Best way to cut baby nails
6 Secrets for Successfully Clipping Your Baby's Nails
Are you scared of clipping your baby's teeny-tiny nails? Even though your baby's nails are softer and more pliable than yours, they still can cause scratches and need trimming regularly.
A baby's fingernails grow fast, so you may have to trim them weekly or even more frequently. Toenails don't need cutting quite as often.
Here's how to do it safely and easily:
File them down
Filing your baby's nails with an emery board is the least difficult, safest way to do it, but it takes more time. And you must be careful not to file the tender skin under the nail bed. Don't use a metal nail file, which may be too rough for baby's skin.
Use a baby nail clipper
Clip your baby's nails as you would your own, gently pushing back the fingertip from the nail to allow space for the clipper. This helps prevent clipping your baby's finger. Short little clips above the white nail line will help prevent clipping too close. For toenails, clip straight across. Keep a firm hold on your child's hand (or foot) as you clip. You can also use scissor-shaped clippers or manicure scissors. Smooth rough edges with an emery board.
Clip while baby sleeps
Wait until your baby is sleeping to clip her nails. If you're lucky, she will sleep right through it. And she won't wiggle and squirm. Even if you're clipping while baby sleeps, make sure you have adequate light for the task.
Distract and relax
If you choose to trim your baby's nails while she's awake, try to distract her. When newborns are alert, they tend to clench their fists, tightening the gap between the fingertip and nail, which makes the process more difficult. Make sure you and your baby are as relaxed as possible. A good time is right after baby's bath, when she's relaxed and her nails are soft. If your baby tenses up, take a break and give her a chance to calm down. Singing a favorite song may help.
If you still don't have the courage (or the time) to clip your little one's nails, here are some alternatives:
Seek help
Ask a more seasoned parent to show you how they do it. Maybe this is a task for a grandparent or favorite aunt or uncle. A regular sitter or nanny also may be willing to do it. If you decide to do it yourself, you may want to ask your partner or a friend to hold your baby and keep her from wiggling too much while you work or to distract her while you do the clipping.
Put on the mittens
If baby's nails seem particularly sharp and you just can't clip them right now, put mittens on your baby's hands to prevent scratching, especially while she sleeps.
Some parents bite their baby's nails, but this is not recommended because it can introduce germs and leave baby's nails ragged, plus it's easy to bite into baby's soft flesh.
If the worst happens and you do nick a finger or toe, don't fret. Just rinse the cut with cool water and cover the cut with sterile gauze or cloth. Apply a little pressure and hold it briefly. The bleeding usually stops quickly. You can apply some antibiotic cream, but avoid bandages, which could cause your baby to choke.
Related Articles Around the Web
- Cutting Your Baby's Nails | 0 to 12 Months | Bounty ›
- Cutting baby nails & baby nail care | Raising Children Network ›
- Nail care for newborns: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia ›
How to Trim Baby Nails (Step-by-Step Guide)
Is it finally time to trim your baby’s nails, but you’re feeling a bit unsure?
Trimming your baby’s nails is probably one of the scariest firsts you’ll experience as a new mother. Handling anything that could potentially cut your little one is no easy task, and the thought of accidentally drawing blood is daunting.
In this guide, we’ll share all the tips and tricks you need to cut your baby’s nails and keep them trim and tidy.
Table of Contents
- Why Should I Trim My Baby’s Nails?
- How to Trim Your Baby’s Nails
- What Should I Do If I Cut the Skin?
Why Should I Trim My Baby’s Nails?
Your baby’s nails may seem pliable and softer than yours, but they can cause significant damage. Those tiny claws are sharp! If you’ve ever handled a newborn with flailing arms or a 6-month-old trying to grab your lips, you know they hurt.
Unfortunately, young babies don’t have control of where their fingers land. This is due mainly to their lack of muscle control, which doesn’t fully develop until they’re older (1).
Sometimes their fingers end up in vulnerable places, such as their own eyes. For a while, my little one had nothing but tiny scratches near the eye. Even though I would trim her nails at least once a week, it just wasn’t enough.
Baby fingernails grow fast, and by fast, I mean lightning speed, or so it seems (2). Some moms report having to trim their baby’s nails every few days — I had to do the same.
How to Trim Your Baby’s Nails
There are several different tactics for trimming your little one’s nails. The method you use will depend on what makes you and your baby comfortable.
Some moms find it comforting to have their partner assist in the process — one holding the baby and the other trimming the nails. Others may feel it’s easier during feeding time or when their baby is fast asleep.
