s a pleasant distraction that will help relax your body and your mind.
So if you’re impatiently awaiting your baby’s arrival, try hitting the trail, strolling the mall, or simply walking around your house.
2. Climbing Stairs
Walking up the stairs will naturally angle your body at about 40 to 45 degrees, which encourages your baby to move lower into your pelvis.
Skipping a step opens the pelvis more, allowing your baby to descend even further, putting gentle pressure on your cervix and encouraging it to thin and dilate. This is the exact cycle of events required for labor to occur.
Find a flight of stairs and carefully head up and down them a few times.
Use Your Head As Well As Your Legs
Be sure to hold onto the handrail or have your partner help you for safety.
3. Squats
Squats are a great exercise to routinely do throughout your entire pregnancy, as they help you prepare for labor and maintain your strength in your legs, hips, and pelvic floor.
Squats allow gravity to help open your pelvis, giving your baby more room to descend further into the birth canal, which helps kick-start labor. They have also been shown to reduce labor times.
So, whenever you need to bend over to pick something up, squat instead!
To do squats properly, make sure you are standing straight up with your feet shoulder-width apart. As you gently squat, keep your back straight, and ensure your knees aren’t protruding.
Try to hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds before using your legs to lift yourself back up to the standing position.
4. Lunges
Lunges can help prepare your body for the natural birth you’ve always dreamed of. Doing lunges daily will help warm up your hips and open your pelvis, allowing more room for your baby to rotate and descend.
To do a lunge, stand with your feet together. Take a giant step forward and drop your back knee to the ground. Your front knee should be in line with your front ankle, your back knee dropped below your back ankle, and your spine straight.
Try to hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds or until you feel a burning sensation and then push back up.
This may be a difficult exercise to perform toward the end of pregnancy, so don’t be afraid to ask your partner or your doula for some assistance.
5. Birthing Ball
Get off that couch, and sit on your birthing ball! Birthing balls, also known as exercise balls, are an excellent tool to help prepare your body for birth and naturally induce labor.
By sitting on your birthing ball with wide legs, you will help increase blood flow to your uterus, placenta, and baby. You’ll also open your pelvic outlet, encourage your baby to descend, and help get them into the correct position.
Birthing balls also help create easier and faster births and encourage better postpartum recoveries.
There are many useful exercises you can do with your birthing ball, but some of the best ones for stimulating labor include bouncing, leaning, circular hip rotations, and rocking back and forth. Circular hip rotations help open your pelvis to your babe’s head, tuck their little chin, and move them into the perfect position.
6. Pelvic Tilts
Pelvic tilts are one of the simplest and most useful exercises to induce labor naturally. They keep the pelvic joints loose and are an excellent way to help get your baby into the optimal birthing position.
There are several different ways to do pelvic tilts, but the safest way during pregnancy is to do them on your hands and knees. These are also commonly known as the cat-cow stretch in yoga practices.
You will lift your lower back toward the ceiling, hold it for five to ten seconds, then straighten it. You can do about 30 to 40 of these per day (4).
7. Butterfly Stretch
Remember that butterfly stretch you did during your gym class warm-ups? This classic stretching position increases flexibility in your pelvic joints, which can aid in inducing labor naturally.
To do this stretch, sit up straight on the floor — it may be helpful to sit with your back against a wall. Place the soles of your feet together, and gently press your knees toward the ground with your hands or elbows.
Remain in this position for 15 to 30 seconds and repeat 5 to 10 times. This will stretch the muscles in your back, hips, pelvis, and inner thighs, preparing your body for a successful labor and delivery.
8. Sex
Having sex is what got you into this situation, and it may help get you out of it as well!
Doing the deed burns calories and is also a great way to help stimulate labor. Orgasm prompts the release of oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract.
It also creates the release of prostaglandins, which are natural hormone-like substances that soften the cervix and potentially cause dilation. Prostaglandins are also present in semen (5).
You should avoid this method if your water has already broken, as it will increase your risk of infection.
Getting Baby into the “Sweet Spot”
When your baby is overdue, you may be racking your brain to try to figure out what else you can do. Some believe that babies don’t come until they are engaged in your pelvis and positioned properly.
By getting chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, you improve your chances of getting your baby into the pelvis before labor. Many birth workers encourage you to use prenatal exercises to help your baby into a suitable position for birth. Some of these exercises include:
- Hands and knees position: Alternating between the yoga poses cat and cow, where you arch your spine and sway your back.
- Inversions: Turning upside down in forward-leaning inversion may help reposition baby. If you are going to try this, be careful — pregnant women can be off balance! Place your knees on an elevated surface, like a couch, and your arms on the ground.
