Can one year olds walk
Movement, Coordination, and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old (for Parents)
Walking is the major milestone for kids this age, and over the coming year they'll get much better at it.
As kids' mobility improves, so does their ability to explore where they couldn't before. So take a child's-eye look around your home and update childproofing to keep up with your child's growing skills.
How Is My Child Moving?Though some babies take their first steps around their first birthdays, most learn to walk in the months after they turn 1.
Kids who are learning to walk are called "toddlers" because that's exactly what they do — they toddle, keeping their legs wide apart and seeming to hesitate between each step, jerking from side to side as they move one foot forward, then the next.
About 6 months after taking their first steps, toddlers develop a more mature gait, holding their hands at their sides (rather than out in front for balance) and moving with their feet closer together. They also tend to move their feet in a way that looks more like walking — moving from the heel to the toe.
During these months of practice, most toddlers take a few spills, but this is part of learning to walk. You can't protect your little one from every fall, but you can reduce the risk of injury by only allowing exploration in safe areas (and away from furniture with sharp corners and other hazards).
After walking for a couple of months, your toddler will begin to feel more confident about walking and take on new challenges — such as taking a few steps backward, picking up and carrying objects, and moving while pulling a toy behind.
By the time they turn 2, most toddlers can run, kick a ball, and walk up the stairs.
How Can I Encourage My Toddler?Give your child lots of things to do and see. Take walks around your yard and the neighborhood or visit a local playground. At home, you can make an obstacle course of pillows or boxes and encourage your child to walk, climb, and crawl through it. Buy a few balls to practice kicking and throwing.
Toddlers are using their hands more. Toys and craft supplies that help develop fine motor skills include:
- paper and crayons
- sculpting dough
- stacking toys that kids can build up and knock down
- simple puzzles
Normal child development tends to follow a certain pattern. The skills that kids develop early serve as building blocks for future skills. Still, the time it takes to develop these skills can vary widely among kids.
Let your doctor know if your toddler doesn't do the following:
By 15 months:- take a few steps alone
- walk without holding on to anything
- climb on and off the couch or a chair
- scribble
- walk (not climb) up the stairs with or without help
- run
Not reaching individual milestones doesn't always mean there is a problem. But talk to your doctor if you have questions or concerns about your child's development.
Reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: May 2022
When babies walk, and how they learn to take those first steps
Your baby will probably start walking sometime between 9 and 15 months, but many babies don't walk until 18 months. Long before your baby learns to walk, they're building strength and skills like muscle control, balance, and coordination. You don't need to teach your baby to walk, but there are lots of ways to encourage them to take those first steps. And talk to your baby's doctor if they can't take steps on their own by 15 months or can't walk by 18 months.
When do babies walk?
Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 15 months and are walking well by the time they're 15 to 18 months old.
During your baby's first year, they're busy developing coordination and muscle strength in every part of their body. Your little one will likely learn to roll over, sit, and crawl before moving on to pulling up and standing at about 9 months old.
From then on, it's a matter of gaining confidence and balance. One day your child's standing holding on to the couch – maybe cruising along it – and the next they're taking careful first steps into your waiting arms. Then your little one is off and running, leaving babyhood behind. Your child's first steps are a first major move toward independence.
How babies start learning to walk
Long before babies take their first step, they're working on the skills they need to go toddling across the room. In order to walk, your child needs muscle strength, balance, and the ability to perceive their body in space. Your little one acquires these skills slowly over the first year.
Birth to 2 months
Your newborn's legs aren't nearly strong enough to support them yet, but if you hold your baby upright under their arms, they'll dangle their legs down and push against a hard surface with their feet, almost as if they're walking. This is the stepping reflex, and it usually lasts until 2 months old.
During the first two months, your baby is gaining neck control and learning to hold their head up. Encourage this by starting tummy time right away. Wearing your baby in a carrier is another great way to encourage core development. Your baby is working to strengthen the muscles that they'll eventually use to roll over, sit, crawl, and walk.
3 to 6 months
By the time the fourth trimester ends, you'll notice that your baby is getting stronger and more capable. Many 4-month-olds can do mini pushups, lifting their head and chest off the ground when they're on their belly.
