Baby 2 weeks early
When Your Baby's Born Premature (for Parents)
What Is Prematurity?
Babies born more than 3 weeks earlier than their expected due date are called "premature." Premature babies (preemies) didn't have enough time to grow and develop as much as they should have before birth.
Why Was My Baby Born Early?
Most of the time, doctors don't know why babies are born early. When they do know, it's often because a mother has a health problem during pregnancy, such as:
- diabetes (high blood sugar)
- hypertension (high blood pressure)
- heart or kidney problems
- an infection of the amniotic membranes or vaginal or urinary tracts
Babies also may be born early if:
- there's bleeding, often due to a low-lying placenta (placenta previa) or a placenta that separates from the womb (placental abruption)
- the mother's womb is not shaped typically
- they're part of a multiple birth (twins, triplets, or more)
- their mother was underweight before pregnancy or didn't gain enough weight during pregnancy
- their mother smoked, used drugs, or drank alcohol while pregnant
Does My Baby Need Special Care?
Yes, preemies may have many special needs. Younger and smaller babies tend to have more health problems than babies born closer to their due dates. So they often need care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
Why Must My Baby Stay Warm?
Preemies don't have enough body fat to hold their body temperature. Incubators or radiant warmers keep them warm in the NICU:
- Infant warmers: These small beds with heaters over them help babies stay warm while being monitored. Because they are open, the team has easy access to babies to provide care.
- Incubators: These small beds are enclosed by clear, hard plastic. Temperature in the incubator is controlled to keep a baby's body temperature where it should be. Doctors, nurses, and others can give care to the baby through holes in the sides of the incubator.
What Are My Baby's Nutritional Needs?
Breast milk is the best nutrition for all babies, especially preemies. It has proteins that help fight infection. Most preemies can't feed straight from the breast or bottle at first. Mothers pump their milk and it's given to babies through a tube that goes through the nose or mouth and into the stomach.
If that is not an option, doctors may suggest giving the baby donor milk from a milk bank, which is safe.
If you don't breast feed or pump milk, your baby will get formula. Preemies need more calories, proteins, and other nutrients than full-term babies do. So extra nutrients called fortifiers may be added to pumped milk or specially designed preterm formulas may be used to help your baby grow.
Preemies are fed slowly because they can get necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a serious intestinal problem that affects preemies.
Some babies who are very small or very sick get their nutrition through intravenous (IV) feedings called total parenteral nutrition (TPN). TPN has a special mix of nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals that can fully support a baby’s growth until they can feed.
Doctors and dietitians watch the diets of preemies very carefully and make changes when needed to make sure the babies get the nutrients needed to grow.
What Health Problems Can Happen?
Because their organs aren't fully ready to work on their own, preemies are at risk for health problems. In general, the earlier a baby was born, the greater their chances of health problems.
These problems include:
- anemia, when babies don't have enough red blood cells
- apnea, when a baby stops breathing for a short time; the heart rate may lower; and the skin may turn pale or blue
- bronchopulmonary dysplasia and respiratory distress syndrome, problems with breathing
- hyperbilirubinemia, when babies have high levels of bilirubin, which is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells. This leads to jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.
- necrotizing enterocolitis, a serious disease of the intestines
- patent ductus arteriosus, a problem with the heart
- retinopathy of prematurity, a problem with the eye's retina
- sepsis infections that babies can get before, during, or after birth
What Else Should I Know?
Preemies often need special care after leaving the NICU, sometimes in a high-risk newborn clinic or early intervention program. Depending on their health, they may need care from specialists, such as doctors who treat problems with the brain and nervous system (neurologists), eyes (ophthalmologists), and lungs (pulmonologists).
Preemies must go to all doctor visits (including well-child checkups), get the vaccines that all babies need to stay healthy, and have routine hearing and eye exams. As your little one grows, doctors will check your baby's:
- growth
- development, including speech and language, learning, and motor skills
- muscle tone, strength, and reflexes
Looking Ahead
Caring for a preemie can be more demanding than caring for a full-term baby.
Take care of yourself by eating well, resting when you can, and getting exercise. Spend one-on-one time with your other children when you can, and get help from others. Look for support from friends, family, and support groups. You also can get support online from groups such as:
- March of Dimes
- Graham's Foundation
- Life's Little Treasures Foundation
- Hand to Hold
Reviewed by: Lynn M. Fuchs, MD
Date reviewed: October 2021
Why Are Babies Born Early? (for Parents)
Reviewed by: Thinh Phu Nguyen, MD
Fetal Medicine at Nemours Children's Health
en español ¿Por qué algunos bebés nacen antes de tiempo?
Most babies are born healthy at or near their due date. Sometimes, though, babies are born early and might have health problems.
Why Are Some Babies Born Early?
Babies born before 37 weeks are premature. A premature birth is more likely to happen when a mother has a health problem — like diabetes — or does harmful things during her pregnancy, like smoke or drink. If she lives with a lot of stress, that also can make her baby be born too early.
Many things can cause a baby to be born early or with health problems. Some of these things can be controlled, but others can't.
Here's what you can do to have a healthy pregnancy.
How Can I Stay Healthy During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, help your baby grow strong and healthy. Be sure to:
- Start prenatal care as soon as you think you're pregnant. Prenatal care is the health care that you get during pregnancy. All pregnant women should see a health care professional as soon as they think they're pregnant, and should plan regular prenatal visits throughout pregnancy.
- Get health problems treated. It's best to have any health problems (like diabetes, depression, or high blood pressure) under control before becoming pregnant. But if you don't, talk to your doctor right away about a treatment plan.
- Eat a healthy diet.
It's important to eat a variety of healthy foods before and during pregnancy. Take a prenatal vitamin to be sure you're getting enough folic acid, iron, and other important nutrients.
- Gain the right amount of weight. How much weight you should gain depends on how much you weighed before you were pregnant. Most women who are at a healthy weight should gain about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Overweight women should probably gain less.