- Belly lift: Lift your belly, and flatten your back. This works particularly well during contractions.
- Rebozo: The Rebozo is a long swath of handwoven fabric from Mexican culture that is six feet by two feet. You can use it in pregnancy and labor to relax the muscles around the pelvis to give the baby space to turn. Some women choose to tie it tightly around the hips to support the belly.
- Hip circles and figure eights: Moving your hips in large circles and figure eights can help finagle your baby into a better place.
Get Moving
If you’re past due and trying to encourage labor to begin, you need to start moving.
But remember, while exercise can be quite useful for opening the pelvis and getting your baby into a good position, try not to overdo it, as you’ll need plenty of energy when you’re in labor.
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Postures for rapid cervical dilatation before childbirth: how to speed up, exercises
What is the cervix and why is it needed
The cervix is the lower narrow part of the uterus through which it connects to the vagina. Inside the cervix is the cervical canal - part of the genitourinary system of a woman. It is through, but it has an internal and external pharynx, which are normally closed.
During pregnancy, a huge load is placed on the cervix. It ensures the retention of the fetus in the uterus and protects it from infections until the full term of pregnancy. In childbirth, the situation changes to the opposite: the cervix should open up to the size of the baby's head in a short time and form the birth canal.
The normal length of the cervical canal up to full-term pregnancy is more than 3 cm (there are fluctuations depending on the period by week). The internal mouth is always closed. These characteristics are determined by ultrasound.
When disclosure starts
Formally, dilatation begins in the first stage of labor. Each contraction contributes to the expansion and shortening of the cervix. However, even in the last weeks of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to actively prepare for childbirth: the neck becomes softer and more elastic.
In many pregnant women (especially in multiparous ones), closer to the 40th week, the internal os is already open by 1-2 fingers.
How to make opening easier
The first stage of childbirth is the longest and most difficult in the psychological sense. Outwardly, nothing happens, and with a physiologically proceeding childbirth, a woman does not need medical assistance. However, this moment is the most favorable for choosing the right tactics for the behavior of the expectant mother.
Remain active until the very end, unless otherwise instructed by the doctor. The worst position for a woman giving birth without good reason is lying down. Walk, take a shower, do special exercises on a soft chair, bed or fitball.
Sit on the ball and spread your legs. For each contraction, lean to one side or the other.
Sit on the ball and spread your knees. Make circular rotational movements with your hips.
Sit on an upholstered chair or ball. During the fight, grab the back of the chair, lean forward and bend at the waist.
Get on all fours on the floor or bed. At the moment of the fight, bend over, making a "good cat".
Closer to the second stage of labor (to pushing), do a few squats with your knees apart, while leaning on the back of a chair or bed.
Who are contraindicated for opening exercises
Accelerating the disclosure period is prohibited when:
- breech presentation;
- tendencies to rapid and rapid childbirth;
- unsatisfactory condition of the fetus (hypotrophy, premature birth, etc.).
During childbirth, any actions must be coordinated with the doctor. The process of the birth of a baby is not the time for self-affirmation and upholding one's own rightness. Only the joint work of the mother and qualified medical personnel will lead to the birth of a healthy child.
1. Prusik Christoph, Ermakov S.S. Kozina Zh.L. The system of physical training of women during pregnancy for the natural birth of healthy children // Pedagogy, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2010. No. 12. p.106-110
Photo: © Depositphotos
* The information provided cannot be used for self-diagnosis, treatment determination and does not replace a visit to a doctor!
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How to speed up the opening of the cervix before childbirth: postures, exercises
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"Easy childbirth"
As you get closer to giving birth, you can't wait to see your baby, but at a routine checkup, your doctor discovers that your cervix isn't ready. Yes, it happens, but, most importantly, do not be nervous! What to do in such a situation and how you can help the neck to open up, I will tell in the article.
The role of the cervix during pregnancy
First, let's figure out what a neck is. This is an organ in the lower part of the uterus in the form of a ring of muscles. For almost the entire pregnancy, it remains closed, rather long and dense, and its main task is to hold the fetus. In addition, the entrance to the cervix is protected by a mucous plug, which prevents infections and microbes from entering the uterus. You can read more about the functions of the neck and possible deviations in my other article.
Around 38-39weeks the cervix begins to soften, shorten and gradually open. In primiparous, this happens gradually, in multiparous - easier and faster. These changes are needed in order for your baby to pass unhindered through the birth canal.
How does the cervix change before childbirth?
So, during the last month of pregnancy, the cervix becomes softer and looser, and the channel inside it continues to expand. This process is called maturation and is the first harbinger of childbirth.