At this age, babies are also building their coordination. They'll start grabbing for objects, which helps them understand their bodies within space – an important skill for keeping upright while walking. They'll most likely also start to roll over in both directions and sit up while supported.
By the time your baby's about 6 months old, they'll bounce up and down if you hold them under the arms and let them balance their feet on your thighs. Bouncing will be a favorite activity over the next couple of months as your baby's leg muscles continue to develop.
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7 to 11 months
Soon, your baby will officially be on the move. Many (but not all) babies learn to crawl between 7 and 10 months. They may do the classic crawl, commando crawl on their bellies, or scoot on their butts – it's all normal.
At about 9 months old, your baby will probably start trying to pull themself up to a stand while holding on to furniture (so make sure everything in their path is sturdy enough to support them). If you help them by propping them up next to the sofa, they'll hang on tight.
Many babies also use the crib rail to pull to standing. If you haven't already, make sure to move your baby's crib mattress to the lowest setting so your baby can't topple out.
At 9 or 10 months, your baby will begin to figure out how to bend their knees and sit down after standing – which is harder than you might think!
12 to 18 months
After mastering the standing position, your baby will start to cruise, moving from one piece of furniture to the next for support. They may even be able to let go and stand without support for a few seconds.
About this time, your baby will also probably be stooping and squatting. Once they can do that, they may be able to scoop up a toy from a standing position.
At first, your baby may take steps while gripping your hand, or with the help of a walking toy. But eventually they'll walk on their own.
How to teach your baby to walk
There are so many things parents need to teach their children, but walking isn't one of them. Most babies figure it out on their own. By giving your baby plenty of time to develop their muscles, balance, and coordination, you're helping them get ready to walk.
Here are other ways to help:
- Give your baby lots of tummy time. This will allow them to develop their core and build awareness of their body.
- Create safe, baby-proofed areas in your home where there's plenty of room for your baby to move.
- When you notice your baby enjoys an activity – like jumping on your thighs or in a baby jumper – encourage them to keep doing it.
- Once your baby is standing and cruising, you can encourage them to walk by standing or kneeling in front of them and holding out your hands. Or you might hold both of their hands and let them walk toward you.
- Give your baby a walking toy to use for balance as they walk.
Note: Old-fashioned baby walkers – where a baby sits inside the walker and wheels around – aren't safe, and pediatricians don't recommend them. They also don't help babies learn to walk. But toys that your child walks behind and pushes are fine to use. These help babies who are just learning to walk balance so they can take those first steps.
Also, hold off on introducing baby shoes until your baby is walking around outside. Going barefoot helps improve balance and coordination.
What to do if your baby doesn't walk
Some babies just take longer to hit this milestone. But talk to your baby's doctor if your child:
- can't stand when supported by 12 months old
- can't take steps on their own by 15 months old
- can't walk by 18 months old
- doesn't walk steadily by 2 years old
Keep in mind that babies have different timetables, and premature babies may reach this and other milestones later than their peers. If your baby was premature, date their milestones from your due date, which pediatricians refer to as your baby's adjusted age.
After your baby walks, what's next?
After those first magical steps toward independence, your child will begin to master the finer points of mobility:
- Standing: At 14 months, your toddler should be able to stand alone. They can probably squat down and then stand back up again, and they might even work on walking backward.
- Steadier walking: By 15 months, your child may be pretty good at walking. They might walk with their legs fairly far apart and their feet pointed outward. This is normal and helps maintain stability.
- Climbing stairs: At about 16 months, your child will begin to take an interest in going up and down stairs – though they probably won't navigate them without your help until age 2. Make sure you have baby gates at the top and bottom of stairways.
- Dancing: By 18 months, your little walker may also enjoy dancing to music.
- Jumping and kicking: Around age 2, your child's steps will be more even, and they'll get the hang of the smooth heel-to-toe motion that adults use. They'll also be getting better at running and jumping, and they may try to kick a ball.
By the time your child's third birthday rolls around, many basic movements will have become second nature. They'll be able to walk up and down stairs with one foot on each stair. They'll walk, stand, squat, run, and jump with both feet together, though some actions, such as standing on tiptoes or on one foot, might still require concentration and effort. To learn more, check out your child's walking timeline.