- Don't smoke, drink alcohol, or take illegal drugs. Staying away from tobacco, alcohol, and drugs can help you and your baby avoid many serious health problems, like fetal alcohol syndrome and neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). If you do any of these things, get help to quit.
- Wait at least 12 months between pregnancies. Increasing the time between pregnancies may lower the chances of preterm birth, especially if you had a premature baby before.
Things You Can't Control During Pregnancy
Some things that may increase the chances of a premature birth are out of your control. This doesn't mean that your baby will be born sick or too early. Remember, most babies are born healthy.
Here are some things you can't control during pregnancy:
- Your age. Mothers who are 17 or younger or 35 or older are more likely to have a premature baby. Teen moms are more likely to get high blood pressure during pregnancy and less likely to get the health care they need. Older women are more likely to have health problems before they get pregnant.
- The number of babies (multiples). The chances of having a premature baby go up if the mother is pregnant with twins, triplets, or more. More than half of all twins are born early.
- Your health. Moms with problems like diabetes, depression, or high blood pressure may need to see their health care professional more often to keep these conditions under control.
- Problems with an earlier pregnancy. A woman who has had a previous early delivery, or a baby born with health problems or a birth defect, is more likely to have problems in future pregnancies too.
- Other factors. It's not clear why, but black women are more likely to have premature babies than white and Hispanic women.
If you're pregnant or are planning to be, talk with your health care professional. Women who get regular prenatal care are more likely to have a healthier pregnancy and baby.
Reviewed by: Thinh Phu Nguyen, MD
Date reviewed: August 2022
Your baby was born prematurely
Premature babies
If your baby is born too early, the joy of having a baby can be overshadowed by health concerns and thoughts about the possible consequences.
Instead of returning home with the baby, holding him and caressing him, you will have to stay in the department, learn to cope with the fear of touching the baby, realize the need for treatment and various manipulations, get used to the complex equipment that surrounds him.
In this situation, not only your baby needs help, you need it too! The best assistants are your loved ones, their love and care, as well as professional advice and recommendations from doctors and psychologists. This section of articles will help you improve your knowledge of preterm infant care, development and nutrition.
Your help for the baby
Previously, parents were often not allowed into the neonatal unit and, especially, into the intensive care unit because of the fear of infection of the baby, but now the contact of the parent with the child is recognized as desirable and is prohibited only in exceptional cases (for example, if there is parents of acute infections)
Close communication between you and your baby is very important from the first days of his life. Even very immature premature babies recognize the voices and feel the touch of their parents.
The newborn needs this contact. Studies have shown that it greatly contributes to the faster adaptation of an immature child to new conditions and the stabilization of his condition. The baby's resistance to therapy increases, he absorbs large amounts of food and quickly begins to suck on his own. Contact with the child is important for parents. Taking part in the care of the baby, they feel their involvement in what is happening and quickly get used to a new role, especially when they see how he reacts to their presence.
By constantly and attentively observing the baby, parents can notice the smallest changes in his condition before others. In addition, communication in the hospital is a good practice that will undoubtedly come in handy after discharge. For parents, early physical contact with the baby is very valuable, because it allows them to feel him, despite the incubator and other obstacles, and show him their love.
Treatment in the neonatal intensive care unit requires parents to have full confidence in all medical staff.
Nursing premature babies in the hospital
Many premature babies cannot breathe, suckle and regulate their body temperature sufficiently after birth. Only in the last weeks of pregnancy is the maturation of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, brain, which regulates and coordinates the work of all organs and systems.
Fluid loss due to the immaturity of the skin of premature babies and the insufficiency of thermoregulation processes require constant attention. Modern approaches focused on nursing premature babies help to cope with these problems.
Heat regulation incubator
Premature babies are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. At the same time, clothing can interfere with the monitoring of the baby's condition and its treatment. That is why an incubator is used to provide the conditions necessary for premature babies. It maintains a certain temperature and humidity, which change as the child grows. When the body weight of a premature infant reaches 1500-1700 g, he can be transferred to a heated bed, and after reaching a weight of 2000, most premature babies can do without this support. There are no strict rules here: when nursing children with low body weight, doctors are guided by the severity of the condition of each premature baby and its degree of maturity.
In incubators, very young premature babies are placed in special "nests" - soft hemispheres in which the baby feels comfortable and assumes a position close to intrauterine. It must be protected from bright lights and loud noises. For this purpose, special screens and coatings are used.
Critical treatments during the first days of life of premature babies with low and very low birth weight:
Use of an incubator or heated bed.
Oxygen supply for respiratory support.
If necessary, artificial ventilation of the lungs or breathing using the CPAP system.
Intravenous administration of various drugs and fluids.
Carrying out parenteral nutrition with solutions of amino acids, glucose and fat emulsions.
Don't worry: not all premature babies need such extensive treatment!
Mechanical ventilation and CPAP for respiratory support
When it comes to nursing, oxygen supply is of the utmost importance for premature babies. In a child born before the 34-35th week of pregnancy, the ability of the lungs to work independently is not yet sufficiently developed. The use of a constant flow of air with oxygen, which maintains a positive airway pressure (CPAP), leads to an increase in blood oxygen saturation.
This new method made it possible for the majority of even very immature children to do without mechanical ventilation. The need for intubation of children has disappeared: during treatment with CPAP, oxygen is supplied through short tubes - cannulas that are inserted into the nasal passages. CPAP or mechanical ventilation is continued until the lungs can function at full capacity on their own.
In order for the lungs to expand and remain in such a state in the future, a surfactant is needed - a substance that lines the alveoli from the inside and reduces surface tension. Surfactant is produced in sufficient quantities starting from the 34-35th week of pregnancy. Basically, it is by this time that the formation of the lungs is completed. If the baby was born earlier, modern technologies allow the introduction of surfactant into the lungs of premature babies immediately after their birth.
