Army green poop baby
Baby Poop Color Chart - a Stool Type Guide by Similac®
Questions about your baby’s health? Her diaper may be full of answers.
If your baby seems fussy or sick, or if you simply aren’t sure if all is well, check her diaper for clues about what’s going on.
To begin, choose the stool below that looks most like your baby’s.
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Greenish-black and sticky baby poop
AKA: Meconium
Looks like: Licorice or tar
A thick, dark substance that fills your infant’s intestines before birth and is eliminated as stool after birth.
What does it mean?
Meconium stools are the first stools your baby will have after birth, and it is perfectly normal. It appears greenish-black because it contains bilirubin, a yellowish-green breakdown of red blood cells. The colostrum in your breast milk acts as a laxative and helps your baby pass the meconium in about 3 days.
What should I do?
There is no need to worry. This stool is normal, healthy, and temporary. (If it lasts more than 3 days, check with your doctor. He might want to check to make sure your baby is getting the feedings she needs to move this through her system.)
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Yellow and seedy baby poop
AKA: Breastfed-baby poop
Looks like: Yellow, curdled milk
Your breastfed baby's stools will look like this until you supplement with formula or begin feeding your baby solids.
What does it mean?
This stool is normal. Breastfed babies' poop has a mild smell (and might come with loud sound effects).
What should I do?
Don’t worry. Your baby's poop is standard. Breast milk has the ideal nutrients to help your baby stay healthy and grow strong.
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Tan and thick baby poop
AKA: Formula-fed-baby poop
Looks like: Hummus
This is the result of feeding your baby formula, either as her full diet or as a supplement to breast milk.
What does it mean?
Your baby's stools are normal. You should only be concerned if your baby's poop is watery or becomes hard (especially small hard balls of stool).
What should I do?
There is no need to worry. Your baby's stool is normal and healthy.
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Greenish-brown baby poop
AKA: Introduction-to-solids baby poop
Looks like: Leftover guacamole
A mix of table foods, this poop is normal.
What does it mean?
Greenish-brown poop is typical and normal when your baby starts eating solids, but you might see this color in your baby's diaper before then. If your baby has other symptoms that concern you, contact your healthcare professional.
What should I do?
Do not worry. This stool is normal and healthy.
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Frequent watery, brown, and loose baby poop that is not typical for your baby
AKA: Diarrhea
Looks like: Watery with chunks
Frequent, loud, and loose stools could be diarrhea.
What does it mean?
The occasional loose baby stool is no cause for alarm. But if it occurs regularly for 2 days or more, it could be diarrhea. Diarrhea in babies can cause dehydration, and also might be a sign of infection. Usually these infections are not dangerous, but the dehydration that can result is a concern.
What should I do?
Call your healthcare provider if the problem persists for more than 2 days. The younger the baby, and the more frequent the diarrhea, the greater the concern for dehydration. Do not give your baby anti-diarrhea medication unless advised by your healthcare professional. Your healthcare provider might advise giving your baby an oral electrolyte solution, such as Pedialyte®, to help prevent dehydration.
Contact your healthcare professional right away if you see:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Dry, brown, and hard baby poop
AKA: Constipation
Looks like: Dirt, clay, or pebbles
Hard, pellet-like stools could mean your baby is constipated.
What does it mean?
Occasional constipation is normal, especially with formula-fed babies and when your baby transitions to solid foods. It could be a sign that your baby is not getting enough fluid or that he is losing too much fluid from the heat, an illness, or a fever. Occasional blood streaking on the surface of the stool can result when hard stools make tiny tears in the soft tissues around the anus.
What should I do?
In a very young baby, consult your healthcare professional, who might recommend giving your baby small amounts of extra water. Give older babies plenty of breast milk or formula to drink. If your baby is eating solids, offer foods that are higher in fiber, such as fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, and add puréed prunes to your baby's cereal. Check with your baby’s doctor about altering your baby's diet or using juices.
Contact your healthcare professional right away if you see:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Pinkish-red baby poop
AKA: Artificially colored stools
Looks like: Partially digested food
What your baby eats comes out looking much the same as when it went in.
What does it mean?
Once your baby has started on solids, you will see bowel movements that can vary in color and texture after every meal. In addition to foods, some medications also can turn a baby’s poop unusual colors.
What should I do?
Watch what your baby eats to ensure there is a link between the color of the stool and what she is eating. Examples of foods known for turning baby poop shocking colors include carrots (orange) and spinach (green). If your baby’s stool is red for no apparent reason (no cherry Popsicle®, Froot Loops® cereal, or red gelatin), call your healthcare provider.
Contact your healthcare professional right away if you see:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
Popsicle® and Froot Loops® are not registered trademarks of Abbott Laboratories.
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Dark-green baby poop
AKA: Iron supplementation
Looks like: Thick, dark stool
If your baby's stool is dark green, it could be the product of iron supplementation in your baby's diet.
What does it mean?
In some babies, the iron sulfate in a supplement or iron-fortified baby formula can make dark-green stools, or sometimes even greenish-black. There is no need to be concerned with the color change, as it has no significance to your baby’s digestive system.
What should I do?
This stool is normal. Studies show that iron supplementation does not cause digestive problems or discomfort.
Contact your healthcare professional right away if you see:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Bright-green baby poop
AKA: Foremilk/hindmilk imbalance
Looks like: Green, frothy poop
Breastfed babies who get more foremilk than hindmilk sometimes have bright-green baby poop.
What does it mean?
When your breastfed baby nurses for short periods of time on each breast, he might get more foremilk, which is sweeter and thinner, and less hindmilk, which is richer and fattier. Your baby might need to nurse longer on each side in order to ensure enough hindmilk is consumed during each feeding.
Sometimes a virus will turn your baby's stools bright green. If your baby is fussy and seems uncomfortable, contact your healthcare provider.
What should I do?
Try to let your baby empty the first breast before you switch to the other side.
Contact your healthcare professional right away if you see:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Red-streaked baby poop
AKA: Bloody stool
Looks like: A hard stool streaked with blood or mucus
Bright-red blood on a baby stool could indicate that your baby has small tears, or rectal fissures, around the anus.
What does it mean?