Development calendar: what a child should be able to do at 1 year old
During the first year of life, the child develops extremely intensively. From a helpless screaming lump, he turns into an independent person with his own character. What distinguishes one-year-old babies, what skills and abilities should a child have by this time? How to properly care for a child of 1 year old, what to teach and what to develop? We will answer these questions for you in this article.
Physical development of a one year old child
Statistics show that, on average, one-year-old children weigh 10-11 kg, and their height is approximately 72-77 cm. At the same time, weight gain should be about 350 g per month, and height - 1.5 cm per month. After a year, the pace of physical development of the child will gradually slow down.
Many mothers unwittingly compare the development of their child with the development of other children, which causes much cause for concern. “What if something is wrong with him?”, “Probably, I don’t do much with the child,” and so on. It is worth noting that the pace of physical development up to a year is individual for each child. In this regard, only a really strong lag behind the average norm should be a reason for excitement. nine0003
As a rule, by the age of 1, a child can sit, stand (with support), actively crawl and begin to take his first steps. One-year-old kids love to walk along the support and by the handle, and someone even tries to run. Also, with the help of an adult, the baby can slowly go up and down the stairs, climb and get off the sofa. Thanks to the ability to maintain a vertical position, the possibilities of the crumbs in the study of the world are expanding. This is a very important step in the development of the crumbs. In order for your child to learn to walk confidently, do not impose your help on him. Let the baby learn to walk short distances, for example, to you or to a toy. Insure him at arm's length. nine0003
Since children of this age are very fond of conquering all kinds of peaks, it is necessary to provide the child with proper safety. Do not leave your child unattended in a room with open windows, shelving that can tip over, sockets, wires, and other dangerous items.
Psychomotor development at 1 year old
The baby's mental development also does not stand still. Children at the age of 1 can:
- Open and close doors, cabinets; nine0028
- Pull out drawers;
- Scoop up water;
- Collect pyramids from 2-3 rings;
- Build towers with 2 blocks;
- Put things in a box;
- Play with sorters;
- Throw a ball;
- Roll the ball on the floor;
- Copy the actions of an adult: combing, cooking porridge, etc.
At the age of 1, children mainly learn about the world with the help of feeling (tactile method). Also, the child can still put everything in his mouth, tasting things. Children learn a lot by imitating adults. The kid can copy the mother who cooks dinner and try to imitate the father who repairs the car. Therefore, it is very important to remember that although the child does not always obey you, he will always repeat after you and adopt your behavior model. nine0003
Socio-communicative and speech development of a one-year-old child
The repertoire of expressed emotions in one-year-old children is already quite rich. A child can express his need by crying, fear, laughter. Improving body language and facial expressions. The baby often shows feelings for you with the help of hugs, kisses.
A big leap is taking place in the development of the child's speech. By the age of one, babies usually already know how to pronounce syllables and simple words (mom, dad, woman, bibi, etc.). A child at this age can well capture the intonation with which he is addressed, and fulfills the simple requests of an adult. There are no clear age limits for when exactly a child should speak. If you doubt that the speech development of the baby is within the normal range, seek the help of a specialist to rule out problems such as hearing impairments, problems with the speech apparatus, neurological diseases, etc.
If the baby does not speak yet at the age of one, but at the same time understands you, do not rush to sound the alarm. Talk to your child more and develop his fine motor skills.
Self-care skills
Having gained freedom of movement, a one-year-old baby is increasingly moving away from his mother and wants to be independent. The child may try to use a spoon himself, drink from a cup or drinker, undress (for example, take off his hat and socks), and someone even begins to master the potty. nine0003
Educational classes in the children's center "Constellation"
from 8 months up to 2 years
Music lessons for children from 1 year old
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Includes 4 lessons of 45 min.
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Includes 4 lessons of 30 min.
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from 8 months up to 2 years
Montessori class with mom
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Daily regimen and nutrition for children 1 year old
Many mothers of one year old children face the problem of regime change. Often a baby at this age has difficulty falling asleep during the day, so daytime sleep is postponed until a later time. With the transition to one daytime sleep, you need to adjust the child's diet. Usually meals are taken 4 times: for example, at 9in the morning - breakfast, at 13 o'clock - lunch, at 17 o'clock in the evening - afternoon tea and at 21 o'clock - dinner. At the same time, going to bed turns out to be quite late: at 22 - 23 pm.
