Can a baby be teething at 4 months
Teething Tots (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
What Is Teething?
Teething is when teeth first come through a baby's gums. It can be a frustrating time for babies and their parents. Knowing what to expect during teething and how to make it a little less painful can help.
When Does Teething Start?
While teething can begin as early as 3 months, most likely you'll see the first tooth start pushing through your baby's gum line when your little one is between 4 and 7 months old.
The first teeth to appear usually are the two bottom front teeth, also known as the central incisors. They're usually followed 4 to 8 weeks later by the four front upper teeth (central and lateral incisors). About a month later, the lower lateral incisors (the two teeth flanking the bottom front teeth) will appear.
Next to break through are the first molars (the back teeth used for grinding food), then finally the eyeteeth (the pointy teeth in the upper jaw). Most kids have all 20 of their primary teeth by their third birthday. (If your child's teeth come in much slower than this, speak to your doctor.)
In some rare cases, kids are born with one or two teeth or have a tooth emerge within the first few weeks of life. Unless the teeth interfere with feeding or are loose enough to pose a choking risk, this is usually not a cause for concern.
What Are the Signs of Teething?
As kids begin teething, they might drool more and want to chew on things. For some babies, teething is painless. Others may have brief periods of irritability, while some may seem cranky for weeks, with crying spells and disrupted sleeping and eating patterns. Teething can be uncomfortable, but if your baby seems very fussy, talk to your doctor.
Although tender and swollen gums could cause your baby's temperature to be a little higher than normal, teething doesn't usually cause high fever or diarrhea. If your baby does develop a fever during the teething phase, something else is probably causing the fever and you should contact your doctor.
How Can I Make Teething Easier?
Here are some tips to keep in mind when your baby is teething:
- Gently wipe your baby's face often with a cloth to remove the drool and prevent rashes from developing.
- Rub your baby's gums with a clean finger.
- Give your baby something to chew on. Make sure it's big enough that it can't be swallowed or choked on and that it can't break into small pieces. A wet washcloth placed in the freezer for 30 minutes makes a handy teething aid. Be sure to take it out of the freezer before it becomes rock hard — you don't want to bruise those already swollen gums — and be sure to wash it after each use.
Rubber teething rings are also good, but avoid ones with liquid inside because they may break or leak. If you use a teething ring, chill it in the refrigerator, but NOT the freezer. Also, never boil to sterilize it — extreme changes in temperature could cause the plastic to get damaged and leak chemicals.
- Teething biscuits and frozen or cold food are only OK for kids who already eat solid foods.
Don't use them if your child has not yet started solids. And make sure to watch your baby to make sure that no pieces break off or pose a choking hazard.
- If your baby seems irritable, ask your doctor if it is OK to give a dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen (for babies older than 6 months) to ease discomfort.
- Never place an aspirin against the tooth, and don't rub alcohol on your baby's gums.
- Never tie a teething ring around a baby's neck or any other body part — it could get caught on something and strangle the baby.
- Don't use teething necklaces made of amber. These can lead to strangulation or choking if pieces break off.
- Don't use teething gels and tablets because they may not be safe for babies.
How Should I Care for My Baby's Teeth?
The care and cleaning of your baby's teeth is important for long-term dental health. Even though the first set of teeth will fall out, tooth decay makes them fall out more quickly, leaving gaps before the permanent teeth are ready to come in. The remaining primary teeth may then crowd together to attempt to fill in the gaps, which may cause the permanent teeth to come in crooked and out of place.
Daily dental care should begin even before your baby's first tooth comes in. Wipe your baby's gums daily with a clean, damp washcloth or gauze, or brush them gently with a soft, infant-sized toothbrush and water (no toothpaste!).
As soon as the first tooth appears, brush it with water and fluoridated toothpaste, using only a tiny amount.
It's OK to use a little more toothpaste once a child is old enough to spit it out — usually around age 3. Choose one with fluoride and use only a pea-sized amount or less in younger kids. Don't let your child swallow the toothpaste or eat it out of the tube because an overdose of fluoride can be harmful to kids.