Before we get into the how-tos, these are some valuable tips we’ve learned through experience and years of helping others in their parenting journeys:
- Find a good position: Sit in the rocker, place your baby in your lap, or lay them on the bed when they’re sleeping. Find a place that works for you.
- Visibility: Don’t try to trim your baby’s nails in a dimly lit room, even if they’re sleeping.
Sit by the window or beside a lamp — anything to give you enough light to navigate the process carefully.
- Hold your baby still: The more their hands move, the bigger the chance you’ll accidentally cut their finger. If your baby seems nervous, talk or sing while you work.
- Use an emery board: If there are any rough edges, use an emery board to smooth them out.
- Trim nails after a bath: They’ll be softer and easier to clip.
Clippers are the go-to method for many moms. Perhaps it’s because most of us use them on our own nails. But it’s probably also because they’re less likely to cut a finger off (3).
You can get mini-clippers that are smaller and specifically made for tiny fingernails. Some even have ergonomic handles, making them easier to hold with bigger hands.
A good example is this Safety 1st Steady Grip nail clipper.
However, many moms report that they prefer a wider baby nail clipper since it cuts nails from side to side in one action.
Not every mom is brave enough to use scissors — it does sound intimidating! But many swear by this method — especially when using baby nail scissors with blunt edges.
One of the upsides to scissors is the extra control they give you. You can easily see where you’re cutting.
If you think scissors are for you, we recommend these Simba baby nail scissors.
Using a file is probably the safest way to trim your baby’s nails — you’d have to file pretty hard to draw blood.
Experts recommend using a file or soft emery board if your baby is under one month old. At this age, their nails are soft, and there’s no immediate need for trimming. However, some moms report that a file was useless on their newborn’s soft nails.
But if filing the nails of a squirmy four or five-month-old is the easiest solution for you, take a look at this Baby emery board.
The How-Tos
Trimming your baby’s nails is pretty much the same whether you’re using a clipper, scissors, or a file.
Here’s what you do:
- Get a good hold on the finger: Be firm yet gentle; the finger just needs to be kept still.
- Gently push back the fingertip: Use your finger and gently push the fingertip away from the nail (4). This creates some space for your chosen nail-trimming tool.
- Do short, little clips on fingernails: Make these clips just above the white nail line. Going any shorter is not recommended. If you’re using a file, gently file the nail to the same line.
- Clip straight across on toenails: For the toenails, follow the steps above. But when you clip or file, do it straight across to prevent ingrown toenails, not in a curve.
What Not to Do
Even though you have free rein when trimming your baby’s nails, there are two methods you should always avoid.
- Don’t bite your baby’s nails: Staring at your baby’s nails in need of a trim with no tool handy, you might get the urge to bite them off, but please don’t. By biting their nails, you introduce germs from your mouth, which can trigger a viral or bacterial infection. It’s also likely to leave sharp edges behind.
- Don’t tear the nails off: Even if it’s just a tiny section of the nail, don’t be tempted to pull it off — you could cause an ingrown nail by doing this. Ingrown nails are painful and can become infected.
Both methods could easily remove too much of the nail, causing injury to your baby’s finger or toe.
What Should I Do If I Cut the Skin?
Accidents happen. Baby nails are tiny, and babies are squirmy. If you accidentally cut your little one, don’t feel too bad — you’re not alone. We’ve all been there (multiple times!).
Here’s what to do:
- Stay calm: Don’t panic; there’s no need to rush to the emergency room.
- Rinse the finger: Take your baby to the bathroom and rinse the finger under cold, gentle running water. This will stop the bleeding.
- Wrap with a tissue: Wrap the finger with a tissue and apply a little pressure. The bleeding should stop within a few minutes. Remove the tissue after the bleeding stops.
- Don’t put a bandage on: There’s no need for a bandage, and it could become a choking hazard (5).
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Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Pierrette Mimi Poinsett, MD
Dr. Pierrette Mimi Poinsett is a veteran licensed pediatrician with three decades of experience, including 19 years of direct patient clinical care. She currently serves as a medical consultant, where she works with multiple projects and clients in the area of pediatrics, with an emphasis on children and adolescents with special needs.
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How to cut the nails of a newborn? | Nutrilak
03/17/2021 Reading time: 3 min 62651
nine0011 Contents of the article:- Should nails be cut in the hospital?
- What tools do you need to cut your baby's nails?
- How to cut the nails of a newborn?
- How often should a newborn's nails be cut?
- Anti-scratch mittens and other ways to avoid scratches
An elementary, it would seem, hygienic procedure raises many questions in young mothers. Seeing for the first time what tiny fingers a newborn has, you may even consider the mission impossible. In fact, it is quite simple, but you need to know some rules and show skill, and sometimes imagination. nine0010
Should I cut my nails in the maternity hospital?