Parenteral nutrition - administering nutrient solutions by vein
Premature babies, especially those born weighing less than 1500 g, are not able to get and absorb enough nutrients, even when fed through a tube. For the rapid growth of the baby, a large amount of nutrition is needed, and the size of the stomach is still very small, and the activity of digestive enzymes is also reduced. Therefore, such children are given parenteral nutrition.
Special nutrients are injected into a vein using infusion pumps that deliver solutions slowly at a predetermined rate. In this case, amino acids necessary for building proteins, fat emulsions and glucose, which are sources of energy, are used. These substances are also used for the synthesis of a number of hormones, enzymes and other biologically active substances. Additionally, minerals and vitamins are introduced.
Gradually, the volume of enteral nutrition increases, and parenteral nutrition decreases until it is completely canceled.
Premature infants with gastrointestinal disease require parenteral nutrition for a longer period of time.
By the time your grown baby is discharged from the hospital, everything should be well prepared at home. And this applies not only to the environment, clothes and means of caring for the child.
All family members should be ready to receive the baby. Of course, the main care will fall on the shoulders of the parents. Although you have already gained some experience in the hospital, it is important to feel the support of others, especially in the early days.
Older children can also help. The discharge of your baby is a great joy that you want to share with all your relatives.
While you are getting used to your new role, it is important that nothing distracts you from communicating with your child. Now all the care and responsibility for the baby lies entirely with you. Everything you need to take care of him should be at hand.
Getting ready for discharge from the Perinatal Center:
Before discharge, you must make sure that:
- Prepared crib, bath for bathing and a place for changing the baby, and preferably a changing table. A crib should be placed in the parents' bedroom, the child should not be left alone even at night. A stroller is also required. you have baby milk that was recommended by the doctor before discharge (if the child is on mixed or artificial feeding). As a rule, this is a specialized medical product. You need a certain number of small bottles and teats of the appropriate size, as well as a sterilizer. All premature babies will need pacifiers.
- You have fully mastered breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
- If your baby is not suckling all the required amount of milk from the breast and is supplementing from a bottle, you have purchased a breast pump that you have learned to use; you may also need it if you have a lot of breast milk.
- You have asked your doctor how often your child's weight should be monitored.
- If your baby still needs medicines, you have enough medicines at home. And you know exactly how and when to give them to your child.
- You know which warning signs to look out for.
- After the baby is discharged, a pediatrician and a neonatologist will look after the baby, to whom you will give the discharge summary from the center.
- You know how your child's discharge center will provide follow-up after discharge.
- You know which specialists and how often should examine your baby (ophthalmologist, neuropathologist, etc.).
- All the emergency phone numbers you need are at your fingertips.
- Try to ensure the safety of transporting your baby, purchase a special restraint in the car, where the baby will go home from the Perinatal Center.
When can a child go home
This question is very difficult to answer because all children are different. The stay in the hospital can last from 6 days to 6 months, depending on the degree of prematurity of the child, the severity of his condition, as well as the presence of certain complications.
Of course, all parents look forward to the moment when the baby can be brought home. Long-term nursing of a premature baby is often a difficult test for you. But we must not forget that safety comes first, and the baby can be discharged home only when the doctors are confident in the stability of his condition. It is certainly in your interest as well.
The rate of increase in body weight and length
Weight gain is the main indicator of the growth of the baby and the adequacy of the treatment. The weight of the child, especially in the first days and weeks of life, is influenced by a number of factors: the presence of milk in the stomach (immediately after feeding), the time of bowel movement, the degree of filling of the bladder, the presence of edema. Therefore, if an edematous child does not gain weight for several days, and perhaps even loses it, do not worry. It should be remembered that children grow unevenly and periods of high weight gain alternate with lower ones. It is better to focus not on weight gain per day, but on the dynamics of this indicator over several days or a week.
It is currently accepted that in the interval corresponding to 28-34 weeks of pregnancy, the normal weight gain of the child is 16-20 g/kg per day. Then it is reduced to 15 g/kg.
It is also important to take into account the rate of increase in body length. With malnutrition, at first the child gains less weight (or even loses it), and with a more pronounced deficiency of nutrients, his growth is also disturbed.
The weight must not only increase at a certain rate, but must also correspond to the length of the baby. An important parameter characterizing the development of the baby is an increase in the circumference of the head. The brain most actively increases in size during the first 12–18 months of life. But an excessively rapid increase in head circumference, as well as a slowdown in its increase, indicate neurological disorders.
A premature baby can be discharged from the hospital if:
- he is able to independently maintain the required body temperature;
- does not need breathing support and constant monitoring of the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
- can suck out the required amount of nutrition on its own;
- does not need round-the-clock monitoring and frequent determination of biochemical or other indicators;
- supportive care can be provided at home;
- he will be under the supervision of the district pediatrician and neonatologist at the place of residence.
The decision to discharge home is finalized on the day of discharge for each patient individually. In addition to the state of health of the baby, the degree of preparedness of parents, their ability to provide high-level care for a premature baby is also taken into account.
Feeding a premature baby after discharge
Breastfeeding is the ideal way to feed premature babies.
However, if the baby was born much prematurely and his birth weight did not exceed 1800-2000 g, his high nutritional requirements cannot be met by breastfeeding. The growth rate will be insufficient. Moreover, over time, the content of many nutrients, including protein, in milk decreases. And it is the main material for building organs, and primarily brain tissue. Therefore, proteins must be supplied to the body of a premature infant in the optimal amount.
In addition, premature babies have a significantly increased need for calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone formation.
In order for the baby's nutrition to be complete even after being discharged from the hospital, special additives - "enrichers" are introduced into breast milk in a certain amount, already less than in the hospital. They make up for the lack of protein in it, as well as some vitamins and minerals. As a result, the child receives them in the optimal amount. The duration of their use will be determined by your doctor. If there is not enough milk or it does not exist at all, children born prematurely should be transferred to artificial feeding. Complementary feeding of premature babies is carried out with special children's dairy products designed for children with low birth weight. This baby milk is ideally suited to both the ability of immature children to digest and assimilate nutrients, and their needs.