Often the stools of constipated babies are streaked with red from rectal fissures, small cracks in the anus caused by pushing. You also might see streaks of mucus on the baby poop.
What should I do?
If your baby’s doctor confirms the bleeding is from a fissure, there is little cause for concern. Usually, once the constipation has resolved, the bleeding stops. If there is a large amount of blood (more than a few drops) or if the bleeding does not resolve with the softening of the stools, check with your doctor.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, call your healthcare professional right away:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Black baby poop
AKA: Melena
Looks like: Black, thick, or tarry stool
Melena is a thick black stool that could contain blood that entered in the upper GI tract.
What does it mean?
A black baby stool might contain blood that entered the intestines in the upper portion of the digestive system.
What should I do?
If it’s not meconium (which passes during the first few days of life), call your healthcare professional immediately.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, call your healthcare professional right away:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Chalky and white baby poop
AKA: Abnormal Stool
Looks like: Pale, colorless, or white stool
A chalky white baby stool could be a sign of a lack of bile, which normally turns a stool brown.
What does it mean?
A white stool might be a sign of a liver or gallbladder problem. Bile is a digestive fluid made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Your baby's stool gets its normal color from the bile as it is excreted during digestion. If your baby's liver doesn't produce bile, or if the bile is obstructed, his stool will be white.
What should I do?
A white stool is very rare, but if your baby's poop is white, call your healthcare professional right away.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, call your healthcare professional right away:
- Blood or mucus in stools
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Irritability
- Refusal to eat
- Decreased or dark-colored urine
- Decreased activity
The information in this section was derived from the following:
Abbott Nutrition. Parents Guide to Infant Stools. March 2009.
McGrail A, Metland D, Murray L, et al. The BabyCenter Essential Guide to Your Baby's First Year. July 2007.
Nathanson LW. The Portable Pediatrician. September 2002.
Green Baby Poop: What's Normal... And What's Not?
A routine diaper change can elicit quite a few questions when you discover green baby poop. What does it mean? Is baby OK? Find out how now.
A routine diaper change can elicit quite a few questions when you discover green baby poop. You’ll wonder: Is this normal?
Before we go any further, know that just one or two diapers with green poop is usually nothing to be concerned about. If your baby continues to pass green poop day after day, it’s worth investigating, as it could signal digestive issues. Read on to find out more.
Like adults, the color, form, and texture of baby’s poop is a great way to understand what’s going on in his or her digestive tract from top to bottom. Here are some of the more common reasons you may see green baby poop.
Newborn baby/infant: black-green poop
baby poop color green black
In the very early days of life, green poop is simply the baby’s transition from meconium—a mixture of intestinal epithelial cells, mucus, bile, amniotic fluid, and water—to regular poop, which should be a mustard yellow color if breast-feeding. Sometimes this transition causes green baby poop that’s more of a forest green color.
Breastfed baby: bright green poop
baby poop color lime green
In babies a week old and older, a green poop, especially one that’s bright green, may indicate digestive distress. A foremilk/hindmilk imbalance, caused by oversupply or a fast letdown, may be to blame. This just means that baby is getting too much of the lactose in the foremilk, which can cause an upset tummy. In most cases, baby’s poop eventually normalizes.
To help fix the problem:
- Make sure baby finishes one side before offering the other
- Try laid-back breast-feeding, which can help with a fast letdown
- Check baby’s latch—a bad latch can be to blame for a milk imbalance
- Consult a lactation consultant if you need help
Other times babies have green poop because they are sensitive to something you are eating (most likely dairy). An elimination diet can help you pinpoint or rule out food sensitivities.
Formula-fed baby: dark green poop
baby poop color forest green
A formula-fed baby’s poop will normally be tan, but because some formula is fortified with iron, you may notice dark green poop. This is considered normal, as long as there is no blood or mucus in the stool.
Stomach bug: bright green poop
baby poop color lime green
Sometimes bright green poop signals illness, like the stomach bug. If this is the case, baby’s poop may be frothy and/or mucusy as well. Consult with your child’s pediatrician if you notice these symptoms.
Iron supplementation: forest green poop
baby poop color forest green
If baby is taking an iron supplement, dark green poop is normal.
Introducing solids: forest green
baby poop color forest green
Dark green poop, or brownish-green poop, is normal when baby begins to eat solid foods. As baby continues to eat solids and his/her diet expands, you should notice baby’s poop transition to brown.
Toddler: green poop
If baby has recently eaten blueberries, spinach, kale, or other leafy greens, that may cause his poop to be green. This is perfectly normal.
Kids: green poop
Kids experience green poop for many of the same reasons adults do. Read more about what green poop means here.
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Green feces - causes, what diseases it occurs in, diagnosis and treatment
The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, only the attending physician should prescribe diagnostic tests. For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should contact your doctor.
For a correct assessment of the results of your analyzes in dynamics, it is preferable to do studies in the same laboratory, since different laboratories may use different research methods and units of measurement to perform the same analyzes. nine0003
Green feces: causes of occurrence, in which diseases it occurs, diagnosis and methods of treatment.
Greenish stool in people of any age can be both a normal variant and evidence of serious changes in the body.
Feces is a waste product of the body, formed in the large intestine, consists of 80% water and 20% solids. The dry residue includes undigested food (40%), almost completely non-viable intestinal microflora (30%), secretions of the glands of the intestinal wall (mucus) and dead cells of the intestinal mucosa (30%). nine0003
The composition and nature of feces are determined by nutrition, the state of the digestive system, intestinal microflora, and the presence of concomitant diseases.
The composition of the normal intestinal microflora includes a large number of bifido- and lactobacilli, E. coli, bacteroids. They are useful because they perform a protective function and inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Enterobacteria, enterococci, clostridia, staphylococci, streptococci, fungi of the genus Candida are present in a smaller amount in the intestine. With uncontrolled reproduction, they can cause unpleasant symptoms. nine0003
Varieties of green stool
Green stool occurs in normal and pathological conditions. With the pathological nature of the stool, the general well-being of the patient changes, the frequency of defecation, the consistency of the stool, its smell, impurities of mucus, pus, and blood may appear.