When buying a dowry for a baby, you probably bought children's nail scissors. Should I put them in a bag prepared at the hospital? No. In the hospital, they are unlikely to be useful to you. Immediately after birth, the baby's nails are very soft and fit snugly against the skin. When you try to cut them, there is a high risk of injuring the baby. Wait with the first procedure for at least a week, and preferably two. Then the newborn's nails will get a little stronger and grow enough to be easily trimmed. nine0010
But sometimes a newborn is born immediately with strongly regrown nails. If you see that long nails are uncomfortable for the baby, he scratches his face, contact your pediatric nurse. If necessary, she will help with the first manicure and explain how to care for the baby's nails.
What tools do you need to cut your baby's nails?
You will need comfortable children's scissors with rounded ends. It would be more habitual and neater to cut the baby's tender nails with ordinary nail scissors. But the trouble is that the baby will not patiently hold the pen still while you pore over his nails. The sharp ends of the tool are too dangerous. nine0010
This is important!
Choosing children's scissors must be very meticulous. If their canvases are too thick, it will be very difficult to capture the nail. It will be even more difficult to carefully cut the corners of the nails on the hands. If the canvases are thin, but not rigid enough, they will crush the nail, the cut will be uneven, torn.
The children's manicure set also includes a nail file and nippers. But using them is not easy. Incorrect movements with a nail file can damage the nail plate. Nails will peel and break. nine0010
The maximum that can be done with a nail file is to carefully file the sharp ends of the nail on your hands, if you did not manage to cut them with scissors.
With nippers, it is easy to grab the skin at its base along with the nail and injure it. Set aside the tweezers until the baby is a little older.
How to cut the nails of a newborn?
1. Before starting the procedure, wash your hands - both for yourself and for the baby. nine0030 2. Treat the instrument with an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine solution. Do not remove the antiseptic. You may need it if you accidentally injure your baby.
3. Take the child's finger with the index finger and thumb of the left hand. Slightly pull the skin away from the nail by lightly pressing on the pad of your finger.
4. On the hands, cut the nails in the shape of a semicircle. Sharp ends should be cut off. To make the edge even, try to cut the nail in one motion.
5. On the legs, it is impossible to round the edge of the nail. It must be strictly straight. If the tips of the nail are cut off, it will grow in. nine0030 6. In order not to injure the baby, cut the nail not under the root. Leave the edge at 0.5-1 mm.
This is important!
Cut your baby's nails when he is in a good mood and calm.
Cut your baby's nails when he is in a good mood, calm. Sometimes it is advised to cut your nails in a dream. This technique is suitable for those babies who sleep soundly and do not react to any activity next to them. If your baby wakes up from the slightest rustle, do not interrupt her sleep. A sleepy baby will be naughty and may be frightened by a sudden awakening. nine0010
Another trick, if a child actively protests against cutting nails, is to cut one or two nails at a time. You can continue the procedure after a few hours or even the next day. So the baby will not have time to get tired and get nervous from your manipulations.
How often should a newborn's nails be cut?
Newborn nails grow quickly. You need to cut them as needed: as soon as the free edge of the nail becomes long enough. On the hands, the nails grow faster. They will have to be trimmed every 4-6 days. On the legs, it will be enough to cut them once every two to three weeks. nine0030 Don't try to cut your baby's nails too often. This is not the most pleasant procedure for him. In addition, short nails are more difficult to cut, and the risk of injuring the child is higher.
Apgar score! How is the baby evaluated after delivery?
Read on the Yandex Zen channel - here.
Mittens - anti-scratches and other ways to avoid scratches
Newborns do not coordinate their movements. Randomly waving his arms, the baby can easily scratch his face. The skin of a baby is very thin, delicate, so after such scratches, scars may even remain. But it is quite possible to do without scratches: nine0010
• Swaddling. Supporters of swaddling believe that the baby behaves calmer and sleeps better when his hands are fixed. It also eliminates the risk of scratches. True, from ordinary diapers, the baby easily gets pens. But the diaper-cocoon with a zipper will not let him reach his face.
• Anti-scratch mittens. In them, your baby will look like a microboxer. It's very sweet and quite effective. But some kids do not like them, they begin to worry, they try to free their hands. nine0010
• Clothes with closed sleeves. A good alternative to removable anti-scratches are blouses, undershirts, slips and bodysuits with a special cut of the sleeve. It can be folded over to fully cover baby's arms, or left free while awake for a tactile experience.