Premature infant milk contains more protein, fat and carbohydrates than term infant milk, resulting in a higher calorie content. In specialized baby milk, the concentration of many minerals is higher, especially iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins, including vitamin D. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 classes are introduced into such products, which are necessary for proper development of the brain and organ of vision, as well as nucleotides that contribute to the optimal development of immunity. However, when the child reaches a certain weight (2000-2500 g), you should gradually switch to feeding with standard baby milk, but not completely. Specialized baby milk can be present in the diet of a premature baby for several months. This time, as well as the volume of the product, will be determined by the doctor. He will answer all your questions about how to feed your baby.
At present, specialized children's dairy products have been developed and are being used to feed premature babies after discharge from the hospital. In its composition, it occupies an intermediate position between a specialized product for premature babies and regular baby milk. Your baby will be transferred to such baby milk while still in the hospital. You will continue to give it to your child at home, and the doctor, watching him, will tell you when it will be possible to switch to regular standard baby milk. If the baby was born with a very low body weight or is not gaining weight well, special baby milk can be used for a long time - up to 4 months, 6 or even 9months. The beneficial effect of such children's dairy products on the growth and development of the child has been proven in scientific studies.
Feeding needs for premature babies
Increased caloric intake because they need to gain weight faster than full-term babies.
More protein because premature babies grow faster.
More calcium and phosphorus for bone building.
More trace elements and vitamins for growth and development.
A premature baby grows faster than a term baby. Nutrition for such children is calculated taking into account body weight at birth, the age of the baby and its growth rate. As a rule, the calorie content of the daily diet is about 120-130 calories per 1 kg of body weight.
It is very important that your baby continues to gain weight quickly and grow in length after discharge. To do this, feeding premature babies must be carried out using a specialized fortified diet prescribed by a doctor.
1 week of pregnancy after conception
The third week of the obstetric period, also known as the 1st week of pregnancy after conception, is a magical time when the unborn baby is just beginning to form. What does his mother feel at this time?
The first signs of pregnancy - 1 week
Expectant mothers should immediately remember that there are two views on the duration of pregnancy: obstetric and fetal. We are talking about 1 week of pregnancy after conception, that is, about the embryonic period. Doctors usually operate obstetrically, where the last day of menstruation is taken as the starting point. To get obstetric from the embryonic period, you need to add two weeks. That is, the first week of pregnancy after conception corresponds to the third obstetric week.
At this time, the restructuring of the woman's body has just begun. Very few lucky women notice the first signs of pregnancy in the first week.
In the first week of pregnancy from conception, your figure remains the same. The fetus is still too small for the mother's tummy to become visible. The zygote, formed by the egg and sperm, divides quickly, but not enough: into 2 cells, 4, 8, and so on up to 32 cells. Accordingly, a photo of the abdomen at 1 week of pregnancy is not indicative.
A fetus in the first week of pregnancy is called an embryo, but it does not actually become a fetus until the sixth week.
In the meantime, the embryo is in a small sac with liquid and is fed not from the mother, but from the yolk sac. The size of the future baby at this time is approximately 0.1–0.2 mm. Given how small it is, no one can guess the interesting position of a woman from a photo of the abdomen at 1 week of pregnancy.
How to check pregnancy at 1 week
It is almost impossible to check pregnancy at 1 week. Changes in the body are too small for tests or an ultrasound machine to detect them. To get convincing evidence that you are in a position, you need to wait at least the 7th, and preferably the 10th day of pregnancy, when especially sensitive tests can already show the coveted two strips.
A test in the first week of pregnancy will either give you nothing or show a dubious result. Too little time has passed since conception for changes to become noticeable.
— If you take a regular pharmacy test in the first week of pregnancy, where you need to urinate on a strip, it will certainly give you a negative result - the period is too short, gynecologist Dina Absalyamova explains . - The same problem will be with the analysis for hCG. Fluctuations in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin will be so small that the results will be regarded as doubtful.
As a result, the expectant mother can only wait until the gestational age exceeds 10 days and the tests become more reliable.
Do not rush to run for ultrasound diagnostics. In the first week of pregnancy, ultrasound is not indicative, even the most modern equipment is not able to visualize the fetus.
Ultrasonography at this early date is generally recommended for women who present with symptoms specific to an ectopic pregnancy. It can be dangerous, therefore, to exclude such a diagnosis, a gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis.
Those girls who hope to get the first pictures of their unborn child will have to wait until 2-3 weeks.
How can you feel during the 1st week
— During the first week of pregnancy, the mother feels well and very rarely even notices that something has changed in her body. Sometimes there are especially sensitive girls who, already on the 3rd-4th day of pregnancy, notice that their mood and taste preferences are changing, they suddenly start eating foods that they didn’t like before, or vice versa, they give up their previous preferences. Some of them even begin toxicosis at such an early stage, but there are very few such women, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova .
Most of the sensations that you may experience in the 1st week of pregnancy are similar to those that usually precede critical days. Many women note that they begin to have characteristic pains in the lower abdomen, and about a week before the start of the cycle.
Some pregnant women note that their breasts become more sensitive, even painful. In some, the pigmentation of the nipples increases and freckles appear. In general, the signs of pregnancy at 1 week are almost invisible.
Since conception occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle - around 13-14 days in a standard 28-day cycle - girls often do not even suspect that they are pregnant. Monthly something still ahead. The first week of pregnancy after conception ends at about 21-25 days, so there is no need to talk about menstruation and delay yet.
When the critical days come and they don't, it will become clear that the woman is expecting a baby.
Abdominal pain
This is a misleading sign of early pregnancy. Many women experience pain before critical days, so they do not attach importance to discomfort in the middle and second half of the cycle. However, future mothers often note that it was the pain in the lower abdomen that became the first sign of pregnancy for them. They are usually felt 5-7 days before the cycle, that is, at the end of the first week of pregnancy.