Possible causes of green stools
The most common cause of green stools without changing its other characteristics is the consumption of green plant foods - spinach, sorrel, lettuce, etc. , as well as foods containing green food coloring. In this case, the color of feces normalizes on its own within one to two days after stopping the use of these products. nine0003
Another normal variant is meconium, the first feces of a newborn. It is viscous, sticky, dark green in color, consists of dead cells of the intestinal wall, mucus, amniotic fluid, bile.
The intestines of a newborn baby are gradually colonized by microorganisms. At the same time, the composition of the microflora of a breastfed baby, despite the predominance of lacto- and bifidobacteria, is more variable than that of a formula-fed baby.
Some bacteria can affect the color of stool and turn it green. With good health, appetite and the absence of other symptoms, these phenomena are considered a variant of the norm. nine0003
Persistent disturbance of the composition of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis) is considered a pathological condition that affects the color of feces.
When taking tableted and encapsulated iron preparations, excess iron is excreted naturally, the feces acquire a dark, greenish, up to black tint.
Kal completely restores its characteristics after the end of the course of medication.
Possible causes of green stools include infectious and inflammatory diseases of the stomach, small and large intestines. nine0003
Diseases that cause feces to turn green
Lactase deficiency is a congenital or acquired condition in which the activity of the lactase enzyme and the ability to digest lactose are absent or reduced. Congenital lactase deficiency begins in early childhood and persists throughout life; transient deficiency develops against the background of immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of a newborn (occurs at 3-6 weeks of life and decreases as the child grows and develops). Secondary lactase deficiency is a consequence of a previous disease, accompanied by damage to the cells of the intestinal wall. nine0003
The main symptoms of lactase deficiency are severe bloating, intestinal colic, loose frothy stools after drinking breast or whole cow's milk.
With insufficient processing of lactose in the gastrointestinal tract, the processes of fermentation and decay begin, which cannot but affect the composition of the microflora. With a pronounced imbalance of microorganisms, green stools may appear.
Violation of the ratio of normal and pathogenic intestinal microflora is called dysbacteriosis . This condition can occur against the background of a sharp change in nutrition, with insufficient consumption of plant foods and dairy products, due to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric and duodenal ulcers, infectious lesions of the small or large intestine, after taking a course of antibacterial drugs, against the background of a decrease in immunity .
Symptoms of dysbacteriosis include constipation or unstable stools, impaired processing and absorption of beneficial nutrients, bloating and pain in the abdomen. nine0003
Among intestinal infections, which are characterized by the appearance of green stools, dysentery, giardiasis, salmonellosis, and rotavirus are distinguished.
Dysentery is caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella, which are excreted in the stool by an ill person or carrier. Shigella enter the body through dirty hands, and after 2-3 days, the development of the disease begins. Bacteria multiply in the large intestine, irritating and damaging its wall.
Symptoms of dysentery are false painful urge to defecate, as well as frequent, scanty liquid stools of dark green color with impurities of blood, mucus, and pus. nine0003
The patient's general health worsens, he is worried about weakness, body temperature rises. At the same time, due to light stools, the risk of dehydration remains low, but perforation of the intestinal wall is possible.
Giardiasis is caused by protozoa - Giardia. The transmission mechanism is fecal-oral, infection is possible through direct contact with a sick person or through contaminated water and food. It takes up to four weeks from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms. More often sick children and adults with low acidity of gastric juice. nine0003
The simplest cause symptoms of inflammation of the small intestine: nausea, bloating, pain in its upper and middle thirds, around the navel, frequent (up to 5 times a day) liquid, profuse, frothy, foul-smelling green stools.
Extraintestinal manifestations are also possible - skin rashes, pronounced allergic reactions.
Salmonellosis is caused by bacteria of the genus Salmonella. They enter the human body through poorly thermally processed eggs, dairy products and meat. The period from infection to the onset of the disease lasts up to two days. The symptoms of salmonellosis include spasmodic pain in the upper abdomen and near the navel, nausea, vomiting (up to 3 times a day), as well as frequent (up to 15 times a day) plentiful, liquid, frothy, fetid stools of the color of marsh mud. nine0003
The disease is dangerously severe intoxication, dehydration, possible entry of salmonella into the blood and dysfunction of many organs and systems (sepsis).
Rotavirus is spread by food, water, airborne droplets, household. Perfectly preserved in the external environment, resistant to most disinfectants. For the development of the disease, it is enough for just a few viral particles to enter the mouth. It begins with symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection - fever, redness and sore throat. Then frequent profuse vomiting and frequent (5-15 times a day) loose stools, which can be of different shades, including yellow-green, join. Against this background, dehydration quickly develops. nine0003
Which doctors to contact
If there are signs of an intestinal infection, especially in a child, it is best to call an ambulance team, which, if necessary, will take the patient to the infectious diseases hospital.
Otherwise, please contact therapist general practitioner, pediatrician gastroenterologist.
Diagnostics and examinations in case of green stool
To determine the causes of green stool, the doctor conducts a thorough survey and examination of the patient, clarifies the regimen and nature of nutrition, finds out concomitant diseases and conditions. nine0003
For a more complete understanding of the picture, a number of laboratory and instrumental research methods may be required:
- complete blood count with an expanded leukocyte formula;
What to do if green stool appears
You need to see a doctor, undergo an examination and follow the recommendations of a specialist.
To prevent the occurrence of green stools, you should eat a balanced diet, observe personal hygiene, take care of the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. nine0003
Treatment for green stools
Treatment is not required only in one case - when the green color of the stool is associated with dietary errors.
Adults with lactase deficiency are advised to follow a diet low in whole and powdered milk. Breastfed children are prescribed lactase preparations, and artificially fed children are prescribed low-lactose or lactose-free mixtures.
With established dysbacteriosis, diet and medications that normalize the intestinal microflora are required. In rare cases, drugs are prescribed that inhibit the growth and development of a certain type of microbe. nine0003
In intestinal infections, the main task is to maintain water balance (if necessary, fluid is administered intravenously) and to remove intoxication.
If there is a drug that specifically affects the causative agent of a particular disease (antibiotic, bacteriophage, etc.), it is recommended to be taken. At the same time, measures are taken to restore the intestinal microflora.
- Clinical guidelines "Salmonellosis in adults". Developed by: National Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases. – 2021.