The diet of a one-year-old child should exclude allergenic foods: chocolate, smoked meats, spices. Some doctors advise continuing to give formula to the baby, but not in a bottle, but on a plate. Gradually transfer the child to adult food. In order for the baby to develop a chewing reflex, replace the puree with small pieces of not very hard food. It can be cutlets, fruits, bread. nine0003
One-year-old child's health
A trip to the pediatrician is considered a mandatory procedure every year. The doctor takes the necessary tests from the child, physiological measurements are made. The issue of vaccinating the child is also being addressed. It is also necessary to visit the following specialists: neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist. Additionally, it is advisable to consult with an ophthalmologist and dentist.
An important component of a healthy lifestyle is the observance of the child's personal hygiene. In a year, a baby can learn to wash his hands before eating and after a walk, as well as to wash himself. If a child has grown at least 1 tooth, it is worth making friends with a toothbrush. And, of course, do not ignore the evening bathing and rinsing in the shower. nine0003
How to develop a child at 1 year old
Help your baby to develop quickly and acquire more and more new skills:
- Carry your child less in your arms, give him freedom of movement.
- Voice everything you see to your child, talk to him. Reading books to your baby is so important for the development of a child's speech.
- Play educational games: sorters, cubes, pyramids, lacing, etc. You can offer the baby a simple role-playing game (for example, construction, racing, etc.). Good for finger games. nine0028
The development of a baby at 1 year largely depends on his parents. Spend more time with your child, play, talk to him, walk. Provide your baby with new vivid impressions, then his development will certainly go uphill!
Time passes very quickly with a baby. During the first year of life, a child changes dramatically. The main changes in the development of a one-year-old child are the first words and first steps, the development of communication skills, exploration of the world, self-service. nine0003
Educational classes in the children's center "Constellation"
from 8 months up to 2 years
Music lessons for children from 1 year old
from 3330
Includes 4 lessons of 45 min.
from 2520
Includes 4 lessons of 30 min.
nine0002 Expand other options -
from 8 months up to 2 years
Montessori class with mom
from 4320
Includes 4 lessons of 60 min.
from 7740
Includes 8 lessons of 60 min.
from 5220
Includes 4 lessons of 75 min.
from 6210
Includes 4 lessons of 90 min.
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Developing activities can help the baby develop comprehensively and harmoniously. In the children's Montessori Center "Constellation" there are "Together with Mom" groups that children from 8 months to 2 years old can attend. Classes are aimed at developing fine motor skills (and hence speech), concentration, coordination of movements, imagination, memory, vision, thinking, vocabulary. An experienced teacher will show you how to work with this or that material and help to interest the child. Come and grow with us! nine0003
Prepared by a Montessori teacher
Shutova Anastasia
Story about the Children's Club "Constellation"
We invite kids to visit the Children's Club "Constellation" We have children aged from 8 months to 7 years old.
Child development at 1 year old: what to look for, features of development
08.10.2020 nine0220 Reading time: 5 min 63741
- Features of the development of a child at 1 year old
- Physiological changes
- Motor activity of a child at 6 months nine0027 Psycho-emotional development of a child at 1 year old
- Features of the development of girls at 1 year old
- Features of the development of boys at 1 year old
- How to check the developmental level of a child
- Development classes
- Possible developmental abnormalities
Babies are growing fast. It seemed that only recently a small squeaky bundle appeared in the house, which is difficult even to focus its eyes, and now it is already humming, looking around with interest and preparing to celebrate its first birthday. 11-12 months - the age when the child begins to carefully try to walk with support or on his own, his teeth continue to cut, and he himself actively learns about the world around him. This period, which has come so quickly, causes natural excitement in parents: what a child should be able to do in a year, whether it develops normally. It should be said right away that all children are individual, and you should not compare the baby with others, it is better to focus on medical criteria. nine0109
Features of the development of a child at 1 year old
Compared to previous months, the baby becomes much more active and inquisitive. Parents begin to notice this even after the first half of the year, but by the age of one, the child becomes even more intelligent and curious. Its weight is about three times greater than at birth, and averages 10–12 kg, and such children are about 72–77 cm tall. Much depends on genetics, on the pace at which the baby's parents grew at one time. The main thing is that the ratio of height and weight should be organic, for example, a tall child weighs more. If the baby does not fit into the criteria slightly, there is no reason for concern, even if the child at this age looks a little different for acquaintances. Every baby is unique. nine0003
Physiological changes
Starting from the age of one year, the growth rate will slow down a little. This is completely normal: only in the first 12 months of life the baby grows so rapidly, then the process will become a little less fast.