By the time all your baby's teeth are in, try to brush them at least twice a day and especially after meals. It's also important to get kids used to flossing early on. A good time to start flossing is when two teeth start to touch. Talk to your dentist for advice on flossing those tiny teeth. You also can get toddlers interested in the routine by letting them watch and imitate you as you brush and floss.
Another important tip for preventing tooth decay: Don't let your baby fall asleep with a bottle. The milk or juice can pool in a baby's mouth and cause tooth decay and plaque.
The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that kids see a dentist by age 1, or within 6 months after the first tooth appears, to spot any potential problems and advise parents about preventive care.
Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Date reviewed: January 2018
Teething: 4 to 7 Months
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Teething usually starts during these months. The two front teeth (central incisors), either upper or lower, usually appear first, followed by the opposite front teeth. The first molars come in next, followed by the canines or eyeteeth.
The timing of teething:
There is great variability in the timing of teething. If your child doesn’t show any teeth until later than this age period, don’t worry. The timing may be determined by heredity, and it doesn’t mean that anything is wrong.
How to ease your baby’s discomfort:
Teething occasionally may cause mild irritability, crying, a low-grade temperature (but not over 101 degrees Fahrenheit or 38.3 degrees Celsius), excessive drooling, and a desire to chew on something hard. More often, the gums around the new teeth will swell and be tender. Try gently rubbing or massaging the gums with one of your fingers. Teething rings are helpful, too, but they should be made of firm rubber. (The teethers that you freeze tend to get too hard and can cause more harm than good. ) Pain relievers and medications that you rub on the gums are not necessary or useful since they wash out of the baby’s mouth within minutes. Some medication you rub on your child’s gums can even be harmful if too much is used and the child swallows an excessive amount. Stay away from teething tablets that contain the plant poison belladonna and gels with benzocaine. Belladonna and benzocaine are marketed to numb your child's pain, but the FDA has issued warnings against both due to potential side effects. If your child seems particularly miserable or has a fever higher than 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius), it’s probably not because she’s teething, and you should consult your pediatrician.
How should you clean the new teeth?
Simply brush them with a soft child’s toothbrush when you first start seeing her teeth. To prevent cavities, never let your baby fall asleep with a bottle, either at nap time or at night. By avoiding this situation, you’ll keep milk from pooling around the teeth and creating a breeding ground for decay.
- Last Updated
- 10/6/2016
- Source
- Adapted from Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5, 6th Edition (Copyright © 2015 American Academy of Pediatrics)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
Teething in children, what you need to know
All parents know that teething is a difficult period in the life of every child, because he does not sleep well, is naughty and tries to gnaw everything he can reach. But the most dangerous thing is that at this time the baby is vulnerable to many infections. We will talk about how teeth should be cut normally, why the baby’s body cannot cope with the infection, and what symptoms indicate that it is time to go to the doctor.
Teething is a complex process, because at this time tissues are formed, teeth roots grow, gums are rebuilt. Moreover, the teeth begin to form even during pregnancy, starting from the 6th week. Around the same time, calcium begins to be deposited in the tissues of future teeth.
Next comes the most interesting part - teething. It is considered normal if the teeth begin to cut from 4 to 7 months. But each body is unique, so everyone's teeth are cut differently. It depends on many things, for example:
- From genetics. Often the age at which a child's teeth began to cut depends on when his relatives - mom, dad, grandparents - started teething.
- Power supply. If the baby lacks vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C or calcium, teeth will start to erupt later.
- From the course of pregnancy. If there was fetal toxicosis during pregnancy, this will also slow down the appearance of teeth.
Also, teeth are normally cut in pairs, that is, first the lower central incisors appear, then the upper central incisors, the upper lateral incisors - the lower lateral incisors, the upper first molars - the lower first molars, etc. But even if the order is violated, this does not always mean any disease or serious violation.
When to sound the alarm
In places where teeth erupt, many biologically active substances are released, such as histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc. They just cause the symptoms that every parent is familiar with:
- Fever. Normally, when teething, the temperature should be subfebrile, that is, no more than 38 degrees;
- Swelling, pain and redness of the gums.