When contractions begin, the expansion of the channel is greatly accelerated. The fetus begins to descend, thereby exerting pressure on the cervix, which leads to its further opening.
Disclosure takes place in 2 stages:
- Latent phase. The contractions become regular, the interval between them is 7-10 minutes, the duration is less than a minute. The sensations are similar to the pain during menstruation. The cervix opens by about 3-4 cm. The period lasts from 3 to 12 hours.
- Active phase. The intervals between contractions are reduced, and they themselves become more intense and painful. At this stage, move more - this will reduce pain and speed up the expansion of the pharynx.
During childbirth, your doctor should regularly examine you and check the degree of dilatation of the uterine canal according to the Bishop scale. This is determined manually. In this way, the obstetrician can understand whether the cervix is \u200b\u200bready.
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Why doesn't the cervix dilate?
But it happens that the term of childbirth has come, and the cervix is still not ripe: it has not become shorter and softer, and the cervical canal remains closed. This situation may arise for various reasons. Most often this is due to the physiological characteristics of the body of a woman or child.
I will list the most frequent of them:
- polyhydramnios;
- overweight;
- multiple pregnancy;
- narrow pelvis of the woman in labor;
- hormonal failure;
- metabolic disorder.
But in addition to purely physiological, there are also psychological reasons: too much nervous tension and strong fear can interfere with the normal course of childbirth. The state of stress interferes with the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is necessary, among other things, for the opening of the cervix. To prevent this from happening and you go through the whole process confidently and without fear, visit the free webinar of our online school "Easy Childbirth". At the webinar, you will learn 5 rules for easy childbirth and understand how to deal with feelings. I will help you get the “horror stories” out of your head and be 100% ready. To participate follow the link….
If the expected due date is already approaching, but the cervix has not opened, additional stimulation of the process will be required.
How to accelerate the opening of the cervix before childbirth?
Cervical dilatation can be accelerated either by medication or by non-pharmacological means. You can do natural stimulation yourself, but be extremely careful.
Non-drug methods
Home stimulation
There are several ways to influence the process at home:
- Walk more, do household chores, take the stairs to the elevator.
Normal walking helps the fetal head to sink lower, and as a result, stimulates the opening of the cervix.
- Do simple exercises (but don't overdo it): this can be squats, bends, turns, exercises on the fitball. You can swim in the pool and do yoga for pregnant women.
- Sexual intercourse provokes the production of oxytocin, which stimulates uterine activity. And seminal fluid contains prostaglandins - these hormones also contribute to better disclosure.
- Nipple Stimulation – Nipple irritation also releases oxytocin.
- Eat more salads dressed with vegetable oil. The oil helps digestion, improves the elasticity of blood vessels and softens the tissues of the birth canal.
- Empty your bowels and bladder in a timely manner.
I also recommend taking a warm bath, practicing breathing exercises and acupressure – massage of certain points.
Natural stimulation in the maternity hospital
If you are already in labor and are in the delivery room, you can use special postures and exercises to quickly open the birth canal:
- Kneel, lean on a chair or headboard.
Legs should be spread apart.
- Sit on a fitball with your legs spread. When you feel a contraction, lean first to the left, then to the right.
- Squat with your knees wide apart. You can lean on the back of a chair or bed.
- Sitting on the ball, spread your knees wide and rotate your hips, bouncing on the ball.
- Sit on a chair facing the back. During the fight, grab the back of the chair and slightly tilt the body forward. Be sure to lay something soft, such as a folded blanket, on the chair.
- Get on all fours and slightly arch your lower back during the contraction.
In case of slow expansion of the uterine os, do not just lie or sit. Even if you have forgotten all the poses and exercises, just start walking around the ward or swaying your hips while standing.
Your doctor may recommend medication for stimulation. These include:
- Synthetic prostaglandins. This substance is released in the form of a gel or suppositories. It is injected into the cervix to soften and accelerate labor.
- Amniotomy. This is the piercing of the fetal bladder in order to cause the outflow of amniotic fluid. Due to this, the fetus falls lower and puts pressure on the internal pharynx.
- Oxytocin injection. The drug is administered intravenously to enhance contractions.
It is important for every expectant mother to know and understand what happens to her body during pregnancy and childbirth, which processes are natural and which are pathological, when there are no reasons for fear, and when you should immediately consult a doctor. We discuss these and many other topics in more detail in the online course "Easy childbirth without fear." On the course, together with other specialists, I will tell you everything about preparing for childbirth: how to get rid of fears, how to prepare the body, what to expect and what to fear.