Weight loss. Strictly speaking, the weight itself does not decrease - only the rate of its growth. Infantile plumpness gradually begins to go away, but partially still remains. Over time, the baby will gain weight more slowly, and this indicates its normal development. nine0003
Teeth. A baby is already erupting several teeth per year - up to 8 on average. It is worth showing the child to the doctor if he has not had a single milk tooth in a year. When they are cut, the baby becomes restless, often sleeps poorly at night: he is uncomfortable, and this prevents him from falling asleep. Doctors give recommendations on how to reduce discomfort for a child during teething.
Feet. They are still flat in the baby, no bend has appeared on them. This will pass with time, when the child gets used to walking on his own, then the fat pads on the feet will disappear. If the baby has already begun to actively walk, the pads may disappear earlier, and a healthy bend will begin to appear on the legs. The doctor will examine the baby's legs during a routine checkup, and he will tell if everything is fine with them. nine0003
Child activity
What a child can do in a year cannot be compared with his skills just a few months ago. He has already learned to deal with his own body much better, he is very active, moves a lot and in various ways. In the handles, the baby calmly holds two objects, can collect a pyramid or even hold a spoon at the table while feeding. Of course, in many activities he still needs the help of his parents: such small children are able to concentrate on something for only a few minutes. nine0003
Active movements. The child crawls, stands up, including from a squatting position, kneels on his own. He can climb onto a chair or sofa or get down from there, and with the help of his parents, go up or down the stairs. Children are very inquisitive, so at this age they should not be left near open windows or dangerous objects. The kid can guess to get to the windowsill with the help of a chair. Fine motor skills become much better: the child can take some small object with two fingers, take a cup and drink from it. nine0003
Dancing. Little children love music. Many notice that, having heard an interesting melody, the baby begins to dance actively: he likes it. Some not only dance, but also try to sing along to children's songs. If the child does not do this, you can show him a simple dance, and he will begin to repeat without the prompting of mom or dad.
Fast moving on all fours . Almost all babies at this age are already crawling, and quite quickly. Some skip the step of walking on all fours and immediately get on their feet, but this does not happen for everyone. Most often, a one-year-old child calmly crawls. nine0003
Walking with parental support. Some babies are already starting to take their first steps. Few people begin to walk on their own, but most babies can already walk uncertainly, holding the hand of mom or dad. Some people try to walk by holding on to walls or other supports. However, there are also children who are in no hurry to start moving on two legs, and this is completely normal. If your child has not yet gone, do not rush him. Dr. Komarovsky suggests that in such cases it may even be useful to delay walking: walking upright is a serious burden on the back, perhaps the baby is just not ready for it yet [1]. nine0003
Psychoemotional development of a 1 year old child
The kid is very curious, carefully looks at the behavior of adults and tries to copy it. It is important to remember this when educating: even if the child does not listen to you, he will definitely adopt your behavior. The child is very interested in folding and disassembling things, so he can be interested in cubes, pyramids, and build structures out of them. Some people like to leaf through books, hide and look for objects. Babies at this age already show a wide range of emotions, their vocabulary contains up to 10-15 simple words, they recognize different animals and remember the names of their parents. A one-year-old child is able to understand a simple instruction: “come”, “give”. He's starting to get interested in games with a story. Long-term memory also improves: the baby remembers what happened a few days ago. He recognizes animals and objects, and may learn to use some of them, such as opening a closet. nine0003
Features of the development of girls at 1 year old
Psychologically, boys and girls at this age are still very similar. They are interested in balls and pyramids, games with a story, toys with which you can interact in different ways. Therefore, you should not limit the child, say, to dolls, if it is a girl. There are no significant differences in the weight and height of boys and girls at this age. But the psychomotor and mental development of girls can be slightly ahead of that of boys. This will smooth out later, but for now, the baby can start walking earlier or, say, say words. nine0003
Features of the development of boys at 1 year old
Children at this age are very similar, as are the games they prefer. Toddlers can imitate the actions of their parents: hence the possible interest in toys that repeat "adult" objects. This applies to children of both sexes, so try to give them variety. Kids like different games, no need to limit them to cars and balls.