However, pain can also be caused by other causes, such as intestinal dysbacteriosis or disorders of its functions. According to gynecologists, often pain in the pelvis provokes the spine. For example, with osteochondrosis, pain can be given just to the area in the lower abdomen. They may also be associated with pelvic adhesions from previous gynecological surgeries or caesarean sections.
Usually, pain in the lower abdomen is considered as a possible symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, cervix or on the ovary. However, in the first week of pregnancy, there may not be any discomfort. More often they occur as the embryo grows, by 3-4 weeks.
What to do if you become pregnant
First, do not be nervous and make an appointment with a doctor. Whether it is a desired pregnancy or an unplanned one, a trip to the gynecologist is essential. The doctor will register you, give recommendations on tests that will need to be taken in the near future, prescribe vitamins and write out an action plan for all 9months.
Sometimes there is no opportunity to go to the gynecologist for examination, then remember a few simple rules and try to follow them until the next visit to the doctor.
In the first week of pregnancy, do not drink alcohol, avoid antibiotics, avoid hot baths and stress, do not lift weights and try to give up cigarettes, and even better, the society of smokers. Take care of your health, it is undesirable to catch a cold at such an early date.
Try to get more rest, walk in the fresh air, strengthen your immune system and do things that give you pleasure.
Every woman wants to know about pregnancy as early as possible. Over the centuries, many observations have been accumulated that will help confirm the emergence of new life at an early stage. Signs of pregnancy before a delay are primarily associated with a change in the emotional state. Namely, after analyzing it, we can conclude that a child will be born in the near future.
Change in well-being
After pregnancy occurs, a slight malaise may occur almost immediately. Causeless fatigue from minimal loads appears and efficiency decreases. This is due to the beginning of restructuring in the body of a woman.
In the first days of the birth of a new life, an increase in body temperature is often noted, so an attentive woman who wants to get pregnant will definitely note this factor. Sometimes such a symptom is attributed to a cold, especially if a runny nose, sore throat and cough additionally appear. Such symptoms indicate a decrease in immunity against the background of the restructuring that has begun. The illusion of a cold can persist for several days, and then disappears without any treatment, which indicates that the body has "adapted" to the new state.
Changes in sensations and perceptions
Early signs of pregnancy before a missed period are always associated with changes in certain sensations and perceptions. Almost always, already in the first days after conception, women notice an increase in breast sensitivity. Even light touch causes pain.
The mammary glands increase in size, which causes a feeling of swelling.
The skin around the nipples may also change. It darkens, and the bumps become pronounced, sometimes fluid is released from the nipple. Such symptoms indicate the preparation of the body for future breastfeeding. But such changes are not mandatory, very often the condition of the breast does not change during a long period of pregnancy.
In practice, it has been observed that after conception, women experience aversion to certain aromas. This cannot go unnoticed, because disgust is caused by smells to which there were no negative reactions before. Most often, the aroma of fried meat or fish seems disgusting. It is possible that in the first days of pregnancy there may be aversion to the smells of your favorite perfumes. Such symptoms may indicate the onset of early toxicosis, which will bring a lot of trouble in the near future.
There may also be a change in taste preferences even before the delay. For example, there is a desire to eat incompatible foods or to taste inedible substances. Sometimes in the first weeks of pregnancy there is a complete loss of appetite or a constant feeling of hunger.
Physiological signs
Frequent urination may occur before a missed period. This is due to the increase in the amount of female hormones. This leads to a change in the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, the uterus after conception increases slightly and puts pressure on the bladder. Of course, this symptom is more pronounced in the later stages of pregnancy.
Progesterone production increases immediately after conception. This hormone leads to a delay in the body of salts and fluids. Because of this, swelling of the legs and arms occurs, but at an early stage of pregnancy, they are practically invisible.
In the early stages, heaviness and slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen may be felt. They resemble premenstrual syndrome and do not cause severe discomfort. This is due to the fact that when the embryo is attached to the uterus, there is an increase in blood circulation in the pelvic area.
It is important to understand that severe and sudden pain may indicate an ectopic pregnancy or be a harbinger of spontaneous miscarriage. This is a dangerous condition that requires emergency medical attention.
Psychological changes
Pregnancy symptoms before delay are often associated with psychological changes. First of all, unreasonable mood changes are observed. Such a sign is indicative in women who are distinguished by a balanced character. The reason for a sharp change in mood is a change in hormonal levels.
In practice, this manifests itself in the fact that cheerfulness is abruptly replaced by melancholy without explainable reasons. Sometimes women in the first weeks of pregnancy become irritable, forgetful, tearful and make high demands on others. Feelings of increased anxiety are also common symptoms.
Against the backdrop of ongoing changes in the body of a woman, almost immediately after conception, there is a deterioration in sleep. Such a manifestation is one of the clear signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. There may be a need for a longer night's rest.
An attentive woman, for whom pregnancy is desired, will always be able to determine it before the delay. This will allow you to properly prepare for the first visit to the gynecologist. It should be understood that the first symptoms of pregnancy can be noticed no earlier than the 8-10th day from the moment of conception. During this period, the embryo is fixed on the wall of the uterus and certain changes begin to occur in the female body.
How noticeable the signs of pregnancy will be before the delay depends on the characteristics of the organism. If there is a high sensitivity to hormonal changes, the symptoms will be difficult to ignore. Most women, even before using a pregnancy test, are confident in their condition. Therefore, all that is needed before visiting a doctor is to be attentive to your health. It is important to start eating right, to exclude nervous strain and heavy physical exertion. In case of any negative reaction of the body, a doctor should be consulted immediately.
All materials presented on the site are for educational purposes only and are not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The site administration, editors and authors of articles are not responsible for any consequences and losses that may arise when using the site materials.
Pregnancy is a truly exciting and memorable period in the life of every woman. However, usually her first weeks go unnoticed by the expectant mother. Most girls find out about their situation when they have a delay in menstruation and two strips on the test.