• Regular hygiene. Trim your baby's nails promptly and carefully. Make sure that there are no creases, sharp edges, or burrs on them.
If you are worried about how you will cut your baby's nails, remember:
- Newborns do not need to cut their nails in the hospital.
Postpone the first procedure for 10-14 days.
- Use children's scissors with rounded edges. You can do without a nail file and nippers, but the choice is yours.
- On the hands, leave the nail semicircular, on the legs - straight.
- Trim baby's fingernails every 4-6 days. On the legs two or three times less. nine0030
- To prevent the baby from scratching his face, fix his hands with a diaper or wear clothes with closed sleeves, use anti-scratch gloves.
(4 ratings; article rating 4.0)
Newborns need to cut their nails almost from birth. In infants, they begin to grow during fetal development. Babies are born with long nails. And they can scratch themselves, since they still do not control the movement of the handles. When to start doing a manicure for a newborn? nine0010
When to start cutting
You can cut the nails of a newborn on the tenth day of life. The baby's nails are long and thin, soft. Cutting them immediately after birth is not recommended - the risk of skin injury is high. So that the baby does not scratch himself in a dream, special mittens or clothes are put on the handles that completely cover the handles of the baby.
Which tool is needed
Do not use scissors with sharp tips. Since the movements of the arms of the baby are chaotic, injury can be caused. In addition, the whole family uses these scissors, which is also unacceptable for a baby. preference should be given to special scissors for babies. Their tips are rounded, which reduces the risk of injury. nine0010
Some mothers prefer to bite off their child's nails with their teeth. It is unacceptable.
Clipping is also not recommended. There is a high risk of injury to the delicate skin on the fingers.
After each procedure, the scissors are washed with warm water and cleaned in a separate place.
Selecting the time for the procedure
Some kids are quite calm about cutting nails. You can cut your baby's nails while you are awake. If the baby protests against the procedure, then the best time is his sleep. This reduces the risk of injury. nine0010
You can cut your hair after swimming. But here it is worth considering the fact that water makes the nails softer. Therefore, only dry nails are cut.
With a systematic procedure, the baby will get used to it over time. If you have any questions, please ask our doctors. At a remote consultation, they will explain the rules for cutting nails to a newborn, and help you choose the right tools.
nine0027 How often is the procedure performedTrim nails as needed. All children's nails grow at different rates. For some, once a week is enough, for others, two or three times in 14 days. Toenails grow more slowly than on the hands. They can be trimmed once a month or as needed.
How to cut your nails properly
To properly cut your child's nails, you must follow simple rules:
To cut, they take the child’s hand, firmly fix the finger, push the pad away and cut off the regrown nail platinum with smooth movements.
A newborn baby was not given to parents in any way to cut their nails. As soon as the mother took the scissors, approached the baby, took her by the hand, the baby began to scream and kick heart-rendingly. It was also impossible to divert the attention of a one-month-old baby. Then mom decided to resort to this procedure while the baby is eating. The baby was so passionate about the feeding process that he did not notice the manipulations of his parents. nine0010
Consequences of improper care of the nails of an infant
With improper care, the following complications are possible:
Name | Therapy |
Suppuration of fingers, redness | nine0002 Treated with antiseptics, wound healing ointments |
Ingrown nail | Most often found on the legs. |
Important! Self-treatment of an ingrown toenail is not advisable. You need to contact the experts. If the pathology is accompanied by suppuration, severe inflammation, you do not need to open the abscess yourself and try to cut the nail. nine0010
What to do if the baby is injured
Sometimes, no matter how carefully parents try to cut their hair, small accidents still happen. When traumatizing the skin with scissors, it is necessary to apply a bandage moistened with an antiseptic. Press down for a couple of minutes. Once the blood has stopped, the procedure is no longer carried out. It is better to postpone it for a couple of days.
Why is it impossible to cut the nails of babies in the hospital? nine0010
Nail trimming is unacceptable in the first days of a baby's life. The fact is that the nail plate is very soft and can be injured. This can lead to deformation of the nail in the future.
When should a newborn's nails be trimmed for the first time?
The first time it is recommended to cut the nails of the baby at 14 days of life. And up to this point, be sure to use special mittens or clothing that covers the handles. nine0010
How to properly care for the nails of an infant?
The main rule when leaving is the timely trimming of the nails on the hands and nails. It is important to ensure that there are no hangnails, ingrown nails, suppuration.
Until what age do children cut their nails?
There is no exact age. Some children learn to cut their nails as early as 4 years old by biting their teeth. Someone at the age of five skillfully wields scissors, and someone at the age of 10 asks their parents for help. Everything is relative in this matter.