- Belmer S.V. Lactose insufficiency: origin and ways of correction // The attending physician. - No. 2. - 2018. - S. 41-46.
- Clinical guidelines "Salmonellosis in children". Developed by: Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases, Association of Infectious Disease Doctors of St.
Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. – 2021.
The information in this section should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, only the attending physician should prescribe diagnostic tests. For diagnosis and proper treatment, you should contact your doctor. nine0005 For a correct assessment of the results of your analyzes over time, it is preferable to do studies in the same laboratory, since different laboratories may use different research methods and units of measurement to perform the same analyzes.
Prose : About War : Chapter 9 Sin City: A War Within a War : Brad Brekk : read online
Chapter 9 Sin City: A War Within a War
In the land of death we were looking for love...
Saigon was a drug-addicted city, and we were its drug: the corruption of children, the mutilation of young men, the prostitution of women, the humiliation of the elderly, the division of the country - all this was done in our name. Under the French, this city represented the opium stage of drug addiction. With the arrival of the Americans, the heroin phase began.
- James Fenton, British poet, The Fall of Saigon.
There is no jungle around Saigon. The flat floodplain that surrounds the city on all sides is almost completely occupied by fields of various shades of brown, brown and green. During the rainy season, hundreds of rice fields and muddy ponds can be seen from the air, reminiscent of patches on a madman's kilt. nine0003
Palm nipa groves are scattered here and there, and streaks of dark vegetation mark the boundaries of farms and villages.
Here, barefoot Vietnamese peasants live in grass shacks on stilts, plow the land with buffaloes from sunrise to sunset, and harvest their crops. Roads and canals scatter in all directions and intersect with each other like a web.
Saigon was once a great French colonial city and has not yet lost its luster and attractiveness, but at 19In 66, he was more known as a cesspool full of shit, sewage and perversions. They just won't call it "Sin City".
How can one forget Saigon?
Saigon, less than 200 years old and outliving itself?
Saigon, whose women are more sex-oriented than anywhere else in the world?
Saigon, whose government and military, from top to bottom, oozes corruption like pus from an unhealed wound?
Saigon, a city of indescribable poverty, hunger, filth, violence, suffering and death? nine0003
Saigon, where malaria, tuberculosis, bubonic plague, typhoid and cholera are common, how is the frost in winter?
Saigon, which during the war years from an oriental pearl turned into a huge dump of vice?
And yet, this eastern Paris has hundreds of beautiful, vast parks with green grass, arraca palms and subtropical trees with small leaves and exotic names grow in its streets.
And the most beautiful place is the Saigon zoo, a quiet garden and wildlife sanctuary, where elephants and monkeys live better than many city dwellers. nine0003
This is where I ran when I wanted to hide from everything: from the war, from the army and the poisonous embrace of city bars and brothels.
Here I listened to myself, sorted out my feelings, made my way through the thickets of flowers, wandered barefoot on the grass, put my feet in a pond with goldfish - in a word, I traveled through the museum of nature; here I watched orange-robed Buddhist monks praying for peace and waiting for enlightenment...
Here I drank a glass of Coke on the terrace of a teahouse or sat in a quiet pagoda, relaxing and watching the world rush past. nine0003
The zoo was not Saigon. It was as far away from war as possible, and yet it was still Vietnam. For this reason, he was enveloped in an aura of unreality. The lawns were always neatly trimmed, and there were few visitors, even on Sundays.
Along the long open avenues and wide boulevards of Saigon grow majestic tamarind trees, whose branches reach out to new life in defiance of the tropical sun and offer walkers a little shade.
At dawn, in the cool of the morning, one can see how camphor smoke, melting with river mist, rises from millions of hearths preparing breakfast; this smoke covers Saigon from Tan Son Nhut to the docks like a dirty blanket, hurts the eyes, stings in the nose and - turns the lungs into slag if you live here for a long time. nine0003
If you think New York, Chicago, or San Francisco are traffic jams during peak hours, bro, look what's going on here! The traffic in Saigon is like nothing else in the world…
By 8 o'clock in the morning it reaches the peak of hysteria: blue and beige taxis, buses, cycle rickshaws, bicycles, Lambretta scooters, motorcycles, Renaults, Cadillacs and Citroens, jeeps, military trucks, pony carts, and all sorts of vehicles of American and European origin. The air is so saturated with exhaust fumes that it makes Los Angeles look like Aspen in October. nine0003
Driving around Saigon, in the tradition of thousands of urban taxi drivers, I learned not to look in the rear-view mirror. The worst danger on the streets is the army of cyclists darting under the wheels and spitting on the rules of the road.
The cyclists pissed me off very quickly, and to cope with this trouble, I drove our department van like a Sherman tank and honked with might and main; pedaling riders bounced off the fenders and doors of the car, and I cursed, shook my fists and made my way in this hopeless traffic flow to the city center - to MACV or USPAO. I learned to push people out of the way with a car, and if anyone dared to look at me accusingly, I yelled: “Get out of the way, yo-ke-le-me-ne! Did you say something?! Next time I'll run my wheels over your snout!" nine0003
On the highway and in the alleyways, I was aggressive and ruthless. I didn't care who I shot down or if the consequences were serious.
It was a war within a war. The precautionary, courteous driving that I practiced in America would have gotten nowhere in Saigon. It was necessary to drive like everyone else, otherwise a nervous breakdown could happen.
Road traffic was not without losses. Large military trucks carrying soldiers and supplies from Saigon to Long Binh exacted their toll on the civilian population by running over pedestrians, cyclist boys and Vietnamese scooter cowboys who drove like they had more lives than Garfield the cat. nine0003
I don't think the situation could have been changed. Anyone who took to the streets in vehicles smaller than a car risked his life.
Saigon was disgustingly dirty. On the busiest streets, women could be seen taking off their baggy black pants that looked like pajamas and pissing right at the curb. Children lowered their pants and squatted down to empty their intestines wherever they wanted to.
Sid Abrams had a photo he took of Kong Lee Street. It captured a “critical moment” in the style of French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, and for me, this photograph epitomized all the sights and smells of Saigon. nine0003
The photo showed a little boy dropping his shorts and squatting down. And his excrement - a cigar-shaped poop flattened at one end - flies down and is already full of flies.