There is a normal reaction of the child to teething. As a rule, the baby refuses to eat, but at the same time pulls toys into his mouth to gnaw on them. Due to the fact that the child is constantly chewing on something, the nerves of the gums are irritated and a lot of saliva is released, and since the child does not yet know how to control saliva, it flows out of the mouth. Also, the child becomes more excitable than usual - sleeps less, is constantly naughty, becomes irritable.
Life hack: to help your child and relieve toothache, buy a special teether toy. Such a toy can be filled with water and put in the refrigerator. When the baby chews on it, the toy will cool the inflamed gums and thereby partially relieve the pain.
But there are symptoms that parents often confuse with a normal reaction to the appearance of teeth:
- Digestive disorders - diarrhea, vomiting, loose stools;
- Temperature above 38-39degrees, which does not subside for several days;
- Cough, rash, swelling.
These symptoms indicate that there is an infection in the child's body that needs to be treated.
Why a child is so vulnerable to diseases
When a child chews on something, microtraumas and cracks appear on the gums. The mucous membrane, like other tissues of the gums, is not yet formed, so infections easily enter the body through these injuries. And since at the age of the appearance of the first teeth - from 4 to 7 months, the passive immunity received from the mother is gradually lost, and its own immunity is just beginning to be developed, the body cannot cope with the infection.
What should I do if my baby has unusual symptoms?
The only sure option is to see a pediatrician. The doctor will examine the baby and prescribe tests to prescribe the right treatment. And the doctor will also assess whether the teeth are erupting correctly and give useful advice for your child.
Make an appointment with a pediatrician in the city of Sochi by phone number 8 (862) 555-27-03, or leave a request on this site.
Useful related links:
Video on this topic with our pediatrician - Gryzunova Svetlana Valentinovna.
Red flags for acute respiratory viral infections
Big reminder on children's cough
First teeth - articles from the specialists of the clinic "Mother and Child"
Bogorad Maria Vladimirovna
Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmologist for children
Clinic "Mother and Child" Kuntsevo, Clinical Hospital Lapino-1
When to expect
The milk teeth of the future baby are laid at the 7th–8th week of intrauterine development, and the permanent ones at the end of the 4th month of pregnancy. In total, 20 milk teeth are laid in a child, while permanent ones - 32. To provide the crumbs with a Hollywood smile, the expectant mother needs to eat right throughout all nine months of pregnancy. There are no calcium preparations that would be 100% absorbed, so it is very important to draw “natural” calcium from food, especially cottage cheese. And, of course, the most pregnant woman needs to cure all her teeth - now there are very sparing technologies for this.
The eruption of the first milk teeth in most cases begins at the 3-8th month of a baby's life and ends closer to three years. But it also happens that children are born already with one or two teeth, or teeth can erupt in the first weeks of life. Often the timing of teething depends on genetic characteristics, but much more - on other factors. They affect the teeth and diseases of the crumbs (for example, with rickets, frequent SARS and dyspepsia, teeth erupt later). It is worth paying attention to the nature of nutrition, the quality of drinking water, even the climate! In northern residents, teeth erupt on average a little later than in southerners. Sometimes teething is delayed, and the first tooth appears closer to the year. Usually there is nothing wrong with this. It is believed that not so much the timing as the order of teething speaks about the health of the child. If it is broken, pay attention to this fact and show the baby to a pediatric dentist.
The process has begun
Profuse salivation indicates that the teething process has begun. In addition, the baby begins to pull into his mouth everything that only comes to his hand. This means that the gums itch, causing him discomfort. Trying to relieve itching, the baby instinctively acts correctly - micro-massage of the gums improves microcirculation in them, teeth erupt easier and faster. During this period, provide the child with teethers: hypoallergenic silicone toys filled with water. The teether should not be cooled in the freezer - only in the refrigerator: otherwise the crumb will get hurt on a hard surface. If the gums are very swollen, and the baby is crying in pain, use special dental gels that have a mild local anesthetic effect.