Some women are so anxious to get pregnant that they try to determine if they conceived in just the first weeks. What symptoms can tell about it? Read on.
Subjective first signs of pregnancy
Often, the first changes in the body that a woman differentiates as signs of pregnancy can be symptoms of PMS. However, if you have never suffered from premenstrual syndrome before, you should pay attention to them:
Feeling of weakness, malaise and increased fatigue even with habitual exertion.
Sleepiness during the day and insomnia at night.
Unstable emotional state. A woman's mood can change drastically in a matter of seconds for no good reason.
Feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, lower back and pelvic area.
Chronic headache and dizziness.
Change in libido. Moreover, it can both decrease and increase.
Intermittent feeling of heat or chills that follow each other.
Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands to the point that any touch to the breast responds with extremely unpleasant sensations and even pain.
Increased appetite or change in eating habits. From the first days of pregnancy, a girl may want to eat more or eat those dishes that she did not like before.
The appearance of an unreasonable feeling of nausea. In some cases, heartburn and vomiting appear. This condition is called toxicosis.
Increased sensitivity to odors and perversion of the sense of smell.
All of the above signs cannot give an exact answer to the question: has pregnancy occurred or not? However, they allow her to suspect and move on to more accurate and reliable diagnostic methods.
External changes during the first days of pregnancy
Also, in addition to the symptoms indicated in the previous section of the article, which the woman notes herself, there are certain external changes that are noticeable to the people around.
Skin problems may appear due to hormonal changes. Many girls who have not previously suffered from acne notice that rashes have begun to appear.
Swelling of the face, arms and legs also accompany the period of pregnancy, including in the early stages. Sometimes their severity reaches such an extent that the girl cannot walk in her usual shoes.
The breast can increase by 1-2 sizes already in the first weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the appearance of a venous vascular pattern on it and darkening of the areola of the nipples are noted.
Also increased pigmentation of the midline of the abdomen, running from the navel to the pubis. This symptom is observed in most pregnant women.
Frequent flushing of the face. This symptom is explained by increased blood flow in the body of the expectant mother.
Clinical symptoms at the beginning of pregnancy
Already in the first few days after conception, the following conditions and changes in the body of a pregnant girl may develop:
Early factor. This is the name of a special substance that is released 1-2 days after fertilization. According to the data obtained, it is found in 67% of the examined women, in whom pregnancy was subsequently confirmed.
Bloody discharge from the genital tract. They may have a yellowish or pinkish tint and appear when the ovum is attached to the uterine walls. This usually happens at the end of the first, beginning of the second week after conception.
An increase in basal body temperature, which appeared at the time of ovulation, persists for a long time if fertilization has occurred. Its measurement can indirectly confirm the onset of pregnancy. It can also rise to 37 degrees and the overall body temperature.
Paresthesia, pain and cramps in the calf muscles. As a rule, they occur late in the evening or at night, causing sleep disturbances and even insomnia.
Decreased blood pressure, which is manifested by severe weakness and dizziness. With significant hypotension, fainting is possible. The risk of developing such a condition is a long stay in a stuffy, unventilated room or in a standing position.
Reduced immunity. Manifested by frequent colds. Also, against the background of immunodeficiency of pregnant women, candidiasis of the genital organs or, otherwise, thrush may be disturbing.
Increased urge to urinate. Most often, this symptom appears in the later stages of pregnancy, but it can also occur in the first days.
Despite the huge number of symptoms, nevertheless, most often a woman pays attention to the delay in menstruation. And not casually. This is the most obvious and accurate symptom, which should lead you to certain thoughts. Of course, menstrual irregularities occur with a huge number of pathological conditions. However, if you are planning a pregnancy, a delay may be the first bell indicating the onset of a long-awaited conception.
Immediately after the onset of the above symptom, a test can be performed that is sensitive to an increase in hCG.
Based on all of the above, we can conclude that there are many, both subjective and objective symptoms of the onset of pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that only a specialist can confirm it during a special examination and definitely not in the first few days after fertilization.
All material on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The site administration, editors and authors of articles are not responsible for any consequences and losses that may arise when using the site materials.
The most exciting and wonderful period of time for many women is pregnancy. For some, this news brings true happiness, while for others it can cause panic or fear. Therefore, it is better to find out about it as soon as possible and make the right decision for yourself.
How pregnancy begins
Pregnancy occurs immediately after conception. However, conception can only become possible if the process of ovulation has occurred in the woman's body.
Ovulation in a woman
Ovulation is the process in which a mature new egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. In women, ovulation occurs about 14 days before a new period. The egg cell lives 12-36 hours after it has left the ovary.
From a physiological point of view, it can be stated with absolute certainty that conception is possible only during the period of ovulation, which lasts only up to 36 hours in a woman's body. Given the preservation of the viability of the sperm up to several days, 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after ovulation are considered favorable for conception.
On other days, the probability of conception is no higher than 15%. Exceptions may be an irregular cycle, as a result, floating ovulation, or a rare phenomenon - double ovulation.
Beginning of pregnancy
Fertilization occurs directly in the fallopian tube, where one in a billion sperm fuses with the egg. In the first few hours after conception, an already fertilized egg begins to divide on its way to the uterus, so more and more new embryo cells appear every hour and day.
When a fertilized egg enters the uterus, it begins to attach to the endometrium, that is, to be implanted. Only after that all the necessary chemical and physical reactions are formed to start pregnancy.
The entire process from conception to implantation takes 7 to 12 days. Spermatozoa can live in the female body for 6 to 7 days, but they can remain active for no more than 3 days.
Early signs of pregnancy
When a woman becomes pregnant, the so-called restructuring begins in her body in order to successfully bear and give birth to a child. All changes in this period, even before the delay of menstruation, have their own signs.
These include:
Slight spotting approximately 6-12 days after intercourse
Frequent and painful urination
Often there are cold symptoms, that is, headaches, fatigue, fever, malaise.
Decrease in blood pressure
Sensitivity of the mammary glands, they may swell a little or become painful.
Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen, this may be due to the fact that pregnant women increase blood flow to the pelvic area and the uterus becomes larger.
Hypersensitivity to smells
Indirect signs
Most women often do not notice the beginning of pregnancy and the beginning of life. Only after a new cycle of menstruation does not occur, the girls begin to suspect something. Doctors say that the delay in menstruation is the very first sign, but still indirect. After all, the delay can occur due to hormonal disruptions, inflammatory processes or other reasons.
Ectopic pregnancy
Sometimes an ectopic pregnancy occurs, in which the baby develops outside the uterus. This may be due to inflammation, congenital or acquired pathologies of the fallopian tubes, hormonal disorders. Unfortunately, the child cannot be saved.
It is extremely important to determine the pathology in the early stages, otherwise the woman's life will be in danger. At the initial stages, it is no different from the usual one, but in the future, the development of the fetal egg in the wrong place will lead to intra-abdominal bleeding and an urgent operation will be required.
Pregnancy diagnostic system
If you do not exclude the fact of pregnancy, you need to visit a gynecologist, undergo a diagnostic ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. It is impossible to detect an ectopic pregnancy with a regular pregnancy test. Because just like with a normal pregnancy, the test will show a positive result. But the only difference is that an ectopic can be dangerous to life and health and requires surgical intervention.
Pregnancy tests
In order to independently find out whether a woman is pregnant or not at the initial stage, with indirect signs and suspicions, you can purchase a pregnancy test. This is the fastest and easiest method. There is a huge variety of tests from the simplest and cheapest to expensive and electrical ones. There are four generations of tests, namely:
Ordinary paper strips;
Cassette or plate test;
Electronic, digital test.
How the pregnancy test works
The pregnancy test works like a litmus test. It determines the presence in the urine of a special hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is secreted by the placenta. Each woman can produce different antibodies contained in a particular hormone. Therefore, it is best to take a pregnancy test, which contains all known antibodies, it will accurately show the correct result.
A false-positive test may occur if a tumor develops in the organs of the female reproductive system.
But false negative tests are less common and can only mean that the level of the hCG hormone is still too low to diagnose pregnancy.
Determination of pregnancy and term by tests
In order to accurately determine the term of pregnancy, you need to donate blood from a vein on an empty stomach. A blood test can indicate the period up to the day and is carried out in the early stages, already on the 6th day after conception. In the blood, they recognize the indicators of the pregnancy hormone - hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin. It is this hormone that is responsible for the development and course of pregnancy. It blocks the menstrual cycle and activates the production of other hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy. HCG activity is maintained throughout pregnancy.
The hCG hormone is determined both in the blood and in the urine. However, its concentration in the blood increases much faster, so a blood test will be more informative at an early date than a test using urine.
It is very important to know that the determination of the hCG hormone level is an important point in early pregnancy research. Especially important values become with threats, missed pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy. Diagnostics can only be carried out in specialized laboratories and only a specialist can interpret the results. HCG tests for home use do not exist.
Finally! Your period is delayed. If you want a baby, there is great hope that you will get pregnant this time. A pregnancy test will soon show you more. At the same time, you can observe yourself - perhaps you have already noticed any changes. Your body usually clearly shows you that fertilization has taken place. Most of the symptoms are associated with an increase in hormone levels.
Of course, not every sign means you are pregnant. But the more typical symptoms you notice, the more likely it is. However, in the end, only a doctor can make the final decision: "You're pregnant - congratulations!"
Uncertain early signs of pregnancy
The first signs of pregnancy are as varied as they are vague. Often the early signs of pregnancy appear even before the missed period. These may be early symptoms of pregnancy:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Lead fatigue and fatigue
- Increased food cravings and unusual food cravings
- Sensitive breasts and darkened nipples
- Changes in smell and taste
- Abdominal cramps, slight bleeding and discharge
- Hair and nail growth
- Skin changes
- Nausea or constipation
vomiting The most famous first sign of pregnancy you've seen a thousand times in movies: the heroine hurriedly runs away, she suddenly feels sick. She doesn't know she's having a baby yet, but everyone in the movie theater has already taken the hint.
Nausea is not really typical. Some women feel very ill, others tend to feel a little sick.
"Lead" fatigue and fatigue
Are you as tired during the day as if you had sat up all night? The sofa is calling you at noon, and your eyes start to close as if by magic? An overwhelming need for sleep is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. If you notice unusual tiredness or fatigue, you may be pregnant.
Frequent urination
You constantly have to run to the toilet, even if you drink no more than usual. This can be another early sign of pregnancy: once the embryo is implanted, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is released, which makes you go to the toilet more often.
Food cravings and unusual food cravings
Is your body just screaming for chocolate or would you get up at night to buy greasy chips at the gas station? Or do you have other unusual food addictions ? Bingo! It is possible that you are pregnant. Many women report strange eating habits as early signs of pregnancy : for example, they pour hot salsa straight out of a can or, being vegans, feel an irresistible craving to bite straight from a stick of hearty salami.
Sensitive breasts and darkened nipples
Your breasts may also show early signs of pregnancy. Pay attention to the following symptoms: the breast begins to thicken and fill up, as before menstruation. To the touch, the mammary glands are more plump and large and very sensitive to touch. Your areola often looks darker than usual . The opposite symptom, discoloration, can also be caused by a hormonal imbalance or a previous pregnancy.
Changes in smell and taste
Every day you find that the detergent smells unbearably . Or you complain to your husband that he has been bathing in cologne lately. Are you familiar with this? Hypersensitivity to odors usually seen in early pregnancy . Some women get a strange metallic taste in their mouths . Another early sign of pregnancy can also be a sudden aversion to alcohol or tobacco.
Abdominal cramps, slight bleeding and discharge
Pulling in the abdomen, as if menstruation is about to begin. You are disappointed and think: "It didn't work out with the child again!". Or you even notice a small spot or highlights. But day after day passes, and there are still no periods. Then these symptoms may be early signs of pregnancy. These symptoms are usually harmless and are caused by the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. If you want to be on the safe side, try not to strain yourself and avoid exercise. If you notice anything unusual, see your doctor.