This is how I remember Saigon.
The architecture of the city was a wild mixture of East and West, moldy and with colors faded from heat, humidity and the universal porous structure of brick and cement.
Windows, doors and gates leading to the courtyards were decorated with ornaments made in the refined French tradition. The walls of the villas were made of concrete with rusty spikes and broken glass on top to cut the hands of those who would risk climbing them. Sometimes iron fences with pins were erected as additional protection against thieves, robbers, stoned drug addicts and city killers who could sew on for a pair of shoes. Every day people were found floating down the Saigon River with their throats cut or a knife in their backs. nine0003
During the rainy season, puddles appeared where pedestrians splashed and jumped and kneaded them into liquid mud, but closer to the city center there were fewer such reservoirs.
Heaps of rubbish were piled up everywhere: between buildings, at crossroads, in doorways, along the walls of the villas, along the banks of the river at low tide.
These heaps were stirred all the time. Stray dogs, children and beggars rummaged through the rubbish in search of edible garbage or sweets.
The city's waste collection system was still working, although it had limped a long time ago due to a lack of labor and equipment. nine0003
Sometimes I saw scavengers load the trucks with pitchforks, but as soon as they left, the piles grew again.
The people of Saigon were made up of various ethnic groups united by religion, politics, conflict or greed.
Three quarters of a million Chinese lived in Saigon. Mostly in the old Cholon area. And while the Chinese controlled most of the industry and trade, they tried to stay out of politics.
Saigon was inhabited by the Portuguese, British, Spaniards, French and Germans. Many workshops, ateliers and shops selling ready-made dresses were owned by Indians. And, of course, representatives of all possible eastern peoples could be found here, including a significant number of Japanese. nine0003
At the end of 1966, about 100,000 American soldiers and officers were stationed within the city limits of Saigon. These were not combat units, but personnel of the second echelon, engaged in the tasks of management and supply, transport and communications.
Saigon had approximately 25,000 professional prostitutes, 50,000 whores engaged in this from time to time, and another 25,000 young women, called "dan ba", were looking for soldiers who were willing to pay for bed and board in exchange for sexual services. Many prostitutes were war orphans and fled the countryside. Their numbers grew as the number of troops increased and the intensity of the fighting outside of Saigon grew. nine0003
Vietnamese open-air shops—there were many in and around American bases—usually belonged to wrinkled, beady-eyed papasans or their wives. They took laundry, sewed badges on their uniforms, and sold worthless knick-knacks: ivory purses, souvenir ashtrays, and tin chests that soldiers bought to store valuables, clothes, and booze.
They also sold Australian hats - reversible, camouflaged with gray, green and brown spots, which we called "catch me and fuck me" hats. I bought myself such a hat when I rode the "mail coach" into the city, and wore it in the manner of Gabby Hayes, turning the brim up. nine0003
In the center of Saigon, buffalo-drawn carts and vegetable carts pulled by ponies kept coming across.
Women in tight blouses and conical hats squatted and offered their merchandise to the passing crowd in shrill atonal voices.
The crowd in Saigon could drive anyone crazy. There was a feeling that you had just picked up paranoia and could not get rid of it. You always had to be wary of Vietnamese puppies who could slip a grenade into your back pocket without noticing. nine0003
Several mining battalions prowled around Saigon, keeping everyone at bay. As a precautionary measure, the military police used mirrors to inspect the bottoms of vehicles entering American installations, sandbaged apartments for non-family officers, installed checkpoints and wires in front of them, and closed the windows with small steel bars.
But time after time, the Viet Cong managed to overcome these obstacles, and this strengthened in us a feeling of helplessness and horror, which was already overwhelmed every time we walked through the city alone or in groups. nine0003
If the stench of Saigon didn't give you a headache, it sure did in the big central market. Saigonese bought groceries every day, because for most families there was no concept of a "refrigerator". As a result, vegetables, fruits and meats were overripe and stank disgustingly for a European nose.
Here is a sample of the food that was sold in the market: chickens with black bones, dried fish covered with flies, ducks, oranges, melons, various green vegetables, roast pigs, seafood, snake and rat meat, dog meat and rice, crabs and monkey steaks with the skin on. nine0003
And some pieces of meat were so fresh that I swear they were still fluttering...
Until the age of 25-30, the Vietnamese seem younger than their age, but then they look older than their years, especially women. It is difficult to find a well-preserved middle-aged Vietnamese. I suspect that war-conditioned nutrition, health, and lifestyle have greatly contributed to this phenomenon.
The most important commodity in Saigon was sex. Little children, some as young as three or four years old, stood at every street corner, beckoning customers for their sisters and sometimes their mothers. nine0003
- Hey, you, you, you... a virgin girl... fuck what you need, GI! No sickness! No Viet Cong! Are you coming?
Then they made an obscene gesture: they inserted the index finger of their left hand into the ring of the index and thumb fingers of their right, and smiled dazzlingly.
— OK? Are you buying?
Many of the girls were no more than 15 years old. And 15 years in Saigon is no longer young. For the local prostitutes, this is the middle of life. Because Vietnamese girls learn the various nuances of sex much earlier than their peers in the Western world. nine0003
In Vietnamese culture, incest is more of a rule. The love relationship between father and daughter, brother and sister is becoming a part of life everywhere. Fathers and brothers are not forbidden to deflorate girls of ten years old or even girls of a younger age.
In Saigon, by the age of 15, a girl could have worked on the street - providing oral services - for half her life, because prostitution is big business. Generations of soldiers—first the French, then the Yankees—took the sex industry to new heights. nine0003
You see, sex attracts soldiers. Soldiers pay money. And money brings prosperity to a happy family with a teenage daughter who can be exploited and ride on her hump, like on the crest of a wave, trading her flesh in private houses and rooms.
And selling a body is good not only for the soldier's morale, but also for keeping the economy afloat.
Of course, there is always a chance to go to feed the crabs or catch a gonorrhea, but in such a case, doctors are always ready with "blue ointment" and penicillin. nine0003
Bus routes from Saigon to Bien Hoa, always packed, passed through the city center. Cages with chickens and belongings in sacks, baskets and matting piled up on the roofs of the buses.