For most children, the process of teething goes fairly smoothly. There may be short periods of anxiety, violations of the regime of the day and nutrition. Sometimes even teething is accompanied by diarrhea, runny nose, cough and fever. And during the period of the appearance of teeth, the baby is vulnerable to all kinds of infections. The immunity of the crumbs decreases these days, and it is easier to “pick up” the virus, so it’s not worth writing off the worsening of the condition only on the teeth. If a child has a fever when a tooth is cut, it is necessary to look for another inflammatory focus in the body.
At 6 months the baby usually boasts central lower incisors. This is an excuse to start brushing your teeth. Why so early? Milk teeth are small and sharp, have an uneven wavy edge, are close to each other and, as a rule, have a yellowish tint. These teeth have a low degree of mineralization. Their enamel and dentin are very thin. All this contributes to the rapid emergence and spread of caries. In order to prevent it, you need to brush your teeth regularly: for this, you can use various massage brushes that not only teach the child to hygiene, but also facilitate the process of teething. Teeth are immediately taught to clean correctly - from the gums to the edge, slightly "sweeping", semicircular movements, and in no case horizontal. If possible, brush your teeth after every meal (and at least twice a day). Is there no such possibility? Give the baby a drink - the water will wash away the remnants of food.
At 8 months the upper central incisors usually erupt. In 9 months the upper lateral incisors appear. At 11 months and the lower lateral incisors of many children are already in place! By , the baby has eight normal teeth . But there may not be a single one - delayed teething occurs in 25% of cases with normal psychomotor development of the child. In extremely rare cases, the absence of teeth is associated with adentia - the absence of their rudiments. You can check this with a pediatric dentist using the radiovisiography method. By 13–15 months , first the upper first molars appear, and then the lower ones.
From the age of one, the baby's teeth can be brushed with children's toothpaste and a special children's brush. The service life of the brush is no more than 2 months, even if it looks like new. Many babies swallow delicious pasta. You should not be afraid of this if it is childish and its quantity is no more than a pea. Of course, up to 2–2.5 years, brushing your teeth should be done with the help of, and then under the vigilant control of your mother.
B 18 months fangs erupt. Usually these teeth cause more problems than others, their eruption is more painful, and this process is often accompanied by malaise. At 20 months the second molars erupt. And sometimes already at this age, the mother may notice the first problems. Doctors reassure: carious milk teeth are not a reason to worry that permanent ones will also be bad. As practice shows, there are no regularities here. Of course, if parents do not neglect the prevention of diseases and dental hygiene. At 2.5 years old, the baby normally has a full set of milk teeth. There are 20 of them - 10 on each jaw .
Milk teeth do not last long - soon they will fall out and permanent ones will appear in their place. Usually the change of teeth begins at about 5-6 years and lasts until 20, when the wisdom teeth erupt.
From the age of 6 months, it is obligatory to come for preventive examinations twice a year. When this becomes a habit, the baby will not be afraid of doctors, and by the age of 7–8 (when a visit to the clinic can no longer be avoided) he will sit in the dental chair quite calmly
In order for the baby's teeth to grow strong and healthy, you need to start taking care of them almost before conception. And it is also better to get to know the dentist early
Terms of eruption and loss of milk teeth
Upper teeth | |||
Tooth name | Eruption period | Eruption procedure | Drop time |
Central cutter | 8 months - 1 year | 2 | 6-7 years old |
Side cutter | 9 months - 1 year 2 months | 3 | 7-8 years old |
Fang | 1 year 3 months - 1 year 10 months | 7 | 10-12 years old |
First molar | 1 year - 1 year 6 months | 5 | 9-11 years old |
Second molar | 2 years - 2 years 8 months | 10 | 10-12 years old |
Lower teeth | |||
Central cutter | 6 months -10 months | 1 | 6–7 years old |
Side cutter | 10 months -1 year 4 months | 4 | 7-8 years old |
Fang | 1 year 4 months - 2 years | 8 | 9-12 years old |
First molar | 1 year 2 months - 1 year 7 months | 6 | 9-11 years old |
Second molar | 1 year 10 months - 2 years 8 months | 9 | 10-12 years old |
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Clinical Hospital Lapino-1 "Mother and Child" Clinic "Mother and Child" Kuntsevo
Pediatric Ophthalmology for ChildrenOphthalmology
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