How to check a child's developmental level
There is no need to make too strict requirements, it is better to focus on the features of development characteristic of this age. To understand how a child develops and what a child can do at 1 year old, you can conduct a few simple tests:
- see how the baby moves, how it crawls, whether it can walk, climb or get off sofas and armchairs;
- evaluate gesticulation, to check if the child can make meaningful gestures such as shaking his head or waving his hand; nine0028
- listen to his speech, understand if there is at least one meaningful word in the baby's speech;
- to see how the child plays, what interests him, how his arms and legs work, whether he can use simple household items;
- estimate the number of teeth;
- play with the baby, offer him cubes or a pyramid, see if he will collect a turret from them or simply discard them.
Development classes
nine0002 You need to deal with kids: it has a beneficial effect on their development, helps in later life, including in adulthood [2]. So the child will begin to learn new skills and knowledge faster, later it will help him with his studies and will allow him to better and faster understand the surrounding reality. Remember that at this age you need to gradually give the baby more independence, for example, allowing him to choose which blouse he will wear or which book he will read to him at night. Try to take the child in your arms as little as possible so that he has an incentive to get to the right place on his own. nine0003 Music. Children love musical toys, children's songs and melodies. In addition, the more various pleasant sounds the baby hears, the more developed his hearing will be. Therefore, include children's songs, melodies and collections that are specially designed for young children. In addition, it will be easier for the baby to play to the music, he may want to dance, thereby developing motor activity, or sing along - this contributes to the development of speech. Of course, if he does not like some melody (at this age, children are already beginning to acquire their own preferences), it is better not to turn it on, but turn on the one that suits your taste. nine0003
Dialogues and reading. The more you talk with the child, the more words you use in dialogues, the more extensive his vocabulary will be. Long conversations with the baby contribute to the development of speech. Try to communicate with the child all the time that you spend with him: describe the objects he looks at, point out various things and phenomena that are interesting to the child and pronounce their name while walking. Try to communicate with the baby because of his children's speech capabilities. When talking, name the words clearly and distinctly, so that it is easier for the child to remember them and repeat them, use soft and affectionate intonations: the baby at this age perfectly recognizes and feels the mood of others. You can and should read little books. At this age, he himself does not yet know how to read, but he can look at pictures and listen to his mother's voice, learning new words and learning to perceive simple stories. nine0003
Development of fine motor skills. It is by the age of one that the child fully learns to work with the index finger [3], uses it to point at something or pick up objects. Handles obey him much better than before, but the baby still needs the development of fine and gross motor skills. This can be done using mobile games:
- salt dough or special sand models;
- sandbox games with scoops and shovels; nine0028
- unfolding sorters, sticking labels;
- screwing and unscrewing caps;
- use of small toys, for example when bathing.
You can teach your child simple activities such as washing and drying hands: this will also benefit him, in addition, it will help the baby take better care of himself. To master such skills, most likely, you will need to set your own example. Little by little, you can begin to teach him more complex actions, such as trying to fasten buttons. nine0003
Drawing. Children love to draw, so try to provide your child with paper, finger paints or crayons. Drawing perfectly develops the skills of recognizing surrounding objects, promotes spatial thinking and is generally useful. In addition, bright colors and the ability to create something are very pleasing to the baby.
Possible developmental abnormalities
Each child should be examined by a pediatrician every year. At a scheduled examination, a vaccination schedule is formed, the baby's condition is assessed, both physical and neuropsychic. The doctor will ask the parents questions, the answers to which will determine whether the child is developing normally. You should be wary only if the child shows serious deviations in behavior: nine0003
- cannot crawl, stands poorly, has difficulty moving;
- does not pronounce meaningful words, there is no gesticulation;
- does not understand even simple requests, interacts poorly with parents and other children;
- does not know how to use household items.