Saigon was full of squalid, tin-roofed houses, and the streets were teeming with children playing in the mud, all dressed in shirts that barely covered their swollen bellies from hunger. Toddlers a few years old carried even smaller brothers and sisters on their backs. Old women hauled bundles of wood for the fire, men sat along the roadside and chatted to each other, and little girls in baggy pants sold popcorn and beer, yelling "Do you buy, do you buy?" nine0003
Peasant women wore wide black pajama pants made of a material similar to silk, and square-cut loose-fitting shirts in faded pastel colors. They all seemed flat as a board: no bras, no breasts. Women wore kuli hats with a ribbon tied under the chin to keep the wind from blowing them away. On the yokes they carried huge weights, moving with a rhythmic, slightly shuffling gait. For balance, the shoulder was placed exactly in the middle of the rocker, and baskets with goods for sale were attached to the ends of the rocker with wire or straps. nine0003
Before coming to Vietnam, I had heard about the "black market" and always thought it meant some kind of evil, some kind of dirty deal done in a dark alleyway.
It didn't turn out quite right...
In Saigon, the black market was located on the open, busiest streets. Here you could find whole rows of Johnny Walker whiskey for $16 a bottle, although you could buy the same thing at the Brinks military store for only $2.
There were also actual barricades of dark green metal canisters of olive oil and large sacks of long rice that were marked "Made in the USA for distribution to the people of Vietnam (not for sale)". nine0003
In Vietnam, especially in Saigon, makeshift camps sprang up around every US base out of packing boxes, trash, and materials stolen from US warehouses. Everything we could not buy in a military store was sold on the streets of Saigon at a crazy price openly: Seiko watches, Nikon cameras, carved wooden figures, clothes, radios, cigarettes, black velvet paintings, necklaces, jewelry boxes , pornographic magazines and marijuana joints. nine0003
Here is one incident that has been preserved in memory.
Several times I have seen a barefoot beggar in rags outside the Brinks store, grabbing the hands of kind-hearted soldiers, begging for a couple of dollars.
But, as it turned out, she led a double life. Or had a prosperous twin sister…
Because one evening I saw this woman on my way to a bar on Chu Do Street, wearing an impeccable black evening dress and sitting in the back of a chauffeured limousine, probably on her way to some some private Vietnamese party. nine0003
Imagine: pretending to be poorer than a church mouse, having such money!
When Saigon surrendered to the North Vietnamese on April 30, 1975, all her money and possessions must have been taken away, and she herself was imprisoned. And if she had children, then most likely they ended their days in a communist re-education camp. Definitely a bleak place...
In the city center, the women dressed better than the popcorn and soda vendors. They seemed a little more respectable and were a different class in Saigon's social hierarchy. They walked, rode bicycles and Hondas, some even in Lambretts, Renaults, Citroens and Jeeps. nine0003
Today we would call such women “Vietnamese yuppies”.
They were especially distinguished by the fact that they wore bras, the same as the girls who worked in our military stores, but the bras supported their image more than their breasts. They were fake bras from Hong Kong, sticking straight out like ice cream cones. And every time I saw such bras, I had a strong desire to pinch them.
“Ah,” you say, “half of a woman's beauty is an illusion. nine0003
Maybe it was, but it was a pitiful illusion. Their breasts did not shake, sway, bounce or tremble as they walked, and there was no variety in their sizes and shapes.
How they must have admired American women, especially in magazines like Playboy, who had hourglass figures, busts swaying in time with their steps, and pink, erect nipples sticking out of the pages.
Chest and body to die for!
The national dress is called "ao-dai". This garment is made of thin fabric and consists of one piece with long sleeves, with a tight-fitting bodice and waist. The bottom is split on both sides to the waist, and the two halves are hanging by a skirt. Under the ao-dai they wear black or white pants, very loose by American standards. Ao dai were painted in a wide variety of colors, but orange, purple and white were the most popular. nine0003
A one-piece white ao-dai was usually worn by schoolgirls from prosperous Vietnamese families who can speak French.
Vietnamese women are small and petite, with amber skin, sensual almond-shaped eyes, smooth porcelain faces, and long black braids to the waist. Older women, if they did not cut their hair to get rid of lice, and did not cover their heads with sackcloth, then twisted them into a bump on the back of their heads. Both young and old women wore shales on their feet, although peasant women usually went barefoot. nine0003
Closer to the outskirts of the city, in areas such as Guia Dinh, the fiefdom of the Viet Cong, the houses looked more like shacks. Here they were piled from old planks broken out of ammunition boxes, covered with rusty iron and pressed down with sandbags, or, in rare cases, covered with straw.
Some of the "houses" were pieces of rotten tarpaulin with rubber curtains instead of doors hanging obliquely from the walls to the ground.
Cardboard boxes from under stoves and refrigerators were inhabited by flocks of children. War orphans lived in the alleys and slept under parked cars, in stacks of old tires, throwing pieces of cardboard on top to protect themselves from the rain. Shacks of city streets, so. nine0003
Everywhere I went, children waved or gave me a thumbs up. Or salute. And some - we called them "bears" - held out their hands in a universal gesture of beggars.
You know, having spent a little while in Vietnam, a soldier, instead of throwing a chocolate bar at a crowd of ragamuffins, began to AIM at it.
GI was certainly a friend of the Saigon working class: bar girls, thieves, smugglers, stolen goods dealers, counterfeiters and extortionists. And although this activity has existed for centuries in any city of the East, in Saigon with the arrival of a huge number of Americans, it has become the main one. nine0003
Working hours began after sunset, and transactions were made on the avenues and streets. Vietnamese gangsters thought American fools were deliciously rich.
The Americans were no fool, of course, but in this war-torn country ruled by riot, robbery and racketeering, the truth meant nothing.
The Vietnamese misunderstood the Americans and mistook their good intentions and generosity for weakness and stupidity, so a soldier tipping a shoe-shine boy was not praised, but ridiculed. nine0003
Every day the bar girls got a hefty chunk of Yankee dollars. The girls were tiny, very beautiful and extremely depraved. Some of them were agents of the Viet Cong. And most of them are agents of VB (venereal diseases).