Elevated basal body temperature
You can find out if you are pregnant by regularly measuring your basal body temperature: if in the morning after waking up for eighteen days your temperature is higher than usual , then most likely you are pregnant.
When do the early signs of pregnancy appear?
It is impossible to say exactly in which week of pregnancy certain symptoms of pregnancy appear. When the first signs of pregnancy appear and whether they appear at all depends on the individual woman. However, the early symptoms of pregnancy can be roughly attributed to the following weeks.
4th week: implantation pain and slight bleeding, breast tenderness.
5th and 6th week: mood swings, fatigue, hunger, nausea and vomiting
7th and 8th week: nausea, circulation problems, dizziness, low blood pressure, insomnia , frequent urination,
9th and 10th weeks: breast changes, nausea, shortness of breath
11th and 12th weeks: bloating, constipation
The three surest signs of pregnancy
There are many early symptoms of pregnancy, but the surest signs of how to understand that you are still pregnant are:
1. Cessation of menstruation.
This is the surest sign of pregnancy. Sometimes stress, hormonal fluctuations or an organic disease are to blame, but it is better to take a pregnancy test.
2. You suffer from nausea.
A few days after conception, you may feel slightly unwell. Some women experience nausea only in the morning (morning sickness), others more frequently during the day. It is caused by the pregnancy hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).
3. Your pregnancy test is positive.
Congratulations! - then rather contact your gynecologist and start looking for an obstetrician-gynecologist for childbirth.
Remember: If anything seems unusual, see a doctor as soon as possible. Even if the pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment with your doctor.
How to choose a breast pump
Breast changes from the beginning of pregnancy to the end of breastfeeding
Every woman has a moment in her life when she looks forward to a joyful moment, the moment when she finds out that she will soon be a mother, and listens to herself, expecting to feel the first signs of pregnancy.
The mystery of the fusion of two sex cells - the egg and the sperm, usually occurs 14-13 days before menstruation. But sometimes in a woman, the day of ovulation in the menstrual cycle is shifted by several days. The reason for this can be stress, illness, a sharp change in climate ...
Auxiliary methods come to the rescue to accurately determine the auspicious day of conception. The most commonly used test for ovulation. It's easy, simple and affordable. For the study, saliva or urine is used (read the instructions for each test) and the test itself. Currently, there are many types of tests, but the meaning is the same - determining the level of luteinizing hormone. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and the peak of LH occurs a day before ovulation. The test is considered positive when the test band is the same or brighter than the control. If you receive a positive result, this and the next few days will be the most favorable for the conception of your baby.
Another popular and informative method is folliculometry. This is a multiple ultrasound performed in one menstrual cycle. In the study, the dominant follicle is determined, its maturation is controlled and the fact of ovulation is established. Dates are calculated by the doctor individually, based on the duration of the menstrual cycle. From the days of the duration of the menstrual cycle, 14 are taken away, we get the day of ovulation in the menstrual cycle.
For example: menstrual cycle 30 days - 14 = 16. Ovulation takes place on the 16th day of the menstrual cycle. The first ultrasound is performed 6 days before ovulation. The calculation is carried out according to the formula 16-6=10. In this example, the 10th day of the menstrual cycle. At the first ultrasound, the doctor will determine the next visit. More often it is 3 studies per cycle.
Let's not forget the old tried and tested method - basal body temperature. Temperature measurement is carried out in the rectum from the first day of the menstrual cycle, in the morning, at the same time, without getting out of bed, with the same thermometer. The results are entered on the coordinate axis and the result is evaluated. Before ovulation, the temperature decreases, during ovulation and in the second phase of the cycle it rises by 04.0-0.6 degrees. A day with a drop in temperature and the next day or two will be considered favorable for conception.
The long-awaited day of ovulation has come. The suspense begins.
Early signs of pregnancy
Many women seek early signs of pregnancy as early as the first week after conception. They listen to themselves, to their feelings, try to notice even minor changes. But the first week the woman does not feel anything, no matter how much she wants to.
The first signs of pregnancy include a delay in menstruation with a regular menstrual cycle. A few days before the expected menstruation, some women note an increase and soreness of the mammary glands, heaviness in the lumbar region, irritability, and a sharp change in mood. These symptoms are very similar to PMS (premenstrual cider). Therefore, if a woman is used to experiencing this condition before menstruation, then the first symptoms of pregnancy may not be noticed. The appearance of meager spotting from the genital tract 7 days after ovulation and later may indirectly indicate implantation has begun. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, a change in appetite may appear in the form of disgust or vice versa addiction to any food or dish. Women note weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue. These changes are caused by changes in the body, primarily hormonal levels, which begin with the onset of pregnancy.
Early diagnosis of pregnancy
How do you want to know about the onset of pregnancy before the first signs appear. What tests should be taken to confirm pregnancy as early as possible? Let's take everything in order.
The first 7 days the fetus exists separately from the mother. During this time, it passes through the fallopian tube and enters the uterine cavity. The concentration of substances that the cells of the embryo produce during this period is very small. Therefore, nothing can be determined in the first week. So is it possible to talk about the onset of pregnancy before getting a positive result on the test strip? Yes, you can!
On the 7th-8th day of conception, the embryo begins to invade the uterine mucosa, and the trophoblast (future placenta) begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which already enters the mother's bloodstream. The concentration of this hormone increases every day. Already on the 10th day of conception, it is possible to determine the diagnostic level of hCG in the blood. For greater information, it is better to repeat the analysis after 48 hours and make sure that the concentration of hCG increases. But you can get two long-awaited stripes on the test in 4-6 days from the diagnosis of hCG in the blood. The fact is that the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin is much higher in the blood than in the urine. And the diagnostic concentration of the hormone in the urine appears somewhat later.
Ultrasound is one of the early diagnostic methods.