These swindlers worked like this.
A soldier comes to a bar. The girl sits down next to him and starts a conversation. If he does not want to talk, she offers to play tic-tac-toe, point or toss.
He is lonely, so he usually agrees. He has the opportunity to forget about the war, at least for a few hours. nine0003
If he loses, he is expected to drink - in this case "Saigon tea". Saigon tea - tinted water, just a thimble, for one sip, and costs 160 piastres. If he wins, he is a "good player" and still has to buy her tea. Either way, he loses, she wins.
The owner of the establishment pays her a certain percentage of each serving of tea she squeezes out. There are no fools, everyone understands this trick very well, but soldiers on leave crave heifers, and if you have to pay for it, so be it ...
— You're handsome, Joe...can you buy me Sai-gon tea, yes, Joe? she asks.
What else can a soldier do with his money on a three-day layoff?
Saigon is the City of Love, where you can get lost, forget, pretend.
If a soldier no longer buys Saigon tea, she calls him "Cheap Charlie" and clings to another visitor who WILL buy her a drink. But, as a rule, GI is inferior. He knows he's being used, but he doesn't care. It's just money. So what the fuck…
What does money mean at a time like this?
— Oh, I like you, Joe, — she purrs, kisses him on the cheek, strokes his back and tickles his groin. You are very beautiful, very smart. How long have you been in Wee-nam? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you like me? You buy me more Sai-gon tea, please, we stay together all night. I make you happy, Joe. You are the right guy. I love you so much...
Because the little ones are good with booze, but the guy with a handful of greens and beer in his stomach is no good. nine0003
On the open streets, the trickery was even more subtle.
Taxi drivers claim that the meters are broken and demand 100 piastres from the soldier for a trip, the red price of which is only 10. The shopkeepers double the prices, and the Americans, who are used to paying as much as they ask, are again fools.
If you buy a tiger fangs necklace for good luck, the seller may cheat and turn the air around. Children grab your pants and pull off your wallet. Motorbike swashbucklers rush down Nguyen Hue Street, yank your newly bought retractable Pentax camera off your neck, and run off before you can yell "Stop the thief!" nine0003
At this time, the Saigon police, which are called "white mice", stand nearby, chuckle and play with clubs. When a military man calls for help and no one comes, he gets so angry that he wants to return his 16 years and kill half the fucking city.
Right now.
"White Mice" is a mafia, bought and cowardly. The soldier doesn't stand a chance. He can't tell a Viet Cong from a normal Vietnamese.
And he doesn't know what to do with all this. nine0003
Rogues rob him, girls rip him off, merchants cheat and bandits rob him. And if all this is still not enough, then the communist partisans lie in wait for him day and night on the boulevards and in the bistro.
Everyone is in danger. Danger all the time. War is everywhere. The most careful may die.
And they die.
The apathy of the Vietnamese officials was incredibly irritating. Gangs of young criminals lived in the dark interiors of Saigon - a whole army of about 200 thousand people, but in relation to them the police pursued a policy of "non-intervention". nine0003
Many of them were 18-19 years old, like us, that is, they had enough years to be called up for service. Therefore, of course, the soldiers wanted to know why these young people were not in the army and on whose side the Vietnamese themselves were in that war.
And who could judge these bandits?
Crime is a way of life here. How else can the poor of Saigon survive? The boy must either earn 50 cents for 12 hours of work, patching leaky tires, or, conversely, become a deceiver and earn 10 times more, leading the Americans by the nose. nine0003
If falsehood in Vietnam could be profitable, it became true.
Having been the victim of such incidents several times, it was not difficult for the soldier to change his attitude towards the Vietnamese.
He came here feeling sorry for the Vietnamese, but by the end of his service he hated them.
The Vietnamese are masters of lies. And prostitutes, bawds, beggars, swindlers and street children crowded along Chu Do Street from St. Mary's Cathedral to the river itself, doing dirty deeds ...
But the soldiers had to be wary of not only them. The Viet Cong worked in the positions of our units as workers and laundresses, servants and clerks, and then they drove home, and we took off into the air to hell. Viet Cong terrorists mined roads, planted surprise mines on the paths, threw bags of explosives openly at the gates of our locations, threw grenades at jeeps and bars, and smiled at us when they met on the streets. nine0003
But behind every smile there was an undying enmity, which I felt very soon. And then every Asian who greeted you seemed like a villain; seeing you off with his eyes, he would blow your head with his “shooting” eyes.
For personnel of the rear units located in Saigon and Tan Son Nhut, that is, for 8 out of 10 soldiers serving in Vietnam and performing work not directly related to hostilities - for cooks, clerks or mechanics, The war was not very real. They languished from boredom, loneliness and alienation and trembled that one day, at the most inopportune moment, the war would come for them too and they would have to make this terrible journey to the city center. nine0003
And such a day came.
Along with these fears, there was a kind of envy of the fighters who made their way through the rice fields and the jungle and shot a few cross-eyed.
But support units were not in Vietnam to kill. They were there to scribble morning reports, work orders, issue pay vouchers, print new orders, file personal files, medical records, and prepare information statements for the civilian press. nine0003
In 1966, the salary of Vietnamese women was greatly affected by inflation, but on average a secretary or saleswoman in a military store received about 6,000 piastres per month, and the head of a department up to 12,000 piastres.
Now compare that to the income of a bar girl who made at least 12,000 piastres ($100) to 120,000 piastres ($1,000) per month. Few Vietnamese men with a good education could boast of such a salary.
Prostitutes earned more than ministers, and shoe-shine boys more than veteran sergeants in the South Vietnamese regular army (Army of the Republic of Vietnam, ARVN). nine0003
Stupid situation.
Mums and dads used to sell soft drinks along the roads. These wrinkled, protruding-toothed businessmen were assisted by daughters with lips thickly painted with lipstick or betel paste.
On the way to Long Binh, there were many stalls with crude wooden billboards: "Beer and popcorn, cold as ice", "Car Wash" and "Tire Service".
But the soldiers stopped only to drink beer and hastily get laid. nine0003
Children washed trucks and jeeps or patched holes in the wheels. Their parents sold punch. And the older sisters led the drivers to the hut and for 300 piastres they quickly gave themselves up on an army bunk in a small dirty room.
Prostitutes wore tight American trousers, like those of a bullfighter, and shirts open at the throat, tucked into their trousers; they had cute faces painted with makeup: lipstick, mascara and eye shadow, and they smiled at you, revealing a full mouth of gold - 24 carats - teeth. nine0003
It seemed that half of the Vietnamese women were “girls for an hour”, and the other half washed the soldiers or sold beer and popcorn along the roads.
The army did not approve of roadside brothels, because in the morning, queues of sufferers from venous diseases lined up to see a doctor. In fact, venereal diseases were almost the main headache of the army, since at any given point in time, every fourth soldier was ill with them.
Before coming here, we were vaccinated against many diseases. If only they were still vaccinated against gonorrhea ...
Roadside brothels were non-political realities, and the girl you drag into bed today might have slept with a whole platoon of anxious Viet Cong the week before.
The Brinks military store offered great prices on alcohol. A bottle of gin or Napoleon's favorite cognac, Courvosier, cost $1.80, while a bottle of Royal Crown was available for $4.90. Cigarettes cost $1.10 a block, and everything else, from portable television to hair spray, was about the same price. nine0003
Rats are also a problem in Saigon. There are millions of them, and they are big enough to eat a baby. That happened sometimes. I saw a girl in a poor neighborhood near a river who had half her face gnawed off by rats before her mother chased them away.
The water was contaminated because the aquifer was only 20 feet deep and the sewer system was leaking where it existed at all.
Therefore, the soldiers got used to take a shower with their mouth closed and drink only beer or Coca-Cola. At military bases, such as the USARV bases, the water was disinfected with chemicals. nine0003
South Vietnamese ARVN soldiers were everywhere in Saigon. As they played the midday round of pocket billiards, they grinned sourly at the passing Americans.
In all this teeming poverty, it was not the war that was terrible, but the disease. All kinds of epidemics raged in Saigon, from typhus to bubonic plague. According to statistics, every third child in this country died before reaching the age of 4.
In the Saigon docks, stevedores stole up to 20 percent of cargo, whether civilian or military. Many Vietnamese are remarkably skilled thieves and steal masterfully. nine0003
For taxi drivers, vendors, shopkeepers and footmen, stealing was in the order of things. When they were caught, they shed tears and whined; and if the "white mice" put them in jail, then, having money, they always paid off.
Women owned half of the bars and brothels in Saigon; here, in general, most women earned more than their husbands.
The Vietnamese woman, who is called the "Flower of the East", has one weakness - tearful sentimentality, even a whore, because a woman's passionate thirst for love and affection has been oppressed for two thousand years. Before the arrival of the soldiers, she did not suspect the existence of such concepts. nine0003
The Saigon Post constantly printed stories about Vietnamese women who committed suicide because of a love spat.
The Vietnamese are not compassionate. If trouble comes to a neighbor, they look, chat and point fingers, but rarely lend a helping hand. Compassion is only for the family.
Outside the family, they do not identify themselves with animals, objects or people. Therefore, the Viet Cong can calmly tear off his head and release the offal to the villager and not think about it anymore. nine0003
In Cholon, the Americans treated the Chinese with envious respect. Here the streets were narrower, there were fewer trees and deliberate buildings. Even the French colonial authorities had a "stay away" policy from Cholon.
There is no border between Saigon and Cholon. Signboards on a gold and scarlet background, announcing the owner in Vietnamese and Chinese, were evidence that you were in Cholon. The Chinese wore the Vietnamese dress and differed only in lighter skin, rounder body lines, heavier limbs, and the Chinese hair was harder, rarely curly, like the Vietnamese. nine0003
Cholon was the center of the opium trade, gambling syndicates, and more luxurious bars and nightclubs. Cholon also had the best brothels in Vietnam. There was more order and cleanliness in the houses; as a paid partner, the Chinese doll was much preferable to the Vietnamese, who most often lay in bed as a living corpse, studying the cracks in the ceiling while you poured sperm into her.
When cash shines, a Chinese woman is right there. On the other hand, it is unpleasant for a Vietnamese woman to seem slutty, even if all her "goods" are on display. Vietnamese women traditionally have a reluctance to relax and enjoy themselves in the presence of a stranger. nine0003
In addition to bars, gambling dens, brothels and opium cellars, Cholon had an air of prosperity not to be found in the rest of Saigon. The Chinese are capable merchants, they are even called the "Jews of the East", and due to their hard work they are respected all over the world.
Not all bar girls were prostitutes in the commercial sense. Many traded in Saigon tea and allowed themselves to be felt in the darkness of the bar, but frank proposals were stopped. In America, no one feels special sentiments for a slut, but in Saigon it was surprisingly easy ...
Except for sex, our contact with the Vietnamese was very superficial, and we learned a little about their culture and way of thinking. Well, the language was the barrier that we could not overcome.
The Vietnamese looked at American soldiers as big, ugly, rich bastards who turned their women into whores. The Vietnamese, indiscriminately, disliked the Americans for their tenacity and courage. The Americans inspired fear because they were ferocious on the battlefield, and when they washed away the dirt and blood, they joked merrily and turned into tender lovers. nine0003
Vietnamese men perceived the soldier as Satan when his rifle fired, and as Santa Claus when he handed out gifts to children, and as an extra-class Stallion when he came to brothels with his "made in the USA" erection and a lot of dollars .
In turn, Vietnamese women considered the American soldier a first-class male, because, along with his lust, he offered romantic flirting and generously paid for the services rendered.
On the other hand, the soldiers didn't like Vietnamese men either. Soldiers thought they looked like faggots, while Vietnamese women reminded them of sex machines running on high-octane fuel. nine0003
Just a few months before my arrival, the Saigon City Council unanimously passed a resolution submitted by a Vietnamese female prosecutor to legalize prostitution.
40 percent of the prostitutes in Saigon were infected with venereal diseases, and the new regulation required forced registration and medical examinations.
It was proposed to imprison the girls in certain entertainment centers and give privileged Vietnamese soldiers free admission to these brothels, and the rest of the Vietnamese soldiers to rummage in their pockets in search of 60 cents to pay for a piece of native manda.